sg.Button('Create random link', tooltip='Create a random link', pad=((0, 10), (5, 0))), sg.Col([[ sg.Button('Delete random link', tooltip='Delete a random link', pad=((10, 10), (5, 0))) ], [ sg.Button( 'Delete shortest-path link', tooltip='Delete a random link on the shortest path', pad=((0, 0), (5, 0))) ]]) ], HOR_SEP(pad=((50, 0), (0, 0))), [ sg.Text( 'Repulsion coefficient', pad=((0, 10), (20, 0)), tooltip= 'Negative means raise to the power and divide (like gravity).\n' 'Larger magnitude means distince reduces repulsive force more.'), sg.Slider((1, 5), default_value=1, orientation='horizontal', key='rep_coef', pad=((0, 0), (0, 0)), size=(15, 20), tooltip='Larger is stronger.') ],
tooltip= "The radius, in patch-lengths, that defines an agent's flockmates") ], [ sg.Text('speed', pad=((0, 5), (20, 0)), tooltip='The speed of the agents'), sg.Slider(key='speed', range=(0, 10), resolution=0.5, default_value=2, orientation='horizontal', size=(10, 20), tooltip='The speed of the agents') ], HOR_SEP(30, pad=((0, 0), (0, 0))), [ sg.Text( 'min separation', pad=((0, 5), (20, 0)), tooltip='The minimum acceptable patch-lengths to nearest neighbor' ), sg.Slider( key='minimum separation', resolution=0.5, range=(1, 5), default_value=2, # NetLogo=1 orientation='horizontal', size=(10, 20),
gui_set('rows', value=len(self.ca_lines)) # ############################################## Define GUI ############################################## # import PySimpleGUI as sg """ The following appears at the top-left of the window. """ ca_left_upper = [ [ sg.Text('Row justification'), sg.Combo(values=['Left', 'Center', 'Right'], key='justification', default_value='Right') ], HOR_SEP(30), [ sg.Text('Initial row:', pad=(None, (20, 0)), tooltip="0's and 1's for the initial row. An empty \n" + "string will set the initial row to all 0's."), sg.Input(default_text="1", key='init_line', size=(20, 1), text_color='white', background_color='steelblue4', justification='center') ], [ sg.CB('Random?', key='Random?',
resolution=1, size=(20, 20), default_value=10, orientation='horizontal', pad=((0, 0), (0, 20)), tooltip='The ratio of alive cells to all cells') ], [ sg.Button(Life_World.SELECT_FOREGROUND_TEXT), Life_World.fg_color_chooser ], [ sg.Button(Life_World.SELECT_BACKGROUND_TEXT), Life_World.bg_color_chooser ], HOR_SEP(), [sg.Text('Cells can be toggled when\nthe system is stopped.')], ] if __name__ == "__main__": from core.agent import PyLogo # Specify patch rows and columns, in case we want a larger/smaller grid gui.PATCH_COLS = 51 gui.PATCH_ROWS = 51 PyLogo(Life_World, '1D Elementary Cellular Automaton', gui_elements, patch_class=CA_Patch, bounce=None, fps=10,
Increment self.rows """ ... # ############################################## Define GUI ############################################## # import PySimpleGUI as sg """ The following appears at the top-left of the window. It puts a row consisting of a Text widgit and a ComboBox above the widgets from """ ca_left_upper = [[sg.Text('Initial row:'), sg.Combo(values=['Right', 'Center', 'Left', 'Random', 'All off'], key='init', default_value='Right')], [sg.Text('Rows:'), sg.Text(' 0', key='rows')], HOR_SEP(30)] + \ on_off_left_upper # bin_0_to_7 is ['000' .. '111'] bin_0_to_7 = [bin_str(n, 3) for n in range(8)] # The switches are CheckBoxes with keys from bin_0_to_7 (in reverse). # These are the actual GUI widgets, which we access through their keys. # The pos_to_switch dictionary maps positions in the rule number as a binary number # to these widgets. Each widget corresponds to a position in the rule number. switches = [sg.CB(n+'\n 1', key=n, pad=((60, 0), (0, 0))) for n in reversed(bin_0_to_7)] """ This material appears above the screen: the rule number slider, its binary representation, and the switch settings.
key=SELECTION_ALGORITHM, default_value=BEST_KNOWN, tooltip='Selection Algorithm', pad=((0, 5), (20, 0))) ], [ sg.Text('Randomness', pad=((0, 5), (20, 0))), sg.Slider(key=RANDOMNESS, default_value=16, resolution=1, range=(0, 100), pad=((0, 5), (10, 0)), orientation='horizontal', size=(10, 20)) ], HOR_SEP(pad=((30, 0), (0, 0))), [sg.Text('Average = '), sg.Text(' 0', key=AVERAGE)], [sg.Text('Fastest Top Time = '), sg.Text(' 0', key=FASTEST_TOP)], [ sg.Text('Fastest Middle Time = '), sg.Text(' 0', key=FASTEST_MIDDLE) ], [ sg.Text('Fastest Bottom Time = '), sg.Text(' 0', key=FASTEST_BOTTOM) ] ] if __name__ == "__main__":
tooltip= 'The number of patch-lengths that define the current flockmates') ], [ sg.Text('speed', pad=((0, 5), (20, 0)), tooltip='The speed of the agents'), sg.Slider(key='speed', range=(0, 10), resolution=0.5, default_value=2, orientation='horizontal', size=(10, 20), tooltip='The speed of the agents') ], HOR_SEP(30), [ sg.Text( 'min separation', pad=((0, 5), (20, 0)), tooltip='The minimum acceptable patch-lengths to nearest neighbor' ), sg.Slider( key='minimum separation', resolution=0.5, range=(1, 5), default_value=1, orientation='horizontal', size=(10, 20),
tooltip='Node shape') ], [ sg.CB('Directed Link?', enable_events=True, key='directed_link', default=False) ], [ sg.CB('Clear Before Generating?', enable_events=True, default=True, size=(20, 1), key='clear') ], HOR_SEP(30, pad=(None, None)), [ sg.Text('nb-nodes'), sg.Slider(key='nb-nodes', range=(0, 20), default_value=10, orientation='horizontal') ], [ sg.Button(button_text='PreAtt', key='PreAtt'), sg.Button(button_text='Ring', key='Ring'), sg.Button(button_text='Star', key='Star') ], HOR_SEP(30, pad=(None, None)), [ sg.Text('neighborhood-size'),