Beispiel #1
def test_plot_image():

    mu = [3.5, 3]
    x, y = np.mgrid[0:15, 0:15]
    pos = np.dstack((x, y))
    var = multivariate_normal(mean=mu, cov=[[1, 0], [0, 1]])
    gauss = 5 * var.pdf(
        pos) - 0.05  # Make sure it has some negative values as well
    gauss[8, 8] = np.NaN
    gauss[4, 4] = -0.2

    scales = ['linear', 'sqrt', 'log', 'asinh', 'histeq', 'sinh', 'squared']

    fig, axes = plt.subplots(2, 4, figsize=(14, 8))
    axes = axes.flatten()
    for k, scale in enumerate(scales):
        ax = axes[k]
        plot_image(gauss, ax=ax, scale=scale, title=scale, cbar='right')
        ax.plot(mu[1], mu[0], 'r+')

    # In the final plot:
               title='log - Reds',


    return fig
Beispiel #2
def test_plot_cbar_and_nans():

    # Construct image:
    img = np.random.rand(10, 10)
    img[2:8, 2:8] = np.NaN

    fig, (ax1, ax2, ax3, ax4) = plt.subplots(1, 4, figsize=(16, 6))
    plot_image(img, ax=ax1, scale='linear', vmin=0.4, cbar='left')
    plot_image(img, ax=ax2, scale='sqrt', vmin=0.4, cbar='bottom')
    plot_image(img, ax=ax3, scale='log', vmin=0.4, cbar='right')
    plot_image(img, ax=ax4, scale='asinh', vmin=0.4, cbar='top')
    return fig
Beispiel #3
def test_cbv_fit(INPUT_DIR):
    # Create CBV object:
    cbv = CBV(
        os.path.join(INPUT_DIR, 'cbv-prepare', 'cbv-s0001-c1800-a143.hdf5'))

    coeffs = [10, 500, 50, 100, 0, 10, 0]
    abs_flux = 3500

    # Create model using coefficients, and make fake lightcurve out of it:
    mdl = cbv.mdl(coeffs) * abs_flux

    # Another check of making crazy weights:
    #sigma = np.ones_like(mdl)*100
    #mdl[200] = 50000
    #sigma[200] = 1e-17

    lc = TessLightCurve(time=cbv.time, flux=mdl)

    # Run CBV fitting with fixed number of CBVs:
    flux_filter, res, diagnostics =, cbvs=3, use_bic=False)

    # Plot:
    fig, (ax1, ax2) = plt.subplots(2, 1, figsize=(12, 16))
    ax1.scatter(cbv.time, mdl, alpha=0.3)
    ax1.plot(cbv.time, flux_filter, alpha=0.5, color='r')
    ax2.scatter(cbv.time, mdl - flux_filter)

    # Check the diagnostics dict:
    assert diagnostics['method'] == 'LS'
    assert not diagnostics['use_bic']
    assert not diagnostics['use_prior']

    # Check the coefficients coming out of the fit:
    # They should be the same as the ones we put in
    print(res - coeffs)
    np.testing.assert_allclose(res, coeffs, atol=0.5, rtol=0.5)

    # The fitted model should be very close to the model going in:
    np.testing.assert_allclose(mdl, flux_filter)
Beispiel #4
def test_plot_image_invalid():

    mu = [3.5, 3]
    x, y = np.mgrid[0:10, 0:10]
    pos = np.dstack((x, y))
    var = multivariate_normal(mean=mu, cov=[[1, 0], [0, 1]])
    gauss = var.pdf(pos)

    fig, (ax1, ax2) = plt.subplots(1, 2, figsize=(12, 6))

    # Run with invalid scale:
    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        plot_image(gauss, ax=ax1, scale='invalid-scale')

    # Plot with single NaN:
    gauss[1, 1] = np.NaN
    plot_image(gauss, ax=ax1, scale='log')

    # Run with all-NaN image:
    gauss[:, :] = np.NaN
    plot_image(gauss, ax=ax2, cbar='right')
    return fig
Beispiel #5
def test_known_star(SHARED_INPUT_DIR, corrector, starid, cadence, var_goal, rms_goal, ptp_goal):
	""" Check that the ensemble returns values that are reasonable and within expected bounds """

	# All stars we check here come from the same sector and camera.
	# Define these here for the future where we may test on other combinations of these:
	sector = 1
	camera = 1

