Beispiel #1
    def __init__(cls, *args, **kw):
        BasicMeta.__init__(cls, *args, **kw)

        # we are going to inject singletonic __new__, here it is:
        def cls_new(cls):
                obj = getattr(SingletonFactory, cls.__name__)

            except AttributeError:
                obj = Basic.__new__(cls, *(), **{})
                setattr(SingletonFactory, cls.__name__, obj)

            return obj

        cls_new.__name__ = '%s.__new__' % (cls.__name__)

        assert not cls.__dict__.has_key('__new__'), \
                'Singleton classes are not allowed to redefine __new__'

        # inject singletonic __new__
        cls.__new__      = staticmethod(cls_new)

        # Inject pickling support.
        def cls_getnewargs(self):
            return ()
        cls_getnewargs.__name__ = '%s.__getnewargs__' % cls.__name__

        assert not cls.__dict__.has_key('__getnewargs__'), \
                'Singleton classes are not allowed to redefine __getnewargs__'
        cls.__getnewargs__ = cls_getnewargs

        # tag the class appropriately (so we could verify it later when doing
        # S.<something>
        cls.is_Singleton = True