Beispiel #1
def respsclarg():
    Response Scalar Fields with Overlarge Values

    This response contains several scalar header field values outside
    their legal range (>2**32-1). Note that the Warning header too has 
    value greater than 3 digits. An element receiving this response will 
    simply discard it.
    log = logging.getLogger('respsclarg')'Testing module: %s' % module_info['test'])
    msg = buildreq.makeRequest('OPTIONS')
    mline, head, body = parseMsg(msg)
    # Tweak 1: Modify the method line
    mline = 'SIP/2.0 503 Service Unavailable'
    # Tweak 2: Add retry after header
    head['Retry-After'] = '%s' % random.getrandbits(100)
    # Tweak 3: Add warning header
    head['Warning'] = '%s overture "In Progress"' % \
            random.randint(1000, 9999)
    # Tweak 4: Add large scalar value in cseq
    head['CSeq'] = head.get('CSeq').replace(
        head.get('CSeq').split(' ')[0], str(random.getrandbits(100)))
    # Forming the message up back again
    mg = catMetHead(mline, head, body=body)
    return mg
Beispiel #2
def unkauth():
    Unknown/Invalid Authorization Scheme

    The request is well formed.  A parser must not fail
    when receiving it.

    A proxy will treat this request as it would any other REGISTER. If
    it forwards the request, it will include this Authorization header
    field unmodified in the forwarded messages.

    A registrar that does not care about challenge-response
    authentication will simply ignore the Authorization header field,
    processing this registration as if the field were not present. A
    registrar that does care about challenge-response authentication will
    reject this request with a 401, issuing a new challenge with a scheme
    it understands.

    Endpoints choosing not to act as registrars will simply reject the
    request. A 405 Method Not Allowed is appropriate.
    log = logging.getLogger('unkauth')'Testing module: %s' % module_info['test'])
    msg = buildreq.makeRequest('REGISTER')
    mline, head, body = parseMsg(msg)
    # Tweak 1: Add invalid auth scheme
    head['Authorization'] = '%s %s' % (genRandStr(15),
    mg = catMetHead(mline, head, body=body)
    return mg
Beispiel #3
def escinv():
    Use of % When It Is Not an Escape

    In most of the places % can appear in a SIP message, it is not an
    escape character.  This can surprise the unwary implementor.
    A parser should accept this message as well formed.  A proxy would
    forward or reject the message depending on what the Request-URI meant
    to it.  An endpoint would reject this message with a 501.
    log = logging.getLogger('escinv')'Testing module: %s' % module_info['test'])
    msg = buildreq.makeRequest('REGISTER')
    mline, head, body = parseMsg(msg)
    # Tweak 1: modify the register header
    newmeth = urlEncodeStrInvalid('EGISTER', randomchoice=True, value=2)
    # Making sure the first byte is not URL encoded
    newmeth = '%s%s' % ('R', newmeth)
    mline = mline.replace(mline.split(' ')[0], newmeth)
    # Tweak 2: Modify the to and from headers
    head['To'] = re.sub(r'\"\w+?\"', '"%Z%45"', head.get('To'))
    head['From'] = re.sub(r'\"\w+?\"', '"%Z%45"', head.get('From'))
    # Tweak 3: Change the Cseq header
    head['CSeq'] = '%s %s' % (head.get('CSeq').split(' ')[0], newmeth)
    # Tweak 4: Change a contact header
    newct = '%s%s' % ('C', urlEncodeStrInvalid('ontact', value=1))
    head[newct] = re.sub(r'sip:\w+?@', 'sip:6969@', head.get('Contact'))
    # Forming the message up back again
    mg = catMetHead(mline, head, body=body)
    return mg
Beispiel #4
def dblreq():
    Extra Trailing Octets in a UDP Datagram

    This message contains a single SIP REGISTER request, which ostensibly
    arrived over UDP in a single datagram.  The packet contains extra
    octets after the body (which in this case has zero length).  The
    extra octets happen to look like a SIP INVITE request, but (per
    section 18.3 of [RFC3261]) they are just spurious noise that must be

    A SIP element receiving this datagram would handle the REGISTER
    request normally and ignore the extra bits that look like an INVITE
    request.  If the element is a proxy choosing to forward the REGISTER,
    the INVITE octets would not appear in the forwarded request.
    log = logging.getLogger('dblreq')'Testing module: %s' % module_info['test'])
    msg1 = buildreq.makeRequest('REGISTER')
    msg2 = buildreq.makeRequest('INVITE')
    mline, head, body = parseMsg(msg1)
    # Tweak 1: Add the body of msg1 as msg2, short hack
    body = '\r\n%s' % msg2
    # Forming the message up back again
    mg = catMetHead(mline, head, body=body)
    return mg
Beispiel #5
def bcast():
    200 OK Response with Broadcast Via Header Field Value

    The message is well formed; parsers must not fail when receiving 
    it. An endpoint receiving this message should simply discard it.