	__dir__ = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__))
	logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)"-------------------------------------------------------------")"CORRECTOR = %s, SECTOR=%d, CADENCE=%s, STARID=%d", corrector, sector, cadence, starid)

	# All stars are from the same CCD, find the task for it:
	with corrections.TaskManager(SHARED_INPUT_DIR) as tm:
		task = tm.get_task(starid=starid, sector=sector, camera=camera, cadence=cadence)

	# Check that task was actually found:
	assert task is not None, "Task could not be found"

	# Load lightcurve that will also be plotted together with the result:
	# This lightcurve is of the same objects, at a state where it was deemed that the
	# corrections were doing a good job.
	compare_lc_path = os.path.join(__dir__, 'compare', f'compare-{corrector}-s{sector:04d}-c{cadence:04d}-tic{starid:011d}.ecsv.gz')
	compare_lc = None
	if os.path.isfile(compare_lc_path):
		compare_lc =, format='ascii.ecsv')
		warnings.warn("Comparison data does not exist: " + compare_lc_path)

	# Initiate the class
	CorrClass = corrections.corrclass(corrector)
	with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as tmpdir:
		with CorrClass(SHARED_INPUT_DIR, plot=True) as corr:
			# Check basic parameters of object (from BaseCorrector):
			assert corr.input_folder == SHARED_INPUT_DIR, "Incorrect input folder"
			assert corr.plot, "Plot parameter passed appropriately"
			assert os.path.isdir(corr.data_folder), "DATA_FOLDER doesn't exist"

			# Load the input lightcurve:
			inlc = corr.load_lightcurve(task)

			# Print input lightcurve properties:
			print( inlc.show_properties() )
			assert inlc.sector == sector
			assert == camera

			# Run correction:
			tmplc = inlc.copy()
			outlc, status = corr.do_correction(tmplc)

			# Check status
			assert outlc is not None, "Correction fails"
			assert isinstance(outlc, TessLightCurve), "Should return TessLightCurve object"
			assert isinstance(status, corrections.STATUS), "Should return a STATUS object"
			assert status in (corrections.STATUS.OK, corrections.STATUS.WARNING), "STATUS was not set appropriately"

			# Print output lightcurve properties:
			print( outlc.show_properties() )

			# Save the lightcurve to FITS file to be tested later on:
			save_file = corr.save_lightcurve(outlc, output_folder=tmpdir)

		# Check contents
		assert len(outlc) == len(inlc), "Input flux ix different length to output flux"
		assert isinstance(outlc.flux, np.ndarray), "FLUX is not a ndarray"
		assert isinstance(outlc.flux_err, np.ndarray), "FLUX_ERR is not a ndarray"
		assert isinstance(outlc.quality, np.ndarray), "QUALITY is not a ndarray"
		assert outlc.flux.dtype.type is inlc.flux.dtype.type, "FLUX changes dtype"
		assert outlc.flux_err.dtype.type is inlc.flux_err.dtype.type, "FLUX_ERR changes dtype"
		assert outlc.quality.dtype.type is inlc.quality.dtype.type, "QUALITY changes dtype"
		assert outlc.flux.shape == inlc.flux.shape, "FLUX changes shape"
		assert outlc.flux_err.shape == inlc.flux_err.shape, "FLUX_ERR changes shape"
		assert outlc.quality.shape == inlc.quality.shape, "QUALITY changes shape"

		# Plot output lightcurves:
		fig, (ax1, ax2, ax3) = plt.subplots(3, 1, squeeze=True, figsize=[10, 10])
		ax1.plot(inlc.time, inlc.flux, lw=0.5)
		ax1.set_title(f"{corrector} - Sector {sector:d} - {cadence}s - TIC {starid:d}")
		if compare_lc:
			ax2.plot(compare_lc['time'], compare_lc['flux'], label='Compare', lw=0.5)
			ax3.axhline(0, lw=0.5, ls=':', color='0.7')
			ax3.plot(outlc.time, outlc.flux - compare_lc['flux'], lw=0.5)
		ax2.plot(outlc.time, outlc.flux, label='New', lw=0.5)
		ax1.set_ylabel('Flux [e/s]')
		ax2.set_ylabel('Relative Flux [ppm]')
		ax3.set_ylabel('New - Compare [ppm]')
		ax3.set_xlabel('Time [TBJD]')
		fig.savefig(os.path.join(__dir__, f'test-{corrector}-s{sector:04d}-c{cadence:04d}-tic{starid:011d}.png'), bbox_inches='tight')

