Beispiel #1
def compose(db, source, give_asset, give_quantity, get_asset, get_quantity,
            expiration, fee_required):
    cursor = db.cursor()

    # resolve subassets
    give_asset = util.resolve_subasset_longname(db, give_asset)
    get_asset = util.resolve_subasset_longname(db, get_asset)

    # Check balance.
    if give_asset != config.BTC:
        balances = list(
                '''SELECT * FROM balances WHERE (address = ? AND asset = ?)''',
                (source, give_asset)))
        if (not balances or balances[0]['quantity'] < give_quantity):
            raise exceptions.ComposeError('insufficient funds')

    problems = validate(db, source, give_asset, give_quantity, get_asset,
                        get_quantity, expiration, fee_required,
    if problems: raise exceptions.ComposeError(problems)

    give_id = util.get_asset_id(db, give_asset, util.CURRENT_BLOCK_INDEX)
    get_id = util.get_asset_id(db, get_asset, util.CURRENT_BLOCK_INDEX)
    data = message_type.pack(ID)
    data += struct.pack(FORMAT, give_id, give_quantity, get_id, get_quantity,
                        expiration, fee_required)
    return (source, [], data)
Beispiel #2
def compose(db, source, asset_dest_quant_list, memo, memo_is_hex):
    cursor = db.cursor()

    out_balances = util.accumulate([(t[0], t[2])
                                    for t in asset_dest_quant_list])
    for (asset, quantity) in out_balances:

        # resolve subassets
        asset = util.resolve_subasset_longname(db, asset)

        if not isinstance(quantity, int):
            raise exceptions.ComposeError(
                'quantities must be an int (in satoshis) for {}'.format(asset))

        balances = list(
                '''SELECT * FROM balances WHERE (address = ? AND asset = ?)''',
                (source, asset)))
        if not balances or balances[0]['quantity'] < quantity:
            raise exceptions.ComposeError(
                'insufficient funds for {}'.format(asset))

    block_index = util.CURRENT_BLOCK_INDEX

    problems = validate(db, source, asset_dest_quant_list, block_index)
    if problems: raise exceptions.ComposeError(problems)

    data = message_type.pack(ID)
    data += _encode_mpmaSend(db,

    return (source, [], data)
def compose(db, source, destination, asset, quantity, memo, memo_is_hex):
    cursor = db.cursor()

    # Just send BTC?
    if asset == config.BTC:
        return (source, [(destination, quantity)], None)

    # resolve subassets
    asset = util.resolve_subasset_longname(db, asset)

    #quantity must be in int satoshi (not float, string, etc)
    if not isinstance(quantity, int):
        raise exceptions.ComposeError('quantity must be an int (in satoshi)')

    # Only for outgoing (incoming will overburn).
    balances = list(
            '''SELECT * FROM balances WHERE (address = ? AND asset = ?)''',
            (source, asset)))
    if not balances or balances[0]['quantity'] < quantity:
        raise exceptions.ComposeError('insufficient funds')

    # convert memo to memo_bytes based on memo_is_hex setting
    if memo is None:
        memo_bytes = b''
    elif memo_is_hex:
        memo_bytes = bytes.fromhex(memo)
        memo = memo.encode('utf-8')
        memo_bytes = struct.pack(">{}s".format(len(memo)), memo)

    block_index = util.CURRENT_BLOCK_INDEX

    problems = validate(db, source, destination, asset, quantity, memo_bytes,
    if problems: raise exceptions.ComposeError(problems)

    asset_id = util.get_asset_id(db, asset, block_index)

    short_address_bytes = address.pack(destination)

    data = message_type.pack(ID)
    data += struct.pack(FORMAT, asset_id, quantity, short_address_bytes)
    data += memo_bytes

    # return an empty array as the second argument because we don't need to send BTC dust to the recipient
    return (source, [], data)
Beispiel #4
def compose(db, source, timestamp, value, fee_fraction, text):

    # Store the fee fraction as an integer.
    fee_fraction_int = int(fee_fraction * 1e8)

    problems = validate(db, source, timestamp, value, fee_fraction_int, text,
    if problems: raise exceptions.ComposeError(problems)

    data = struct.pack(config.TXTYPE_FORMAT, ID)

