def home(params,url,category):"[] listvideos")

    # Descarga la p·gina
    data = scrapertools.cachePage(url)

    # Extrae las entradas (carpetas)
    patronvideos  = '<div class="release" style="background-image.url\(\'([^\']+)\'\)\;">[^<]+'
    patronvideos += '<h4>([^<]+)<a href="([^"]+)">([^<]+)</a> <span class="date">([^<]+)</span></h4>[^<]+'
    patronvideos += '<div class="rimg"><img src="([^"]+)"[^>]+></div>[^<]+'
    patronvideos += '<div class="rtext">(.*?)</div>[^<]+'
    patronvideos += '<div class="rfinfo">(.*?)</div>[^<]+'
    patronvideos += '<div class="rflinks">(.*?)</div>[^<]+'
    patronvideos += '<div class="rinfo">(.*?)</div>'
    matches = re.compile(patronvideos,re.DOTALL).findall(data)

    for match in matches:
        if match[0].endswith("anime.gif"):
            scrapedtitle = match[3].strip() + " " + match[1].strip() + " (" + match[4] + ")"
            scrapedurl = urlparse.urljoin(url,match[2])
            scrapedthumbnail = urlparse.urljoin(url,match[5])
            scrapedplot = scrapertools.htmlclean(match[6])
            scrapedextra = match[8]
            if (DEBUG):"title=["+scrapedtitle+"], url=["+scrapedurl+"], thumbnail=["+scrapedthumbnail+"]")

            # AÒade al listado de XBMC
            xbmctools.addnewfolderextra( CHANNELNAME , "homedetail" , category , scrapedtitle , scrapedurl , scrapedthumbnail, scrapedplot , scrapedextra )

    # Extrae la marca de siguiente p·gina
    patronvideos = '<span class="next"><a href="([^"]+)">Anteriores</a>...</span>'
    matches = re.compile(patronvideos,re.DOTALL).findall(data)

    if len(matches)>0:
        scrapedtitle = "P·gina siguiente"
        scrapedurl = urlparse.urljoin(url,matches[0])
        scrapedthumbnail = ""
        scrapedplot = ""
        xbmctools.addnewfolder( CHANNELNAME , "home" , category , scrapedtitle , scrapedurl , scrapedthumbnail, scrapedplot )

    # Propiedades
    xbmcplugin.setPluginCategory( handle=int( sys.argv[ 1 ] ), category=category )
    xbmcplugin.addSortMethod( handle=int( sys.argv[ 1 ] ), sortMethod=xbmcplugin.SORT_METHOD_NONE )
    xbmcplugin.endOfDirectory( handle=int( sys.argv[ 1 ] ), succeeded=True )
def mainlist(params,url,category):"[] mainlist")

    # Añade al listado de XBMC
    xbmctools.addnewfolderextra( CHANNELNAME , "listsimple" , category , "Series - Novedades"            ,"","","","novedades")
    xbmctools.addnewfolderextra( CHANNELNAME , "listsimple" , category , "Series - Estrenos"             ,"","","","estrenos")
    #xbmctools.addnewfolderextra( CHANNELNAME , "listsimple" , category , "Spoilers ","","","","spoilers")
    xbmctools.addnewfolder( CHANNELNAME , "seriesalfa"  , category , "Series - Lista alfabética (Con Sinopsis y Poster)"     ,"","","")
    xbmctools.addnewfolder( CHANNELNAME , "SeriesBuscaAlfa"   , category , "Series - Busqueda Alfabética (toda la base de datos)" ,"","","")
    #xbmctools.addnewfolder( CHANNELNAME , "listaActoresMasBuscados" , category , "Actores - Lista Los Más Buscados"     ,"","","")
    #xbmctools.addnewfolder( CHANNELNAME , "buscaporletraActor"      , category , "Actores - Busqueda Alfabética"  ,"","","")    
    xbmctools.addnewfolder( CHANNELNAME , "search"                  , category , "Series - Buscar"                           ,"","","")

    # Label (top-right)...
    xbmcplugin.setPluginCategory( handle=int( sys.argv[ 1 ] ), category=category )

    # Disable sorting...
    xbmcplugin.addSortMethod( handle=int( sys.argv[ 1 ] ), sortMethod=xbmcplugin.SORT_METHOD_NONE )

    # End of directory...
    xbmcplugin.endOfDirectory( handle=int( sys.argv[ 1 ] ), succeeded=True )
def listaActoresMasBuscados(params,url,category):"[] listaActoresMasBuscados")
    url1 = ""
    # Descarga la página
    data = scrapertools.cachePage(url)
    patronvideos = 'Los m&aacute;s buscados:    <br />(.*?)</div>'
    matches1 = re.compile(patronvideos,re.DOTALL).findall(data)
    patronvideos = '<a href="([^"]+)">([^<]+)</a>'
    matches =  re.compile(patronvideos,re.DOTALL).findall(matches1[0])
    for match in matches:
        # Titulo
        scrapedtitle = match[1]
        # URL
        scrapedurl = urlparse.urljoin(url1,match[0])
        # Thumbnail
        scrapedthumbnail = ""
        # Argumento
        scrapedplot = "Busca las Series existentes de este Actor ó Actriz"

