Beispiel #1
def redirect_or_404(request):

    host = request.get_host()
    # If the request host is already a microcosm subdomain, this is not
    # a request for an imported site, so return not found.
    if host.endswith(settings.API_DOMAIN_NAME):
        return ErrorView.not_found(request)

    # Get site subdomain key based on host.
        microcosm_host = Site.resolve_cname(host)
    except APIException:

    # Reverse the effect of APPEND_SLASH on the path.
    url_parts = urlparse.urlsplit(request.build_absolute_uri())
    path = url_parts.path
    redirect_request = ''
    if path.endswith('/'):
        redirect_request = path[:-1]
    if url_parts.query:
        redirect_request += '?' + url_parts.query

    # Handle errors in API request.
        resource = Redirect.get(host, redirect_request, request.access_token)
    except APIException as exc:
        return respond_with_error(request, exc)

    # Handle non-successful redirects (e.g. invalid path, forbidden).
    if resource['status'] == 404:
        return ErrorView.not_found(request)
    if resource['status'] == 403:
        return ErrorView.forbidden(request)
    if resource['status'] != 301:
        return ErrorView.server_error(request)

    # Attachments just go to the URL
    if resource['itemType'] == 'attachment':
        return HttpResponseRedirect(resource['redirect']['href'])

    # Construct the 301 based on the resource.
    redirect_path = '/' + RESOURCE_PLURAL[resource['itemType']]
    if resource.has_key('itemId'):
        redirect_path += '/' + str(resource['itemId'])

    # Hack comments to show in context.
    if resource['itemType'] == 'comment' and resource.has_key('itemId'):
        redirect_path += '/' + 'incontext'

    # Build query parameters.
    query_dict = {}

    # Query parameter actions.
    if resource.has_key('action'):
        if resource.has_key('search'):
            query_dict['q'] = resource['search']
        if resource.has_key('online'):
            query_dict['online'] = 'true'

    # Record offset.
    if resource.has_key('offset'):
        query_dict['offset'] = str(resource['offset'])

    # Reconstruct the URL, dropping query parameters and path fragment.
    parts = (url_parts.scheme, url_parts.netloc, redirect_path, urllib.urlencode(query_dict), '')
    redirect_url = urlparse.urlunsplit(parts)

    #print "Redirecting %s to %s" % (request.get_full_path(), redirect_url)
    return HttpResponseRedirect(redirect_url)
Beispiel #2
def redirect_or_404(request):

    host = request.get_host()

    # If the request host is already a microcosm subdomain, this is not
    # a request for an imported site, so return not found.
    if host.endswith(settings.API_DOMAIN_NAME):
        return ErrorView.not_found(request)

    # Get site subdomain key based on host.
        microcosm_host = Site.resolve_cname(host)
    except APIException:

    # Reverse the effect of APPEND_SLASH on the path.
    url_parts = urlparse.urlsplit(request.build_absolute_uri())
    path = url_parts.path
    redirect_request = ''
    if path.endswith('/'):
        redirect_request = path[:-1]
    if url_parts.query:
        redirect_request += '?' + url_parts.query

    # Handle errors in API request.
        resource = Redirect.get(host, redirect_request, request.access_token)
    except APIException as exc:
        return respond_with_error(request, exc)

    # Handle non-successful redirects (e.g. invalid path, forbidden).
    if resource['status'] == 404:
        return ErrorView.not_found(request)
    if resource['status'] == 403:
        return ErrorView.forbidden(request)
    if resource['status'] != 301:
        return ErrorView.server_error(request)

    # Attachments just go to the URL
    if resource['itemType'] == 'attachment':
        return HttpResponseRedirect(resource['redirect']['href'])

    # Construct the 301 based on the resource.
    redirect_path = '/' + RESOURCE_PLURAL[resource['itemType']]
    if resource.has_key('itemId'):
        redirect_path += '/' + str(resource['itemId'])

    # Hack comments to show in context.
    if resource['itemType'] == 'comment' and resource.has_key('itemId'):
        redirect_path += '/' + 'incontext'

    # Build query parameters.
    query_dict = {}

    # Query parameter actions.
    if resource.has_key('action'):
        if resource.has_key('search'):
            query_dict['q'] = resource['search']
        if resource.has_key('online'):
            query_dict['online'] = 'true'

    # Record offset.
    if resource.has_key('offset'):
        query_dict['offset'] = str(resource['offset'])

    # Reconstruct the URL, dropping query parameters and path fragment.
    parts = (url_parts.scheme, url_parts.netloc, redirect_path,
             urllib.urlencode(query_dict), '')
    redirect_url = urlparse.urlunsplit(parts)

    #print "Redirecting %s to %s" % (request.get_full_path(), redirect_url)
    return HttpResponseRedirect(redirect_url)