Beispiel #1
def precip_accumuation():
	RR = np.load("%s/CTSR/%d/R3_methodType/regression_results.npy" % (path, crn))
	FS = np.load("%s/CTSR/%d/R3_methodType/firstsort.npy" % (path, crn))
	rain_b4 = cf.QRB(yct)
	rain_af = cf.QRB(yct)
	bkp_v2 = cf.QRB(1)
	for line in range(1, RR.shape[0]):
		print line
		if FS[line, 2] >=3:
			osp_b4 = RR[line, 3]
			lt_b4 = RR[line, 4]
			#load the precip accumulation table
			rf_b4 = np.load("%s/RESTREND/%d/midputs/maxpos/acu_tabs/precip_%dlt%d.npy" % 
				(path, rn, osp_b4, lt_b4))
			rain_b4[line, :] = rf_b4[line, :]

			osp_af = RR[line, 6]
			lt_af = RR[line, 7]
			rf_af = np.load("%s/RESTREND/%d/midputs/maxpos/acu_tabs/precip_%dlt%d.npy" % 
				(path, rn, osp_af, lt_af))
			rain_af[line, :] = rf_af[line, :]
			bkp_v2[line, 2] = FS[line, 3]
			rain_af[line, 2:] = np.NAN
			rain_b4[line, 2:] = np.NAN
			bkp_v2[line, 2] = np.NAN"%s/CTSR/%d/R3_methodType/rain_b4.npy" % (path, crn), rain_b4)"%s/CTSR/%d/R3_methodType/rain_af.npy" % (path, crn), rain_af)"%s/CTSR/%d/R3_methodType/VPRbrk_BP.npy" % (path, crn), bkp_v2)
	cf.immkr(bkp_v2, 2)
Beispiel #2
def results():
	res = np.load("./CTSR/5/R2_Chow/Final_ChowResults.npy")
	count = np.load("%s/CTSR/%d/midputs/workingfiles/bp_count.npy" % (path, crn))
	Res_pass = cf.QRB(2)
	for line in range(1, res.shape[0]):
		y, x = res[line, :2]
		if mask[y, x] == 0:
			Res_pass[line, 2:] = np.NAN
		elif count[line, 2] == 0:
			Res_pass[line, 2:] = np.NAN
			if res[line, 3] < 0.05:
				Res_pass[line, 2] = 1
				Res_pass[line, 2] = 0
			if res[line, 5] < 0.05:
				Res_pass[line, 3] = 1
				Res_pass[line, 3] = 0
	cf.immkr(Res_pass, 2)
	cf.immkr(Res_pass, 3)
	# pdb.set_trace()
	#Print the % VPR that passed
	size = sp.stats.itemfreq(Res_pass[1:, 2])
	VPRper = size[1, 1]/(size[1, 1]+size[0, 1])
	print VPRper*100, "VPR pass rate"
	#Print the %Res that pass
	size = sp.stats.itemfreq(Res_pass[1:, 3])
	RESper = size[1, 1]/(size[1, 1]+size[0, 1])
	print RESper*100, "Residuals pass rate"
Beispiel #3
def neg_grad_timeseries():
    """To look at the time series of negative gradients"""
    i = np.load("%s/RESTREND/%d/midputs/maxpos/max_precip_%d.npy" % (path, rn, rn))
    j = np.load("%s/RESTREND/%d/midputs/maxpos/peakval%d.npy" % (path, rn, rn))
    grad = np.load("%s/RESTREND/%d/outputs/olsresults%d.npy" % (path, rn, rn))  # g, rq, pv
    for line in range(1, grad.shape[0]):
        print line
        y = grad[line, 0]
        x = grad[line, 1]
        # if abs(grad[line, 2])>0.001:
        # 	 grad[line, 2] = np.NAN

        if y == 256 and x == 55:  # >200 and x<75:
            if grad[line, 2] < 0:
                if grad[line, 4] < 0.05:
                    if grad[line, 3] > 0.4:
                        print y, x
                        # timeseris
                        ts = np.arange((yct)) + 1982
                        precip = i[line, 2:]
                        vi = j[line, 2:]
                        fig, ax1 = plt.subplots()
                        ax1.plot(ts, precip, label="precip")
                        ax2 = ax1.twinx()
                        ax2.plot(ts, vi, label="NDVI", color="r")
                        #"%s/CTSR/%d/R4_paperfigures/%d__%d_rain.npy" % (path, crn, y, x), precip )
                        #"%s/CTSR/%d/R4_paperfigures/%d__%d_NDVI.npy" % (path, crn, y, x), vi )
    cf.immkr(grad, 2)
Beispiel #4
def mean_values():
		builds a singe GRB array that has the mean precip and mean VI values. 
		THere will also be an offset period controled VI and a lt controlled grad
	#load in the data
	precip = np.load("%s/RESTREND/%d/midputs/maxpos/max_precip_%d.npy" % (path, rn, rn))
	VI = np.load("%s/RESTREND/%d/midputs/maxpos/peakval%d.npy" % (path, rn, rn))

	#load in the lt values
	pmin = np.load("%s/RESTREND/%d/midputs/workingfiles/minp_%d.npy" %(path, rn, rn))
	#"""lt, pval, osp"""
	cf.immkr(pmin, 2) #lt

	#load in the grad
	pgrad = np.load("%s/RESTREND/%d/midputs/r2outs/precip_trend%d.npy" % (path, rn, rn))

	#blank array to add means
	#VI in 2, precip in 3, lt controlled in 4, lt controlled grad in 5

	means = cf.QRB(4)

