Beispiel #1
    def DecideHowToMove2(ParamDict, RunNo):
        c.ParamDictBook[RunNo - 1] = copy.deepcopy(ParamDict[RunNo])
        ContinueLoop = 0
        HitLimitCheck = 0
        KpCArc = cal(z, c.H0, c.WM, c.WV, c.pixelscale)[3]
        print 'LM ', c.LMag
        CntrDev = n.sqrt((ParamDict[RunNo][1][2][0] - ParamDict[RunNo][2][2][0])**2.0 + (ParamDict[RunNo][1][2][1] - ParamDict[RunNo][2][2][1])**2.0)
        if CntrDev < 1.0:
            CntrDev = 0.05
#        print ParamDict[RunNo][1][2][0], ParamDict[RunNo][2][2][0], ParamDict[RunNo][1][2][1], ParamDict[RunNo][2][2][1], CntrDev
#        print ParamDict[RunNo][1][3], c.LMag - 1.0,ParamDict[RunNo][1][3], c.UMag, ParamDict[RunNo][1][4], ParamDict[RunNo][2][4], CntrDev
        if abs(ParamDict[RunNo][1][3] - (c.LMag - 1.0)) < 0.05 or abs(ParamDict[RunNo][1][3] - c.UMag) < 0.05 or ParamDict[RunNo][1][4] < 0.21 or ParamDict[RunNo][2][4] < 0.21 or CntrDev * KpCArc > 0.5 and z != 9999 or CntrDev > 4: 
            HitLimitCheck = 1
#        print 'Hit ', HitLimitCheck
        if ParamDict[RunNo][1][4] > ParamDict[RunNo][2][4] * 1.0 and ParamDict[RunNo][1][3] > ParamDict[RunNo][2][3] or HitLimitCheck or ParamDict[RunNo][1][4] * KpCArc > 40 and z != 9999 or ParamDict[RunNo][2][4] * KpCArc > 40 and z != 9999 or ParamDict[RunNo][1][5] > 8 or ParamDict[RunNo][1][6] < 0.08:
            print 'sati '
            ParamDict[RunNo][1][2][0] = copy.deepcopy(ParamDict[0][1][2][0])
            ParamDict[RunNo][1][2][1] = copy.deepcopy(ParamDict[0][1][2][1])
            ParamDict[RunNo][1][3] = copy.deepcopy(ParamDict[0][1][3])
            ParamDict[RunNo][1][4] = copy.deepcopy(ParamDict[0][1][4])
            ParamDict[RunNo][1][5] = copy.deepcopy(ParamDict[0][1][5])
            ParamDict[RunNo][1][6] = copy.deepcopy(ParamDict[0][1][6])
            ParamDict[RunNo][1][7] = copy.deepcopy(ParamDict[0][1][7])
            ParamDict[RunNo][2][2][0] = copy.deepcopy(ParamDict[0][2][2][0])
            ParamDict[RunNo][2][2][1] = copy.deepcopy(ParamDict[0][2][2][1])
            ParamDict[RunNo][2][3] = copy.deepcopy(ParamDict[0][2][3])
            ParamDict[RunNo][2][4] = copy.deepcopy(ParamDict[0][2][4])
            ParamDict[RunNo][2][5] = copy.deepcopy(ParamDict[0][2][5])
            ParamDict[RunNo][2][6] = copy.deepcopy(ParamDict[0][2][6])
                SkyNo = len(ParamDict[0])
                ParamDict[RunNo][SkyNo][2] = copy.deepcopy(SkyArray[RunNo-1])
            ContinueLoop = 1
            print 'not sati'
            if cal(z, c.H0, c.WM, c.WV, c.pixelscale)[3] * \
               ParamDict[RunNo][1][4] > 20.0 and z != 9999: 
            ParamDict[RunNo][1][2][0] = copy.deepcopy(ParamDict[0][1][2][0])
            ParamDict[RunNo][1][2][1] = copy.deepcopy(ParamDict[0][1][2][1])
            ParamDict[RunNo][1][3] = copy.deepcopy(ParamDict[0][1][3])
            ParamDict[RunNo][1][4] = copy.deepcopy(ParamDict[0][1][4])
            ParamDict[RunNo][1][5] = copy.deepcopy(ParamDict[0][1][5])
            ParamDict[RunNo][1][6] = copy.deepcopy(ParamDict[0][1][6])
            ParamDict[RunNo][1][7] = copy.deepcopy(ParamDict[0][1][7])
            ParamDict[RunNo][2][2][0] = copy.deepcopy(ParamDict[0][2][2][0])
            ParamDict[RunNo][2][2][1] = copy.deepcopy(ParamDict[0][2][2][1])
            ParamDict[RunNo][2][3] = copy.deepcopy(ParamDict[0][2][3])
            ParamDict[RunNo][2][4] = copy.deepcopy(ParamDict[0][2][4])
            ParamDict[RunNo][2][5] = copy.deepcopy(ParamDict[0][2][5])
            ParamDict[RunNo][2][6] = copy.deepcopy(ParamDict[0][2][6])
                SkyNo = len(ParamDict[0])
                ParamDict[RunNo][SkyNo][2] = copy.deepcopy(SkyArray[RunNo-1])
            ContinueLoop = 0
        return ContinueLoop
Beispiel #2
def confiter(cutimage, whtimage, xcntr, ycntr,
             NXPTS, NYPTS, line_s, psffile, z):
    # Run SExtractor 
    RunSex(c.datadir+cutimage, c.datadir+whtimage,
           '', 9999, 9999, 0)
    # define improtant variables in the namespace
    imagefile = c.imagefile
    sex_cata = c.sex_cata
    threshold = c.threshold
    thresh_area = c.thresh_area
    mask_reg = c.mask_reg
    c.sersic_loc  = 2
    c.sky_loc = 1
        ComP = c.components 
        ComP = ['bulge', 'disk']
    if len(ComP) == 0:
        ComP = ['bulge', 'disk']
    values = line_s.split()
    # create filenames
    outfile   = 'O_' + c.fstring + '.fits' # galfit output
    mask_file = 'M_' + c.fstring + '.fits' # mask file
    config_file = 'G_' + c.fstring + '.in' #GALFIT configuration file
    constrain_file = c.fstring + '.con' #galfit constraint file

    xcntr_o  = xcntr  #x center of the object
    ycntr_o  = ycntr  #y center of the object
    mag    = float(values[7]) #Magnitude
    radius = float(values[9]) #Half light radius
    mag_zero = c.mag_zero #magnitude zero point
    sky	 = float(values[10]) #sky 
    pos_ang = float(values[11]) - 90.0 #position angle
    axis_rat = 1.0/float(values[12]) #axis ration b/a
    area_o = float(values[13])   # object's area
    major_axis = float(values[14])  #major axis of the object

    # calculate a 40kpc bulge radius to use for maximum bulge size.
    # This will only work if z is supplied, otherwise, a default maximum
    # is used in the constraint file
    if z > 0 and z < 10:
            KpCArc = cal(z, c.H0, c.WM, c.WV, c.pixelscale)[3]
            max_rad = 40.0/KpCArc
            KpCArc = 9999.0
            max_rad = c.URe
        max_rad = c.URe
        KpCArc = 9999.0

    # Modify flags for the detailed fitting process
    if isset(c.Flag, GetFlag('FIT_BULGE_CNTR')):
        c.Flag = ClrFlag(c.Flag, GetFlag('FIT_BULGE_CNTR'))
    if isset(c.Flag, GetFlag('FIT_DISK_CNTR')):
        c.Flag = ClrFlag(c.Flag, GetFlag('FIT_DISK_CNTR'))
    if isset(c.Flag, GetFlag('FIT_SKY')):
        c.Flag = ClrFlag(c.Flag, GetFlag('FIT_SKY'))
    if isset(c.Flag, GetFlag('FIT_BULGE')):
        c.Flag = ClrFlag(c.Flag, GetFlag('FIT_BULGE'))
    if isset(c.Flag, GetFlag('FIT_DISK')):
        c.Flag = ClrFlag(c.Flag, GetFlag('FIT_DISK'))
    if isset(c.Flag, GetFlag('FIT_POINT')):
        c.Flag = ClrFlag(c.Flag, GetFlag('FIT_POINT'))

    # define initial fitting parameters for single sersic fit
    ParamDict = {}
    ErrDict = {}
    ParamDict[0] = {}
    ErrDict[0] = {}
    BlankDict = {} # to be used in cases where the program crashes
    BlankDict[0] = {}
    # Add components
    AdComp = 1
    if 'bulge' in ComP:
        ParamDict[0][AdComp] = {}
        #Bulge Parameters
        ParamDict[0][AdComp][1] = 'sersic'
        ParamDict[0][AdComp][2] = [xcntr_o, ycntr_o]
        ParamDict[0][AdComp][3] = mag 
        ParamDict[0][AdComp][4] = radius 
        ParamDict[0][AdComp][5] = 4.0
        ParamDict[0][AdComp][6] = axis_rat
        ParamDict[0][AdComp][7] = pos_ang
        ParamDict[0][AdComp][8] = 0
        ParamDict[0][AdComp][9] = 0
        ParamDict[0][AdComp][11] = 'Main'
        BlankDict[0][AdComp] = {}
        #Bulge Parameters
        BlankDict[0][AdComp][1] = 'sersic'
        BlankDict[0][AdComp][2] = [xcntr_o, ycntr_o]
        BlankDict[0][AdComp][3] = 9999 
        BlankDict[0][AdComp][4] = 9999 
        BlankDict[0][AdComp][5] = 9999
        BlankDict[0][AdComp][6] = 9999
        BlankDict[0][AdComp][7] = 9999
        BlankDict[0][AdComp][8] = 9999
        BlankDict[0][AdComp][9] = 9999
        BlankDict[0][AdComp][11] = 'Main'
        AdComp += 1
    if 'disk' in ComP:
        #Disk parameters
        ParamDict[0][AdComp] = {}
        ParamDict[0][AdComp][1] = 'expdisk'
        ParamDict[0][AdComp][2] = [xcntr_o, ycntr_o]
        ParamDict[0][AdComp][3] = mag 
        ParamDict[0][AdComp][4] = radius
        ParamDict[0][AdComp][5] = axis_rat
        ParamDict[0][AdComp][6] = pos_ang
        ParamDict[0][AdComp][7] = 0
        ParamDict[0][AdComp][8] = 0
        ParamDict[0][AdComp][11] = 'Main'

        BlankDict[0][AdComp] = {}
        BlankDict[0][AdComp][1] = 'expdisk'
        BlankDict[0][AdComp][2] = [xcntr_o, ycntr_o]
        BlankDict[0][AdComp][3] = 9999#mag 
        BlankDict[0][AdComp][4] = 9999#radius
        BlankDict[0][AdComp][5] = 9999#axis_rat
        BlankDict[0][AdComp][6] = 9999#pos_ang
        BlankDict[0][AdComp][7] = 9999
        BlankDict[0][AdComp][8] = 9999
        BlankDict[0][AdComp][11] = 'Main'
        AdComp += 1

    isneighbour = 0
    f_constrain = open(constrain_file, 'ab')
    for line_j in open('','r'):
            values = line_j.split()
            xcntr_n  = float(values[1]) #x center of the neighbour
            ycntr_n  = float(values[2]) #y center of the neighbour
            mag    = float(values[7]) #Magnitude
            radius = float(values[9]) #Half light radius
            sky      = float(values[10]) #sky
            pos_ang = float(values[11]) - 90.0 #position angle
            axis_rat = 1.0/float(values[12]) #axis ration b/a
            area_n = float(values[13]) # neighbour area
            maj_axis = float(values[14])#major axis of neighbour
            NotFitNeigh = 0
            if abs(xcntr_n - xcntr_o) > NXPTS / 2.0 + c.avoidme or \
               abs(ycntr_n - ycntr_o) > NYPTS / 2.0 + c.avoidme or \
               abs(xcntr_n - xcntr_o) < 5.0 and abs(ycntr_n - ycntr_o) < 5.0:
                NotFitNeigh = 1
            if(abs(xcntr_n - xcntr_o) <= (major_axis + maj_axis) * \
               threshold and \
               abs(ycntr_n - ycntr_o) <= (major_axis  + maj_axis) * \
               threshold and area_n >= thresh_area * area_o and \
               xcntr_n != xcntr_o and ycntr_n != ycntr_o and NotFitNeigh == 0):
                if((xcntr_o - xcntr_n) < 0):
                    xn = xcntr + abs(xcntr_n - xcntr_o)
                if((ycntr_o - ycntr_n) < 0):
                    yn = ycntr + abs(ycntr_n - ycntr_o)
                if((xcntr_o - xcntr_n) > 0):
                    xn = xcntr - (xcntr_o - xcntr_n)
                if((ycntr_o - ycntr_n) > 0):
                    yn = ycntr - (ycntr_o - ycntr_n)
                ParamDict[0][AdComp] = {}
                ParamDict[0][AdComp][1] = 'sersic'
                ParamDict[0][AdComp][2] = [xn, yn]
                ParamDict[0][AdComp][3] = mag
                ParamDict[0][AdComp][4] = radius
                ParamDict[0][AdComp][5] = 4.0
                ParamDict[0][AdComp][6] = axis_rat
                ParamDict[0][AdComp][7] = pos_ang
                ParamDict[0][AdComp][8] = 0
                ParamDict[0][AdComp][9] = 0
                ParamDict[0][AdComp][11] = 'Other'

