def test_invalid_scopes(self):
        for scope in (Scope(user=True, block=BlockScope.DEFINITION),
                      Scope(user=False, block=BlockScope.TYPE),
                      Scope(user=False, block=BlockScope.ALL)):
            key = DjangoKeyValueStore.Key(scope, None, None, 'field')

            self.assertRaises(InvalidScopeError, self.kvs.get, key)
            self.assertRaises(InvalidScopeError, self.kvs.set, key, 'value')
            self.assertRaises(InvalidScopeError, self.kvs.delete, key)
            self.assertRaises(InvalidScopeError, self.kvs.has, key)
            self.assertRaises(InvalidScopeError, self.kvs.set_many, {key: 'value'})
Beispiel #2
def get_score(course_id, user, problem_descriptor, module_creator,
    Return the score for a user on a problem, as a tuple (correct, total).
    e.g. (5,7) if you got 5 out of 7 points.

    If this problem doesn't have a score, or we couldn't load it, returns (None,

    user: a Student object
    problem_descriptor: an XModuleDescriptor
    module_creator: a function that takes a descriptor, and returns the corresponding XModule for this user.
           Can return None if user doesn't have access, or if something else went wrong.
    cache: A FieldDataCache
    if not user.is_authenticated():
        return (None, None)

    # some problems have state that is updated independently of interaction
    # with the LMS, so they need to always be scored. (E.g. foldit.)
    if problem_descriptor.always_recalculate_grades:
        problem = module_creator(problem_descriptor)
        if problem is None:
            return (None, None)
        score = problem.get_score()
        if score is not None:
            return (score['score'], score['total'])
            return (None, None)

    if not problem_descriptor.has_score:
        # These are not problems, and do not have a score
        return (None, None)

    # Create a fake KeyValueStore key to pull out the StudentModule
    key = DjangoKeyValueStore.Key(Scope.user_state,,
                                  problem_descriptor.location, None)

    student_module = field_data_cache.find(key)

    if student_module is not None and student_module.max_grade is not None:
        correct = student_module.grade if student_module.grade is not None else 0
        total = student_module.max_grade
        # If the problem was not in the cache, or hasn't been graded yet,
        # we need to instantiate the problem.
        # Otherwise, the max score (cached in student_module) won't be available
        problem = module_creator(problem_descriptor)
        if problem is None:
            return (None, None)

        correct = 0.0
        total = problem.max_score()

        # Problem may be an error module (if something in the problem builder failed)
        # In which case total might be None
        if total is None:
            return (None, None)

    # Now we re-weight the problem, if specified
    weight = problem_descriptor.weight
    if weight is not None:
        if total == 0:
                "Cannot reweight a problem with zero total points. Problem: " +
            return (correct, total)
        correct = correct * weight / total
        total = weight

    return (correct, total)
Beispiel #3
def grade(student,
    This grades a student as quickly as possible. It returns the
    output from the course grader, augmented with the final letter
    grade. The keys in the output are:

    course: a CourseDescriptor

    - grade : A final letter grade.
    - percent : The final percent for the class (rounded up).
    - section_breakdown : A breakdown of each section that makes
        up the grade. (For display)
    - grade_breakdown : A breakdown of the major components that
        make up the final grade. (For display)
    - keep_raw_scores : if True, then value for key 'raw_scores' contains scores for every graded module

    More information on the format is in the docstring for CourseGrader.

    grading_context = course.grading_context
    raw_scores = []

    if field_data_cache is None:
        field_data_cache = FieldDataCache(grading_context['all_descriptors'],
                                , student)

    totaled_scores = {}
    # This next complicated loop is just to collect the totaled_scores, which is
    # passed to the grader
    for section_format, sections in grading_context[
        format_scores = []
        for section in sections:
            section_descriptor = section['section_descriptor']
            section_name = section_descriptor.display_name_with_default

            should_grade_section = False
            # If we haven't seen a single problem in the section, we don't have to grade it at all! We can assume 0%
            for moduledescriptor in section['xmoduledescriptors']:
                # some problems have state that is updated independently of interaction
                # with the LMS, so they need to always be scored. (E.g. foldit.)
                if moduledescriptor.always_recalculate_grades:
                    should_grade_section = True

                # Create a fake key to pull out a StudentModule object from the FieldDataCache

                key = DjangoKeyValueStore.Key(Scope.user_state,,
                                              moduledescriptor.location, None)
                if field_data_cache.find(key):
                    should_grade_section = True

            if should_grade_section:
                scores = []

                def create_module(descriptor):
                    '''creates an XModule instance given a descriptor'''
                    # TODO: We need the request to pass into here. If we could forego that, our arguments
                    # would be simpler
                    return get_module_for_descriptor(student, request,

                for module_descriptor in yield_dynamic_descriptor_descendents(
                        section_descriptor, create_module):

                     total) = get_score(, student, module_descriptor,
                                        create_module, field_data_cache)
                    if correct is None and total is None:

                    if settings.GENERATE_PROFILE_SCORES:  # for debugging!
                        if total > 1:
                            correct = random.randrange(max(total - 2, 1),
                                                       total + 1)
                            correct = total

                    graded = module_descriptor.graded
                    if not total > 0:
                        #We simply cannot grade a problem that is 12/0, because we might need it as a percentage
                        graded = False

                        Score(correct, total, graded,

                _, graded_total = graders.aggregate_scores(
                    scores, section_name)
                if keep_raw_scores:
                    raw_scores += scores
                graded_total = Score(0.0, 1.0, True, section_name)

            #Add the graded total to totaled_scores
            if graded_total.possible > 0:
                    "Unable to grade a section with a total possible score of zero. "
                    + str(section_descriptor.location))

        totaled_scores[section_format] = format_scores

    grade_summary = course.grader.grade(

    # We round the grade here, to make sure that the grade is an whole percentage and
    # doesn't get displayed differently than it gets grades
    grade_summary['percent'] = round(grade_summary['percent'] * 100 +
                                     0.05) / 100

    letter_grade = grade_for_percentage(course.grade_cutoffs,
    grade_summary['grade'] = letter_grade
        'totaled_scores'] = totaled_scores  # make this available, eg for instructor download & debugging
    if keep_raw_scores:
            'raw_scores'] = raw_scores  # way to get all RAW scores out to instructor
        # so grader can be double-checked
    return grade_summary