def test_calib(): entry = sc.loadjson(calibfile)[0] params = sc.dcp(entry['pars']) params['rand_seed'] = int(entry['index']) scen = generate_scenarios()['all_remote'] testing = generate_testing()['None'] #testing[0]['delay'] = 0 for stype, spec in scen.items(): if spec is not None: spec['testing'] = testing scen['testing'] = testing scen['es']['verbose'] = scen['ms']['verbose'] = scen['hs'][ 'verbose'] = debug sim = cs.create_sim(params, pop_size=pop_size, folder=folder) sm = cvsch.schools_manager(scen) sim['interventions'] += [sm] stats = evaluate_sim(sim) print(stats) if debug: sim.plot(to_plot='overview') #t = sim.make_transtree() else: sim.plot() cv.savefig('sim.png') return sim
def make(): print('Making figure') cv.Sim().run(do_plot=True) filename = cv.savefig(comments='good figure') return filename
interval=90, # Number of days between tick marks dateformat='%m/%Y', # Date format for ticks fig_args={'figsize': (14, 8)}, # Size of the figure (x and y) axis_args={'left': 0.15}, # Space on left side of plot ) msim.plot_result('r_eff', **plot_customizations) #sim.plot_result('r_eff') pl.axhline(1.0, linestyle='--', c=[0.8, 0.4, 0.4], alpha=0.8, lw=4) # Add a line for the R_eff = 1 cutoff pl.title('') pl.savefig('R.pdf') msim.plot_result('cum_deaths', **plot_customizations) pl.title('') cv.savefig('Deaths.pdf') msim.plot_result('new_infections', **plot_customizations) pl.title('') cv.savefig('Infections.pdf') msim.plot_result('cum_diagnoses', **plot_customizations) pl.title('') cv.savefig('Diagnoses.pdf') ##for calibration figures #msim.plot_result('cum_deaths', interval=20, fig_args={'figsize':(12,7)}, axis_args={'left':0.15}) #pl.title('') #cv.savefig('Deaths.png') # msim.plot_result('cum_diagnoses', interval=20, fig_args={'figsize':(12,7)}, axis_args={'left':0.15})
scatter=False, color=c) ax.set_xlabel('School size (students)') ax.set_ylabel('Infection on First Day (%)') yt = [0.0, 0.25, 0.50, 0.75] ax.set_yticks(yt) ax.set_yticklabels([int(100 * t) for t in yt]) ax.grid(True) lmap = { 'None': 'No PCR testing', '2020-10-26': 'One week prior', '2020-10-27': 'Six days prior', '2020-10-28': 'Five days prior', '2020-10-29': 'Four days prior', '2020-10-30': 'Three days prior', '2020-10-31': 'Two days prior', '2020-11-01': 'One day prior', '2020-11-02': 'On the first day of school' } handles, labels = ax.get_legend_handles_labels() handles = [handles[-1]] + handles[:-1] labels = [lmap[labels[-1]]] + [lmap[l] for l in labels[:-1]] ax.legend(handles, labels) plt.tight_layout() cv.savefig(os.path.join(imgdir, 'PCR_Days_Sweep.png'), dpi=300) fig.tight_layout()
sims, ax[2], calib=True, label='Cumulative infections\n(modeled)', ylabel='', flabel=False) plotter('n_infectious', sims, ax[2], calib=True, label='Active infections\n(modeled)', ylabel='Estimated infections', flabel=False) pl.legend(loc='upper left', frameon=False) # d. cumulative deaths ax[3] = pl.axes([xgapl + xgapm + dx1, ygapb, dx2, dy]) format_ax(ax[3], sim) plotter('cum_deaths', sims, ax[3], calib=True, label='Deaths\n(modeled)', ylabel='Cumulative deaths', flabel=False) pl.legend(loc='upper left', frameon=False) #pl.ylim([0, 10e3]) cv.savefig(f'{figsfolder}/fig2_calibration.pdf') sc.toc(T)
def plot_reff_combined(num_param_set, date_of_file): colors = ['forestgreen', 'mediumpurple', 'tab:orange', 'maroon'] case = '50_cases_re_0.9' rel_trans = 'under10_0.5trans' beta_layer = '3xschool_beta_layer' rel_sus = 'rel_sus' sens = [rel_trans, None, rel_sus]#, beta_layer] name = 'Infectivity/Susceptibility Assumptions' sens_labels = { None: 'Baseline: children under 10 as infectious as adults; ' '\nper-contact infectivity in school 20% relative to households;' '\n0-20 year olds 33-66% less susceptible than 20+', rel_trans: '50% reduced transmission in children under 10', beta_layer: 'Same infectivity per contact in schools as households', rel_sus: '0-20 year olds as susceptible as 20+' } df_by_prev = [] df_by_prev_std = [] for sen in sens: df_mean = [] df_std = [] for strat in strategies: df_mean.append(combine_results_dfs(strat, num_param_set, 'r_eff', True, date_of_file, case, sen)) df_std.append(combine_results_dfs(strat, num_param_set, 'r_eff', False, date_of_file, case, sen)) scenario_strategies = strats df_comb = pd.DataFrame(df_mean).transpose() df_comb.columns = scenario_strategies df_comb_std = pd.DataFrame(df_std).transpose() df_comb_std.columns = scenario_strategies df_by_prev.append(df_comb) df_by_prev_std.append(df_comb_std) base = dt.datetime(2020, 7, 1) date_list = [base + dt.timedelta(days=x) for x in range(len(df_comb))] x = [] for date in date_list: x.append(date.strftime('%b %d')) date_to_x = {d: i for i, d in enumerate(x)} min_x = date_to_x['Aug 30'] max_x = date_to_x['Dec 01'] for i, _ in enumerate(sens): df_by_prev[i] = df_by_prev[i].iloc[min_x:max_x,] df_by_prev[i] = df_by_prev[i].mean(axis=0) df_by_prev_std[i] = df_by_prev_std[i].iloc[min_x:max_x, ] df_by_prev_std[i] = df_by_prev_std[i].mean(axis=0) x = np.arange(len(strategy_labels)) width = [-.2, 0, .2] #[-.3, -.1, .1, .3] left = 0.07 right = 0.99 # right = 0.63 bottom = 0.15 top = 0.96 fs = 24 fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(13,9)) fig.subplots_adjust(left=left, right=right, top=top, bottom=bottom) for i, sen in enumerate(sens): + width[i], df_by_prev[i].values, yerr = df_by_prev_std[i].values/2, width=0.2, label=sens_labels[sen], color=colors[i], alpha = 0.87) #, df_comb.values, yerr=df_comb_std.values / 2, width=0.4, alpha=0.87) ax.axhline(y=1, xmin=0, xmax=1, color='black', ls='--') ax.set_ylabel('Effective Reproductive Number', size=fs) #ax.set_title(f'Effective Reproductive Number by School Reopening Strategy', size=18, horizontalalignment='center') ax.set_ylim(0.7, 1.4) leg_i = ax.legend(fontsize=fs, title=name) leg_i.set_title(name, prop={'size': fs}) ax.set_xticks(x) ax.set_xlim(-0.45, 6.45) ax.tick_params(labelsize=21) ax.set_xticklabels(strategy_labels_brief.values(), fontsize=20) cv.savefig(f'r_eff_{date_of_file}.png') plt.savefig(f'r_eff_{date_of_file}.pdf')
c1 = [0.3, 0.3, 0.6] # diags c2 = [0.6, 0.7, 0.9] #diags, pos, width=w, label='Data', facecolor=c1), mpbest, width=w, label='Model', facecolor=c2) for i, ix in enumerate(XX): pl.plot([ix, ix], [mplow[i], mphigh[i]], c='k') ax[0].set_xticks((X + XX) / 2) ax[0].set_xticklabels(x) pl.xlabel('Age') pl.ylabel('Diagnoses') sc.boxoff(ax[0]) pl.legend(frameon=False, bbox_to_anchor=(0.3, 0.7)) # Deaths ax[1] = pl.axes([xl + dx + xm, yb, dx, dy]) c1 = [0.5, 0.0, 0.0] # deaths c2 = [0.9, 0.4, 0.3] # deaths, deaths, width=w, label='Data', facecolor=c1), mdbest, width=w, label='Model', facecolor=c2) for i, ix in enumerate(XX): pl.plot([ix, ix], [mdlow[i], mdhigh[i]], c='k') ax[1].set_xticks((X + XX) / 2) ax[1].set_xticklabels(x) pl.xlabel('Age') pl.ylabel('Deaths') sc.boxoff(ax[1]) pl.legend(frameon=False, bbox_to_anchor=(0.3, 0.7)) plotname = 'uk_stats_by_age_agg.png' if aggregate else 'uk_stats_by_age.png' cv.savefig(plotname, dpi=100)
ax[pn].set_ylabel('R') elif pn in range(ncols, ncols * 2): plotter('cum_deaths', sims[pn % ncols], ax[pn]) ax[pn].set_ylim(0, 150_000) if (pn % ncols) == 0: ax[pn].set_ylabel('Total deaths') else: plotter('new_infections', sims[pn % ncols], ax[pn]) ax[pn].set_ylim(0, 250_000) if (pn % ncols) == 0: ax[pn].set_ylabel('New infections') if pn not in range(ncols): ax[pn].set_xticklabels([]) cv.savefig(f'{figsfolder}/fig_UK_school_scens.png', dpi=100) ################################################################################ # ## Fig 3 ################################################################################ pl.figure(figsize=(24, 12)) #font_size = 24 #pl.rcParams['font.size'] = font_size # Subplot sizes xgapl = 0.06 xgapm = 0.1 xgapr = 0.01 ygapb = 0.11 ygapm = 0.1 ygapt = 0.02
def plot_calibration(sims, date, do_save=0): sim = sims[0] # For having a sim to refer to # Draw plots fig1_path = f'calibration_{date}_fig1.png' fig2_path = f'calibration_{date}_fig2.png' fig_args = sc.mergedicts({'figsize': (16, 14)}) axis_args = sc.mergedicts({'left': 0.10, 'bottom': 0.05, 'right': 0.95, 'top': 0.93, 'wspace': 0.25, 'hspace': 0.40}) # Handle input arguments -- merge user input with defaults low_q = 0.1 high_q = 0.9 # Figure 1: Calibration pl.figure(**fig_args) pl.subplots_adjust(**axis_args) pl.figtext(0.42, 0.95, 'Model calibration', fontsize=30) #%% Figure 1, panel 1 ax = pl.subplot(4,1,1) format_ax(ax, sim) plotter('new_tests', sims, ax, calib=True, label='Number of tests per day', ylabel='Tests') plotter('new_diagnoses', sims, ax, calib=True, label='Number of diagnoses per day', ylabel='Tests') #%% Figure 1, panel 2 ax = pl.subplot(4,1,2) format_ax(ax, sim) plotter('cum_diagnoses', sims, ax, calib=True, label='Cumulative diagnoses', ylabel='People') #%% Figure 1, panel 3 ax = pl.subplot(4,1,3) format_ax(ax, sim) plotter('cum_deaths', sims, ax, calib=True, label='Cumulative deaths', ylabel='Deaths') #%% Figure 1, panels 4A and 4B agehists = [] for s,sim in enumerate(sims): agehist = sim['analyzers'][0] if s == 0: age_data = agehists.append(agehist.hists[-1]) x = age_data['age'].values pos = age_data['cum_diagnoses'].values death = age_data['cum_deaths'].values # From the model mposlist = [] mdeathlist = [] for hists in agehists: mposlist.append(hists['diagnosed']) mdeathlist.append(hists['dead']) mposarr = np.array(mposlist) mdeatharr = np.array(mdeathlist) mpbest = pl.median(mposarr, axis=0) mplow = pl.quantile(mposarr, q=low_q, axis=0) mphigh = pl.quantile(mposarr, q=high_q, axis=0) mdbest = pl.median(mdeatharr, axis=0) mdlow = pl.quantile(mdeatharr, q=low_q, axis=0) mdhigh = pl.quantile(mdeatharr, q=high_q, axis=0) # Plotting w = 4 off = 2 bins = x.tolist() + [100] ax = pl.subplot(4,2,7) c1 = [0.3,0.3,0.6] c2 = [0.6,0.7,0.9] xx = x+w-off,pos, width=w, label='Data', facecolor=c1), mpbest, width=w, label='Model', facecolor=c2) for i,ix in enumerate(xx): pl.plot([ix,ix], [mplow[i], mphigh[i]], c='k') ax.set_xticks(bins[:-1]) pl.title('Diagnosed cases by age') pl.xlabel('Age') pl.ylabel('Cases') pl.legend() ax = pl.subplot(4,2,8) c1 = [0.5,0.0,0.0] c2 = [0.9,0.4,0.3],death, width=w, label='Data', facecolor=c1), mdbest, width=w, label='Model', facecolor=c2) for i,ix in enumerate(xx): pl.plot([ix,ix], [mdlow[i], mdhigh[i]], c='k') ax.set_xticks(bins[:-1]) pl.title('Deaths by age') pl.xlabel('Age') pl.ylabel('Deaths') pl.legend() # Tidy up if do_save: cv.savefig(fig1_path) # Figure 2: Projections pl.figure(**fig_args) pl.subplots_adjust(**axis_args) pl.figtext(0.42, 0.95, 'Model estimates', fontsize=30) #%% Figure 2, panel 1 ax = pl.subplot(4,1,1) format_ax(ax, sim) plotter('cum_infections', sims, ax,calib=True, label='Cumulative infections', ylabel='People') plotter('cum_recoveries', sims, ax,calib=True, label='Cumulative recoveries', ylabel='People') #%% Figure 2, panel 2 ax = pl.subplot(4,1,2) format_ax(ax, sim) plotter('n_infectious', sims, ax,calib=True, label='Number of active infections', ylabel='People') plot_intervs(sim, labels=True) #%% Figure 2, panel 3 ax = pl.subplot(4,1,3) format_ax(ax, sim) plotter('new_infections', sims, ax,calib=True, label='Infections per day', ylabel='People') plotter('new_recoveries', sims, ax,calib=True, label='Recoveries per day', ylabel='People') plot_intervs(sim) #%% Figure 2, panels 4 ax = pl.subplot(4,1,4) format_ax(ax, sim) plotter('r_eff', sims, ax, calib=True, label='Effective reproductive number', ylabel=r'$R_{eff}$') ylims = [0,4] pl.ylim(ylims) xlims = pl.xlim() pl.plot(xlims, [1, 1], 'k') plot_intervs(sim) # Tidy up if do_save: cv.savefig(fig2_path) return
# Plot D: severe cases pl.subplot(2, 2, 4) colors =[0.9, 0.6, 0.3]) for i, l in enumerate(labels): if i == 0: ds = np.arange(0, len(tvec_d), 1) # Downsample thissim = msims[l].sims[0] datatoplot =['new_severe'][date_inds_d[0]:date_inds_d[1]] pl.plot(tvec_d[ds], datatoplot[ds], 'd', c='k', markersize=12, alpha=0.75, label='Data') toplot = plotdict['new_severe'][l][date_inds[0]:date_inds[1]] pl.plot(tvec, toplot, c=colors[i], label=l, lw=4, alpha=1.0) low = plotdict_l['new_severe'][l][date_inds[0]:date_inds[1]] high = plotdict_h['new_severe'][l][date_inds[0]:date_inds[1]] pl.fill_between(tvec, low, high, facecolor=colors[i], alpha=0.2) pl.ylabel('Daily Hospitalisations') ax = pl.gca() ax.set_xticks(datemarks) cv.date_formatter(start_day=start_day, ax=ax, dateformat=dateformat) sc.setylim() sc.commaticks() pl.legend(frameon=False) sc.boxoff() cv.savefig('figs_Vac/uk_scens_plots.png')
# Frac in-person days lost d = pd.melt(df, id_vars=['key1', 'key2', 'key3'], value_vars=[f'perc_inperson_days_lost_{gkey}' for gkey in grp_dict.keys()], var_name='Group', value_name='Days lost (%)') d.replace( {'Group': {f'perc_inperson_days_lost_{gkey}':gkey for gkey in grp_dict.keys()}}, inplace=True) d = d.loc[d['key1']==school_scenario] # K-5 only g = sns.FacetGrid(data=d, row='Group', height=4, aspect=3, row_order=['Teachers & Staff', 'Students'], legend_out=False) g.map_dataframe( sns.barplot, x='key2', y='Days lost (%)', hue='key3', order=test_order, hue_order=sens_order, palette='Set2') g.set_titles(row_template="{row_name}", fontsize=24) g.set_axis_labels(y_var="Days lost (%)") plt.tight_layout() for axi, ax in enumerate(g.axes.flat): box = ax.get_position() ax.set_position([box.x0, box.y0 + (axi+1)*box.height * 0.1, box.width, box.height * 0.9]) g.axes.flat[1].legend(loc='upper center',bbox_to_anchor=(0.48,-0.16), ncol=4, fontsize=14) cv.savefig(os.path.join(imgdir, '3mInPersonDaysLost_countermeasures.png'), dpi=300) # Attack rate for aspect, fontsize in zip([2.5, 3], [12,14]): d = pd.melt(df, id_vars=['key1', 'key2', 'key3'], value_vars=[f'attackrate_{gkey}' for gkey in grp_dict.keys()], var_name='Group', value_name='Cum Inc (%)') d.replace( {'Group': {f'attackrate_{gkey}':gkey for gkey in grp_dict.keys()}}, inplace=True) d = d.loc[d['key1']==school_scenario] # K-5 only g = sns.FacetGrid(data=d, row='Group', height=4, aspect=aspect, row_order=['Teachers & Staff', 'Students'], legend_out=False) # col='key1', g.map_dataframe( sns.barplot, x='key2', y='Cum Inc (%)', hue='key3', order=test_order, hue_order=sens_order, palette='Set2') g.set_titles(row_template="{row_name}") g.set_axis_labels(y_var="3-Month Attack Rate (%)") plt.tight_layout() for axi, ax in enumerate(g.axes.flat): box = ax.get_position()
interval=90, # Number of days between tick marks dateformat='%m/%Y', # Date format for ticks fig_args={'figsize': (14, 8)}, # Size of the figure (x and y) axis_args={'left': 0.15}, # Space on left side of plot ) msim.plot_result('r_eff', **plot_customizations) #sim.plot_result('r_eff') pl.axhline(1.0, linestyle='--', c=[0.8, 0.4, 