    If a proxy followed normal response processing rules blindly, it
    would forward this response to the broadcast address.  To protect
    against this as an avenue of attack, proxies should drop such
    bcastaddr = ''
    log = logging.getLogger('bcast')'Testing module: %s' % module_info['test'])
    msg = buildreq.makeRequest('INVITE')
    mline, head, body = parseMsg(msg)
    # Tweak 1: The message header first
    mline = 'SIP/2.0 200 OK'
    # Tweak 2: Add another via header
    head['via'] = 'SIP/2.0/UDP %s;branch=z9hG4bK-%s' % (bcastaddr,
    # Recompiling our message
    mg = catMetHead(mline, head, body=body)
    return mg
Beispiel #6
def reqsclarg():
    Request Scalar Fields with Overlarge Values

    An element receiving this request should respond with a 400 Bad
    Request due to the CSeq error.  If only the Max-Forwards field were
    in error, the element could choose to process the request as if the
    field were absent.  If only the expiry values were in error, the
    element could treat them as if they contained the default values for
    expiration (3600 in this case).

    Other scalar request fields that may contain aberrant values include,
    but are not limited to, the Contact q value, the Timestamp value, and
    the Via ttl parameter. (Not implemented, maybe later).
    log = logging.getLogger('reqsclarg')'Testing module: %s' % module_info['test'])
    msg = buildreq.makeRequest('REGISTER')
    mline, head, body = parseMsg(msg)
    # Tweak 1: Modify the max-forwards header
    head['Max-Forwards'] = '300'
    # Tweak 2: Add large scalar value in cseq
    head['CSeq'] = head.get('CSeq').replace(
        head.get('CSeq').split(' ')[0], str(random.getrandbits(100)))
    # Tweak 3: Add Expires value > 2**32-1
    head['Expires'] = '1' * 100
    # Tweak 4: Contact header expires header
    head['Contact'] += ';expires=%s' % random.getrandbits(100)
    # Forming the message up back again
    mg = catMetHead(mline, head, body=body)
    return mg
Beispiel #7
def escnull():
    Escaped Nulls in URIs

    This register request contains several URIs with nulls in the
    userpart.  The message is well formed - parsers must accept this
    message.  Implementations must take special care when unescaping the
    Address-of-Record (AOR) in this request so as to not prematurely
    shorten the username.  This request registers two distinct contact
    log = logging.getLogger('escnull')'Testing module: %s' % module_info['test'])
    msg = buildreq.makeRequest('REGISTER')
    mline, head, body = parseMsg(msg)
    # Tweak 1: modify to and from headers
    head['To'] = re.sub(r'sip:\w+?@', 'sip:null-%s-null@' % NULL_CHAR,
    head['From'] = re.sub(r'sip:\w+?@', 'sip:null-%s-null@' % NULL_CHAR,
    # Tweak 2: Modify the contact header
    head['Contact'] = re.sub(r'sip:\w+?@', 'sip:%s@' % NULL_CHAR,
    head['CONTACT'] = re.sub(r'sip:\w+?@', 'sip:%s@' % (NULL_CHAR * 5),
    # Forming the message up back again
    mg = catMetHead(mline, head, body=body)
    return mg
Beispiel #8
def unreason():
    Unusual Reason Phrase

    This 200 response contains a reason phrase other than "OK".  The
    reason phrase is intended for human consumption and may contain any
    string produced by

        Reason-Phrase   =  *(reserved / unreserved / escaped
                            / UTF8-NONASCII / UTF8-CONT / SP / HTAB)