	#add values to means 
	for line in range(1, VI.shape[0]):
		y, x = VI[line, 0:2]
		if mask[y,x] == 0:
			means[line, 2:]= np.NAN
			means[line, 2] = np.mean(VI[line, 2:])
			means[line, 3] = np.mean(precip[line, 2:])
			means[line, 4] = np.divide(means[line, 3], pmin[line, 2])
			#add a mask for rainfall over a meter
			if means[line, 3] > 1000: #greater than 1000mm of rainfall
				means[line, 3] = 1000
			#converts both into mm/year then devides
			means[line, 5] = np.divide(pgrad[line, 2], means[line, 4]*12) * 100 #to get a %
			#add a mask for gradient over 0.018
			if means[line, 5]> 2:
				means[line, 5] = 2

	t0 = str("Mean VI value")
	t1 = str("Mean RF value (>1000 masked)")
	t2 = str("Mean RF value LT controlled (mm/month)")
	t3 = str("Raw precip g vs LT controlled mean as % (>2 masked)")
	titles = [t0, t1, t2, t3]

	return means # turn off if i want display
	immkr(means, 2, cm.rainbow_r, run=7, name=titles[0])
	immkr(means, 3, cm.jet, run=8, name=titles[1])
	immkr(means, 4, cm.rainbow_r, run=9, name=titles[2])
	immkr(means, 5, cm.PiYG, run=10, name=titles[3])
Beispiel #5
def sensor_mask():
	#loade file generated from R_oldscripts/ 
	#This need to be intergrated asap

	counts = np.load("%s/CTSR/%d/outputs/Sen_mask_count.npy" % (path, rn))
	print counts.shape
	cf.immkr(counts, 2)
	cf.immkr(counts, 8)
def Quick():
	a = cf.QRB(3)
	for line in range(1, a.shape[0]):
		y, x = a[line, :2]
		if mask[y, x] == 0:
			a[line, 2] = "masked"
			a[line, 2] = "notmasked"
	cf.immkr(a, 2)
Beispiel #7
def precip_trend():
	"""Looks at the raw trend in the Precip data"""
	precip = np.load("%s/RESTREND/%d/midputs/maxpos/max_precip_%d.npy" % (path, rn, rn))
	results = cf.QRB(3)
	# min_p = np.load("%s/RESTREND/%d/midputs/workingfiles/minp_%d.npy" %(path, rn, rn))
	# grad = np.zeros([yrg, xrg]) #zero array to pass the residual gradienst into 
	# r2val = np.zeros([yrg, xrg]) #array to pass the r2 values into 
	# pval = np.zeros([yrg, xrg]) #array to pass the r2 values into 
	for row in range(1, precip.shape[0]):
		y = precip[row, 0]
		x = precip[row, 1]
		results[row, 0] = precip[row, 0]
		results[row, 1] = precip[row, 1]
		if mask[y, x] == 0:
				results[row, 2:] = np.NAN

		elif mask[y, x] == 1:
			ind = np.arange((yct))
			# print ind
			#the indipendent (rainfall) variable, exog, add constant to this one
			dep = precip[row, 2:]
			#the dependent variable, NDVI, endorg, 
			indC = smx.add_constant(ind)
			#adds the intercept

			ols = sm.OLS(dep, indC).fit()
			# print ols.summary()
			#performs the OLS
			#the following are constants

			g = ols.params[1]#	* 10 #for scale

			# print ols.params
			rq = ols.rsquared
			pv = ols.pvalues[1]
			# sys.exit()
			results[row, 2:] = [g, rq, pv]# print rq, pv
			# if pv == min_p[row, 3]:
			# 	pass
			# else:
			# 	print pv, min_p[row, 3], row
			# 	sys.exit()

			print "it went wrong here"
	#f = cf.immkr(peakNDVI, 2)
	a = cf.immkr(results, 2)
	b = cf.immkr(results, 3)
	c = cf.immkr(results, 4)	
	#"%s/RESTREND/%d/midputs/r2outs/precip_trend%d.npy" % (path, rn, rn), results)
Beispiel #8
def non_parametric_res():
	resid = np.load("%s/RESTREND/%d/outputs/olsresiduals%d.npy" % (path, rn, rn))
	"""the following is to mask out pixels with worring residual values """
	for row in range(1, resid.shape[0]):
		y = resid[row, 0]
		x = resid[row, 1]
		if mask[y, x] == 0:
		elif  mask[y, x] == 1:
			test = resid[row, 2:]
			ts = test.shape[0]
			un = np.unique(test)
			if un.shape[0]< yct-2:
				mask[y, x] = 0
	results = cf.QRB(2)
	results_ts = cf.QRB(4)
	ind = np.arange((yct))
	for row in range(1, resid.shape[0]):
		print row
		y = resid[row, 0]
		x = resid[row, 1]
		results[row, 0] = resid[row, 0]
		results[row, 1] = resid[row, 1]
		results_ts[row, 0] = resid[row, 0]
		results_ts[row, 1] = resid[row, 1]
		if mask[y, x] == 0:
				results[row, 2:] = np.NAN
				results_ts[row, 2:] = np.NAN
		# elif y ==5 and x == 120:
		# 		results[row, 2:] = np.NAN
		# 		results_ts[row, 2:] = np.NAN