0.4], alpha=0.8, lw=4) # Add a line for the R_eff = 1 cutoff pl.title('') pl.savefig('R.pdf') msim.plot_result('cum_deaths', **plot_customizations) pl.title('') cv.savefig('Deaths.pdf') msim.plot_result('new_infections', **plot_customizations) pl.title('') cv.savefig('Casespdf') #msim.plot_result('cum_diagnoses', **plot_customizations) #pl.title('') #cv.savefig('Diagnoses18_68.pdf') ##for calibration figures #msim.plot_result('cum_deaths', interval=20, fig_args={'figsize':(12,7)}, axis_args={'left':0.15}) #pl.title('') #cv.savefig('Deaths.png') # msim.plot_result('cum_diagnoses', interval=20, fig_args={'figsize':(12,7)}, axis_args={'left':0.15})[0]-2, asymp_frac, label='Asymptomatic', color=colors[0])[:presymp], sympcounts[:presymp], label='Presymptomatic', color=colors[1])[presymp:], sympcounts[presymp:], label='Symptomatic', color=colors[2]) symp_ax.set_xlabel('Days since symptom onset') symp_ax.set_ylabel('Proportion of transmissions (%)') symp_ax.set_xticks([minind-3, 0, 5, 10, maxind]) symp_ax.set_xticklabels(['Asymp.', '0', '5', '10', f'>{maxind}']) sc.boxoff(ax=symp_ax) spie_ax = pl.axes([sympx+0.05, 0.20, 0.2, 0.2]) labels = [f'Asymp-\ntomatic\n{asymp_frac:0.0f}%', f' Presymp-\n tomatic\n {pre_frac:0.0f}%', f'Symp-\ntomatic\n{symp_frac:0.0f}%'] spie_ax.pie([asymp_frac, pre_frac, symp_frac], labels=labels, colors=colors, **pieargs) return fig # Actually plot fig = plot() #%% Tidy up if do_save: cv.savefig(fig_path, dpi=150) if do_show: sc.toc(T) print('Done.')
if do_plot: # Make individual plots plot_customizations = dict( interval = 90, # Number of days between tick marks dateformat = '%m/%Y', # Date format for ticks fig_args = {'figsize':(14,8)}, # Size of the figure (x and y) axis_args = {'left':0.15}, # Space on left side of plot ) for mkey, msim in final_msims.items(): msim.plot_result('r_eff', do_show=do_show, **plot_customizations) pl.axhline(1.0, linestyle='--', c=[0.8,0.4,0.4], alpha=0.8, lw=4) # Add a line for the R_eff = 1 cutoff pl.title('') if do_save: cv.savefig(f'R_eff_{mkey}.png') msim.plot_result('cum_deaths', do_show=do_show, **plot_customizations) pl.title('') if do_save: cv.savefig(f'Deaths_{mkey}.png') msim.plot_result('new_infections', do_show=do_show, **plot_customizations) pl.title('') if do_save: cv.savefig(f'Infections_{mkey}.png') msim.plot_result('cum_diagnoses', do_show=do_show, **plot_customizations) pl.title('') if do_save: cv.savefig(f'Diagnoses_{mkey}.png')
ax[pn].set_xticks(datemarks) if pn == 1: ax[pn] = sns.swarmplot(x="variable", y="value", data=df2, color="grey", alpha=0.5) ax[pn] = sns.violinplot(x="variable", y="value", data=df2, color="lightblue", alpha=0.5, inner=None) ax[pn] = sns.pointplot(x="variable", y="value", data=df2, ci=None, color="steelblue", markers='D', scale=1.2) ax[pn].set_ylabel('Cumulative infections, 1 Dec 2020 - 1 Mar 2021') ax[pn].set_xlabel('Symptomatic testing rate') cv.savefig(f'{figsfolder}/fig4_multiscens.pdf') print([np.median(cuminf[tn]) for tn in range(len(thresholds))]) print([np.quantile(cuminf[tn], q=0.025) for tn in range(len(thresholds))]) print([np.quantile(cuminf[tn], q=0.975) for tn in range(len(thresholds))]) sc.toc(T)
if pn==4: pl.legend(loc='upper right', frameon=False, fontsize=20) if pn not in [0,5,10,15]: ax[pn].set_yticklabels([]) else: ax[pn].set_ylabel('New infections') if pn not in range(nv): ax[pn].set_xticklabels([]) else: xmin, xmax = ax[pn].get_xlim() ax[pn].set_xticks(pl.arange(xmin+5, xmax, 40)) if thisfig==resultsfolder: figname = figsfolder+'/fig2_grid.png' elif thisfig==sensfolder: figname = figsfolder+'/figS2_grid.png' cv.savefig(figname, dpi=100) #d = {'testing': [0.067]*nv*nm+[0.1]*nv*nm+[0.15]*nv*nm+[0.19]*nv*nm, 'tracing': [0.0]*nm+[0.25]*nm+[0.5]*nm+[0.75]*nm+[1.0]*nm+[0.0]*nm+[0.25]*nm+[0.5]*nm+[0.75]*nm+[1.0]*nm+[0.0]*nm+[0.25]*nm+[0.5]*nm+[0.75]*nm+[1.0]*nm+[0.0]*nm+[0.25]*nm+[0.5]*nm+[0.75]*nm+[1.0]*nm, 'masks': [0.0,0.25,0.5,0.75]*nt*nv} #d['val'] = [] #for t in tlevels: # for v in vlevels: # d['val'].extend(sc.sigfig(results['cum_infections'][t][v],3)) #import pandas as pd #df = pd.DataFrame(d) #df.to_excel('sweepresults.xlsx') ################################################################################################################ # Figure 3: bar plot of cumulative infections ################################################################################################################
import covasim as cv fn = 'inputs/kc_synthpops_clustered_withstaff_seed0.ppl' sim = cv.Sim(pop_size=225e3, pop_type='synthpops', popfile=fn, load_pop=True) sim.initialize() sim.people.plot() cv.savefig('people_plot.png')
