Beispiel #1
    def calculate(self, expression):
        :param expression: string with expression to send to Calc App
        :return: ProtocolReply
        start_time = time.time()
        if self._mock:
                result = evaluate(expression)
            except ZeroDivisionError:
                result = None
            except Exception as e:
                result = "Platform {}: exception occurred on calculate: {}".format(
          , e)
                tprint("calculate (with fail) elapsed {}".format(time.time() -
                return proto_failure(result, -2)
            tprint("calculate elapsed {}".format(time.time() - start_time))
            return proto_success(result)

        # NOTE: mock code just ended here. To avoid nesting there is no else, just flat code

        # TODO: optimize code - now it's way to hard (just send/receive and so much code!!!)
        c = self.request(new_message(self._io_interface, "send", expression),
                         None, [], {},
                         timeout=2.0)  # TODO: decrease timeout
        c_state = self._pop_request_state(c)
        if not self._request_state_is_success(c_state):
                "calculate (with fail result) elapsed {}".format(time.time() -
            return proto_failure("IO failed to send data")

        c = self.request(new_message(self._io_interface, "receive"),
                         None, [], {},
                         timeout=2.0)  # TODO: decrease timeout
        c_state = self._pop_request_state(c)
        if not self._request_state_is_success(c_state):
                "calculate (with fail result) elapsed {}".format(time.time() -
            return proto_failure("IO failed to receive response")
        # TODO: convert from string to number
        tprint("calculate elapsed {}".format(time.time() - start_time))
        result = PM.parse(c_state["__message__"]).reply_data["value"]
        if isinstance(
                result, (list, tuple)
        ):  # NOTE: softwarerunner returns list but stream_io returns single item
            result = result[0]
        if result.strip() == 'None':
            result = None
                result = int(result)
            except ValueError:
                result = float(result)
        return proto_success(result)
Beispiel #2
 def _platformix_call_test(self):
     env = self._env
     value = [0, 101, 202]
     expected = [value[2], value[1], value[0]]
     r = env.transaction("@platform_b", new_message("platformix", "call", "call_test", *value), er.all_success,
     if r["result"] is False:
         eprint("Failed call_test transaction")
         return False
     r = r["replies"]["platform_b"]
     r_data = r.reply_data["value"]
     compare_failed = False
     if not isinstance(r_data, list):
         compare_failed = True
     elif len(r_data) != len(expected):
         compare_failed = True
         for i in range(0, len(expected)):
             if r_data[i] != expected[i]:
                 compare_failed = True
     if compare_failed:
         eprint("Reply of call_test: {} is not that expected: {}!".format(r.reply_data["value"], expected))
         return False
     return True
Beispiel #3
 def _run(self, context, runs=None):  # TODO: threaded arg
     if runs is None:
         runs = self._runs
     if runs <= 0:
         runs = 0
     self._complete = 0
     self._remaining = runs
     if self._remaining > 0:
         self._reply(context, PM.notify("started sequence"))
     while self._remaining > 0:
         assert self._expr is not None, "Sequencer {} wasn't started!".format(
         start_time = time.time()
         expr_result = next(self._expr)
         # TODO: replace assertions with proto_fails?
         assert isinstance(expr_result, (list, tuple)), "Expression should return list or tuple"
         assert len(expr_result) > 0, "Expression should return list or tuple with length at least" \
                                      "3 if there is no channel specification and " \
                                      "4 if there is channel specification"
         if isinstance(expr_result[0], str) and expr_result[0][0] in ('@', '#'):
             channel = expr_result.pop(0)
             channel = None
         assert len(expr_result) >= 3, "Expression should return list or tupple with length at least" \
                                       "3 if there is no channel specification and " \
                                       "4 if there is channel specification"
         request_message = new_message(*expr_result)
         c = self.request(request_message,
                          None, [], {}, channel=channel, store_state=False)
         # NOTE: used default request handler (which just waits for success or failure reply)
         tprint("sequencer {} request elapsed {}".format(, time.time()-start_time))
         # TODO: option to treat request completed when specific message is passed by over special interface
         self._complete += 1
         self._remaining -= 1
     return proto_success({"breaked": runs != self._complete, "runs_completed": self._complete}, None)
Beispiel #4
    def _start(self, reply_contexts):
        1. Update's host from parent platform if necessary
        2. Connects to a Caller
        :return: True if started successfully, otherwise - False
        if self._port is None and self._service is None:
                "Platform {} failed to start - port or service should be specified"
            return proto_failure(
                "Platform {} failed to start - port or service should be specified"