    This particular response contains unreserved and non-ascii UTF-8
    characters.  This response is well formed.  A parser must accept this
    log = logging.getLogger('unreason')'Testing module: %s' % module_info['test'])
    msg = buildreq.makeRequest('INVITE')
    mline, head, body = parseMsg(msg)
    # Tweak 1: Modify the header of the message
    # We are using a 20 char to form the remaining
    utfencstr = r'e0a6a4e0a6ace0a78720e0a68fe0a695e0a6b6e0a'
    utfencstr += r'78b20e0a6a8e0a6bfe0a6b0e0a6bee0a6a8e0a6ace0a78de'
    utfencstr += r'0a6ace0a68720e0a6afe0a6a5e0a787e0a6b7e0a78de0a'
    utfencstr += r'69f20e0a6b8e0a6b9e0a69c20e0a69be0a6bfe0a6b2'
    mline = 'SIP/2.0 200 = %s * %s %s' % ('2**5', '5**2',
    # Forming the message up back again
    mg = catMetHead(mline, head, body=body)
    return mg
Beispiel #9
def unkscm2():
    Unknown Request URI with Unknown Scheme in Header Fields

    This message contains registered schemes in the To, From, and Contact
    header fields of a request.  The message is syntactically valid.
    Parsers must not fail when receiving this message.

    Proxies should treat this message as they would any other request for
    this URI.  A registrar would reject this request with a 400 Bad
    Request response, since the To: header field is required to contain a
    SIP or SIPS URI as an AOR.
    log = logging.getLogger('unkscm2')'Testing module: %s' % module_info['test'])
    msg = buildreq.makeRequest('REGISTER')
    mline, head, body = parseMsg(msg)
    # Tweak 1: modify the header URI scheme
    head['To'] = '%s:%s' % (genRandStr(4), random.getrandbits(32))
    fromhead = head['From']
    head['From'] = fromhead.replace(fromhead.split(';')[0], '<>')
    head['Contact'] = '<name:siptorch_flames>'
    # Forming the request message back up
    mg = catMetHead(mline, head, body=body)
    return mg
Beispiel #10
def baddate():
    Invalid Time Zone in Date Header Field

    This INVITE is invalid, as it contains a non-GMT time zone in the SIP
    Date header field.

    It is acceptable to reject this request as malformed (though an
    element shouldn't do that unless the contents of the Date header
    field were actually important to its processing).  An element wishing
    to be liberal in what it accepts could ignore this value altogether
    if it wasn't going to use the Date header field anyway.  Otherwise,
    it could attempt to interpret this date and adjust it to GMT.

    RFC 3261 explicitly defines the only acceptable time zone designation
    as "GMT".  "UT", while synonymous with GMT per RFC 2822, is not
    valid.  "UTC" and "UCT" are also invalid.
    log = logging.getLogger('baddate')'Testing module: %s' % module_info['test'])
    msg = buildreq.makeRequest('INVITE')
    mline, head, body = parseMsg(msg)
    x =
    # Tweak 1: Add non-GMT timezone to date header
    head['Date'] = '%s, %s %s %s %s EST' % (x.strftime('%a'), x.strftime('%d'),
                                            x.strftime('%b'), x.strftime('%Y'),
    mg = catMetHead(mline, head, body=body)
    return mg
Beispiel #11
def invdisp():
    Non-token Chars in Display Name

    This OPTIONS request is malformed, since the display names in the To
    and From header fields contain non-token characters but are unquoted.

    It is reasonable always to reject this kind of error with a 400 Bad
    Request response.

    An element may attempt to be liberal in what it receives and infer
    the missing quotes.  If this element were a proxy, it must not
    propagate the error into the request it forwards.  As a consequence,
    if the fields are covered by a signature, there's not much point in
    trying to be liberal - the message should simply be rejected.
    log = logging.getLogger('invdisp')'Testing module: %s' % module_info['test'])
    msg = buildreq.makeRequest('OPTIONS')
    mline, head, body = parseMsg(msg)
    # Tweak 1: Modify add untokenized header display names
    head['From'] = '%s, %s <sip:%s@%s>;tag=%s' % ('siptorch', 'testing',
                                                  config.DEF_EXT, config.RHOST,
    head['To'] = '%s, %s, %s <sip:%s@%s>' % ('server', "shouldn't", 'break',
                                             config.DEF_EXT, config.RHOST)
    mg = catMetHead(mline, head, body=body)
    return mg
Beispiel #12
def multireq():
    Multiple Values in Single Value Required Fields