# Save the key figures plot_customizations = dict( interval=90, # Number of days between tick marks dateformat='%m/%Y', # Date format for ticks fig_args={'figsize': (14, 8)}, # Size of the figure (x and y) axis_args={'left': 0.15}, # Space on left side of plot ) msim.plot_result('r_eff', **plot_customizations) #sim.plot_result('r_eff') pl.axhline(1.0, linestyle='--', c=[0.8, 0.4, 0.4], alpha=0.8, lw=4) # Add a line for the R_eff = 1 cutoff pl.title('') pl.savefig('%s/test%s-trace%s-R.pdf' % (scenario, args.test, args.trace)) msim.plot_result('cum_deaths', **plot_customizations) pl.title('') cv.savefig('%s/test%s-trace%s-Deaths.pdf' % (scenario, args.test, args.trace)) msim.plot_result('new_infections', **plot_customizations) pl.title('') cv.savefig('%s/test%s-trace%s-Infections.pdf' % (scenario, args.test, args.trace)) msim.plot_result('cum_diagnoses', **plot_customizations) pl.title('') cv.savefig('%s/test%s-trace%s-Diagnoses.pdf' % (scenario, args.test, args.trace))
ci = 1 rvec = [] for sim in msim.sims: r = sim.results[ch].values ps = 100000 /['pop_size'] *['pop_scale'] if ch in ['new_diagnoses']: r *= 14 * ps if ch in ['new_infections', 'new_tests']: r *= ps rvec.append(r) ax = axv[ri, ci] med = np.median(rvec, axis=0) sd = np.std(rvec, axis=0) ax.fill_between(sim.results['date'], med + 2 * sd, med - 2 * sd, color='lightgray') ax.plot(sim.results['date'], med + 2 * sd, color='gray', lw=1) ax.plot(sim.results['date'], med - 2 * sd, color='gray', lw=1) ax.plot(sim.results['date'], med, color='k', lw=2) if 'ref' in info and info['ref'] is not None: ax.axhline(y=info['ref'], color='r', ls='--', lw=2) ax.set_title(info['title']) ri += 1 f.tight_layout() cv.savefig(os.path.join(imgdir, f'calib.png'), dpi=300)
time_num_new = np.append( time_num_new, sim.people.date_diagnosed[idx] - sim.people.date_symptomatic[idx]) yield_num_new = yield_num_new + sim.results['test_yield'].values idx_dia = sim.people.diagnosed idx = ~np.isnan(sim.people.date_symptomatic) stage_new['mild'] += sum(idx[idx_dia]) / sum(idx) idx = ~np.isnan(sim.people.date_severe) stage_new['sev'] += sum(idx[idx_dia]) / sum(idx) idx = ~np.isnan(sim.people.date_critical) stage_new['crit'] += sum(idx[idx_dia]) / sum(idx) sc.toc(t) sim.plot(to_plot={'test': ['new_tests']}) if do_save: cv.savefig('testScalingNum.png') pl.close() sim = single_sim_new(rand_seed=i, dist=None) t = sc.tic() idx = sim.people.diagnosed time_num_flat = np.append( time_num_flat, sim.people.date_diagnosed[idx] - sim.people.date_symptomatic[idx]) yield_num_flat = yield_num_flat + sim.results['test_yield'].values idx_dia = sim.people.diagnosed idx = ~np.isnan(sim.people.date_symptomatic) stage_flat['mild'] += sum(idx[idx_dia]) / sum(idx) idx = ~np.isnan(sim.people.date_severe) stage_flat['sev'] += sum(idx[idx_dia]) / sum(idx)
print('Deaths: ', msim.results['cum_deaths'][-1]) print('Infections: ', msim.results['cum_infectious'][-1]) # Save the key figures plot_customizations = dict( interval=90, # Number of days between tick marks dateformat='%Y/%m', # Date format for ticks fig_args={'figsize': (14, 8)}, # Size of the figure (x and y) axis_args={'left': 0.15}, # Space on left side of plot ) msim.plot_result('r_eff', **plot_customizations) pl.axhline(1.0, linestyle='--', c=[0.8, 0.4, 0.4], alpha=0.8, lw=4) # Add a line for the R_eff = 1 cutoff pl.title('') cv.savefig('R_eff.png') msim.plot_result('cum_deaths', **plot_customizations) pl.title('') cv.savefig('Deaths.png') msim.plot_result('new_infections', **plot_customizations) pl.title('') cv.savefig('Infections.png') msim.plot_result('cum_diagnoses', **plot_customizations) pl.title('') cv.savefig('Diagnoses.png') msim.plot_result('new_tests', **plot_customizations) cv.savefig('Test.png')
fontsize=36, fontweight='bold', bbox={'edgecolor': 'none', 'facecolor': 'white', 'alpha': 0.5, 'pad': 4}) pl.figtext(xgapl + dx * ncols + xgapm + rlpad, ygapb + (ygapm + dy) * 0 + epsy,' Masks: 30% EC ', rotation=90, fontweight='bold', bbox={'edgecolor': 'none', 'facecolor': 'white', 'alpha': 0.5, 'pad': 4}) pl.figtext(xgapl + dx * ncols + xgapm + rlpad, ygapb + (ygapm + dy) * 1 + epsy,' Masks: 15% EC ', rotation=90, fontweight='bold', bbox={'edgecolor': 'none', 'facecolor': 'white', 'alpha': 0.5, 'pad': 4}) for pn in range(nplots): ax[pn] = pl.axes([xgapl + (dx + xgapm) * (pn % ncols), ygapb + (ygapm + dy) * (pn // ncols), dx, dy]) print([xgapl + (dx + xgapm) * (pn % ncols), ygapb + (ygapm + dy) * (pn // ncols)]) print(list(sims.keys())[pn]) format_ax(ax[pn], sim) ax[pn].axvline(masks_begin, c=[0, 0, 0], linestyle='--', alpha=0.4, lw=3) # pl.figtext(xgapl + (dx + xgapm) * (pn % ncols) + dx, ygapb + (ygapm + dy) * (pn // ncols) + dy, ' 24% ') ax[pn].annotate(labels[tti_scen][pn], xy=(700, 340_000), xycoords='data', ha='right', va='top') plotter('new_infections', sims[pn], ax[pn]) ax[pn].set_ylim(0, 150_000) ax[pn].set_yticks(np.arange(0, 150_000, 25_000)) if (pn%ncols) != 0: ax[pn].set_yticklabels([]) else: ax[pn].set_ylabel('New infections') if pn not in range(ncols): ax[pn].set_xticklabels([]) cv.savefig(f'{figsfolder}/fig_scens_{tti_scen}TTI.png', dpi=100) sc.toc(T)