                BlankDict[0][AdComp] = {}
                BlankDict[0][AdComp][1] = 'sersic'
                BlankDict[0][AdComp][2] = [xn, yn]
                BlankDict[0][AdComp][3] = mag
                BlankDict[0][AdComp][4] = radius
                BlankDict[0][AdComp][5] = 4.0
                BlankDict[0][AdComp][6] = axis_rat
                BlankDict[0][AdComp][7] = pos_ang
                BlankDict[0][AdComp][8] = 0
                BlankDict[0][AdComp][9] = 0
                BlankDict[0][AdComp][11] = 'Other'

                isneighbour += 1
                AdComp += 1
    if isneighbor > 0:
        c.Flag = SetFlag(c.Flag,GetFlag('NEIGHBOUR_FIT'))
    #Sky component
    ParamDict[0][AdComp] = {}
    ParamDict[0][AdComp][1] = 'sky'
    ParamDict[0][AdComp][2] = c.SexSky
    ParamDict[0][AdComp][3] = 0
    ParamDict[0][AdComp][4] = 0
    ParamDict[0][AdComp][5] = 0
    ParamDict[0][AdComp][11] = 'Other'

    BlankDict[0][AdComp] = {}
    BlankDict[0][AdComp][1] = 'sky'
    BlankDict[0][AdComp][2] = c.SexSky
    BlankDict[0][AdComp][3] = 0
    BlankDict[0][AdComp][4] = 0
    BlankDict[0][AdComp][5] = 0
    BlankDict[0][AdComp][11] = 'Other'
    #Write Sersic function
    ErrDict[0][1] = {}
    ErrDict[0][1][1] = [9999, 9999]
    ErrDict[0][1][2] = 9999
    ErrDict[0][1][3] = 9999
    ErrDict[0][1][4] = 9999
    ErrDict[0][2] = {}
    ErrDict[0][2][1] = [9999, 9999]
    ErrDict[0][2][2] = 9999
    ErrDict[0][2][3] = 9999

    c.SkyNo = AdComp
    c.Chi2DOFArr = []
    c.FitArr = []
    c.RadArr = []
    c.CntrDevArr = []
    c.ErrArr = []
    c.ParamDictBook = copy.deepcopy(ParamDict)
    bad_fit = 0
    failed_ser = 0
    bt_fit = -1
    failed_sky = 0
    bad_sky = 0
   #Write configuration file. RunNo is the number of iteration
    for RunNo, fit_type in zip(range(5), ['sky','ser','dev','devexp','serexp']):
        # note that the 'sky' fit is currently serexp
        #force batch fitting using standard operations
        run_flag = c.Flag
        if exists('fit.log'):
            print "removing fit log"
            os.system('rm fit.log')

        print "RunNo ", RunNo, "fit type ", fit_type
        f_constrain = open(constrain_file, 'w')
        f.write('# IMAGE PARAMETERS\n')
        f.writelines(['A) ', c.datadir+str(cutimage), '	# Input data image',\
                      ' (FITS file)\n'])
        f.writelines(['B) ', str(outfile), '		# Name for',\
                      ' the output image\n'])
        f.writelines(['C) ', c.datadir + str(whtimage), '		# Noise image name', \
                      ' (made from data if blank or "none")\n'])
        f.writelines(['D) ', c.datadir+str(psffile), '			# Input PSF', \
                      ' image for convolution (FITS file)\n'])
        f.writelines(['E) 1			# PSF oversampling factor '\
                      'relative to data\n'])
        f.writelines(['F) ', str(mask_file), '		# Bad pixel',
                      ' mask(FITS image or ASCII coord list)\n'])
        f.writelines(['G) ', str(constrain_file), '       # File with'\
                      ' parameter constraints (ASCII file)\n'])
        f.writelines(['H) 1 ', str(NXPTS), ' 1 ', str(NYPTS), '		#',\
                      ' Image region to fit (xmin xmax ymin ymax)\n'])
#        f.writelines(['I) ', str(NXPTS), ' ', str(NYPTS),	'	#',\
#                      ' Size of convolution box (x y)\n'])
        f.writelines(['I) ', str(120), ' ', str(120),      '       #',\
                      ' Size of convolution box (x y)\n'])
        f.writelines(['J) ', str(mag_zero), '		# Magnitude',\
                      ' photometric zeropoint\n'])
        f.writelines(['O) regular			# Display type',\
                      ' (regular, curses, both)\n'])
        f.writelines(['P) 0			# Create output image only?',\
                      ' (1=yes; 0=optimize)\n'])
        f.writelines(['S) 0			# Modify/create',\
                     ' objects interactively?\n\n\n'])

        FitDict, run_flag = DecideFitting(ParamDict, RunNo,fit_type, bad_fit, failed_ser, run_flag, failed_sky, bad_sky)            

        for i in range(len(ParamDict[RunNo])):
            if ParamDict[RunNo][i + 1][1] == 'sersic':
                SersicFunc(config_file, ParamDict, FitDict, i+1, RunNo)
                if ParamDict[RunNo][i + 1][11] == 'Main':
                    run_flag = SetFlag(run_flag, GetFlag('FIT_BULGE'))
                    print "ADDING FLAG FIT_BULGE"
                    if RunNo > 1 and not bad_fit and ParamDict[c.sersic_loc][1][4]*2 < max_rad: # later fits
                        SersicMainConstrain(constrain_file, i + 1, 2.0 , ParamDict[c.sersic_loc][1][4]*2)
                        SersicMainConstrain(constrain_file, i + 1, c.center_constrain, max_rad)
                    SersicConstrain(constrain_file, i + 1)
            if ParamDict[RunNo][i + 1][1] == 'expdisk':
                if RunNo in [1 ,2]:
                    pass #dont fit a disk in the cases of ser or dev fits 
                    run_flag = SetFlag(run_flag, GetFlag('FIT_DISK'))
                    print "ADDING FLAG FIT_DISK"
                    ExpFunc(config_file, ParamDict, FitDict, i + 1, RunNo)
                    if RunNo > 0 and not bad_fit: # later runs 
                        ExpdiskConstrain(constrain_file, i + 1, 2.0)
                        ExpdiskConstrain(constrain_file, i + 1, c.center_constrain)

            if  ParamDict[RunNo][i + 1][1] == 'sky':
                if RunNo > 0 and not bad_sky: 
                    SkyConstrain(constrain_file, i + 1, ParamDict[c.sky_loc][i+1][2])
                    SkyConstrain(constrain_file, i + 1, c.SexSky)
                SkyFunc(config_file, ParamDict, FitDict, i+1, RunNo) 

        # only if forcing normal fit
        if RunNo > 2 or RunNo == 0: #later fits after single ser fit
            bt_range = add_constrain(constrain_file, bt_fit, fit_type)
        cmd = str(c.GALFIT_PATH) + ' ' + config_file

        # ReadLog(ParamDict, 2) => this function reads fig.log
        # depends on whether, for example, the expdisk function
        # is the only one function for fitting. It can happends,
        # for example, the first fitting where we can find the best
        # initial values for the rest of it. ReadLog(ParamDict, 1)
        # reads the fit.log in the order, ie. sersic,
        # expdisk, other sersic etc
            print 'readlog'
            ParamDict, ErrDict, Chi2DOF = ReadLog(ParamDict, ErrDict, 1, RunNo, detail = True)
            print 'log read'
            print 'chi2dof ',Chi2DOF
            c.ParamDictBook[RunNo+1] = copy.deepcopy(ParamDict[RunNo+1])

            # Set limit flags
            Fitflag = 0
            mag_b = ParamDict[RunNo + 1][1][3]
            re = ParamDict[RunNo+1][1][4]
            SersicIndex = ParamDict[RunNo+1][1][5]
            SersicEllipticity = ParamDict[RunNo+1][1][6]
            if abs(mag_b - c.UMag) < 0.2 or abs(mag_b - c.LMag) < 0.2:
                FitFlag = SetFlag(FitFlag, Get_FitFlag('IE_AT_LIMIT'))
            if abs(re - c.LRe) < 0.1 or abs(re - max_rad) < 1.0:
                FitFlag = SetFlag(FitFlag, Get_FitFlag('RE_AT_LIMIT'))
            if abs(SersicIndex - c.LN) < 0.03 or abs(SersicIndex - c.UN) < 0.5:
                FitFlag = SetFlag(FitFlag, Get_FitFlag('N_AT_LIMIT'))
            if abs(SersicEllipticity - 0.0) < 0.05 or abs(SersicEllipticity - 0.0) > 0.95:
                FitFlag = SetFlag(FitFlag, Get_FitFlag('EB_AT_LIMIT'))

            if fit_type in ['devexp', 'serexp']:
                mag_d = ParamDict[RunNo + 1][2][3]
                rd = ParamDict[RunNo+1][2][4]
                DiskEllipticity = ParamDict[RunNo+1][2][5]
                fb = 10**(-0.4*mag_b)
                fd = 10**(-0.4*mag_d)

                if abs(mag_d - c.UMag) < 0.2 or abs(mag_d - c.LMag) < 0.2:
                    FitFlag = SetFlag(FitFlag, Get_FitFlag('ID_AT_LIMIT'))
                if abs(rd - c.LRd) < 0.1 or abs(rd - c.URd) < 1.0:
                    FitFlag = SetFlag(FitFlag, Get_FitFlag('RD_AT_LIMIT'))
                if abs((re/rd) - 1.0) < 0.02 or abs((re/rd) - 0.1) < 0.02:
                    FitFlag = SetFlag(FitFlag, Get_FitFlag('RERD_AT_LIMIT'))
                if abs(DiskEllipticity - 0.0) < 0.05 or abs(DiskEllipticity - 0.0) > 0.95:
                    FitFlag = SetFlag(FitFlag, Get_FitFlag('ED_AT_LIMIT'))
                    BT = fb / (fb + fd)
                    BT = 9999.0

                if abs(BT - bt_range[0]) < .02 or abs(BT - bt_range[1]) < .02:
                    FitFlag = SetFlag(FitFlag, Get_FitFlag('BT_AT_LIMIT'))
                    print "ADDING FLAG BT_AT_LIMIT"
            print "failure at readlog!!!"
            c.ParamDictBook[RunNo+1] = copy.deepcopy(BlankDict[0])
            ParamDict[RunNo + 1] = copy.deepcopy(BlankDict[0])
            ErrDict[RunNo + 1] = copy.deepcopy(ErrDict[0])
            if fit_type == 'ser':
                failed_ser = 1 #track the failure of the single sersic fit
                run_flag = SetFlag(run_flag, GetFlag('DETAIL_FAILED'))
                c.Flag = SetFlag(c.Flag, GetFlag('DETAIL_FAILED'))
                print "ADDING FLAG DETAIL_FAILED"
            elif fit_type == 'sky':
                failed_sky = 1 #track that we did not fix the sky
                run_flag = SetFlag(run_flag, GetFlag('DETAIL_FAILED'))
                c.Flag = SetFlag(c.Flag, GetFlag('DETAIL_FAILED'))
                print "ADDING FLAG DETAIL_FAILED"
            c.ErrArr.append(FractionalError(ParamDict, ErrDict, RunNo + 1))

        if fit_type != 'serexp': #set flags for other fit types
            bad_sky, bad_fit, bt_fit = DecideHowToMove2(ParamDict, RunNo + 1,fit_type,KpCArc, failed_ser, failed_sky )

                plot_name = 'P_' + str(cutimage)[6:-5] \
                          +'_'+fit_type+ '.png'
                if exists(plot_name):	
                    os.system('rm ' + plot_name)
                GoodNess = PlotFunc(cutimage, outfile, mask_file, 
                                    ParamDict[RunNo + 1][1][2][0], #xctr
                                    ParamDict[RunNo + 1][1][2][1], #yctr
                                    ParamDict[RunNo + 1][1][c.SkyNo][2], #sky
                                    c.skysig, save_name = plot_name)
                Goodness = GoodNess.plot_profile
                Goodness = 9999
                run_flag = SetFlag(run_flag, GetFlag('PLOT_FAIL'))
                print "ADDING FLAG PLOT_FAIL"
            if Goodness < c.Goodness:
                FitFlag = SetFlag(FitFlag, Get_FitFlag('SMALL_GOODNESS'))
                print "ADDING FLAG SMALL_GOODNESS"
            if Chi2DOF > c.chi2sq:
                if chi2nu != 9999:
                    FitFlag = SetFlag(FitFlag, Get_FitFlag('LARGE_CHISQ'))
                    print "ADDING FLAG LARGE_CHISQ"
            print 'writing db'
                WriteDbDetail(cutimage.split('.')[0], c.ParamDictBook[RunNo+1], ErrDict[RunNo + 1], c.SexSky, c.ParamDictBook[RunNo+1][c.SkyNo][2], RunNo, run_flag, FitFlag, Chi2DOF, model_type = fit_type, goodness = Goodness)
                print 'No database'
        fit_log = 'fit_%s.log' %fit_type

        print "saving fit log to fit log %s" %(fit_log)

        f_fit = open(fit_log,'a')
        if exists('fit.log'):
            for line in open('fit.log','r'):

        for mv_file_nm in [outfile, config_file, constrain_file]:
            os.system('cp %s %s_%s.%s' %(mv_file_nm, mv_file_nm.split('.')[0],
                                          fit_type, mv_file_nm.split('.')[1]))

        if fit_type == 'serexp':
            c.Flag = run_flag

Beispiel #3
def WriteParams(ParamNamesToWrite, cutimage, xcntr, ycntr, distance, alpha_j, delta_j, z, Goodness,
                C, C_err, A, A_err, S, S_err, G, M, EXPTIME):

    # this dictionary will hold any parameters that may be printed
    all_params = dict((ParamNamesToWrite[key][0], -999) for key in ParamNamesToWrite.keys())

    # load some of the passed in parameters
    all_params['Name'] = c.fstring
    all_params['ra_gal'] = alpha_j
    all_params['dec_gal'] = delta_j
    all_params['z'] = z
    all_params['Goodness'] = float(str(round(Goodness, 3))[:5])
    all_params['C'] = C
    all_params['C_err'] = C_err 
    all_params['A'] = A
    all_params['A_err'] = A_err
    all_params['S'] = S
    all_params['S_err'] = S_err
    all_params['G'] = G
    all_params['M'] = M
    all_params['distance'] = float(str(round(distance, 3))[:5])
    all_params['mag_auto'] = c.SexMagAuto
    all_params['magerr_auto'] = c.SexMagAutoErr
    all_params['num_targets'] = c.SexTargets
    all_params['SexSky'] = c.SexSky
    all_params['flag'] = c.Flag
    all_params['SexHalfRad'] = c.SexHalfRad
    all_params['magzp'] = c.mag_zero