        # Depuracion
        if (DEBUG):

        # Añade al listado de XBMC
        xbmctools.addnewfolderextra( CHANNELNAME , "listsimple" , category , scrapedtitle , scrapedurl , scrapedthumbnail, scrapedplot,extra )
    # Label (top-right)...
    xbmcplugin.setPluginCategory( handle=pluginhandle, category=category )
    # Disable sorting...
    xbmcplugin.addSortMethod( handle=pluginhandle, sortMethod=xbmcplugin.SORT_METHOD_NONE )

    # End of directory...
    xbmcplugin.endOfDirectory( handle=pluginhandle, succeeded=True )
def buscaporletraActor(params,url,category):"[] buscaporletra")
    data = scrapertools.cachePage(url)
    patron  = '<div class="title">Listado de Actores</div><br/>(.*?)<ul class="menustyle">'
    matches = re.compile(patron,re.DOTALL).findall(data)
    patron  = '<a href="(.*?)">(.*?)</a>'
    matches = re.compile(patron,re.DOTALL).findall(matches[0])
    opciones = []
    opciones.append("Buscar por palabras (Teclado)")
    for letra in letras:
    dia = xbmcgui.Dialog()
    seleccion ="busqueda rapida, elige uno : ", opciones)"seleccion=%d" % seleccion)
    if seleccion == -1 :return
    if seleccion == 0:
        keyboard = xbmc.Keyboard('')
        if (keyboard.isConfirmed()):
            tecleado = keyboard.getText()
            if len(tecleado)>0:
      "Nuevo string tecleado   "+tecleado)
                for match in matches:
                    if (string.lower(tecleado)) in (string.lower(match[1])):
                        scrapedurl   = ""+match[0]
                        scrapedtitle = match[1]
                        scrapedthumbnail = ""
                        scrapedplot = " "
                        if (DEBUG):
                            #  Añade al listado de XBMC
                            xbmctools.addnewfolderextra( CHANNELNAME , "listsimple" , category , scrapedtitle , scrapedurl , scrapedthumbnail , scrapedplot,"actor" )
        for match in matches:
            if match[1][0:1] == letras[seleccion-1]:
                scrapedurl   = ""+match[0]
                scrapedtitle = match[1]
                scrapedthumbnail = ""
                scrapedplot = " "
                if (DEBUG):
                    #  Añade al listado de XBMC
                    xbmctools.addnewfolderextra( CHANNELNAME , "listsimple" , category , scrapedtitle , scrapedurl , scrapedthumbnail , scrapedplot,"actor" )
    # Label (top-right)...
    xbmcplugin.setPluginCategory( handle=pluginhandle, category=category )
    # Disable sorting...
    xbmcplugin.addSortMethod( handle=pluginhandle, sortMethod=xbmcplugin.SORT_METHOD_NONE )

    # End of directory...
    xbmcplugin.endOfDirectory( handle=pluginhandle, succeeded=True )
def seriesalfa(params, url, category):