		elif mask[y, x] == 1:
			dep = resid[row, 2:]
			spr= sp.stats.spearmanr(dep, ind)
			# print y, x
			# print dep, ind
			# print y, x, spr
			# print sp.stats.mstats.theilslopes(dep, ind)
			ts = sp.stats.mstats.theilslopes(dep, ind)
			results[row, 2:] = spr
			results_ts[row, 2:] = ts
			# sys.exit()
	# a = cf.immkr(results, 2)
	#"%s/RESTREND/%d/outputs/RES_spearmanr%d.npy" % (path, rn, rn), results)"%s/RESTREND/%d/outputs/RES_theilslopes%d.npy" % (path, rn, rn), results_ts)	
	a = cf.immkr(results_ts, 2)
	a = cf.immkr(results_ts, 3)
	a = cf.immkr(results_ts, 4)
	a = cf.immkr(results_ts, 5)
Beispiel #9
def p_seperation(): #this needs to put the index 
	"""Takes a list of those point that failed the p test and looks to see if seperating 
	them by bfast break points can produce stastically significant results.  """
	"""at first i'm going to see if any pixels have ony a single
	breakpoint and use that as a test"""
	p_fails = np.load("%s/RESTREND/%d/midputs/workingfiles/ptest_fail.npy" % (path, rn))
	#p fails to be removed in the future
	count  = np.load("%s/CTSR/%d/outputs/Sen_mask_count.npy" % (path, rn))
	#this is to create a subset of the data that is easy to look at
	breaks = np.load("%s/CTSR/%d/outputs/brkpoint_locSEN.npy" % (path, rn))
	peaks = np.load("%s/CTSR/%d/outputs/absmax_VI.npy" % (path, rn))
	index = cf.QRB(7) #may need a better way to index this
	n = 0 #just included to give me a count
	for line in range(1, count.shape[0]):
		y = count[line, 0]
		x = count[line, 1]
		if mask[y, x] == 0:
			index[line, 2:] = np.NAN

		elif p_fails[line, 2] == 1: #could be removed to look at everywhere
			#this may need to be replaced
			if count[line, 6] == 1:
				points = peaks[line, 2:]
				for bp in breaks[line, 2:]:
					if np.isnan(bp) is True:
						bp_num = bp - 1 #to convert from R to python indexing
						for col in range(0, yct):
							if bp_num <= points[col]:
								index[line, 2] = col
								print line

				# >= is the way i do this, followed by a break
				n+= 1 
				index[line, 2:] = 0 
				# May need to vary this later depending how i index in the regression
			index[line, 2:] = 0 
			# May need to vary this later depending how i index in the regression
	print n, "here"
	cf.immkr(p_fails, 2)
	cf.immkr(index, 2)
	# pdb.set_trace()"%s/CTSR/%d/outputs/bp_index.npy" % (path, rn), index)
Beispiel #10
def Year_of_change():
	Chowres = np.load("%s/CTSR/%d/R2_Chow/Final_ChowResults.npy" % (path, crn))
	bp_loc = np.load("./CTSR/5/R3_methodType/VPRbrk_BP.npy")
	print bp_loc.shape
	bp_loc[:, 2] += ys
	cf.immkr(bp_loc, 2)
	bins, counts =  np.unique(bp_loc[1:, 2], return_counts=True)
	plt.plot(bins[:24,], counts[:24,])

Beispiel #11
def RES_problemsolver(newest_rn, older_rn):
	"""this is a function that exists to find out why small changes in RESTREND1 
	deacreased my p values.  This may be moved to a problem solver script in the future.
	Step 1 is to compare the p valuse for runs 4 and 5. Hopefull will be a general purpose 
	problem solver script in the future""" 
	# new_minp = np.load("%s/RESTREND/%d/midputs/workingfiles/minp_%d.npy" %(path, newest_rn, newest_rn))
	new_minp = np.load("H:/RESTREND/%d/midputs/workingfiles/minp_%d.npy" %(newest_rn, newest_rn))

	old_minp = np.load("H:/RESTREND/%d/midputs/workingfiles/minp_%d.npy" %(older_rn, older_rn))
	difference = cf.QRB(1) #old - new. positive values = improvment, negative = reduction (want small p value)
	# print new_minp.shape, old_minp.shape
	for line in range(1, new_minp.shape[0]):
		difference[line, 2] = old_minp[line, 3] - new_minp[line, 3]
		if new_minp[line, 3] > 0.05:
			if old_minp[line, 3] <0.05:
				if old_minp[line, 4] == 3: #answer is the index error correction
					print old_minp[line, :]
					print new_minp[line, :]
					old_lt = old_minp[line, 2]
					old_osp = old_minp[line, 4]
					old_precip = np.load("%s/RESTREND/%d/midputs/maxpos/acu_tabs/precip_%dlt%d.npy" %
					 (path, older_rn, old_osp, old_lt))
					old_p = old_precip[line, :]
					for lt in range(0, mlt):
						for osp in range(0, ofp):
							pre = np.load("%s/RESTREND/%d/midputs/maxpos/acu_tabs/precip_%dlt%d.npy" %
											 (path, newest_rn, osp, lt))
							new_pre = pre[line, :]
							if np.array_equal(old_p, new_pre) is False: #array_equal
								print lt, osp, "not here"
								if old_lt == lt+1:
									if old_osp == osp:
										print old_p
										print new_pre
								print lt, osp, "here"
								print old_p, "good"
								print new_pre

	cf.immkr(difference, 2)
Beispiel #12
def bfast_grad():
	grad = np.load("%s/CTSR/%d/midputs/r2outs/grad_final.npy" % (path, rn))
	# immkr(osp, grad, 2, cm.PiYG, 13)
	for line in range(1, grad.shape[0]):
		if abs(grad[line, 2])>3:
			grad[line, 2] = np.NAN
		if grad[line, 2]>1:
			grad[line, 2] = 1
		elif grad[line, 2]<-1:
			grad[line, 2] = -1
	cf.immkr(grad, 2)
	osp = 0
	immkr(osp, grad, 2, cm.PiYG, 13)
Beispiel #13
def max_r2():
	"""Function to find the max r2 value of the bf_ofp and lt
	 combinations then build an array that has the
	r2 value, the osp and column (lt+2)

