def add_ldap_user(self, data, uname, authenticator_info): """Creates LDAP user and adds it to the session if there's at least one group associated with that user. :returns: User or None if user was not added.""" s = db.session user_data = self.get_user_data(data) user = User(can_change_password=False, active=True, authenticator_info=authenticator_info, **user_data) if not user.display_name: if user.lastname and user.firstname: user.display_name = u"{} {}".format(user.lastname, user.firstname) added_groups = self.update_groups_from_ldap(user, data) if self.auto_create_user == "always" or ( added_groups and self.auto_create_user == "group"): s.add(user)"created ldap user: %s", uname) return user # no groups found? Don't add user, return None "not creating LDAP user for login '%s' because there's no matching group for this user or\ or denied by auto_create_user", user.login_name)
async def profile(): user_telegram_id = context.user.user_id user = User(user_telegram_id) amizone = amizone_core.Amizone(user.get_property('username'), user.get_property('password')) profile_information = '\n'.join(amizone.get_profile().values()) await SendMessage(user_telegram_id, profile_information).send()
async def update_information(): user_telegram_id = context.user.user_id user = User(user_telegram_id) amizone = amizone_core.Amizone(user.get_property('username'), user.get_property('password')) await SendMessage(context.user.user_id, get_translation('process')).send() amizone.update() await SendMessage(context.user.user_id, get_translation('information_updated')).send()
async def timetable(): user_telegram_id = context.user.user_id user = User(user_telegram_id) amizone = amizone_core.Amizone(user.get_property('username'), user.get_property('password')) timetable_information = amizone.get_timetable() msg = '\n'.join([ ' | '.join(information.values()) for information in timetable_information ]) await SendMessage(context.user.user_id, msg).send()
def run(args): jobs = [] user = User(args.domain, args.username, args.password) local_ip = retrieveMyIP() try: targets = listPwnableTargets(args.targets, user) logging.warning("%sLet's spray some love... Be patient." % (warningGre)) for target in targets: jobs.append( Process(target=sprayLove, args=(user, target, local_ip, args.remove))) jobs[-1].start() joinThreads(jobs, args.wait) logging.warning( "\n%sCredentials logged into: %s" % (warningGre, os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(sys.argv[0])), 'misc', 'results', 'creds.txt'))) except KeyboardInterrupt: logging.warning("%sKeyboard interrupt. Exiting." % (warningRed)) except Exception as e: logging.warning("%sA problem occurs. Err: %s" % (warningRed, red)) logging.debug("%s==== STACKTRACE ====" % (blue)) if logging.getLogger().getEffectiveLevel() <= 10: traceback.print_exc(file=sys.stdout) logging.debug("%s==== STACKTRACE ====%s" % (blue, white)) finally: exit_gracefully(jobs, 10)
def run(args): jobs = [] user = User(args.domain, args.username, args.password) local_ip = retrieveMyIP() try: targets = listPwnableTargets(args.targets, user) logging.warning("%sExec procdump on targets. Be patients..." % (warningGre)) for target in targets: jobs.append( Process(target=sprayLove, args=(user, target, local_ip))) jobs[-1].start() joinThreads(jobs, 180) # wait 3 minutes max "\n%sCredentials logged into: %s" % (warningGre, os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(sys.argv[0])), 'misc', 'results', 'creds.txt'))) except KeyboardInterrupt: logging.warning("%sKeyboard interrupt. Exiting." % (warningRed)) except Exception as e: logging.warning("%sErr: %s" % (warningRed, e)) finally: exit_gracefully(jobs, 10)
def run(args): jobs = [] user = User(args.domain, args.username, args.password) local_ip = retrieveMyIP() try: targets = listPwnableTargets(args.targets, user) logging.warning( "%sExec procdump on targets, and retrieve dumps locally into %smisc/dumps%s. Be patients..." % (warningGre, green, white)) for target in targets: jobs.append( Process(target=sprayLove, args=(user, target, local_ip))) jobs[-1].start() joinThreads(jobs, 1200) # wait 20 minutes max credentials = parseDumps(dumpDir) if credentials is not None: print_credentials(credentials) write_credentials(credentials) except KeyboardInterrupt: logging.warning("%sKeyboard interrupt. Exiting." % (warningRed)) except Exception as e: logging.warning("%sErr: %s" % (warningRed, e)) finally: exit_gracefully(jobs, 10, args.keep)