    # Now continue
        ComP = c.components
        ComP = ['bulge', 'disk']
    if len(ComP) == 0:
        ComP = ['bulge', 'disk']
    f_tpl = open(str(c.PYMORPH_PATH) + '/html/default.html', 'r')
    template =
    ra1, ra2, ra3 = RaDegToHMS(alpha_j)
    dec1, dec2, dec3 = DecDegToDMS(delta_j)
    # Formatting ra and dec for display purpose
    if ra1 < 10:
        alpha1 = '0' + str(ra1)
        alpha1 = str(ra1)
    if ra2 < 10:
        alpha2 = '0' + str(ra2)
        alpha2 = str(ra2)
    if ra3 < 10:
        alpha3 = '0' + str(ra3)[:3]
        alpha3 = str(ra3)[:4]
    if abs(ra1) > 360:
        alpha1, alpha2, alpha3 = 9999, '', ''
    if abs(dec1) < 10:
        delta1 = '0' + str(dec1)
        delta1 = str(dec1)
    if dec1 > 0:
        delta1 = '+' + str(delta1)
    if dec2 < 10:
        delta2 = '0' + str(dec2)
        delta2 = dec2
    if dec3 < 10:
        delta3 = '0' + str(dec3)[:3]
        delta3 = str(dec3)[:4]
    if abs(dec1) > 90:
        delta1, delta2, delta3 = 9999, '', ''
    # Writing index file
    if(c.repeat == False or c.repeat):
        for line_i in fileinput.input("index.html",inplace =1):
            line_i = line_i.strip()
            if not '</BODY></HTML>' in line_i:
                print line_i    
        indexfile = open('index.html', 'a+')
        NoImage = 1
        for indexline in indexfile:
            if c.fstring in indexline:
                NoImage = 0
        if NoImage:
            indexfile.writelines(['<a href="R_',\
                                  '"> ', c.fstring,\
                                  ' </a> <br>\n'])
    # Reading fit.log
    if 'bar' in ComP:
        basic_info, fit_info, isnan = read_fitlog(filename = 'fit.log', yes_bar = 1)
        basic_info, fit_info, isnan = read_fitlog(filename = 'fit.log', yes_bar = 0)

    if isnan:
            #set the flag
            all_params['flag'] = SetFlag(all_params['flag'], GetFlag('ERRORS_FAILED'))
        except badflag:
            # the flag is already set
    if 'Input' in basic_info:
        alpha_ned = str(alpha_j)[:10]
        delta_ned = str(delta_j)[:10]
        alpha_ned = ''
        delta_ned = ''
    if c.decompose:
        initial_conf = basic_info['initial_conf']
        restart_conf = basic_info['restart_conf']
        print restart_conf 
        # move the restart file to a reasonably named output file
        new_outname = initial_conf.replace('in','out')
            os.rename(restart_conf, new_outname)
            print "Failed to find restart file!! Galfit may have crashed!!"
        basic_info['restart_conf'] = new_outname

        all_params['chi2nu'] = basic_info['chi2nu']

        # first check all err components and replace if nan or inf

        if 'bulge' in fit_info:
            all_params['bulge_xctr'] = fit_info['bulge']['xctr'][0]
            all_params['bulge_yctr'] = fit_info['bulge']['yctr'][0]
            all_params['Ie'] = fit_info['bulge']['mag'][0]
            all_params['re_pix'] = fit_info['bulge']['rad'][0]
            all_params['n'] = fit_info['bulge']['n'][0]
            all_params['eb'] = fit_info['bulge']['ell'][0]
            all_params['bpa'] = fit_info['bulge']['pa'][0]
            all_params['bboxy'] = fit_info['bulge']['boxy'][0]

            all_params['bulge_xctr_err'] = fit_info['bulge']['xctr'][1]
            all_params['bulge_yctr_err'] = fit_info['bulge']['yctr'][1]
            all_params['Ie_err'] = fit_info['bulge']['mag'][1]
            all_params['re_pix_err'] = fit_info['bulge']['rad'][1]
            all_params['n_err'] = fit_info['bulge']['n'][1]
            all_params['eb_err'] = fit_info['bulge']['ell'][1]
            all_params['bpa_err'] = fit_info['bulge']['pa'][1]
            all_params['bboxy_err'] = fit_info['bulge']['boxy'][1]

        if 'disk' in fit_info:
            all_params['disk_xctr'] = fit_info['disk']['xctr'][0]
            all_params['disk_yctr'] = fit_info['disk']['yctr'][0]
            all_params['Id'] = fit_info['disk']['mag'][0]
            all_params['rd_pix'] = fit_info['disk']['rad'][0]
            all_params['ed'] = fit_info['disk']['ell'][0]
            all_params['dpa'] = fit_info['disk']['pa'][0]
            all_params['dboxy'] = fit_info['disk']['boxy'][0]

            all_params['disk_xctr_err'] = fit_info['disk']['xctr'][1]
            all_params['disk_yctr_err'] = fit_info['disk']['yctr'][1]
            all_params['Id_err'] = fit_info['disk']['mag'][1]
            all_params['rd_pix_err'] = fit_info['disk']['rad'][1]
            all_params['ed_err'] = fit_info['disk']['ell'][1]
            all_params['dpa_err'] = fit_info['disk']['pa'][1]
            all_params['dboxy_err'] = fit_info['disk']['boxy'][1]

        if 'point' in fit_info:
            all_params['p_xctr'] = fit_info['point']['xctr'][0]
            all_params['p_yctr'] = fit_info['point']['yctr'][0]
            all_params['Ip'] = fit_info['point']['mag'][0]

            all_params['p_xctr_err'] = fit_info['point']['xctr'][1]
            all_params['p_yctr_err'] = fit_info['point']['yctr'][1]
            all_params['Ip_err'] = fit_info['point']['mag'][1]

        if 'bar' in fit_info:
            all_params['bar_xctr'] = fit_info['bar']['xctr'][0]
            all_params['bar_yctr'] = fit_info['bar']['yctr'][0]
            all_params['Ibar'] = fit_info['bar']['mag'][0]
            all_params['rbar_pix'] = fit_info['bar']['rad'][0]
            all_params['n_bar'] = fit_info['bar']['n'][0]
            all_params['ebar'] = fit_info['bar']['ell'][0]
            all_params['barpa'] = fit_info['bar']['pa'][0]
            all_params['barboxy'] = fit_info['bar']['boxy'][0]

            all_params['bar_xctr_err'] = fit_info['bar']['xctr'][1]
            all_params['bar_yctr_err'] = fit_info['bar']['yctr'][1]
            all_params['Ibar_err'] = fit_info['bar']['mag'][1]
            all_params['rbar_pix_err'] = fit_info['bar']['rad'][1]
            all_params['nbar_err'] = fit_info['bar']['n'][1]
            all_params['ebar_err'] = fit_info['bar']['ell'][1]
            all_params['barpa_err'] = fit_info['bar']['pa'][1]
            all_params['barboxy_err'] = fit_info['bar']['boxy'][1]

        if 'sky' in fit_info:
            all_params['GalSky'] = fit_info['sky']['mag'][0]
            all_params['GalSky_err'] = fit_info['sky']['mag'][1]

        # Converting fitted params to physical params
        if(z != 9999 and z > 0):
            phy_parms = cal(z, c.H0, c.WM, c.WV, c.pixelscale)
            all_params['dis_modu'] = phy_parms[2]
            if 'bulge' in ComP:
                if all_params['re_pix'] != 9999:
                    all_params['re_kpc'] = phy_parms[3] * all_params['re_pix']
                    all_params['re_kpc_err'] = phy_parms[3] * all_params['re_pix_err']
                    all_params['re_kpc'] = 9999
                    all_params['re_kpc_err'] = 9999
            if 'disk' in ComP:
                if all_params['rd_pix'] != 9999:
                    all_params['rd_kpc'] = phy_parms[3] * all_params['rd_pix']
                    all_params['rd_kpc_err'] = phy_parms[3] * all_params['rd_pix_err']
                    all_params['rd_kpc'] = 9999
                    all_params['rd_kpc_err'] = 9999
            if 'bar' in ComP:
                if all_params['rbar_pix'] != 9999:
                    all_params['rbar_kpc'] = phy_parms[3] * all_params['rbar_pix']
                    all_params['rbar_kpc_err'] = phy_parms[3] * all_params['rbar_pix_err']
                    all_params['rbar_kpc'] = 9999
                    all_params['rbar_kpc_err'] = 9999
            if 'point' in ComP:
                all_params['Pfwhm_kpc'] = 0.5 * phy_parms[3]
        # Finding derived parameters
        if 'bulge' in ComP and 'disk' in ComP:
            fb = 10**(-0.4 * (all_params['Ie'] - c.mag_zero))
            fd = 10**(-0.4 * (all_params['Id'] - c.mag_zero))
            if 'point' in ComP:
                fp = 10**(-0.4 * (all_params['Ip'] - c.mag_zero))
                fp = 0.0
            if 'bar' in ComP:
                fbar = 10**(-0.4 * (all_params['Ibar'] - c.mag_zero)) 
                fbar = 0.0

                all_params['BD'] = fb / fd
                all_params['BT'] = fb / (fb + fd + fp + fbar)
                all_params['BD'] = 9999
                all_params['BT'] = 9999

        elif 'bulge' in ComP:
            all_params['BT'] = 1.0
        elif 'disk' in ComP:
            all_params['BD'] = 0.0
            all_params['BT'] = 0.0

        # Start writing html file. Now the template keywords will get values
        pngfile = 'P_' + c.fstring + '.png'
        Neighbour_Sersic = ''
        Object_Sersic = ''
        Object_Sersic_err = ''
        Object_Exp = ''
        Object_Exp_err = ''
        Point_Vals = ''
        Point_Vals_err = ''
            for key in fit_info.keys():
                if 'neighbor' in key:
                    Neighbour_Sersic = str(Neighbour_Sersic) + \
                                       '<TR align="center" bgcolor=' + \
                                       '"#99CCFF"><TD> neighbor sersic' + \
                                       ' </TD> <TD> ' + \
                                       str(fit_info[key]['xctr'][0]) + '</TD> <TD> '\
                                       + str(fit_info[key]['yctr'][0]) + \
                                       ' </TD> <TD> ' + str(fit_info[key]['mag'][0]) + \
                                       ' </TD> <TD> ' + \
                                       str(fit_info[key]['rad'][0]) + ' </TD> <TD> ' + \
                                       ' ' + ' </TD> <TD> ' + \
                                       str(fit_info[key]['n'][0]) + ' </TD> <TD> ' +\
                                       str(fit_info[key]['ell'][0]) + ' </TD> <TD> ' +\
                                       str(fit_info[key]['pa'][0]) + ' </TD> <TD> ' + \
                                       str(fit_info[key]['boxy'][0]) + ' </TD> </TR>'
                    Neighbour_Sersic = str(Neighbour_Sersic) + \
                                       '<TR align="center" ' + \
                                       'bgcolor="#CCFFFF"> <TD>' + ' ' + \
                                       ' </TD> <TD> ' + \
                                       str(fit_info[key]['xctr'][1]) + '</TD> <TD> '\
                                       + str(fit_info[key]['yctr'][1]) + \
                                       ' </TD> <TD> ' + str(fit_info[key]['mag'][1]) + \
                                       ' </TD> <TD> ' + \
                                       str(fit_info[key]['rad'][1]) + ' </TD> <TD> ' + \
                                       ' ' + ' </TD> <TD> ' + \
                                       str(fit_info[key]['n'][1]) + ' </TD> <TD> ' +\
                                       str(fit_info[key]['ell'][1]) + ' </TD> <TD> ' +\
                                       str(fit_info[key]['pa'][1]) + ' </TD> <TD> ' + \
                                       str(fit_info[key]['boxy'][1]) + ' </TD> </TR>'
                if 'bulge' in key:
                    Object_Sersic = '<TR align="center" ' +\
                                    'bgcolor="#99CCFF">' +\
                                    '<TD> sersic bulge</TD> <TD> ' +\
                                    str(fit_info[key]['xctr'][0]) + '</TD> <TD> '\
                                    + str(fit_info[key]['yctr'][0]) + \
                                    ' </TD> <TD> ' + str(fit_info[key]['mag'][0]) + \
                                    ' </TD> <TD> ' + \
                                    str(fit_info[key]['rad'][0]) + ' </TD> <TD> ' + \
                                    str(round(all_params['re_kpc'], 3))[:5] + ' </TD> <TD> ' + \
                                    str(fit_info[key]['n'][0]) + ' </TD> <TD> ' +\
                                    str(fit_info[key]['ell'][0]) + ' </TD> <TD> ' +\
                                    str(fit_info[key]['pa'][0]) + ' </TD> <TD> ' + \
                                    str(0) + ' </TD> </TR>'
                    Object_Sersic_err = '<TR align="center" ' + \
                                        'bgcolor="#CCFFFF">' + \
                                        '<TD>' + ' ' + '</TD> <TD>' + \
                                        str(fit_info[key]['xctr'][1]) + '</TD> <TD> '\
                                        + str(fit_info[key]['yctr'][1]) + \
                                        ' </TD> <TD> ' + str(fit_info[key]['mag'][1]) + \
                                        ' </TD> <TD> ' + \
                                        str(fit_info[key]['rad'][1]) + ' </TD> <TD> ' + \
                                        str(round(all_params['re_kpc_err'], 3))[:5] + ' </TD> <TD> ' + \
                                        str(fit_info[key]['n'][1]) + ' </TD> <TD> ' +\
                                        str(fit_info[key]['ell'][1]) + ' </TD> <TD> ' +\
                                        str(fit_info[key]['pa'][1]) + ' </TD> <TD> ' + \
                                        str(0) + ' </TD> </TR>'
                if 'disk' in key:
                    Object_Exp = '<TR align="center" bgcolor="#99CCFF">' +\
                                 '<TD> disk </TD> <TD> ' + \
                                 str(fit_info[key]['xctr'][0]) + '</TD> <TD> '\
                                 + str(fit_info[key]['yctr'][0]) + \
                                 ' </TD> <TD> ' + str(fit_info[key]['mag'][0]) + \
                                 ' </TD> <TD> ' + \
                                 str(fit_info[key]['rad'][0]) + ' </TD> <TD> ' + \
                                 str(round(all_params['rd_kpc'], 3))[:5] +\
                                 ' </TD> <TD> </TD> <TD> ' +\
                                 str(fit_info[key]['ell'][0]) + ' </TD> <TD> ' +\
                                 str(fit_info[key]['pa'][0]) + ' </TD> <TD> ' + \
                                 str(0) + ' </TD> </TR>'

