def randomwalk_optim(tensor_list,
    Train a tensor network using discrete optimization over TN ranks
        tensor_list: List of tensors encoding the network being trained
        train_data:  The data used to train the network(target Tensor)
        loss_fun:    Scalar-valued loss function of the type 
                        tens_list, data -> scalar_loss
                     (This depends on the task being learned)
        val_data:    The data used for validation, which can be used to
                     for early stopping within continuous optimization
                     calls within discrete optimization loop
        other_args:  Dictionary of other arguments for the optimization, 
                     with some options below (feel free to add more)
                        epochs: Number of epochs for 
                                continuous optimization     (default=10)
                        max_iter: Maximum number of iterations
                                  for random walk search    (default=10)
                        optim:  Choice of Pytorch optimizer (default='SGD')
                        lr:     Learning rate for optimizer (default=1e-3)
                        bsize:  Minibatch size for training (default=100)
                        reps:   Number of times to repeat 
                                training data per epoch     (default=1)
                        cprint: Whether to print info from
                                continuous optimization     (default=True)
                        dprint: Whether to print info from
                                discrete optimization       (default=True)
                        search_epochs: Number of epochs to use to identify the
                                best rank 1 update. If None, the epochs argument
                                is used.                    (default=None)
                        loss_threshold: if loss gets below this threshold, 
                            discrete optimization is stopped
                        initial_epochs: Number of epochs after which the 
                            learning rate is reduced and optimization is restarted
                            if there is no improvement in the loss.
                        rank_increment: how much should a rank be increase at
                            each discrete iterations        (default=1)
                        stop_on_plateau: a dictionnary containing keys
                                mode  (min/max)
                            used to stop continuous optimizaion when plateau
                            is detected                     (default=None)
                        gradient_hook: this is a hack, please ignore...

        better_list: List of tensors with same length as tensor_list, but
                     having been optimized using the discrete optimization
                     algorithm. The TN ranks of better_list will be larger
                     than those of tensor_list.
        best_loss:   The value of the validation/training loss for the
                     model output as better_list
        loss_record: If dhist=True in other_args, this records the history of 
                     all losses for discrete and continuous optimization. This
                     is a list of dictionnaries with keys
                     iter: iteration of the discrete optimization
                     num_params: number of parameters of best network for this iteration
                     network: list of tensors for the best network for this iteration
                     loss: loss achieved by the best network in this iteration
                     train_loss_hist: history of losses for the continuous optimization
                        for this iteration starting from previous best_network to 
                        the epoch where the new best network was found
                     TODO: add val_loss_hist to the list of keys
    # Check input and initialize local record variables
    epochs = other_args['epochs'] if 'epochs' in other_args else 10
    max_iter = other_args['max_iter'] if 'max_iter' in other_args else 10
    dprint = other_args['dprint'] if 'dprint' in other_args else True
    cprint = other_args['cprint'] if 'cprint' in other_args else True
    search_epochs = other_args[
        'search_epochs'] if 'search_epochs' in other_args else epochs
    loss_threshold = other_args[
        'loss_threshold'] if 'loss_threshold' in other_args else 1e-5
    initial_epochs = other_args[
        'initial_epochs'] if 'initial_epochs' in other_args else None
    rank_increment = other_args[
        'rank_increment'] if 'rank_increment' in other_args else 1
    gradient_hook = other_args[
        'gradient_hook'] if 'gradient_hook' in other_args else None
    is_reg = other_args['is_reg'] if 'is_reg' in other_args else False

    stop_on_plateau = other_args[
        'stop_on_plateau'] if 'stop_on_plateau' in other_args else None
    if stop_on_plateau:
        detect_plateau = DetectPlateau(**stop_on_plateau)
            "stop_condition"] = lambda train_loss, val_loss: detect_plateau(

    first_loss, best_loss, best_network = ([], []), None, None
    d_loss_hist = ([], [])

    other_args['hist'] = True  # we always track the history of losses

    # Function to maybe print, conditioned on `dprint`
    m_print = lambda s: print(s) if dprint else None

    # Copy tensor_list so the original is unchanged
    tensor_list = cc.copy_network(tensor_list)
    loss_record = [{
        'iter': -1,
        'network': tensor_list,
        'num_params': cc.num_params(tensor_list),
        'train_loss_hist': [0],
        'val_loss_hist': [0]

    # Define a function giving the stop condition for the discrete
    # optimization procedure. I'm using a simple example here which could
    # work for greedy or random walk searches, but for other optimization
    # methods this could be trivial
    stop_cond = lambda loss: loss < loss_threshold

    # Iteratively increment ranks of tensor_list and train via
    # continuous_optim, at each stage using a search procedure to
    # test out different ranks before choosing just one to increase
    stage = -1
    best_loss, best_network, best_network_optimizer_state = np.infty, None, None

    while not stop_cond(best_loss) and stage < max_iter:
        stage += 1
        if best_loss is np.infty:  # first continuous optimization
            tensor_list, first_loss, best_loss, best_epoch, hist = training(
            m_print("Initial model has TN ranks")
            if dprint: cc.print_ranks(tensor_list)
            m_print(f"Initial loss is {best_loss:.7f}")

            initialNetwork = cc.copy_network(tensor_list)
            best_network = cc.copy_network(tensor_list)
            loss_record[0]["loss"] = first_loss
                'iter': stage,
                'network': best_network,
                'num_params': cc.num_params(best_network),
                'loss': best_loss,
                'train_loss_hist': hist[0][:best_epoch],
                'val_loss_hist': hist[1][:best_epoch]

                f"\n\n**** Discrete optimization - iteration {stage} ****\n\n\n"
            best_search_loss = best_loss
            best_train_lost_hist = []
            best_val_loss_hist = []

