def __unicode__(self): if self.up_or_down == "U": return show_name( self.thumber) + "thumbs up on " + self.designidea.title else: return show_name( self.thumber) + "thumbs down on " + self.designidea.title
def __unicode__(self): return _( "%(commentor)s's comment on %(answerer_name)s's answer to the question: '%(question_title)s'" ) % { "commentor": show_name(self.creator), "answerer_name": show_name(self.answer.answerer), "question_title": self.answer.question.question_title }
def __unicode__(self): return _( "%(tipper_name)s tips %(answerer_name)s %(amount)d points for an answer to the question '%(question_title)s'" ) % { "tipper_name": show_name(self.tipper), "answerer_name": show_name(self.answer.answerer), "amount": self.amount, "question_title": self.answer.question.question_title, }
def __unicode__(self): return _( "%(rater_name)s gives %(receiver_name)s a %(rating)s rating on question '%(question_title)s'" ) % { "rater_name": show_name(self.rater), "receiver_name": show_name(self.receiver), "rating": self.rating, "question_title": self.question.question_title, }
def __unicode__(self): if self.type == "Q": if self.up_or_down == "U": return _( "%(thumber_name)s thumbs up on %(asker_name)s's question: '%(question_title)s'" ) % { "thumber_name": show_name(self.thumber), "asker_name": show_name(self.question.asker), "question_title": self.question.question_title } else: return _( "%(thumber_name)s thumbs down on %(asker_name)s's question: '%(question_title)s'" ) % { "thumber_name": show_name(self.thumber), "asker_name": show_name(self.question.asker), "question_title": self.question.question_title } else: if self.up_or_down == "U": return _( "%(thumber_name)s thumbs up on %(answerer_name)s's answer to the question: '%(question_title)s'" ) % { "thumber_name": show_name(self.thumber), "answerer_name": show_name(self.answer.answerer), "question_title": self.answer.question.question_title } else: return _( "%(thumber_name)s thumbs down on %(answerer_name)s's answer to the question: '%(question_title)s'" ) % { "thumber_name": show_name(self.thumber), "answerer_name": show_name(self.answer.answerer), "question_title": self.answer.question.question_title }
def __unicode__(self): return _("Deal: %(buyer)s spent %(amount)d on %(product)s at %(time)s") % { "buyer": show_name(, "amount":, "product":, "time": self.time_string_l() }
def __unicode__(self): return _("%(bidder_name)s bids %(amount)d points on '%(product)s' at %(time)s") % { "bidder_name": show_name(self.bidder), "amount": self.amount, "product":, "time": self.time_string_l() }
def seller_name(self): return show_name(self.seller)
def display_name(self): if self.anonymous: return _("An Egghead") else: return show_name(self.bidder)
def __unicode__(self): return "%s donated %d points on %s" % (show_name( self.donater), self.amount, self.designidea)
def tipper_name(self): return show_name(self.tipper)
def __unicode__(self): return _( "%(commentor)s's comment on question: '%(question_title)s'") % { "commentor": show_name(self.creator), "question_title": self.question.question_title }
def __unicode__(self): return show_name(self.adder) + " : " + self.question.question_title