                    Object_Exp_err = '<TR align="center" ' + \
                                     'bgcolor="#CCFFFF">' + \
                                     '<TD>' + ' ' + '</TD> <TD>' + \
                                     str(fit_info[key]['xctr'][1]) + '</TD> <TD> '\
                                     + str(fit_info[key]['yctr'][1]) + \
                                     ' </TD> <TD> ' + str(fit_info[key]['mag'][1]) + \
                                     ' </TD> <TD> ' + \
                                     str(fit_info[key]['rad'][1]) + ' </TD> <TD> ' + \
                                     str(round(all_params['rd_kpc_err'], 3))[:5] + \
                                     ' </TD> <TD> </TD> <TD> ' +\
                                     str(fit_info[key]['ell'][1]) + ' </TD> <TD> ' +\
                                     str(fit_info[key]['pa'][1]) + ' </TD> <TD> ' + \
                                     str(0) + ' </TD> </TR>'

                if 'point' in key:
                    Point_Vals = '<TR align="center" bgcolor="#99CCFF">' + \
                                 '<TD> point </TD> <TD> ' + \
                                 str(fit_info[key]['xctr'][0]) + '</TD> <TD> '\
                                 + str(fit_info[key]['yctr'][0]) + \
                                 ' </TD> <TD> ' + str(fit_info[key]['mag'][0]) +\
                                 ' </TD> <TD> ' + str('9999') +  ' </TD> <TD> ' + \
                                 str('9999') + ' </TD> <TD> ' + \
                                 ' ' + ' </TD> <TD> ' + str('9999') +  \
                                 ' </TD> <TD> ' + str('9999') + \
                                 ' </TD> <TD> ' + str('9999') + ' </TD></TR>'
                    Point_Vals_err = '<TR align="center" ' + \
                                     'bgcolor="#CCFFFF">' + \
                                     '<TD>' + ' ' + '</TD> <TD>' + \
                                     str(fit_info[key]['xctr'][1]) + '</TD> <TD> '\
                                     + str(fit_info[key]['yctr'][1]) + \
                                 ' </TD> <TD> ' + str(fit_info[key]['mag'][1]) +\
                                 ' </TD> <TD> ' + str('9999') +  ' </TD> <TD> ' + \
                                 str('9999') + ' </TD> <TD> ' + \
                                 ' ' + ' </TD> <TD> ' + str('9999') +  \
                                 ' </TD> <TD> ' + str('9999') + \
                                 ' </TD> <TD> ' + str('9999') + ' </TD></TR>'
        except Exception, inst:
            print type(inst)     # the exception instance
            print inst.args      # arguments stored in\
                                                 # .args
            print inst           # __str__ allows args\
                                                 # to printed directly
            print "something bad happened (writefunc writing)!!!!\n\n"
            print traceback.print_exc()                   
        if 'bulge' in ComP:
                  pixelscale = c.pixelscale
                  pixelscale = 1
                all_params['AvgIe'] = all_params['Ie'] + 2.5 * n.log10(2 * 3.14 * pixelscale * \
                                      pixelscale *  all_params['re_pix'] *  all_params['re_pix'] * n.sqrt(1 -  all_params['eb']**2.0))
                AvgMagInsideReErr2 = (1.085 * n.sqrt((2 *  all_params['re_pix'] *  all_params['re_pix_err'])**2.0 + \
                                                     (( all_params['eb'] *  all_params['eb_err']) / \
                                                      n.sqrt(1 -  all_params['eb']**2.0))**2.0)) / \
                                                      (n.sqrt(1 -  all_params['eb']**2.0) * 2 * 3.14 * \
                                                       all_params['re_pix'] *  all_params['re_pix'])
                all_params['AvgIe_err'] = n.sqrt( all_params['Ie_err']**2.0 + AvgMagInsideReErr2**2.0)
            except OverflowError:
                all_params['AvgIe'] = n.inf
                all_params['AvgIe_err'] = n.inf
            for key in ['AvgIe', 'AvgIe_err']:
                if n.isnan(all_params[key]) or n.isinf(all_params[key]):
                    if n.isnan(all_params[key]):
                        all_params[key] = -9999.99
                        all_params[key] = -6666.66
                        #set the AVGIe flag
                        all_params['flag'] = SetFlag(all_params['flag'], GetFlag('AVGIE_FAILED'))
                    except badflag:
                        # the flag is already set

        wC = str(C)[:5]
        wA = str(A)[:5]
        wS = str(S)[:5]
        wG = str(G)[:5]
        wM = str(M)[:5]
        wBD = str( all_params['BD'])[:5]
        wBT = str( all_params['BT'])[:5]
        wAvgMagInsideRe = str( all_params['AvgIe'])[:5]
        error_mesg1 = ''
        error_mesg2 = ''
        error_mesg3 = ''
        error_mesg4 = ''
        error_mesg5 = ''
        error_mesg6 = ''
        error_mesg7 = ''
        if c.starthandle:
            error_mesg6 = '<a href="R_' + c.fstring + \
                          '_1.html"> Crashed </a>' 

        # Now test for fitting problems and set flags for analysis
        all_params['FitFlag'] = 0
        HitLimit = 0

        if not c.detail:
            if 'bulge' in ComP:
                if abs(all_params['Ie'] - c.UMag) < 0.2 or abs(all_params['Ie'] - c.LMag) < 0.2:
                    all_params['FitFlag'] = SetFlag(all_params['FitFlag'],Get_FitFlag('IE_AT_LIMIT'))
                if abs(all_params['re_pix'] - c.LRe) < 0.1 or abs(all_params['re_pix'] - c.URe) < 1.0:
                    all_params['FitFlag'] = SetFlag(all_params['FitFlag'],Get_FitFlag('RE_AT_LIMIT'))
                if abs(all_params['n'] - c.LN) < 0.03 or abs(all_params['n'] - c.UN) < 0.5:
                    all_params['FitFlag'] = SetFlag(all_params['FitFlag'],Get_FitFlag('N_AT_LIMIT'))
                if abs(all_params['eb'] - 0.0) < 0.05 or abs(all_params['eb'] - 0.0) > 0.95:
                    all_params['FitFlag'] = SetFlag(all_params['FitFlag'],Get_FitFlag('EB_AT_LIMIT'))
            if 'disk' in ComP:
                if abs(all_params['Id'] - c.UMag) < 0.2 or abs(all_params['Id'] - c.LMag) < 0.2:
                    all_params['FitFlag'] = SetFlag(all_params['FitFlag'],Get_FitFlag('ID_AT_LIMIT'))
                if abs(all_params['rd_pix'] - c.LRd) < 0.1 or abs(all_params['rd_pix'] - c.URd) < 1.0:
                    all_params['FitFlag'] = SetFlag(all_params['FitFlag'],Get_FitFlag('RD_AT_LIMIT'))
                if abs(all_params['ed'] - 0.0) < 0.05 or abs(all_params['ed'] - 0.0) > 0.95:
                    all_params['FitFlag'] = SetFlag(all_params['FitFlag'],Get_FitFlag('ED_AT_LIMIT'))

        if not all_params['FitFlag']:
            error_mesg4 = str(error_mesg4) + 'One of the parameters'
            error_mesg5 = str(error_mesg5) + '          hits limit!'

        if all_params['Goodness'] < c.Goodness:
            error_mesg2 = str(error_mesg2) + 'Goodness is poor!'
            all_params['FitFlag'] = SetFlag(all_params['FitFlag'],Get_FitFlag('SMALL_GOODNESS'))
        if all_params['chi2nu'] > c.chi2sq:
            error_mesg1 = str(error_mesg1) + 'Chi2nu is large!'
            if all_params['chi2nu'] != 9999:
                all_params['FitFlag'] = SetFlag(all_params['FitFlag'],Get_FitFlag('LARGE_CHISQ'))
        if abs(all_params['bulge_xctr'] - xcntr) > c.center_deviation or \
               abs(all_params['bulge_yctr'] - ycntr) > c.center_deviation or \
               abs(all_params['disk_xctr'] - xcntr) > c.center_deviation or \
               abs(all_params['disk_yctr'] - ycntr) > c.center_deviation:
            if all_params['bulge_xctr'] == -999 or all_params['bulge_yctr'] == -999 or \
                   all_params['disk_xctr'] == -999 or all_params['disk_yctr'] == -999:
                all_params['FitFlag'] = SetFlag(all_params['FitFlag'],Get_FitFlag('FAKE_CNTR'))
                error_mesg3 = str(error_mesg3) + 'Fake Center!'

        if all_params['FitFlag'] > 0:
            img_notify = str(c.PYMORPH_PATH) + '/html/goodfit.gif'
            good_fit = 1
            img_notify = str(c.PYMORPH_PATH) + '/html/badfit.gif'
            good_fit = 0
        chi2nu = all_params['chi2nu']
        Distance = all_params['distance']

        # This can be a waste of time if the list is wrong...
        # Finding number of runs in the csv file 
        all_params['run'] = 1
        if exists('result.csv'):
            for line_res in csv.reader(open('result.csv').readlines()[1:]):    
                if(str(line_res[0]) == c.fstring):
                    all_params['run'] += 1
        if c.GalSky != 9999:
            all_params['GalSky'] = c.GalSky
Beispiel #4
def WriteParams(ParamNamesToWrite, cutimage, xcntr, ycntr, distance, alpha_j,
                delta_j, z, Goodness, C, C_err, A, A_err, S, S_err, G, M,

    # this dictionary will hold any parameters that may be printed
    all_params = dict(
        (ParamNamesToWrite[key][0], -999) for key in ParamNamesToWrite.keys())

    # load some of the passed in parameters
    all_params['Name'] = c.fstring
    all_params['ra_gal'] = alpha_j
    all_params['dec_gal'] = delta_j
    all_params['z'] = z
    all_params['Goodness'] = float(str(round(Goodness, 3))[:5])
    all_params['C'] = C
    all_params['C_err'] = C_err
    all_params['A'] = A
    all_params['A_err'] = A_err
    all_params['S'] = S
    all_params['S_err'] = S_err
    all_params['G'] = G
    all_params['M'] = M
    all_params['distance'] = float(str(round(distance, 3))[:5])
    all_params['mag_auto'] = c.SexMagAuto
    all_params['magerr_auto'] = c.SexMagAutoErr
    all_params['num_targets'] = c.SexTargets
    all_params['SexSky'] = c.SexSky
    all_params['flag'] = c.Flag
    all_params['SexHalfRad'] = c.SexHalfRad
    all_params['magzp'] = c.mag_zero

    # Now continue
        ComP = c.components
        ComP = ['bulge', 'disk']
    if len(ComP) == 0:
        ComP = ['bulge', 'disk']
    f_tpl = open(str(c.PYMORPH_PATH) + '/html/default.html', 'r')
    template =
    ra1, ra2, ra3 = RaDegToHMS(alpha_j)
    dec1, dec2, dec3 = DecDegToDMS(delta_j)
    # Formatting ra and dec for display purpose
    if ra1 < 10:
        alpha1 = '0' + str(ra1)
        alpha1 = str(ra1)
    if ra2 < 10:
        alpha2 = '0' + str(ra2)
        alpha2 = str(ra2)
    if ra3 < 10:
        alpha3 = '0' + str(ra3)[:3]
        alpha3 = str(ra3)[:4]
    if abs(ra1) > 360:
        alpha1, alpha2, alpha3 = 9999, '', ''
    if abs(dec1) < 10:
        delta1 = '0' + str(dec1)
        delta1 = str(dec1)
    if dec1 > 0:
        delta1 = '+' + str(delta1)
    if dec2 < 10:
        delta2 = '0' + str(dec2)
        delta2 = dec2
    if dec3 < 10:
        delta3 = '0' + str(dec3)[:3]
        delta3 = str(dec3)[:4]
    if abs(dec1) > 90:
        delta1, delta2, delta3 = 9999, '', ''
    # Writing index file
    if (c.repeat == False or c.repeat):
        for line_i in fileinput.input("index.html", inplace=1):
            line_i = line_i.strip()
            if not '</BODY></HTML>' in line_i:
                print line_i
        indexfile = open('index.html', 'a+')
        NoImage = 1
        for indexline in indexfile:
            if c.fstring in indexline:
                NoImage = 0
        if NoImage:
            indexfile.writelines(['<a href="R_',\
                                  '"> ', c.fstring,\
                                  ' </a> <br>\n'])
    # Reading fit.log
    if 'bar' in ComP:
        basic_info, fit_info, isnan = read_fitlog(filename='fit.log',
        basic_info, fit_info, isnan = read_fitlog(filename='fit.log',

    if isnan:
            #set the flag
            all_params['flag'] = SetFlag(all_params['flag'],
        except badflag:
            # the flag is already set

    if 'Input' in basic_info:
        alpha_ned = str(alpha_j)[:10]
        delta_ned = str(delta_j)[:10]
        alpha_ned = ''
        delta_ned = ''

    if c.decompose:
        initial_conf = basic_info['initial_conf']
        restart_conf = basic_info['restart_conf']
        print restart_conf
        # move the restart file to a reasonably named output file
        new_outname = initial_conf.replace('in', 'out')
            os.rename(restart_conf, new_outname)
            print "Failed to find restart file!! Galfit may have crashed!!"
        basic_info['restart_conf'] = new_outname

        all_params['chi2nu'] = basic_info['chi2nu']

