Beispiel #1
 def map_cov_rdt(cls, coverage, rdt, field, slice_):
     log.trace('Slice is %s', slice_)
         n = coverage.get_parameter_values(field, tdoa=slice_)
     except ParameterFunctionException:
     if n is None:
         rdt[field] = [n]
     elif isinstance(n, np.ndarray):
         if coverage.get_data_extents(field)[0] < coverage.num_timesteps:
                 "Misformed coverage detected, padding with fill_value")
             arr_len = utils.slice_shape(slice_,
                                         (coverage.num_timesteps, ))[0]
             fill_arr = np.empty(arr_len - n.shape[0], dtype=n.dtype)
             n = np.append(n, fill_arr)
         elif coverage.get_data_extents(field)[0] > coverage.num_timesteps:
             raise CorruptionError(
                 'The coverage is corrupted:\n\tfield: %s\n\textents: %s\n\ttimesteps: %s'
                 % (field, coverage.get_data_extents(field),
         rdt[field] = np.atleast_1d(n)
         rdt[field] = [n]
    def _get_param_vals(self, name, slice_, dims):
        shp = utils.slice_shape(slice_, dims)
        def _getarr(vmin, shp, vmax=None,):
            if vmax is None:
                return np.empty(shp).fill(vmin)
            return np.arange(vmin, vmax, (vmax - vmin) / int(, dtype='float32').reshape(shp)

        if name == 'LAT':
            ret = np.empty(shp)
        elif name == 'LON':
            ret = np.empty(shp)
        elif name == 'TEMPWAT_L0':
            ret = _getarr(280000, shp, 350000)
        elif name == 'CONDWAT_L0':
            ret = _getarr(100000, shp, 750000)
        elif name == 'PRESWAT_L0':
            ret = _getarr(3000, shp, 10000)
        elif name in self.value_classes: # Non-L0 parameters
            ret = self.value_classes[name][:]
            return np.zeros(shp)

        return ret
    def __indexify_slice(self, slice_, total_shape):
        ## ONLY WORKS FOR 1D ARRAYS!!!
        fsl = utils.fix_slice(slice_, total_shape)
        ss = utils.slice_shape(slice_, total_shape)
        ret = np.empty(ss, dtype=int)
        rf = ret.flatten()

        ci = 0
        for s, shape in zip(fsl, total_shape):
            if isinstance(s, slice):
                ind = range(*s.indices(shape))
                ll = len(ind)
                rf[ci:ll] = ind
                ci += ll
            elif isinstance(s, (list, tuple)):
                ll = len(s)
                rf[ci:ll] = s
                ci += ll
            elif isinstance(s, int):
                rf[ci] = s
                ci += 1
                raise TypeError(
                    'Unsupported slice method')  # TODO: Better error message

        return rf.reshape(ss)
    def _coverage_to_granule(cls, coverage, start_time=None, end_time=None, stride_time=None, fuzzy_stride=True, parameters=None, stream_def_id=None, tdoa=None):
        slice_ = slice(None) # Defaults to all values

        # Validations
        if start_time is not None:
            validate_is_instance(start_time, Number, 'start_time must be a number for striding.')
        if end_time is not None:
            validate_is_instance(end_time, Number, 'end_time must be a number for striding.')
        if stride_time is not None:
            validate_is_instance(stride_time, Number, 'stride_time must be a number for striding.')

        if tdoa is not None and isinstance(tdoa,slice):
            slice_ = tdoa
        elif stride_time is not None and not fuzzy_stride: # SLOW 
            ugly_range = np.arange(start_time, end_time, stride_time)
            idx_values = [cls.get_time_idx(coverage,i) for i in ugly_range]
            idx_values = list(set(idx_values)) # Removing duplicates - also mixes the order of the list!!!
            slice_ = [idx_values]

        elif not (start_time is None and end_time is None):
            if start_time is not None:
                start_time = cls.get_time_idx(coverage,start_time)
            if end_time is not None:
                end_time = cls.get_time_idx(coverage,end_time)

            slice_ = slice(start_time,end_time,stride_time)
  'Slice: %s', slice_)

