def hsts(web): global name name = targetname(web) global lvl2 lvl2 = inspect.stack()[0][3] global module module = "VulnAnalysis" global lvl1 lvl1 = "Basic Bugs & Misconfigurations" global lvl3 lvl3 = "" time.sleep(0.5) #print(R+'\n ================================') #print(R+'\n HTTP STRICT TRANSPORT SECURITY') #print(R+' ---<>----<>----<>----<>----<>---\n') from core.methods.print import pvln pvln("hsts") if 'https' in web: check0x00(getHeaders0x00(web)) else: print(R+' [-] No SSL/TLS detected...') m = input(O+' [§] Force SSL/TLS (y/N) :> ') if m == 'y' or m == 'Y': print(GR+' [*] Using revamped SSL...') o = 'https://' + web.replace('http://','') check0x00(getHeaders0x00(web)) elif m == 'n' or m == 'N': print(GR+' [-] Skipping module...')
def rce(web): #print(R+'\n =========================================') #print(R+'\n O S C O M M A N D I N J E C T I O N ') #print(R+' ——·‹›·––·‹›·——·‹›·——·‹›·––·‹›·——·‹›·——·‹›\n') from core.methods.print import pvln pvln("os command Injection") if properties["PARAM"][1] == " ": web0 = input(O+' [#] Path Parameter '+R+'(eg. /ping.php?site=foo)'+O+' :> ') else: web0 = properties["PARAM"][1] if "?" in web0 and '=' in web0: if web0.startswith('/'): m = input(GR+'\n [!] Your path starts with "/".\n [#] Do you mean root directory? (Y/n) :> ') if m == 'y' or m == 'Y': web00 = web + web0 elif m == 'n' or m == 'N': web00 = web + web0 else: print(R+' [-] U mad?') else: web00 = web + '/' + web0 if properties["PARALLEL"][1] == " ": pa = input(" [?] Parallel Attack? (enter if not) :> ") parallel = pa is not "" else: parallel = properties["PARALLEL"] == "1" getPayloads(web00, parallel) else: print(R+" [-] Please enter the URL with parameters...") rce(web)
def rfi(web): #print(R+'\n ===========================================') #print(R+'\n R E M O T E F I L E I N C L U S I O N') #print(R+' ——·‹›·––·‹›·——·‹›·——·‹›·––·‹›·——·‹›·——·‹›·–\n') from core.methods.print import pvln pvln("remote file inclusion") print(C+' Choose from the options:\n') print(B+' [1] Custom Targetting') print(B+' [2] Automated Scanning\n') m = input(O+' [#] TID :> ') if str(web).endswith('/'): pass else: web = web + '/' if m == '1': cust0x00(web) elif m == '2': auto0x00(web) else: print(G+' [+] U mad?') time.sleep(0.9) print('') rfi(web)
def headers(web): try: #print(R+'\n =========================================') #print(R+'\n H T T P H E A D E R A N A L Y S I S') #print(R+' ——·‹›·––·‹›·——·‹›·——·‹›·——·‹›·——·‹›·––·‹›\n') from core.methods.print import pvln pvln("http header analysis") time.sleep(0.5) print(GR + " [!] Initializing Header Analysis...") Headers = RetrieveHeader(web) xframe0x00(Headers) contentsec0x00(Headers) xssprotect0x00(Headers) xcontenttype0x00(Headers) general0x00(Headers) referrerpol0x00(Headers) anomaly0x00(Headers) if "https" in web[:5]: seccheck0x00(Headers) print(G + ' [+] Done!') except Exception as e: print(R + ' [-] Something happened...') print(R + ' [-] Error : ' + str(e))