        # first check all err components and replace if nan or inf

        if 'bulge' in fit_info:
            all_params['bulge_xctr'] = fit_info['bulge']['xctr'][0]
            all_params['bulge_yctr'] = fit_info['bulge']['yctr'][0]
            all_params['Ie'] = fit_info['bulge']['mag'][0]
            all_params['re_pix'] = fit_info['bulge']['rad'][0]
            all_params['n'] = fit_info['bulge']['n'][0]
            all_params['eb'] = fit_info['bulge']['ell'][0]
            all_params['bpa'] = fit_info['bulge']['pa'][0]
            all_params['bboxy'] = fit_info['bulge']['boxy'][0]

            all_params['bulge_xctr_err'] = fit_info['bulge']['xctr'][1]
            all_params['bulge_yctr_err'] = fit_info['bulge']['yctr'][1]
            all_params['Ie_err'] = fit_info['bulge']['mag'][1]
            all_params['re_pix_err'] = fit_info['bulge']['rad'][1]
            all_params['n_err'] = fit_info['bulge']['n'][1]
            all_params['eb_err'] = fit_info['bulge']['ell'][1]
            all_params['bpa_err'] = fit_info['bulge']['pa'][1]
            all_params['bboxy_err'] = fit_info['bulge']['boxy'][1]

        if 'disk' in fit_info:
            all_params['disk_xctr'] = fit_info['disk']['xctr'][0]
            all_params['disk_yctr'] = fit_info['disk']['yctr'][0]
            all_params['Id'] = fit_info['disk']['mag'][0]
            all_params['rd_pix'] = fit_info['disk']['rad'][0]
            all_params['ed'] = fit_info['disk']['ell'][0]
            all_params['dpa'] = fit_info['disk']['pa'][0]
            all_params['dboxy'] = fit_info['disk']['boxy'][0]

            all_params['disk_xctr_err'] = fit_info['disk']['xctr'][1]
            all_params['disk_yctr_err'] = fit_info['disk']['yctr'][1]
            all_params['Id_err'] = fit_info['disk']['mag'][1]
            all_params['rd_pix_err'] = fit_info['disk']['rad'][1]
            all_params['ed_err'] = fit_info['disk']['ell'][1]
            all_params['dpa_err'] = fit_info['disk']['pa'][1]
            all_params['dboxy_err'] = fit_info['disk']['boxy'][1]

        if 'point' in fit_info:
            all_params['p_xctr'] = fit_info['point']['xctr'][0]
            all_params['p_yctr'] = fit_info['point']['yctr'][0]
            all_params['Ip'] = fit_info['point']['mag'][0]

            all_params['p_xctr_err'] = fit_info['point']['xctr'][1]
            all_params['p_yctr_err'] = fit_info['point']['yctr'][1]
            all_params['Ip_err'] = fit_info['point']['mag'][1]

        if 'bar' in fit_info:
            all_params['bar_xctr'] = fit_info['bar']['xctr'][0]
            all_params['bar_yctr'] = fit_info['bar']['yctr'][0]
            all_params['Ibar'] = fit_info['bar']['mag'][0]
            all_params['rbar_pix'] = fit_info['bar']['rad'][0]
            all_params['n_bar'] = fit_info['bar']['n'][0]
            all_params['ebar'] = fit_info['bar']['ell'][0]
            all_params['barpa'] = fit_info['bar']['pa'][0]
            all_params['barboxy'] = fit_info['bar']['boxy'][0]

            all_params['bar_xctr_err'] = fit_info['bar']['xctr'][1]
            all_params['bar_yctr_err'] = fit_info['bar']['yctr'][1]
            all_params['Ibar_err'] = fit_info['bar']['mag'][1]
            all_params['rbar_pix_err'] = fit_info['bar']['rad'][1]
            all_params['nbar_err'] = fit_info['bar']['n'][1]
            all_params['ebar_err'] = fit_info['bar']['ell'][1]
            all_params['barpa_err'] = fit_info['bar']['pa'][1]
            all_params['barboxy_err'] = fit_info['bar']['boxy'][1]

        if 'sky' in fit_info:
            all_params['GalSky'] = fit_info['sky']['mag'][0]
            all_params['GalSky_err'] = fit_info['sky']['mag'][1]

        # Converting fitted params to physical params
        if (z != 9999 and z > 0):
            phy_parms = cal(z, c.H0, c.WM, c.WV, c.pixelscale)
            all_params['dis_modu'] = phy_parms[2]
            if 'bulge' in ComP:
                if all_params['re_pix'] != 9999:
                    all_params['re_kpc'] = phy_parms[3] * all_params['re_pix']
                        're_kpc_err'] = phy_parms[3] * all_params['re_pix_err']
                    all_params['re_kpc'] = 9999
                    all_params['re_kpc_err'] = 9999
            if 'disk' in ComP:
                if all_params['rd_pix'] != 9999:
                    all_params['rd_kpc'] = phy_parms[3] * all_params['rd_pix']
                        'rd_kpc_err'] = phy_parms[3] * all_params['rd_pix_err']
                    all_params['rd_kpc'] = 9999
                    all_params['rd_kpc_err'] = 9999
            if 'bar' in ComP:
                if all_params['rbar_pix'] != 9999:
                        'rbar_kpc'] = phy_parms[3] * all_params['rbar_pix']
                    all_params['rbar_kpc_err'] = phy_parms[3] * all_params[
                    all_params['rbar_kpc'] = 9999
                    all_params['rbar_kpc_err'] = 9999
            if 'point' in ComP:
                all_params['Pfwhm_kpc'] = 0.5 * phy_parms[3]
        # Finding derived parameters
        if 'bulge' in ComP and 'disk' in ComP:
            fb = 10**(-0.4 * (all_params['Ie'] - c.mag_zero))
            fd = 10**(-0.4 * (all_params['Id'] - c.mag_zero))
            if 'point' in ComP:
                fp = 10**(-0.4 * (all_params['Ip'] - c.mag_zero))
                fp = 0.0
            if 'bar' in ComP:
                fbar = 10**(-0.4 * (all_params['Ibar'] - c.mag_zero))
                fbar = 0.0

                all_params['BD'] = fb / fd
                all_params['BT'] = fb / (fb + fd + fp + fbar)
                all_params['BD'] = 9999
                all_params['BT'] = 9999

        elif 'bulge' in ComP:
            all_params['BT'] = 1.0
        elif 'disk' in ComP:
            all_params['BD'] = 0.0
            all_params['BT'] = 0.0

        # Start writing html file. Now the template keywords will get values
        pngfile = 'P_' + c.fstring + '.png'
        Neighbour_Sersic = ''
        Object_Sersic = ''
        Object_Sersic_err = ''
        Object_Exp = ''
        Object_Exp_err = ''
        Point_Vals = ''
        Point_Vals_err = ''
            for key in fit_info.keys():
                if 'neighbor' in key:
                    Neighbour_Sersic = str(Neighbour_Sersic) + \
                                       '<TR align="center" bgcolor=' + \
                                       '"#99CCFF"><TD> neighbor sersic' + \
                                       ' </TD> <TD> ' + \
                                       str(fit_info[key]['xctr'][0]) + '</TD> <TD> '\
                                       + str(fit_info[key]['yctr'][0]) + \
                                       ' </TD> <TD> ' + str(fit_info[key]['mag'][0]) + \
                                       ' </TD> <TD> ' + \
                                       str(fit_info[key]['rad'][0]) + ' </TD> <TD> ' + \
                                       ' ' + ' </TD> <TD> ' + \
                                       str(fit_info[key]['n'][0]) + ' </TD> <TD> ' +\
                                       str(fit_info[key]['ell'][0]) + ' </TD> <TD> ' +\
                                       str(fit_info[key]['pa'][0]) + ' </TD> <TD> ' + \
                                       str(fit_info[key]['boxy'][0]) + ' </TD> </TR>'
                    Neighbour_Sersic = str(Neighbour_Sersic) + \
                                       '<TR align="center" ' + \
                                       'bgcolor="#CCFFFF"> <TD>' + ' ' + \
                                       ' </TD> <TD> ' + \
                                       str(fit_info[key]['xctr'][1]) + '</TD> <TD> '\
                                       + str(fit_info[key]['yctr'][1]) + \
                                       ' </TD> <TD> ' + str(fit_info[key]['mag'][1]) + \
                                       ' </TD> <TD> ' + \
                                       str(fit_info[key]['rad'][1]) + ' </TD> <TD> ' + \
                                       ' ' + ' </TD> <TD> ' + \
                                       str(fit_info[key]['n'][1]) + ' </TD> <TD> ' +\
                                       str(fit_info[key]['ell'][1]) + ' </TD> <TD> ' +\
                                       str(fit_info[key]['pa'][1]) + ' </TD> <TD> ' + \
                                       str(fit_info[key]['boxy'][1]) + ' </TD> </TR>'
                if 'bulge' in key:
                    Object_Sersic = '<TR align="center" ' +\
                                    'bgcolor="#99CCFF">' +\
                                    '<TD> sersic bulge</TD> <TD> ' +\
                                    str(fit_info[key]['xctr'][0]) + '</TD> <TD> '\
                                    + str(fit_info[key]['yctr'][0]) + \
                                    ' </TD> <TD> ' + str(fit_info[key]['mag'][0]) + \
                                    ' </TD> <TD> ' + \
                                    str(fit_info[key]['rad'][0]) + ' </TD> <TD> ' + \
                                    str(round(all_params['re_kpc'], 3))[:5] + ' </TD> <TD> ' + \
                                    str(fit_info[key]['n'][0]) + ' </TD> <TD> ' +\
                                    str(fit_info[key]['ell'][0]) + ' </TD> <TD> ' +\
                                    str(fit_info[key]['pa'][0]) + ' </TD> <TD> ' + \
                                    str(0) + ' </TD> </TR>'
                    Object_Sersic_err = '<TR align="center" ' + \
                                        'bgcolor="#CCFFFF">' + \
                                        '<TD>' + ' ' + '</TD> <TD>' + \
                                        str(fit_info[key]['xctr'][1]) + '</TD> <TD> '\
                                        + str(fit_info[key]['yctr'][1]) + \
                                        ' </TD> <TD> ' + str(fit_info[key]['mag'][1]) + \
                                        ' </TD> <TD> ' + \
                                        str(fit_info[key]['rad'][1]) + ' </TD> <TD> ' + \
                                        str(round(all_params['re_kpc_err'], 3))[:5] + ' </TD> <TD> ' + \
                                        str(fit_info[key]['n'][1]) + ' </TD> <TD> ' +\
                                        str(fit_info[key]['ell'][1]) + ' </TD> <TD> ' +\
                                        str(fit_info[key]['pa'][1]) + ' </TD> <TD> ' + \
                                        str(0) + ' </TD> </TR>'
                if 'disk' in key:
                    Object_Exp = '<TR align="center" bgcolor="#99CCFF">' +\
                                 '<TD> disk </TD> <TD> ' + \
                                 str(fit_info[key]['xctr'][0]) + '</TD> <TD> '\
                                 + str(fit_info[key]['yctr'][0]) + \
                                 ' </TD> <TD> ' + str(fit_info[key]['mag'][0]) + \
                                 ' </TD> <TD> ' + \
                                 str(fit_info[key]['rad'][0]) + ' </TD> <TD> ' + \
                                 str(round(all_params['rd_kpc'], 3))[:5] +\
                                 ' </TD> <TD> </TD> <TD> ' +\
                                 str(fit_info[key]['ell'][0]) + ' </TD> <TD> ' +\
                                 str(fit_info[key]['pa'][0]) + ' </TD> <TD> ' + \
                                 str(0) + ' </TD> </TR>'