        if stream_def_id:
            rdt = RecordDictionaryTool(stream_definition_id=stream_def_id)
            rdt = RecordDictionaryTool(param_dictionary=coverage.parameter_dictionary)
        if parameters is not None:
            # TODO: Improve efficiency here
            fields = list(set(parameters).intersection(rdt.fields))
            fields = rdt.fields

        for field in fields:
   'Slice is %s' , slice_)
            n = coverage.get_parameter_values(field,tdoa=slice_)
            if n is None:
                rdt[field] = [n]
            elif isinstance(n,np.ndarray):
                if coverage.get_data_extents(field)[0] < coverage.num_timesteps:
                    log.error("Misformed coverage detected, padding with fill_value")
                    arr_len = utils.slice_shape(slice_, (coverage.num_timesteps,))[0]
                    fill_arr = np.empty(arr_len - n.shape[0] , dtype=n.dtype)
                    n = np.append(n,fill_arr)
                elif coverage.get_data_extents(field)[0] > coverage.num_timesteps:
                    raise CorruptionError('The coverage is corrupted:\n\tfield: %s\n\textents: %s\n\ttimesteps: %s' % (field, coverage.get_data_extents(field), coverage.num_timesteps))
                rdt[field] = np.atleast_1d(n)
                rdt[field] = [n]
        return rdt
    def __indexify_slice(self, slice_, total_shape):
        ## ONLY WORKS FOR 1D ARRAYS!!!
        fsl = utils.fix_slice(slice_, total_shape)
        ss = utils.slice_shape(slice_, total_shape)
        ret = np.empty(ss, dtype=int)
        rf = ret.flatten()

        ci = 0
        for s, shape in zip(fsl, total_shape):
            if isinstance(s,slice):
                ind = range(*s.indices(shape))
                ll = len(ind)
                rf[ci:ll] = ind
                ci += ll
            elif isinstance(s, (list,tuple)):
                ll = len(s)
                rf[ci:ll] = s
                ci += ll
            elif isinstance(s, int):
                rf[ci] = s
                ci += 1
                raise TypeError('Unsupported slice method') # TODO: Better error message

        return rf.reshape(ss)
def _run_test_slices(ba, sl_list, val_arr, verbose):
    if not verbose:
        from sys import stdout

    for sl in sl_list:
        tstr = '*** Slice: {0} ***'.format(sl)
        if verbose:
            print '\n' + tstr
            print 'Slice Shape: {0}'.format(utils.slice_shape(sl, ba.total_domain))

        vals = val_arr[sl]
        ba.put_values_to_bricks(sl, vals)
        vo = ba.get_values_from_bricks(sl)
        eq = np.array_equal(vals, vo)
        seq = np.array_equal(vals.squeeze(), vo)
        if not eq and not seq:
            print "\n!!!!!!!! NOT EQUAL !!!!!!!!"
            print 'vals in:\n%s' % (vals,)
            print 'vals out:\n%s' % (vo,)
            if verbose:
                print "Value Shape: {0}".format(vo.shape)
                print "Equal{0}!".format(' (w/squeeze)' if not eq else '')
                if not eq:

        if verbose:
            print '\n' + '*' * len(tstr)

    def __getitem__(self, slice_):
        slice_ = utils.fix_slice(slice_, self.shape)

        ret_shape = utils.slice_shape(slice_, self.shape)
        ret = np.empty(ret_shape, dtype=np.dtype(self.value_encoding))

        return _cleanse_value(ret, slice_)
    def __getitem__(self, slice_):
        slice_ = utils.fix_slice(slice_, self.shape)

        ret_shape = utils.slice_shape(slice_, self.shape)
        ret = np.empty(ret_shape, dtype=np.dtype(object)) # Always object type because it's 2 values / element!!

        return _cleanse_value(ret, slice_)
    def __getitem__(self, slice_):
        slice_ = utils.fix_slice(slice_, self.shape)

        ret_shape = utils.slice_shape(slice_, self.shape)
        ret = np.empty(ret_shape, dtype=np.dtype(self.value_encoding))

        return _cleanse_value(ret, slice_)
    def __getitem__(self, slice_):
        slice_ = utils.fix_slice(slice_, self.shape)

        ret_shape = utils.slice_shape(slice_, self.shape)
        ret = np.empty(ret_shape, dtype=np.dtype(
            object))  # Always object type because it's 2 values / element!!