def zone(web): web = web.replace('http://', '') web = web.replace('https://', '') try: #print(R+'\n ===========================') #print(R+'\n Z O N E T R A N S F E R') #print(R+' ——·‹›·––·‹›·——·‹›·——·‹›·––·\n') from core.methods.print import pvln pvln("zone transfer") time.sleep(0.4) print( O + ' [!] Looking up for name servers on which website is hosted...\n' + G) time.sleep(0.7) os.system('dig +nocmd ' + web + ' ns +noall +answer') h = input(O + '\n [*] Enter the DNS Server you want to test for :> ') time.sleep(0.4) print(GR + ' {*] Attempting zone transfer...') time.sleep(0.9) cm = subprocess.Popen( ['host', '-t', 'axfr', web, h, '+answer', '+noall', '+nocmd'], stdout=subprocess.PIPE).communicate()[0] if 'failed' in str(cm): print(R + '\n [-] Zone transfer for ' + O + h + R + ' failed!') print(R + ' [-] This website is immune to zone transfers!') else: print('\n' + G + cm) except Exception as e: print(R + ' [-] Error encountered!') print(R + ' [-] Error : ' + str(e))
def pathtrav(web): #global gotcha print(GR + '\n ·› Loading module...') time.sleep(0.5) #print(R+'\n ================================================') #print(R+'\n P A T H T R A V E R S A L (Sensitive Paths)') #print(R+' ——·‹›·––·‹›·——·‹›·——·‹›·––·‹›·——·‹›·——·‹›·––·‹›·\n') from core.methods.print import pvln pvln("path traversal") try: print( GR + ' [!] Input the directory to be used... Final Url will be like ' + O + '""') param = input( O + ' [!] Enter directory asssociated (eg. /sensitive) [Enter for None] :> ' ) pa = input("\n [?] Parallelise Attack? (enter if not) :> ") parallel = pa is not "" input_cookie = input("\n [#] Got cookies? [Enter if none] :> ") global gen_headers gen_headers = { 'User-Agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 6.1; rv:2.2) Gecko/20110201', 'Accept-Language': 'en-US;', 'Accept-Encoding': 'gzip, deflate', 'Accept': 'text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;', 'Connection': 'close' } if (len(input_cookie) > 0): gen_headers['Cookie'] = input_cookie #gen_headers['Cookie'] = "security=low; PHPSESSID=n3o05a33llklde1r2upt98r1k2" if param.startswith('/'): web00 = web + param elif param == '': web00 = web + param else: web00 = web + '/' + param input_query = input("\n [#] Query Attack? [Enter if not] :> ") #print(input_query) if input_query != "": query[0] = True param = input(" [#] Enter parameter :> ") web00 = web00 + "?" + param + "=" siteinput[0] = web00 check0x00(web00, gen_headers, parallel) except KeyboardInterrupt: print(R + ' [-] User Interruption!') return except Exception as e: print(R + ' [-] Exception encountered during processing...') print(R + ' [-] Error : ' + str(e))
def headers(web): global name name = targetname(web) global lvl2 lvl2 = inspect.stack()[0][3] global module module = "VulnAnalysis" global lvl1 lvl1 = "Basic Bugs & Misconfigurations" global lvl3 lvl3 = "" try: #print(R+'\n =========================================') #print(R+'\n H T T P H E A D E R A N A L Y S I S') #print(R+' ---<>----<>----<>----<>----<>----<>----<>\n') from core.methods.print import pvln pvln("http header analysis") time.sleep(0.5) print(GR + " [!] Initializing Header Analysis...") Headers = RetrieveHeader(web) xframe0x00(Headers) contentsec0x00(Headers) xssprotect0x00(Headers) xcontenttype0x00(Headers) general0x00(Headers) referrerpol0x00(Headers) anomaly0x00(Headers) if "https" in web[:5]: seccheck0x00(Headers) print(G + ' [+] Done!') except Exception as e: print(R + ' [-] Something happened...') print(R + ' [-] Error : ' + str(e))
