Beispiel #1
 def breakLineGeo(self, lineGeo):
     Try to break passed lineGeo with any of the shapes on a break layers.
     Will break lineGeos recursively.
     @return: The list of geometries after breaking (lineGeo itself if no breaking happened)
     newGeos = Geos([])
     for breakLayer in self.breakLayers:
         for breakShape in breakLayer.shapes.not_disabled_iter():
             intersections = self.intersectLineGeometry(lineGeo, breakShape)
             if len(intersections) == 2:
                 (near, far) = self.classifyIntersections(lineGeo, intersections)
                 logger.debug("Line %s broken from (%f, %f) to (%f, %f)" % (lineGeo.to_short_string(), near.x, near.y, far.x, far.y))
                 newGeos.extend(self.breakLineGeo(LineGeo(lineGeo.Ps, near)))
                 newGeos.append(BreakGeo(near, far, breakShape.axis3_mill_depth, breakShape.f_g1_plane, breakShape.f_g1_depth))
                 newGeos.extend(self.breakLineGeo(LineGeo(far, lineGeo.Pe)))
                 return newGeos
     return [lineGeo]
    def Read(self, caller):
        This function does read the geometry.
        @param caller: The instance which is calling the function
        # Assign short name
        lp = caller.line_pairs
        e = lp.index_code(0, caller.start + 1)

        # Assign layer
        s = lp.index_code(8, caller.start + 1)
        self.Layer_Nr = caller.Get_Layer_Nr(lp.line_pair[s].value)

        # X Value
        sl = lp.index_code(10, s + 1)
        x0 = float(lp.line_pair[sl].value)

        # Y Value
        s = lp.index_code(20, sl + 1)
        y0 = float(lp.line_pair[s].value)

        # X Value 2
        s = lp.index_code(11, sl + 1)
        x1 = float(lp.line_pair[s].value)

        # Y Value 2
        s = lp.index_code(21, s + 1)
        y1 = float(lp.line_pair[s].value)

        # Searching for an extrusion direction
        s_nxt_xt = lp.index_code(230, s + 1, e)
        # If there is a extrusion direction given flip around x-Axis
        if s_nxt_xt is not None:
            extrusion_dir = float(lp.line_pair[s_nxt_xt].value)
      'Found extrusion direction: %s') % extrusion_dir)
            if extrusion_dir == -1:
                x0 = -x0
                x1 = -x1

        Ps = Point(x0, y0)
        Pe = Point(x1, y1)

        # Anhängen der LineGeo Klasse für die Geometrie
        # Annexes to LineGeo class for geometry ???
        self.geo.append(LineGeo(Ps=Ps, Pe=Pe))

        # Länge entspricht der Länge des Kreises
        # Length corresponding to the length (circumference?) of the circle
        self.length = self.geo[-1].length

        # Neuen Startwert für die nächste Geometrie zurückgeben
        # New starting value for the next geometry
        caller.start = s
    def compress_lines(self, Curve):
        NewCurve = []
        Pts = []
        for geo in Curve:
            anz = len(NewCurve)
            if anz >= 2:
                # Wenn Geo eine Linie ist anh�ngen und �berpr�fen
                if isinstance(NewCurve[-2], LineGeo) and isinstance(
                        NewCurve[-1], LineGeo):
                    JointLine = LineGeo(NewCurve[-2].Ps, NewCurve[-1].Pe)

                    # �berpr�fung der Abweichung
                    res = []
                    for Point in Pts:
                    # print res

                    # Wenn die Abweichung OK ist Vorheriges anh�ngen
                    if max(res) < self.epsilon:
                        anz = len(NewCurve)
                        del NewCurve[anz - 2:anz]
                        points = [geo.Pe]
                    # Wenn nicht nicht anh�ngen und Pts zur�cksetzen
                        Pts = [geo.Pe]

                # Wenn es eines eine andere Geometrie als eine Linie ist
                    Pts = []

        return NewCurve
Beispiel #4
    def make_start_moves(self):
        This function called to create the start move. It will
        be generated based on the given values for start and angle.
        self.geos = Geos([])

        if g.config.machine_type == 'drag_knife':