    xbmctools.addnewfolderextra( CHANNELNAME ,"listsimple", category , "0-9","","","","")
    xbmctools.addnewfolderextra( CHANNELNAME ,"listsimple", category , "A","","","","")
    xbmctools.addnewfolderextra( CHANNELNAME ,"listsimple", category , "B","","","","")
    xbmctools.addnewfolderextra( CHANNELNAME ,"listsimple", category , "C","","","","")
    xbmctools.addnewfolderextra( CHANNELNAME ,"listsimple", category , "D","","","","")
    xbmctools.addnewfolderextra( CHANNELNAME ,"listsimple", category , "E","","","","")
    xbmctools.addnewfolderextra( CHANNELNAME ,"listsimple", category , "F","","","","")
    xbmctools.addnewfolderextra( CHANNELNAME ,"listsimple", category , "G","","","","")
    xbmctools.addnewfolderextra( CHANNELNAME ,"listsimple", category , "H","","","","")
    xbmctools.addnewfolderextra( CHANNELNAME ,"listsimple", category , "I","","","","")
    xbmctools.addnewfolderextra( CHANNELNAME ,"listsimple", category , "J","","","","")
    xbmctools.addnewfolderextra( CHANNELNAME ,"listsimple", category , "K","","","","")
    xbmctools.addnewfolderextra( CHANNELNAME ,"listsimple", category , "L","","","","")
    xbmctools.addnewfolderextra( CHANNELNAME ,"listsimple", category , "M","","","","")
    xbmctools.addnewfolderextra( CHANNELNAME ,"listsimple", category , "N","","","","")
    xbmctools.addnewfolderextra( CHANNELNAME ,"listsimple", category , "O","","","","")
    xbmctools.addnewfolderextra( CHANNELNAME ,"listsimple", category , "P","","","","")
    xbmctools.addnewfolderextra( CHANNELNAME ,"listsimple", category , "Q","","","","")
    xbmctools.addnewfolderextra( CHANNELNAME ,"listsimple", category , "R","","","","")
    xbmctools.addnewfolderextra( CHANNELNAME ,"listsimple", category , "S","","","","")
    xbmctools.addnewfolderextra( CHANNELNAME ,"listsimple", category , "T","","","","")
    xbmctools.addnewfolderextra( CHANNELNAME ,"listsimple", category , "U","","","","")
    xbmctools.addnewfolderextra( CHANNELNAME ,"listsimple", category , "V","","","","")
    xbmctools.addnewfolderextra( CHANNELNAME ,"listsimple", category , "W","","","","")
    xbmctools.addnewfolderextra( CHANNELNAME ,"listsimple", category , "X","","","","")
    xbmctools.addnewfolderextra( CHANNELNAME ,"listsimple", category , "Y","","","","")
    xbmctools.addnewfolderextra( CHANNELNAME ,"listsimple", category , "Z","","","","")

    # Label (top-right)...
    xbmcplugin.setPluginCategory( handle=int( sys.argv[ 1 ] ), category=category )

    # Disable sorting...
    xbmcplugin.addSortMethod( handle=int( sys.argv[ 1 ] ), sortMethod=xbmcplugin.SORT_METHOD_NONE )

    # End of directory...
    xbmcplugin.endOfDirectory( handle=int( sys.argv[ 1 ] ), succeeded=True )
def ListarVideos(params,url,category):
    url1 = ""
    url1 = urlparse.urljoin(url1,url)
    title = urllib.unquote_plus(params.get("title"))
    thumbnail = urllib.unquote_plus(params.get("thumbnail"))
    plot = urllib.unquote_plus(params.get("plot"))            
    data = scrapertools.cachePage(url1)
    # Busca el area donde estan los videos y la descripcion
    patronvideos = '<div id="content">(.*?)<!-- FIN #content-->'
    matches      = re.compile(patronvideos,re.DOTALL).findall(data)
    matchesBK = matches[0]

    # Extrae las entradas (videos) para megavideo
    patronvideos  = '<span  style="font-size:12px;"><strong>(.*?)</strong></span><br/>.*?'
    patronvideos += '<span.*?>.*?<a href="http\:\/\/\/([\?v=|v/|\?d=]+)([A-Z0-9]{8}).*?" target'
    matches = re.compile(patronvideos,re.DOTALL).findall(matches[0])
    encontrados = set()
    for match in matches:
        if match[2] not in encontrados:
            if 'v' in match[1]:
                server = "Megavideo"
                server = "Megaupload"
            doblaje = scrapertools.entityunescape(match[0])
            # Titulo
            scrapedtitle = title + " -   [" +doblaje+ "]" + " ("+server+")"
            # URL
            scrapedurl = match[2]
            # Thumbnail
            scrapedthumbnail = thumbnail
            # Argumento
            #print 'este es el plot %s ' %plot
            #print ' doblaje %s ' %doblaje
            scrapedplot = plot
            if ("Español" in plot) and not (doblaje in plot):
                scrapedplot = scrapedplot.replace("Español",doblaje)
            elif "subtitulado" in plot and not (doblaje in plot):
                scrapedplot = scrapedplot.replace("Versión original (subtitulado)",doblaje)
            elif not doblaje in plot:
                scrapedplot += "\n" + "Doblaje : " + doblaje
            # Depuracion
            if (DEBUG):