        if self._port is not None and self._service is not None:
                "Platform {} failed to start - specify only port or service, but not both"
            return proto_failure(
                "Platform {} failed to start - port or service should be specified"

        if self._host is None and self.parent is not None:
            c = self.request(
                new_message("platformix", "get", "host"),
                self._generic_request_handler, [], {
                    lambda d: setattr(self, "_host", d["host"]),
                    lambda d: eprint("Failed to get host due to {}:{}".format(
                        d["errcode"], d["state"]))

        if self._host is None:
            eprint("Platform {} failed to start - can't get host".format(
            return proto_failure("Failed to start - can't get host")
            self._connection = rpyc.connect(self._host, self._port)
            # TODO: use service instead of port if it's specified
            if self._args is not None:
            result =
        except Exception as e:
            self._connection = None
            eprint("Platform {} failed to start due to exception {}".format(
      , e))
            return proto_failure("Failed to start due to exception {}", -2)
        if result is False:
            self._connection = None
            eprint("Platform {} failed to start: rpyc server returned False".
            return proto_failure("RPYC server returned False")
        if result and not self._mock:
            if self._start_sequence is not None and len(
                    self._start_sequence) > 0:
        return super(SoftwareRunner, self)._start(reply_contexts)
Beispiel #5
    def _platformix_getset_test(self):
        env = self._env
        value = time.time()
        if env.transaction("@platform_b", new_message("platformix", "set", "tag", value), er.all_success) is False:
            eprint("Failed to set property")
            return False

        r = env.transaction("@platform_b", new_message("platformix", "get", "tag"), er.all_success, more_info=True)
        if r["result"] is False:
            eprint("Failed to get property")
            return False
        r = r["replies"]["platform_b"]
        if r.reply_data["tag"] != value:
            eprint("Value of property: {} is not that expected: {}!".format(r.reply_data["tag"], value))
            return False

        if env.transaction("@platform_b", new_message("platformix", "set", "__shouldnt_exists__", value),
                           er.all_fail) is False:
            eprint("Failed check of setting wrong property (expected to fail, but succeed)")
            return False

        return True
        # TODO: enable code below
        # NOTE: code below is unreachable yet since exception during transaction now breaks whole process
            if env.transaction("@platform_b", new_message("platformix", "set", "__shouldnt_exists__"),
                               er.all_fail) is False:
                eprint("Failed check set without necessary arguments (expected exception, but succeed)")
                return False
            eprint("Failed check set without necessary arguments (expected exception, but failed)")
            return False
        except TypeError as e:

            if env.transaction("@platform_b", new_message("platformix", "get"),
                               er.all_fail) is False:
                eprint("Failed check get without necessary arguments (expected exception, but succeed)")
                return False
            eprint("Failed check get without necessary arguments (expected exception, but failed)")
            return False
        except TypeError as e:

        return True
Beispiel #6
 def _test_arith(self, op, expected):
     """ Issues operation to a arith component and checks result against expected value """
     r = self._env.transaction(
         "@calc_if",  # TODO: specify channel via arg
         new_message("arith", *op),
     assert r["result"] is True, "Failed to complete transaction {}".format(
         ' '.join(str(o) for o in op))
     if r["replies"]["calc_if"].reply_data[
             "value"] != expected:  # TODO: specify responder's name via arg
         return False
     return True
Beispiel #7
 def _test_arith_crt(self, runs=None):
     # TODO: tell scoreboards about new test beginning (to be available get isolated test results)
     if runs is not None:
         args = [runs]
         args = []
     r = self._env.transaction("#sequencer",
                               new_message("sequencer", "run", *args),
     assert r[
         "result"] is True, "Failed on sequence running for arith".format()
     # TODO: get scoreboards results and judge failed it or not
     return True
Beispiel #8
    def _start(self, reply_contexts):
        Makes sure that incoming/outgoing streams are synchronised
        :return: True if all necessary actions complete successfully, otherwise - False
        # Flush any junk that could occur on app start (a common case example)
        # NOTE: Or you could wait in a loop for a specific message depending on app used

        if not self._mock:
            c = self.request(new_message(self._io_interface, "receive", -1),
                             None, [], {},
            # TODO: cleaning required for softwarerunner only
            # TODO: reduce receive timeout instead of increasing request timeout
            c_state = self._pop_request_state(c)
            if not self._request_state_is_success(c_state):
                return proto_failure("Failed to flush i/o on start")
        return super(Calc, self)._start(reply_contexts)
Beispiel #9
 def check_scoreboards(self, include=None, exclude=None):
         r = self.transaction(
             new_message("platformix", "get", "scoreboard"),
             more_info=True)  # TODO: add Scoreboard interface
     except Exception as e:
         eprint("Exception occurred on get scoreboard: {}".format(e))
         return False
     if r["result"] is False:
         eprint("Failed to get scoreboard")
         return False
     if len(r["replies"]) == 0:
         eprint("No scoreboards found")
         return False
     summary = {}
     errors = False
     for sname in r["replies"]:
         sdata = r["replies"][sname].reply_data["scoreboard"]
         print("  {}:\n{}".format(sname, pprint.pformat(sdata, indent=4)))
         for f in sdata:
             if f not in summary:
                 summary[f] = sdata[f]
                     summary[f] += sdata[f]
                 except Exception as e:
                         "Exception occurred on scoreboard summary update: {}"
                     errors = True
     if len(r["replies"]) > 1:
     if errors or summary["errors"] > 0 or summary[
             "unhandled"] > 0 or summary["requests"] != summary["success"]:
         return False
     return True
Beispiel #10
    def _start(self, reply_contexts):
        1. Update's host from parent platform if necessary
        2. Connects to a Caller
        :return: True if started successfully, otherwise - False
        if self._port is None:
            eprint("Platform {} failed to start - port should be specified".format(
            return proto_failure("Platform {} failed to start - port or service should be specified")

        if self._host is None and self.parent is not None:
            c = self.request(new_message("platformix", "get", "host"),
                             [], {"on_success": lambda d: setattr(self, "_host", d["host"]),
                                  "on_failure": lambda d: eprint("Failed to get host due to {}:{}".format(
                                      d["errcode"], d["state"]))

        if self._host is None:
            eprint("Platform {} failed to start - can't get host".format(
            return proto_failure("Failed to start - can't get host")
            timeout = time.time() + self._connect_timeout
            while True:
                    if self._mock is None:
                        self._sock = sock = socket.socket()
                        sock.connect((self._host, self._port))
                except ConnectionRefusedError as e:
                    if time.time() > timeout:
                        raise e
        except Exception as e:
            self._sock = None
            eprint("Platform {} failed to start due to exception {}".format(, e))
            return proto_failure("Failed to start due to exception {}", -2)
        return super(TcpIO, self)._start(reply_contexts)
Beispiel #11
    def _platformix_smoke_test(self, tests_list=None):
        env = self._env
        # Accepts following values in tests_list:
        # "success, fake, report"
        # "no fail check"

        # TODO: check if there is required amount of responses

        # Start  # NOTE: startup is made by testenv itself now
        # assert env.transaction("#platforms", new_message("platformix", "start")) is True, "Failed to start platforms"