    An element receiving this request would respond with a 400 Bad
    Request error.
    log = logging.getLogger('multireq')'Testing module: %s' % module_info['test'])
    msg = buildreq.makeRequest('INVITE')
    mline, head, body = parseMsg(msg)
    # Tweak 1: Add multiple keys with same value duplicate
    # The RFC 3261 says that the SIP message is not case-sensitive
    # So what we do to exploit this is, lowercase the keys to form 
    # duplicates, since in no way a dict can hold duplicates
    # Duplicating the following fields - call-id, to, from, max-
    # forwards, cseq headers
    head['call-id'] = random.getrandbits(80)
    head['cseq'] = '600 INVITE'
    head['to'] = 'sip:6969@%s' % config.RHOST
    head['from'] = 'sip:2020@%s;tag=%s' % (config.RHOST, random.getrandbits(32))
    head['max-forwards'] = '5'
    # Recompiling our message
    mg = catMetHead(mline, head, body=body)
    return mg
Beispiel #13
def semiuri():
    Semicolon-Separated Parameters in URI User Part

    This request has a semicolon-separated parameter contained in the
    "user" part of the Request-URI (whose value contains an escaped @
    symbol).  Receiving elements will accept this as a well-formed
    message.  The Request-URI will parse so that the user part is
    "user;[email protected]".
    log = logging.getLogger('semiuri')'Testing module: %s' % module_info['test'])
    msg = buildreq.makeRequest('OPTIONS')
    mline, head, body = parseMsg(msg)
    # Tweak 1: Modify the header options uri
    newuri = mline.split(' ')[1]
    nuri = '%s;' % (newuri.split('@')[0], r'%40',
    mline = mline.replace(mline.split(' ')[1], nuri)
    # Tweak 2: Add the Accept header
    head['Accept'] = 'application/sdp, application/pkcs7-mime, '
    head['Accept'] += 'multipart/mixed, multipart/signed, '
    head['Accept'] += 'message/sip, message/sipfrag'
    # Forming the message up back again
    mg = catMetHead(mline, head, body=body)
    return mg
Beispiel #14
def unkscm():
    OPTIONS Request URI with Unknown Scheme

    This OPTIONS contains an unknown URI scheme in the Request-URI.  A
    parser must accept this as a well-formed SIP request.

    An element receiving this request will reject it with a 416
    Unsupported URI Scheme response.

    Some early implementations attempt to look at the contents of the To
    header field to determine how to route this kind of request.  That is
    an error.  Despite the fact that the To header field and the Request
    URI frequently look alike in simplistic first-hop messages, the To
    header field contains no routing information.
    log = logging.getLogger('unkscm')'Testing module: %s' % module_info['test'])
    msg = buildreq.makeRequest('OPTIONS')
    mline, head, body = parseMsg(msg)
    # Tweak 1: modify the request URI scheme
    mline = mline.replace(mline.split(' ')[1], 'unknownscheme:unknowncontent')
    # Forming the request message back up
    mg = catMetHead(mline, head, body=body)
    return mg
Beispiel #15
def prheaders(msg: str):
    Display headers properly
    mline, head, body = parseMsg(msg)
    s = color.GREY + '%s '.join(mline.split(' ')) % (color.RED, color.ORANGE)
    for k, v in head.items():
        s += '%s%s: %s%s\n' % (color.CYAN, k, color.END, v.strip())
    if body:
        s += '\n%s%s' % (color.PURPLE, body)
    return s
Beispiel #16
def mpmime():
    Multipart MIME Message

    This MESSAGE request contains two body parts. The second part is
    binary encoded and contains null (0x00) characters. Receivers must
    take care to frame the received message properly.

    Parsers must accept this message as well formed, even if the
    application above the parser does not support multipart/signed.

