def _load(self):
            results = DBFactory.get_db().get(self.guid)
            for key in results:
                val = results[key]
                if isinstance(val, basestring) and val.startswith('DICTABLE'):
                    i = val.index('|', 9)
                    smod, sclass = val[9:i].split(':')
                    value = unpack(val[i+1:])
                    module = __import__(smod, fromlist=[sclass])
                    classobj = getattr(module, sclass)
                    value = classobj._fromdict(value)
                elif key in ('root_dir', 'file_path'):
                    # No op - set in constructor
                elif key == 'brick_tree':
                    setattr(self, key, RTreeProxy.deserialize(val))
                elif key == 'span_collection':
                    unpacked = unpack(val)
                    value = SpanCollectionByFile.from_str(unpacked)
                    log.trace("Reconstructed SpanCollection for %s: %s", self.guid, str(value))
                    value = unpack(val)

                if isinstance(value, tuple):
                    value = list(value)

                setattr(self, key, value)

        except Exception as e:
            log.error("Caught exception reconstructing metadata for guid %s : %s", self.guid, e.message)
    def decompress(self, obj):
        vals = base64decode(obj)
        if isinstance(vals, np.ndarray):
            return NumpyParameterData(self.parameter_manager.parameter_name, vals)
        # if isinstance(vals[0], basestring) and vals[0].startswith('_mp_'):
        #     st = vals[0][len('_mp_'):]
        #     if hasattr(vals[0], '__iter__'):
        #         vals = np.array([unpack(x) for x in vals[0]])
        #     else:
        #         vals = np.array([unpack(vals[0])])
        #     return NumpyParameterData(self.parameter_manager.parameter_name, vals)
        elif isinstance(vals, tuple) and len(vals) == 1 and isinstance(vals[0], basestring):
            # if hasattr(vals[0], '__iter__'):
            #     vals = np.array([unpack(x) for x in vals[0]])
            # else:
            vals = np.array([unpack(vals[0])])
            return NumpyParameterData(self.parameter_manager.parameter_name, vals)

        elif isinstance(vals, tuple):
            if vals[4] == ConstantOverTime.__name__:
                return ConstantOverTime(self.parameter_manager.parameter_name, vals[1], time_start=vals[2], time_end=vals[3])
            elif vals[4] == RepeatOverTime.__name__:
                return RepeatOverTime(self.parameter_manager.parameter_name, vals[1], time_start=vals[2], time_end=vals[3])
                raise Exception("Could not rebuild class %s" % vals[4])
            raise Exception("Could not handle decompressed value %s" % vals)
 def getCoverageType(directory, guid):
     cov_type = DBFactory.get_db().get_coverage_type(guid)
     if '' == cov_type:
         return ''
         cov_type = unpack(cov_type)
         return cov_type
Beispiel #4
 def _object_unpack_hook(self, value):
     value = unpack(value)
     if isinstance(value, np.ndarray):
         return value.tolist()
     elif isinstance(value, tuple):
         return list(value)
         return value
 def _object_unpack_hook(self, value):
     value = unpack(value)
     if isinstance(value, np.ndarray):
         return value.tolist()
     elif isinstance(value, tuple):
         return list(value)
         return value
Beispiel #6
    def __getitem__(self, slice_):
        if not isinstance(slice_, (list,tuple)):
            slice_ = [slice_]
        log.debug('getitem slice_: %s', slice_)

        arr_shp = self._get_array_shape_from_slice(slice_)

        ret_arr = np.empty(arr_shp, dtype=self.dtype)
        ret_origin = [0 for x in range(ret_arr.ndim)]
        log.trace('Shape of returned array: %s', ret_arr.shape)

        if arr_shp == 0:
            return ret_arr

        brick_origin_offset = 0

        bricks = self._bricks_from_slice(slice_)
        log.trace('Slice %s indicates bricks: %s', slice_, bricks)

        for idx, brick_guid in bricks:
            brick_file_path = '{0}/{1}.hdf5'.format(self.brick_path, brick_guid)

            # Figuring out which part of brick to set values - also appropriately increments the ret_origin
            log.trace('Return array origin: %s', ret_origin)
                brick_slice, value_slice, brick_origin_offset = self._calc_slices(slice_, brick_guid, ret_arr, ret_origin, brick_origin_offset)
                if brick_slice is None:
                    raise ValueError('Brick contains no values for specified slice')
            except ValueError as ve:
                log.warn(ve.message + '; moving to next brick')

            log.trace('Brick slice to extract: %s', brick_slice)
            log.trace('Value slice to fill: %s', value_slice)

            if not os.path.exists(brick_file_path):
                log.trace('Found virtual brick file: %s', brick_file_path)
                log.trace('Found real brick file: %s', brick_file_path)

                with h5py.File(brick_file_path) as brick_file:
                    v = brick_file[brick_guid].__getitem__(*brick_slice)