import pandas as pd data = pd.read_csv(swabfile) data = data.loc[data['Test Delay'] != '#NAME?', ] pdf = cvu.get_pdf('lognormal', 10, 170) # Check that not using a distribution gives the same answer as before pl.hist(time_prob_old, np.arange(-2.5, 25.5), density=True) pl.hist(time_prob_flat, np.arange(-2.5, 25.5), density=True, alpha=.25) pl.xlim([-2, 20]) pl.xlabel('Symptom onset to swab') pl.ylabel('Percent of tests') if do_save: cv.savefig('testprobOld.png') pl.close() # See how close the default distribution is the the WA data and what the model # produces pl.hist(time_prob_new, np.arange(-2.5, 25.5), density=True) pl.plot(data['Test Delay'], data['Percent'] / 100) pl.plot(np.arange(100), pdf.pdf(np.arange(100))) pl.xlim([-2, 20]) pl.xlabel('Symptom onset to swab') pl.ylabel('Percent of tests') pl.legend(['Data', 'Distribution', 'Sim Histogram']) if do_save: cv.savefig('testprobEmperical.png') pl.close()
layer_counts[date, layer_num] += sim.rescale_vec[date] lockdown1 = [sc.readdate('2020-03-23'),sc.readdate('2020-05-31')] lockdown2 = [sc.readdate('2020-11-05'),sc.readdate('2020-12-03')] lockdown3 = [sc.readdate('2021-01-04'),sc.readdate('2021-02-08')] labels = ['Household', 'School', 'Workplace', 'Community'] for l in range(n_layers): ax.plot(sim.datevec, layer_counts[:,l], c=colors[l], lw=3, label=labels[l]) ax.axvspan(lockdown1[0], lockdown1[1], color='steelblue', alpha=0.2, lw=0) ax.axvspan(lockdown2[0], lockdown2[1], color='steelblue', alpha=0.2, lw=0) ax.axvspan(lockdown3[0], lockdown3[1], color='lightblue', alpha=0.2, lw=0) sc.setylim(ax=ax) sc.boxoff(ax=ax) ax.set_ylabel('Transmissions per day') ax.set_xlim([sc.readdate('2020-01-21'), sc.readdate('2021-03-01')]) ax.xaxis.set_major_formatter(mdates.DateFormatter('%b\n%y')) datemarks = pl.array(['2020-02-01'),'2020-03-01'),'2020-04-01'),'2020-05-01'),'2020-06-01'),'2020-07-01'),'2020-08-01'),'2020-09-01'),'2020-10-01'),'2020-11-01'),'2020-12-01'),'2021-01-01'),'2021-02-01'),'2021-03-01')]) ax.set_xticks([, as_date=True) for d in datemarks]) ax.legend(frameon=False) yl = ax.get_ylim() labely = yl[1]*1.015 cv.savefig(f'{figsfolder}/fig_trans.png', dpi=100) sc.toc(T)
def test_misc(): sc.heading('Testing miscellaneous functions') sim_path = 'test_misc.sim' json_path = 'test_misc.json' gitinfo_path = 'test_misc.gitinfo' fig_path = 'test_misc.png' fig_comments = 'Test comment' # Data loading cv.load_data(csv_file) cv.load_data(xlsx_file) with pytest.raises(NotImplementedError): cv.load_data('example_data.unsupported_extension') with pytest.raises(ValueError): cv.load_data(xlsx_file, columns=['missing_column']) # Dates d1 ='2020-04-04') d2 ='2020-04-04')) ds ='2020-04-04', d2) assert d1 == d2 assert d2 == ds[0] with pytest.raises(ValueError):[(2020, 4, 4)]) # Raises a TypeError which raises a ValueError with pytest.raises(ValueError):'Not a date') cv.daydiff('2020-04-04') # Run sim for more investigations sim = cv.Sim(pop_size=500, verbose=0) sim.plot(do_show=False) # Saving and loading cv.savefig(fig_path, comments=fig_comments), obj=sim) cv.load(filename=sim_path) # Version checks cv.check_version('0.0.0') # Nonsense version print('↑ Should complain about version') with pytest.raises(ValueError): cv.check_version('0.0.0', die=True) # Git checks cv.git_info(json_path) cv.git_info(json_path, check=True) # Poisson tests c1 = 5 c2 = 8 for alternative in ['two-sided', 'larger', 'smaller']: cv.poisson_test(c1, c2, alternative=alternative) for method in ['score', 'wald', 'sqrt', 'exact-cond']: cv.poisson_test(c1, c2, method=method) with pytest.raises(ValueError): cv.poisson_test(c1, c2, method='not a method') # Test locations for location in [None, 'viet-nam']: # Test versions with pytest.raises(ValueError): cv.check_save_version('1.3.2', die=True) cv.check_save_version(cv.__version__, filename=gitinfo_path, comments='Test') # Test PNG try: metadata = cv.get_png_metadata(fig_path, output=True) assert metadata['Covasim version'] == cv.__version__ assert metadata['Covasim comments'] == fig_comments except ImportError as E: print( f'Cannot test PNG function since pillow not installed ({str(E)}), skipping' ) # Tidy up remove_files(sim_path, json_path, fig_path, gitinfo_path) return