def mailspoof(web): print(GR + ' [*] Loading module...') time.sleep(0.5) #print(R+'\n =========================') #print(R+'\n M A I L S P O O F E R ') #print(R+' ——·‹›·––·‹›·——·‹›·——·‹›·–\n') from core.methods.print import pvln pvln("mail spoofer") print(GR + ' [*] Setting inital value ' + R + '"False"...') spoofable = False try: domain = web print(O + ' [!] Getting txt records...') spfstr = spfStr0x00(domain) dmValStr = dmCheck0x00(domain) if dmValStr is False: spoofable = True else: spoofable = False if spoofable == True: print(G + " [+] Spoofing possible for " + O + domain + "!") else: print(R + " [-] Spoofing not possible for " + O + domain + '...') except Exception as e: print(R + " [-] Undefault KeyError encountered!") print(R + ' [-] Exception : ' + str(e))
def sqli(web): print(GR + '\n [*] Loading module...') time.sleep(0.7) #print(R+'\n ===========================') #print(R+'\n S Q L ! N J E C T I O N') #print(R+' ——·‹›·––·‹›·——·‹›·——·‹›·——·\n') from core.methods.print import pvln pvln("sql !njection") time.sleep(0.6) print(O + ' Choose from the options:\n') print(B + ' [1] ' + C + 'Error Based SQLi' + W + ' (Manual + Automated)') print(B + ' [2] ' + C + 'Blind Based SQLi' + W + ' (Manual + Automated)\n') print(B + ' [99] ' + C + 'Back to Console\n') v = input(O + ' [§] TID :> ') if v.strip() == '1': errorsqli(web, properties) elif v.strip() == '2': blindsqli(web, properties) elif v.strip() == '99': pass else: print(R + ' [-] U high dude?')
def sqli(web): global name name = targetname(web) global lvl2 lvl2 = inspect.stack()[0][3] global module module = "VulnAnalysis" global lvl1 lvl1 = "Critical Vulnerabilities" global lvl3 lvl3 = "" time.sleep(0.7) #print(R+'\n ===========================') #print(R+'\n S Q L ! N J E C T I O N') #print(R+' ---<>----<>----<>----<>----\n') from core.methods.print import pvln pvln("sql !njection") time.sleep(0.6) print(O + ' Choose from the options:\n') print(B + ' [1] ' + C + 'Error Based SQLi' + W + ' (Manual + Automated)') print(B + ' [2] ' + C + 'Blind Based SQLi' + W + ' (Manual + Automated)\n') print(B + ' [99] ' + C + 'Back to Console\n') v = input(O + ' [§] TID :> ') if v.strip() == '1': errorsqli(web, properties) elif v.strip() == '2': blindsqli(web, properties) elif v.strip() == '99': pass else: print(R + ' [-] U high dude?')
def xss(web): first = True while True: print(GR+' [*] Loading module XSS...') sleep(0.6) if web.endswith('/'): web = web[:-1] #print(R+'\n =========================================') #print(R+'\n C R O S S S I T E S C R I P T I N G') #print(R+' ——·‹›·––·‹›·——·‹›·––·‹›·–—·‹›·––·‹›·——·‹›\n') from core.methods.print import pvln pvln("Cross site scripting") if first: print(GR+' [*] Importing payloads...') sleep(0.8) try: with open('files/payload-db/xss_payloads.lst','r') as payloads: pay.clear() for payload in payloads: payload = payload.replace('\n','') pi = r'%s' % (payload) #pi = payload.encode("utf-8").decode("utf-8")# % (payload) # Converting to a raw string #pil = str(pi).split("'") #payl = "" #for i in range(1,len(pil)-1): # payl += pil[i] pay.append(pi) print(G+' [+] '+O+str(len(pay))+G+' payloads loaded!') first = False sleep(0.2) with open('files/payload-db/polyglot_payloads.lst','r') as polyy: poly.clear() for payload in polyy: payload = payload.replace('\n','') poy = r'%s' % (payload) poly.append(poy) print(G+' [+] '+O+str(len(poly))+G+' polyglots