Beispiel #1
def PSD2(image, image2=None, oned=False, 
        fft_pad=False, real=False, imag=False,
        binsize=1.0, radbins=1, azbins=1, radial=False, hanning=False, 
        wavnum_scale=False, twopi_scale=False, **kwargs):
    Two-dimensional Power Spectral Density.
    NAN values are treated as zero.

    image2 - can specify a second image if you want to see the cross-power-spectrum instead of the 
        power spectrum.
    oned - return radial profile of 2D PSD (i.e. mean power as a function of spatial frequency)
           freq,zz = PSD2(image); plot(freq,zz) is a power spectrum
    fft_pad - Add zeros to the edge of the image before FFTing for a speed
        boost?  (the edge padding will be removed afterwards)
    real - Only compute the real part of the PSD (Default is absolute value)
    imag - Only compute the complex part of the PSD (Default is absolute value)
    hanning - Multiply the image to be PSD'd by a 2D Hanning window before performing the FTs.  
        Reduces edge effects.  This idea courtesy Paul Ricchiazzia (May 1993), author of the
        IDL astrolib
    wavnum_scale - multiply the FFT^2 by the wavenumber when computing the PSD?
    twopi_scale - multiply the FFT^2 by 2pi?
    azbins - Number of azimuthal (angular) bins to include.  Default is 1, or
        all 360 degrees.  If azbins>1, the data will be split into [azbins]
        equally sized pie pieces.  Azbins can also be a numpy array.  See
        AG_image_tools.azimuthalAverageBins for details
    radial - An option to return the *azimuthal* power spectrum (i.e., the spectral power as a function 
        of angle).  Not commonly used.
    radbins - number of radial bins (you can compute the azimuthal power spectrum in different annuli)
    # prevent modification of input image (i.e., the next two lines of active code)
    image = image.copy()

    # remove NANs (but not inf's)
    image[image!=image] = 0

    if hanning:
        image = hanning2d(*image.shape) * image

    if image2 is None:
        image2 = image
        image2 = image2.copy()
        image2[image2!=image2] = 0
        if hanning:
            image2 = hanning2d(*image2.shape) * image2

    if real:
        psd2 = numpy.real( correlate2d(image,image2,return_fft=True,fft_pad=fft_pad) ) 
    elif imag:
        psd2 = numpy.imag( correlate2d(image,image2,return_fft=True,fft_pad=fft_pad) ) 
    else: # default is absolute value
        psd2 = numpy.abs( correlate2d(image,image2,return_fft=True,fft_pad=fft_pad) ) 
    # normalization is approximately (numpy.abs(image).sum()*numpy.abs(image2).sum())

    if wavnum_scale:
        wx = numpy.concatenate([ numpy.arange(image.shape[0]/2,dtype='float') , image.shape[0]/2 - numpy.arange(image.shape[0]/2,dtype='float') -1 ]) / (image.shape[0]/2.)
        wy = numpy.concatenate([ numpy.arange(image.shape[1]/2,dtype='float') , image.shape[1]/2 - numpy.arange(image.shape[1]/2,dtype='float') -1 ]) / (image.shape[1]/2.)
        wavnum = numpy.sqrt( numpy.outer(wx,numpy.ones(wx.shape))**2 + numpy.outer(numpy.ones(wy.shape),wx)**2 )
        psd2 *= wavnum

    if twopi_scale:
        psd2 *= numpy.pi * 2

    if radial:
        azbins,az,zz = radialAverageBins(psd2,radbins=radbins, interpnan=True, binsize=binsize, **kwargs)
        if len(zz) == 1:
            return az,zz[0]
            return az,zz

    if oned:
        return pspec(psd2, azbins=azbins, binsize=binsize, **kwargs)

    # else...
    return psd2
Beispiel #2
Datei: Projekt: wiai/agpy
def PSD2(image,
    Two-dimensional Power Spectral Density.
    NAN values are treated as zero.

    image2 - can specify a second image if you want to see the cross-power-spectrum instead of the 
        power spectrum.
    oned - return radial profile of 2D PSD (i.e. mean power as a function of spatial frequency)
           freq,zz = PSD2(image); plot(freq,zz) is a power spectrum
    fft_pad - Add zeros to the edge of the image before FFTing for a speed
        boost?  (the edge padding will be removed afterwards)
    real - Only compute the real part of the PSD (Default is absolute value)
    imag - Only compute the complex part of the PSD (Default is absolute value)
    hanning - Multiply the image to be PSD'd by a 2D Hanning window before performing the FTs.  
        Reduces edge effects.  This idea courtesy Paul Ricchiazzia (May 1993), author of the
        IDL astrolib
    wavnum_scale - multiply the FFT^2 by the wavenumber when computing the PSD?
    twopi_scale - multiply the FFT^2 by 2pi?
    azbins - Number of azimuthal (angular) bins to include.  Default is 1, or
        all 360 degrees.  If azbins>1, the data will be split into [azbins]
        equally sized pie pieces.  Azbins can also be a numpy array.  See
        AG_image_tools.azimuthalAverageBins for details
    radial - An option to return the *azimuthal* power spectrum (i.e., the spectral power as a function 
        of angle).  Not commonly used.
    radbins - number of radial bins (you can compute the azimuthal power spectrum in different annuli)

    # prevent modification of input image (i.e., the next two lines of active code)
    image = image.copy()

    # remove NANs (but not inf's)
    image[image != image] = 0

    if hanning:
        image = hanning2d(*image.shape) * image

    if image2 is None:
        image2 = image
        image2 = image2.copy()
        image2[image2 != image2] = 0
        if hanning:
            image2 = hanning2d(*image2.shape) * image2

    if real:
        psd2 = numpy.real(
            correlate2d(image, image2, return_fft=True, fft_pad=fft_pad))
    elif imag:
        psd2 = numpy.imag(
            correlate2d(image, image2, return_fft=True, fft_pad=fft_pad))
    else:  # default is absolute value
        psd2 = numpy.abs(
            correlate2d(image, image2, return_fft=True, fft_pad=fft_pad))
    # normalization is approximately (numpy.abs(image).sum()*numpy.abs(image2).sum())

    if wavnum_scale:
        wx = numpy.concatenate([
            numpy.arange(image.shape[0] / 2, dtype='float'), image.shape[0] / 2
            - numpy.arange(image.shape[0] / 2, dtype='float') - 1
        ]) / (image.shape[0] / 2.)
        wy = numpy.concatenate([
            numpy.arange(image.shape[1] / 2, dtype='float'), image.shape[1] / 2
            - numpy.arange(image.shape[1] / 2, dtype='float') - 1
        ]) / (image.shape[1] / 2.)
        wx /= wx.max()
        wy /= wy.max()
        wavnum = numpy.sqrt(
            numpy.outer(wx, numpy.ones(wx.shape))**2 +
            numpy.outer(numpy.ones(wy.shape), wx)**2)
        psd2 *= wavnum

    if twopi_scale:
        psd2 *= numpy.pi * 2

    if radial:
        azbins, az, zz = radialAverageBins(psd2,
        if len(zz) == 1:
            return az, zz[0]
            return az, zz

    if oned:
        return pspec(psd2, azbins=azbins, binsize=binsize, **kwargs)

    # else...
    return psd2