            # Añade al listado de XBMC
            xbmctools.addnewvideo( CHANNELNAME , "play" , category ,server, scrapedtitle , scrapedurl , scrapedthumbnail, scrapedplot )
    if len(matches)==0:
        listavideos = servertools.findvideos(data)
        encontrados = set()
        for titulo,scrapedurl,servidor in listavideos:
            if scrapedurl.strip() not in encontrados:
                xbmctools.addnewvideo( CHANNELNAME , "play" , category ,servidor, title+ " - %s" %titulo , scrapedurl , thumbnail, plot )
    patronvideos = '<span class="bloque-doblaje">(.+?)</span>[^<]+'
    patronvideos +='<span class="bloque-link">[^<]+<a href="javascript\:goTo\(\'([^\']+)\'\, \'([^\']+)\'\)"(.+?)</span>'
    #patronvideos +='(?:\| <a href="javascript\:goTo\(\'([^\']+)\'\, \'([^\']+)\'\)".*?)</span>'
    matches = re.compile(patronvideos,re.DOTALL).findall(data)
    for match in matches:
        # URL
        if "megavideo" in match[2]:
            server = "Megavideo"
        elif "megaupload" in match[2]:
            server = "Megaupload"
        if "esp.gif" in match[0]:
            doblaje = "Español"
            doblaje = match[0].strip()            
        base64 = decrypt21.Base64()
            url2 = re.compile("javascript\:goTo\(\'([^\']+)\'\, \'([^\']+)\'\)").findall(match[3])[0]
            scrapedurl2 = base64._extract_code(base64.decode(url2[0]))
            scrapedurl = base64._extract_code(base64.decode(match[1]))
            part1 = " Parte 1 "
            part2 = " Parte 2 "
            scrapedtitle2 = title + part2+ " -   [" +doblaje+ "]" + " ("+server+")"
            #print match[3]
            scrapedurl = base64._extract_code(base64.decode(match[1]))
            part1 = ""
            part2 = ""            

        scrapedtitle = title + part1+ " -   [" +doblaje+ "]" + " ("+server+")"

        # Thumbnail
        scrapedthumbnail = thumbnail
        # Argumento
        scrapedplot = plot

        # Depuracion
        if (DEBUG):

        # Añade al listado de XBMC
        xbmctools.addnewvideo( CHANNELNAME , "play" , category ,server, scrapedtitle , scrapedurl , scrapedthumbnail, scrapedplot )
        if part2:
            xbmctools.addnewvideo( CHANNELNAME , "play" , category ,server, scrapedtitle2 , scrapedurl2 , scrapedthumbnail, scrapedplot )
    # Extrae las entradas (videos) directos
    patronvideos = 'flashvars="file=([^\&]+)\&amp;controlbar=over'
    matches = re.compile(patronvideos,re.DOTALL).findall(data)
    if len(matches)>0:
        data1 = scrapertools.cachePage(matches[0])
        patron = 'author">(.*?)</media:credit>.*?<media\:content url="([^"]+)"'
        matches = re.compile(patron,re.DOTALL).findall(data1)
        for match in matches:
            # Añade al listado de XBMC
            xbmctools.addnewvideo( CHANNELNAME , "play" , category , "Directo" , title +" -  ["+match[0]+"]"+ " (Directo)" , match[1] , thumbnail , plot )
    # Busca el Spoiler 
    patronvideos = '([^"]+)"'
    matchSpoiler = re.compile(patronvideos,re.DOTALL).findall(data)
    if len(matchSpoiler)>0:
        encontrados = set()
        for match in matchSpoiler:
            if match not in encontrados:
                # Añade al listado de XBMC
                xbmctools.addnewvideo( CHANNELNAME , "youtubeplay" , category ,"Directo", "Ver El Spoiler de : "+title , match , thumbnail, "Ver Video Spoiler" )

