def trainSlopesSynced(gui, paramDict, userVertIs, coreVerts, bestScore):
	slopeStart, slopeStop, slopeStep = paramDict["slopeSyncedStart"], paramDict["slopeSyncedStop"], paramDict["slopeSyncedStep"]  #minSlopeOn
	rangeStart, rangeStop, rangeStep = paramDict["rangeSyncedStart"], paramDict["rangeSyncedStop"], paramDict["rangeSyncedStep"]  #slopeRangeOn

	#Tier5 = minimum on-bout slope
	for i1 in range(slopeStart, slopeStop, slopeStep):
		gui.minSlopeOnE.delete(0, "end")
		gui.minSlopeOffE.delete(0, "end")
		gui.minSlopeOnE.insert(0, (i1 * 0.01))
		gui.minSlopeOffE.insert(0, ((i1 * 0.01) * -1))
		#Tier7 = on-bout slope range
		for i2 in range(rangeStart, rangeStop, rangeStep):
			gui.slopeRangeOnE.delete(0, "end")
			gui.slopeRangeOffE.delete(0, "end")
			gui.slopeRangeOnE.insert(0, paramDict["rangeSyncedStart"])
			gui.slopeRangeOffE.insert(0, paramDict["rangeSyncedStart"])
			#Initialize vertex migration to off
			#Get refined vertices to expidite migration testing
			trainBlock = coreC.block(gui, 0, (len(gui.masterList) - 1), False)
			refinedVerts = coreVD.getRefinedVerts(gui, trainBlock)

			#Test vertex migration
			del trainBlock
			trainBlock = coreC.block(gui, 0, (len(gui.masterList) - 1), False)
			bestScore = testVertMigration(gui, userVertIs, refinedVerts, bestScore)
	return bestScore
def testVertMigration(gui, userVertIs, refinedVerts, bestScore):
	#Get score without vertex migration
	trainBlock = coreC.block(gui, 0, (len(gui.masterList) - 1), False)
	noMigScore = scoreAlgo(gui, userVertIs, trainBlock, bestScore, False, refinedVerts)
	#Bypasses vertex migration testing if difference from number of vertices is already greater than best score
	if noMigScore is "Void2" or noMigScore is "Void3":
		return bestScore

	#Turn on migration
	del trainBlock
	trainBlock = coreC.block(gui, 0, (len(gui.masterList) - 1), False)
	#Get score with vertex migration
	migScore = scoreAlgo(gui, userVertIs, trainBlock, bestScore, False, refinedVerts)
	# print("\nbestScore =", bestScore)
	# print("noMig =", noMigScore)
	# print("migScore =", migScore)
	#If both have valid score, take the best
	if isinstance(noMigScore, float) and isinstance(migScore, float):
		if noMigScore <= migScore:
			localBest = noMigScore
			localBest = migScore
	#If only noMig is valid score, take it
	elif isinstance(noMigScore, float):
		localBest = noMigScore
	#If only mig is valid score, take it
	elif isinstance(migScore, float):
		localBest = migScore
	#If neither are valid, return provided bestScore
		# print("neither valid")
		return bestScore
	# print("localBest =", localBest)
	#Update bestScore and save settings if better score encountered
	if localBest < bestScore:
		bestScore = localBest

	return bestScore	
def trainDursSynced(gui, paramDict, userVertIs, bestScore):
	trainBlock = coreC.block(gui, 0, (len(gui.masterList) - 1), False)
	#Initialize range of values to be tested			
	start, stop, step = paramDict["durSyncedStart"], paramDict["durSyncedStop"], paramDict["durSyncedStep"]  #on/off-bout duration threshold
	#Tier1 = on/off-bout time threshold
	for i in range(start, stop, step):
		#Populate entry boxes
		gui.timeThreshAdvOnE.delete(0, "end")
		gui.timeThreshAdvOffE.delete(0, "end")
		gui.timeThreshAdvOnE.insert(0, i)
		gui.timeThreshAdvOffE.insert(0, i)