    # always use custom length byte instead of problematic usage of 52p format and make sure to encode('utf-8') for length
    if util.enabled('broadcast_pack_text'):
        data += struct.pack(FORMAT, timestamp, value, fee_fraction_int)
        data += VarIntSerializer.serialize(len(text.encode('utf-8')))
        data += text.encode('utf-8')
        if len(text) <= 52:
            curr_format = FORMAT + '{}p'.format(len(text) + 1)
            curr_format = FORMAT + '{}s'.format(len(text))

        data += struct.pack(curr_format, timestamp, value, fee_fraction_int,
    return (source, [], data)
Beispiel #5
def compose (db, source, asset, give_quantity, escrow_quantity, mainchainrate, status):
    assetid, problems = validate(db, source, asset, give_quantity, escrow_quantity, mainchainrate, status, util.CURRENT_BLOCK_INDEX)
    if problems: raise exceptions.ComposeError(problems)

    data = message_type.pack(ID)
    data += struct.pack(FORMAT, assetid, give_quantity, escrow_quantity, mainchainrate, status)
    return (source, [], data)
Beispiel #6
def compose (db, source, feed_address, bet_type, deadline, wager_quantity,
            counterwager_quantity, target_value, leverage, expiration):

    if util.get_balance(db, source, config.XCP) < wager_quantity:
        raise exceptions.ComposeError('insufficient funds')

    problems, leverage = validate(db, source, feed_address, bet_type, deadline, wager_quantity,
                        counterwager_quantity, target_value, leverage, expiration, util.CURRENT_BLOCK_INDEX)
    if util.date_passed(deadline):
        problems.append('deadline passed')
    if problems: raise exceptions.ComposeError(problems)

    data = struct.pack(config.TXTYPE_FORMAT, ID)
    data += struct.pack(FORMAT, bet_type, deadline,
                        wager_quantity, counterwager_quantity, target_value,
                        leverage, expiration)
    return (source, [(feed_address, None)], data)
Beispiel #7
def compose (db, source, asset, give_quantity, escrow_quantity, mainchainrate, status, open_address=None):
    assetid, problems = validate(db, source, asset, give_quantity, escrow_quantity, mainchainrate, status, open_address, util.CURRENT_BLOCK_INDEX)
    if problems: raise exceptions.ComposeError(problems)

    data = message_type.pack(ID)
    data += struct.pack(FORMAT, assetid, give_quantity, escrow_quantity, mainchainrate, status)
    if status == STATUS_OPEN_EMPTY_ADDRESS and open_address:
        data += address.pack(open_address)
    return (source, [], data)
def compose(db, source, possible_moves, wager, move_random_hash, expiration):

    problems = validate(db, source, possible_moves, wager, move_random_hash, expiration, util.CURRENT_BLOCK_INDEX)

    if problems: raise exceptions.ComposeError(problems)

    data = struct.pack(config.TXTYPE_FORMAT, ID)
    data += struct.pack(FORMAT, possible_moves, wager, binascii.unhexlify(move_random_hash), expiration)

    return (source, [], data)
def compose(db, source, offer_hash):

    # Check that offer exists.
    offer, offer_type, problems = validate(db, source, offer_hash)
    if problems: raise exceptions.ComposeError(problems)

    offer_hash_bytes = binascii.unhexlify(bytes(offer_hash, 'utf-8'))
    data = struct.pack(config.TXTYPE_FORMAT, ID)
    data += struct.pack(FORMAT, offer_hash_bytes)
    return (source, [], data)
Beispiel #10
def compose(db, source, quantity, overburn=False):
    cursor = db.cursor()
    destination = config.UNSPENDABLE
    problems = validate(db,
    if problems: raise exceptions.ComposeError(problems)

    # Check that a maximum of 1 BTC total is burned per address.
    burns = list(
            '''SELECT * FROM burns WHERE (status = ? AND source = ?)''',
            ('valid', source)))
    already_burned = sum([burn['burned'] for burn in burns])
    if quantity > (1 * config.UNIT - already_burned) and not overburn:
        raise exceptions.ComposeError('1 {} may be burned per address'.format(

    return (source, [(destination, quantity)], None)
def compose (db, source, quantity_per_unit, asset, dividend_asset):

