Beispiel #1
    def load_list(cls, local_path=None):
        if local_path is None:
            url = ""
            response = webrequest.get(url)
            text = response.text
            with open(local_path, "rt", encoding="utf-8") as f:
                text =

        # Remove var keyword
        assert text.startswith("var ")
        text = text[4:]

        # Execute the JS as Python code
        variables = {}
        exec(text, variables)

        # Load the train data
        date_map = {}
        for train_date_str, type_map in variables["train_list"].items():
            train_date = timeconverter.str_to_date(train_date_str)
            train_map = {}
            for train_type, train_list in type_map.items():
                for train_obj in train_list:
                    train_id = train_obj["train_no"]
                    train_name = train_obj["station_train_code"]
                    train_name = re.match("(.+)\(.*-.*\)", train_name).group(1)
                    train_map[train_name] = train_id
            date_map[train_date] = train_map

        cls.__data__ = date_map
Beispiel #2
 def logout(self):
     webrequest.get("", cookies=self.cookies, allow_redirects=False)
     logger.debug("Successfully logged out")