def checkFlows(main, minFlowCount, tag="", dumpflows=True, sleep=10): main.step("Check whether the flow count is bigger than %s" % minFlowCount) if tag == "": tag = 'CASE%d' % main.CurrentTestCaseNumber count = utilities.retry(, main.FALSE, kwargs={'min': minFlowCount}, attempts=10, sleep=sleep) utilities.assertEquals(expect=True, actual=(count > 0), onpass="******" + str(count), onfail="Flow count looks wrong: " + str(count)) main.step("Check whether all flow status are ADDED") flowCheck = utilities.retry(, main.FALSE, kwargs={'isPENDING': False}, attempts=5, sleep=sleep) utilities.assertEquals(expect=main.TRUE, actual=flowCheck, onpass="******", onfail="Flow status is wrong!") if dumpflows: main.ONOSbench.dumpONOSCmd(, "flows", main.logdir, tag + "_FlowsBefore") main.ONOSbench.dumpONOSCmd(, "groups", main.logdir, tag + "_GroupsBefore")
def checkFlows(main, minFlowCount, dumpflows=True): main.step(" Check whether the flow count is bigger than %s" % minFlowCount) count = utilities.retry(main.CLIs[].checkFlowCount, main.FALSE, kwargs={'min': minFlowCount}, attempts=10, sleep=10) utilities.assertEquals( \ expect=True, actual=(count > 0), onpass="******" + str( count ), onfail="Flow count looks wrong: " + str( count ) ) main.step("Check whether all flow status are ADDED") flowCheck = utilities.retry(main.CLIs[].checkFlowsState, main.FALSE, kwargs={'isPENDING': False}, attempts=2, sleep=10) utilities.assertEquals( \ expect=main.TRUE, actual=flowCheck, onpass="******", onfail="Flow status is wrong!" ) if dumpflows: main.ONOSbench.dumpONOSCmd(main.ONOSip[], "flows", main.logdir, "flowsBefore" + main.cfgName) main.ONOSbench.dumpONOSCmd(main.ONOSip[], "groups", main.logdir, "groupsBefore" + main.cfgName)
def killOnos(main, nodes, switches, links, expNodes): """ Params: nodes, integer array with position of the ONOS nodes in the CLIs array switches, links, nodes: number of expected switches, links and nodes after KillOnos, ex.: '4', '6' Completely Kill an ONOS instance and verify the ONOS cluster can see the proper change """ main.step("Killing ONOS instance") for i in nodes: killResult = main.ONOSbench.onosDie(main.CLIs[i].ip_address) utilities.assert_equals(expect=main.TRUE, actual=killResult, onpass="******", onfail="Error killing ONOS instance") if i == = (i + 1) % main.numCtrls time.sleep(12) if len(nodes) < main.numCtrls: nodesToCheck = [] for x in range(0, main.numCtrls): if x not in nodes: nodesToCheck.append(x) nodeResults = utilities.retry(Testcaselib.nodesCheck, False, args=[nodesToCheck], attempts=5, sleep=10) utilities.assert_equals(expect=True, actual=nodeResults, onpass="******", onfail="Nodes check NOT successful") if not nodeResults: for i in nodes: cli = main.CLIs[i] main.log.debug("{} components not ACTIVE: \n{}".format(, cli.sendline("scr:list | grep -v ACTIVE"))) main.log.error("Failed to kill ONOS, stopping test") main.cleanup() main.exit() topology = utilities.retry(main.CLIs[].checkStatus, main.FALSE, kwargs={ 'numoswitch': switches, 'numolink': links, 'numoctrl': expNodes }, attempts=10, sleep=12) utilities.assert_equals(expect=main.TRUE, actual=topology, onpass="******", onfail="Failed to turn off ONOS Instance") else: = -1
def killOnos(main, nodes, switches, links, expNodes): """ Params: nodes, integer array with position of the ONOS nodes in the CLIs array switches, links, nodes: number of expected switches, links and nodes after KillOnos, ex.: '4', '6' Completely Kill an ONOS instance and verify the ONOS cluster can see the proper change """ main.step("Killing ONOS instances with index(es): {}".format(nodes)) for i in nodes: killResult = main.ONOSbench.onosDie( main.Cluster.runningNodes[i].ipAddress) utilities.assert_equals(expect=main.TRUE, actual=killResult, onpass="******", onfail="Error killing ONOS instance") main.Cluster.runningNodes[i].active = False time.sleep(12) if len(nodes) < main.Cluster.numCtrls: nodeResults = utilities.retry(main.Cluster.nodesCheck, False, attempts=5, sleep=10) utilities.assert_equals(expect=True, actual=nodeResults, onpass="******", onfail="Nodes check NOT successful") if not nodeResults: for i in nodes: ctrl = main.Cluster.runningNodes[i] main.log.debug("{} components not ACTIVE: \n{}".format(, ctrl.CLI.sendline("scr:list | grep -v ACTIVE"))) main.log.error("Failed to kill ONOS, stopping test") main.cleanAndExit() topology = utilities.retry(, main.FALSE, kwargs={ 'numoswitch': switches, 'numolink': links, 'numoctrl': expNodes }, attempts=10, sleep=12) utilities.assert_equals(expect=main.TRUE, actual=topology, onpass="******", onfail="Failed to turn off ONOS Instance")
def killLink(main, end1, end2, switches, links): """ end1,end2: identify the switches, ex.: 'leaf1', 'spine1' switches, links: number of expected switches and links after linkDown, ex.: '4', '6' Kill a link and verify ONOS can see the proper link change """ main.linkSleep = float(main.params['timers']['LinkDiscovery']) main.step("Kill link between %s and %s" % (end1, end2)) LinkDown =, END2=end2, OPTION="down") LinkDown =, END1=end2, OPTION="down")"Waiting %s seconds for link down to be discovered" % main.linkSleep) time.sleep(main.linkSleep) topology = utilities.retry(main.CLIs[].checkStatus, main.FALSE, kwargs={ 'numoswitch': switches, 'numolink': links }, attempts=10, sleep=main.linkSleep) result = topology & LinkDown utilities.assert_equals(expect=main.TRUE, actual=result, onpass="******", onfail="Failed to turn off link?")
def killSwitch(main, switch, switches, links): """ Params: switches, links: number of expected switches and links after SwitchDown, ex.: '4', '6' Completely kill a switch and verify ONOS can see the proper change """ main.switchSleep = float(main.params['timers']['SwitchDiscovery']) main.step("Kill " + switch)"Stopping" + switch) main.Mininet1.switch(SW=switch, OPTION="stop") # todo make this repeatable"Waiting %s seconds for switch down to be discovered" % (main.switchSleep)) time.sleep(main.switchSleep) topology = utilities.retry(main.CLIs[].checkStatus, main.FALSE, kwargs={ 'numoswitch': switches, 'numolink': links }, attempts=10, sleep=main.switchSleep) utilities.assert_equals(expect=main.TRUE, actual=topology, onpass="******", onfail="Failed to kill switch?")
def assignSwController(self, ip, port="6653", ptcp=""): """ Description: The assignment is realized properly creating the agent.conf for each switch and then pushing it into the device. Required: ip - Ip addresses of controllers. This can be a list or a string. Optional: port - controller port is ignored ptcp - ptcp information is ignored Return: Returns main.TRUE if the switch is correctly assigned to controllers, otherwise it will return main.FALSE or an appropriate exception(s) """ assignResult = main.TRUE # Initial arguments for OFDPA opt_args = 'OPT_ARGS="-d 2 -c 2 -c 4 ' onosIp = "" # Parses the controller option try: if isinstance(ip, types.StringType): onosIp = "-t " + str(ip) elif isinstance(ip, types.ListType): for ipAddress in ip: onosIp += "-t " + str(ipAddress) + " " else: main.log.error( + ": Invalid ip address") return main.FALSE # Complete the arguments adding the dpid opt_args += onosIp + '-i %s' % self.dpid + '"' # Create a copy of the cfg file using the template self.createCfg() # Load the cfg file and adds the missing option self.updateCfg(opt_args) # Backup the cfg on the switch self.backupCfg() # Push the new cfg on the device self.pushCfg() # Start the ofagent on the device self.startOfAgent() # Enable all the ports assignResult = utilities.retry(self.enablePorts, main.FALSE, kwargs={}, attempts=5, sleep=10) # Done return true return assignResult # Errors handling except pexpect.TIMEOUT: main.log.error( + ": pexpect.TIMEOUT found") return main.FALSE except pexpect.EOF: main.log.error( + ": EOF exception found") main.log.error( + ": " + self.handle.before) main.cleanAndExit() except Exception: main.log.exception( + ": Uncaught exception!") main.cleanAndExit()