    # Lista series relacionadas
    titulo = "Ver otros capitulos de esta temporada" 
    matches = buscarelacionados(matchesBK)
    for match in matches:
        plot2 = plot2 + "-"+match[2]+"\n"
    xbmctools.addnewfolderextra( CHANNELNAME , "listarelacionados" , category , titulo , url , thumbnail, plot2,matchesBK )
    #<div class="film"><a href="/house/#t_57"><img src="/thumbs/temporadas/95/120/57.jpg"
    # Cambiar de Temporada
    patron = 'div class="film"><a href="([^"]+)"><img src="([^"]+)" style'
    matchSerie= re.compile(patron,re.DOTALL).findall(matchesBK)
    if len(matchSerie)>1:
        for temp in matchSerie:
            url2      = urlparse.urljoin(url1,temp[0])
            thumbnail = urlparse.urljoin(url1,temp[1])
            titulo = "Cambiar a otras temporadas"
            titulo_serie = temp[0].split("/")
            titulo2 = titulo_serie[1].replace("-"," ")
            #print ' titulo%s ' %titulo2
            xbmctools.addnewfolderextra( CHANNELNAME , "listarTemporada" , category , titulo , url2 , thumbnail, plot,titulo2 )
    # Label (top-right)...
    xbmcplugin.setContent(int( sys.argv[ 1 ] ),"movies")
    xbmcplugin.setPluginCategory( handle=pluginhandle, category=category )
    xbmcplugin.addSortMethod( handle=pluginhandle, sortMethod=xbmcplugin.SORT_METHOD_NONE )
    xbmcplugin.endOfDirectory( handle=pluginhandle, succeeded=True )
def listarTemporada(params,url,category):"[] listvideos")
    url1 = ""
    if url=="":
        url = ""
    # Descarga la página
    data = scrapertools.cachePage(url)
    titulo_serie  = urllib.unquote_plus(params.get("title"))
    if titulo_serie == "Cambiar a otras temporadas":
        titulo_serie = urllib.unquote_plus(params.get("extradata"))
    #thumbnail = urllib.unquote_plus(params.get("thumbnail"))
    #plot = urllib.unquote_plus(params.get("plot"))
    # Busca el area donde estan los videos y la descripcion
    patronvideos   = '<h3>(.*?)</h3>'                                            # Temporada de la Serie
    patronvideos  += '.*?<img.+?src="([^"]+)"  width=.*?/>'                        # Thumbnail de la Serie
    patronvideos  += '.*?<ul(.*?)</ul>'                                          # Capitulos de la Serie  
    matches        = re.compile(patronvideos,re.DOTALL).findall(data)
    patroncapit    = '<li><a href="([^"]+)".+?>(.+?)</a>(.+?)</li>'
    patronplot     = '<div style="margin:0px; padding:0px; text-align:justify;">(.*?)</div>'
    sinopsis       = re.compile(patronplot,re.DOTALL).findall(data)
    plot           = "Serie : "+titulo_serie+"\n"
    # Busca los actores
    patronactor    = '<div id="actores">(.*?)cursor:pointer'
    matchesactor   = re.compile(patronactor,re.DOTALL).findall(data)
    matchesactores = ""
    if len(matchesactor)>0:
        matchesactores = buscactores(matchesactor[0]) 
        print ' actores: %s' %str(len(matchesactores))
    if len(matchesactores)>0:
        actor =  "Actores:   "
        c = 0
        actores = "ACTORES DE ESTA SERIE :\n\n"
        for match in matchesactores:
            c       =  c + 1
            actores = actores + "-"+match[1] + "\n"
            if   c == 3 or c == 6 :
                actor = actor + match[1] + "\n"
            elif c == 4 or c == 7:
                actor = actor + "*              "  + match[1]+" , "
                actor = actor + match[1]+ " , "