    Additional examples of multipart/mime messages, in particular S/MIME
    messages, are available in the security call flow examples document.
    log = logging.getLogger('mpmime')'Testing module: %s' % module_info['test'])
    msg = buildreq.makeRequest('MESSAGE')
    mline, head, body = parseMsg(msg)
    # Message to be sent over
    cer = r'3082015206092A864886F70D010702A08201433082013F02'
    cer += r'01013109300706052B0E03021A300B06092A864886F70D010701318201203082'
    cer += r'011C020101307C3070310B300906035504061302555331133011060355040813'
    cer += r'0A43616C69666F726E69613111300F0603550407130853616E204A6F7365310E'
    cer += r'300C060355040A1305736970697431293027060355040B132053697069742054'
    cer += r'65737420436572746966696361746520417574686F7269747902080195007102'
    cer += r'330113300706052B0E03021A300D06092A864886F70D01010105000481808EF4'
    cer += r'66F948F0522DD2E5978E9D95AAE9F2FE15A06659716292E8DA2AA8D8350A68CE'
    cer += r'FFAE3CBD2BFF1675DDD5648E593DD64728F26220F7E941749E330D9A15EDABDB'
    cer += r'93D10C42102E7B7289D29CC0C9AE2EFBC7C0CFF9172F3B027E4FC027E1546DE4'
    cer += r'B6AA3ABB3E66CCCB5DD6C64B8383149CB8E6FF182D944FE57B65BC99D005'
    # Boundary to be used
    boundary = genRandStr(16, allow_digits=True)
    # Tweak 1: Add a route header
    head['Route'] = '<sip:>'
    # Tweak 2; Add the identity header
    head['Identity'] = config.IDENTITY
    # Tweak 3: Add cte header to binary
    head['Content-Transfer-Encoding'] = 'binary'
    # Tweak 4: Add multipart/mixed to content type
    head['Content-Type'] = 'multipart/mixed;boundary=%s' % boundary
    # Tweak 5: Add the body
    body = '--%s\r\nContent-Type: text/plain\r\nContent-Transfer-Encoding' % boundary
    body += ': binary\r\n\r\nHi from siptorch - pls dont break\r\n--%s\r\n' % boundary
    body += 'Content-Type: application/octet-stream\r\nContent-Tran'
    body += 'sfer-Encoding: binary\r\n\r\n%s\r\n--%s--' % (
        bytearray.fromhex(cer).decode('utf-8', errors='ignore'), boundary)
    # Tweak 6: Add content-length header
    head['Content-Length'] = len(body)
    # Forming the message up back again
    mg = catMetHead(mline, head, body=body)
    return mg
Beispiel #17
def longreq():
    Long Values in Header Fields

    This well-formed request contains header fields with many values and
    values that are very long.
    log = logging.getLogger('longreq')'Testing module: %s' % module_info['test'])
    msg = buildreq.makeRequest('INVITE')
    mline, head, body = parseMsg(msg)
    # Tweak 1: Such long To value
    longto = "I have a user name of %s proportion" % ('extreme'*10)
    head['To'] = "%s <%s" % (longto, head.get('To').split('<')[1])
    head['To'] += ";unknownparam=veryl%sgnvalue" % ('o'*70)
    head['To'] += ";longparam%s=shortvalue" % ('name'*25)
    head['To'] += "very%sparamwithnovalueatall" % ('long'*25)
    # Tweak 2: Such long From Value
    head['From'] = 'sip:%s@%s' % (('soverylongusernameOOF'*5), config.RHOST)
    head['From'] += ';tag=10%s420' % ('789'*50)
    head['From'] += ';unknownheadparam%sname=some%shere' % (
            ('awkwardlylong'*10), ('verylong'*10))
    head['From'] += 'paramless%s' % ('value'*10)
    # Tweak 3: add call id
    head['Call-ID'] = '' % ('damnlong'*10)
    # Tweak 4: add contact
    head['Contact'] = '<sip:%s@%s>' % (('toolongtohandle'*10), config.RHOST)
    # Tweak 5: add unknown value
    head['Unknown-L%sng-Field' % ('o'*75)] = '%s;%s=%s' % (
        'unknown-%s-value' % ('long'*20),
        'unknown-%s-parameter-name' % ('long'*20),
        'unknown-%s-parameter-value' % ('long'*20)
    # Tweak 6: multiply the number of via headers
    pset = multiHead('Via', permuteasdict=True, singlestr=False)
    # Merging both the dicts together
        newhead = { **pset, **head }
    except Exception as e:
        log.error('Action not supported: %s' % e.__str__())
        newhead = pset.copy()
    sipc = 1
    for x in newhead.keys():
        if not newhead.get(x):
            newhead[x] = 'SIP/2.0/UDP' % sipc
            sipc += 1  # incrementing the value properly
    # Forming the message up back again
    mg = catMetHead(mline, newhead, body=body)
    return mg
Beispiel #18
def cseqmatch():
    Request Method with CSeq Method Mismatch