        return _cleanse_value(ret, slice_)
    def get_values_from_bricks(self, slice_):
        slice_ = utils.fix_slice(slice_, self.total_domain)
        bricks = bricking_utils.get_bricks_from_slice(
            slice_, self.rtree, self.total_domain
        )  # this is a list of tuples [(b_id, (bounds...),), ...]

        ret_shp = utils.slice_shape(slice_, self.total_domain)
        ret_arr = np.empty(ret_shp, dtype=self.dtype)

        for b in bricks:
            bid, bbnds = b
            brick_slice, brick_mm = bricking_utils.get_brick_slice_nd(
                slice_, bbnds)

            if None in brick_slice:

            ret_slice = bricking_utils.get_value_slice_nd(
                slice_, ret_shp, bbnds, brick_slice, brick_mm)

            if not self.use_hdf:
                ret_vals = self.bricks[bid][brick_slice]
                fi = self.bricks[bid]
                with h5py.File(fi) as f:
                    ds = f.require_dataset(str(bid),
                    ret_vals = ds[brick_slice]

            ret_arr[ret_slice] = ret_vals

        ret_arr = ret_arr.squeeze()

        if ret_arr.size == 1:
            if ret_arr.ndim == 0:
                ret_arr = ret_arr[()]
                ret_arr = ret_arr[0]

        return ret_arr
 def map_cov_rdt(cls, coverage, rdt, field, slice_):
     log.trace( 'Slice is %s' , slice_)
         n = coverage.get_parameter_values(field,tdoa=slice_)
     except ParameterFunctionException:
     if n is None:
         rdt[field] = [n]
     elif isinstance(n,np.ndarray):
         if coverage.get_data_extents(field)[0] < coverage.num_timesteps:
             log.error("Misformed coverage detected, padding with fill_value")
             arr_len = utils.slice_shape(slice_, (coverage.num_timesteps,))[0]
             fill_arr = np.empty(arr_len - n.shape[0] , dtype=n.dtype)
             n = np.append(n,fill_arr)
         elif coverage.get_data_extents(field)[0] > coverage.num_timesteps:
             raise CorruptionError('The coverage is corrupted:\n\tfield: %s\n\textents: %s\n\ttimesteps: %s' % (field, coverage.get_data_extents(field), coverage.num_timesteps))
         rdt[field] = np.atleast_1d(n)
         rdt[field] = [n]
    def get_values_from_bricks(self, slice_):
        slice_ = utils.fix_slice(slice_, self.total_domain)
        bricks = bricking_utils.get_bricks_from_slice(
            slice_, self.rtree, self.total_domain
        )  # this is a list of tuples [(b_id, (bounds...),), ...]

        ret_shp = utils.slice_shape(slice_, self.total_domain)
        ret_arr = np.empty(ret_shp, dtype=self.dtype)

        for b in bricks:
            bid, bbnds = b
            brick_slice, brick_mm = bricking_utils.get_brick_slice_nd(slice_, bbnds)

            if None in brick_slice:

            ret_slice = bricking_utils.get_value_slice_nd(slice_, ret_shp, bbnds, brick_slice, brick_mm)

            if not self.use_hdf:
                ret_vals = self.bricks[bid][brick_slice]
                fi = self.bricks[bid]
                with HDFLockingFile(fi) as f:
                    ds = f.require_dataset(
                        str(bid), shape=self.brick_sizes, dtype=self.dtype, chunks=None, fillvalue=-1
                    ret_vals = ds[brick_slice]

            ret_arr[ret_slice] = ret_vals

        ret_arr = ret_arr.squeeze()

        if ret_arr.size == 1:
            if ret_arr.ndim == 0:
                ret_arr = ret_arr[()]
                ret_arr = ret_arr[0]

        return ret_arr
def _run_test_slices(ba, sl_list, val_arr, verbose):
    if not verbose:
        from sys import stdout