def __init__(self, username, f_name, l_name, password, gender, dob, tel_number, regular_drugs, prescriptions, nhs_number, assigned_gp, verified, feedback, notes, allergies, referral): User.__init__(self, username, f_name, l_name, password) self.gender = gender self.dob = dob self.tel_number = tel_number self.regular_drugs = regular_drugs self.prescriptions = prescriptions self.nhs_number = nhs_number self.assigned_gp = assigned_gp self.verified = verified = feedback self.notes = notes self.allergies = allergies self.referral = referral
def signUpUser(user): if None not in user.values(): email, username = user['email'], user['userName'] emailQuery = User.query.filter_by(email=email).first() usernameQuery = User.query.filter_by(username=username).first() dbRecordConflict = { 'emailExists': emailQuery is not None, 'usernameExists': usernameQuery is not None } if True in dbRecordConflict.values(): print( f"There is a record containing username, and/or email: {dbRecordConflict}" ) return {'error': True, 'message': dbRecordConflict} else: firstName, lastName, password = user['firstName'], user[ 'lastName'], user['password'] newUser = User(firstName, lastName, username, email, getHashedPass(password)) db.session.add(newUser) db.session.commit() print(f"newly created user: {newUser}") return {'error': False, 'message': f'new user id: {}'} else: return {'error': True, 'message': 'invalid payload'}
def delete_user(self, username, ext_id=0): user = User.by_name(username, False) if not user: raise UserError('User %s not found' % username) if ext_id: if user.external_id != ext_id: raise UserError('Invalid external id for user %s' % username) user.delete()
async def auth(): user_telegram_id = context.user.user_id user = User(user_telegram_id) await SendMessage(user_telegram_id, get_translation('enter_amizone_username')).send() yield next() username = context.message.text user.set_property('username', username) await SendMessage(user_telegram_id, get_translation('got_username').format(username)).send() await SendMessage(user_telegram_id, get_translation('enter_amizone_password')).send() yield next() password = context.message.text user.set_property('password', password) await SendMessage(user_telegram_id, get_translation('got_password').format(password)).send() await SendMessage(user_telegram_id, get_translation('got_password').format(password)).send() login = amizone_core.Amizone(user.get_property('username'), user.get_property('password')) if login: msg = get_translation('logged') else: msg = get_translation('went_wrong') await SendMessage(user_telegram_id, msg).send()
def add_ldap_user(self, data, uname, authenticator_info): """Creates LDAP user and adds it to the session if there's at least one group associated with that user. :returns: User or None if user was not added.""" s = db.session user_data = self.get_user_data(data) user = User(can_change_password=False, active=True, authenticator_info=authenticator_info, **user_data) if not user.display_name: if user.lastname and user.firstname: user.display_name = u"{} {}".format(user.lastname, user.firstname) added_groups = self.update_groups_from_ldap(user, data) if self.auto_create_user == "always" or (added_groups and self.auto_create_user == "group"): s.add(user)"created ldap user: %s", uname) return user # no groups found? Don't add user, return None"not creating LDAP user for login '%s' because there's no matching group for this user or\ or denied by auto_create_user", user.login_name)
def users_and_groups_for_ruleset(session, internal_authenticator_info): from core import User, UserGroup users = [ User(login_name=u"darfdas", authenticator_info=internal_authenticator_info) ] session.add_all(users) groups = [ UserGroup(name=u"test_readers"), UserGroup(name=u"test_readers2") ] session.add_all(groups) return users, groups
async def main(): async with aiohttp.ClientSession(connector=aiohttp.TCPConnector( force_close=True)) as session:'Start generating users...') tasks = [ asyncio.ensure_future( User.generate( session, max_posts=random.randint(0, RULES['max_user_posts']), max_likes=random.randint(0, RULES['max_user_likes']), )) for _ in range(RULES['users']) ]'Waiting for content generation...') # Start simulation right after release of each task await asyncio.gather(*[ asyncio.ensure_future(simulate_when_done(awaited_user)) for awaited_user in tasks ])'Simulation ended successfully...')