		#Initialize downstream parameters to 0
		gui.tempThreshAdvOnE.delete(0, "end")
		gui.tempThreshAdvOffE.delete(0, "end")
		gui.minSlopeOnE.delete(0, "end")
		gui.minSlopeOffE.delete(0, "end")
		gui.slopeRangeOnE.delete(0, "end")
		gui.slopeRangeOffE.delete(0, "end")
		gui.tempThreshAdvOnE.insert(0, 0)
		gui.tempThreshAdvOffE.insert(0, 0)
		gui.minSlopeOnE.insert(0, 0)
		gui.minSlopeOffE.insert(0, 0)
		gui.slopeRangeOnE.insert(0, paramDict["rangeSyncedStart"])
		gui.slopeRangeOffE.insert(0, paramDict["rangeSyncedStart"])
		#Initialize vertex migration to off
		coreVerts = coreVD.getCoreVerts(gui, trainBlock)
		#Bypasses further testing if penalty from too few vertices (too restrictive of settings) is already greater than best score
		if scoreAlgo(gui, userVertIs, trainBlock, bestScore) is not "Void2":
			if gui.decoupleTempsBV.get():
				#Test downstream parameters with this combination of duration thresholds
				bestScore = trainOnTemp(gui, paramDict, userVertIs, coreVerts, bestScore)
				del trainBlock
				trainBlock = coreC.block(gui, 0, (len(gui.masterList) - 1), False)
				trainTempsSynced(gui, paramDict, userVertIs, coreVerts, bestScore)
			# print("break at sync dur")
	return bestScore
def trainTempsSynced(gui, paramDict, userVertIs, coreVerts, bestScore):
	start, stop, step = paramDict["tempSyncedStart"], paramDict["tempSyncedStop"], paramDict["tempSyncedStep"]  #tempThreshOn	
	trainBlock = coreC.block(gui, 0, (len(gui.masterList) - 1), False)
	#On/off-bout temperature threshold
	for i in range(start, stop, step):
		#Populate entry boxes
		gui.tempThreshAdvOnE.delete(0, "end")
		gui.tempThreshAdvOffE.delete(0, "end")
		gui.tempThreshAdvOnE.insert(0, (i * 0.1))
		gui.tempThreshAdvOffE.insert(0, (i * 0.1))
		#Initialize downstream parameters to 0
		gui.minSlopeOnE.delete(0, "end")
		gui.minSlopeOffE.delete(0, "end")
		gui.slopeRangeOnE.delete(0, "end")
		gui.slopeRangeOffE.delete(0, "end")
		gui.minSlopeOnE.insert(0, 0)
		gui.minSlopeOffE.insert(0, 0)
		gui.slopeRangeOnE.insert(0, paramDict["rangeSyncedStart"])
		gui.slopeRangeOffE.insert(0, paramDict["rangeSyncedStart"])
		#Initialize vertex migration to off
		if scoreAlgo(gui, userVertIs, trainBlock, bestScore, coreVerts) is not "Void2":
			if gui.trainSlopeBV.get():
				if gui.decoupleSlopeBV.get():
					bestScore = trainOnSlope(gui, paramDict, userVertIs, coreVerts, bestScore)
					bestScore = trainSlopesSynced(gui, paramDict, userVertIs, coreVerts, bestScore)
				#Get refined vertices to expidite migration testing
				del trainBlock
				trainBlock = coreC.block(gui, 0, (len(gui.masterList) - 1), False)
				refinedVerts = coreVD.getRefinedVerts(gui, trainBlock)

				#Test vertex migration
				del trainBlock
				trainBlock = coreC.block(gui, 0, (len(gui.masterList) - 1), False)
				bestScore = testVertMigration(gui, userVertIs, refinedVerts, bestScore)
			# print("break at onTemp")
	return bestScore
def trainOnTemp(gui, paramDict, userVertIs, coreVerts, bestScore):
	start, stop, step = paramDict["onTempStart"], paramDict["onTempStop"], paramDict["onTempStep"]  #temperThreshOn	
	trainBlock = coreC.block(gui, 0, (len(gui.masterList) - 1), False)
	#Tier3 = on-bout temperature threshold
	for i in range(start, stop, step):
		#Populate entry boxes
		gui.tempThreshAdvOnE.delete(0, "end")
		gui.tempThreshAdvOnE.insert(0, (i * 0.1))
		gui.tempThreshAdvOffE.delete(0, "end")
		gui.minSlopeOnE.delete(0, "end")
		gui.minSlopeOffE.delete(0, "end")
		gui.slopeRangeOnE.delete(0, "end")
		gui.slopeRangeOffE.delete(0, "end")
		gui.tempThreshAdvOffE.insert(0, 0)
		gui.minSlopeOnE.insert(0, 0)
		gui.minSlopeOffE.insert(0, 0)
		gui.slopeRangeOnE.insert(0, paramDict["rangeSyncedStart"])
		gui.slopeRangeOffE.insert(0, paramDict["rangeSyncedStart"])
		#Initialize vertex migration to off
		if scoreAlgo(gui, userVertIs, trainBlock, bestScore, coreVerts) is not "Void2":
			#Test downstream parameters with these upstream parameters
			bestScore = trainOffTemp(gui, paramDict, userVertIs, coreVerts, bestScore)
			# print("break at onTemp")
	return bestScore
def getPairs(gui, daysList, nightsList, pairsList):
	#Set modifier based on if day or night comes first
	if daysList[0].start > nightsList[0].start:
		modifier = 1
		modifier = 0
	for i in range(len(daysList)):
		#If there is a night corrisponding with the day at index i
		if (i + modifier) < (len(nightsList)):
			#Create pair if both daytime and nightime are complete
			if not daysList[i].partial and not nightsList[i + modifier].partial:
				pairsList.append(coreC.block(gui, daysList[i].start, nightsList[i + modifier].stop, False))
def splitDays(gui, daysList, nightsList, modifier = 0):
	#Increment time by modifier value
	def modTime(oriTime):	
		if modifier is 0:
			newTime = (" " + oriTime.strip())
			#Convert csv time value to datetime format
			search ="((\d+):(\d+))", oriTime)
			hour = int(
			minute = int(
			time = datetime.datetime(1, 1, 1, hour, minute, 0)
			#Add modifer and strip unnecessary info
			newTime = (time + datetime.timedelta(minutes = modifier))
			newTime = str(newTime)[11:-3]
			if newTime[0] is "0":
				newTime = newTime[1:]		
		#Return modified time
		return(" " + newTime.strip())