loaded!') sleep(0.7) except IOError: print(R+' [-] Payloads file does not exist!') if properties["PARALLEL"][1] == " ": pa = input(" [?] Parallel Attack? (enter if not) :> ") parallel = pa is not "" else: parallel = properties["PARALLEL"][1] == "1" print(O+'\n [§] Enter the type you want to proceed:\n') print(B+' [1] '+C+'Manual Mode') print(B+' [2] '+C+'Automatic Mode\n') p = input(O+' [§] TID :> ') if p == '1': print(GR+' [*] Initializing manual mode...') manual0x00(web, parallel) if p == '2': print(GR+' [*] Loading automatic mode...') auto0x00(web, parallel) print(G+' [+] XSS Module Completed!\n')
def cloud0x00(web): requests = session() web = web.replace('https://', '') web = web.replace('http://', '') #print(R+'\n =========================================') #print(R+'\n C L O U D F L A R E M I S C O N F I G.') #print(R+' ——·‹›·––·‹›·——·‹›·——·‹›·——·‹›·——·‹›·––·‹›\n') from core.methods.print import pvln pvln("cloudflare misconfig.") time.sleep(0.4) print(GR + ' [*] Checking server status...') try: ip_addr = socket.gethostbyname(web) print(G + ' [+] Server detected online...') time.sleep(0.5) print(G + ' [+] Server IP :> ' + O + ip_addr) except: print(R + ' [-] Server seems down...') print(GR + ' [*] Trying to identify backend...') time.sleep(0.4) web = 'http://' + web try: print(GR + ' [*] Making the no-verify request...') time.sleep(0.6) r = requests.get(web, verify=False) header = r.headers['Server'] if 'cloudflare' in header: print(O + ' [+] The website is behind ' + R + 'Cloudflare.') print(G + ' [+] Server : Cloudflare') time.sleep(0.4) if properties["BYPASS"][1] == " ": m = input( O + ' [+] Do you want Vaile to try and bypass Cloudflare? (enter if not) :> ' ) byp = m is not "" else: byp = properties["BYPASS"][1] == "1" if byp: bypass(web) else: print(R + ' [-] Invalid choice...') serverdetect(web) try: ip_addr = bypass.ip_addr except: pass else: print( R + ' [-] Website does not seem to be a part of Cloudflare Network...' ) except: print(R + ' [-] Failed to identify server.\n [-] Some error occured!') pass
def ssscript(web): vuln = [] novuln = [] web = web.replace('https://','') web = web.replace('http://','') webb = web if "@" in web: webb = web.split("@")[1] #print(R+'\n =======================================') #print(R+'\n S A M E - S I T E S C R I P T I N G') #print(R+' ——·‹›·––·‹›·——·‹›·——·‹›·––·‹›·——·‹›·——·\n') from core.methods.print import pvln pvln("same-site scripting") time.sleep(0.5) try: if os.path.exists('files/'+webb+'-subdomains.lst') == True: pass else: print(O+' [*] Gathering subdomains...') print(GR+' [*] Initializing subdomain gathering...') subdom0x00(web) except: print(R+' [-] Exception occured!') os.system('mv '+webb+'-subdomains.lst tmp/') #print(R+'\n =========================') print(R+'\n S - S - S T E S T E R') print(R+' ––·‹›·––·‹›·––·‹›·––·‹›·–\n') try: with open('tmp/'+webb+'-subdomains.lst','r') as dom: for m in dom: m = m.replace('\n','') print(C+' [*] Running tests on '+GR+m+C+' for Same-Site Scripting...') time.sleep(1.5) try: mp = socket.gethostbyname(m) if '' in mp or '' in mp: time.sleep(0.7) print(G+' [+] This website is vulnerable to Same Site Scripting!') vuln.append(web) else: time.sleep(0.7) print(R+' [-] '+O+m+R+' is immune to Same-Site Scripting!') novuln.append(web) except socket.gaierror: time.sleep(0.7) pass except Exception as e: print(R+' [-] Error occured while processing module') print(R+' [-] Error : '+str(e)) pass