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- #%% Definition of the inputs ''' Input data definition ''' from core import User, np User_list = [] #Create new urban user classes LMIU = User("low-middle income urban",100) User_list.append(LMIU) #Create new appliances #Low-Middle Income Urban LMIU_light_bulb = LMIU.Appliance(LMIU,4,20,3,120,0.2,10)[18*60,24*60],[0,30],0.35,[6*60,8*60]) LMIU_Radio = LMIU.Appliance(LMIU,1,10,2,60,0.1,5)[6*60+30,9*60],[18*60,21*60],0.35) LMIU_Stereo = LMIU.Appliance(LMIU,1,50,2,30,0.2,10)[12*60,15*60],[18*60,24*60],0.35) LMIU_TV = LMIU.Appliance(LMIU,1,70,2,90,0.1,5)
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- #%% Definition of the inputs ''' Input data definition ''' from core import User, np User_list = [] #Create new rural user classes HMI = User("higher middle income",100) User_list.append(HMI) #Create new appliances #High-Middle Income HMI_light_bulb = HMI.Appliance(HMI,4,20,3,120,0.2,10)[18*60,24*60],[0,30],0.35,[6*60,8*60]) # HMI_Fan = HMI.Appliance(HMI,2,50,2,300,0.2,15) #[10*60,18*60],[0,0],0.35) HMI_TV = HMI.Appliance(HMI,1,70,2,90,0.1,5)[12*60,15*60],[18*60,24*60],0.35) HMI_DVD = HMI.Appliance(HMI,1,20,2,60,0.1,5,occasional_use = 0.33)
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- #%% Definition of the inputs ''' Input data definition ''' from core import User, np User_list = [] #Create new rural user classes MC = User("Medical Clinic",1) User_list.append(MC) # Medical Clinic: Most private clinics in the community are run by nurses. #Create new appliances MC_light_bulb = MC.Appliance(MC,10,60,1,600,0.2,30)[0,1440],[0,0],0.35) MC_Phone_charger = MC.Appliance(MC,6,5,1,120,0.2,30)[480,1200],[0,0],0.35) MC_VHF_Radio = MC.Appliance(MC,1,7,1,1440,0,1440, fixed='yes', flat='yes')[0,1440],[0,0],0.0) MC_Vaccine_Refrigerator = MC.Appliance(MC,1,250,1,1440,0,30)
while op != 0: # Add movie if op == 1: id = input('Digite o código do filme? ') name = input('Digite o nome do filme? ') year = int(input('Digite o ano do filme? ')) movie = Movie(id, name, year) store.addMovie(movie) # Add user elif op == 2: id = input('Digite o código do usuário? ') name = input('Digite o nome do usuário? ') phone = input('Digite o telefone do usuário? ') user = User(id, name, phone) store.addUser(user) # Rent elif op == 3: user = None while user == None: userId = input('Digite o código do usuário: ') user = store.searchUser(userId) if user == None: print('Usuário não econtrado!') movie = None while movie == None:
''' from core import User, np User_list = [] ''' This example input file represents an whole village-scale community, adapted from the data used for the Journal publication. It should provide a complete guidance to most of the possibilities ensured by RAMP for inputs definition, including specific modular duty cycles and cooking cycles. For examples related to "thermal loads", see the "input_file_2". ''' #Create new urban user classes HMIU = User("high-middle income urban",100) User_list.append(HMIU) #Create new appliances #High Middle Income Urban HMIU_light_bulb = HMIU.Appliance(HMIU,5,20,2,120,0.2,10)[1170,1440],[0,30],0.35) HMIU_CFL = HMIU.Appliance(HMIU,3,8,2,120,0.2,10)[1170,1440],[0,30],0.35) HMIU_Fan = HMIU.Appliance(HMIU,1,50,2,300,0.2,15, occasional_use = 0.4)[8*60,11*60],[18*60,22*60],0.35)