            [i, j] = torch.randperm(len(tensor_list))[:2].tolist()
            currentNetwork = cc.copy_network(initialNetwork)
            #increase rank along a chosen dimension
            currentNetwork = cc.increase_rank(currentNetwork, i, j,
                                              rank_increment, 1e-6)
            currentNetwork = cc.make_trainable(currentNetwork)
            print('\ntesting rank increment for i =', i, 'j = ', j)

            ### Search optimization phase
            # we d only a few epochs to identify the most promising rank update

            # function to zero out the gradient of all entries except for the new slices
            def grad_masking_function(tensor_list):
                nonlocal i, j
                for k in range(len(tensor_list)):
                    if k == i:
                            [j] + list(range(0, j)) +
                            list(range(j + 1, len(currentNetwork))))[:-1, :,
                                                                     ...] *= 0
                    elif k == j:
                            [i] + list(range(0, i)) +
                            list(range(i + 1, len(currentNetwork))))[:-1, :,
                                                                     ...] *= 0
                        tensor_list[k].grad *= 0

            # we first optimize only the new slices for a few epochs
            print("optimize new slices for a few epochs")
            search_args = dict(other_args)
            current_network_optimizer_state = {}
            search_args["save_optimizer_state"] = True
            search_args["optimizer_state"] = current_network_optimizer_state
            if not is_reg:
                search_args["grad_masking_function"] = grad_masking_function
            if stop_on_plateau:
            [currentNetwork, first_loss, current_loss, best_epoch,
             hist] = training(currentNetwork,
            first_loss = hist[0][0]
            train_lost_hist = deepcopy(hist[0][:best_epoch])
            val_loss_hist = deepcopy(hist[1][:best_epoch])

            # # We then optimize all parameters for a few epochs
            # print("\noptimize all parameters for a few epochs")
            # search_args["grad_masking_function"] = None
            # search_args["load_optimizer_state"] = dict(current_network_optimizer_state)
            # if stop_on_plateau:
            #     detect_plateau._reset()
            # [currentNetwork, first_loss, current_loss, best_epoch, hist] = training(currentNetwork, initial_epochs, train_data,
            #     loss_fun, val_data=val_data, epochs=search_epochs,
            #     other_args=search_args)
            # search_args["load_optimizer_state"] = None
            # train_lost_hist += deepcopy(hist[0][:best_epoch])

            best_search_loss = current_loss
            best_network = currentNetwork
            best_network_optimizer_state = deepcopy(
            best_train_lost_hist = train_lost_hist
            best_val_loss_hist = val_loss_hist
            print('-> best rank update so far:', i, j)

            best_loss = best_search_loss
            # train network to convergence

            print('\ntraining best network until max_epochs/convergence...')
            other_args["load_optimizer_state"] = best_network_optimizer_state
            current_network_optimizer_state = {}
            other_args["save_optimizer_state"] = True
            other_args["optimizer_state"] = current_network_optimizer_state

            if gradient_hook:  # A bit of a hack only used for tensor completion - ignore
                other_args["grad_masking_function"] = gradient_hook
            if stop_on_plateau:

            [best_network, first_loss, best_loss, best_epoch,
             hist] = training(best_network,

            if gradient_hook:
                other_args["grad_masking_function"] = None

            other_args["load_optimizer_state"] = None
            best_train_lost_hist += deepcopy(hist[0][:best_epoch])
            best_val_loss_hist += deepcopy(hist[1][:best_epoch])

            initialNetwork = cc.copy_network(best_network)

                'iter': stage,
                'network': best_network,
                'num_params': cc.num_params(best_network),
                'loss': best_loss,
                'train_loss_hist': best_train_lost_hist,
                'val_loss_hist': best_val_loss_hist

            print('\nbest TN:')
            print('number of params:', cc.num_params(best_network))
            print([(r['iter'], r['num_params'], float(r['loss']),
                    float(r['train_loss_hist'][-1])) for r in loss_record])

    return best_network, best_loss, loss_record
def greedy_optim(tensor_list, train_data, loss_fun, 
                            val_data=None, other_args=dict(),max_iter=None):
    Train a tensor network using discrete optimization over TN ranks
        tensor_list: List of tensors encoding the network being trained
        train_data:  The data used to train the network(target Tensor)
        loss_fun:    Scalar-valued loss function of the type 
                        tens_list, data -> scalar_loss
                     (This depends on the task being learned)
        val_data:    The data used for validation, which can be used to
                     for early stopping within continuous optimization
                     calls within discrete optimization loop
        other_args:  Dictionary of other arguments for the optimization, 
                     with some options below (feel free to add more)
                        epochs: Number of epochs for 
                                continuous optimization     (default=10)
                        max_iter: Maximum number of iterations
                                  for greedy search           (default=10)
                        optim:  Choice of Pytorch optimizer (default='SGD')
                        lr:     Learning rate for optimizer (default=1e-3)
                        bsize:  Minibatch size for training (default=100)
                        reps:   Number of times to repeat 
                                training data per epoch     (default=1)
                        cprint: Whether to print info from
                                continuous optimization     (default=True)
                        dprint: Whether to print info from
                                discrete optimization       (default=True)
                        dhist:  Whether to return losses
                                from intermediate TNs       (default=False)
                        search_epochs: Number of epochs to use to identify the
                                best rank 1 update. If None, the epochs argument
                                is used.                    (default=None)
                        loss_threshold: if loss gets below this threshold, 
                        discrete optimization is stopped
                        initial_epochs: Number of epochs after which the 
                        learning rate is reduced and optimization is restarted
                        if there is no improvement in the loss.
        better_list: List of tensors with same length as tensor_list, but
                     having been optimized using the discrete optimization
                     algorithm. The TN ranks of better_list will be larger
                     than those of tensor_list.
        first_loss:  Initial loss of the model on the validation set, 
                     before any training. If no val set is provided, the
                     first training loss is instead returned
        best_loss:   The value of the validation/training loss for the
                     model output as better_list
        loss_record: If dhist=True in other_args, all values of best_loss
                     associated with intermediate optimized TNs will be
                     returned as a PyTorch vector, with loss_record[0]
                     giving the initial loss of the model, and
                     loss_record[-1] equal to best_loss value returned
                     by discrete_optim.
    # Check input and initialize local record variables
    epochs  = other_args['epochs'] if 'epochs' in other_args else 10
    max_iter  = other_args['max_iter'] if 'max_iter' in other_args else 10
    dprint  = other_args['dprint'] if 'dprint' in other_args else True
    cprint  = other_args['cprint'] if 'cprint' in other_args else True
    dhist  = other_args['dhist']  if 'dhist'  in other_args else False
    search_epochs  = other_args['search_epochs']  if 'search_epochs'  in other_args else None
    loss_threshold  = other_args['loss_threshold']  if 'loss_threshold'  in other_args else 1e-5
    initial_epochs  = other_args['initial_epochs'] if 'initial_epochs' in other_args else None
    stop_cond = lambda loss: loss < loss_threshold