def strutsshock(web): print(GR + '\n [*] Loading module...') time.sleep(0.5) #print(R+'\n =======================================') #print(R+'\n A P A C H E S T R U T S S H O C K ') #print(R+' ——·‹›·––·‹›·——·‹›·——·‹›·——·‹›·——·‹›·——·\n') from core.methods.print import pvln pvln("apache struts shock") strutsshock0x00(web)
def cookiecheck(web): #print(R+'\n ==================================================') #print(R+'\n C O O K I E C H E C K (HTTPOnly/Secure Flags)') #print(R+' ——·‹›·––·‹›·——·‹›·——·‹›·——·‹›·——·‹›·––·‹›·——·‹›·––\n') from core.methods.print import pvln pvln("Cookie check") print(GR+" [!] Initializing Header Analysis...") Headers = RetrieveHeader(web) cookiecheck0x00(Headers)
def icors(web): print(GR + ' [*] Loading module...') #print(R+'\n =========================================') #print(R+'\n iNSECURE CROSS ORIGIN RESCOURCE SHARING') #print(R+' ——·‹›·––·‹›·——·‹›·——·‹›·——·‹›·––·‹›·——·‹›\n') from core.methods.print import pvln pvln("icors") check0x00(web) time.sleep(1)
def shellshock(web): print(GR+'\n [*] Loading module...') time.sleep(0.5) #print(R+'\n =====================') #print(R+'\n S H E L L S H O C K ') #print(R+' ——·‹›·––·‹›·——·‹›·——·\n') from core.methods.print import pvln pvln("shellshock") shellshock0x00(web)
def netmisc(web): print(GR + ' [*] Loading module...') #print(R+'\n ===================================') #print(R+'\n TELNET ENABLED (Network Misconf.)') #print(R+' ——·‹›·––·‹›·——·‹›·——·‹›·––·‹›·——·‹›\n') from core.methods.print import pvln pvln("network misconf.") print(GR + ' [*] Loading up port scanner...') netmisc0x00(web) time.sleep(0.5)
def zone(web): global name name = targetname(web) global lvl2 lvl2 = inspect.stack()[0][3] global module module = "VulnAnalysis" global lvl1 lvl1 = "Basic Bugs & Misconfigurations" global lvl3 lvl3 = "" web = web.replace('http://', '') web = web.replace('https://', '') try: #print(R+'\n ===========================') #print(R+'\n Z O N E T R A N S F E R') #print(R+' ---<>----<>----<>----<>----\n') from core.methods.print import pvln pvln("zone transfer") time.sleep(0.4) print( O + ' [!] Looking up for name servers on which website is hosted...\n' + G) time.sleep(0.7) os.system('dig +nocmd ' + web + ' ns +noall +answer') if properties["DNSV"][1] == " ": h = input(O + '\n [*] Enter the DNS Server you want to test for :> ') else: h = properties["DNSV"][1] time.sleep(0.4) print(GR + ' [*] Attempting zone transfer...') time.sleep(0.9) cm = subprocess.Popen( ['host', '-t', 'axfr', web, h, '+answer', '+noall', '+nocmd'], stdout=subprocess.PIPE).communicate()[0] if 'failed' in str(cm): print(R + '\n [-] Zone transfer for ' + O + h + R + ' failed!') print(R + ' [-] This website is immune to zone transfers!') data = 'Zone transfer for ' + h + ' failed!\nThis website is immune to zone transfers.' save_data(database, module, lvl1, lvl2, lvl3, name, data) else: print('\n' + G + cm) save_data(database, module, lvl1, lvl2, lvl3, name, cm) except Exception as e: print(R + ' [-] Error encountered!') print(R + ' [-] Error : ' + str(e))