    # Abre ventana de eleccion de temporadas            
    if len(matches)>1:
        opciones = []
        opciones.append(" Todas las Temporadas")
        for match in matches:
            temporada = re.sub("<[^>]+>"," ",match[0]).replace("-","").replace(">","")
        dia = xbmcgui.Dialog()
        seleccion ="Elige un tipo de Listado", opciones)"seleccion=%d" % seleccion)
        seleccion = 0
    if seleccion == -1:
    if seleccion == 0:
        for match in matches:
            print 'esta es la %s' %match[0]
            print 'este es el thumbnail %s ' %match[1]
            thumbnail =  urlparse.urljoin(url1,match[1])
            temporada = re.sub("<[^>]+>"," ",match[0]).replace("-","").replace(">","")
            temporada += "\n" +actor+"\n"+ "Sinopsis : " + str(sinopsis[0].replace("\n\t\t\t\t\t",""))
            matchescapit = re.compile(patroncapit,re.DOTALL).findall(match[2])
            for match1 in matchescapit:
                esp  = ""
                subt = ""
                url  = match1[0]
                if "esp.gif" in match1[2]:
                    esp = " (Español)"
                if "Subtitulado" in match1[2]:
                    subt = " (VOS)"
                titulo = titulo_serie+" - "+match1[1]+ esp + subt
                xbmctools.addnewfolder( CHANNELNAME , "ListarVideos" , category , titulo , url , thumbnail, plot+temporada , fanart=thumbnail )
        thumbnail = urlparse.urljoin(url1,matches[seleccion-1][1])
        temporada = re.sub("<[^>]+>"," ",matches[seleccion-1][0]).replace("-","").replace(">","")"matches "+matches[seleccion-1][2])
        matchescapit = re.compile(patroncapit,re.DOTALL).findall(matches[seleccion-1][2])
        plot   += temporada + "\n"
        plot   += actor+"\n"+"Sinopsis : " + str(sinopsis[0].replace("\n\t\t\t\t\t",""))
        if len(matchescapit)>0:
            for match1 in matchescapit:
                url    = match1[0]
                titulo = titulo_serie + " - " + match1[1]
                xbmctools.addnewfolder( CHANNELNAME , "ListarVideos" , category , titulo , url , thumbnail, plot )
    # Busca Series relacionadas con los actores
    if len(matchesactores)>0:
        titulo = "Lista Series relacionadas con los actores"
        xbmctools.addnewfolderextra( CHANNELNAME , "listaractores" , category , titulo , url , thumbnail, actores,matchesactor[0] , fanart=thumbnail )    
    # Label (top-right)...
    xbmcplugin.setContent(int( sys.argv[ 1 ] ),"movies")
    xbmcplugin.setPluginCategory( handle=pluginhandle, category=category )
    xbmcplugin.addSortMethod( handle=pluginhandle, sortMethod=xbmcplugin.SORT_METHOD_NONE )
    xbmcplugin.endOfDirectory( handle=pluginhandle, succeeded=True )
def listsimple(params,url,category):"[] listsimple")
    url1 = ""
    extra= urllib.unquote_plus(params.get("extradata"))
    title = urllib.unquote_plus(params.get("title"))
    # Descarga la página
    data = scrapertools.cachePage(url)"esta es la url: "+url)
    # Extrae las entradas (carpetas)
    scrapedplot = ""
    patronvideos = ""
    if (title == "Series - Estrenos") or  url1+"/nuevo" in url:
        patronvideos  = '<div class="film2"[^>]+>.*?' 
        patronvideos += '<img src="([^"]+)".*?'                             # Imagen
        patronvideos += '<a href="([^"]+)".*?'                                  # Url
        patronvideos += '<b>([^<]+)</b>.*?'                            # Nombre de la serie 
        patronvideos += '<div style[^>]+>([^<]+)</div>'                     # Titulo del capitulo 
        #patronvideos += '.*?<b>(Temporada:</b>.*?)<.*?</a>--><br/>'                        
        #patronvideos += '.*?<div style=[^>]+>'                                            # Genero
        #patronvideos += '.*?<b>(Doblaje:</b>.*?)<.*?-->'                                   # Idioma
    elif title in "0-9ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ" or extra=="actor":
        patronvideos  = '<a href="([^"]+)"'                                # url
        patronvideos += '.*?<img src="([^"]+)".*?'                              # Imagen
        patronvideos += 'class="titulo">([^<]+)</a>.*?'                               # Titulo
        patronvideos += '<b>(Sinopsis: </b>.*?)</div>'                          # Sinopsis
    #<li style="margin:0px; padding:0px;  height:18px; margin-left:5px;">
    #                        <b>Dexter</b>: <a href="/dexter/5x10-in-the-beginning/">5x10 -  In the Beginning</a>  | Subtitulado    
    elif title == "Series - Novedades":
        patronvideos  = '<li style=.*?margin-left[^>]+>[^<]+'
        patronvideos += '<b>([^<]+)</b>\: <a href="([^"]+)"'
        patronvideos += '>([^<]+)</a>(.+?)</li>'
        #patronvideos += '<br /><b>(.*?)</b><br />(.*?)</a></div>'"[ listsimple  patronvideos: "+patronvideos)
    #<li style="margin:0px; padding:0px;  height:18px; margin-left:5px;"><a style="text-decoration:none;" href="/bella-calamidades/1x124-capitulo-124/">Bella calamidades 1x124 - Capitulo - 124</a></li>
    matches = re.compile(patronvideos,re.DOTALL).findall(data)
    solo_capitulo = False"[ listsimple  matches")
    for match in matches:
        # Atributos
        #scrapedtitle = match[2]
        #scrapedtitle = scrapedtitle.replace("<span class='style4'>","")
        #scrapedtitle = scrapedtitle.replace("</span>","")
        scrapedurl = urlparse.urljoin(url1,match[1])
        scrapedthumbnail = urlparse.urljoin(url1,match[0])
        scrapedthumbnail = scrapedthumbnail.replace(" ","")
        if title in "0-9ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ" or extra=="actor":
            scrapedtitle = match[2].replace("\n\t","")
            scrapedplot  = match[3].replace("\n"," ")+"\n"
            scrapedurl = urlparse.urljoin(url1,match[0])
            scrapedthumbnail = urlparse.urljoin(url1,match[1])
            scrapedthumbnail = scrapedthumbnail.replace(" ","")            
        if title == "Series - Novedades":
            scrapedurl = urlparse.urljoin(url1,match[1])
            scrapedthumbnail = ""
            #scrapedthumbnail = scrapedthumbnail.replace(" ","")
            solo_capitulo = True
            #scrapedplot  = "Serie:    "+match[2]+"\n"
            #scrapedplot += "Capitulo: "+match[3]
            if "esp.gif" in match[3]:
                idioma = "Español"
                idioma = match[3].replace("  | ","").replace("\t\t\t\t\t\t","")
            scrapedtitle = "%s - %s (%s)" %(match[0],match[2],idioma)
        if (title == "Series - Estrenos")   or  url1+"/nuevo" in url:
            scrapedtitle = match[2]
            scrapedurl = urlparse.urljoin(url1,match[1])
            scrapedthumbnail = urlparse.urljoin(url1,match[0])
            scrapedthumbnail = scrapedthumbnail.replace(" ","")
            solo_capitulo = True
            scrapedtitle = scrapedtitle + " - " + match[3].replace("\t\t","")
            #scrapedplot = match[3].replace("\n","")+"\n"    
            #scrapedplot  = scrapedplot.replace(":",":          ")
            #scrapedplot += match[5].replace("\n"," ")+"\n"
            #scrapedplot += match[6].replace(":",":      ")
        #scrapedtitle = scrapedtitle.replace("\n\t"," ")    
        scrapedplot  = re.sub("<[^>]+>"," ",scrapedplot)
        scrapedplot  = scrapedplot.replace("&eacute;","é")
        scrapedplot  = scrapedplot.replace("&oacute;","ó")
        scrapedplot  = scrapedplot.replace("&ntilde;","ñ")
        if (DEBUG):"title=["+scrapedtitle+"], url=["+scrapedurl+"], thumbnail=["+scrapedthumbnail+"]")