    if dhist: loss_record = []    # (train_record, val_record)

    # Function to maybe print, conditioned on `dprint`
    m_print = lambda s: print(s) if dprint else None

    # Copy tensor_list so the original is unchanged
    tensor_list = cc.copy_network(tensor_list)

    # Iteratively increment ranks of tensor_list and train via
    # continuous_optim, at each stage using a search procedure to 
    # test out different ranks before choosing just one to increase
    stage = 0
    loss_record, best_loss, best_network = [], np.infty, None

    while not stop_cond(best_loss) and stage < max_iter:
        stage += 1
        if best_loss is np.infty: # first continuous optimization
            tensor_list, first_loss, best_loss = training(
                tensor_list, initial_epochs, train_data, loss_fun, epochs=epochs, 
            m_print("Initial model has TN ranks")
            if dprint: cc.print_ranks(tensor_list)
            m_print(f"Initial loss is {best_loss:.7f}")

            initialNetwork = cc.copy_network(tensor_list) 
            best_network = cc.copy_network(tensor_list) 
            loss_record += [first_loss,best_loss]


        m_print(f"\n\n**** Discrete optimization - iteration {stage} ****\n\n\n")  
        best_search_loss = best_loss

        for i in range(len(initialNetwork)):
            for j in range(i+1, len(initialNetwork)):
                currentNetwork = cc.copy_network(initialNetwork)
                #increase rank along a chosen dimension
                currentNetwork = cc.increase_rank(currentNetwork,i, j, 1, 1e-6)

                print('\ntesting rank increment for i =', i, 'j = ', j)
                if search_epochs: # we d only a few epochs to identify the most promising rank update

                    # function to zero out the gradient of all entries except for the new slices
                    def grad_masking_function(tensor_list):
                        nonlocal i,j
                        for k in range(len(tensor_list)):
                            if k == i:
                                tensor_list[i].grad.permute([j]+list(range(0,j))+list(range(j+1,len(currentNetwork))))[:-1,:,...] *= 0
                            elif k == j:
                                tensor_list[j].grad.permute([i]+list(range(0,i))+list(range(i+1,len(currentNetwork))))[:-1,:,...] *= 0
                                tensor_list[k].grad *= 0

                    # we first optimize only the new slices for a few epochs
                    print("optimize new slices for a few epochs")
                    search_args = dict(other_args)
                    search_args["hist"] = True
                    current_network_optimizer_state = {}
                    search_args["save_optimizer_state"] = True
                    search_args["optimizer_state"] = current_network_optimizer_state
                    search_args["grad_masking_function"] = grad_masking_function
                    [currentNetwork, first_loss, current_loss, hist] = training(currentNetwork, initial_epochs, train_data, 
                        loss_fun, val_data=val_data, epochs=search_epochs, other_args=search_args)
                    first_loss = hist[0][0]

                    # We then optimize all parameters for a few epochs
                    print("\noptimize all parameters for a few epochs")
                    search_args["grad_masking_function"] = None
                    search_args["load_optimizer_state"] = dict(current_network_optimizer_state)
                    [currentNetwork, first_loss, current_loss, hist] = training(currentNetwork, initial_epochs, train_data, 
                        loss_fun, val_data=val_data, epochs=search_epochs , 
                    search_args["load_optimizer_state"] = None

                else: # we fully optimize the network in the search phase
                    [currentNetwork, first_loss, current_loss] = cc.continuous_optim(currentNetwork, train_data, 
                        loss_fun, val_data=val_data, epochs=epochs, 

                m_print(f"\nCurrent loss is {current_loss:.7f}    Best loss from previous discrete optim is {best_loss}")
                if best_search_loss > current_loss:
                    best_search_loss = current_loss
                    best_network = currentNetwork
                    best_network_optimizer_state = deepcopy(current_network_optimizer_state)
                    print('-> best rank update so far:', i,j)

        best_loss = best_search_loss
        # train network to convergence for the best rank increment (if search_epochs is set, 
        # otherwise the best network is already trained to convergence / max_epochs)
        if search_epochs:
            print('\ntraining best network until max_epochs/convergence...')