def rfi(web): global name name = targetname(web) global lvl2 lvl2 = inspect.stack()[0][3] global module module = "VulnAnalysis" global lvl1 lvl1 = "Critical Vulnerabilities" global lvl3 lvl3 = "" #print(R+'\n ===========================================') #print(R+'\n R E M O T E F I L E I N C L U S I O N') #print(R+' ---<>----<>----<>----<>----<>----<>----<>--\n') from core.methods.print import pvln pvln("remote file inclusion") if properties["PARALLEL"][1] == " ": pa = input(" [?] Parallel Attack? (enter if not) :> ") parallel = pa != "" else: parallel = properties["PARALLEL"][1] == "1" print(C + ' Choose from the options:\n') print(B + ' [1] Custom Targetting') print(B + ' [2] Automated Scanning\n') m = input(O + ' [§] TID :> ') if str(web).endswith('/'): pass else: web = web + '/' if m == '1': cust0x00(web, parallel) elif m == '2': auto0x00(web, parallel) else: print(G + ' [+] U mad?') time.sleep(0.9) print('') rfi(web)
def rce(web): global name name = targetname(web) global lvl2 lvl2 = inspect.stack()[0][3] global module module = "VulnAnalysis" global lvl1 lvl1 = "Critical Vulnerabilities" global lvl3 lvl3 = "" #print(R+'\n =========================================') #print(R+'\n O S C O M M A N D I N J E C T I O N ') #print(R+' ---<>----<>----<>----<>----<>----<>----<>\n') from core.methods.print import pvln pvln("os command Injection") if properties["PARAM"][1] == " ": web0 = input(O+' [§] Path Parameter '+R+'(eg. /ping.php?site=foo)'+O+' :> ') else: web0 = properties["PARAM"][1] if "?" in web0 and '=' in web0: if web0.startswith('/'): m = input(GR+'\n [!] Your path starts with "/".\n [§] Do you mean root directory? (Y/n) :> ') if m == 'y' or m == 'Y': web00 = web + web0 elif m == 'n' or m == 'N': web00 = web + web0 else: print(R+' [-] U mad?') else: web00 = web + '/' + web0 if properties["PARALLEL"][1] == " ": pa = input(" [?] Parallel Attack? (enter if not) :> ") parallel = pa != "" else: parallel = properties["PARALLEL"] == "1" getPayloads(web00, parallel) else: print(R+" [-] Please enter the URL with parameters...") rce(web)
def sessionfix(url): requests = session() #print(R+'\n =================================') #print(R+'\n S E S S I O N F I X A T I O N') #print(R+' ——·‹›·––·‹›·——·‹›·——·‹›·––·‹›·——·\n') from core.methods.print import pvln pvln("session fixation") print(GR + ' [*] Making the request...') if properties["COOKIE"][1] == " ": coo = input(O + ' [#] Got any cookies? [Just Enter if None] :> ') elif properties["COOKIE"][1].lower() == "none": coo = "" else: coo = properties["COOKIE"][1] if coo is not "": req = requests.get(url, cookies=coo, verify=True, timeout=7) else: req = requests.get(url, verify=True, timeout=7) if req.cookies: print(G + ' [+] Found cookie reflecting in headers...') print(B + ' [+] Initial cookie state: ' + C, req.cookies, '\n') user = input(O + ' [#] Enter authentication username :> ' + C) upass = input(O + ' [#] Enter password :> ' + C) print(GR + ' [*] Trying POST request with authentication...') cookie_req =, cookies=req.cookies, auth=(user, upass), timeout=7) print(B + ' [+] Authenticated cookie state:' + C, cookie_req.cookies) if req.cookies == cookie_req.cookies: print(G + ' [+] Site seems to be vulnerable...') print(G + ' [+] Site is vulnerable to session fixation vulnerability!') else: print(O + ' [!] Cookie values do not match...') print(R + ' [-] Target not vulnerable to session fixation!') else: print(R + ' [-] No basic cookie support!') print(R + ' [-] Target not vulnerable to session fixation!') print(G + ' [+] Session Fixation Module Completed!\n')
