Beispiel #1
    def load(self):
        from core import prepare
        self.dpad["surface"] = tools.load_and_scale("gfx/d-pad.png")
        self.dpad["position"] = (0, prepare.SCREEN_SIZE[1] -

        # Create the collision rectangle objects for the dpad so we can see if we're pressing a button
        self.dpad["rect"] = {}
        self.dpad["rect"]["up"] = pygame.Rect(
            self.dpad["position"][0] + (self.dpad["surface"].get_width() / 3),
            self.dpad["position"][1],  # Rectangle position_y
            self.dpad["surface"].get_width() / 3,  # Rectangle size_x
            self.dpad["surface"].get_height() / 2)  # Rectangle size_y
        self.dpad["rect"]["down"] = pygame.Rect(
            self.dpad["position"][0] + (self.dpad["surface"].get_width() / 3),
            self.dpad["position"][1] + (self.dpad["surface"].get_height() / 2),
            self.dpad["surface"].get_width() / 3,
            self.dpad["surface"].get_height() / 2)
        self.dpad["rect"]["left"] = pygame.Rect(
            self.dpad["position"][1] + (self.dpad["surface"].get_height() / 3),
            self.dpad["surface"].get_width() / 2,
            self.dpad["surface"].get_height() / 3)
        self.dpad["rect"]["right"] = pygame.Rect(
            self.dpad["position"][0] + (self.dpad["surface"].get_width() / 2),
            self.dpad["position"][1] + (self.dpad["surface"].get_height() / 3),
            self.dpad["surface"].get_width() / 2,
            self.dpad["surface"].get_height() / 3)

        # Create the buttons
        self.a_button = {}
        self.a_button["surface"] = tools.load_and_scale("gfx/a-button.png")
        self.a_button["position"] = (
            prepare.SCREEN_SIZE[0] -
            int(self.a_button["surface"].get_width() * 1.0),
            (self.dpad["position"][1] +
             (self.dpad["surface"].get_height() / 2) -
             (self.a_button["surface"].get_height() / 2)))
        self.a_button["rect"] = pygame.Rect(
            self.a_button["position"][0], self.a_button["position"][1],

        self.b_button = {}
        self.b_button["surface"] = tools.load_and_scale("gfx/b-button.png")
        self.b_button["position"] = (
            prepare.SCREEN_SIZE[0] -
            int(self.b_button["surface"].get_width() * 2.1),
            (self.dpad["position"][1] +
             (self.dpad["surface"].get_height() / 2) -
             (self.b_button["surface"].get_height() / 2)))
        self.b_button["rect"] = pygame.Rect(
            self.b_button["position"][0], self.b_button["position"][1],
Beispiel #2
    def __init__(self,

        # Check to see what kind of image(s) are being loaded.
        images_type = type(images).__name__

        # Handle loading a single image, multiple images, or surfaces
        if images_type == 'str' or images_type == 'unicode':
            surface = tools.load_and_scale(images)
            self.images = [(surface, animation_speed)]

        elif images_type == 'list' or images_type == 'tuple':
            self.images = []

            for item in images:
                item_type = type(item).__name__

                if item_type == 'str' or item_type == 'unicode':
                    surface = tools.load_and_scale(images)
                    surface = item
                self.images.append((surface, animation_speed))

            surface = images
            self.images = [(surface, animation_speed)]

        # Create a pyganimation object using our loaded images.
        self.animation = pyganim.PygAnimation(self.images, loop=animation_loop)

        self.rect = self.images[0][0].get_rect(topleft=position)

        self.visible = True
        self.state = ""

        self.moving = False
        self.move_destination = (0, 0)
        self.move_delta = [0, 0]
        self.move_duration = 0.
        self.move_time = 0.
        self.fading = False
        self.fade_duration = 0.
        self.shaking = False
Beispiel #3
    def draw_monster_info(self, surface, monster, rect):
        # position and draw hp bar
        hp_rect = rect.copy()
        left = rect.width * .6
        right = rect.right - tools.scale(4)
        hp_rect.width = right - left
        hp_rect.left = left
        hp_rect.height = tools.scale(8)
        hp_rect.centery = rect.centery