            other_args["load_optimizer_state"] = best_network_optimizer_state
            current_network_optimizer_state = {}
            other_args["save_optimizer_state"] = True
            other_args["optimizer_state"] = current_network_optimizer_state
            [best_network, first_loss, best_loss] = training(best_network, initial_epochs, train_data, 
                    loss_fun, val_data=val_data, epochs=epochs, 
            other_args["load_optimizer_state"] = None

        initialNetwork  = cc.copy_network(best_network)
        loss_record.append((stage, cc.num_params(best_network), float(best_loss)))
        print('\nbest TN:')
        print('number of params:',cc.num_params(best_network))
    return best_network, first_loss, best_loss 
Beispiel #3
    for fn in sys.argv[1:]:
        with open(fn, 'rb') as f:
            results = pickle.load(f)
        results["Greedy"] = results["greedy"]
        del results["greedy"]
        results["Random walk"] = results["randomwalk"]
        del results["randomwalk"]
        methods = ["Greedy", "CP", "Tucker", "TT", "Random walk"]

        plt.subplot(1, 3, subplot_counter)
        for method in methods:
            dloss = [r['loss'] for r in results[method]]
            num_params = [r['num_params'] for r in results[method]]
            plt.plot(num_params, dloss, '.-')

        plt.legend(methods)  # + ["opt. params"])
        plt.ylabel('reconstruction error')

        plt.subplot(1, 3, subplot_counter)
        losses = moving_average([
            loss for r in results['Greedy'][1:]
            for loss in r['train_loss_hist']
    path.basename(target_file))[0] + ".pickle"
if path.exists(result_file):
    print(f"output file already exists ({result_file})")

goal_tn = torch.load(target_file)
target_full = cc.wire_network(goal_tn, give_dense=True).numpy()
input_dims = target_full.shape
target_TN_params = cc.num_params(goal_tn)
target_full_parms =

print('target tensor network number of params: ', target_TN_params)
print('number of params for full target tensor:', target_full_parms)
print('target tensor norm:', cc.l2_norm(goal_tn))
print('target tensor ranks:')

results = {
    "_xp-infos_": {
        'targt_TN_params': target_TN_params,
        'target_full_parms': target_full_parms,
        'target_network': goal_tn

from tensor_decomposition_models import incremental_tensor_decomposition
from randomsearch import randomsearch_decomposition
from randomwalk import randomwalk_decomposition
from greedy import greedy_decomposition
for decomp in ["greedy"
               ]:  #"randomsearch randomwalk greedy CP TT Tucker".split():
Beispiel #5
def randomsearch_optim(tensor_list,
    Train a tensor network using discrete optimization over TN ranks

        tensor_list: List of tensors encoding the network being trained
        train_data:  The data used to train the network
        loss_fun:    Scalar-valued loss function of the type 
                        tens_list, data -> scalar_loss
                     (This depends on the task being learned)
        val_data:    The data used for validation, which can be used to
                     for early stopping within continuous optimization
                     calls within discrete optimization loop
        other_args:  Dictionary of other arguments for the optimization, 
                     with some options below (feel free to add more)
                        epochs: Number of epochs for 
                                continuous optimization     (default=10)
                        max_iter: Maximum number of iterations
                                  for random search         (default=10)
                        optim:  Choice of Pytorch optimizer (default='SGD')
                        lr:     Learning rate for optimizer (default=1e-3)
                        bsize:  Minibatch size for training (default=100)
                        max_rank: Maximum rank to search for  (default=7)
                        reps:   Number of times to repeat 
                                training data per epoch     (default=1)
                        cprint: Whether to print info from
                                continuous optimization     (default=True)
                        dprint: Whether to print info from
                                discrete optimization       (default=True)
                        loss_threshold: if loss gets below this threshold, 
                            discrete optimization is stopped
                        initial_epochs: Number of epochs after which the 
                            learning rate is reduced and optimization is restarted
                            if there is no improvement in the loss.
                        stop_on_plateau: a dictionnary containing keys
                                mode  (min/max)
                            used to stop continuous optimizaion when plateau
                            is detected                     (default=None)
        better_list: List of tensors with same length as tensor_list, but
                     having been optimized using the discrete optimization
                     algorithm. The TN ranks of better_list will be larger
                     than those of tensor_list.
        best_loss:   The value of the validation/training loss for the
                     model output as better_list
        loss_record: If dhist=True in other_args, this records the history of 
                     all losses for discrete and continuous optimization. This
                     is a list of dictionnaries with keys
                     iter: iteration of the discrete optimization
                     num_params: number of parameters of best network for this iteration
                     network: list of tensors for the best network for this iteration
                     loss: loss achieved by the best network in this iteration
                     train_loss_hist: history of losses for the continuous optimization
                        for this iteration starting from previous best_network to 
                        the epoch where the new best network was found
                     TODO: add val_lost_hist to the list of keys
    # Check input and initialize local record variables
    epochs = other_args['epochs'] if 'epochs' in other_args else 10
    max_iter = other_args['max_iter'] if 'max_iter' in other_args else 10
    max_rank = other_args['max_rank'] if 'max_rank' in other_args else 7
    max_params = other_args[
        'max_params'] if 'max_params' in other_args else 10000
    dprint = other_args['dprint'] if 'dprint' in other_args else True
    cprint = other_args['cprint'] if 'cprint' in other_args else True
    loss_threshold = other_args[
        'loss_threshold'] if 'loss_threshold' in other_args else 1e-5
    initial_epochs = other_args[
        'initial_epochs'] if 'initial_epochs' in other_args else None
    # Keep track of continous optimization history
    other_args['hist'] = True

    stop_on_plateau = other_args[
        'stop_on_plateau'] if 'stop_on_plateau' in other_args else None
    if stop_on_plateau:
        detect_plateau = DetectPlateau(**stop_on_plateau)
            "stop_condition"] = lambda train_loss, val_loss: detect_plateau(

    first_loss, best_loss, best_network = ([], []), None, None
    d_loss_hist = ([], [])