    This request has mismatching values for the method in the start line
    and the CSeq header field.  Any element receiving this request will
    respond with a 400 Bad Request.
    log = logging.getLogger('cseqmatch')'Testing module: %s' % module_info['test'])
    msg = buildreq.makeRequest('OPTIONS')
    mline, head, body = parseMsg(msg)
    # Tweak 1: Modify CSeq header
    head['CSeq'] = '5 INVITE'
    mg = catMetHead(mline, head, body=body)
    return mg
Beispiel #19
def bigcode():
    Response with Overlarge Status Code

    This response has a response code larger than 699. An element
    receiving this response should simply drop it.
    log = logging.getLogger('bigcode')'Testing module: %s' % module_info['test'])
    msg = buildreq.makeRequest('OPTIONS')
    mline, head, body = parseMsg(msg)
    # Tweak 1: Modify the method line
    mline = 'SIP/2.0 %s %s' % (random.getrandbits(32), genRandStr(20))
    # Forming the request message back up
    mg = catMetHead(mline, head, body=body)
    return mg
Beispiel #20
def spacaddr():
    Spaces within address specification

    This request is malformed, since the addr-spec in the To header field
    contains spaces.  Parsers receiving this request must not break.  It
    is reasonable to reject this request with a 400 Bad Request response.
    Elements attempting to be liberal may ignore the spaces.
    log = logging.getLogger('spacaddr')'Testing module: %s' % module_info['test'])
    msg = buildreq.makeRequest('OPTIONS')
    mline, head, body = parseMsg(msg)
    # Tweak 1: add spaces around the To header URL, as simple as that ;)
    head['To'] = head['To'].replace('<', '< ').replace('>', ' >')
    mg = catMetHead(mline, head, body=body)
    return mg
Beispiel #21
def mfzero():
    Zero Value in Max-Forwards Header

    A proxy should not forward the request and should respond 483 (Too
    Many Hops).  An endpoint should process the request as if the Max-
    Forwards field value were still positive.
    log = logging.getLogger('reqpreq')'Testing module: %s' % module_info['test'])
    msg = buildreq.makeRequest('OPTIONS')
    mline, head, body = parseMsg(msg)
    # Tweak 1: Add zero to max-forwards
    head['Max-Forwards'] = '0'
    # Forming the request message back up
    mg = catMetHead(mline, head, body=body)
    return mg
Beispiel #22
def lwsuri():
    Malformed SIP Request-URI with Embedded LWS

    This INVITE has illegal LWS within the Request-URI. An element receiving
    this request should respond with a 400 Bad Request.
    log = logging.getLogger('lwsuri')'Testing module: %s' % module_info['test'])
    msg = buildreq.makeRequest('INVITE')
    mline, head, body = parseMsg(msg)
    # Tweak 1: Insert lws after the URI element
    requri = mline.split(' ')[1]
    requri += r'; somerandomparamter'
    mline = mline.replace(mline.split(' ')[1], requri)
    # Forming the message up back again
    mg = catMetHead(mline, head, body=body)
    return mg
Beispiel #23
def multicl():
    OPTIONS with Multiple Content-Length Values

    If this request appeared over UDP, so the remainder of the datagram
    can simply be discarded.  If a request like this arrives over TCP,
    the framing error is not recoverable, and the connection should be
    log = logging.getLogger('multicl')'Testing module: %s' % module_info['test'])
    msg = buildreq.makeRequest('OPTIONS')
    mline, head, body = parseMsg(msg)
    # Tweak 1: Add multiple content-length values
    head['content-length'] = random.getrandbits(6)
    # Recompiling our message
    mg = catMetHead(mline, head, body=body)
    return mg
Beispiel #24
def balquote():
    Unterminated Quoted String in Display Names

    This is a request with an unterminated quote in the display name of
    the To field.  An element receiving this request should return a 400
    Bad Request error.
    log = logging.getLogger('balquote')'Testing module: %s' % module_info['test'])
    msg = buildreq.makeRequest('INVITE')
    mline, head, body = parseMsg(msg)
    # Tweak 1: Remove second quote in the to and from headers
    head['From'] = ''.join(head.get('From').rsplit('"', 1))
    head['To'] = ''.join(head.get('To').rsplit('"', 1))
    # Forming the message up back again
    mg = catMetHead(mline, head, body=body)
    return mg
Beispiel #25
def noreason():
    Empty Reason Phrase