def icors(web): global name name = targetname(web) global lvl2 lvl2 = inspect.stack()[0][3] global module module = "VulnAnalysis" global lvl1 lvl1 = "Basic Bugs & Misconfigurations" global lvl3 lvl3 = "" #print(R+'\n =========================================') #print(R+'\n iNSECURE CROSS ORIGIN RESCOURCE SHARING') #print(R+' ---<>----<>----<>----<>----<>----<>----<>\n') from core.methods.print import pvln pvln("icors") check0x00(web) time.sleep(1)
def hsts(web): print(GR + ' [*] Loading module...') time.sleep(0.5) #print(R+'\n ================================') #print(R+'\n HTTP STRICT TRANSPORT SECURITY') #print(R+' ——·‹›·––·‹›·——·‹›·——·‹›·——·‹›·––\n') from core.methods.print import pvln pvln("hsts") if 'https' in web: check0x00(getHeaders0x00(web)) else: print(R + ' [-] No SSL/TLS detected...') m = input(O + ' [#] Force SSL/TLS (y/N) :> ') if m == 'y' or m == 'Y': print(GR + ' [*] Using revamped SSL...') o = 'https://' + web.replace('http://', '') check0x00(getHeaders0x00(web)) elif m == 'n' or m == 'N': print(GR + ' [-] Skipping module...')
def shellshock(web): global name name = targetname(web) global lvl2 lvl2 = inspect.stack()[0][3] global module module = "VulnAnalysis" global lvl1 lvl1 = "Critical Vulnerabilities" global lvl3 lvl3 = "" time.sleep(0.5) #print(R+'\n =====================') #print(R+'\n S H E L L S H O C K ') #print(R+' ---<>----<>----<>----\n') from core.methods.print import pvln pvln("shellshock") shellshock0x00(web)
def mailspoof(web): global name name = targetname(web) global lvl2 lvl2 = inspect.stack()[0][3] global module module = "VulnAnalysis" global lvl1 lvl1 = "Basic Bugs & Misconfigurations" global lvl3 lvl3 = "" time.sleep(0.5) #print(R+'\n =========================') #print(R+'\n M A I L S P O O F E R ') #print(R+' ---<>----<>----<>----<>--\n') from core.methods.print import pvln pvln("mail spoofer") spoofable = False try: domain = web print(O + ' [!] Getting txt records...') spfstr = spfStr0x00(domain) dmValStr = dmCheck0x00(domain) if dmValStr is False: spoofable = True else: spoofable = False if spoofable == True: print(G + " [+] Spoofing possible for " + O + domain + "!") save_data(database, module, lvl1, lvl2, lvl3, name, "Spoofing possible for " + domain) else: print(R + " [-] Spoofing not possible for " + O + domain + '...') save_data(database, module, lvl1, lvl2, lvl3, name, "Spoofing not possible for " + domain) except Exception as e: print(R + " [-] Undefault KeyError encountered!") print(R + ' [-] Exception : ' + str(e))
def netmisc(web): global name name = targetname(web) global lvl2 lvl2 = inspect.stack()[0][3] global module module = "VulnAnalysis" global lvl1 lvl1 = "Basic Bugs & Misconfigurations" global lvl3 lvl3 = "" #print(R+'\n ===================================') #print(R+'\n TELNET ENABLED (Network Misconf.)') #print(R+' ---<>----<>----<>----<>----<>----<>\n') from core.methods.print import pvln pvln("network misconf.") print(GR + ' [*] Loading up port scanner...') netmisc0x00(web) time.sleep(0.5)