        # Get the start rad. and the length of the line segment at begin.
        start_rad = self.shape.parentLayer.start_radius

        # Get tool radius based on tool diameter.
        tool_rad = self.shape.parentLayer.getToolRadius()

        # Calculate the starting point with and without compensation.
        start = self.start
        angle = self.angle

        if self.shape.cut_cor == 40:

        elif self.shape.cut_cor != 40 and not g.config.vars.Cutter_Compensation[

            toolwidth = self.shape.parentLayer.getToolRadius()
            offtype = "in" if self.shape.cut_cor == 42 else "out"
            offshape = offShapeClass(parent=self.shape,

            if len(offshape.rawoff) > 0:
                start, angle = offshape.rawoff[0].get_start_end_points(
                    True, True)

                self.geos += offshape.rawoff

        # Cutting Compensation Left
        elif self.shape.cut_cor == 41:
            # Center of the Starting Radius.
            Oein = start.get_arc_point(angle + pi / 2, start_rad + tool_rad)
            # Start Point of the Radius
            Ps_ein = Oein.get_arc_point(angle + pi, start_rad + tool_rad)
            # Start Point of the straight line segment at begin.
            Pg_ein = Ps_ein.get_arc_point(angle + pi / 2, start_rad)

            # Get the dive point for the starting contour and append it.
            start_ein = Pg_ein.get_arc_point(angle, tool_rad)

            # generate the Start Line and append it including the compensation.
            start_line = LineGeo(start_ein, Ps_ein)

            # generate the start rad. and append it.
            start_rad = ArcGeo(Ps=Ps_ein,
                               r=start_rad + tool_rad,

        # Cutting Compensation Right
        elif self.shape.cut_cor == 42:
            # Center of the Starting Radius.
            Oein = start.get_arc_point(angle - pi / 2, start_rad + tool_rad)
            # Start Point of the Radius
            Ps_ein = Oein.get_arc_point(angle + pi, start_rad + tool_rad)
            # Start Point of the straight line segment at begin.
            Pg_ein = Ps_ein.get_arc_point(angle - pi / 2, start_rad)

            # Get the dive point for the starting contour and append it.
            start_ein = Pg_ein.get_arc_point(angle, tool_rad)

            # generate the Start Line and append it including the compensation.
            start_line = LineGeo(start_ein, Ps_ein)

            # generate the start rad. and append it.
            start_rad = ArcGeo(Ps=Ps_ein,
                               r=start_rad + tool_rad,
Beispiel #5
    def __init__(self, Ps=Point(), tan_a=0.0, Pb=Point, tan_b=0.0, min_r=1e-6):
        Std. method to initialise the class.
        @param Ps: Start Point for the Biarc
        @param tan_a: Tangent of the Start Point
        @param Pb: End Point of the Biarc
        @param tan_b: Tangent of the End Point
        @param min_r: The minimum radius of a arc section.
        min_len = 1e-12       # Min Abstand f�r doppelten Punkt / Minimum clearance for double point
        min_alpha = 1e-4      # Winkel ab welchem Gerade angenommen wird inr rad / Angle for which it is assumed straight inr rad
        max_r = 5e3           # Max Radius ab welchem Gerade angenommen wird (5m) / Max radius is assumed from which line (5m)
        min_r = min_r         # Min Radius ab welchem nichts gemacht wird / Min radius beyond which nothing is done

        self.Ps = Ps
        self.tan_a = tan_a
        self.Pb = Pb
        self.tan_b = tan_b
        self.l = 0.0
        self.shape = None
        self.geos = []
        self.k = 0.0

        # Errechnen der Winkel, L�nge und Shape
        # Calculate the angle, length and shape
        norm_angle, self.l = self.calc_normal(self.Ps, self.Pb)

        alpha, beta, self.theta, self.shape = self.calc_diff_angles(norm_angle,

        if self.l < min_len:
            self.shape = "Zero"

        elif self.shape == "LineGeo":
            # Erstellen der Geometrie
            # Create the geometry
            self.geos.append(LineGeo(self.Ps, self.Pb))
            # Berechnen der Radien, Mittelpunkte, Zwichenpunkt
            # Calculate the radii, midpoints Zwichenpunkt
            r1, r2 = self.calc_r1_r2(self.l, alpha, beta, self.theta)

            if abs(r1) > max_r or abs(r2) > max_r:
                # Erstellen der Geometrie
                # Create the geometry
                self.shape = "LineGeo"
                self.geos.append(LineGeo(self.Ps, self.Pb))