	This is a duplicate of the min_simple and 
	included to decide if using r2 values or p values
	produces better results"""

	rval_max = cf.QRB(3) #value, osp, col(lt + 2)
	while True:
		bf_ofp_rmax = cf.QRB(bf_ofp) # blank array with r2 values
		bf_ofp_pos = cf.QRB(bf_ofp) # blank array with position 
		for osp in range(bf_ofp):
			pval = np.load("%s/CTSR/%d/midputs/r2outs/r2val_%d.npy" % (path, rn, osp))
			for row in range(1, pval.shape[0]):
				y = pval[row, 0]
				x = pval[row, 1]
				if mask[y, x] == 0:
					bf_ofp_rmax[row, 2: ] = np.NAN
					bf_ofp_pos[row, 2: ] = np.NAN
					val = pval[row, 2:]
					min_pos = np.argmax(val) +2
					min_val = np.amax(val)
					col = osp+2 #plus 2 moves past the y, x colums 	
					bf_ofp_rmax[row, col] = min_val
					bf_ofp_pos[row, col] = min_pos

		for row in range(1, pval.shape[0]):
			y = bf_ofp_rmax[row, 0]
			x = bf_ofp_rmax[row, 1]
			if mask[y, x] == 0:
				rval_max[row, 2 ] = np.NAN
				p_bf_ofp = bf_ofp_rmax[row, 2:]
				lt_bf_ofp = bf_ofp_pos[row, 2:]
				value = np.amax(p_bf_ofp)
				osp = np.argmax(p_bf_ofp)
				col = lt_bf_ofp[osp]
				rval_max[row, 2:] = value, osp, col
		break"%s/CTSR/%d/midputs/r2outs/maxr2.npy" % (path, rn,), rval_max)
	cf.immkr(rval_max, 2)
	print "maxr2 complete"
Beispiel #14
def pfail():
	"""this function will look at the results from the RESTREND run and see which 
	pixels failed the p<0.05 test between VI and precipation"""
	minp = np.load("%s/RESTREND/%d/midputs/workingfiles/minp_%d.npy" %(path, rn, rn)) 
	p_test = cf.QRB(1) # NAN for ocean, 0 for pass, 1 for fail
	for line in range(1, minp.shape[0]):
		y = minp[line, 0]
		x = minp[line, 1]
		if mask[y, x] == 0:
			p_test[line, 2] = np.NAN
		elif minp[line, 3] > 0.05: #failed the p test
			p_test[line, 2] = 1
			p_test[line, 2] = 0

	cf.immkr(p_test, 2)"%s/RESTREND/%d/midputs/workingfiles/ptest_fail.npy" % (path, rn), p_test)
Beispiel #15
def final_sort():
		Function to add the aditional infomation from the R_R3_VPRbk.R 
	#The results from the VPR R analysis
	VPR_results = np.load("%s/CTSR/%d/R3_methodType/Final_VPRregression.npy" % (path, crn))
	# cf.immkr(VPR_results, 3)

	#The Results from my first sort
	FS = np.load("%s/CTSR/%d/R3_methodType/firstsort.npy" % (path, crn))

	for line in range(1, FS.shape[0]):
		if VPR_results[line, 3]<= 0.05:
			FS[line, 2] = 3
		elif VPR_results[line, 3]>0.05:
			FS[line, 2] = 0
	cf.immkr(FS, 2)"%s/CTSR/%d/R3_methodType/Final_Sort.npy" % (path, crn), FS)
Beispiel #16
def grad_viewer():
	# rn = 6
	results = np.load("%s/RESTREND/%d/outputs/olsresults%d.npy" % (path, rn, rn))
	for line in range(1, results.shape[0]):
		if abs(results[line, 2])>3:
			results[line, 2] = np.NAN
		if results[line, 2] >1:
			results[line, 2] = 1
		elif results[line, 2] <-1:
			results[line, 2] = -1

	cf.immkr(results, 2)
	osp = 0
	immkr(osp, results, 2, cm.PiYG, 13)
Beispiel #17
def r2_grad_caller(string):
	"""Similar to residual caller but for r2 and grad values.
	takes a string, either r2val or grad"""

	result = cf.QRB(1)
	pvals = np.load("%s/CTSR/%d/midputs/r2outs/minp.npy" % (path, rn,))
	for row in range(1, result.shape[0]):
		y = pvals[row, 0]
		x = pvals[row, 1]
		if mask[y, x] == 0:
			result[row, 2: ] = np.NAN
			print row
			osp = pvals[row, 3]
			# lt = pvals[row, 4] - 2 #convert from col to lt
			var = np.load("%s/CTSR/%d/midputs/r2outs/%s_%d.npy" % (path, rn, string, osp))
			result[row, 2] = var[row, pvals[row, 4]]"%s/CTSR/%d/midputs/r2outs/%s_final.npy" % (path, rn, string), result)
	cf.immkr(result, 2)
Beispiel #18
def restrend():
	resid = np.load("%s/RESTREND/%d/outputs/olsresiduals%d.npy" % (path, rn, rn))
	results = cf.QRB(4)
	for row in range(1, resid.shape[0]):
		y = resid[row, 0]
		x = resid[row, 1]
		results[row, 0] = resid[row, 0]
		results[row, 1] = resid[row, 1]
		if mask[y, x] == 0:
				results[row, 2:] = np.NAN

		elif mask[y, x] == 1:
			ind = np.arange((yct))
			# print ind
			#the indipendent (rainfall) variable, exog, add constant to this one
			dep = resid[row, 2:]
			#the dependent variable, NDVI, endorg, 
			indC = smx.add_constant(ind)
			#adds the intercept

			ols = sm.OLS(dep, indC).fit()
			#print ols.summary()
			#performs the OLS

			#the following are constants

			g = ols.params[1]
			m = ols.params[0]	
			rq = ols.rsquared
			pv = ols.pvalues[1]
			results[row, 2:] = [g, rq, pv, m]# print rq, pv