    # Function to maybe print, conditioned on `dprint`
    m_print = lambda s: print(s) if dprint else None

    # Copy tensor_list so the original is unchanged
    tensor_list = cc.copy_network(tensor_list)
    loss_record = [{
        'iter': -1,
        'network': tensor_list,
        'num_params': cc.num_params(tensor_list),
        'train_loss_hist': [0]

    # Define a function giving the stop condition for the discrete
    # optimization procedure. I'm using a simple example here which could
    # work for greedy or random walk searches, but for other optimization
    # methods this could be trivial
    stop_cond = lambda loss: loss < loss_threshold

    input_dims = cc.get_indims(tensor_list)
    n_cores = len(input_dims)
    n_edges = n_cores * (n_cores - 1) // 2

    # Iteratively increment ranks of tensor_list and train via
    # continuous_optim, at each stage using a search procedure to
    # test out different ranks before choosing just one to increase
    stage = -1
    best_loss, best_network, best_network_optimizer_state = np.infty, None, None

    while not stop_cond(best_loss) and stage < max_iter:
        stage += 1
        if best_loss is np.infty:  # first continuous optimization
            tensor_list, first_loss, best_loss, best_epoch, hist = training(
            m_print("Initial model has TN ranks")
            if dprint: cc.print_ranks(tensor_list)
            m_print(f"Initial loss is {best_loss:.7f}")

            initialNetwork = cc.copy_network(tensor_list)
            best_network = cc.copy_network(tensor_list)
            loss_record[0]["loss"] = first_loss
                'iter': stage,
                'network': best_network,
                'num_params': cc.num_params(best_network),
                'loss': best_loss,
                'train_loss_hist': hist[0][:best_epoch]

                f"\n\n**** Discrete optimization - iteration {stage} ****\n\n\n"
            # Create new TN random ranks
            ranks = torch.randint(low=1, high=max_rank + 1,
                                  size=(n_edges, 1)).view(-1, ).tolist()
            rank_list = _make_ranks(ranks)
            currentNetwork = _limit_random_tn(input_dims,
            currentNetwork = cc.make_trainable(currentNetwork)
            if stop_on_plateau:
            currentNetwork, first_loss, current_loss, best_epoch, hist = training(
            train_lost_hist = hist[0][:best_epoch]
                'iter': stage,
                'network': currentNetwork,
                'num_params': cc.num_params(currentNetwork),
                'loss': current_loss,
                'train_loss_hist': train_lost_hist
            if best_loss > current_loss:
                best_network = currentNetwork
                best_loss = current_loss

            print('\nbest TN:')
            print('number of params:', cc.num_params(best_network))
            print([(r['iter'], r['num_params'], float(r['loss']),
                    float(r['train_loss_hist'][-1])) for r in loss_record])

    return best_network, best_loss, loss_record
Beispiel #6
def greedy_optim(tensor_list, train_data, loss_fun, find_best_edge,
                val_data=None, other_args=dict(),max_iter=None):
    Train a tensor network using discrete optimization over TN ranks
        tensor_list: List of tensors encoding the network being trained
        train_data:  The data used to train the network(target Tensor)
        loss_fun:    Scalar-valued loss function of the type 
                        tens_list, data -> scalar_loss
                     (This depends on the task being learned)
        val_data:    The data used for validation, which can be used to
                     for early stopping within continuous optimization
                     calls within discrete optimization loop
        find_best_edge: function identifying the most promising edge and 
            returning a new network with incremented edge. This function
            must accept the following arguments:
                search_epochs (specific to current searching method)
                is_reg        (hack, ignore)

        other_args:  Dictionary of other arguments for the optimization, 
                     with some options below (feel free to add more)
                        epochs: Number of epochs for 
                                continuous optimization     (default=10)
                        max_iter: Maximum number of iterations
                                  for greedy search           (default=10)
                        optim:  Choice of Pytorch optimizer (default='SGD')
                        lr:     Learning rate for optimizer (default=1e-3)
                        bsize:  Minibatch size for training (default=100)
                        reps:   Number of times to repeat 
                                training data per epoch     (default=1)
                        cprint: Whether to print info from
                                continuous optimization     (default=True)
                        dprint: Whether to print info from
                                discrete optimization       (default=True)
                        search_epochs: Number of epochs to use to identify the
                                best rank 1 update. If None, the epochs argument
                                is used.                    (default=None)
                        loss_threshold: if loss gets below this threshold, 
                            discrete optimization is stopped
                        initial_epochs: Number of epochs after which the 
                            learning rate is reduced and optimization is restarted
                            if there is no improvement in the loss.
                        rank_increment: how much should a rank be increase at
                            each discrete iterations        (default=1)
                        stop_on_plateau: a dictionnary containing keys
                                mode  (min/max)
                            used to stop continuous optimizaion when plateau
                            is detected                     (default=None)
                        filename: pickle filename to save the loss_record after each
                        continuous optimization.            (default=None)

        better_list: List of tensors with same length as tensor_list, but
                     having been optimized using the discrete optimization
                     algorithm. The TN ranks of better_list will be larger
                     than those of tensor_list.
        best_loss:   The value of the validation/training loss for the
                     model output as better_list
        loss_record: If dhist=True in other_args, this records the history of 
                     all losses for discrete and continuous optimization. This
                     is a list of dictionnaries with keys
                     iter: iteration of the discrete optimization
                     num_params: number of parameters of best network for this iteration
                     network: list of tensors for the best network for this iteration
                     loss: loss achieved by the best network in this iteration
                     train_loss_hist: history of losses for the continuous optimization
                        for this iteration starting from previous best_network to 
                        the epoch where the new best network was found
                     TODO: add val_lost_hist to the list of keys

