Beispiel #1
def relative_validity_possibilistic(X):
    ''' Defines the several values of the possibilistic parameter. Then conducts successive executions of the algorithm by passing to it 
        those values and calculates all the proper relative indices.
            X((N x m) numpy array): a data set of N instances and m features
            no_of_clusters_list: the different values of the clusters number
            values_of_q: the different values of the q parameter
            PC, PE, XB, FS: the arrays holding the values of the relative indices
    # Initialization
    no_of_clusters_list = [i for i in range(2, 11)]
    values_of_q = [1.25, 1.5, 1.75]

    N = reduce(lambda x, y: x * y, X.shape[:-1])
    m = X.shape[-1]

    # Conversion to 2-D array
    X = X.reshape(N, m)

    # Initialize arrays to hold the indices. We use separate arrays for easier modification of the code if needed.
    # If we wanted to use one array then this would be a 3 - dimensional array.
    PC = np.zeros((len(no_of_clusters_list), len(values_of_q)))
    PE = np.zeros((len(no_of_clusters_list), len(values_of_q)))
    XB = np.zeros((len(no_of_clusters_list), len(values_of_q)))
    FS = np.zeros((len(no_of_clusters_list), len(values_of_q)))

    for i, total_clusters in tqdm(
            enumerate(no_of_clusters_list)):  # no_of_clusters
        # IMPORTANT: The centroids must remain the same for every run of the algorithm with the same no_of_clusters
        centroids_initial = np.random.choice(np.arange(np.min(X), np.max(X),
                                             size=(total_clusters, len(X[0])),

        for j, q_value in enumerate(values_of_q):  #edw vazw to q

            # When X returns it has one more column that needs to be erased
            X_, centroids, ita, centroids_history, partition_matrix = fuzzy_clustering.fuzzy(
                X, total_clusters, centroids_initial, q=q_value)
            X_, centroids, centroids_history, typicality_matrix = possibilistic_clustering.possibilistic(
                X, total_clusters, ita, centroids_initial=centroids, q=q_value)

            # Calculate indices
            # In order to calculate indices we pass them the normalized typicality matrix, see Yang, Wu, Unsupervised possibilistic learning

            typicality_matrix_norm = typicality_matrix / np.sum(
                typicality_matrix, axis=1).reshape(len(X), 1)

            PC[i, j] = partition_coefficient(X, typicality_matrix_norm)
            PE[i, j] = partition_entropy(X, typicality_matrix_norm)
            XB[i, j] = Xie_Beni(X, centroids, typicality_matrix_norm)
            FS[i, j] = fukuyama_sugeno(X,

    return no_of_clusters_list, values_of_q, PC, PE, XB, FS
Beispiel #2
    def testBlobs(self):
        no_of_clusters = 3

        # Create the dataset
        X, y = make_blobs(n_samples=100,

        # Run the clustering algorithm. First run fuzzy clustering to get ita
        X_, centroids, ita, centroids_history, partition_matrix = fuzzy_clustering.fuzzy(
            X, no_of_clusters)
        X, centroids, centroids_history, typicality_matrix = possibilistic_clustering.possibilistic(
            X, no_of_clusters, ita, centroids_initial=centroids)

        # Plotting
        plot_data(X, centroids, no_of_clusters, centroids_history)
        # Examine Cluster Validity with statistical tests
        initial_gamma, list_of_gammas, result = internal_criteria.internal_validity(X, no_of_clusters, possibilistic_clustering.possibilistic)
        initial_indices, list_of_indices, result_list = external_criteria.external_validity(X, no_of_clusters, y,  possibilistic_clustering.possibilistic)
        # Histogram of gammas from internal criteria 
        hist_internal_criteria(initial_gamma, list_of_gammas, result)
        hist_external_criteria(initial_indices, list_of_indices, result_list)
Beispiel #3
    def testMoons(self):
        no_of_clusters = 2

        # Create the dataset
        X, y = make_moons(n_samples=300,

        # Run the clustering algorithm
        X_, centroids, ita, centroids_history, partition_matrix = fuzzy_clustering.fuzzy(
            X, no_of_clusters)
        X, centroids, centroids_history, typicality_matrix = possibilistic_clustering.possibilistic(
            X, no_of_clusters, ita, centroids_initial=centroids)

        # Plotting
        plot_data(X, centroids, no_of_clusters, centroids_history)

        # Examine Cluster Validity with statistical tests
        initial_gamma, list_of_gammas, result = internal_criteria.internal_validity(
            X, no_of_clusters, possibilistic_clustering.possibilistic)
        initial_indices, list_of_indices, result_list = external_criteria.external_validity(
            X, no_of_clusters, y, possibilistic_clustering.possibilistic)

        # Histogram of gammas from internal and external criteria
        hist_internal_criteria(initial_gamma, list_of_gammas, result)
        hist_external_criteria(initial_indices, list_of_indices, result_list)
 def testImageSegmentation(self):
     image = ndimage.imread('..//..//images//181091.jpg')
     image = image.astype(np.int32, copy = False)
     # Algorithm execution.
     clusters_number_to_execute = 28
     clustered_data, centroids, total_clusters = BSAS.basic_sequential_scheme(image)
     X_, centroids, ita, centroids_history, partition_matrix = fuzzy_clustering.fuzzy(image, clusters_number_to_execute, centroids_initial = centroids)
     X_, centroids, centroids_history, typicality_matrix = possibilistic_clustering.possibilistic(image, clusters_number_to_execute, ita, centroids_initial = centroids)
     # Merging procedure
     X_  = image_segm_utility.merging_procedure(X_, 500)
     # Calculate the Rand Index to test similarity to external data
     original_image = '181091.jpg'
     seg_file = '181091.seg'
     external_info = image_segm_utility.insert_clusters(original_image, seg_file)
     rand_index = image_segm_utility.rand_index_calculation(X_, external_info)
     # Draw the clustered image
     draw_clustered_image(X_, image.shape, rand_index)