Hot months: [0,0],[0,0],[0,1400],[0,0],[0,0],[0,0] Aug Warm months: [0,0],[0,0],[480,1200],[0,0],[0,299],[1201,1440] feb,march,apr,jun,july,nov,dec Cold months: [0,0],[0,0],[301,1200],[0,0],[0,299],[1201,1440] Jan,sep Rainny months: [0,0],[0,0],[480,1200],[0,0],[0,299],[1201,1440] oct Feb-Oct: Schools* Mixer IN the HI just on the January 2 Freezer in the HI runs on the spring (Oct-Dec) ''' from core import User, np User_list = [] #User classes definition HI = User("high income", 0) User_list.append(HI) LI = User("low income", 1) User_list.append(LI) #High-Income #indoor bulb HI_indoor_bulb = HI.Appliance(HI, 3, 7, 1, 320, 0.6, 190)[1080, 1440], [0, 0]) #outdoor bulb HI_outdoor_bulb = HI.Appliance(HI, 1, 13, 1, 340, 0.1, 300)[1100, 1440], [0, 0]) HI_Radio = HI.Appliance(HI, 1, 7, 1, 280, 0.3, 110)
def _check_user(self, username): user = User.by_name(username, False) if not user: raise UserError('Invalid user %s' % username) return user
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # 09 April 2020 # Nicolò Stevanato - Politecnico di Milano - Fondazione Eni Enrico Mattei #%% Definition of the inputs from core import User, np User_list = [] ''' This File contains the average appliances that charcterize a rural Health Centre in Kenya, according to PoliMi field campaign - 2020 ''' #Create new user classes Healthcenter = User("HealthCenter", 1) User_list.append(Healthcenter) #Create new appliances HC_indoor_bulb = Healthcenter.Appliance(Healthcenter, 27, 12, 1, 540, 0.2, 300)[300, 1320], [0, 0], 0.35) HC_indoor_tubes = Healthcenter.Appliance(Healthcenter, 38, 30, 1, 540, 0.2, 300)[300, 1320], [0, 0], 0.35) HC_outdoor_bulb = Healthcenter.Appliance(Healthcenter, 6, 30, 2,
def create_user(self, username, ext_id): exist = User.by_name(username, False) if exist: raise UserError('User %s already exist' % username) user = User.create(name=username, external_id=ext_id) return user.eid
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- #%% Definition of the inputs ''' Input data definition (this is planned to be externalised in a yaml or similar file) ''' from core import User from initialise import User_list #%%User classes definition HI = User("high income", 11) User_list.append(HI) #Appliances definition #High-Income HI_indoor_bulb = HI.Appliance(HI, 6, 7, 2, 120, 0.2, 10)[1107, 1440], [0, 30], 0.35) HI_outdoor_bulb = HI.Appliance(HI, 2, 13, 2, 600, 0.2, 10)[0, 330], [1107, 1440], 0.35) HI_TV = HI.Appliance(HI, 2, 60, 3, 180, 0.1, 5)[720, 900], [1107, 1440], 0.35, [0, 60]) HI_Phone_charger = HI.Appliance(HI, 5, 2, 2, 300, 0.2, 5)[1110, 1440], [0, 30], 0.35) HI_Freezer = HI.Appliance(HI, 1, 200, 1, 1440, 0, 30, 'yes', 3)
def get_user(self, username): user = User.by_name(username, False) if not user: raise UserError('User %s not found' % username) return user