    dividend_total, outputs, problems, fee = validate(db, source, quantity_per_unit, asset, dividend_asset, util.CURRENT_BLOCK_INDEX)
    if problems: raise exceptions.ComposeError(problems)'Total quantity to be distributed in dividends: {} {}'.format(util.value_out(db, dividend_total, dividend_asset), dividend_asset))

    if dividend_asset == config.BTC:
        return (source, [(output['address'], output['dividend_quantity']) for output in outputs], None)

    asset_id = util.get_asset_id(db, asset, util.CURRENT_BLOCK_INDEX)
    dividend_asset_id = util.get_asset_id(db, dividend_asset, util.CURRENT_BLOCK_INDEX)
    data = struct.pack(config.TXTYPE_FORMAT, ID)
    data += struct.pack(FORMAT_2, quantity_per_unit, asset_id, dividend_asset_id)
    return (source, [], data)
Beispiel #12
def compose (db, source, order_match_id):
    tx0_hash, tx1_hash = util.parse_id(order_match_id)

    destination, btc_quantity, escrowed_asset, escrowed_quantity, order_match, problems = validate(db, source, order_match_id, util.CURRENT_BLOCK_INDEX)
    if problems: raise exceptions.ComposeError(problems)

    # Warn if down to the wire.
    time_left = order_match['match_expire_index'] - util.CURRENT_BLOCK_INDEX
    if time_left < 4:
        logger.warning('Only {} blocks until that order match expires. The payment might not make into the blockchain in time.'.format(time_left))
    if 10 - time_left < 4:
        logger.warning('Order match has only {} confirmation(s).'.format(10 - time_left))

    tx0_hash_bytes, tx1_hash_bytes = binascii.unhexlify(bytes(tx0_hash, 'utf-8')), binascii.unhexlify(bytes(tx1_hash, 'utf-8'))
    data = struct.pack(config.TXTYPE_FORMAT, ID)
    data += struct.pack(FORMAT, tx0_hash_bytes, tx1_hash_bytes)
    return (source, [(destination, btc_quantity)], data)
def compose(db, source, timestamp, value, fee_fraction, text):

    # Store the fee fraction as an integer.
    fee_fraction_int = int(fee_fraction * 1e8)

    problems = validate(db, source, timestamp, value, fee_fraction_int, text,
    if problems: raise exceptions.ComposeError(problems)

    data = struct.pack(config.TXTYPE_FORMAT, ID)
    if len(text) <= 52:
        curr_format = FORMAT + '{}p'.format(len(text) + 1)
        curr_format = FORMAT + '{}s'.format(len(text))
    data += struct.pack(curr_format, timestamp, value, fee_fraction_int,
    return (source, [], data)
def compose (db, source, move, random, rps_match_id):
    tx0_hash, tx1_hash = util.parse_id(rps_match_id)

    txn, rps_match, problems = validate(db, source, move, random, rps_match_id)
    if problems: raise exceptions.ComposeError(problems)

    # Warn if down to the wire.
    time_left = rps_match['match_expire_index'] - util.CURRENT_BLOCK_INDEX
    if time_left < 4:
        logger.warning('Only {} blocks until that rps match expires. The conclusion might not make into the blockchain in time.'.format(time_left))

    tx0_hash_bytes = binascii.unhexlify(bytes(tx0_hash, 'utf-8'))
    tx1_hash_bytes = binascii.unhexlify(bytes(tx1_hash, 'utf-8'))
    random_bytes = binascii.unhexlify(bytes(random, 'utf-8'))
    data = struct.pack(config.TXTYPE_FORMAT, ID)
    data += struct.pack(FORMAT, move, random_bytes, tx0_hash_bytes, tx1_hash_bytes)
    return (source, [], data)
Beispiel #15
def compose(db,
    # special case - enhanced_send replaces send by default when it is enabled
    #   but it can be explicitly disabled with an API parameter
    if util.enabled('enhanced_sends'):
        if use_enhanced_send is None or use_enhanced_send == True:
            return enhanced_send.compose(db, source, destination, asset,
                                         quantity, memo, memo_is_hex)
    elif memo is not None or use_enhanced_send == True:
        raise exceptions.ComposeError('enhanced sends are not enabled')

    return send1.compose(db, source, destination, asset, quantity)
def compose(db, source, transfer_destination, asset, quantity, divisible,

