Beispiel #1
    def call(self, interpreter, arguments, parentheses):
        if not isinstance(arguments[0], PseudoList):
            raise RuntimeError(parentheses, "Can only append to a list.")

        pseudoList = DeepCopy(arguments[0]) #Deep copy is inefficient

        return PseudoList(pseudoList.getValues())
Beispiel #2
    def call(self, interpreter, arguments, parentheses):
        if not isinstance(arguments[0], PseudoList):
            raise RuntimeError(parentheses, "Can only remove elements from a list.")

        pseudoList = DeepCopy(arguments[0])
        pseudoList._checkIndex(parentheses, arguments[1]) #bad, using a private method but CBA
        del pseudoList.getValues()[int(arguments[1])]

        return PseudoList(pseudoList.getValues())
Beispiel #3
    def call(self, interpreter, arguments, parentheses):
        if not isinstance(arguments[0], PseudoList):
            raise RuntimeError(parentheses, "Can only slice a list.")

        if not isinstance(arguments[1], float) and not isinstance(arguments[2], float):
            raise RuntimeError(parentheses, "Start and End indices must be numbers.")

        pseudoList = DeepCopy(arguments[0])

        pseudoList._checkIndex(parentheses, arguments[1])
        pseudoList._checkIndex(parentheses, arguments[2])

        return PseudoList(pseudoList.getValues()[int(arguments[1]) : int(arguments[2])])
Beispiel #4
    def integrate_verlet(cls):
        d = 1.0
        g = 0.2

        p, o = DP(cls.pos), DP(cls.oldpos)

        ox, oy = o.x, o.y

        # integrate
        p.x = p.x + (d * p.x) - (d * ox)
        p.y = p.y + (d * p.y) - (d * oy) + g

        cls.oldpos = DP(cls.pos)
        cls.pos = p
def addMountain(valuesVert, valuesEdge, mountA, mountB, mountH, function, end1, end2, desiredAmplitude, nSteps, nSegs):
	adds the interface which hopefully looks like some small mountains
	# If function is bad :: if the function is constant, or reaches a discontinuity
		# Give the interface a tag of 10
		valuesEdgeP = [t if t != (mountA, mountB, 0) else (mountA, mountB, interfaceTag) for t in valuesEdge]
		return valuesVert, valuesEdgeP

	#remove line
	valuesEdgeP = [t for t in valuesEdge if t != (mountA,mountB,0) ]

	if function == None:
		return valuesVert, valuesEdgeP

	n = int(round(float(nSteps) / nSegs))		
	heights = [function(end1 + float(end2 - end1) * x / n) for x in range(n + 1)]
	amplitude = max(heights) - min(heights)

	heights = [mountH + x * float(desiredAmplitude) / amplitude for x in heights]
#	heights = heights[::-1] + heights
	heights *= nSegs

	H = len(heights)
	segLength = float(sizeX) / (H - 1)
	values = [(i * segLength, heights[i], interfaceTag) for i in range(H)]
	valuesVertP = COPY(valuesVert)
	valuesVertP = insertAndDelete(mountA, values[0], valuesVertP)
	valuesVertP = insertAndDelete(mountB, values[-1], valuesVertP)
	values = values[1:-1]
	V = len(values)
	#change valuesVert + valuesEdge
	L = len(valuesVertP)
	valuesVertP.extend( values )
	valuesEdgeP.extend( [(mountA, L+1, interfaceTag), (L+V, mountB, interfaceTag)] )
	valuesEdgeP.extend( (L+i, L+i+1, interfaceTag) for i in range(1, V) )
	return valuesVertP, valuesEdgeP
Beispiel #6
    def crossover(self, size=1, strategy='RAND'):

        # Simple set union strategy for crossing over. Takes the union of the
        # two schedules. UNTESTED
        if(strategy == 'UNION'):
            new_sched = {}
            for team, time in self.parent.schedule.items():
                for team2, time2 in self.parent_two.schedule.items():
                    if(team == team2 and time2 == time):
                        new_sched[team] = time
                        new_sched[team] = time
                        new_sched[team2] = time2
                        self.schedule = new_sched

        # Random strategy. Gives the first parent preference
        elif(strategy == 'RAND'):

            # Need a deep copy of the parents schedule to avoid modifying the
            # parent.
            new_sched = DeepCopy(self.parent.schedule)

            #Choose N(size) of from second parent to put into first parent

            for i in range(size):
                rand_key_one = choice(list(new_sched.keys()))
                rand_key_two = choice(list(self.parent_two.schedule.keys()))

                val_one = new_sched[rand_key_one]
                val_two = self.parent_two.schedule[rand_key_two]

                new_sched[rand_key_two] = val_one
                new_sched[rand_key_one] = val_two