        # Test errors control
        if tests_list is not None:
            tests_list = list(tests_list)
        if tests_list is None or "[sanity check]" in tests_list:
            if tests_list is not None:
                del tests_list[tests_list.index("[sanity check]")]
            if env.transaction(
                                    proto_failure("Failed by intent (fake_next_op, "
                                                  "Single unit error in [all success] condition)"),
                                    on_message=new_message("platformix", "report", "is_running")
                    er.all_success + er.none_fail) is False:
                eprint("Failed to set fake_next_op on [sanity check]")
                return False
            # NOTE: both all and none in condition above are for testing purpose

            # No fail since it's another channel
            if env.transaction("@platform_b", new_message("platformix", "report", "is_running"), er.none_fail) is False:
                # NOTE: none in condition above is testing purpose
                eprint("Failed to pass [report is_running] or avoid faking on [sanity check]")
                return False

            # No fail since it's another command
            if env.transaction("#platforms", new_message("platformix", "report", "running")) is False:
                eprint("Failed to pass [report running] or avoid faking on [sanity check]")
                return False

            # Fail as we told platform_b to do so
            if env.transaction("#platforms", new_message("platformix", "report", "is_running")) is True:
                eprint("Failed to pass faking or [all success] fail check on [sanity check]")
                return False

        if tests_list is None or "[single fail] success check" in tests_list:
            if tests_list is not None:
                del tests_list[tests_list.index("[single fail] success check")]
            if env.transaction(
                                    proto_failure("Failed by intent (fake_next_op, Single unit error "
                                                  "in [single fail] condition)"),
                                    )) is False:
                eprint("Failed to set fake_next_op on [single fail] success check")
                return False

            # No fail as we expecting that platform_b about to fail (NOTE: - no message filtering here)
            if env.transaction("#platforms", new_message("platformix", "report", "running"),
                     "platform_b") + er.others_success) is False:
                eprint("Failed to pass [single fail] success check")
                return False

        if tests_list is None or "[any success] fail check" in tests_list:
            if tests_list is not None:
                del tests_list[tests_list.index("[any success] fail check")]
            if env.transaction(
                                    proto_failure("Failed by intent (fake_next_op, All fail "
                                                  "on [any success] condition)"),
                                    )) is False:
                eprint("Failed to set fake_next_op on [any success] fail check")
                return False

            # Should fail
            if env.transaction("#platforms", new_message("platformix", "report", "running"), er.any_success) is True:
                eprint("Failed to pass [any success] fail check")
                return False

        if tests_list is None or "[not(any success)] fail check" in tests_list:
            if tests_list is not None:
                del tests_list[tests_list.index("[not(any success)] fail check")]
            # Should pass as condition is negated
            if env.transaction("#platforms", new_message("platformix", "report", "running"),
                               [("any", "success", True)]) is True:
                eprint("Failed to pass [not(any success)] fail check")
                return False

        if tests_list is None or "[any fail] success check" in tests_list:
            if tests_list is not None:
                del tests_list[tests_list.index("[any fail] success check")]
            if env.transaction(
                                    proto_failure("Failed by intent (fake_next_op, Should pass "
                                                  "as condition is negated)"),
                                    )) is False:
                eprint("Failed to set fake_next_op on [any fail] success check")
                return False

            # Should pass as one item failed, as expected
            if env.transaction("#platforms", new_message("platformix", "report", "running"), er.any_fail) is False:
                eprint("Failed to pass [any fail] success check")
                return False

        # Check request without response (should fail)
        if tests_list is None or "[no response] fail check" in tests_list:
            if tests_list is not None:
                del tests_list[tests_list.index("[no response] fail check")]
            if env.transaction("__void__", new_message(None, "platformix", "report", "running"), er.all_fail) is True:
                eprint("Failed to pass [no response] fail check")
                return False

        # Stop  # NOTE: stop is made by testenv itself now
        # assert env.transaction("#platforms", new_message("platformix", "stop")) is True, "Failed to stop platforms"

        if tests_list is not None and len(tests_list) > 0:
            eprint("There is unknown tests left in a list: {}".format(tests_list))
            return False

        return True