	#Set to False when end of list is encountered
	dayValid      = True
	dayStart = modTime(gui.dayStart)
	nightStart = modTime(gui.nightStart)
	dayDur        = getDayDur(dayStart, nightStart)
	nightDur      = (1440 - dayDur)
	dayInterval   = (1440 / gui.interval)
	# cur = current
	curDay        = -1
	curNight      = -1
	#Look for first day or night
	for i in range(0, len(gui.masterList)):
		#If dayStart found before nightStart
		if, gui.masterList[i][gui.dateTimesCol]):
			#Set start of first day to this index
			curDay = i
			#Set start of first night to day index + duration of daytime
			curNight = (i + (dayDur / gui.interval))
			#Check if this sets curNight past length of gui.masterList
			if curNight > (len(gui.masterList) - 1):
				dayValid = False
				curNight = (len(gui.masterList) - 1)
				daysList.append(coreC.block(gui, curDay, curNight - 1, True))
		#If nightStart found before dayStart
		elif, gui.masterList[i][gui.dateTimesCol]):
			#Set start of first night to this index
			curNight = i
			#Set start of first day to night index + duration of nighttime
			curDay = (i + (nightDur / gui.interval))
			#Check if this sets curDay past length of gui.masterList
			if curDay > (len(gui.masterList) - 1):
				dayValid = False
				curDay = (len(gui.masterList) - 1)
	#Check if data starts at night and process to achieve uniformity going into following while `
	#Catch partial day at start of gui.masterList
	if curNight < curDay:
		daysList.append(coreC.block(gui, 0, curNight - 1, True))
		nightsList.append(coreC.block(gui, curNight, curDay - 1, not dayValid))
		curNight += dayInterval
	#Catch partial night at start of gui.masterList
	elif curDay < curNight:
		nightsList.append(coreC.block(gui, 0, curDay - 1, True))
	#If neither dayStart or nightStart found, append partial day or night
	elif curDay == curNight:
		dayValid = False
		if checkDaytime(dayStart, nightStart, gui.masterList[0][gui.dateTimesCol]):
			daysList.append(coreC.block(gui, 0, (len(gui.masterList) - 1), True))
			nightsList.append(coreC.block(gui, 0, (len(gui.masterList) - 1), True))
	#Save each day and night as object
	while dayValid:
			daysList.append(coreC.block(gui, curDay, curNight - 1, False))
			curDay += dayInterval
			#Make final night stop at end of gui.masterList
			if curDay > len(gui.masterList):
				curDay = (len(gui.masterList) - 1)
				nightsList.append(coreC.block(gui, curNight, curDay - 1, True))
				dayValid = False
				nightsList.append(coreC.block(gui, curNight, curDay - 1, False))
				curNight += dayInterval
			#Make final day stop at end of gui.masterList
			if curNight > len(gui.masterList):
				curNight = (len(gui.masterList) - 1)
				daysList.append(coreC.block(gui, curDay, curNight - 1, True))
				dayValid = False
	#Address problem of start time skipping
	if len(daysList) is 0 or len(nightsList) is 0:
		if (modifier + 1) < gui.interval:
			#Clear lists
			#Recursively call splitDays with incremented modifier
			splitDays(gui, daysList, nightsList, (modifier + 1))
		#If no days or nights still found, provide text warning
			("If daytime or nighttime periods are not being properly detected, make sure the Data Time Interval provided on the Main tab is correct."))