def checkFlows(main, minFlowCount): main.step(" Check whether the flow count is bigger than %s" % minFlowCount) count = utilities.retry( main.CLIs[].checkFlowCount, main.FALSE, kwargs={"min": minFlowCount}, attempts=10, sleep=10 ) utilities.assertEquals( expect=True, actual=(count > 0), onpass="******" + str(count), onfail="Flow count looks wrong: " + str(count), ) main.step("Check whether all flow status are ADDED") flowCheck = utilities.retry( main.CLIs[].checkFlowsState, main.FALSE, kwargs={"isPENDING": False}, attempts=10, sleep=10 ) utilities.assertEquals( expect=main.TRUE, actual=flowCheck, onpass="******", onfail="Flow status is wrong!" ) main.ONOSbench.dumpFlows(main.ONOSip[], main.logdir, "flowsBefore" + main.cfgName) main.ONOSbench.dumpGroups(main.ONOSip[0], main.logdir, "groupsBefore" + main.cfgName)
def checkDevices(main, switches, tag="", sleep=10): main.step("Check whether the switches count is equal to %s" % switches) if tag == "": tag = 'CASE%d' % main.CurrentTestCaseNumber result = utilities.retry(, main.FALSE, kwargs={'numoswitch': switches}, attempts=10, sleep=sleep) utilities.assert_equals(expect=main.TRUE, actual=result, onpass="******", onfail="Failed to boot up devices?")
def checkFlowEqualityByDpid(main, dpid, flowCount, sleep=10): main.step(" Check whether the flow count of device %s is equal to %s" % (dpid, flowCount)) count = utilities.retry(, main.FALSE, args=(dpid, flowCount, False, 1), attempts=5, sleep=sleep) utilities.assertEquals( expect=True, actual=(int(count) == flowCount), onpass="******" + str(count), onfail="Flow count looks wrong, should be " + str(flowCount))
def checkFlowsByDpid(main, dpid, minFlowCount, sleep=10): main.step( " Check whether the flow count of device %s is bigger than %s" % (dpid, minFlowCount)) count = utilities.retry(, main.FALSE, args=(dpid, minFlowCount), attempts=5, sleep=sleep) utilities.assertEquals(expect=True, actual=(count > minFlowCount), onpass="******" + str(count), onfail="Flow count looks wrong. ")
def installOnos(main, vlanCfg=True, skipPackage=False, cliSleep=10, parallel=True): """ - Set up cell - Create cell file - Set cell file - Verify cell file - Kill ONOS process - Uninstall ONOS cluster - Verify ONOS start up - Install ONOS cluster - Connect to cli """ # main.scale[ 0 ] determines the current number of ONOS controller if not main.apps: main.log.error("App list is empty")"Cluster size: " + str(main.Cluster.numCtrls))"Cluster ips: " + ', '.join(main.Cluster.getIps())) main.dynamicHosts = ['in1', 'out1'] main.testSetUp.ONOSSetUp(main.Cluster, newCell=True, cellName=main.cellName, skipPack=skipPackage, useSSH=Testcaselib.useSSH, installParallel=parallel, includeCaseDesc=False) ready = utilities.retry(, main.FALSE, sleep=cliSleep, attempts=10) if ready: ready = main.TRUE utilities.assert_equals(expect=main.TRUE, actual=ready, onpass="******", onfail="ONOS summary command failed") if not ready: main.log.error("ONOS startup failed!") main.cleanAndExit() for ctrl in ctrl.CLI.logSet("DEBUG", "org.onosproject.segmentrouting") ctrl.CLI.logSet("DEBUG", "org.onosproject.driver.pipeline") ctrl.CLI.logSet("DEBUG", "") ctrl.CLI.logSet("DEBUG", "")
def sendScapyPackets(self, sender, receiver, pktFilter, pkt, sIface=None, dIface=None, expect=True, acceptableFailed=0, collectT3=True, t3Command=""): """ Description: Send Scapy packets from sender to receiver and verify if result is as expected and retry if neccessary If collectT3 is True and t3Command is specified, collect t3-troubleshoot output on unexpected scapy results Options: sender: the component of the host that is sending packets receiver: the component of the host that is receiving packets pktFilter: packet filter used by receiver pkt: keyword that is expected to be conrained in the received packets expect: expect receiver to receive the packet if True, otherwise not receiving the packet acceptableFailed: maximum number of unexpected scapy results acceptable collectT3: save t3-troubleshoot output for unexpected scapy results Returns: main.TRUE if scapy result is expected, otherwise main.FALSE Note: It is assumed that Scapy is already started on the destination host """ "Sending scapy packets from {} to {}, expected result is {}". format(,, "pass" if expect else "fail")) scapyResult = utilities.retry(self.sendScapyPacketsHelper, main.FALSE, args=(sender, receiver, pktFilter, pkt, sIface, dIface, expect), attempts=acceptableFailed + 1, sleep=1) if not scapyResult and collectT3 and t3Command: main.log.debug( "Collecting t3 with source {} and destination {}".format(, main.log.debug("t3 command: {}".format(t3Command)) main.ONOSbench.dumpONOSCmd(, t3Command, main.logdir, "t3-CASE{}-{}-{}-".format(main.CurrentTestCaseNumber,, return scapyResult
def verifyNetworkHostIp(main, attempts=10, sleep=10): """ Verifies IP address assignment from the hosts """ main.step("Verify IP address assignment from hosts") ipResult = main.TRUE for hostName, ip in main.expectedHosts["network"].items(): ipResult = ipResult and utilities.retry(main.Network.verifyHostIp, main.FALSE, kwargs={ 'hostList': [hostName], 'prefix': ip }, attempts=attempts, sleep=sleep) utilities.assert_equals(expect=main.TRUE, actual=ipResult, onpass="******", onfail="Verify network host IP failed")
def recoverSwitch(main, switch, switches, links): """ Params: switches, links: number of expected switches and links after SwitchUp, ex.: '4', '6' Recover a switch and verify ONOS can see the proper change """ main.step("Recovering " + switch)"Starting" + switch) main.Mininet1.switch(SW=switch, OPTION="start")"Waiting %s seconds for switch up to be discovered" % (main.switchSleep)) time.sleep(main.switchSleep) topology = utilities.retry( main.CLIs[].checkStatus, main.FALSE, kwargs={"numoswitch": switches, "numolink": links}, attempts=10, sleep=main.switchSleep, ) utilities.assert_equals( expect=main.TRUE, actual=topology, onpass="******", onfail="Failed to recover switch?" )
def verifyOnosHostIp(main, attempts=10, sleep=10): """ Verifies host IP address assignment from ONOS """ main.step("Verify host IP address assignment in ONOS") ipResult = main.TRUE for hostName, ip in main.expectedHosts["onos"].items(): ipResult = ipResult and utilities.retry(, main.FALSE, kwargs={ 'hostList': [hostName], 'prefix': ip }, attempts=attempts, sleep=sleep) utilities.assert_equals(expect=main.TRUE, actual=ipResult, onpass="******", onfail="Verify ONOS host IP failed")
def killSwitch(main, switch, switches, links): """ Params: switches, links: number of expected switches and links after SwitchDown, ex.: '4', '6' Completely kill a switch and verify ONOS can see the proper change """ main.switchSleep = float(main.params["timers"]["SwitchDiscovery"]) main.step("Kill " + switch)"Stopping" + switch) main.Mininet1.switch(SW=switch, OPTION="stop")"Waiting %s seconds for switch down to be discovered" % (main.switchSleep)) time.sleep(main.switchSleep) topology = utilities.retry( main.CLIs[].checkStatus, main.FALSE, kwargs={"numoswitch": switches, "numolink": links}, attempts=10, sleep=main.switchSleep, ) utilities.assert_equals( expect=main.TRUE, actual=topology, onpass="******", onfail="Failed to kill switch?" )
def recoverSwitch( main, switch, switches, links ): """ Params: switches, links: number of expected switches and links after SwitchUp, ex.: '4', '6' Recover a switch and verify ONOS can see the proper change """ # todo make this repeatable main.step( "Recovering " + switch ) "Starting" + switch ) main.Mininet1.switch( SW=switch, OPTION="start" ) "Waiting %s seconds for switch up to be discovered" % ( main.switchSleep) ) time.sleep( main.switchSleep ) topology = utilities.retry( main.CLIs[ ].checkStatus, main.FALSE, kwargs={ 'numoswitch': switches, 'numolink': links }, attempts=10, sleep=main.switchSleep ) utilities.assert_equals( expect=main.TRUE, actual=topology, onpass="******", onfail="Failed to recover switch?" )