        # draw the hp bar
        self.hp_bar.value = monster.current_hp / monster.hp
        self.hp_bar.draw(surface, hp_rect)

        # draw the name
        text_rect = rect.inflate(-tools.scale(6), -tools.scale(6))
        draw_text(surface,, text_rect, font=self.font)

        # draw the level info = rect.bottom - tools.scale(7)
        draw_text(surface, "  Lv " + str(monster.level), text_rect, font=self.font)

        # draw any status icons
        # TODO: caching or something, idk
        # TODO: not hardcode icon sizes
        for index, status in enumerate(monster.status):
            if status.icon:
                image = tools.load_and_scale(status.icon)
                pos = (rect.width * .4) + (index * tools.scale(32)), rect.y + tools.scale(5)
                surface.blit(image, pos)
Beispiel #4
    def startup(self, **kwargs):
        super(MonsterMenuState, self).startup(**kwargs)

        # make a text area to show messages
        self.text_area = TextArea(self.font, self.font_color, (96, 96, 96))
        self.text_area.rect = pygame.Rect(
            tools.scale_sequence([20, 80, 80, 100]))
        self.sprites.add(self.text_area, layer=100)

        # Set up the border images used for the monster slots
        self.monster_slot_border = {}
        self.monster_portrait = pygame.sprite.Sprite()
        self.hp_bar = HpBar()

        # load and scale the monster slot borders
        root = "gfx/ui/monster/"
        border_types = ["empty", "filled", "active"]
        for border_type in border_types:
            filename = root + border_type + "_monster_slot_border.png"
            border = tools.load_and_scale(filename)

            filename = root + border_type + "_monster_slot_bg.png"
            background = tools.load_image(filename)

            window = GraphicBox(border, background, None)
            self.monster_slot_border[border_type] = window

        # TODO: something better than this global, load_sprites stuff
        for monster in
Beispiel #5
    def draw_monster_info(self, surface, monster, rect):
        # position and draw hp bar
        hp_rect = rect.copy()
        left = rect.width * .6
        right = rect.right - tools.scale(4)
        hp_rect.width = right - left
        hp_rect.left = left
        hp_rect.height = tools.scale(8)
        hp_rect.centery = rect.centery

        # draw the hp bar
        self.hp_bar.value = monster.current_hp / monster.hp
        self.hp_bar.draw(surface, hp_rect)

        # draw the name
        text_rect = rect.inflate(-tools.scale(6), -tools.scale(6))
        draw_text(surface,, text_rect, font=self.font)

        # draw the level info = rect.bottom - tools.scale(7)
                  "  Lv " + str(monster.level),

        # draw any status icons
        # TODO: caching or something, idk
        # TODO: not hardcode icon sizes
        for index, status in enumerate(monster.status):
            if status.icon:
                image = tools.load_and_scale(status.icon)
                pos = (rect.width *
                       .4) + (index * tools.scale(32)), rect.y + tools.scale(5)
                surface.blit(image, pos)
Beispiel #6
    def startup(self, **kwargs):
        super(MonsterMenuState, self).startup(**kwargs)

        # make a text area to show messages
        self.text_area = TextArea(self.font, self.font_color, (96, 96, 96))
        self.text_area.rect = pygame.Rect(tools.scale_sequence([20, 80, 80, 100]))
        self.sprites.add(self.text_area, layer=100)

        # Set up the border images used for the monster slots
        self.monster_slot_border = {}
        self.monster_portrait = pygame.sprite.Sprite()
        self.hp_bar = HpBar()

        # load and scale the monster slot borders
        root = "gfx/ui/monster/"
        border_types = ["empty", "filled", "active"]
        for border_type in border_types:
            filename = root + border_type + "_monster_slot_border.png"
            border = tools.load_and_scale(filename)

            filename = root + border_type + "_monster_slot_bg.png"
            background = tools.load_image(filename)

            window = GraphicBox(border, background, None)
            self.monster_slot_border[border_type] = window

        # TODO: something better than this global, load_sprites stuff
        for monster in
Beispiel #7
    def animate_capture_monster(self, is_captured, num_shakes, monster):
        """ Animation for capturing monsters.