			print "it went wrong here"
	# f = cf.immkr(resid, 2)
	a = cf.immkr(results, 2)
	b = cf.immkr(results, 3)
	c = cf.immkr(results, 4)	
	#"%s/RESTREND/%d/outputs/RESTREND%d.npy" % (path, rn, rn), results)	
Beispiel #19
def residual_caller():
	"""Uses the results of the min_simple to build an array of the residuals"""

	resid = cf.QRB(yct*12)
	pvals = np.load("%s/CTSR/%d/midputs/r2outs/minp.npy" % (path, rn,))
	for row in range(1, pvals.shape[0]):
		y = pvals[row, 0]
		x = pvals[row, 1]
		if mask[y, x] == 0:
			resid[row, 2: ] = np.NAN
			print row
			osp = pvals[row, 3]
			lt = pvals[row, 4] - 2 #convert from col to lt
			point_resid = np.load("%s/CTSR/%d/midputs/maxpos/resid_tabs/residuals_%dlt%d.npy" % (path, rn, osp, lt))
			resid[row, :] = point_resid[row, :]
	#i need to build a function that checks the script is accessing the correct residuals"%s/CTSR/%d/midputs/r2outs/residuals.npy" % (path, rn,), resid)
	cf.immkr(resid, 3)
Beispiel #20
def min_simple():
	"""Function to find the min p value of the bf_ofp and lt
	 combinations then build an array that has the
	p value, the osp and column (lt+2)"""

	pval_min = cf.QRB(3) #value, osp, col(lt + 2)
	while True:
		bf_ofp_pval = cf.QRB(bf_ofp) # blank array with p values
		bf_ofp_pos = cf.QRB(bf_ofp) # blank array with position 
		for osp in range(bf_ofp):
			pval = np.load("%s/CTSR/%d/midputs/r2outs/pval_%d.npy" % (path, rn, osp))
			for row in range(1, pval.shape[0]):
				y = pval[row, 0]
				x = pval[row, 1]
				if mask[y, x] == 0:
					bf_ofp_pval[row, 2: ] = np.NAN
					bf_ofp_pos[row, 2: ] = np.NAN
					val = pval[row, 2:]
					min_pos = np.argmin(val) +2
					min_val = np.amin(val)
					col = osp+2 #plus 2 moves past the y, x colums 	
					bf_ofp_pval[row, col] = min_val
					bf_ofp_pos[row, col] = min_pos

		for row in range(1, pval.shape[0]):
			y = bf_ofp_pval[row, 0]
			x = bf_ofp_pval[row, 1]
			if mask[y, x] == 0:
				pval_min[row, 2 ] = np.NAN
				p_bf_ofp = bf_ofp_pval[row, 2:]
				lt_bf_ofp = bf_ofp_pos[row, 2:]
				value = np.amin(p_bf_ofp)
				osp = np.argmin(p_bf_ofp)
				col = lt_bf_ofp[osp]
				pval_min[row, 2:] = value, osp, col
		break"%s/CTSR/%d/midputs/r2outs/minp.npy" % (path, rn,), pval_min)
	cf.immkr(pval_min, 2)
	print "min_simple complete"
Beispiel #21
def Year_tester():
	#to figure out if rabbits made any impact at all

	#load in the data

	Sort = np.load("%s/CTSR/%d/R3_methodType/Final_Sort.npy" % (path, crn))
	print Sort.shape
	Sort[1:, 3] += ys
	for line in range(1,Sort.shape[0]):
		if Sort[line, 2] == 1:
			Sort[line, 3] = np.NAN
	cf.immkr(Sort, 2)
	cf.immkr(Sort, 3)
	bins, counts =  np.unique(Sort[1:, 3], return_counts=True)
	plt.plot(bins[:24,], counts[:24,])

def grad_compiler():
	"""A function to use the min p values to attempt to reconstruct the gradients 
	pmin = np.load("%s/RESTREND/%d/midputs/workingfiles/minp_%d.npy" %(path, rn, rn))
	grad = cf.QRB(2)
	for line in range(1, grad.shape[0]):
		print line
		y = pmin[line, 0]
		x = pmin[line, 1]
		if mask[y, x] == 0:
			grad[line, 2:] = np.NAN
			col = pmin[line, 2]
			osp = pmin[line, 4]
			g = np.load("%s/RESTREND/%d/midputs/workingfiles/OLS_%dslopearray_%d.npy" 
				% (path,rn,osp, rn))
			grad[line, 2] = g[line, col]
	cf.immkr(grad, 2)
	# grad[1:, ]"%s/RESTREND/%d/midputs/workingfiles/grad_%d.npy" %(path, rn, rn), grad)

Beispiel #23
def grad_comp():
	bpc = bp_counter()
	print bpc
	# total = [bpc[0], 0, 0] #total number of breapoints with no, partial and complete coverage
	# totals.append()
	for bp  in range(1, 2):
		grad = np.load("%s/CTSR/%d/midputs/workingfiles/%d_sort_grad.npy" % (path, rn, bp))
		p_pass = np.load("%s/CTSR/%d/midputs/workingfiles/%d_pass_fail_p.npy" % (path, rn, bp))
		count = cf.QRB(bp)
		for line in range(1, grad.shape[0]):
			if np.isnan(grad[line, 2]) == True:
				count[line, 2] = np.NAN
			elif p_pass[line, 2] ==bp+1:
				# num = []
				for col in range(2, grad.shape[1]):
					count[line, bp+1]= grad[line, bp+2] - grad[line, bp+1]
					# if abs(count[line, bp+1]) < 0.001:
					# 	print count[line, bp+1]
					# elif abs(count[line, bp+1]) < 0.005:
					# 	print line
					if grad[line, bp+2] > 0:
						if grad[line, bp+1] >0:
							print line
					# print grad[line, bp+2] - grad[line, bp+1]
				# nu = np.asarray(num)
				# n = np.sum(nu)
				# count[line, 2] = n
		cf.immkr(count, 2)
		points = np.asarray(count[1:, 2][~np.isnan(count[1:, 2])])
		test = np.histogram(points, bins=np.arange(-0.05, 0.05, 0.005))
		# print test
		# print np.unique(points)
		# print points
		plt.hist(points, bins=np.arange(-0.05, 0.05, 0.005))
Beispiel #24
def pixel_subclass():
	"""A function to devide the pixels by subclass and see what
	my results are"""