def plot_attack_rate(date_of_file, cases, sens): colors = ['lightseagreen', 'lightsteelblue', 'lightcoral'] name = 'Cases per 100k people during the\ntwo weeks prior to school reopening' if '1.1' in cases[0]: prev = 'by_cases_rising' subtitle = '(Re > 1)' else: prev = 'by_cases_falling' subtitle = '(Re < 1)' label = inc_labels if sens is not None: prev = prev + '_' + sens subtitle += f'\n ({sens_label[sens]})' staff_by_case = [] students_by_case = [] for _, case in enumerate(cases): df = outputs_df(date_of_file, case, sens) scenario_strategies = df.columns[1:] scenario_strategies = scenario_strategies.tolist() scenario_strategies.remove('all_remote') staff = [] students = [] num_staff = df[df['Unnamed: 0'] == 'num_staff']['as_normal'].values num_staff += df[df['Unnamed: 0'] == 'num_teachers']['as_normal'].values num_students = df[df['Unnamed: 0'] == 'num_students']['as_normal'].values for n, strategy in enumerate(scenario_strategies): #num_staff = df[df['Unnamed: 0'] == 'num_staff'][strategy].values #num_staff += df[df['Unnamed: 0'] == 'num_teachers'][strategy].values num_staff_cases = df[df['Unnamed: 0'] == 'num_staff_cases'][strategy].values num_staff_cases += df[df['Unnamed: 0'] == 'num_teacher_cases'][strategy].values staff.append(100 * num_staff_cases[0] / num_staff[0]) #num_students = df[df['Unnamed: 0'] == 'num_students'][strategy].values num_student_cases = df[df['Unnamed: 0'] == 'num_student_cases'][strategy].values students.append(100 * num_student_cases[0] / num_students[0]) staff = pd.DataFrame(staff).transpose() staff_by_case.append(staff) students = pd.DataFrame(students).transpose() students_by_case.append(students) x = np.arange(len(scenario_strategies)) width = [-.2, 0, .2] width_text = [-.28, -.09, .12] fig, axs = plt.subplots(nrows=2, sharex=True, sharey=False, figsize=(13, 10)) # 13 x 9 fig.subplots_adjust(hspace=0.3, right=0.9, bottom=0.15) #fig.suptitle(f'Predicted cumulative COVID-19 infection rate from Sep. 1 to Dec. 1 for people in schools', size=24, horizontalalignment='center') for i, ax in enumerate(axs): for j, case in enumerate(cases): if i == 0: + width[j], staff_by_case[j].values[0], width=0.2, label=label[case], color=colors[j]) for h in range(len(x)): ax.text(h + width_text[j], 0.5 + staff_by_case[j][h].values, round(staff_by_case[j][h].values[0], 1), fontsize=13) ax.set_title('Teachers and staff', size=20, horizontalalignment='center') else: + width[j], students_by_case[j].values[0], width=0.2, label=label[case], color=colors[j]) for h in range(len(x)): ax.text(h + width_text[j], 0.5 + students_by_case[j][h].values, round(students_by_case[j][h].values[0], 1), fontsize=13) ax.set_title('Students', size=20, horizontalalignment='center') ax.set_ylabel('COVID-19 infection rate (%)', size=20) ax.set_ylim([0, 27]) ax.set_xticks(x) ax.set_xticklabels(strategy_labels_brief.values(), fontsize=17) # 14 if i == 0: leg_i = ax.legend(fontsize=20, title=name) leg_i.set_title(name, prop={'size': 20}) #ax.legend(fontsize=16, title=name) cv.savefig(f'attack_rate_{prev}_{date_of_file}.png') plt.savefig(f'attack_rate_{prev}_{date_of_file}.pdf'), par_args={'ncpus': 5}) msim.reduce() else: msim = cv.load(msimfile) #%% Plotting for interv in msim.base_sim['interventions']: interv.do_plot = False to_plot = ['cum_diagnoses', 'new_diagnoses', 'cum_deaths', 'new_deaths'] fig_args = dict(figsize=(18, 18)) scatter_args = dict(alpha=0.3, marker='o') dateformat = '%d %b' fig = msim.plot(to_plot=to_plot, n_cols=1, fig_args=fig_args, scatter_args=scatter_args, dateformat=dateformat) fit = msim.base_sim.compute_fit(weights={'cum_diagnoses': 1, 'cum_deaths': 1}) print('Average daily mismatch: ', fit.mismatch / msim.base_sim['n_days'] / 2 * 100) for ax in fig.axes: ax.legend(['Model', '80% modeled interval', 'Data'], loc='upper left') if do_save: cv.savefig(figfile) print('Done.')
def plot_dimensions(date_of_file, cases, sens): name = 'Cases per 100k in last 14 days' if '1.1' in cases[0]: prev = 'by_cases_rising' subtitle = '(Re > 1)' else: prev = 'by_cases_falling' subtitle = '(Re < 1)' label = inc_labels if sens is not None: prev = prev + '_' + sens subtitle += f'\n ({sens_label[sens]})' attack_rate_by_case = [] perc_school_days_lost_by_case = [] efficient_y_by_case = [] efficient_x_by_case = [] for _, case in enumerate(cases): df = outputs_df(date_of_file, case, sens) scenario_strategies = df.columns[1:] scenario_strategies = scenario_strategies.tolist() scenario_strategies.remove('all_remote') perc_school_days_lost = [] # perc_school_days_lost = [0, 0, 60.76923077, 34.72494893, 59.94845764, 84.83944482] # total = df[df['Unnamed: 0'] == 'num_staff']['as_normal'].values # total += df[df['Unnamed: 0'] == 'num_teachers']['as_normal'].values # total = df[df['Unnamed: 0'] == 'num_students']['as_normal'].values attack_rate = [] efficient_y = [] efficient_x = [] weekend_days = df[df['Unnamed: 0'] == 'school_days_lost']['with_screening'].values total_school_days = df[df['Unnamed: 0'] == 'student_school_days']['with_screening'].values for n, strategy in enumerate(scenario_strategies): total = df[df['Unnamed: 0'] == 'num_staff'][strategy].values total += df[df['Unnamed: 0'] == 'num_teachers'][strategy].values total += df[df['Unnamed: 0'] == 'num_students'][strategy].values num_cases = df[df['Unnamed: 0'] == 'num_staff_cases'][strategy].values num_cases += df[df['Unnamed: 0'] == 'num_teacher_cases'][strategy].values num_cases += df[df['Unnamed: 0'] == 'num_student_cases'][strategy].values attack_rate.append(100 * num_cases[0] / total[0]) school_days_lost = df[df['Unnamed: 0'] == 