        :param is_captured: boolean representing success of capture
        :param num_shakes: number of shakes before animation ends
        :param monster: the monster
        monster_sprite = self._monster_sprite_map.get(monster, None)
        capdev = self.load_sprite('gfx/items/capture_device.png')
        animate = partial(self.animate, capdev.rect, transition='in_quad', duration=1.0)
        scale_sprite(capdev, .4) = scale(0), scale(0)
        self.task(partial(toggle_visible, monster_sprite), 1.0) # make the monster go away temporarily

        def kill():
            del self._monster_sprite_map[monster]
            del self.hud[monster]

        # TODO: cache this sprite from the first time it's used.
        # also, should loading animated sprites be more convenient?
        images = list()
        for fn in ["capture%02d.png" % i for i in range(1, 10)]:
            fn = 'animations/technique/' + fn
            image = tools.load_and_scale(fn)
            images.append((image, .07))

        tech = PygAnimation(images, False)
        sprite = Sprite()
        sprite.image = tech
        sprite.rect = tech.get_rect()
        self.task(, 1.0)
        self.task(partial(self.sprites.add, sprite), 1.0)
        sprite.rect.midbottom = monster_sprite.rect.midbottom

        def shake_ball(initial_delay):
            animate = partial(self.animate, duration=0.1, transition='linear', delay=initial_delay)
            animate(capdev.rect, y=scale(3), relative=True)

            animate = partial(self.animate, duration=0.2, transition='linear', delay=initial_delay + 0.1)
            animate(capdev.rect, y=-scale(6), relative=True)

            animate = partial(self.animate, duration=0.1, transition='linear', delay=initial_delay + 0.3)
            animate(capdev.rect, y=scale(3), relative=True)

        for i in range(0, num_shakes):
            shake_ball(1.8 + i * 1.0) # leave a 0.6s wait between each shake

        if is_captured:
            self.task(kill, 2 + num_shakes)
            self.task(partial(toggle_visible, monster_sprite), 1.8 + num_shakes * 1.0) # make the monster appear again!
            self.task(, 1.8 + num_shakes * 1.0)
            self.task(capdev.kill, 1.8 + num_shakes * 1.0)
Beispiel #8
    def animate_monster_release_bottom(self, feet, monster):

        :type feet: sequence
        :type monster:
        capdev = self.load_sprite('gfx/items/capture_device.png')
        scale_sprite(capdev, .4) = feet[0], feet[1] - scale(60)

        # animate the capdev falling
        fall_time = .7
        animate = partial(self.animate, duration=fall_time, transition='out_quad')
        animate(capdev.rect, bottom=feet[1], transition='in_back')
        animate(capdev, rotation=720, initial=0)

        # animate the capdev fading away
        delay = fall_time + .6
        fade_duration = .9
        h = capdev.rect.height
        animate = partial(self.animate, duration=fade_duration, delay=delay)
        animate(capdev, width=1, height=h * 1.5)
        animate(capdev.rect, y=-scale(14), relative=True)

        # convert the capdev sprite so we can fade it easily
        def func():
            capdev.image = tools.convert_alpha_to_colorkey(capdev.image)
            self.animate(capdev.image, set_alpha=0, initial=255, duration=fade_duration)

        self.task(func, delay)
        self.task(capdev.kill, fall_time + delay + fade_duration)

        # load monster and set in final position
        monster_sprite = self.load_sprite(monster.back_battle_sprite, midbottom=feet)
        self._monster_sprite_map[monster] = monster_sprite

        # position monster_sprite off screen and set animation to move it back to final spot =
        self.animate(monster_sprite.rect, bottom=feet[1], transition='out_back',
                     duration=.9, delay=fall_time + .5)

        # capdev opening animation
        images = list()
        for fn in ["capture%02d.png" % i for i in range(1, 10)]:
            fn = 'animations/technique/' + fn
            image = tools.load_and_scale(fn)
            images.append((image, .07))

        delay = 1.3
        tech = PygAnimation(images, False)
        sprite = Sprite()
        sprite.image = tech
        sprite.rect = tech.get_rect()
        sprite.rect.midbottom = feet
        self.task(, delay)
        self.task(partial(self.sprites.add, sprite), delay)
Beispiel #9
    def __init__(self, images, position, animation_speed=0.2, animation_loop=False):