	#load the number of breakpoints 
	bp_count = np.load("%s/CTSR/%d/midputs/workingfiles/bp_count.npy" % (path, rnc))
	#load the count of the breakpoints
	# bp_index = np.load("%s/CTSR/%d/midputs/workingfiles/bp_index.npy" % (path, rn))
	# bp_loc = np.load("%s/CTSR/%d/outputs/brkpoint_locSEN.npy" % (path, rnc))
	#imported to look at the gradients
	VPR = np.load("%s/RESTREND/%d/outputs/olsresults%d.npy" % (path, rnc, rnc))
	# print bp_count.shape
	# print bp_index.shape
	res_results = np.load("%s/RESTREND/%d/outputs/RESTREND%d.npy" % (path, rn, rn))
	RES_masked = cf.QRB(1)
	# cf.immkr(res_results, 2)
	# cf.immkr(res_results, 3)
	# cf.immkr(res_results, 4)
	for line in range(1, bp_count.shape[0]):
		y, x = bp_count[line, 0:2]
		if mask[y, x] == 0:
			RES_masked[line, 2] = np.NAN
		elif pmask[y, x] == 0:
			RES_masked[line, 2] = np.NAN
		elif bp_count[line, 2] != 0:
			RES_masked[line, 2] = np.NAN
		elif VPR[line, 2]< 0 :
			RES_masked[line, 2] = np.NAN
		elif VPR[line, 2] >2:
			RES_masked[line, 2] = np.NAN
		elif res_results[line, 4] >0.05:
			RES_masked[line, 2] = np.NAN
			# print VPR[line, 2]
			RES_masked[line, 2] = res_results[line, 2]		
	cf.immkr(RES_masked, 2)
Beispiel #25
def first_sort():
	#to find the pixels that need further work 
	#import the relevant data
		#number of breakpoints
	count = np.load("%s/CTSR/%d/midputs/workingfiles/bp_count.npy" % (path, crn))
		#Values of a standard RESTREND
	VPR = np.load("%s/RESTREND/%d/outputs/olsresults%d.npy" % (path, rn, rn)) #[g, rq, pv, b]	
	chowres = np.load("%s/CTSR/%d/R2_Chow/Final_ChowResults.npy" % (path, crn))
	# cf.immkr(chowres, 3)
	#blank array for results
	cat = cf.QRB(2) # data catogeriers
	for line in range(1, count.shape[0]):
		y, x = count[line, :2]
		cat[line, 3] = chowres[line, 6]
		if mask[y, x] == 0:
			cat[line, 2] = np.NAN
		elif VPR[line, 2] < 0:
			cat[line, 2] = -1 #negative VPR trend
		elif VPR[line, 4] > 0.05:
			if chowres[line, 3] < 0.05:
				######This means pixels need more work######
				cat[line, 2] = 4
				cat[line, 2] = 0 #no significant breakpoints, unusable pixel
		elif chowres[line, 5] < 0.05: #has a significant breakpoint, may be split 
			if chowres[line, 3] < 0.05:
				cat[line, 2] = 3
				cat[line, 2] = 2
			cat[line, 2] = 1 
	cf.immkr(cat, 2)
	cf.immkr(cat, 3)"%s/CTSR/%d/R3_methodType/firstsort.npy" % (path, crn), cat) # )
def min_p():
	minp = cf.QRB(2*ofp)
	for osp in range(0, ofp):
		print osp
		OLS_table = np.load("%s/RESTREND/%d/midputs/workingfiles/OLS_%dltarray_%d.npy" 
			% (path, rn, osp, rn))
		# OLS_table = np.load()
		for row in range(1, OLS_table.shape[0]):
			# cf.immkr(OLS_table, 3)
			y = OLS_table[row, 0]
			x = OLS_table[row, 1]
			minp[row, 0] = y
			minp[row, 1] = x
			if mask[y, x] == 0:
				minp[row, 2: ] = np.NAN
				pv = OLS_table[row, 3:OLS_table.shape[1]:2]
				# print pv
				# sys.exit()
				pvpos = np.argmin(pv) + 1 
				minp[row, 2+osp] = pvpos

				pvval = np.amin(pv)
				# print pvval
				minp[row, 2+ofp+osp] = pvval
	mr2 = cf.QRB(3)
	for row in range(1, minp.shape[0]):
		mr2[row, 0] = minp[row, 0]
		mr2[row, 1] = minp[row, 1]
		if mask[minp[row, 0], minp[row, 1]] == 0:
			mr2[row, 2: ] = np.NAN
			p_p = minp[row, 2+ofp:]
			p_v = np.amin(p_p)
			offset = np.argmin(p_p)
			mr2lt = minp[row, 2+offset] #col i think
			mr2[row, 2] = mr2lt
			mr2[row, 3] = p_v
			mr2[row, 4] = offset"%s/RESTREND/%d/midputs/workingfiles/tester_%d.npy" %(path, rn, rn), minp)