def cookiecheck(web): global name name = targetname(web) global lvl2 lvl2 = inspect.stack()[0][3] global module module = "VulnAnalysis" global lvl1 lvl1 = "Basic Bugs & Misconfigurations" global lvl3 lvl3 = "" #print(R+'\n ==================================================') #print(R+'\n C O O K I E C H E C K (HTTPOnly/Secure Flags)') #print(R+' ---<>----<>----<>----<>----<>----<>----<>----<>---\n') from core.methods.print import pvln pvln("Cookie check") print(GR + " [!] Initializing Header Analysis...") Headers = RetrieveHeader(web) cookiecheck0x00(Headers)
def rfi(web): #print(R+'\n ===========================================') #print(R+'\n R E M O T E F I L E I N C L U S I O N') #print(R+' ——·‹›·––·‹›·——·‹›·——·‹›·––·‹›·——·‹›·——·‹›·–\n') from core.methods.print import pvln pvln("remote file inclusion") if properties["PARALLEL"][1] == " ": pa = input(" [?] Parallel Attack? (enter if not) :> ") parallel = pa is not "" else: parallel = properties["PARALLEL"][1] == "1" print(C + ' Choose from the options:\n') print(B + ' [1] Custom Targetting') print(B + ' [2] Automated Scanning\n') m = input(O + ' [§] TID :> ') if str(web).endswith('/'): pass else: web = web + '/' if m == '1': cust0x00(web, parallel) elif m == '2': auto0x00(web, parallel) else: print(G + ' [+] U mad?') time.sleep(0.9) print('') rfi(web)
def clickjack(web): #print(R+'\n ========================') #print(R+'\n C L I C K J A C K I N G') #print(R+' ——·‹›·––·‹›·——·‹›·——·‹›·—\n') from core.methods.print import pvln pvln("clickjacking") try: dom = web print('' + C + ' [*] Configuring the web address...') time.sleep(0.8) if "http" not in dom: dom = "http://" + dom print('' + GR + ' [*] Checking the Web Address...') time.sleep(0.4) req = urllib.request.urlopen(dom) print('' + B + ' [*] Requesting headers...') time.sleep(0.7) headers = print('' + G + '\n [*] Checking for Clickjackability...') time.sleep(0.5) if not "X-Frame-Options" in headers: print('' + O + ' [!] The Website is clickjackable!!!') time.sleep(0.2) print('' + GR + ' [*] Generating report...') time.sleep(0.4) print('' + C + ' [*] POC as below... You can save it as a html file :)') time.sleep(0.2) code1 = """ <html> <head><title>Clickjack test page</title></head> <body> <p>Website is vulnerable to clickjacking!</p> <iframe src="{}" width="1000" height="500"></iframe> </body> </html> """.format(web) code = """ \033[1;32m<html> \033[1;32m<head><title>\033[1;33mClickjack test page\033[1;32m</title></head> \033[1;32m<body> \033[1;32m<p>\033[1;33mWebsite is vulnerable to clickjacking!\033[1;32m</p> \033[1;32m<iframe src=\033[1;36m"{}" \033[1;32mwidth="1000" height="500"></iframe> \033[1;32m</body> \033[1;32m</html> """.format(web) print(code) time.sleep(0.3) w = input("" + GR + " [*] Do you want to save this? (y/n) :> ") if w == "y": print('' + B + ' [!] Generating POC ...') time.sleep(1.0) web0 = web.split('//')[1] html_file = open( "tmp/logs/" + web0 + "-logs/" + web0 + "-clickjack-poc.html", "w+") html_file.write(code1) html_file.close() print('') print('' + G + ' [+] POC successfully saved under tmp/logs/' + web0 + "-logs/" + web0 + '-clickjack-poc.html!') print('') else: print('' + B + ' [+] Okay :)') else: print('' + R + ' [-] Website not vulnerable to clickjacking...') except Exception as e: print('' + R + ' [-] Something went wrong!') print(G + ' [-] Error : ' + str(e))