        # Check to see what kind of image(s) are being loaded.
        images_type = type(images).__name__

        # Handle loading a single image, multiple images, or surfaces
        if images_type == 'str' or images_type == 'unicode':
            surface = tools.load_and_scale(images)
            self.images = [(surface, animation_speed)]

        elif images_type == 'list' or images_type == 'tuple':
            self.images = []

            for item in images:
                item_type = type(item).__name__

                if item_type == 'str' or item_type == 'unicode':
                    surface = tools.load_and_scale(images)
                    surface = item
                self.images.append((surface, animation_speed))

            surface = images
            self.images = [(surface, animation_speed)]

        # Create a pyganimation object using our loaded images.
        self.animation = pyganim.PygAnimation(self.images, loop=animation_loop)

        self.rect = self.images[0][0].get_rect(topleft=position)

        self.visible = True
        self.state = ""

        self.moving = False
        self.move_destination = (0, 0)
        self.move_delta = [0, 0]
        self.move_duration = 0.
        self.move_time = 0.
        self.fading = False
        self.fade_duration = 0.
        self.shaking = False
Beispiel #10
    def load(self):
        from core import prepare
        self.dpad["surface"] = tools.load_and_scale("gfx/d-pad.png")
        self.dpad["position"] = (0, prepare.SCREEN_SIZE[1] - self.dpad["surface"].get_height() )

        # Create the collision rectangle objects for the dpad so we can see if we're pressing a button
        self.dpad["rect"] = {}
        self.dpad["rect"]["up"] = pygame.Rect(self.dpad["position"][0] + (self.dpad["surface"].get_width() /3),
            self.dpad["position"][1],                      # Rectangle position_y
            self.dpad["surface"].get_width() /3,           # Rectangle size_x
            self.dpad["surface"].get_height() /2)          # Rectangle size_y
        self.dpad["rect"]["down"] = pygame.Rect(self.dpad["position"][0] + (self.dpad["surface"].get_width() /3),
            self.dpad["position"][1] + (self.dpad["surface"].get_height() /2),
            self.dpad["surface"].get_width() /3,
            self.dpad["surface"].get_height() /2)
        self.dpad["rect"]["left"] = pygame.Rect(self.dpad["position"][0],
            self.dpad["position"][1] + (self.dpad["surface"].get_height() /3),
            self.dpad["surface"].get_width() /2,
            self.dpad["surface"].get_height() /3)
        self.dpad["rect"]["right"] = pygame.Rect(self.dpad["position"][0] + (self.dpad["surface"].get_width() /2),
            self.dpad["position"][1] + (self.dpad["surface"].get_height() /3),
            self.dpad["surface"].get_width() /2,
            self.dpad["surface"].get_height() /3)

        # Create the buttons
        self.a_button = {}
        self.a_button["surface"] = tools.load_and_scale("gfx/a-button.png")
        self.a_button["position"] = (prepare.SCREEN_SIZE[0] - int( self.a_button["surface"].get_width() * 1.0 ),
            (self.dpad["position"][1] + (self.dpad["surface"].get_height() / 2) - (self.a_button["surface"].get_height() / 2)))
        self.a_button["rect"] = pygame.Rect(
            self.a_button["position"][0], self.a_button["position"][1],

        self.b_button = {}
        self.b_button["surface"] = tools.load_and_scale("gfx/b-button.png")
        self.b_button["position"] = (prepare.SCREEN_SIZE[0] - int( self.b_button["surface"].get_width() * 2.1 ),
            (self.dpad["position"][1] + (self.dpad["surface"].get_height() / 2) - (self.b_button["surface"].get_height() / 2)))
        self.b_button["rect"] = pygame.Rect(
Beispiel #11
    def startup(self, *args, **kwargs):
        super(CombatTargetMenuState, self).startup(*args, **kwargs)

        # used to determine how player can target techniques
        self.user = kwargs.get("user")
        self.action = kwargs.get("action")
        self.player = kwargs.get("player")