                    Object_Exp_err = '<TR align="center" ' + \
                                     'bgcolor="#CCFFFF">' + \
                                     '<TD>' + ' ' + '</TD> <TD>' + \
                                     str(fit_info[key]['xctr'][1]) + '</TD> <TD> '\
                                     + str(fit_info[key]['yctr'][1]) + \
                                     ' </TD> <TD> ' + str(fit_info[key]['mag'][1]) + \
                                     ' </TD> <TD> ' + \
                                     str(fit_info[key]['rad'][1]) + ' </TD> <TD> ' + \
                                     str(round(all_params['rd_kpc_err'], 3))[:5] + \
                                     ' </TD> <TD> </TD> <TD> ' +\
                                     str(fit_info[key]['ell'][1]) + ' </TD> <TD> ' +\
                                     str(fit_info[key]['pa'][1]) + ' </TD> <TD> ' + \
                                     str(0) + ' </TD> </TR>'

                if 'point' in key:
                    Point_Vals = '<TR align="center" bgcolor="#99CCFF">' + \
                                 '<TD> point </TD> <TD> ' + \
                                 str(fit_info[key]['xctr'][0]) + '</TD> <TD> '\
                                 + str(fit_info[key]['yctr'][0]) + \
                                 ' </TD> <TD> ' + str(fit_info[key]['mag'][0]) +\
                                 ' </TD> <TD> ' + str('9999') +  ' </TD> <TD> ' + \
                                 str('9999') + ' </TD> <TD> ' + \
                                 ' ' + ' </TD> <TD> ' + str('9999') +  \
                                 ' </TD> <TD> ' + str('9999') + \
                                 ' </TD> <TD> ' + str('9999') + ' </TD></TR>'
                    Point_Vals_err = '<TR align="center" ' + \
                                     'bgcolor="#CCFFFF">' + \
                                     '<TD>' + ' ' + '</TD> <TD>' + \
                                     str(fit_info[key]['xctr'][1]) + '</TD> <TD> '\
                                     + str(fit_info[key]['yctr'][1]) + \
                                 ' </TD> <TD> ' + str(fit_info[key]['mag'][1]) +\
                                 ' </TD> <TD> ' + str('9999') +  ' </TD> <TD> ' + \
                                 str('9999') + ' </TD> <TD> ' + \
                                 ' ' + ' </TD> <TD> ' + str('9999') +  \
                                 ' </TD> <TD> ' + str('9999') + \
                                 ' </TD> <TD> ' + str('9999') + ' </TD></TR>'
        except Exception, inst:
            print type(inst)  # the exception instance
            print inst.args  # arguments stored in\
            # .args
            print inst  # __str__ allows args\
            # to printed directly
            print "something bad happened (writefunc writing)!!!!\n\n"
            print traceback.print_exc()
        if 'bulge' in ComP:
                pixelscale = c.pixelscale
                pixelscale = 1
                all_params['AvgIe'] = all_params['Ie'] + 2.5 * n.log10(2 * 3.14 * pixelscale * \
                                      pixelscale *  all_params['re_pix'] *  all_params['re_pix'] * n.sqrt(1 -  all_params['eb']**2.0))
                AvgMagInsideReErr2 = (1.085 * n.sqrt((2 *  all_params['re_pix'] *  all_params['re_pix_err'])**2.0 + \
                                                     (( all_params['eb'] *  all_params['eb_err']) / \
                                                      n.sqrt(1 -  all_params['eb']**2.0))**2.0)) / \
                                                      (n.sqrt(1 -  all_params['eb']**2.0) * 2 * 3.14 * \
                                                       all_params['re_pix'] *  all_params['re_pix'])
                all_params['AvgIe_err'] = n.sqrt(all_params['Ie_err']**2.0 +
            except OverflowError:
                all_params['AvgIe'] = n.inf
                all_params['AvgIe_err'] = n.inf
            for key in ['AvgIe', 'AvgIe_err']:
                if n.isnan(all_params[key]) or n.isinf(all_params[key]):
                    if n.isnan(all_params[key]):
                        all_params[key] = -9999.99
                        all_params[key] = -6666.66
                        #set the AVGIe flag
                        all_params['flag'] = SetFlag(all_params['flag'],
                    except badflag:
                        # the flag is already set

        wC = str(C)[:5]
        wA = str(A)[:5]
        wS = str(S)[:5]
        wG = str(G)[:5]
        wM = str(M)[:5]
        wBD = str(all_params['BD'])[:5]
        wBT = str(all_params['BT'])[:5]
        wAvgMagInsideRe = str(all_params['AvgIe'])[:5]
        error_mesg1 = ''
        error_mesg2 = ''
        error_mesg3 = ''
        error_mesg4 = ''
        error_mesg5 = ''
        error_mesg6 = ''
        error_mesg7 = ''
        if c.starthandle:
            error_mesg6 = '<a href="R_' + c.fstring + \
                          '_1.html"> Crashed </a>'

        # Now test for fitting problems and set flags for analysis
        all_params['FitFlag'] = 0
        HitLimit = 0

        if not c.detail:
            if 'bulge' in ComP:
                if abs(all_params['Ie'] -
                       c.UMag) < 0.2 or abs(all_params['Ie'] - c.LMag) < 0.2:
                    all_params['FitFlag'] = SetFlag(all_params['FitFlag'],
                if abs(all_params['re_pix'] -
                       c.LRe) < 0.1 or abs(all_params['re_pix'] - c.URe) < 1.0:
                    all_params['FitFlag'] = SetFlag(all_params['FitFlag'],
                if abs(all_params['n'] - c.LN) < 0.03 or abs(all_params['n'] -
                                                             c.UN) < 0.5:
                    all_params['FitFlag'] = SetFlag(all_params['FitFlag'],
                if abs(all_params['eb'] - 0.0) < 0.05 or abs(all_params['eb'] -
                                                             0.0) > 0.95:
                    all_params['FitFlag'] = SetFlag(all_params['FitFlag'],
            if 'disk' in ComP:
                if abs(all_params['Id'] -
                       c.UMag) < 0.2 or abs(all_params['Id'] - c.LMag) < 0.2:
                    all_params['FitFlag'] = SetFlag(all_params['FitFlag'],
                if abs(all_params['rd_pix'] -
                       c.LRd) < 0.1 or abs(all_params['rd_pix'] - c.URd) < 1.0:
                    all_params['FitFlag'] = SetFlag(all_params['FitFlag'],
                if abs(all_params['ed'] - 0.0) < 0.05 or abs(all_params['ed'] -
                                                             0.0) > 0.95:
                    all_params['FitFlag'] = SetFlag(all_params['FitFlag'],

        if not all_params['FitFlag']:
            error_mesg4 = str(error_mesg4) + 'One of the parameters'
            error_mesg5 = str(error_mesg5) + '          hits limit!'

        if all_params['Goodness'] < c.Goodness:
            error_mesg2 = str(error_mesg2) + 'Goodness is poor!'
            all_params['FitFlag'] = SetFlag(all_params['FitFlag'],
        if all_params['chi2nu'] > c.chi2sq:
            error_mesg1 = str(error_mesg1) + 'Chi2nu is large!'
            if all_params['chi2nu'] != 9999:
                all_params['FitFlag'] = SetFlag(all_params['FitFlag'],
        if abs(all_params['bulge_xctr'] - xcntr) > c.center_deviation or \
               abs(all_params['bulge_yctr'] - ycntr) > c.center_deviation or \
               abs(all_params['disk_xctr'] - xcntr) > c.center_deviation or \
               abs(all_params['disk_yctr'] - ycntr) > c.center_deviation:
            if all_params['bulge_xctr'] == -999 or all_params['bulge_yctr'] == -999 or \
                   all_params['disk_xctr'] == -999 or all_params['disk_yctr'] == -999:
                all_params['FitFlag'] = SetFlag(all_params['FitFlag'],
                error_mesg3 = str(error_mesg3) + 'Fake Center!'

        if all_params['FitFlag'] > 0:
            img_notify = str(c.PYMORPH_PATH) + '/html/goodfit.gif'
            good_fit = 1
            img_notify = str(c.PYMORPH_PATH) + '/html/badfit.gif'
            good_fit = 0
        chi2nu = all_params['chi2nu']
        Distance = all_params['distance']

        # This can be a waste of time if the list is wrong...
        # Finding number of runs in the csv file
        all_params['run'] = 1
        if exists('result.csv'):
            for line_res in csv.reader(open('result.csv').readlines()[1:]):
                if (str(line_res[0]) == c.fstring):
                    all_params['run'] += 1
        if c.GalSky != 9999:
            all_params['GalSky'] = c.GalSky
Beispiel #5
def DecideHowToMove2(ParamDict, RunNo,z):
    sersic_loc = c.sersic_loc # index location of the single sersic fit in the ParamDict used for decision-making in the dev+exp and Ser+exp fits
    bad_fit = 0
    HitLimitCheck = 0
    KpCArc = cal(z, c.H0, c.WM, c.WV, c.pixelscale)[3]

    if abs(c.ParamDictBook[sersic_loc][1][3] - (c.LMag - 1.0)) < 0.05 or abs(c.ParamDictBook[sersic_loc][1][3] - c.UMag) < 0.05 or c.ParamDictBook[sersic_loc][1][4] < 0.21 or c.ParamDictBook[sersic_loc][2][4] < 0.21 or  c.ParamDictBook[sersic_loc][1][5] > 8.0 or c.ParamDictBook[sersic_loc][1][4] *KpCArc > 40.0:
        print "bad sersic fit"
        bad_fit = 1
        bt_fit = .5
        ParamDict[RunNo][1][2][0] = copy.deepcopy(c.ParamDictBook[0][1][2][0])
        ParamDict[RunNo][1][2][1] = copy.deepcopy(c.ParamDictBook[0][1][2][1])
        ParamDict[RunNo][1][3] = copy.deepcopy(c.ParamDictBook[0][1][3]) - 2.5 * n.log10(bt_fit)
        ParamDict[RunNo][1][4] = copy.deepcopy(c.ParamDictBook[0][1][4])
        ParamDict[RunNo][1][5] = 4.0
        ParamDict[RunNo][1][6] = copy.deepcopy(c.ParamDictBook[0][1][6])
        ParamDict[RunNo][1][7] = copy.deepcopy(c.ParamDictBook[0][1][7])
        ParamDict[RunNo][2][2][0] = copy.deepcopy(c.ParamDictBook[0][1][2][0])
        ParamDict[RunNo][2][2][1] = copy.deepcopy(c.ParamDictBook[0][1][2][1])
        ParamDict[RunNo][2][3] = copy.deepcopy(c.ParamDictBook[0][1][3])-2.5 * n.log10(1.0 - bt_fit)
        ParamDict[RunNo][2][4] = copy.deepcopy(c.ParamDictBook[0][1][4])
        ParamDict[RunNo][2][5] = copy.deepcopy(c.ParamDictBook[0][1][6])
        ParamDict[RunNo][2][6] = copy.deepcopy(c.ParamDictBook[0][1][7])

            ParamDict[RunNo][c.SkyNo][2] = copy.deepcopy(c.ParamDictBook[0][-1][2])
    elif c.ParamDictBook[sersic_loc][1][5] <= 2.0: # disk-like galaxy -> so set disk parameters to bulge 
        print 'disky'
        bt_fit = .25
        ParamDict[RunNo][1][2][0] = copy.deepcopy(c.ParamDictBook[sersic_loc][1][2][0])
        ParamDict[RunNo][1][2][1] = copy.deepcopy(c.ParamDictBook[sersic_loc][1][2][1])
        ParamDict[RunNo][1][3] = copy.deepcopy(c.ParamDictBook[sersic_loc][1][3]) - 2.5 * n.log10(bt_fit)
        ParamDict[RunNo][1][4] = copy.deepcopy(c.ParamDictBook[sersic_loc][1][4])/4.0 #shrink bulge radius
        ParamDict[RunNo][1][5] = 4.0
        ParamDict[RunNo][1][6] = copy.deepcopy(c.ParamDictBook[sersic_loc][1][6])
        ParamDict[RunNo][1][7] = copy.deepcopy(c.ParamDictBook[sersic_loc][1][7])
        ParamDict[RunNo][2][2][0] = copy.deepcopy(c.ParamDictBook[sersic_loc][1][2][0])
        ParamDict[RunNo][2][2][1] = copy.deepcopy(c.ParamDictBook[sersic_loc][1][2][1])
        ParamDict[RunNo][2][3] = copy.deepcopy(c.ParamDictBook[sersic_loc][1][3])-2.5 * n.log10(1.0 - bt_fit)
        ParamDict[RunNo][2][4] = copy.deepcopy(c.ParamDictBook[sersic_loc][1][4])
        ParamDict[RunNo][2][5] = copy.deepcopy(c.ParamDictBook[sersic_loc][1][6])
        ParamDict[RunNo][2][6] = copy.deepcopy(c.ParamDictBook[sersic_loc][1][7])

            ParamDict[RunNo][c.SkyNo][2] = copy.deepcopy(c.ParamDictBook[sersic_loc][-1][2])

    elif 3.0 <= c.ParamDictBook[sersic_loc][1][5] and c.ParamDictBook[sersic_loc][1][5] <= 6.0: # bulge-like galaxy -> so set bulge parameters to bulge 
        print 'bulge_like'
        bt_fit = .75
        ParamDict[RunNo][1][2][0] = copy.deepcopy(c.ParamDictBook[sersic_loc][1][2][0])
        ParamDict[RunNo][1][2][1] = copy.deepcopy(c.ParamDictBook[sersic_loc][1][2][1])
        ParamDict[RunNo][1][3] = copy.deepcopy(c.ParamDictBook[sersic_loc][1][3]) - 2.5 * n.log10(bt_fit)
        ParamDict[RunNo][1][4] = copy.deepcopy(c.ParamDictBook[sersic_loc][1][4]) #shrink bulge radius
        ParamDict[RunNo][1][5] = 4.0
        ParamDict[RunNo][1][6] = copy.deepcopy(c.ParamDictBook[sersic_loc][1][6])
        ParamDict[RunNo][1][7] = copy.deepcopy(c.ParamDictBook[sersic_loc][1][7])
        ParamDict[RunNo][2][2][0] = copy.deepcopy(c.ParamDictBook[sersic_loc][1][2][0])
        ParamDict[RunNo][2][2][1] = copy.deepcopy(c.ParamDictBook[sersic_loc][1][2][1])
        ParamDict[RunNo][2][3] = copy.deepcopy(c.ParamDictBook[sersic_loc][1][3])-2.5 * n.log10(1.0 - bt_fit)
        ParamDict[RunNo][2][4] = copy.deepcopy(c.ParamDictBook[sersic_loc][1][4])*2.0
        ParamDict[RunNo][2][5] = copy.deepcopy(c.ParamDictBook[sersic_loc][1][6])
        ParamDict[RunNo][2][6] = copy.deepcopy(c.ParamDictBook[sersic_loc][1][7])