def killLink(main, end1, end2, switches, links): """ end1,end2: identify the switches, ex.: 'leaf1', 'spine1' switches, links: number of expected switches and links after linkDown, ex.: '4', '6' Kill a link and verify ONOS can see the proper link change """ main.linkSleep = float(main.params["timers"]["LinkDiscovery"]) main.step("Kill link between %s and %s" % (end1, end2)) LinkDown =, END2=end2, OPTION="down")"Waiting %s seconds for link down to be discovered" % main.linkSleep) time.sleep(main.linkSleep) topology = utilities.retry( main.CLIs[].checkStatus, main.FALSE, kwargs={"numoswitch": switches, "numolink": links}, attempts=10, sleep=main.linkSleep, ) result = topology & LinkDown utilities.assert_equals( expect=main.TRUE, actual=result, onpass="******", onfail="Failed to turn off link?" )
def restoreLinkBatch(main, links, linksAfter, switches=7): """ links = list of link (src, dst) to bring up again. """ main.step("Restoring a batch of links {0}".format(links)) for end1, end2 in links:, END2=end2, OPTION="up"), END2=end1, OPTION="up") main.linkSleep = float(main.params['timers']['LinkDiscovery'])"Waiting %s seconds for links down to be discovered" % main.linkSleep) time.sleep(main.linkSleep) topology = utilities.retry(, main.FALSE, kwargs={ 'numoswitch': switches, 'numolink': linksAfter }, attempts=10, sleep=main.linkSleep)
def pingAndCapture(self, srcHost, dstIp, dstHost, dstIntf, ipv6=False, expect=True, acceptableFailed=0, collectT3=True, t3Simple=False): """ Description: Ping from src host to dst IP and capture packets at dst Host using Scapy and retry if neccessary If collectT3 is True, collect t3-troubleshoot output on unexpected scapy results Options: srcHost: name of the source host dstIp: destination IP of the ping packets dstHost: host that runs Scapy to capture the packets dstIntf: name of the interface on the destination host ipv6: ping with IPv6 if True; Otherwise IPv4 expect: use True if the ping is expected to be captured at destination; Otherwise False acceptableFailed: maximum number of failed pings acceptable collectT3: save t3-troubleshoot output for src and dst host that failed to ping t3Simple: use t3-troubleshoot-simple command when collecting t3 output Returns: main.TRUE if packet capturing result is expected, otherwise main.FALSE Note: It is assumed that Scapy is already started on the destination host """ "Pinging from {} to {}, expected {} capture the packet at {}". format(srcHost, dstIp, "to" if expect else "not to", dstHost)) # Verify host component has been created if not hasattr(main, srcHost):"Creating component for host {}".format(srcHost)) main.Network.createHostComponent(srcHost) srcHandle = getattr(main, srcHost)"Starting CLI on host {}".format(srcHost)) srcHandle.startHostCli() trafficResult = utilities.retry(self.pingAndCaptureHelper, main.FALSE, args=(srcHost, dstIp, dstHost, dstIntf, ipv6, expect), attempts=acceptableFailed + 1, sleep=1) if not trafficResult and collectT3: srcIp = main.Network.getIPAddress(srcHost, proto='IPV6' if ipv6 else 'IPV4') main.log.debug( "Collecting t3 with source {} and destination {}".format( srcIp, dstIp)) cmdList = srcIp, dstIp, ipv6, True, t3Simple) if not cmdList: main.log.warn( "Failed to compose T3 command with source {} and destination {}" .format(srcIp, dstIp)) for i in range(0, len(cmdList)): cmd = cmdList[i] main.log.debug("t3 command: {}".format(cmd)) main.ONOSbench.dumpONOSCmd(, cmd, main.logdir, "t3-CASE{}-{}-{}-route{}-".format( main.CurrentTestCaseNumber, srcIp, dstIp, i), timeout=10) return trafficResult