	cf.immkr(mr2, 3)
	cf.immkr(mr2, 2)
	cf.immkr(mr2, 4)
	# sys.exit()
	#"%s/RESTREND/%d/midputs/workingfiles/minp_%d.npy" %(path, rn, rn), mr2)
	print mr2.shape, "min_p"
	return mr2
Beispiel #27
def bp_regression():
	#to recalculate the VPR on either side of the breakpoint 
	FS = np.load("%s/CTSR/%d/R3_methodType/firstsort.npy" % (path, crn))
	pv_b4 = cf.QRB(bf_ofp)
	pv_af = cf.QRB(bf_ofp)
	lt_b4 = cf.QRB(bf_ofp)
	lt_af = cf.QRB(bf_ofp)
	results = cf.QRB(6)# [pval, ops, lt,]before then after bp
	for osp in range(0, bf_ofp):
		j = np.load("%s/RESTREND/%d/midputs/maxpos/peakval%d.npy" % (path, rn, rn))
		pval_b4 = cf.QRB(mlt)
		pval_af = cf.QRB(mlt)
		for lt in range(mlt):
			print osp, lt
			i = np.load("%s/RESTREND/%d/midputs/maxpos/acu_tabs/precip_%dlt%d.npy" % 
				(path, rn, osp, lt))
			for line in range(1, i.shape[0]):
				# print lt, line
				y = i[line, 0]
				x = i[line, 1]
				# print lt, line,# y, x
				if mask[y,x] == 0:
					pval_af[line, 2:] = np.NAN
					pval_b4[line, 2:] = np.NAN
				elif FS[line, 2] <3:
					pval_af[line, 2:] = np.NAN
					pval_b4[line, 2:] = np.NAN
					bkp = FS[line, 3]+2
					jb4 = j[line, 2:bkp]
					jaf = j[line, bkp:]
					ib4 = i[line, 2:bkp]
					iaf = i[line, bkp:]

					# if np.max 

					indC_b4 = smx.add_constant(ib4)
					indC_af = smx.add_constant(iaf)
					ols_b4 = sm.OLS(jb4, indC_b4).fit()
					ols_af = sm.OLS(jaf, indC_af).fit()
					# print ols_b4.summary()
					# print ols.params[1]
					# sys.exit()
					# g = ols.params[1] #* 1000
					# rq = ols.rsquared
						position = lt+2
						pval_b4[line, position] = ols_b4.pvalues[1]
						pval_af[line, position] = ols_af.pvalues[1]
					except IndexError:
						print "its indexing incorrectly"
		for line in range(1, pval_af.shape[0]):
			if FS[line, 2] >=3:
				osp_pos = osp+2
				vals_b4 = pval_b4[line, 2:]
				vals_af = pval_af[line, 2:]
				pv_b4[line, osp_pos] = np.amin(vals_b4)
				pv_af[line, osp_pos] = np.amin(vals_af)
				lt_b4[line, osp_pos] = np.argmin(vals_b4)
				lt_af[line, osp_pos] = np.argmin(vals_af)
				pv_b4[line, 2:] = np.NAN
				pv_af[line, 2:] = np.NAN
				lt_b4[line, 2:] = np.NAN
				lt_af[line, 2:] = np.NAN

	# pdb.set_trace()
	# results = cf.QRB(6)# [pval, ops, lt,]before then after bp
	for line in range(1, pv_b4.shape[0]):
		if FS[line, 2] >=3:
			results[line, 2] = np.amin(pv_b4[line, 2:])
			results[line, 3] = np.argmin(pv_b4[line, 2:])
			results[line, 4] = lt_b4[line, 2+results[line, 3]]

			results[line, 5] = np.amin(pv_af[line, 2:])
			results[line, 6] = np.argmin(pv_af[line, 2:])
			results[line, 7] = lt_af[line, 2+results[line, 6]]
			if results[line, 2] == results[line, 5]:
				print "some hanky panky is appearing", line
			results[line, 2:] = np.NAN"%s/CTSR/%d/R3_methodType/regression_results.npy" % (path, crn), results)
	cf.immkr(results, 2)
	cf.immkr(results, 3)
	cf.immkr(results, 4)
	cf.immkr(results, 5)
	cf.immkr(results, 6)
	cf.immkr(results, 7)
Beispiel #28
def grad_comp():
	"""funtction to look at grad given the same time period"""
	osp = 4
	for osp in range(0, 4):
		p_pass = cf.QRB(mlt)
		p_count = np.zeros((mlt+2)) #a count to the total non zero elements
		pval = np.load("%s/RESTREND/%d/midputs/workingfiles/OLS_%dpvtest_%d.npy" % (path,rn,osp, rn))
		# cf.immkr(pval, 4)
		for col in range(2, mlt+2):
			# print col
			for line in range(1, pval.shape[0]):
				y = pval[line, 0]
				x = pval[line, 1]
				if mask[y, x] == 0:
					p_pass[line, col]  = np.NAN
					pval[line, col]  = np.NAN
				elif pval[line, col] < 0.05:
					p_pass[line, col]  = 1
					p_count[col] += 1

					p_pass[line, col]  = 0
			# cf.immkr(p_pass, col)
			# ptiny p_pass[col, 1:]
			# print np.sum(p_pass[col, 1:])	
			# p_count[col] = np.sum(p_pass[col, 1:])
			# print p_count
		coli = np.argmax(p_count)
		cf.immkr(p_pass, coli)
		i = 0
		if i == 1:

			colm = [coli, 20, 40, 61]
			rate = [0.0015, 0.0006, 0.0006, 0.0004]

			g = np.load("%s/RESTREND/%d/midputs/workingfiles/OLS_%dslopearray_%d.npy" 
				% (path,rn,osp, rn))
			for n in range(0, 4):
				col = colm[n]
				number = rate[n]
				print col
				for line in range(1, g.shape[0]):
					if g[line, col] > number:
						g[line, col] = number
					elif g[line, col] < -number:
						g[line, col] = -number
					immkr(osp, g, col, cm.PiYG, 1)
					for line in range(1, g.shape[0]):
						if p_pass[line, col] == 1:
							g[line, col] = np.NAN
					immkr(osp, g, col, cm.PiYG, 4)