        # load and scale the menu borders
        border = tools.load_and_scale(self.borders_filename)
        self.border = GraphicBox(border, None, None)
Beispiel #12
    def load_graphics(self):
        """ Loads all the graphical elements of the menu
            Will load some elements from disk, so needs to be called at least once.
        # load and scale the _background
        background = None
        if self.background_filename:
            background = tools.load_image(self.background_filename)

        # load and scale the menu borders
        border = None
        if self.draw_borders:
            border = tools.load_and_scale(self.borders_filename)

        # set the helper to draw the _background
        self.window = GraphicBox(border, background, self.background_color)

        # handle the arrow cursor
        image = tools.load_and_scale(self.cursor_filename)
        self.arrow = MenuCursor(image)
Beispiel #13
    def startup(self, *args, **kwargs):
        super(CombatTargetMenuState, self).startup(*args, **kwargs)

        # used to determine how player can target techniques
        self.user = kwargs.get("user")
        self.action = kwargs.get("action")
        self.player = kwargs.get("player")

        # load and scale the menu borders
        border = tools.load_and_scale(self.borders_filename)
        self.border = GraphicBox(border, None, None)
Beispiel #14
    def load_sprites(self):
        """Loads the monster's sprite images as Pygame surfaces.

        :rtype: Boolean
        :returns: True if the sprites are already loaded.


        >>> bulbatux.load_sprites()
        >>> bulbatux.sprites

        if len(self.sprites):
            return True

        self.sprites["front"] = tools.load_and_scale(self.front_battle_sprite)
        self.sprites["back"] = tools.load_and_scale(self.back_battle_sprite)
        self.sprites["menu"] = tools.load_and_scale(self.menu_sprite)

        return False
Beispiel #15
    def load_graphics(self):
        """ Loads all the graphical elements of the menu
            Will load some elements from disk, so needs to be called at least once.
        # load and scale the _background
        background = None
        if self.background_filename:
            background = tools.load_image(self.background_filename)

        # load and scale the menu borders
        border = None
        if self.draw_borders:
            border = tools.load_and_scale(self.borders_filename)

        # set the helper to draw the _background
        self.window = GraphicBox(border, background, self.background_color)

        # handle the arrow cursor
        image = tools.load_and_scale(self.cursor_filename)
        self.arrow = MenuCursor(image)
Beispiel #16
    def load_sprites(self):
        """Loads the monster's sprite images as Pygame surfaces.

        :param scale: Amount to scale the sprite when loading the image.
        :type scale: Integer

        :rtype: Boolean
        :returns: True if the sprites are already loaded.


        >>> bulbatux.load_sprites()
        >>> bulbatux.sprites

        if len(self.sprites):
            return True

        self.sprites["front"] = tools.load_and_scale(self.front_battle_sprite)
        self.sprites["back"] = tools.load_and_scale(self.back_battle_sprite)
        self.sprites["menu"] = tools.load_and_scale(self.menu_sprite)

        return False
Beispiel #17
    def show_combat_dialog(self):
        """ Create and show the area where battle messages are displayed
        # make the border and area at the bottom of the screen for messages
        x, y, w, h =
        rect = pygame.Rect(0, 0, w, h // 4)
        rect.bottomright = w, h
        border = tools.load_and_scale(self.borders_filename)
        self.dialog_box = GraphicBox(border, None, self.background_color)
        self.dialog_box.rect = rect
        self.sprites.add(self.dialog_box, layer=100)

        # make a text area to show messages
        self.text_area = TextArea(self.font, self.font_color)
        self.text_area.rect = self.dialog_box.calc_inner_rect(self.dialog_box.rect)
        self.sprites.add(self.text_area, layer=100)
Beispiel #18
    def show_combat_dialog(self):
        """ Create and show the area where battle messages are displayed
        # make the border and area at the bottom of the screen for messages
        x, y, w, h =
        rect = pygame.Rect(0, 0, w, h // 4)
        rect.bottomright = w, h
        border = tools.load_and_scale(self.borders_filename)
        self.dialog_box = GraphicBox(border, None, self.background_color)
        self.dialog_box.rect = rect
        self.sprites.add(self.dialog_box, layer=100)

        # make a text area to show messages
        self.text_area = TextArea(self.font, self.font_color)
        self.text_area.rect = self.dialog_box.calc_inner_rect(self.dialog_box.rect)
        self.sprites.add(self.text_area, layer=100)
Beispiel #19
    def load(self, slug):
        """Loads and sets this items's attributes from the item.db database. The item is looked up
        in the database by slug.

