Beispiel #1
    def do_set(argv):
        """view and edit configuration settings

            set [<VAR> [+] ["<VALUE>"]]

            Settings are a collection of editable variables that affect
            phpsploit's core behavior.
            - Their value is bound to current session.
            - To permanently change a setting's value at start, it
            must be defined by hand on phpsploit config file.

            > set
              - Display current settings

            > set <STRING>
              - Display settings whose name starts with STRING

            > set <VAR> <VALUE>
              - Assign VALUE to VAR setting (only if it's a valid value)

            > set <VAR> %%DEFAULT%%
              - Reset VAR's default value with '%%DEFAULT%%' magic string

            > set <VAR> "file:///path/to/file"
              - Bind VAR's value to a local file content

            > set <VAR> +
              - Open VAR's value in text editor. This is useful to edit
              values with multiple lines

            > set <VAR> + <LINE>
              - Add LINE to the end of VAR's value

            > set <VAR> + "file:///path/to/file"
              - Re-bind VAR to a local file path.
              Even if path doesn't exist, the setting will take the value of
              the file if it founds it. Otherwise, previous buffer value is
              kept as long as the file path is unreachable

        Defining HTTP Headers:
            You can define custom http request header fields by hand.

            Settings starting with 'HTTP_' are automagically treated as
            HTTP Request Headers values.

            By default, only the "User-Agent" Header is defined. It is bound
            by default to a local file containing common HTTP User Agents.
            (`help set HTTP_USER_AGENT`)

            * Examples:
            > set HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE "en-CA"
              - Define "Accept-Language" http request header field.
            > set HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE None
              - Remove HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE header with magic value 'None'.
        # `set [<PATTERN>]` display concerned settings list
        if len(argv) < 3:

        # buffer edit mode
        elif argv[2] == "+":
            # `set <VAR> +`: use $EDITOR as buffer viewer in file mode
            if len(argv) == 3:
                # get a buffer obj from setting's raw buffer value
                file_name = argv[1].upper()
                file_ext = "txt"
                setting_obj = session.Conf[argv[1]](call=False)
                if isinstance(setting_obj, datatypes.PhpCode):
                    file_ext = "php"
                elif isinstance(setting_obj, datatypes.ShellCmd):
                    file_ext = "sh"
                buffer = Path(filename="%s.%s" % (file_name, file_ext))
                # try to edit it through $EDITOR, and update it
                # if it has been modified.
                if buffer.edit():
                    session.Conf[argv[1]] =
            # `set <VAR> + "value"`: add value on setting possible choices
                session.Conf[argv[1]] += " ".join(argv[3:])
        # `set <VAR> "value"`: just change VAR's "value"
            session.Conf[argv[1]] = " ".join(argv[2:])
Beispiel #2
    def do_set(self, argv):
        """View and edit settings

            set [<NAME> [+] ["<VALUE>"]]

            phpsploit configuration settings manager.
            The settings are a collection of core variables that affect
            the framework's core behavior. Any setting takes a default
            value, that can be manually modified.

            > set
            - Display all current settings

            > set <STRING>
            - Display all settings whose name starts with STRING.

            > set <NAME> "value"
            - Change the NAME setting to "value". If the value is not valid,
            no changes are made.

            > set <NAME> "file:///path/to/file"
              - Set NAME setting's value into a RandLine buffer whose value
              binds to the external file "/path/to/file". It means that the
              setting's effective value is dynamic, and on each call to it,
              the file's content will be loaded if available, and the
              value is a random line from the file/buffer.

            > set <NAME> +
              - Open the setting value for edition as a multiline buffer
              with EDITOR. The buffer can then be edited, and once saved,
              the setting will take the buffer's value, except if there are
              no valid lines.

            > set <NAME> + "value"
              - Add "value" as a setting possible choice. It converts the
              current setting into a RandLine buffer if it was not already.

            > set <NAME> + "file:///path/to/file"
              - Rebind NAME setting to the given file path, even if it does
              not exist at the moment it had been set. It means that each
              time the setting's value is called, a try is made to load the
              file's content as new buffer if it exists/is valid, and
              keeps the old one otherwise.

            - Settings are pre declared at start. It means that new ones
            cannot be declared.

            - The convention above does not apply for settings whose name
            starts with "HTTP_", because this kind of variable are
            automatically used as custom headers on http requests. For
            example, `set HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE "en-CA"` will set the
            "Accept-Language" http header to the specified value.
            Of course, this applies to any future HTTP request.

            - The default value of a setting can be restored by setting
            its value to the magic string "%%DEFAULT%%", e.g:
              > set REQ_MAX_HEADERS %%DEFAULT%%

            NOTE: The 'set' operating scope is limited to the current
            phpsploit session. It means that persistant settings value
            changes must be defined by hand in the user
            configuration file.
        # `set [<PATTERN>]` display concerned settings list
        if len(argv) < 3:
            print(session.Conf((argv + [""])[1]))

        # buffer edit mode
        elif argv[2] == "+":
            # `set <VAR> +`: use $EDITOR as buffer viewer in file mode
            if len(argv) == 3:
                # get a buffer obj from setting's raw buffer value
                file_name = argv[1].upper()
                file_ext = "txt"
                setting_obj = session.Conf[argv[1]](call=False)
                if isinstance(setting_obj, datatypes.PhpCode):
                    file_ext = "php"
                elif isinstance(setting_obj, datatypes.ShellCmd):
                    file_ext = "sh"
                buffer = Path(filename="%s.%s" % (file_name, file_ext))
                # try to edit it through $EDITOR, and update it
                # if it has been modified.
                if buffer.edit():
                    session.Conf[argv[1]] =
            # `set <VAR> + "value"`: add value on setting possible choices
                session.Conf[argv[1]] += " ".join(argv[3:])
        # `set <VAR> "value"`: just change VAR's "value"
            session.Conf[argv[1]] = argv[2]
Beispiel #3
 def do_info(argv):
     """Show configuration settings."""
     string = (argv + [""])[1]