            ParamDict[RunNo][c.SkyNo][2] = copy.deepcopy(c.ParamDictBook[sersic_loc][-1][2])

    else: # some intermediate combination of bulge and disk
        print 'mix'
        bt_fit = .5
        ParamDict[RunNo][1][2][0] = copy.deepcopy(c.ParamDictBook[sersic_loc][1][2][0])
        ParamDict[RunNo][1][2][1] = copy.deepcopy(c.ParamDictBook[sersic_loc][1][2][1])
        ParamDict[RunNo][1][3] = copy.deepcopy(c.ParamDictBook[sersic_loc][1][3]) - 2.5 * n.log10(bt_fit)
        ParamDict[RunNo][1][4] = copy.deepcopy(c.ParamDictBook[sersic_loc][1][4])*.5
        ParamDict[RunNo][1][5] = 4.0
        ParamDict[RunNo][1][6] = copy.deepcopy(c.ParamDictBook[sersic_loc][1][6])
        ParamDict[RunNo][1][7] = copy.deepcopy(c.ParamDictBook[sersic_loc][1][7])
        ParamDict[RunNo][2][2][0] = copy.deepcopy(c.ParamDictBook[sersic_loc][1][2][0])
        ParamDict[RunNo][2][2][1] = copy.deepcopy(c.ParamDictBook[sersic_loc][1][2][1])
        ParamDict[RunNo][2][3] = copy.deepcopy(c.ParamDictBook[sersic_loc][1][3])-2.5 * n.log10(1.0 - bt_fit)
        ParamDict[RunNo][2][4] = copy.deepcopy(c.ParamDictBook[sersic_loc][1][4])*2
        ParamDict[RunNo][2][5] = copy.deepcopy(c.ParamDictBook[sersic_loc][1][6])
        ParamDict[RunNo][2][6] = copy.deepcopy(c.ParamDictBook[sersic_loc][1][7])

            ParamDict[RunNo][c.SkyNo][2] = copy.deepcopy(c.ParamDictBook[sersic_loc][-1][2])

    return bad_fit
Beispiel #6
    def DecideHowToMove2(ParamDict, RunNo):
        c.ParamDictBook[RunNo - 1] = copy.deepcopy(ParamDict[RunNo])
        ContinueLoop = 0
        HitLimitCheck = 0
        KpCArc = cal(z, c.H0, c.WM, c.WV, c.pixelscale)[3]
        print 'LM ', c.LMag
        CntrDev = n.sqrt((ParamDict[RunNo][1][2][0] - ParamDict[RunNo][2][2][0])**2.0 + (ParamDict[RunNo][1][2][1] - ParamDict[RunNo][2][2][1])**2.0)
        if CntrDev < 1.0:
            CntrDev = 0.05
#        print ParamDict[RunNo][1][2][0], ParamDict[RunNo][2][2][0], ParamDict[RunNo][1][2][1], ParamDict[RunNo][2][2][1], CntrDev
#        print ParamDict[RunNo][1][3], c.LMag - 1.0,ParamDict[RunNo][1][3], c.UMag, ParamDict[RunNo][1][4], ParamDict[RunNo][2][4], CntrDev
        if abs(ParamDict[RunNo][1][3] - (c.LMag - 1.0)) < 0.05 or abs(ParamDict[RunNo][1][3] - c.UMag) < 0.05 or ParamDict[RunNo][1][4] < 0.21 or ParamDict[RunNo][2][4] < 0.21 or CntrDev * KpCArc > 0.5 and z != 9999 or CntrDev > 4: 
            HitLimitCheck = 1
#        print 'Hit ', HitLimitCheck
        if ParamDict[RunNo][1][4] > ParamDict[RunNo][2][4] * 1.0 and ParamDict[RunNo][1][3] > ParamDict[RunNo][2][3] or HitLimitCheck or ParamDict[RunNo][1][4] * KpCArc > 40 and z != 9999 or ParamDict[RunNo][2][4] * KpCArc > 40 and z != 9999 or ParamDict[RunNo][1][5] > 8 or ParamDict[RunNo][1][6] < 0.08:
            print 'sati '
            ParamDict[RunNo][1][2][0] = copy.deepcopy(ParamDict[0][1][2][0])
            ParamDict[RunNo][1][2][1] = copy.deepcopy(ParamDict[0][1][2][1])
            ParamDict[RunNo][1][3] = copy.deepcopy(ParamDict[0][1][3])
            ParamDict[RunNo][1][4] = copy.deepcopy(ParamDict[0][1][4])
            ParamDict[RunNo][1][5] = copy.deepcopy(ParamDict[0][1][5])
            ParamDict[RunNo][1][6] = copy.deepcopy(ParamDict[0][1][6])
            ParamDict[RunNo][1][7] = copy.deepcopy(ParamDict[0][1][7])
            ParamDict[RunNo][2][2][0] = copy.deepcopy(ParamDict[0][2][2][0])
            ParamDict[RunNo][2][2][1] = copy.deepcopy(ParamDict[0][2][2][1])
            ParamDict[RunNo][2][3] = copy.deepcopy(ParamDict[0][2][3])
            ParamDict[RunNo][2][4] = copy.deepcopy(ParamDict[0][2][4])
            ParamDict[RunNo][2][5] = copy.deepcopy(ParamDict[0][2][5])
            ParamDict[RunNo][2][6] = copy.deepcopy(ParamDict[0][2][6])
                SkyNo = len(ParamDict[0])
                ParamDict[RunNo][SkyNo][2] = copy.deepcopy(SkyArray[RunNo-1])
            ContinueLoop = 1
            print 'not sati'
            if cal(z, c.H0, c.WM, c.WV, c.pixelscale)[3] * \
               ParamDict[RunNo][1][4] > 20.0 and z != 9999: 
            ParamDict[RunNo][1][2][0] = copy.deepcopy(ParamDict[0][1][2][0])
            ParamDict[RunNo][1][2][1] = copy.deepcopy(ParamDict[0][1][2][1])
            ParamDict[RunNo][1][3] = copy.deepcopy(ParamDict[0][1][3])
            ParamDict[RunNo][1][4] = copy.deepcopy(ParamDict[0][1][4])
            ParamDict[RunNo][1][5] = copy.deepcopy(ParamDict[0][1][5])
            ParamDict[RunNo][1][6] = copy.deepcopy(ParamDict[0][1][6])
            ParamDict[RunNo][1][7] = copy.deepcopy(ParamDict[0][1][7])
            ParamDict[RunNo][2][2][0] = copy.deepcopy(ParamDict[0][2][2][0])
            ParamDict[RunNo][2][2][1] = copy.deepcopy(ParamDict[0][2][2][1])
            ParamDict[RunNo][2][3] = copy.deepcopy(ParamDict[0][2][3])
            ParamDict[RunNo][2][4] = copy.deepcopy(ParamDict[0][2][4])
            ParamDict[RunNo][2][5] = copy.deepcopy(ParamDict[0][2][5])
            ParamDict[RunNo][2][6] = copy.deepcopy(ParamDict[0][2][6])
                SkyNo = len(ParamDict[0])
                ParamDict[RunNo][SkyNo][2] = copy.deepcopy(SkyArray[RunNo-1])
            ContinueLoop = 0
        return ContinueLoop
Beispiel #7
def confiter(cutimage, whtimage, xcntr, ycntr, NXPTS, NYPTS, line_s, psffile,
    # Run SExtractor
    RunSex(os.path.join(c.datadir, cutimage),
           os.path.join(c.datadir, whtimage), '', 9999, 9999, 0)
    # define improtant variables in the namespace
    imagefile = c.imagefile
    sex_cata = c.sex_cata
    threshold = c.threshold
    thresh_area = c.thresh_area
    mask_reg = c.mask_reg
    c.sersic_loc = 2
    c.sky_loc = 1
        ComP = c.components
        ComP = ['bulge', 'disk']
    if len(ComP) == 0:
        ComP = ['bulge', 'disk']
    values = line_s.split()
    # create filenames
    outfile = 'O_' + c.fstring + '.fits'  # galfit output
    mask_file = 'M_' + c.fstring + '.fits'  # mask file
    config_file = 'G_' + c.fstring + '.in'  #GALFIT configuration file
    constrain_file = c.fstring + '.con'  #galfit constraint file

    xcntr_o = xcntr  #x center of the object
    ycntr_o = ycntr  #y center of the object
    mag = float(values[7])  #Magnitude
    radius = float(values[9])  #Half light radius
    mag_zero = c.mag_zero  #magnitude zero point
    sky = float(values[10])  #sky
    pos_ang = float(values[11]) - 90.0  #position angle
    axis_rat = 1.0 / float(values[12])  #axis ration b/a
    area_o = float(values[13])  # object's area
    major_axis = float(values[14])  #major axis of the object

    # calculate a 40kpc bulge radius to use for maximum bulge size.
    # This will only work if z is supplied, otherwise, a default maximum
    # is used in the constraint file
    if z > 0 and z < 10:
            KpCArc = cal(z, c.H0, c.WM, c.WV, c.pixelscale)[3]
            max_rad = 40.0 / KpCArc
            KpCArc = 9999.0
            max_rad = c.URe

        max_rad = c.URe
        KpCArc = 9999.0

    # Modify flags for the detailed fitting process
    if isset(c.Flag, GetFlag('FIT_BULGE_CNTR')):
        c.Flag = ClrFlag(c.Flag, GetFlag('FIT_BULGE_CNTR'))
    if isset(c.Flag, GetFlag('FIT_DISK_CNTR')):
        c.Flag = ClrFlag(c.Flag, GetFlag('FIT_DISK_CNTR'))
    if isset(c.Flag, GetFlag('FIT_SKY')):
        c.Flag = ClrFlag(c.Flag, GetFlag('FIT_SKY'))
    if isset(c.Flag, GetFlag('FIT_BULGE')):
        c.Flag = ClrFlag(c.Flag, GetFlag('FIT_BULGE'))
    if isset(c.Flag, GetFlag('FIT_DISK')):
        c.Flag = ClrFlag(c.Flag, GetFlag('FIT_DISK'))
    if isset(c.Flag, GetFlag('FIT_POINT')):
        c.Flag = ClrFlag(c.Flag, GetFlag('FIT_POINT'))

    # define initial fitting parameters for single sersic fit
    ParamDict = {}
    ErrDict = {}
    ParamDict[0] = {}
    ErrDict[0] = {}
    BlankDict = {}  # to be used in cases where the program crashes
    BlankDict[0] = {}

    # Add components
    AdComp = 1
    if 'bulge' in ComP:
        ParamDict[0][AdComp] = {}
        #Bulge Parameters
        ParamDict[0][AdComp][1] = 'sersic'
        ParamDict[0][AdComp][2] = [xcntr_o, ycntr_o]
        ParamDict[0][AdComp][3] = mag
        ParamDict[0][AdComp][4] = radius
        ParamDict[0][AdComp][5] = 4.0
        ParamDict[0][AdComp][6] = axis_rat
        ParamDict[0][AdComp][7] = pos_ang
        ParamDict[0][AdComp][8] = 0
        ParamDict[0][AdComp][9] = 0
        ParamDict[0][AdComp][11] = 'Main'

        BlankDict[0][AdComp] = {}
        #Bulge Parameters
        BlankDict[0][AdComp][1] = 'sersic'
        BlankDict[0][AdComp][2] = [xcntr_o, ycntr_o]
        BlankDict[0][AdComp][3] = 9999
        BlankDict[0][AdComp][4] = 9999
        BlankDict[0][AdComp][5] = 9999
        BlankDict[0][AdComp][6] = 9999
        BlankDict[0][AdComp][7] = 9999
        BlankDict[0][AdComp][8] = 9999
        BlankDict[0][AdComp][9] = 9999
        BlankDict[0][AdComp][11] = 'Main'
        AdComp += 1
    if 'disk' in ComP:
        #Disk parameters
        ParamDict[0][AdComp] = {}
        ParamDict[0][AdComp][1] = 'expdisk'
        ParamDict[0][AdComp][2] = [xcntr_o, ycntr_o]
        ParamDict[0][AdComp][3] = mag
        ParamDict[0][AdComp][4] = radius
        ParamDict[0][AdComp][5] = axis_rat
        ParamDict[0][AdComp][6] = pos_ang
        ParamDict[0][AdComp][7] = 0
        ParamDict[0][AdComp][8] = 0
        ParamDict[0][AdComp][11] = 'Main'

        BlankDict[0][AdComp] = {}
        BlankDict[0][AdComp][1] = 'expdisk'
        BlankDict[0][AdComp][2] = [xcntr_o, ycntr_o]
        BlankDict[0][AdComp][3] = 9999  #mag
        BlankDict[0][AdComp][4] = 9999  #radius
        BlankDict[0][AdComp][5] = 9999  #axis_rat
        BlankDict[0][AdComp][6] = 9999  #pos_ang
        BlankDict[0][AdComp][7] = 9999
        BlankDict[0][AdComp][8] = 9999
        BlankDict[0][AdComp][11] = 'Main'
        AdComp += 1

    isneighbour = 0
    f_constrain = open(constrain_file, 'ab')
    for line_j in open('', 'r'):
            values = line_j.split()
            xcntr_n = float(values[1])  #x center of the neighbour
            ycntr_n = float(values[2])  #y center of the neighbour
            mag = float(values[7])  #Magnitude
            radius = float(values[9])  #Half light radius
            sky = float(values[10])  #sky
            pos_ang = float(values[11]) - 90.0  #position angle
            axis_rat = 1.0 / float(values[12])  #axis ration b/a
            area_n = float(values[13])  # neighbour area
            maj_axis = float(values[14])  #major axis of neighbour
            NotFitNeigh = 0
            if abs(xcntr_n - xcntr_o) > NXPTS / 2.0 + c.avoidme or \
               abs(ycntr_n - ycntr_o) > NYPTS / 2.0 + c.avoidme or \
               abs(xcntr_n - xcntr_o) < 5.0 and abs(ycntr_n - ycntr_o) < 5.0:
                NotFitNeigh = 1
            if(abs(xcntr_n - xcntr_o) <= (major_axis + maj_axis) * \
               threshold and \
               abs(ycntr_n - ycntr_o) <= (major_axis  + maj_axis) * \
               threshold and area_n >= thresh_area * area_o and \
               xcntr_n != xcntr_o and ycntr_n != ycntr_o and NotFitNeigh == 0):
                if ((xcntr_o - xcntr_n) < 0):
                    xn = xcntr + abs(xcntr_n - xcntr_o)
                if ((ycntr_o - ycntr_n) < 0):
                    yn = ycntr + abs(ycntr_n - ycntr_o)
                if ((xcntr_o - xcntr_n) > 0):
                    xn = xcntr - (xcntr_o - xcntr_n)
                if ((ycntr_o - ycntr_n) > 0):
                    yn = ycntr - (ycntr_o - ycntr_n)
                ParamDict[0][AdComp] = {}
                ParamDict[0][AdComp][1] = 'sersic'
                ParamDict[0][AdComp][2] = [xn, yn]
                ParamDict[0][AdComp][3] = mag
                ParamDict[0][AdComp][4] = radius
                ParamDict[0][AdComp][5] = 4.0
                ParamDict[0][AdComp][6] = axis_rat
                ParamDict[0][AdComp][7] = pos_ang
                ParamDict[0][AdComp][8] = 0
                ParamDict[0][AdComp][9] = 0
                ParamDict[0][AdComp][11] = 'Other'