            # Sets the schedule and rebuild the times matrix.
            self.schedule = new_sched
Beispiel #7
def densify(targetNodes, factor):
    for i, curr in enumerate(targetNodes):
        if (i == len(targetNodes) - 1): break
        next = targetNodes[i + 1]
        parent = curr.getparent()
        # Obtain data from both current and next nodes
        nodes = {'curr': curr, 'next': next}
        for key, node in nodes.items():
            nodes[key] = {
                # 'time': DateTime.strptime(node[0].text, '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ'),
                'lat': float(node.attrib['lat']),
                'lon': float(node.attrib['lon']),
                'node': node,
        # using the geodata, create a virtual line to get information.
        line = Geo([nodes['curr']['lat'], nodes['curr']['lon']],
                   [nodes['next']['lat'], nodes['next']['lon']])
        # subdivide the line into corresponding chunks and add the to the tree after curr
        for j in range(factor):
            pointC = line.point(line.distance * (1 / (j + 1)))
            node = DeepCopy(curr)
            node.attrib['lat'] = '%.7f' % round(pointC[0], 7)
            node.attrib['lon'] = '%.7f' % round(pointC[1], 7)
Beispiel #8
    def report_collision_vs_world(cls, px, py, dx, dy):
        p = DP(cls.pos)
        o = DP(cls.oldpos)

        # calc velocity
        vx = p.x - o.x
        vy = p.y - o.y

        # find component of velocity parallel to collision normal
        dp = vx * dx + vy * dy
        # project velocity onto collision normal
        # nx, ny is normal velocity
        nx = dp * dx
        ny = dp * dy

        # px, py is tangent velocity
        tx = vx - nx
        ty = vy - ny

        # we only want to apply collision response forces
        # if the object is travelling into, and not out of, the collision
        if dp < 0:
            # f = cls.settings.get('FRICTION')
            f = 0.05
            fx = tx * f
            fy = ty * f

            # self bounce constant should be else:where, i.e inside the object/tile/etc..
            # b = 1 + cls.settings.get('BOUNCE')
            b = 1 + 0.3
            bx = nx * b
            by = ny * b
            # moving out of collision, do not apply forces
            bx = by = fx = fy = 0

        # project object out of collision
        p.x = p.x + px
        p.y = p.y + py

        # apply bounce+friction impulses which alter velocity
        o.x = o.x + px + bx + fx
        o.y = o.y + py + by + fy

        cls.pos = DP(p)
        cls.oldpos = DP(o)
def getPolygon(valuesVert, neighbors, prev, curr):
	helper method for "polygonize" method
	visited = []
	while not curr in visited:
		neigh = COPY(neighbors[curr])
		if len(neigh) == 1:
			prev, curr = curr, neigh.pop()
		elif len(neigh) == 2:
			nA, nB = neigh.pop(), neigh.pop()
			if getAngle(valuesVert, prev, curr, nA) > getAngle(valuesVert, prev, curr, nB):
				prev, curr = curr, nA
				prev, curr = curr, nB
	return (len(visited),) + tuple(map(lambda i: i+1, visited))
def getPolygon(valuesVert, neighbors, prev, curr):
	helper method for "polygonize" method
    visited = []
    while not curr in visited:
        neigh = COPY(neighbors[curr])
        if len(neigh) == 1:
            prev, curr = curr, neigh.pop()
        elif len(neigh) == 2:
            nA, nB = neigh.pop(), neigh.pop()
            if getAngle(valuesVert, prev, curr, nA) > getAngle(
                    valuesVert, prev, curr, nB):
                prev, curr = curr, nA
                prev, curr = curr, nB
    return (len(visited), ) + tuple(map(lambda i: i + 1, visited))

    val=[DC(state), prob, chosen_p1] 
    beam[key] = val

    if '<EOS>' == ivocab[index1]:
        #print(ivocab[index1], end="\n")
        #print(ivocab[index1], end="")
for k in range(1, 14):
    beam_buff = DC(beam)
    for key, val in beam.items():
        if '<EOS>' in key:
        prev_ichar_stack = key.split(':')
        state, prob, chosen_p = val 
        probability = cuda.to_cpu([0].astype(np.float64)
        probability /= np.sum(probability)
        prob_with_index = []
        for e, p in enumerate(probability):
            prob_with_index.append( [e, p, ivocab[e] ] )
        prob_with_index.sort(key=lambda x:-1 * x[1] )
        improval = False
        for l in range(3):