    # Callability is depreciated, so for re‐issuances set relevant parameters
    # to old values; for first issuances, make uncallable.
    cursor = db.cursor()
        '''SELECT * FROM issuances \
                      WHERE (status = ? AND asset = ?)
                      ORDER BY tx_index ASC''', ('valid', asset))
    issuances = cursor.fetchall()
    if issuances:
        last_issuance = issuances[-1]
        callable_ = last_issuance['callable']
        call_date = last_issuance['call_date']
        call_price = last_issuance['call_price']
        callable_ = False
        call_date = 0
        call_price = 0.0

    call_date, call_price, problems, fee, description, divisible, reissuance = validate(
        db, source, transfer_destination, asset, quantity, divisible,
        callable_, call_date, call_price, description,
    if problems: raise exceptions.ComposeError(problems)

    asset_id = util.generate_asset_id(asset, util.CURRENT_BLOCK_INDEX)
    data = struct.pack(config.TXTYPE_FORMAT, ID)
    if len(description) <= 42:
        curr_format = FORMAT_2 + '{}p'.format(len(description) + 1)
        curr_format = FORMAT_2 + '{}s'.format(len(description))
    data += struct.pack(curr_format, asset_id, quantity, 1 if divisible else 0,
                        1 if callable_ else 0, call_date or 0, call_price
                        or 0.0, description.encode('utf-8'))
    if transfer_destination:
        destination_outputs = [(transfer_destination, None)]
        destination_outputs = []
    return (source, destination_outputs, data)
Beispiel #17
def compose (db, source, destination, flags, memo):
    if memo is None:
        memo = b''
    elif flags & FLAG_BINARY_MEMO:
        memo = bytes.fromhex(memo)
        memo = memo.encode('utf-8')
        memo = struct.pack(">{}s".format(len(memo)), memo)

    block_index = util.CURRENT_BLOCK_INDEX
    problems = validate(db, source, destination, flags, memo, block_index)
    if problems: raise exceptions.ComposeError(problems)

    short_address_bytes = address.pack(destination)

    data = message_type.pack(ID)
    data += struct.pack(FORMAT, short_address_bytes, flags)
    data += memo

    return (source, [], data)
Beispiel #18
def compose(db, source, transfer_destination, asset, quantity, divisible,

    # Callability is deprecated, so for re‐issuances set relevant parameters
    # to old values; for first issuances, make uncallable.
    cursor = db.cursor()
        '''SELECT * FROM issuances \
                      WHERE (status = ? AND asset = ?)
                      ORDER BY tx_index ASC''', ('valid', asset))
    issuances = cursor.fetchall()
    if issuances:
        last_issuance = issuances[-1]
        callable_ = last_issuance['callable']
        call_date = last_issuance['call_date']
        call_price = last_issuance['call_price']
        callable_ = False
        call_date = 0
        call_price = 0.0

    # check subasset
    subasset_parent = None
    subasset_longname = None
    if util.enabled('subassets'):  # Protocol change.
        subasset_parent, subasset_longname = util.parse_subasset_from_asset_name(
        if subasset_longname is not None:
            # try to find an existing subasset
            sa_cursor = db.cursor()
                '''SELECT * FROM assets \
                              WHERE (asset_longname = ?)''',
                (subasset_longname, ))
            assets = sa_cursor.fetchall()
            if len(assets) > 0:
                # this is a reissuance
                asset = assets[0]['asset_name']
                # this is a new issuance
                #   generate a random numeric asset id which will map to this subasset
                asset = util.generate_random_asset()

    call_date, call_price, problems, fee, description, divisible, reissuance, reissued_asset_longname = validate(
        db, source, transfer_destination, asset, quantity, divisible,
        callable_, call_date, call_price, description, subasset_parent,
        subasset_longname, util.CURRENT_BLOCK_INDEX)
    if problems: raise exceptions.ComposeError(problems)