'school_days_lost'][strategy].values if strategy != 'as_normal': school_days_lost = school_days_lost[0] - weekend_days[0] perc_school_days_lost.append(100 * school_days_lost / total_school_days[0]) else: perc_school_days_lost.append(100 * school_days_lost[0] / total_school_days[0]) if strategy != 'with_hybrid_scheduling': efficient_y.append(attack_rate[n]) efficient_x.append(perc_school_days_lost[n]) attack_rate = pd.DataFrame(attack_rate).transpose() attack_rate_by_case.append(attack_rate) efficient_y = pd.DataFrame(efficient_y).transpose() efficient_y_by_case.append(efficient_y) efficient_x = pd.DataFrame(efficient_x).transpose() efficient_x_by_case.append(efficient_x) perc_school_days_lost = pd.DataFrame(perc_school_days_lost).transpose() perc_school_days_lost_by_case.append(perc_school_days_lost) n_strategies = len(scenario_strategies) size_min = 8 size_max = 50 num_sizes = len(cases) intervals = (size_max - size_min) / num_sizes sizes = np.arange(size_min, size_max, step=intervals).tolist() left = 0.09 right = 0.62 bottom = 0.10 top = 0.95 fig = plt.figure(figsize=(13, 9)) fig.subplots_adjust(left=left, right=right, top=top, bottom=bottom) ax = fig.add_subplot(111) alpha = 0.67 fs = 24 for j, rate in enumerate(cases): ax.plot(efficient_x_by_case[j].iloc[0, :].values, efficient_y_by_case[j].iloc[0, :].values, linewidth=3, alpha=0.33, color='grey', linestyle='-') for i in range(n_strategies): ax.plot( perc_school_days_lost_by_case[j][i], attack_rate_by_case[j][i], marker='o', markersize=sizes[j], alpha=alpha, markerfacecolor=colors[i], markeredgewidth=0, ) ax.set_xlabel('Days of Distance Learning (% of Total School Days)', fontsize=fs) ax.set_ylabel('COVID-19 infection rate (%)', fontsize=fs) # 'Within-School Attack Rate (%)' # ax.set_ylim(0, 15) # ax.set_xlim(0, 10) ax.tick_params(labelsize=fs) # Strategies Legend ax_left = right + 0.04 ax_bottom = bottom + 0.02 ax_right = 0.95 ax_width = ax_right - ax_left ax_height = (top - bottom) / 2. ax_leg = fig.add_axes([ax_left + 0.01, ax_bottom, ax_width, ax_height]) for s, strat in enumerate(scenario_strategies): ax_leg.plot(-5, -5, color=colors[s], label=strategy_labels_brief2[strat]) leg = ax_leg.legend(loc='center', fontsize=fs) # loc=10, leg.draw_frame(False) ax_leg.axis('off') # Mobility size legend ax_bottom_2 = ax_bottom + ax_height + 0.0 ax_leg_2 = fig.add_axes([ax_left, ax_bottom_2, ax_width, ax_height]) ybase = 0.8 ytop = 1 yinterval = 0.7 * (ytop - ybase) / len(sizes) for i in range(len(sizes)): xi = 1 yi = ybase + yinterval * i si = sizes[i] ax_leg_2.plot(xi * 1.5, yi, linestyle=None, marker='o', markersize=si, markerfacecolor='white', markeredgecolor='black') ax_leg_2.text(xi * 4, yi, (label[cases[i]]), verticalalignment='center', fontsize=fs) ax_leg_2.text(xi * 7 + 1.5, 0.95, name, horizontalalignment='center', fontsize=fs) ax_leg_2.text(xi * 7 + 0.3, 0.75, 'School reopening scenario', horizontalalignment='center', fontsize=fs) ax_leg_2.axis('off') ax_leg_2.set_xlim(left=0, right=20) ax_leg_2.set_ylim(bottom=ybase * 0.9, top=ytop * 1.0) #ax.set_title(f'Trade-Offs with School Reopening', fontsize=20) cv.savefig(f'tradeoffs_{prev}_{date_of_file}.png') plt.savefig(f'tradeoffs_{prev}_{date_of_file}.pdf')
palette='tab10') ###g.add_legend(fontsize=14) g.set_titles(row_template="{row_name}", fontsize=24) #xtl = g.axes[1,0].get_xticklabels() #xtl = [l.get_text() for l in xtl] #g.set(xticklabels=[scen_names[k] if k in scen_names else k for k in xtl]) g.set_axis_labels(y_var="Days lost (%)") plt.tight_layout() for ax in g.axes.flat: box = ax.get_position() ax.set_position([box.x0, box.y0, box.width * 0.7, box.height]) g.axes.flat[0].legend(loc='upper left', bbox_to_anchor=(1, 0.3)) cv.savefig(os.path.join(imgdir, '3mInPersonDaysLost_sensitivity.png'), dpi=300) # Attack rate d = pd.melt(df, id_vars=['key1', 'key2', 'key3'], value_vars=[f'attackrate_{gkey}' for gkey in grp_dict.keys()], var_name='Group', value_name='Cum Inc (%)') d.replace({'Group': {f'attackrate_{gkey}': gkey for gkey in grp_dict.keys()}}, inplace=True) d = d.loc[d['key1'] == 'k5'] # K-5 only g = sns.FacetGrid(data=d, row='Group', height=4, aspect=3,
ax[pn] = pl.axes([ xgapl + (dx + xgapm) * (pn % ncols), ygapb + (ygapm + dy) * (pn // ncols), dx, dy ]) ax[pn] = sns.heatmap(dfs[res][scen], xticklabels=4, yticklabels=4,, vmin=0, vmax=cbar_lims[res], cbar=pn == 0, cbar_ax=None if pn else cbar_ax, cbar_kws={'label': label}) ax[pn].set_ylim(ax[pn].get_ylim()[::-1]) if (pn % ncols) != 0: ax[pn].set_yticklabels([]) else: ax[pn].set_ylabel('Symptomatic testing') ax[pn].set_yticklabels( [f'{int(i*100)}%' for i in np.linspace(0, 1, 6)], rotation=0) if pn not in range(ncols): ax[pn].set_xticklabels([]) else: ax[pn].set_xlabel('% of contacts traced') ax[pn].set_xticklabels( [f'{int(i * 100)}%' for i in np.linspace(0, 1, 6)]) cv.savefig(f'{figsfolder}/fig_sweeps_{res}.png', dpi=100) sc.toc(T)