		# Check things that are allowed to change:
		assert all(outlc.flux != inlc.flux), "Input and output flux are identical."
		assert not np.any(np.isinf(outlc.flux)), "FLUX contains Infinite"
		assert not np.any(np.isinf(outlc.flux_err)), "FLUX_ERR contains Infinite"
		assert np.sum(np.isnan(outlc.flux)) < 0.5*len(outlc), "More than half the lightcurve is NaN"
		assert allnan(outlc.flux_err[np.isnan(outlc.flux)]), "FLUX_ERR should be NaN where FLUX is"

		# TODO: Check that quality hasn't changed in ways that are not allowed:
		# - Only values defined in CorrectorQualityFlags
		# - No removal of flags already set
		assert all(outlc.quality >= 0)
		assert all(outlc.quality <= 128)
		assert all(outlc.quality >= inlc.quality)

		# Things that shouldn't chance from the corrections:
		assert outlc.targetid == inlc.targetid, "TARGETID has changed"
		assert outlc.label == inlc.label, "LABEL has changed"
		assert outlc.sector == inlc.sector, "SECTOR has changed"
		assert ==, "CAMERA has changed"
		assert outlc.ccd == inlc.ccd, "CCD has changed"
		assert outlc.quality_bitmask == inlc.quality_bitmask, "QUALITY_BITMASK has changed"
		assert outlc.ra == inlc.ra, "RA has changed"
		assert outlc.dec == inlc.dec, "DEC has changed"
		assert outlc.mission == 'TESS', "MISSION has changed"
		assert outlc.time_format == 'btjd', "TIME_FORMAT has changed"
		assert outlc.time_scale == 'tdb', "TIME_SCALE has changed"
		assert_array_equal(outlc.time, inlc.time, "TIME has changed")
		assert_array_equal(outlc.timecorr, inlc.timecorr, "TIMECORR has changed")
		assert_array_equal(outlc.cadenceno, inlc.cadenceno, "CADENCENO has changed")
		assert_array_equal(outlc.pixel_quality, inlc.pixel_quality, "PIXEL_QUALITY has changed")
		assert_array_equal(outlc.centroid_col, inlc.centroid_col, "CENTROID_COL has changed")
		assert_array_equal(outlc.centroid_row, inlc.centroid_row, "CENTROID_ROW has changed")

		# Check metadata
		assert tmplc.meta == inlc.meta, "Correction changed METADATA in-place"
		assert outlc.meta['task'] == inlc.meta['task'], "Metadata is incomplete"
		assert isinstance(outlc.meta['additional_headers'], fits.Header)

		# Check performance metrics:
		#logger.warning("VAR: %e", nanvar(outlc.flux))
		if var_goal is not None:
			var_in = nanvar(inlc.flux)
			var_out = nanvar(outlc.flux)
			var_diff = np.abs(var_out - var_goal) / var_goal"VAR: %f - %f - %f", var_in, var_out, var_diff)
			assert_array_less(var_diff, 0.05, "VARIANCE changed outside interval")

		#logger.warning("RMS: %e", rms_timescale(outlc))
		if rms_goal is not None:
			rms_in = rms_timescale(inlc)
			rms_out = rms_timescale(outlc)
			rms_diff = np.abs(rms_out - rms_goal) / rms_goal"RMS: %f - %f - %f", rms_in, rms_out, rms_diff)
			assert_array_less(rms_diff, 0.05, "RMS changed outside interval")

		#logger.warning("PTP: %e", ptp(outlc))
		if ptp_goal is not None:
			ptp_in = ptp(inlc)
			ptp_out = ptp(outlc)
			ptp_diff = np.abs(ptp_out - ptp_goal) / ptp_goal"PTP: %f - %f - %f", ptp_in, ptp_out, ptp_diff)
			assert_array_less(ptp_diff, 0.05, "PTP changed outside interval")

		# Check FITS file:
		with, save_file), mode='readonly') as hdu:
			# Lightcurve FITS table:
			fitslc = hdu['LIGHTCURVE'].data
			hdr = hdu['LIGHTCURVE'].header

