Beispiel #1
# Import the user defined modules
import template_model
import template_optimizer
import template_observer
import template_simulator

# Create the objects for each module
model_1 = template_model.model()
# Create an optimizer object based on the template and a model
optimizer_1 = template_optimizer.optimizer(model_1)
# Create an observer object based on the template and a model
observer_1 =
# Create a simulator object based on the template and a model
simulator_1 = template_simulator.simulator(model_1)
# Create a configuration
configuration_1 = core_do_mpc.configuration(model_1, optimizer_1, observer_1,

# Set up the solvers
do-mpc: MPC loop
# Do not stop until a predefined amount of polymer has been produced
while (configuration_1.simulator.x0_sim[2] *
       configuration_1.model.ocp.x_scaling[2] < 20681):
    do-mpc: Optimizer
Beispiel #2
    def getOptControl(self, waypoint, obstacles, pose, twist):
        w = [80, 80, 1, 5e3]
        # Create the objects for each module
        model_1 = template_model.model(waypoint, obstacles, pose, twist, w)
        # Create an optimizer object based on the template and a model
        optimizer_1 = template_optimizer.optimizer(model_1)
        # Create an observer object based on the template and a model
        observer_1 =
        # Create a simulator object based on the template and a model
        simulator_1 = template_simulator.simulator(model_1)
        # Create a configuration
        configuration_1 = core_do_mpc.configuration(model_1, optimizer_1,
                                                    observer_1, simulator_1)

        # Set up the solvers
        do-mpc: MPC loop
        x = pose
        Y_ref = waypoint
        lam = w[3]
        gamma = 1
        #print "obstacles", len(obstacles.a)
        #print "no. of obstacles", len(obstacles.a)
        if len(obstacles.a):
            V = 0
            for i in xrange(len(obstacles.a)):
                if obstacles.a[i]:
                    rx = obstacles.a[i]
                    ry = obstacles.b[i]
                    phi = atan(obstacles.m[i])
                    xo = obstacles.centroid[i]

                    R = [[cos(x[2]), -sin(x[2])], [sin(x[2]), cos(x[2])]]

                    xo = np.matmul(R, xo) + pose[0:2]

                    V = V + (lam) / ((gamma +
                                      (((xo[0] - x[0]) * cos(phi) +
                                        (xo[1] - x[1]) * sin(phi))**2) /
                                      (rx**2) +
                                      (((xo[1] - x[0]) * sin(phi) -
                                        (xo[1] - x[1]) * cos(phi))**2) /

                    #print "cost",i, V

            print "total cost", V

        print "x cost:", w[0] * (x[0] - Y_ref[0])**2, "y cost:", w[1] * (
            x[1] - Y_ref[1])**2, "theta cost:", w[2] * (x[2] - Y_ref[2])**2
        #a2=ax.arrow(x[0],x[1],3*math.cos(x[2]),3*math.sin(x[2]), head_width=0.08, head_length=0.00002)
        #count =0
        do-mpc: Optimizer
        # Make one optimizer step (solve the NLP)
        start = time.time()
        end = time.time()
        #print "optimization time:",end-start
        print "u_mpc: ", configuration_1.optimizer.u_mpc


        #a2=ax.arrow(x[0],x[1],3*math.cos(x[2]),3*math.sin(x[2]), head_width=0.08, head_length=0.00002)
        do-mpc: Simulator
        # Simulate the system one step using the solution obtained in the optimization
        do-mpc: Observer
        # Make one observer step
        do-mpc: Prepare next iteration and store information
        # Store the information

        # Set initial condition constraint for the next iteration
        do-mpc: Plot MPC animation if chosen by the user
        # Plot animation if chosen in by the user
        #print "dist:", dist(configuration_1.simulator.xf_sim, Y_ref)
        #if dist(configuration_1.simulator.xf_sim, Y_ref)<=5:
        #    break
        do-mpc: Plot the closed-loop results

        # Export to matlab if wanted
        return configuration_1.optimizer.u_mpc
Beispiel #3
# Import the user defined modules
import template_model
import template_optimizer
import template_observer
import template_simulator

# Create the objects for each module
model_1 = template_model.model()
# Create an optimizer object based on the template and a model
optimizer_1 = template_optimizer.optimizer(model_1)
# Create an observer object based on the template and a model
observer_1 =
# Create a simulator object based on the template and a model
simulator_1 = template_simulator.simulator(model_1)
# Create a configuration
configuration_1 = core_do_mpc.configuration(model_1, optimizer_1, observer_1, simulator_1)

# Set up the solvers

do-mpc: MPC loop
# Do not stop until a predefined amount of polymer has been produced
while (configuration_1.simulator.x0_sim[2] * configuration_1.model.ocp.x_scaling[2] < 20681):

Beispiel #4
for zone in zones:
    # Create the objects for each module
    vars()['model_' + zone] = template_model.model(zone)
    # Create an optimizer object based on the template and a model
    vars()['optimizer_' + zone] = template_optimizer.optimizer(
        vars()['model_' + zone], zonenumber[zone])
    # Create an observer object based on the template and a model
    vars()['observer_' + zone] =['model_' +
    # Create a simulator object based on the template and a model
    vars()['simulator_' + zone] = template_simulator.simulator(
        vars()['model_' + zone], zonenumber[zone])
    # Create a configuration
    vars()['configuration_' + zone] = core_do_mpc.configuration(
        vars()['model_' + zone],
        vars()['optimizer_' + zone],
        vars()['observer_' + zone],
        vars()['simulator_' + zone])
    # Set up the solvers
    vars()['configuration_' + zone].setup_solver()

    configurations.append(vars()['configuration_' + zone])
    # remove zone -> only unused zones remain these will be set to 20 degree in step_simulator

# Load FMU created from compile_fmu() or EnergyPlusToFMU
modelName = 'RKF_Berlin'
model_fmu = load_fmu(modelName + '.fmu')

# Load options
opts = model_fmu.simulate_options()