    # Check input and initialize local record variables
    epochs  = other_args['epochs'] if 'epochs' in other_args else 10
    max_iter  = other_args['max_iter'] if 'max_iter' in other_args else 10
    dprint  = other_args['dprint'] if 'dprint' in other_args else True
    cprint  = other_args['cprint'] if 'cprint' in other_args else True
    search_epochs  = other_args['search_epochs']  if 'search_epochs'  in other_args else epochs
    loss_threshold  = other_args['loss_threshold']  if 'loss_threshold'  in other_args else 1e-5
    initial_epochs  = other_args['initial_epochs'] if 'initial_epochs' in other_args else None
    rank_increment  = other_args['rank_increment'] if 'rank_increment' in other_args else 1
    gradient_hook  = other_args['gradient_hook'] if 'gradient_hook' in other_args else None
    #allowed_edges  = other_args['allowed_edges'] if 'allowed_edges' in other_args else None
    filename = other_args['filename'] if 'filename' in other_args else None
    is_reg = other_args['is_reg'] if 'is_reg' in other_args else False


    assert initial_epochs < search_epochs and (not epochs or initial_epochs < epochs), "initial_epochs must be smaller than search_epochs and epochs"

    stop_on_plateau  = other_args['stop_on_plateau'] if 'stop_on_plateau' in other_args else None
    if stop_on_plateau:
        detect_plateau = DetectPlateau(**stop_on_plateau)
        other_args["stop_condition"] = lambda train_loss,val_loss : detect_plateau(train_loss)

    first_loss, best_loss, best_network = ([],[]), None, None
    d_loss_hist = ([], [])

    other_args['hist'] = True # we always track the history of losses

    # Function to maybe print, conditioned on `dprint`
    m_print = lambda s: print(s) if dprint else None

    # Copy tensor_list so the original is unchanged
    tensor_list = cc.copy_network(tensor_list)
    loss_record = [{'iter':-1,'network':tensor_list,

    # Define a function giving the stop condition for the discrete 
    # optimization procedure. I'm using a simple example here which could
    # work for greedy or random walk searches, but for other optimization
    # methods this could be trivial
    stop_cond = lambda loss: loss < loss_threshold

    # Iteratively increment ranks of tensor_list and train via
    # continuous_optim, at each stage using a search procedure to 
    # test out different ranks before choosing just one to increase
    stage = -1
    best_loss, best_network, best_network_optimizer_state = np.infty, None, None

    while not stop_cond(best_loss) and stage < max_iter:
        stage += 1
        if best_loss is np.infty: # first continuous optimization
            tensor_list, first_loss, best_loss, best_epoch, hist = training(tensor_list, initial_epochs, 
                                    train_data, loss_fun, epochs=epochs, 
            m_print("Initial model has TN ranks")
            if dprint: cc.print_ranks(tensor_list)
            m_print(f"Initial loss is {best_loss:.7f}")

            initialNetwork = cc.copy_network(tensor_list) 
            best_network = cc.copy_network(tensor_list) 
            loss_record[0]["loss"] = first_loss

            if filename:
                with open(filename, "wb") as f:

            m_print(f"\n\n**** Discrete optimization - iteration {stage} ****\n\n\n")  
            best_search_loss = best_loss
            best_train_lost_hist = []
            best_val_loss_hist = []

            best_network,best_loss, best_network_optimizer_state,best_train_lost_hist,best_val_loss_hist = \

            # train network to convergence for the best rank increment

            print('\ntraining best network until max_epochs/convergence...')
            other_args["load_optimizer_state"] = best_network_optimizer_state
            current_network_optimizer_state = {}
            other_args["save_optimizer_state"] = True
            other_args["optimizer_state"] = current_network_optimizer_state

            if stop_on_plateau:
            [best_network, first_loss, best_loss, best_epoch, hist] = training(best_network, initial_epochs, train_data, 
                    loss_fun, val_data=val_data, epochs=epochs, 

            other_args["load_optimizer_state"] = None
            best_train_lost_hist += deepcopy(hist[0][:best_epoch])
            best_val_loss_hist += deepcopy(hist[1][:best_epoch])

            initialNetwork  = cc.copy_network(best_network)


            print('\nbest TN:')
            print('number of params:',cc.num_params(best_network))
            print([(r['iter'],r['num_params'],float(r['loss']),float(r['train_loss_hist'][0]),float(r['train_loss_hist'][-1])) for r in loss_record])

            if filename:
                with open(filename, "wb") as f:

    return best_network, best_loss, loss_record
def discrete_optim_template(tensor_list,
    Train a tensor network using discrete optimization over TN ranks

        tensor_list: List of tensors encoding the network being trained
        train_data:  The data used to train the network
        loss_fun:    Scalar-valued loss function of the type 
                        tens_list, data -> scalar_loss
                     (This depends on the task being learned)
        val_data:    The data used for validation, which can be used to
                     for early stopping within continuous optimization
                     calls within discrete optimization loop
        other_args:  Dictionary of other arguments for the optimization, 
                     with some options below (feel free to add more)