                BlankDict[0][AdComp] = {}
                BlankDict[0][AdComp][1] = 'sersic'
                BlankDict[0][AdComp][2] = [xn, yn]
                BlankDict[0][AdComp][3] = mag
                BlankDict[0][AdComp][4] = radius
                BlankDict[0][AdComp][5] = 4.0
                BlankDict[0][AdComp][6] = axis_rat
                BlankDict[0][AdComp][7] = pos_ang
                BlankDict[0][AdComp][8] = 0
                BlankDict[0][AdComp][9] = 0
                BlankDict[0][AdComp][11] = 'Other'

                isneighbour += 1
                AdComp += 1

    if isneighbor > 0:
        c.Flag = SetFlag(c.Flag, GetFlag('NEIGHBOUR_FIT'))
    #Sky component
    ParamDict[0][AdComp] = {}
    ParamDict[0][AdComp][1] = 'sky'
    ParamDict[0][AdComp][2] = c.SexSky
    ParamDict[0][AdComp][3] = 0
    ParamDict[0][AdComp][4] = 0
    ParamDict[0][AdComp][5] = 0
    ParamDict[0][AdComp][11] = 'Other'

    BlankDict[0][AdComp] = {}
    BlankDict[0][AdComp][1] = 'sky'
    BlankDict[0][AdComp][2] = c.SexSky
    BlankDict[0][AdComp][3] = 0
    BlankDict[0][AdComp][4] = 0
    BlankDict[0][AdComp][5] = 0
    BlankDict[0][AdComp][11] = 'Other'
    #Write Sersic function
    ErrDict[0][1] = {}
    ErrDict[0][1][1] = [9999, 9999]
    ErrDict[0][1][2] = 9999
    ErrDict[0][1][3] = 9999
    ErrDict[0][1][4] = 9999
    ErrDict[0][2] = {}
    ErrDict[0][2][1] = [9999, 9999]
    ErrDict[0][2][2] = 9999
    ErrDict[0][2][3] = 9999

    c.SkyNo = AdComp
    c.Chi2DOFArr = []
    c.FitArr = []
    c.RadArr = []
    c.CntrDevArr = []
    c.ErrArr = []
    c.ParamDictBook = copy.deepcopy(ParamDict)
    bad_fit = 0
    failed_ser = 0
    bt_fit = -1
    failed_sky = 0
    bad_sky = 0

    #Write configuration file. RunNo is the number of iteration
    for RunNo, fit_type in zip(range(5),
                               ['sky', 'ser', 'dev', 'devexp', 'serexp']):
        # note that the 'sky' fit is currently serexp
        #force batch fitting using standard operations

        run_flag = c.Flag
        if exists('fit.log'):
            print "removing fit log"
            os.system('rm fit.log')

        print "RunNo ", RunNo, "fit type ", fit_type
        f_constrain = open(constrain_file, 'w')
        f = open(config_file, 'w')
        f.write('# IMAGE PARAMETERS\n')
        f.writelines(['A) ', os.path.join(c.datadir, cutimage), '	# Input data image',\
                      ' (FITS file)\n'])
        f.writelines(['B) ', str(outfile), '		# Name for',\
                      ' the output image\n'])
        f.writelines(['C) ', os.path.join(c.datadir, whtimage), '		# Noise image name', \
                      ' (made from data if blank or "none")\n'])
        f.writelines(['D) ', os.path.join(c.datadir, psffile), '			# Input PSF', \
                      ' image for convolution (FITS file)\n'])
        f.writelines(['E) 1			# PSF oversampling factor '\
                      'relative to data\n'])
            'F) ',
            str(mask_file), '		# Bad pixel',
            ' mask(FITS image or ASCII coord list)\n'
        f.writelines(['G) ', str(constrain_file), '       # File with'\
                      ' parameter constraints (ASCII file)\n'])
        f.writelines(['H) 1 ', str(NXPTS), ' 1 ', str(NYPTS), '		#',\
                      ' Image region to fit (xmin xmax ymin ymax)\n'])
        #        f.writelines(['I) ', str(NXPTS), ' ', str(NYPTS),	'	#',\
        #                      ' Size of convolution box (x y)\n'])
        f.writelines(['I) ', str(120), ' ', str(120),      '       #',\
                      ' Size of convolution box (x y)\n'])
        f.writelines(['J) ', str(mag_zero), '		# Magnitude',\
                      ' photometric zeropoint\n'])
        f.writelines(['O) regular			# Display type',\
                      ' (regular, curses, both)\n'])
        f.writelines(['P) 0			# Create output image only?',\
                      ' (1=yes; 0=optimize)\n'])
        f.writelines(['S) 0			# Modify/create',\
                     ' objects interactively?\n\n\n'])

        FitDict, run_flag = DecideFitting(ParamDict, RunNo, fit_type, bad_fit,
                                          failed_ser, run_flag, failed_sky,

        for i in range(len(ParamDict[RunNo])):
            if ParamDict[RunNo][i + 1][1] == 'sersic':
                SersicFunc(config_file, ParamDict, FitDict, i + 1, RunNo)
                if ParamDict[RunNo][i + 1][11] == 'Main':
                    run_flag = SetFlag(run_flag, GetFlag('FIT_BULGE'))
                    print "ADDING FLAG FIT_BULGE"
                    if RunNo > 1 and not bad_fit and ParamDict[
                            c.sersic_loc][1][4] * 2 < max_rad:  # later fits
                        SersicMainConstrain(constrain_file, i + 1, 2.0,
                                            ParamDict[c.sersic_loc][1][4] * 2)
                        SersicMainConstrain(constrain_file, i + 1,
                                            c.center_constrain, max_rad)
                    SersicConstrain(constrain_file, i + 1)

            if ParamDict[RunNo][i + 1][1] == 'expdisk':
                if RunNo in [1, 2]:
                    pass  #dont fit a disk in the cases of ser or dev fits
                    run_flag = SetFlag(run_flag, GetFlag('FIT_DISK'))
                    print "ADDING FLAG FIT_DISK"
                    ExpFunc(config_file, ParamDict, FitDict, i + 1, RunNo)
                    if RunNo > 0 and not bad_fit:  # later runs
                        ExpdiskConstrain(constrain_file, i + 1, 2.0)
                        ExpdiskConstrain(constrain_file, i + 1,

            if ParamDict[RunNo][i + 1][1] == 'sky':
                if RunNo > 0 and not bad_sky:
                    SkyConstrain(constrain_file, i + 1,
                                 ParamDict[c.sky_loc][i + 1][2])
                    SkyConstrain(constrain_file, i + 1, c.SexSky)
                SkyFunc(config_file, ParamDict, FitDict, i + 1, RunNo)

        # only if forcing normal fit
        if RunNo > 2 or RunNo == 0:  #later fits after single ser fit
            bt_range = add_constrain(constrain_file, bt_fit, fit_type)
        cmd = str(c.GALFIT_PATH) + ' ' + config_file

        # ReadLog(ParamDict, 2) => this function reads fig.log
        # depends on whether, for example, the expdisk function
        # is the only one function for fitting. It can happends,
        # for example, the first fitting where we can find the best
        # initial values for the rest of it. ReadLog(ParamDict, 1)
        # reads the fit.log in the order, ie. sersic,
        # expdisk, other sersic etc
            print 'readlog'
            ParamDict, ErrDict, Chi2DOF = ReadLog(ParamDict,
            print 'log read'
            print 'chi2dof ', Chi2DOF

            c.ParamDictBook[RunNo + 1] = copy.deepcopy(ParamDict[RunNo + 1])

            # Set limit flags
            Fitflag = 0
            mag_b = ParamDict[RunNo + 1][1][3]
            re = ParamDict[RunNo + 1][1][4]
            SersicIndex = ParamDict[RunNo + 1][1][5]
            SersicEllipticity = ParamDict[RunNo + 1][1][6]
            if abs(mag_b - c.UMag) < 0.2 or abs(mag_b - c.LMag) < 0.2:
                FitFlag = SetFlag(FitFlag, Get_FitFlag('IE_AT_LIMIT'))
            if abs(re - c.LRe) < 0.1 or abs(re - max_rad) < 1.0:
                FitFlag = SetFlag(FitFlag, Get_FitFlag('RE_AT_LIMIT'))
            if abs(SersicIndex - c.LN) < 0.03 or abs(SersicIndex - c.UN) < 0.5:
                FitFlag = SetFlag(FitFlag, Get_FitFlag('N_AT_LIMIT'))
            if abs(SersicEllipticity - 0.0) < 0.05 or abs(SersicEllipticity -
                                                          0.0) > 0.95:
                FitFlag = SetFlag(FitFlag, Get_FitFlag('EB_AT_LIMIT'))

            if fit_type in ['devexp', 'serexp']:
                mag_d = ParamDict[RunNo + 1][2][3]
                rd = ParamDict[RunNo + 1][2][4]
                DiskEllipticity = ParamDict[RunNo + 1][2][5]

                fb = 10**(-0.4 * mag_b)
                fd = 10**(-0.4 * mag_d)

                if abs(mag_d - c.UMag) < 0.2 or abs(mag_d - c.LMag) < 0.2:
                    FitFlag = SetFlag(FitFlag, Get_FitFlag('ID_AT_LIMIT'))
                if abs(rd - c.LRd) < 0.1 or abs(rd - c.URd) < 1.0:
                    FitFlag = SetFlag(FitFlag, Get_FitFlag('RD_AT_LIMIT'))
                if abs((re / rd) - 1.0) < 0.02 or abs((re / rd) - 0.1) < 0.02:
                    FitFlag = SetFlag(FitFlag, Get_FitFlag('RERD_AT_LIMIT'))
                if abs(DiskEllipticity - 0.0) < 0.05 or abs(DiskEllipticity -
                                                            0.0) > 0.95:
                    FitFlag = SetFlag(FitFlag, Get_FitFlag('ED_AT_LIMIT'))

                    BT = fb / (fb + fd)
                    BT = 9999.0

                if abs(BT - bt_range[0]) < .02 or abs(BT - bt_range[1]) < .02:
                    FitFlag = SetFlag(FitFlag, Get_FitFlag('BT_AT_LIMIT'))
                    print "ADDING FLAG BT_AT_LIMIT"
            print "failure at readlog!!!"
            c.ParamDictBook[RunNo + 1] = copy.deepcopy(BlankDict[0])
            ParamDict[RunNo + 1] = copy.deepcopy(BlankDict[0])
            ErrDict[RunNo + 1] = copy.deepcopy(ErrDict[0])
            if fit_type == 'ser':
                failed_ser = 1  #track the failure of the single sersic fit
                run_flag = SetFlag(run_flag, GetFlag('DETAIL_FAILED'))
                c.Flag = SetFlag(c.Flag, GetFlag('DETAIL_FAILED'))
                print "ADDING FLAG DETAIL_FAILED"
            elif fit_type == 'sky':
                failed_sky = 1  #track that we did not fix the sky
                run_flag = SetFlag(run_flag, GetFlag('DETAIL_FAILED'))
                c.Flag = SetFlag(c.Flag, GetFlag('DETAIL_FAILED'))
                print "ADDING FLAG DETAIL_FAILED"
            c.ErrArr.append(FractionalError(ParamDict, ErrDict, RunNo + 1))

        if fit_type != 'serexp':  #set flags for other fit types
            bad_sky, bad_fit, bt_fit = DecideHowToMove2(
                ParamDict, RunNo + 1, fit_type, KpCArc, failed_ser, failed_sky)

                plot_name = 'P_' + str(cutimage)[6:-5] \
                          +'_'+fit_type+ '.png'
                if exists(plot_name):
                    os.system('rm ' + plot_name)
                GoodNess = PlotFunc(
                    ParamDict[RunNo + 1][1][2][0],  #xctr
                    ParamDict[RunNo + 1][1][2][1],  #yctr
                    ParamDict[RunNo + 1][1][c.SkyNo][2],  #sky
                Goodness = GoodNess.plot_profile
                Goodness = 9999
                run_flag = SetFlag(run_flag, GetFlag('PLOT_FAIL'))
                print "ADDING FLAG PLOT_FAIL"

            if Goodness < c.Goodness:
                FitFlag = SetFlag(FitFlag, Get_FitFlag('SMALL_GOODNESS'))
                print "ADDING FLAG SMALL_GOODNESS"
            if Chi2DOF > c.chi2sq:
                if chi2nu != 9999:
                    FitFlag = SetFlag(FitFlag, Get_FitFlag('LARGE_CHISQ'))
                    print "ADDING FLAG LARGE_CHISQ"

            print 'writing db'
                              c.ParamDictBook[RunNo + 1],
                              ErrDict[RunNo + 1],
                              c.ParamDictBook[RunNo + 1][c.SkyNo][2],
                print 'No database'
        fit_log = 'fit_%s.log' % fit_type

        print "saving fit log to fit log %s" % (fit_log)

        f_fit = open(fit_log, 'a')
        if exists('fit.log'):
            for line in open('fit.log', 'r'):

        for mv_file_nm in [outfile, config_file, constrain_file]:
            os.system('cp %s %s_%s.%s' % (mv_file_nm, mv_file_nm.split('.')[0],
                                          fit_type, mv_file_nm.split('.')[1]))

        if fit_type == 'serexp':
            c.Flag = run_flag