        :param slug: The item slug to look up in the monster.item database.

        :type slug: String

        :rtype: None
        :returns: None


        >>> potion_item = Item()
        >>> potion_item.load("item_potion")    # Load an item by slug.
        >>> pprint.pprint(potion_item.__dict__)
        {'description': u'Heals a monster by 50 HP.',
         'effect': [u'heal'],
         'slug': 'item_potion',
         'name': u'Potion',
         'power': 50,
         'type': u'Consumable'}


        results = items.lookup(slug, table="item")
        self.slug = results["slug"]  # short English identifier = trans(results["name_trans"])  # will be locale string
        self.description = trans(
            results["description_trans"])  # will be locale string

        # must be translated before displaying
        self.execute_trans = results['execute_trans']
        self.success_trans = results['success_trans']
        self.failure_trans = results['failure_trans']

        self.sort = results['sort']
        self.type = results["type"]
        self.power = results["power"]
        self.sprite = results["sprite"]
        self.usable_in = results["usable_in"] = db.process_targets(results["target"])
        self.effect = results["effects"]
        self.surface = tools.load_and_scale(self.sprite)
        self.surface_size_original = self.surface.get_size()
Beispiel #20
    def load(self, name, id):
        """Loads and sets this items's attributes from the item.db database. The item is looked up
        in the database by name or id.

        :param name: The name of the item to look up in the monster.item database.
        :param id: The id of the item to look up in the item.db database.

        :type name: String
        :type id: Integer

        :rtype: None
        :returns: None


        >>> potion_item = Item()
        >>> potion_item.load("Potion", None)    # Load an item by name.
        >>> potion_item.load(None, 1)           # Load an item by id.
        >>> pprint.pprint(potion_item.__dict__)
        {'description': u'Heals a monster by 50 HP.',
         'effect': [u'heal'],
         'id': 1,
         'name': u'Potion',
         'power': 50,
         'type': u'Consumable'}


        if name:
            results = items.lookup(name, table="item")
        elif id:
            results = items.lookup_by_id(id, table="item") = results["name"]
        self.description = results["description"] = results["id"]
        self.type = results["type"]
        self.power = results["power"]
        self.sprite = results["sprite"] = results["target"]
        self.usable_in = results["usable_in"]
        self.surface = tools.load_and_scale(self.sprite)
        self.surface_size_original = self.surface.get_size()

        self.effect = results["effects"]
Beispiel #21
    def load(self, slug):
        """Loads and sets this items's attributes from the item.db database. The item is looked up
        in the database by slug.

        :param slug: The item slug to look up in the monster.item database.

        :type slug: String

        :rtype: None
        :returns: None


        >>> potion_item = Item()
        >>> potion_item.load("item_potion")    # Load an item by slug.
        >>> pprint.pprint(potion_item.__dict__)
        {'description': u'Heals a monster by 50 HP.',
         'effect': [u'heal'],
         'slug': 'item_potion',
         'name': u'Potion',
         'power': 50,
         'type': u'Consumable'}


        results = items.lookup(slug, table="item")
        self.slug = results["slug"]               # short English identifier = trans(results["name_trans"])  # will be locale string
        self.description = trans(results["description_trans"])  # will be locale string

        # must be translated before displaying
        self.execute_trans = results['execute_trans']
        self.success_trans = results['success_trans']
        self.failure_trans = results['failure_trans']

        self.sort = results['sort']
        self.type = results["type"]
        self.power = results["power"]
        self.sprite = results["sprite"]
        self.usable_in = results["usable_in"] = db.process_targets(results["target"])
        self.effect = results["effects"]
        self.surface = tools.load_and_scale(self.sprite)
        self.surface_size_original = self.surface.get_size()
Beispiel #22
    def load_technique_animation(technique):