                        epochs: Number of epochs for 
                                continuous optimization     (default=10)
                        optim:  Choice of Pytorch optimizer (default='SGD')
                        lr:     Learning rate for optimizer (default=1e-3)
                        bsize:  Minibatch size for training (default=100)
                        reps:   Number of times to repeat 
                                training data per epoch     (default=1)
                        cprint: Whether to print info from
                                continuous optimization     (default=True)
                        dprint: Whether to print info from
                                discrete optimization       (default=True)
                        dhist:  Whether to return losses
                                from intermediate TNs       (default=False)
        better_list: List of tensors with same length as tensor_list, but
                     having been optimized using the discrete optimization
                     algorithm. The TN ranks of better_list will be larger
                     than those of tensor_list.
        first_loss:  Initial loss of the model on the validation set, 
                     before any training. If no val set is provided, the
                     first training loss is instead returned
        best_loss:   The value of the validation/training loss for the
                     model output as better_list
        loss_record: If dhist=True in other_args, all values of best_loss
                     associated with intermediate optimized TNs will be
                     returned as a PyTorch vector, with loss_record[0]
                     giving the initial loss of the model, and
                     loss_record[-1] equal to best_loss value returned
                     by discrete_optim.
    # Check input and initialize local record variables
    epochs = other_args['epochs'] if 'epochs' in other_args else 10
    dprint = other_args['dprint'] if 'dprint' in other_args else True
    dhist = other_args['dhist'] if 'dhist' in other_args else False
    loss_rec, first_loss, best_loss, best_network = [], None, None, None
    if dhist: loss_record = []  # (train_record, val_record)

    # Function to maybe print, conditioned on `dprint`
    m_print = lambda s: print(s) if dprint else None

    # Function to record loss information
    def record_loss(new_loss, new_network):
        # Load record variables from outer scope
        nonlocal loss_rec, first_loss, best_loss, best_network

        # Check for best loss
        if best_loss is None or new_loss < best_loss:
            best_loss, best_network = new_loss, new_network

        # Add new loss to our loss record
        if not dhist: return
        nonlocal loss_record

    # Copy tensor_list so the original is unchanged
    tensor_list = cc.copy_network(tensor_list)

    # Define a function giving the stop condition for the discrete
    # optimization procedure. I'm using a simple example here which could
    # work for greedy or random walk searches, but for other optimization
    # methods this could be trivial
    stop_cond = generate_stop_cond(cc.get_indims(tensor_list))

    # Iteratively increment ranks of tensor_list and train via
    # continuous_optim, at each stage using a search procedure to
    # test out different ranks before choosing just one to increase
    stage = 0
    better_network, better_loss = tensor_list, 1e10
    while not stop_cond(better_network):
        if first_loss is None:
            # Record initial loss of TN model
            first_args = other_args
            first_args["print"] = first_args["hist"] = False
            _, first_loss, _ = cc.continuous_optim(tensor_list,
            m_print("Initial model has TN ranks")
            if dprint: cc.print_ranks(tensor_list)
            m_print(f"Initial loss is {first_loss:.3f}")
        m_print(f"STAGE {stage}")

        # Try out training different network ranks and assign network
        # with best ranks to better_network
        # TODO: This is your part to write! Use new variables for the loss
        #       and network being tried out, with the network being
        #       initialized from better_network. When you've found a better
        #       TN, make sure to update better_network and better_loss to
        #       equal the parameters and loss of that TN.
        # At some point this code will call the continuous optimization
        # loop, in which case you can use the following command:
        # trained_tn, init_loss, final_loss = cc.continuous_optim(my_tn,
        #                                         train_data, loss_fun,
        #                                         epochs=epochs,
        #                                         val_data=val_data,
        #                                         other_args=other_args)

        # Record the loss associated with the best network from this
        # discrete optimization loop
        record_loss(better_loss, better_network)
        stage += 1

    if dhist:
        loss_record = tuple(torch.tensor(fr) for fr in loss_record)
        return best_network, first_loss, best_loss, loss_record
        return best_network, first_loss, best_loss
Beispiel #8
def discrete_optim_template(tensor_list, train_data, loss_fun, 
                            val_data=None, other_args=dict()):
    Train a tensor network using discrete optimization over TN ranks
        tensor_list: List of tensors encoding the network being trained
        train_data:  The data used to train the network(target Tensor)
        loss_fun:    Scalar-valued loss function of the type 
                        tens_list, data -> scalar_loss
                     (This depends on the task being learned)
        val_data:    The data used for validation, which can be used to
                     for early stopping within continuous optimization
                     calls within discrete optimization loop
        other_args:  Dictionary of other arguments for the optimization, 
                     with some options below (feel free to add more)
                        epochs: Number of epochs for 
                                continuous optimization     (default=10)
                        optim:  Choice of Pytorch optimizer (default='SGD')
                        lr:     Learning rate for optimizer (default=1e-3)
                        bsize:  Minibatch size for training (default=100)
                        reps:   Number of times to repeat 
                                training data per epoch     (default=1)
                        cprint: Whether to print info from
                                continuous optimization     (default=True)
                        dprint: Whether to print info from
                                discrete optimization       (default=True)
                        dhist:  Whether to return losses
                                from intermediate TNs       (default=False)
                        search_epochs: Number of epochs to use to identify the
                                best rank 1 update. If None, the epochs argument
                                is used.                    (default=None)
        better_list: List of tensors with same length as tensor_list, but
                     having been optimized using the discrete optimization
                     algorithm. The TN ranks of better_list will be larger
                     than those of tensor_list.
        first_loss:  Initial loss of the model on the validation set, 
                     before any training. If no val set is provided, the
                     first training loss is instead returned
        best_loss:   The value of the validation/training loss for the
                     model output as better_list
        loss_record: If dhist=True in other_args, all values of best_loss
                     associated with intermediate optimized TNs will be
                     returned as a PyTorch vector, with loss_record[0]
                     giving the initial loss of the model, and
                     loss_record[-1] equal to best_loss value returned
                     by discrete_optim.
    # Check input and initialize local record variables
    epochs  = other_args['epochs'] if 'epochs' in other_args else 10
    dprint  = other_args['dprint'] if 'dprint' in other_args else True
    cprint  = other_args['cprint'] if 'cprint' in other_args else True
    dhist  = other_args['dhist']  if 'dhist'  in other_args else False
    search_epochs  = other_args['search_epochs']  if 'search_epochs'  in other_args else None
    loss_rec, prev_loss, best_loss, best_network = [], None, None, None
    if dhist: loss_record = []    # (train_record, val_record)