Hot months: [0,0],[0,0],[0,1400],[0,0],[0,0],[0,0] Aug Warm months: [0,0],[0,0],[480,1200],[0,0],[0,299],[1201,1440] feb,march,apr,jun,july,nov,dec Cold months: [0,0],[0,0],[301,1200],[0,0],[0,299],[1201,1440] Jan,sep Rainny months: [0,0],[0,0],[480,1200],[0,0],[0,299],[1201,1440] oct Feb-Oct: Schools* Mixer IN the HI just on the January 2 Freezer in the HI runs on the spring (Oct-Dec) ''' from core import User, np User_list = [] #User classes definition HI = User("high income", 1) User_list.append(HI) LI = User("low income", 0) User_list.append(LI) ''' Base scenario (BSA): Indoor bulb (3), outdoor bulb (1), radio (1), tv (1), phone charger (2), Water Heater (1), Mixer (1) Base scenario (B): Indoor bulb (3), outdoor bulb (1), radio (1), tv (1), phone charger (2) A Scenario 1: BSA + Fridge (1) + Freezer* (1). Scenario 2: BSA + Fridge (1). Scenario 3: BSA + Fridge (1)*. Scenario 4: BSA + Freezer (1). Scenario 5: BSA + Wheler (1).
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- #%% Definition of the inputs ''' Input data definition ''' from core import User, np User_list = [] #Create new rural user classes HI = User("high income", 100) User_list.append(HI) #Create new appliances #High-Income HI_light_bulb = HI.Appliance(HI, 6, 20, 3, 120, 0.2, 10)[18 * 60, 24 * 60], [0, 30], 0.35, [6 * 60, 8 * 60]) HI_Fan = HI.Appliance(HI, 2, 50, 2, 300, 0.2, 15, occasional_use=0.2)[9 * 60, 21 * 60], [0, 0], 0.35) HI_TV = HI.Appliance(HI, 2, 70, 2, 90, 0.1, 5)[12 * 60, 15 * 60], [18 * 60, 24 * 60], 0.35) HI_Radio = HI.Appliance(HI, 1, 10, 2, 60, 0.1, 5)[6 * 60 + 30, 9 * 60], [18 * 60, 21 * 60], 0.35) HI_DVD = HI.Appliance(HI, 1, 20, 2, 60, 0.1, 30)[0, 0], [18 * 60, 24 * 60], 0.35)
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # 09 April 2020 # Nicolò Stevanato - Politecnico di Milano - Fondazione Eni Enrico Mattei #%% Definition of the inputs from core import User, np User_list = [] ''' This File contains the average appliances that charcterize a rural Health Centre in Kenya, according to PoliMi field campaign - 2020 ''' #Create new user classes School = User("school", 1) User_list.append(School) #Create new appliances S_indoor_bulb = School.Appliance(School, 90, 12, 2, 360, 0.2, 120, wd_we_type=0)[420, 600], [840, 1020], 0.2) S_indoor_tubes = School.Appliance(School,
@author: alejandrosoto Script for 2 class of household in Raqaypampa. """ # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ @author: Alejandro Soto """ from core import User, np User_list = [] #User classes definition HI = User("high income", 1) User_list.append(HI) LI = User("low income", 0) User_list.append(LI) #High-Income #indoor bulb HI_indoor_bulb = HI.Appliance(HI, 3, 7, 1, 320, 0.6, 190)[1080, 1440], [0, 0]) #outdoor bulb HI_outdoor_bulb = HI.Appliance(HI, 1, 13, 1, 340, 0.1, 300)[1100, 1440], [0, 0]) #Radio