					immkr(osp, p_pass, col, cm.PiYG, 2)
					immkr(osp, pval, col, cm.nipy_spectral, 3)
				except NameError:
					print "something is wrong"

	print "test"
Beispiel #29
def cordinates():
		This is a trial function that will be upgraded later. it will look for a single pixel that 
		meets my criteria [1. pfail, 2. single bp, significant relationship on either side]
		R_pfail needs to be imporvved to clarify what im passing into this script. Need a good way to 
		subst my pixels
	#load the number or breakpoints 
	bp_count = np.load("%s/CTSR/%d/midputs/workingfiles/bp_count.npy" % (path, rn))
	bp_index = np.load("%s/CTSR/%d/midputs/workingfiles/bp_index.npy" % (path, rn))
	# print bp_count.shape
	# print bp_index.shape

	#load in breakpoint infomation
	bp = 1
	g = np.load("%s/CTSR/%d/midputs/workingfiles/%d_sort_grad.npy" % (path, rn, bp))
	r2 = np.load("%s/CTSR/%d/midputs/workingfiles/%d_sort_r2.npy" % (path, rn, bp))
	p = np.load("%s/CTSR/%d/midputs/workingfiles/%d_sort_p.npy" % (path, rn, bp))
	# cf.immkr(p, 2)
	# print g.shape
	# sys.exit()

	criteria_count = 0
	#to speed up calculation
	return 109857

	for line in range(1, bp_count.shape[0]):

		y, x = bp_count[line, :2]
		if mask[y, x] == 0:
			bp_count[line, 2] = np.NAN
		elif pmask[y,x]==1: #to mask out those spots that passed a p0.05 test
			bp_count[line, 2] = np.NAN

		elif bp_count[line, 2] != 1: #to mask out those with too many or too few breakpoints
			bp_count[line, 2] = np.NAN
		elif p[line, 2]<0.05 and p[line, 3]<0.05:
			if p[line, 2]-p[line, 3] > 0.04:
				print p[line, 2:], line, p[line, 2]-p[line, 3] 
				criteria_count += 1 #to count all those that have passed my filters
				rnx = 5

				i = np.load("%s/RESTREND/%d/midputs/maxpos/max_precip_%d.npy" % (path, rnx, rnx))
				precip = i[line, 2:]
				j = np.load("%s/RESTREND/%d/midputs/maxpos/peakval%d.npy" % (path, rnx, rnx))
				VI = j[line, 2:]
				fig, ax1 = plt.subplots()
				ts = np.asarray(range(ys, yf))
				p1, = ax1.plot(ts, precip, label='precip')
				ax1.set_ylabel('Rainfall (mm)')
				ax2 = ax1.twinx()

				#plot the VI data
				p2, = ax2.plot(ts, VI, label='NDVI', color='yellowgreen')
				#set the NDVI label
				lines = [p1, p2]#, p3, p4]
				plt.legend(lines, [l.get_label() for l in lines], loc='lower right')
				plt.title('line %d' % line)
				data = np.load("%s/input_data/%s/%d/VI%d_%d.npy" %(path, vegi, nf, ys, yf))
				NDVI = data[line, 2:]
				size = NDVI.shape[0]
				# ts = np.asarray(range(ys, yf, 1/12))
				ts = np.arange(size)
				plt.plot(ts, NDVI, label='NDVI', color='yellowgreen')

				#quickly display those that have passed
			bp_count[line, 2] = np.NAN
	print criteria_count
	cf.immkr(bp_count, 2)
Beispiel #30
def onebp_resonly():
	regR = np.load("%s/CTSR/%d/R2_Chow/Final_RegrResultsv2.npy" % (path, crn))
	Chowres = np.load("%s/CTSR/%d/R2_Chow/Final_ChowResults.npy" % (path, crn))
	for line in range(1, regR.shape[0]):
		y, x = Chowres[line, :2]
		if Chowres[line, 5] > 0.05:
			regR[line, 2:] = np.NAN
		elif Chowres[line, 3] < 0.05:
			regR[line, 2:] = np.NAN
	yearimg = np.zeros((yrg, xrg))
	for line in range(1, regR.shape[0]):
		y, x = Chowres[line, :2]
		if np.isnan(regR[line, 2]) == True:
			yearimg[y, x] = np.NAN
			if regR[line, 5] > 0.25: # pre bp p values
				if regR[line, 9] > 0.25:
					yearimg[y, x] = 0 
				elif regR[line, 6] > 0:
					yearimg[y, x] = 1
				elif regR[line, 6] < 0:
					yearimg[y, x] = -1
					print "Break 1"
			elif regR[line, 2] > 0: #pre bp grad > 0
				if regR[line, 9] > 0.25:
					yearimg[y, x] = 3
				elif regR[line, 6] > 0:
					yearimg[y, x] = 4
				elif regR[line, 6] < 0:
					yearimg[y, x] = 2
					print "Break 2"
			elif regR[line, 2] < 0: #pre bp grad > 0
				if regR[line, 9] > 0.25:
					yearimg[y, x] = -3
				elif regR[line, 6] > 0:
					yearimg[y, x] = -2
				elif regR[line, 6] < 0:
					yearimg[y, x] = -4
					print "Break 3"
				print "Break 3"
	# 		if Chowres[line, 3] < 0.05:
	# 			results[y, x] = 2
	# 		else:
	# 			results[y, x] = 1 
	cf.immkr(regR, 5)
	cf.immkr(regR, 9)