def recoverOnos(main, nodes, switches, links, expNodes): """ Params: nodes, integer array with position of the ONOS nodes in the CLIs array switches, links, nodes: number of expected switches, links and nodes after recoverOnos, ex.: '4', '6' Recover an ONOS instance and verify the ONOS cluster can see the proper change """ main.step("Recovering ONOS instance") [main.ONOSbench.onosStart(main.CLIs[i].ip_address) for i in nodes] for i in nodes: isUp = main.ONOSbench.isup(main.ONOSip[i]) utilities.assert_equals( expect=main.TRUE, actual=isUp, onpass="******", onfail="ONOS service did not start properly") for i in nodes: main.step("Checking if ONOS CLI is ready") main.CLIs[i].startCellCli() cliResult = main.CLIs[i].startOnosCli(main.ONOSip[i], commandlineTimeout=60, onosStartTimeout=100) utilities.assert_equals(expect=main.TRUE, actual=cliResult, onpass="******", onfail="ONOS CLI is not ready") = i if == -1 else main.step("Checking ONOS nodes") nodeResults = utilities.retry(Testcaselib.nodesCheck, False, args=[nodes], attempts=5, sleep=10) utilities.assert_equals(expect=True, actual=nodeResults, onpass="******", onfail="Nodes check NOT successful") if not nodeResults: for i in nodes: cli = main.CLIs[i] main.log.debug("{} components not ACTIVE: \n{}".format(, cli.sendline("scr:list | grep -v ACTIVE"))) main.log.error("Failed to start ONOS, stopping test") main.cleanup() main.exit() topology = utilities.retry(main.CLIs[].checkStatus, main.FALSE, kwargs={ 'numoswitch': switches, 'numolink': links, 'numoctrl': expNodes }, attempts=10, sleep=12) utilities.assert_equals(expect=main.TRUE, actual=topology, onpass="******", onfail="Failed to turn off ONOS Instance") for i in range(10): ready = True output = main.CLIs[].summary() if not output: ready = False if ready: break time.sleep(10) utilities.assert_equals(expect=True, actual=ready, onpass="******", onfail="ONOS summary command failed") if not ready: main.log.error("ONOS startup failed!") main.cleanup() main.exit()
def pingAll(main, tag="", dumpflows=True, acceptableFailed=0, basedOnIp=False, sleep=10, retryAttempts=1): ''' Verify connectivity between hosts according to the ping chart acceptableFailed: max number of acceptable failed pings. basedOnIp: if True, run ping or ping6 based on suffix of host names retryAttempts: the number of retry ping. Only works for IPv4 hosts. '''"Check host connectivity") main.log.debug("Ping chart: %s" % main.pingChart) if tag == "": tag = 'CASE%d' % main.CurrentTestCaseNumber for entry in main.pingChart.itervalues(): main.log.debug("Entry in ping chart: %s" % entry) expect = entry['expect'] if expect == "Unidirectional": # Verify ping from each src host to each dst host src = entry['src'] dst = entry['dst'] expect = main.TRUE main.step( "Verify unidirectional connectivity from %s to %s with tag %s" % (str(src), str(dst), tag)) if basedOnIp: if ("v4" in src[0]): pa = main.Network.pingallHostsUnidirectional( src, dst, acceptableFailed=acceptableFailed) utilities.assert_equals( expect=expect, actual=pa, onpass="******", onfail="IPv4 connectivity failed") if ("v6" in src[0]): pa = main.Network.pingallHostsUnidirectional( src, dst, ipv6=True, acceptableFailed=acceptableFailed) utilities.assert_equals( expect=expect, actual=pa, onpass="******", onfail="IPv6 connectivity failed") else: pa = main.Network.pingallHostsUnidirectional( src, dst, acceptableFailed=acceptableFailed) utilities.assert_equals( expect=expect, actual=pa, onpass="******", onfail="IP connectivity failed") else: # Verify ping between each host pair hosts = entry['hosts'] try: expect = main.TRUE if str( expect).lower() == 'true' else main.FALSE except: expect = main.FALSE main.step("Verify full connectivity for %s with tag %s" % (str(hosts), tag)) if basedOnIp: if ("v4" in hosts[0]): pa = utilities.retry( main.Network.pingallHosts, main.FALSE if expect else main.TRUE, args=(hosts, ), attempts=retryAttempts, sleep=sleep) utilities.assert_equals( expect=expect, actual=pa, onpass="******", onfail="IPv4 connectivity failed") if ("v6" in hosts[0]): pa = main.Network.pingIpv6Hosts( hosts, acceptableFailed=acceptableFailed) utilities.assert_equals( expect=expect, actual=pa, onpass="******", onfail="IPv6 connectivity failed") else: pa = main.Network.pingallHosts(hosts) utilities.assert_equals( expect=expect, actual=pa, onpass="******", onfail="IP connectivity failed") if dumpflows: main.ONOSbench.dumpONOSCmd(, "flows", main.logdir, tag + "_FlowsOn") main.ONOSbench.dumpONOSCmd(, "groups", main.logdir, tag + "_GroupsOn")