        # Añade al listado de XBMC
        if solo_capitulo:
            xbmctools.addnewfolder( CHANNELNAME , "ListarVideos" , category , scrapedtitle , scrapedurl , scrapedthumbnail, scrapedplot , fanart=scrapedthumbnail )
            xbmctools.addnewfolder( CHANNELNAME , "listarTemporada" , category , scrapedtitle , scrapedurl , scrapedthumbnail, scrapedplot , fanart=scrapedthumbnail )
        #<div class="pagination" align="center" ><p><span  class='current'>1</span><a  href='/estrenos/2/'>2</a><a  href='/estrenos/2/'>Siguiente &raquo;</a><a  href='/estrenos/2/'></a>
    # Extrae la marca de siguiente página
    if title == "Series - Novedades" or "" in url:
        patronvideos = '<div class="pagination" align="center" ><div.*?<a href="([^"]+)">Más series'
        matches = re.compile(patronvideos,re.DOTALL).findall(data)

        if len(matches)>0:
            extra = "siguiente"
            scrapedtitle = "Página siguiente"
            scrapedurl = urlparse.urljoin(url1,matches[0])
            scrapedthumbnail = ""
            scrapedplot = ""
            xbmctools.addnewfolderextra( CHANNELNAME , "listsimple" , category , scrapedtitle , scrapedurl , scrapedthumbnail, scrapedplot,extra )

    # Label (top-right)...
    xbmcplugin.setContent(int( sys.argv[ 1 ] ),"movies")
    xbmcplugin.setPluginCategory( handle=pluginhandle, category=category )
    xbmcplugin.addSortMethod( handle=pluginhandle, sortMethod=xbmcplugin.SORT_METHOD_NONE )
    xbmcplugin.endOfDirectory( handle=pluginhandle, succeeded=True )
def listalfa(params,url,category):"[] listalfa")
    xbmctools.addnewfolderextra( CHANNELNAME ,"listvideos", category , "0-9","","","","")
    xbmctools.addnewfolderextra( CHANNELNAME ,"listvideos", category , "A","","","","")
    xbmctools.addnewfolderextra( CHANNELNAME ,"listvideos", category , "B","","","","")
    xbmctools.addnewfolderextra( CHANNELNAME ,"listvideos", category , "C","","","","")
    xbmctools.addnewfolderextra( CHANNELNAME ,"listvideos", category , "D","","","","")
    xbmctools.addnewfolderextra( CHANNELNAME ,"listvideos", category , "E","","","","")
    xbmctools.addnewfolderextra( CHANNELNAME ,"listvideos", category , "F","","","","")
    xbmctools.addnewfolderextra( CHANNELNAME ,"listvideos", category , "G","","","","")
    xbmctools.addnewfolderextra( CHANNELNAME ,"listvideos", category , "H","","","","")
    xbmctools.addnewfolderextra( CHANNELNAME ,"listvideos", category , "I","","","","")
    xbmctools.addnewfolderextra( CHANNELNAME ,"listvideos", category , "J","","","","")
    xbmctools.addnewfolderextra( CHANNELNAME ,"listvideos", category , "K","","","","")
    xbmctools.addnewfolderextra( CHANNELNAME ,"listvideos", category , "L","","","","")
    xbmctools.addnewfolderextra( CHANNELNAME ,"listvideos", category , "M","","","","")
    xbmctools.addnewfolderextra( CHANNELNAME ,"listvideos", category , "N","","","","")
    xbmctools.addnewfolderextra( CHANNELNAME ,"listvideos", category , "O","","","","")
    xbmctools.addnewfolderextra( CHANNELNAME ,"listvideos", category , "P","","","","")
    xbmctools.addnewfolderextra( CHANNELNAME ,"listvideos", category , "Q","","","","")
    xbmctools.addnewfolderextra( CHANNELNAME ,"listvideos", category , "R","","","","")
    xbmctools.addnewfolderextra( CHANNELNAME ,"listvideos", category , "S","","","","")
    xbmctools.addnewfolderextra( CHANNELNAME ,"listvideos", category , "T","","","","")
    xbmctools.addnewfolderextra( CHANNELNAME ,"listvideos", category , "U","","","","")
    xbmctools.addnewfolderextra( CHANNELNAME ,"listvideos", category , "V","","","","")
    xbmctools.addnewfolderextra( CHANNELNAME ,"listvideos", category , "W","","","","")
    xbmctools.addnewfolderextra( CHANNELNAME ,"listvideos", category , "X","","","","")
    xbmctools.addnewfolderextra( CHANNELNAME ,"listvideos", category , "Y","","","","")
    xbmctools.addnewfolderextra( CHANNELNAME ,"listvideos", category , "Z","","","","")