@author: alejandrosoto Script for 2 class of household in Raqaypampa. """ # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ @author: Alejandro Soto """ from core import User, np User_list = [] #User classes definition HI = User("high income", 0) User_list.append(HI) LI = User("low income", 1) User_list.append(LI) #A #indoor bulb HI_indoor_bulb = HI.Appliance(HI, 3, 7, 1, 320, 0.6, 190)[1080, 1440], [0, 0]) #outdoor bulb HI_outdoor_bulb = HI.Appliance(HI, 1, 13, 1, 340, 0.1, 300)[1100, 1440], [0, 0]) HI_Radio = HI.Appliance(HI, 1, 7, 1, 280, 0.3, 110)
# 09 April 2020 # Nicolò Stevanato - Politecnico di Milano - Fondazione Eni Enrico Mattei #%% Definition of the inputs from core import User, np User_list = [] ''' This File contains the average appliances that charcterize a SubCounty Hospital in Kenya, according to PoliMi field campaign - 2020 ''' #Create new user classes SCHospital = User("SCHospital",1) User_list.append(SCHospital) #Create new appliances SCH_indoor_bulb = SCHospital.Appliance(SCHospital, 60,12,1,960,0.2,720)[0,1440],[0,0],0) SCH_indoor_tubes = SCHospital.Appliance(SCHospital, 60,30,1,960,0.2,720)[0,1440],[0,0],0) SCH_outdoor_bulb = SCHospital.Appliance(SCHospital,20,30,2,720,0,720, 'yes', flat = 'yes')[0,360],[1080,1440],0) SCH_radio = SCHospital.Appliance(SCHospital,6,7,1,300,0.2,180)
""" # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ @author: Alejandro Soto """ from core import User, np User_list = [] #User classes definition HI = User("high income",0) User_list.append(HI) LI = User("low income",1) User_list.append(LI) #High-Income #indoor bulb HI_indoor_bulb = HI.Appliance(HI,3,7,1,320,0.6,190)[1080,1440],[0,0]) #outdoor bulb HI_outdoor_bulb = HI.Appliance(HI,1,13,1,340,0.1,300)
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # 09 April 2020 # Nicolò Stevanato - Politecnico di Milano - Fondazione Eni Enrico Mattei #%% Definition of the inputs from core import User, np User_list = [] ''' This File contains the average appliances that charcterize a rural Dispensary in Kenya, according to PoliMi field campaign - 2020 ''' #Create new user classes Dispensary = User("Dispensary", 1) User_list.append(Dispensary) #Create new appliances Di_indoor_bulb = Dispensary.Appliance(Dispensary, 11, 12, 1, 300, 0.2, 120, wd_we_type=0)[480, 1020], [0, 0], 0.2) Di_indoor_tubes = Dispensary.Appliance(Dispensary,
def test_can_create_user(self): _user = User("John Doe", "*****@*****.**") self.assertEqual(, "John Doe") self.assertEqual(, "*****@*****.**")
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- #%% Definition of the inputs ''' Input data definition ''' from core import User, np User_list = [] #Create new rural user classes MI = User("middle income", 100) User_list.append(MI) #Create new appliances #Middle-Income MI_light_bulb = MI.Appliance(MI, 3, 20, 3, 120, 0.2, 10)[18 * 60, 24 * 60], [0, 30], 0.35, [6 * 60, 8 * 60]) MI_Radio = MI.Appliance(MI, 1, 10, 2, 60, 0.1, 5)[6 * 60 + 30, 9 * 60], [18 * 60, 21 * 60], 0.35) MI_TV = MI.Appliance(MI, 1, 70, 2, 90, 0.1, 5)[0, 0], [18 * 60, 24 * 60], 0.35) MI_Fan = MI.Appliance(MI, 1, 50, 2, 300, 0.2, 15, occasional_use=0.8)[7 * 60, 9 * 60], [17 * 60, 20 * 60], 0.35) MI_Phone_charger = MI.Appliance(MI, 2, 7, 2, 240, 0.2, 10)