def installOnos(main, vlanCfg=True): """ - Set up cell - Create cell file - Set cell file - Verify cell file - Kill ONOS process - Uninstall ONOS cluster - Verify ONOS start up - Install ONOS cluster - Connect to cli """ # main.scale[ 0 ] determines the current number of ONOS controller if main.diff: main.apps = main.apps + "," + main.diff else: main.log.error("App list is empty")"NODE COUNT = " + str(main.Cluster.numCtrls))''.join(main.Cluster.getIps())) main.dynamicHosts = ['in1', 'out1'] main.testSetUp.createApplyCell(main.Cluster, newCell=True, cellName=main.cellName, Mininet=main.Mininet1, useSSH=Testcaselib.useSSH, ips=main.Cluster.getIps()) # kill off all onos processes"Safety check, killing all ONOS processes" + " before initiating environment setup") for ctrl in main.Cluster.runningNodes: main.ONOSbench.onosDie(ctrl.ipAddress) main.testSetUp.buildOnos(main.Cluster) main.testSetUp.installOnos(main.Cluster, False) main.testSetUp.setupSsh(main.Cluster) main.testSetUp.checkOnosService(main.Cluster) cliResult = main.TRUE main.step("Checking if ONOS CLI is ready") for ctrl in main.Cluster.runningNodes: ctrl.CLI.startCellCli() cliResult = cliResult and ctrl.CLI.startOnosCli( ctrl.ipAddress, commandlineTimeout=60, onosStartTimeout=100) = True utilities.assert_equals(expect=main.TRUE, actual=cliResult, onpass="******", onfail="ONOS CLI is not ready") ready = utilities.retry(, main.FALSE, sleep=10, attempts=10) if ready: ready = main.TRUE utilities.assert_equals(expect=main.TRUE, actual=ready, onpass="******", onfail="ONOS summary command failed") with open("%s/json/%s.json" % (main.dependencyPath, main.cfgName)) as cfg: with open("%s/json/%s.chart" % (main.dependencyPath, main.cfgName)) as chart: main.pingChart = json.load(chart) if not ready: main.log.error("ONOS startup failed!") main.cleanAndExit() for ctrl in ctrl.CLI.logSet("DEBUG", "org.onosproject.segmentrouting") ctrl.CLI.logSet("DEBUG", "org.onosproject.driver.pipeline") ctrl.CLI.logSet("DEBUG", "") ctrl.CLI.logSet("DEBUG", "")
def assignSwController( self, ip, port="6653", ptcp="", updateConf=False ): """ Description: The assignment is realized properly creating the agent.conf for each switch and then pushing it into the device. Required: ip - Ip addresses of controllers. This can be a list or a string. Optional: port - controller port is ignored ptcp - ptcp information is ignored updateConf - create new ofagent conf file and push to the switch if set to True; otherwise will use the existing conf file on the switch. Return: Returns main.TRUE if the switch is correctly assigned to controllers, otherwise it will return main.FALSE or an appropriate exception(s) """ assignResult = main.TRUE # Initial arguments for OFDPA opt_args = 'OPT_ARGS="-d 2 -c 2 -c 4 ' onosIp = "" # Parses the controller option try: if isinstance( ip, types.StringType ): onosIp = "-t " + str( ip ) elif isinstance( ip, types.ListType ): for ipAddress in ip: onosIp += "-t " + str( ipAddress ) + " " else: main.log.error( + ": Invalid ip address" ) return main.FALSE # Complete the arguments adding the dpid opt_args += onosIp + '-i %s' % self.dpid + '"' if updateConf: # Create a copy of the cfg file using the template self.createCfg() # Load the cfg file and adds the missing option self.updateCfg( opt_args ) # Backup the cfg on the switch self.backupCfg() # Push the new cfg on the device self.pushCfg() # Start the ofagent on the device self.startOfAgent() # Enable all the ports assignResult = utilities.retry( self.enablePorts, main.FALSE, kwargs={}, attempts=10, sleep=10) if not assignResult: self.isup = False else: self.isup = True # Done return true return assignResult # Errors handling except pexpect.TIMEOUT: main.log.error( + ": pexpect.TIMEOUT found" ) return main.FALSE except pexpect.EOF: main.log.error( + ": EOF exception found" ) main.log.error( + ": " + self.handle.before ) main.cleanAndExit() except Exception: main.log.exception( + ": Uncaught exception!" ) main.cleanAndExit()