        # Label (top-right)...
    xbmcplugin.setPluginCategory( handle=int( sys.argv[ 1 ] ), category=category )

    # Disable sorting...
    xbmcplugin.addSortMethod( handle=int( sys.argv[ 1 ] ), sortMethod=xbmcplugin.SORT_METHOD_NONE )

    # End of directory...
    xbmcplugin.endOfDirectory( handle=int( sys.argv[ 1 ] ), succeeded=True )
def listar_busquedas(params,url="",category=""):
    #print "category :" +category
    if url == "" and category == "":
        channel_preset =
        accion = params.action
        category = "Buscador_Generico"
        channel_preset = params.get("channel")
        accion = params.get("action")
        category = "Buscador_Normal"
    #print "listar_busquedas()"
    channel2 = ""
    # Despliega las busquedas anteriormente guardadas
        presets = config.get_setting("presets_buscados")
        if channel_preset != CHANNELNAME:
            channel2 = channel_preset
        print "channel_preset :%s" %channel_preset
        matches = ""
        if "|" in presets:
            matches = presets.split("|")
            itemlist.append( Item(channel="buscador" , action="por_teclado"  , title=config.get_localized_string(30103)+"..."  , url=matches[0] ,thumbnail="" , plot=channel2, category = category , context = 1 ))
            #addfolder( "buscador"   , config.get_localized_string(30103)+"..." , matches[0] , "por_teclado", channel2 ) # Buscar
            itemlist.append( Item(channel="buscador" , action="por_teclado"  ,  title=config.get_localized_string(30103)+"..." ,   url="" ,thumbnail="" , plot=channel2 , category = category , context = 0 ))
            #addfolder( "buscador"   , config.get_localized_string(30103)+"..." , "" , "por_teclado", channel2 )
        if len(matches)>0:    
            for match in matches:
                title=scrapedurl = match
                itemlist.append( Item(channel=channel_preset , action="searchresults"  , title=title ,  url=scrapedurl, thumbnail="" , plot="" , category = category ,  context=1 ))
                #addfolder( channel_preset , title , scrapedurl , "searchresults" )
        elif presets != "":
            title = scrapedurl = presets
            itemlist.append( Item(channel=channel_preset , action="searchresults"  , title=title ,  url=scrapedurl, thumbnail= "" , plot="" , category = category , context = 1 ))
            #addfolder( channel_preset , title , scrapedurl , "searchresults" )
         itemlist.append( Item(channel="buscador" , action="por_teclado"  , title=config.get_localized_string(30103)+"..." ,  url="", thumbnail="" , plot=channel2 , category = category ,  context = 0  ))
        #addfolder( "buscador"   , config.get_localized_string(30103)+"..." , "" , "por_teclado" , channel2 )
    if url=="" and category=="Buscador_Generico":

        return itemlist
        for item in itemlist:
            channel =
            action = item.action
            category = category
            scrapedtitle = item.title
            scrapedurl = item.url
            scrapedthumbnail = item.thumbnail
            scrapedplot = item.plot
            context = item.context
            xbmctools.addnewfolderextra( channel , action , category , scrapedtitle , scrapedurl , scrapedthumbnail, scrapedplot , extradata = extra , context = context)
        # Cierra el directorio
        xbmcplugin.setPluginCategory( handle=int( sys.argv[ 1 ] ), category=category )
        xbmcplugin.addSortMethod( handle=int( sys.argv[ 1 ] ), sortMethod=xbmcplugin.SORT_METHOD_NONE )
        xbmcplugin.endOfDirectory( handle=int( sys.argv[ 1 ] ), succeeded=True )