			# Simple checks of header values:
			assert hdu[0].header['TICID'] == starid

			# Checks of things in FITS table that should not have changed at all:
			assert_array_equal(fitslc['TIME'], inlc.time, "FITS: TIME has changed")
			assert_array_equal(fitslc['TIMECORR'], inlc.timecorr, "FITS: TIMECORR has changed")
			assert_array_equal(fitslc['CADENCENO'], inlc.cadenceno, "FITS: CADENCENO has changed")
			assert_array_equal(fitslc['FLUX_RAW'], inlc.flux, "FITS: FLUX_RAW has changed")
			assert_array_equal(fitslc['FLUX_RAW_ERR'], inlc.flux_err, "FITS: FLUX_RAW_ERR has changed")
			assert_array_equal(fitslc['MOM_CENTR1'], inlc.centroid_col, "FITS: CENTROID_COL has changed")
			assert_array_equal(fitslc['MOM_CENTR2'], inlc.centroid_row, "FITS: CENTROID_ROW has changed")

			# Some things are allowed to change, but still within some requirements:
			assert all(fitslc['FLUX_CORR'] != inlc.flux), "FITS: Input and output flux are identical."
			assert np.sum(np.isnan(fitslc['FLUX_CORR'])) < 0.5*len(fitslc['TIME']), "FITS: More than half the lightcurve is NaN"
			assert allnan(fitslc['FLUX_CORR_ERR'][np.isnan(fitslc['FLUX_CORR'])]), "FITS: FLUX_ERR should be NaN where FLUX is"

			if corrector == 'ensemble':
				# Check special headers:
				assert np.isfinite(hdr['ENS_MED']) and hdr['ENS_MED'] > 0
				assert isinstance(hdr['ENS_NUM'], int) and hdr['ENS_NUM'] > 0
				assert hdr['ENS_DLIM'] == 1.0
				assert hdr['ENS_DREL'] == 10.0
				assert hdr['ENS_RLIM'] == 0.4

				# Special extension for ensemble:
				tic = hdu['ENSEMBLE'].data['TIC']
				bzeta = hdu['ENSEMBLE'].data['BZETA']
				assert len(tic) == len(bzeta)
				assert len(np.unique(tic)) == len(tic), "TIC numbers in ENSEMBLE table are not unique"
				assert len(tic) == hdr['ENS_NUM'], "Not the same number of targets in ENSEMBLE table as specified in header"

			elif corrector == 'cbv':
				# Check special headers:
				assert isinstance(hdr['CBV_NUM'], int) and hdr['CBV_NUM'] > 0

				# Check coefficients:
				for k in range(0, hdr['CBV_NUM']+1):
					assert np.isfinite(hdr['CBV_C%d' % k])
				for k in range(1, hdr['CBV_NUM']+1):
					assert np.isfinite(hdr['CBVS_C%d' % k])
				# Check that no other coefficients are present
				assert 'CBV_C%d' % (hdr['CBV_NUM']+1) not in hdr
				assert 'CBVS_C%d' % (hdr['CBV_NUM']+1) not in hdr

			elif corrector == 'kasoc_filter':
				# Check special headers:
				assert hdr['KF_POSS'] == 'None'
				assert np.isfinite(hdr['KF_LONG']) and hdr['KF_LONG'] > 0
				assert np.isfinite(hdr['KF_SHORT']) and hdr['KF_SHORT'] > 0
				assert hdr['KF_SCLIP'] == 4.5
				assert hdr['KF_TCLIP'] == 5.0
				assert hdr['KF_TWDTH'] == 1.0
				assert hdr['KF_PSMTH'] == 200

				assert isinstance(hdr['NUM_PER'], int) and hdr['NUM_PER'] >= 0
				for k in range(1, hdr['NUM_PER']+1):
					assert np.isfinite(hdr['PER_%d' % k]) and hdr['PER_%d' % k] > 0
				# Check that no other periods are present
				assert 'PER_%d' % (hdr['NUM_PER'] + 1) not in hdr

		# Test that the Gzip FITS file has the correct uncompressed file name, by simply
		# decompressing the Gzip file, asking to keep the original file name.
		# This uses the system GZIP utility, since there doesn't seem to be a way to do this
		# through the Python gzip module:
		fpath = os.path.join(tmpdir, save_file)
		fpath_uncompressed = fpath.replace('.fits.gz', '.fits')
		assert not os.path.exists(fpath_uncompressed), "Uncompressed file already exists"
		gzip_output = subprocess.check_output(['gzip', '-dkNv', os.path.basename(fpath)],
		print("Gzip output:")
		assert os.path.isfile(fpath_uncompressed), "Incorrect uncompressed file name"

		# Just see if we can in fact also open the uncompressed FITS file and get a simple header:
		with, mode='readonly') as hdu:
			assert hdu[0].header['TICID'] == starid