#             elif abs(r1) < min_r or abs(r2) < min_r:
#                 self.shape = "Zero"
#                 return

            O1, O2, k = self.calc_O1_O2_k(r1, r2, self.tan_a, self.theta)

            # Berechnen der Start und End- Angles f�r das drucken
            # Calculate the start and end angles for the print
            s_ang1, e_ang1 = self.calc_s_e_ang(self.Ps, O1, k)
            s_ang2, e_ang2 = self.calc_s_e_ang(k, O2, self.Pb)

            # Berechnen der Richtung und der Extend
            # Calculate the direction and extent
            dir_ang1 = (tan_a - s_ang1) % (-2 * pi)
            dir_ang1 -= ceil(dir_ang1 / pi) * (2 * pi)

            dir_ang2 = (tan_b - e_ang2) % (-2 * pi)
            dir_ang2 -= ceil(dir_ang2 / pi) * (2 * pi)

            # Erstellen der Geometrien
            # Create the geometries
            self.geos.append(ArcGeo(Ps=self.Ps, Pe=k, O=O1, r=r1,
                                    s_ang=s_ang1, e_ang=e_ang1, direction=dir_ang1))
            self.geos.append(ArcGeo(Ps=k, Pe=self.Pb, O=O2, r=r2,
                                    s_ang=s_ang2, e_ang=e_ang2, direction=dir_ang2))
Beispiel #6
    def Read(self, caller):
        # Assign short name
        lp = caller.line_pairs
        e = lp.index_both(0, "SEQEND", caller.start + 1) + 1

        # Assign layer
        s = lp.index_code(8, caller.start + 1)
        self.Layer_Nr = caller.Get_Layer_Nr(lp.line_pair[s].value)

        # Ps=None for the first point
        Ps = None

        # Polyline flag
        s_temp = lp.index_code(70, s + 1, e)
        if s_temp is None:
            PolyLineFlag = 0
            PolyLineFlag = int(lp.line_pair[s_temp].value)
            s = s_temp

        # print("PolylineFlag: %i" %PolyLineFlag)

        while 1:  # and s is not None:
            s = lp.index_both(0, "VERTEX", s + 1, e)
            if s == None:

            # X Value
            s = lp.index_code(10, s + 1, e)
            x = float(lp.line_pair[s].value)

            # Y Value
            s = lp.index_code(20, s + 1, e)
            y = float(lp.line_pair[s].value)
            Pe = Point(x, y)

            # Bulge
            bulge = 0

            e_vertex = lp.index_both(0, "VERTEX", s + 1, e)
            if e_vertex is None:
                e_vertex = e

            s_temp = lp.index_code(42, s + 1, e_vertex)
            # print('stemp: %s, e: %s, next 10: %s' %(s_temp,e,lp.index_both(0,"VERTEX",s+1,e)))
            if s_temp is not None:
                bulge = float(lp.line_pair[s_temp].value)
                s = s_temp

            # Vertex flag (bit-coded); default is 0; 1 = Closed; 128 = Plinegen
            s_temp = lp.index_code(70, s + 1, e_vertex)
            if s_temp is None:
                VertexFlag = 0
                VertexFlag = int(lp.line_pair[s_temp].value)
                s = s_temp

            # print("Vertex Flag: %i" %PolyLineFlag)

            # Assign the geometries for the Polyline
            if VertexFlag != 16:
                if Ps is not None:
                    if next_bulge == 0:
                        self.geo.append(LineGeo(Ps=Ps, Pe=Pe))
                        # self.geo.append(LineGeo(Ps=Ps,Pe=Pe))
                        # print bulge
                        self.geo.append(self.bulge2arc(Ps, Pe, next_bulge))