    asset_id = util.generate_asset_id(asset, util.CURRENT_BLOCK_INDEX)
    if subasset_longname is None or reissuance:
        # Type 20 standard issuance FORMAT_2 >QQ??If
        #   used for standard issuances and all reissuances
        data = message_type.pack(ID)
        if len(description) <= 42:
            curr_format = FORMAT_2 + '{}p'.format(len(description) + 1)
            curr_format = FORMAT_2 + '{}s'.format(len(description))
        data += struct.pack(curr_format, asset_id, quantity,
                            1 if divisible else 0, 1 if callable_ else 0,
                            call_date or 0, call_price or 0.0,
        # Type 21 subasset issuance SUBASSET_FORMAT >QQ?B
        #   Used only for initial subasset issuance
        # compacts a subasset name to save space
        compacted_subasset_longname = util.compact_subasset_longname(
        compacted_subasset_length = len(compacted_subasset_longname)
        data = message_type.pack(SUBASSET_ID)
        curr_format = SUBASSET_FORMAT + '{}s'.format(
            compacted_subasset_length) + '{}s'.format(len(description))
        data += struct.pack(curr_format, asset_id, quantity,
                            1 if divisible else 0, compacted_subasset_length,

    if transfer_destination:
        destination_outputs = [(transfer_destination, None)]
        destination_outputs = []
    return (source, destination_outputs, data)
Beispiel #19
def compose(db,
    # special case - enhanced_send replaces send by default when it is enabled
    #   but it can be explicitly disabled with an API parameter
    if util.enabled('enhanced_sends'):
        # Another special case, if destination, asset and quantity are arrays, it's an MPMA send
        if isinstance(destination, list) and isinstance(
                asset, list) and isinstance(quantity, list):
            if util.enabled('mpma_sends'):
                if len(destination) == len(asset) and len(asset) == len(
                    # Sending memos in a MPMA message can be done by several approaches:
                    # 1. Send a list of memos, there must be one for each send and they correspond to the sends by index
                    #   - In this case memo_is_hex should be a list with the same cardinality
                    # 2. Send a dict with the message specific memos and the message wide memo (same for the hex specifier):
                    #   - Each dict should have 2 members:
                    #     + list: same as case (1). An array that specifies the memo for each send
                    #     + msg_wide: the memo for the whole message. This memo will be used for sends that don't have a memo specified. Same as in (3)
                    # 3. Send one memo (either bytes or string) and True/False in memo_is_hex. This will be interpreted as a message wide memo.
                    if (len(destination) > config.MPMA_LIMIT):
                        raise exceptions.ComposeError(
                            'mpma sends have a maximum of ' +
                            str(config.MPMA_LIMIT) + ' sends')

                    if isinstance(memo, list) and isinstance(
                            memo_is_hex, list):
                        # (1) implemented here
                        if len(memo) != len(memo_is_hex):
                            raise exceptions.ComposeError(
                                'memo and memo_is_hex lists should have the same length'
                        elif len(memo) != len(destination):
                            raise exceptions.ComposeError(
                                'memo/memo_is_hex lists should have the same length as sends'

                        return mpma.compose(
                            db, source,
                                zip(asset, destination, quantity, memo,
                                    memo_is_hex)), None, None)
                    elif isinstance(memo, dict) and isinstance(
                            memo_is_hex, dict):
                        # (2) implemented here
                        if not ('list' in memo and 'list' in memo_is_hex
                                and 'msg_wide' in memo
                                and 'msg_wide' in memo_is_hex):
                            raise exceptions.ComposeError(
                                'when specifying memo/memo_is_hex as a dict, they must contain keys "list" and "msg_wide"'
                        elif len(memo['list']) != len(memo_is_hex['list']):
                            raise exceptions.ComposeError(
                                'length of memo.list and memo_is_hex.list must be equal'
                        elif len(memo['list']) != len(destination):
                            raise exceptions.ComposeError(
                                'length of memo.list/memo_is_hex.list must be equal to the amount of sends'

                        return mpma.compose(
                            db, source,
                                zip(asset, destination, quantity, memo['list'],
                                    memo_is_hex['list'])), memo['msg_wide'],
                        # (3) the default case
                        return mpma.compose(
                            db, source,
                            util.flat(zip(asset, destination, quantity)), memo,
                    raise exceptions.ComposeError(
                        'destination, asset and quantity arrays must have the same amount of elements'
                raise exceptions.ComposeError('mpma sends are not enabled')
        elif use_enhanced_send is None or use_enhanced_send == True:
            return enhanced_send.compose(db, source, destination, asset,
                                         quantity, memo, memo_is_hex)
    elif memo is not None or use_enhanced_send == True:
        raise exceptions.ComposeError('enhanced sends are not enabled')

    return send1.compose(db, source, destination, asset, quantity)