    This well-formed response contains no reason phrase.  A parser must
    accept this message.  The space character after the reason code is
    required.  If it were not present, this message could be rejected as
    invalid (a liberal receiver would accept it anyway).
    log = logging.getLogger('noreason')'Testing module: %s' % module_info['test'])
    msg = buildreq.makeRequest('INVITE')
    mline, head, body = parseMsg(msg)
    # Tweak 1: Modify the header of the message
    # We are using a \x20 char to form the remaining
    mline = 'SIP/2.0 100%s' % bytearray.fromhex('20').decode('utf-8')
    # Forming the message up back again
    mg = catMetHead(mline, head, body=body)
    return mg
Beispiel #26
def unkproto():
    Unknown Protocol Version

    To an element implementing RFC 3261, this request is malformed due
    to its high version number.

    The element should respond to the request with a 505 Version Not
    Supported error.
    log = logging.getLogger('unkproto')'Testing module: %s' % module_info['test'])
    msg = buildreq.makeRequest('OPTIONS')
    mline, head, body = parseMsg(msg)
    # Tweak 1: Change protocol version
    mline = mline.replace('SIP/2.0', 'SIP/7.0')
    head['Via'] = head['Via'].replace('SIP/2.0/UDP', 'SIP/7.0/UDP')
    mg = catMetHead(mline, head, body=body)
    return mg
Beispiel #27
def clerr():
    Content Length Larger Than Message

    This is a request message with a Content Length that is larger than
    the actual length of the body.

    When sent over UDP (as this message ostensibly was), the receiving
    element should respond with a 400 Bad Request error.
    log = logging.getLogger('clerr')'Testing module: %s' % module_info['test'])
    msg = buildreq.makeRequest('INVITE')
    mline, head, body = parseMsg(msg)
    # Tweak 1: Modify the content length header
    head['Content-Length'] = '%s' % 9999
    # Forming the message up back again
    mg = catMetHead(mline, head, body=body)
    return mg
Beispiel #28
def negcl():
    Negative Content-Length

    This request has a negative value for Content-Length.

    An element receiving this message should respond with an error.  This
    request appeared over UDP, so the remainder of the datagram can
    simply be discarded.
    log = logging.getLogger('negcl')'Testing module: %s' % module_info['test'])
    msg = buildreq.makeRequest('INVITE')
    mline, head, body = parseMsg(msg)
    # Tweak 1: Modify the content length header
    head['Content-Length'] = '-%s' % random.getrandbits(10)
    # Forming the message up back again
    mg = catMetHead(mline, head, body=body)
    return mg
Beispiel #29
def lwsdp():
    Message with No LWS between Display Name and <

    This OPTIONS request is not valid per the grammar in RFC 3261 since
    there is no LWS between the token in the display name and < in the
    From header field value.  This has been identified as a specification
    bug that will be removed when RFC 3261 is revised.  Elements should
    accept this request as well formed.
    log = logging.getLogger('lwsdp')'Testing module: %s' % module_info['test'])
    msg = buildreq.makeRequest('OPTIONS')
    mline, head, body = parseMsg(msg)
    # Tweak 1: Remove LWS between from and to
    head['From'] = head.get('From').replace(' ', '')
    head['To'] = head.get('To').replace(' ', '')
    # Forming the message up back again
    mg = catMetHead(mline, head, body=body)
    return mg
Beispiel #30
def cparam2():
    REGISTER with a URL in Contact Header Parameter

    This register request contains a contact where the URI has an unknown

    The register should succeed, and a subsequent retrieval of the
    registration must include "unknownparam" as a url-parameter.
    log = logging.getLogger('cparam2')'Testing module: %s' % module_info['test'])
    msg = buildreq.makeRequest('REGISTER')
    mline, head, body = parseMsg(msg)
    # Tweak 1: Add an unknwown param to contact header
    head['Contact'] += ';unknownparam'
    # Tweak 2: Add the </> to make a complete URL
    head['Contact'] = '<%s>' % head['Contact']
    # Forming the request message back up
    mg = catMetHead(mline, head, body=body)
    return mg