        TODO: move to some generic animation loading thingy

        :param technique:
        :rtype: core.components.sprite.Sprite
        frame_time = .09
        images = list()
        for fn in technique.images:
            image = tools.load_and_scale(fn)
            images.append((image, frame_time))

        tech = PygAnimation(images, False)
        sprite = Sprite()
        sprite.image = tech
        sprite.rect = tech.get_rect()
        return sprite
Beispiel #23
    def load_technique_animation(technique):

        TODO: move to some generic animation loading thingy

        :param technique:
        :rtype: core.components.sprite.Sprite
        frame_time = 0.09
        images = list()
        for fn in technique.images:
            image = tools.load_and_scale(fn)
            images.append((image, frame_time))

        tech = PygAnimation(images, False)
        sprite = Sprite()
        sprite.image = tech
        sprite.rect = tech.get_rect()
        return sprite
Beispiel #24
def load(slot):
    """Loads game state data from a shelved save file.

    :param slot: The save slot to load game data from.
    :type slot: Integer

    :rtype: Dictionary
    :returns: Dictionary containing game data to load.


    >>> core.components.load.load(1)


    # this check is required since opening a shelve will
    # create the pickle is it doesn't already exist.
    # this check prevents a bug where saves are not recorded
    # properly.
    save_path = prepare.SAVE_PATH + str(slot) + ".save"
    if not os.path.exists(save_path):

    saveFile =
    saveData = dict()

    saveData["game_variables"] = saveFile["game_variables"]
    saveData["tile_pos"] = saveFile["tile_pos"]
    tempinv = dict(saveFile["inventory"])

    for keys, values in tempinv.items():
        # TODO: unify loading and game instancing
        for keys2, values2 in values.items():
            if keys2 == "item":
                values2.surface = tools.load_and_scale(values2.sprite)

    saveData["inventory"] = tempinv
    tempmon = list(saveFile["monsters"])
    for mon in tempmon:

    saveData["monsters"] = tempmon

    # TODO: unify loading and game instancing
    # Loop through the storage item keys and re-add the surface.
    tempstorage = dict(saveFile["storage"])
    for keys, values in tempstorage.items():
        if keys == "items":
            for keys2, values2 in values.items():
                for keys3, values3 in values2.items():
                    if keys3 == "item":
                        values3.surface = tools.load_and_scale(values3.sprite)

        if keys == "monsters":
            for storemon1 in values:

    saveData["storage"] = tempstorage
    saveData["current_map"] = saveFile["current_map"]
    saveData["player_name"] = saveFile["player_name"]
    saveData["time"] = saveFile["time"]

    return saveData
    def animate_monster_release_bottom(self, feet, monster):

        :type feet: sequence
        :type monster:
        capdev = self.load_sprite('gfx/items/capture_device.png')
        scale_sprite(capdev, .4) = feet[0], feet[1] - scale(60)

        # animate the capdev falling
        fall_time = .7
        animate = partial(self.animate,
        animate(capdev.rect, bottom=feet[1], transition='in_back')
        animate(capdev, rotation=720, initial=0)

        # animate the capdev fading away
        delay = fall_time + .6
        fade_duration = .9
        h = capdev.rect.height
        animate = partial(self.animate, duration=fade_duration, delay=delay)
        animate(capdev, width=1, height=h * 1.5)
        animate(capdev.rect, y=-scale(14), relative=True)

        # convert the capdev sprite so we can fade it easily
        def func():
            capdev.image = tools.convert_alpha_to_colorkey(capdev.image)

        self.task(func, delay)
        self.task(capdev.kill, fall_time + delay + fade_duration)

        # load monster and set in final position
        monster_sprite = self.load_sprite(monster.back_battle_sprite,
        self._monster_sprite_map[monster] = monster_sprite

        # position monster_sprite off screen and set animation to move it back to final spot =
                     delay=fall_time + .5)

        # capdev opening animation
        images = list()
        for fn in ["capture%02d.png" % i for i in range(1, 10)]:
            fn = 'animations/technique/' + fn
            image = tools.load_and_scale(fn)
            images.append((image, .07))

        delay = 1.3
        tech = PygAnimation(images, False)
        sprite = Sprite()
        sprite.image = tech
        sprite.rect = tech.get_rect()
        sprite.rect.midbottom = feet
        self.task(, delay)
        self.task(partial(self.sprites.add, sprite), delay)
Beispiel #26
def load(slot):
    """Loads game state data from a shelved save file.

