def __init__(self, db):
     self.db = db
     # dicts of shard ID to dicts of model: count
     self._expected_data = {
         shard_id: defaultdict(lambda: 0) for shard_id in partition_config.get_shards_on_db(db)
     self._unexpected_data = defaultdict(lambda: defaultdict(lambda: 0))
def get_count_of_unmatched_models_by_shard(database, model):
    Get counts of any `model` data residing on shards that aren't expected to live in `database`.

    Returns a list of tuples of the format:
      (shard_id, count_of_unexpected_models),

    The list will be empty if no invalid data is found.
    cursor = connections[database].cursor()
    query = _get_unmatched_shard_count_query(model)
    valid_shards = partition_config.get_shards_on_db(database)
    cursor.execute(query, [valid_shards])
    results = cursor.fetchall()
    return results
def get_count_of_unmatched_models_by_shard(database, model):
    Get counts of any `model` data residing on shards that aren't expected to live in `database`.

    Returns a list of tuples of the format:
      (shard_id, count_of_unexpected_models),

    The list will be empty if no invalid data is found.
    cursor = connections[database].cursor()
    query = _get_unmatched_shard_count_query_for_testing(model)
    valid_shards = partition_config.get_shards_on_db(database)
    cursor.execute(query, [valid_shards])
    results = cursor.fetchall()
    return results