Beispiel #1
    def has_permission(self, request, view):
        user = request.user
        if request.method in permissions.SAFE_METHODS:
            return user.is_authenticated()
        # UPDATE requires a cloud administrator account
        kwargs = request.parser_context.get('kwargs', {})
        admin_uuid = kwargs.get('cloud_admin_uuid')
        provider_uuid = kwargs.get('provider_uuid')
        # You would use this keyword to update a
        # SPECIFIC cloud_admin
        if admin_uuid:
            admin = _get_administrator_account(request.user, admin_uuid)
        # When a 'specific Provider' is involved,
        # Ensure that the request.user has admin permission
        # before updating on that provider.
        elif provider_uuid:
            admin = get_cloud_admin_for_provider(request.user, provider_uuid)
        # In the event 'cloud_admin' or 'provider' is not specified
        # This decorator will ensure that the request user
        # holds 'CloudAdmin' privileges on at least one provider
        # in order to make the action.
            admin = cloud_admin_list(request.user).exists()

        return True if admin else False
    def has_permission(self, request, view):
        user = request.user
        if request.method in permissions.SAFE_METHODS:
            return user.is_authenticated()
        # UPDATE requires a cloud administrator account
        kwargs = request.parser_context.get('kwargs', {})
        admin_uuid = kwargs.get('cloud_admin_uuid')
        provider_uuid = kwargs.get('provider_uuid')
        # You would use this keyword to update a
        # SPECIFIC cloud_admin
        if admin_uuid:
            admin = _get_administrator_account(
                request.user, admin_uuid)
        # When a 'specific Provider' is involved,
        # Ensure that the request.user has admin permission
        # before updating on that provider.
        elif provider_uuid:
            admin = get_cloud_admin_for_provider(
                request.user, provider_uuid)
        # In the event 'cloud_admin' or 'provider' is not specified
        # This decorator will ensure that the request user
        # holds 'CloudAdmin' privileges on at least one provider
        # in order to make the action.
            admin = cloud_admin_list(request.user).exists()

        return True if admin else False