    # Function to maybe print, conditioned on `dprint`
    m_print = lambda s: print(s) if dprint else None

    # Function to record loss information
    def record_loss(new_loss, new_network):
        # Load record variables from outer scope
        nonlocal loss_rec, first_loss, best_loss, best_network

        # Check for best loss
        if best_loss is None or new_loss < best_loss:
            best_loss, best_network = new_loss, new_network

        # Add new loss to our loss record
        if not dhist: return
        nonlocal loss_record

    # Copy tensor_list so the original is unchanged
    tensor_list = cc.copy_network(tensor_list)

    # Define a function giving the stop condition for the discrete 
    # optimization procedure. I'm using a simple example here which could
    # work for greedy or random walk searches, but for other optimization
    # methods this could be trivial
    stop_cond = generate_stop_cond(cc.get_indims(tensor_list))

###########***************where are you increasing the rank from line 123 to 137?*****
    # Iteratively increment ranks of tensor_list and train via
    # continuous_optim, at each stage using a search procedure to 
    # test out different ranks before choosing just one to increase
    stage = 0
    best_network, better_loss = tensor_list, 1e10
    while not stop_cond(best_network):
        if prev_loss is None:
            # Record initial loss of TN model 
            first_args = other_args
            first_args["print"] = True
            first_args["hist"] = False
            tensor_list, _, prev_loss = cc.continuous_optim(tensor_list, train_data, 
                                    loss_fun, epochs=epochs, val_data=val_data,
            m_print("Initial model has TN ranks")
            if dprint: cc.print_ranks(tensor_list)
            m_print(f"Initial loss is {prev_loss:.7f}")

##################################line 139 onward are new added acode#############
        # Try out training different network ranks and assign network
        # with best ranks to best_network
        # TODO: This is your part to write! Use new variables for the loss
        #       and network being tried out, with the network being
        #       initialized from best_network. When you've found a better
        #       TN, make sure to update best_network and better_loss to
        #       equal the parameters and loss of that TN.
        # At some point this code will call the continuous optimization
        # loop, in which case you can use the following command:
        # trained_tn, init_loss, final_loss = cc.continuous_optim(my_tn, 
        #                                         train_data, loss_fun, 
        #                                         epochs=epochs, 
        #                                         val_data=val_data,
        #                                         other_args=other_args)
        #best_loss = float('inf')
        prev_loss = float('inf')
        max_params =  #train data is the target tensor
        currentNetwork  = cc.copy_network(tensor_list) #temp
        initialNetwork  = cc.copy_network(tensor_list) #example_tn
        loss_record = []
        for k in range(50):   
            m_print(f"STAGE {k}")   
            for i in range(len(currentNetwork)):
                for j in range(i+1, len(currentNetwork)):
                    currentNetwork = cc.copy_network(initialNetwork)
                    #increase rank along a chosen dimension
                    currentNetwork = cc.increase_rank(currentNetwork,i, j, 1, 1e-6)

                    print('k = ', k, 'i =', i, 'j = ', j)
                    #solve continuos optimization part, train_data = target_tensor
                    if search_epochs:
                        # we use SGD to identify the most promising rank update
                        search_args = dict(other_args)
                        #search_args["optim"] = 'SGD'
                        #search_args["lr"] = 0.01
                        [currentNetwork, first_loss, current_loss] = cc.continuous_optim(currentNetwork, train_data, 
                            loss_fun, val_data=val_data, epochs=search_epochs , 
                        [currentNetwork, first_loss, current_loss] = cc.continuous_optim(currentNetwork, train_data, 
                            loss_fun, val_data=val_data, epochs=epochs, 
                    m_print(f"\nCurrent loss is {current_loss:.7f}")
                    if prev_loss > current_loss:
                        prev_loss = current_loss
                        best_network = currentNetwork
                        numParam = cc.num_params(best_network)
                        better_loss = current_loss
                        print('best rank update so far:', i,j)
                    #reset currentNetwork to contuniue with greedy at another point
            #upate parameters
            if search_epochs:
                print('training best network until max_epochs/convergence..')
                [best_network, first_loss, better_loss] = cc.continuous_optim(best_network, train_data, 
                        loss_fun, val_data=val_data, epochs=epochs, 
            currentNetwork = cc.copy_network(best_network)
            #update current point to the new point (i.e. best_network) that gave lower loss
            initialNetwork  = cc.copy_network(best_network)
            print('best TN:')
            print('number of params:',cc.num_params(best_network))

            stop_cond = generate_stop_cond(cc.get_indims(best_network)) #***********need to add param=-1
            if stop_cond == True:  #i.e. break if the number of parameters in trained tensor exceeds number of param. in target tensor
        return best_network, first_loss, better_loss #, loss_record