    :param slot: The save slot to load game data from.
    :type slot: Integer

    :rtype: Dictionary
    :returns: Dictionary containing game data to load.


    >>> core.components.load.load(1)


    # this check is required since opening a shelve will
    # create the pickle is it doesn't already exist.
    # this check prevents a bug where saves are not recorded
    # properly.
    save_path = prepare.SAVE_PATH + str(slot) + '.save'
    if not os.path.exists(save_path):

    saveFile =
    saveData = dict()

    saveData['game_variables'] = saveFile['game_variables']
    saveData['tile_pos'] = saveFile['tile_pos']
    tempinv = dict(saveFile['inventory'])

    for keys, values in tempinv.items():
        # TODO: unify loading and game instancing
        for keys2, values2 in values.items():
            if keys2 == 'item':
                values2.surface = tools.load_and_scale(values2.sprite)

    saveData['inventory'] = tempinv
    tempmon = list(saveFile['monsters'])
    for mon in tempmon:

    saveData['monsters'] = tempmon

    # TODO: unify loading and game instancing
    # Loop through the storage item keys and re-add the surface.
    tempstorage = dict(saveFile['storage'])
    for keys, values in tempstorage.items():
        if keys == 'items':
            for keys2, values2 in values.items():
                for keys3, values3 in values2.items():
                    if keys3 == 'item':
                        values3.surface = tools.load_and_scale(values3.sprite)

        if keys == 'monsters':
            for storemon1 in values:

    saveData['storage'] = tempstorage
    saveData['current_map'] = saveFile['current_map']
    saveData['player_name'] = saveFile['player_name']
    saveData['time'] = saveFile['time']

    return saveData
Beispiel #27
    def animate_capture_monster(self, is_captured, num_shakes, monster):
        """ Animation for capturing monsters.

        :param is_captured: boolean representing success of capture
        :param num_shakes: number of shakes before animation ends
        :param monster: the monster
        monster_sprite = self._monster_sprite_map.get(monster, None)
        capdev = self.load_sprite('gfx/items/capture_device.png')
        animate = partial(self.animate,
        scale_sprite(capdev, .4) = scale(0), scale(0)
        self.task(partial(toggle_visible, monster_sprite),
                  1.0)  # make the monster go away temporarily

        def kill():
            del self._monster_sprite_map[monster]
            del self.hud[monster]

        # TODO: cache this sprite from the first time it's used.
        # also, should loading animated sprites be more convenient?
        images = list()
        for fn in ["capture%02d.png" % i for i in range(1, 10)]:
            fn = 'animations/technique/' + fn
            image = tools.load_and_scale(fn)
            images.append((image, .07))

        tech = PygAnimation(images, False)
        sprite = Sprite()
        sprite.image = tech
        sprite.rect = tech.get_rect()
        self.task(, 1.0)
        self.task(partial(self.sprites.add, sprite), 1.0)
        sprite.rect.midbottom = monster_sprite.rect.midbottom

        def shake_ball(initial_delay):
            animate = partial(self.animate,
            animate(capdev.rect, y=scale(3), relative=True)

            animate = partial(self.animate,
                              delay=initial_delay + 0.1)
            animate(capdev.rect, y=-scale(6), relative=True)

            animate = partial(self.animate,
                              delay=initial_delay + 0.3)
            animate(capdev.rect, y=scale(3), relative=True)

        for i in range(0, num_shakes):
            shake_ball(1.8 + i * 1.0)  # leave a 0.6s wait between each shake

        if is_captured:
            self.task(kill, 2 + num_shakes)
            self.task(partial(toggle_visible, monster_sprite),
                      1.8 + num_shakes * 1.0)  # make the monster appear again!
            self.task(, 1.8 + num_shakes * 1.0)
            self.task(capdev.kill, 1.8 + num_shakes * 1.0)
Beispiel #28
 def load_graphics(self):
     """ Image become class attribute, so is shared.
         Eventually, implement some game-wide image caching
     image = tools.load_and_scale(self.border_filename)
     HpBar.border = GraphicBox(image)