                    # L�nge drauf rechnen wenns eine Geometrie ist
                    # Wenns Ldnge count on it is a geometry ???
                    self.length += self.geo[-1].length

                # Der Bulge wird immer f�r den und den n�chsten Punkt angegeben
                # The bulge is always given for the next point
                next_bulge = bulge
                Ps = Pe

        # It is a closed polyline
        if PolyLineFlag == 1:
            # print("sollten �bereinstimmen: %s, %s" %(Ps,Pe))
            if next_bulge == 0:
                self.geo.append(LineGeo(Ps=Ps, Pe=self.geo[0].Ps))
                self.geo.append(self.bulge2arc(Ps, self.geo[0].Ps, next_bulge))
            # L�nge drauf rechnen wenns eine Geometrie ist
            # Wenns Ldnge count on it is a geometry ???
            self.length += self.geo[-1].length

        # Neuen Startwert f�r die n�chste Geometrie zur�ckgeben
        # New starting value for the next geometry
        caller.start = e
    def make_own_cutter_compensation(self):
        toolwidth = self.shape.parentLayer.getToolRadius()

        geos = Geos([])

        direction = -1 if self.shape.cut_cor == 41 else 1

        if self.shape.closed:
            end, end_dir = self.shape.get_start_end_points(False, False)
            end_proj = Point(direction * end_dir.y, -direction * end_dir.x)
            prv_Pe = end + toolwidth * end_proj
            prv_Pe = None
        for geo_nr, geo in enumerate(self.shape.geos.abs_iter()):
            start, start_dir = geo.get_start_end_points(True, False)
            end, end_dir = geo.get_start_end_points(False, False)
            start_proj = Point(direction * start_dir.y,
                               -direction * start_dir.x)
            end_proj = Point(direction * end_dir.y, -direction * end_dir.x)
            Ps = start + toolwidth * start_proj
            Pe = end + toolwidth * end_proj
            if Ps == Pe:
            if prv_Pe:
                r = geo.Ps.distance(Ps)
                d = (prv_Pe - geo.Ps).to3D().cross_product(
                    (Ps - geo.Ps).to3D()).z
                if direction * d > 0 and prv_Pe != Ps:
                        ArcGeo(Ps=prv_Pe, Pe=Ps, O=geo.Ps, r=r, direction=d))
                    geos[-1].geo_nr = geo_nr
                # else:
                #     geos.append(LineGeo(Ps=prv_Pe, Pe=Ps))
            if isinstance(geo, LineGeo):
                geos.append(LineGeo(Ps, Pe))
                geos[-1].geo_nr = geo_nr
            elif isinstance(geo, ArcGeo):
                O = geo.O
                r = O.distance(Ps)
                geos.append(ArcGeo(Ps=Ps, Pe=Pe, O=O, r=r, direction=geo.ext))
                geos[-1].geo_nr = geo_nr
            # TODO other geos are not supported; disable them in gui for this option
            # else:
            #     geos.append(geo)
            prv_Pe = Pe

        tot_length = 0
        for geo in geos.abs_iter():
            tot_length += geo.length

        reorder_shape = False
        for start_geo_nr in range(len(geos)):
            # if shape is not closed we may only remove shapes from the start
            last_geo_nr = start_geo_nr if self.shape.closed else 0
            geos_adj = deepcopy(geos[start_geo_nr:]) + deepcopy(
            new_geos = Geos([])
            i = 0
            while i in range(len(geos_adj)):
                geo = geos_adj[i]
                intersections = []
                for j in range(i + 1, len(geos_adj)):
                    intersection = Intersect.get_intersection_point(
                        geos_adj[j], geos_adj[i])
                    if intersection and intersection != geos_adj[i].Ps:
                        intersections.append([j, intersection])
                if len(intersections) > 0:
                    intersection = intersections[-1]
                    change_end_of_geo = True
                    if i == 0 and intersection[0] >= len(geos_adj) // 2:
                        geo.update_start_end_points(True, intersection[1])
                            False, intersection[1])
                        if len(intersections) > 1:
                            intersection = intersections[-2]
                            change_end_of_geo = False
                            i += 1
                    if change_end_of_geo:
                        geo.update_start_end_points(False, intersection[1])
                        i = intersection[0]
                            True, intersection[1])
                    i += 1
                # TODO
                # if len(new_geos) > 0 and not new_geos[-1].Pe.eq(geo.Ps, g.config.fitting_tolerance):
                #     break  # geo is disconnected
                if new_geos[0].Ps == new_geos[-1].Pe:

            new_length = 0
            for geo in new_geos:
                new_length += geo.length

            if tot_length * g.config.vars.Cutter_Compensation['min_length_considered']\
                    <= new_length <= tot_length * g.config.vars.Cutter_Compensation['max_length_considered'] and\
               (not g.config.vars.Cutter_Compensation['direction_maintained'] or
                    not self.shape.closed or self.shape.isDirectionOfGeosCCW(new_geos) !=
                for geo in new_geos:
                    if geo.Ps != geo.Pe:
                reorder_shape = True
        if reorder_shape and self.shape.closed:
            # we do not reorder the original shape if it's not closed
            self.shape.geos = Geos(
                self.shape.geos[geos[start_geo_nr].geo_nr:] +

        if len(self.geos) == 0:
    def Read(self, caller):
        Old_Point = Point(0, 0)

        # Assign short name
        lp = caller.line_pairs
        e = lp.index_code(0, caller.start + 1)

        # Assign layer
        s = lp.index_code(8, caller.start + 1)
        self.Layer_Nr = caller.Get_Layer_Nr(lp.line_pair[s].value)

        # Ps=None for the first point
        Ps = None

        # Number of vertices
        s = lp.index_code(90, s + 1, e)
        NoOfVert = int(lp.line_pair[s].value)

        # Polyline flag (bit-coded); default is 0; 1 = Closed; 128 = Plinegen
        s = lp.index_code(70, s + 1, e)
        LWPLClosed = int(lp.line_pair[s].value)
        # print LWPLClosed

        s = lp.index_code(10, s + 1, e)
        while 1:
            # X Value
            if s is None:
            x = float(lp.line_pair[s].value)

            # Y Value
            s = lp.index_code(20, s + 1, e)
            y = float(lp.line_pair[s].value)
            Pe = Point(x=x, y=y)

            # Bulge
            bulge = 0

            s_nxt_x = lp.index_code(10, s + 1, e)
            e_nxt_b = s_nxt_x

            # Wenn am Ende dann Suche bis zum Ende
            # If in the end the search until the end ???
            if e_nxt_b is None:
                e_nxt_b = e

            s_bulge = lp.index_code(42, s + 1, e_nxt_b)

            # print('stemp: %s, e: %s, next 10: %s' %(s_temp,e,lp.index_code(10,s+1,e)))
            if s_bulge is not None:
                bulge = float(lp.line_pair[s_bulge].value)
                s_nxt_x = s_nxt_x

            # Take the next X value as the starting value
            s = s_nxt_x

            # Assign the geometries for the Polyline
            if Ps is not None:
                if next_bulge == 0:
                    self.geo.append(LineGeo(Ps=Ps, Pe=Pe))
                    # self.geo.append(LineGeo(Ps=Ps,Pe=Pe))
                    # print bulge
                    self.geo.append(self.bulge2arc(Ps, Pe, next_bulge))

                # L�nge drauf rechnen wenns eine Geometrie ist
                # Wenns Ldnge count on it is a geometry ???
                self.length += self.geo[-1].length

            # The bulge is always given for the next point
            next_bulge = bulge
            Ps = Pe

        if LWPLClosed == 1 or LWPLClosed == 129:
            # print("sollten �bereinstimmen: %s, %s" %(Ps,Pe))
            if next_bulge:
                self.geo.append(self.bulge2arc(Ps, self.geo[0].Ps, next_bulge))
                self.geo.append(LineGeo(Ps=Ps, Pe=self.geo[0].Ps))

            self.length += self.geo[-1].length

        # New starting value for the next geometry
        caller.start = e