                # Check if object type
                if self.dtype == '|O8':
                    if not hasattr(v, '__iter__'):
                        v = [v]
                    v = [unpack(x) for x in v]

                ret_arr[value_slice] = v

        if ret_arr.size == 1:
            if ret_arr.ndim==0:
        return ret_arr
Beispiel #7
    def __deserialize(self, payload):
        if isinstance(payload, basestring) and payload.startswith('DICTABLE'):
            i = payload.index('|', 9)
            smod, sclass = payload[9:i].split(':')
            value = unpack(payload[i + 1:])
            module = __import__(smod, fromlist=[sclass])
            classobj = getattr(module, sclass)
            payload = classobj._fromdict(value)

        return payload
    def __deserialize(self, payload):
        if isinstance(payload, basestring) and payload.startswith('DICTABLE'):
            i = payload.index('|', 9)
            smod, sclass = payload[9:i].split(':')
            value = unpack(payload[i + 1:])
            module = __import__(smod, fromlist=[sclass])
            classobj = getattr(module, sclass)
            payload = classobj._fromdict(value)

        return payload
 def getCoverageType(directory, guid):
     if DbBackedMetadataManager.is_persisted_in_db(guid) is True:
         cov_type = DBFactory.get_db().get_coverage_type(guid)
         if '' == cov_type:
             return ''
             cov_type = unpack(cov_type)
             return cov_type
         return BaseManager.getCoverageType(directory, guid)
Beispiel #10
 def from_msgpack(cls, str, decompressors=None):
     from coverage_model.persistence_helpers import unpack
     _dict = unpack(str)
     uncompressed_params = {}
     if 'params' in _dict:
         for param, data in _dict['params'].iteritems():
             if decompressors is not None:
                 uncompressed_params[param] = decompressors[param].decompress(data)
                 uncompressed_params[param] = np.array(data[0], dtype=data[1])
                 uncompressed_params[param].shape = data[2]
     span = Span(_dict['id'], _dict['coverage_id'], uncompressed_params, ingest_time=_dict['ingest_time'], mutable=_dict['mutable'])
     span.ingest_times = _dict['ingest_time_dict']
     span.param_dict[cls.ingest_time_str] = NumpyParameterData(cls.ingest_time_str, span.ingest_time_array)
     return span
 def from_pack(text):
     pack_dict = msgpack.unpackb(text)
     guid = pack_dict.pop('guid')
     parameter_name = pack_dict.pop('parameter_name')
     pm = ParameterContextWrapper(guid, parameter_name, read_only=True)
     for k, val in pack_dict.iteritems():
         if isinstance(val, basestring) and val.startswith('DICTABLE'):
             i = val.index('|', 9)
             smod, sclass = val[9:i].split(':')
             val = unpack(val[i+1:])
             module = __import__(smod, fromlist=[sclass])
             classobj = getattr(module, sclass)
             val = classobj._fromdict(val)
     return pm
Beispiel #12
    def __getitem__(self, slice_):
        # Always storing in first slot - ignore slice
        if len(self.brick_list) == 0:
            raise ValueError('No Bricks!')

        bid = 'sparse_value_brick'

        brick_file_path = '{0}/{1}.hdf5'.format(self.brick_path, bid)

        if os.path.exists(brick_file_path):
            with HDFLockingFile(brick_file_path) as f:
                ret_vals = f[bid][0]
            ret_vals = None

        if ret_vals is None:
            return self.fill_value

        ret_vals = unpack(ret_vals)

        ret = [self.__deserialize(v) for v in ret_vals]

        return ret
    def __getitem__(self, slice_):
        # Always storing in first slot - ignore slice
        if len(self.brick_list) == 0:
            raise ValueError('No Bricks!')

        bid = 'sparse_value_brick'

        brick_file_path = '{0}/{1}.hdf5'.format(self.brick_path, bid)

        if os.path.exists(brick_file_path):
            with h5py.File(brick_file_path) as f:
                ret_vals = f[bid][0]
            ret_vals = None

        if ret_vals is None:
            return self.fill_value

        ret_vals = unpack(ret_vals)

        ret = [self.__deserialize(v) for v in ret_vals]

        return ret