def irecv( source=core.MPI_ANY_SOURCE, tag=core.MPI_ANY_TAG, comm=core.MPI_COMM_WORLD ): """ message,request = comm.recv( [destination(defaults to ANY_SOURCE), tag(defaults to ANY_TAG)]) if( test(request) ): print 'Received message:', message Receives a message from any source and tag by default, or from specified source and tag. This is a NON-Blocking receive, meaning this process will not wait for the data if it is not yet ready. The call will return immediately and you will want to call wait or test on the request object before actually using the 'message' object returned by this call. This method receives messages as arrays of characters. This method trades efficency for generality: i.e. It takes extra time and bandwidth to serialize and transmit the serialized object. However, any Python object that can be Pickled can be received. Currently this method uses the python pickle module(rather then cPickle). """ core.probe( source, tag, WORLD ) count = core.get_count( core.MPI_CHAR ) req, data = request.irecv( count, core.MPI_CHAR, source, tag, comm ) message = pickle.loads( data ) return message,req
def recv(self, source=ANY_SOURCE, tag=ANY_TAG): """ message = comm.recv( [destination(defaults to ANY_SOURCE), tag(defaults to ANY_TAG)]) Receives a message from any source and tag by default, or from specified source and tag. This method receives messages as arrays of characters. This method trades efficency for generality: i.e. It takes extra time and bandwidth to serialize and transmit the serialized object. However, any Python object that can be Pickled can be received. Currently this method uses the python pickle module(rather then cPickle). """ core.probe(source, tag, WORLD) count = core.get_count(core.MPI_CHAR) data = core.recv(count, core.MPI_CHAR, source, tag, message = pickle.loads(data) return message