    for sl in sl_list:
        tstr = '*** Slice: {0} ***'.format(sl)
        if verbose:
            print '\n' + tstr
            print 'Slice Shape: {0}'.format(
                utils.slice_shape(sl, ba.total_domain))

        vals = val_arr[sl]
        ba.put_values_to_bricks(sl, vals)
        vo = ba.get_values_from_bricks(sl)
        eq = np.array_equal(vals, vo)
        seq = np.array_equal(vals.squeeze(), vo)
        if not eq and not seq:
            print "\n!!!!!!!! NOT EQUAL !!!!!!!!"
            print 'vals in:\n%s' % (vals, )
            print 'vals out:\n%s' % (vo, )
            if verbose:
                print "Value Shape: {0}".format(vo.shape)
                print "Equal{0}!".format(' (w/squeeze)' if not eq else '')
                if not eq:

        if verbose:
            print '\n' + '*' * len(tstr)

    def __setitem__(self, slice_, value):
        Called to implement assignment of self[slice_, value].

        Not implemented by the abstract class

        @param slice    A set of valid constraints - int, [int,], (int,), or slice
        @param value    The value to assign to the storage at location slice_
        @raise  ValueError when brick contains no values for specified slice
        if self.mode == 'r':
            raise IOError('PersistenceLayer not open for writing: mode == \'{0}\''.format(self.mode))

        from coverage_model import bricking_utils, utils

        extents = tuple([s for s in self.total_domain.total_extents if s != 0])
        # bricks is a list of tuples [(b_ord, b_guid), ...]
        slice_ = utils.fix_slice(deepcopy(slice_), extents)
        log.trace('slice_=%s', slice_)
        bricks = bricking_utils.get_bricks_from_slice(slice_, self.brick_tree, extents)
        log.trace('Found bricks: %s', bricks)

        values = np.asanyarray(value)
        v_shp = values.shape
        log.trace('value_shape: %s', v_shp)
        s_shp = utils.slice_shape(slice_, extents)
        log.trace('slice_shape: %s', s_shp)
        is_broadcast = False
        if v_shp == ():
            is_broadcast = True
            value_slice = ()
        elif v_shp != s_shp:
            if v_shp == tuple([i for i in s_shp if i != 1]): # Missing dimensions are singleton, just reshape to fit
                values = values.reshape(s_shp)
                v_shp = values.shape
                raise IndexError(
                    'Shape of \'value\' is not compatible with \'slice_\': slice_ shp == {0}\tvalue shp == {1}'.format(
                        s_shp, v_shp))
            value_slice = None

        log.trace('value_shape: %s', v_shp)

        for b in bricks:
            # b is (brick_ordinal, brick_guid)
            _, bid = b
            # brick_list[brick_guid] contains: [brick_extents, origin, tuple(bD), brick_active_size]
            _, bori, _, bact = self.brick_list[bid]
            bbnds = []
            bexts = []
            for i, bnd in enumerate(bori):
                bbnds.append((bori[i], bori[i] + bact[i] - 1))
                bexts.append(bori[i] + bact[i])
            bbnds = tuple(bbnds)
            bexts = tuple(bexts)
            log.trace('bid=%s, bbnds=%s, bexts=%s', bid, bbnds, bexts)

            log.trace('Determining slice for brick: %s', b)

            brick_slice, brick_mm = bricking_utils.get_brick_slice_nd(slice_, bbnds)
            log.trace('brick_slice=%s\tbrick_mm=%s', brick_slice, brick_mm)

            if None in brick_slice: # Brick does not contain any of the requested indices
                log.debug('Brick does not contain any of the requested indices: Move to next brick')

                brick_slice = utils.fix_slice(brick_slice, bexts)
            except IndexError:
                log.debug('Malformed brick_slice: move to next brick')

            if not is_broadcast:
                value_slice = bricking_utils.get_value_slice_nd(slice_, v_shp, bbnds, brick_slice, brick_mm)

                    value_slice = utils.fix_slice(value_slice, v_shp)
                except IndexError:
                    log.debug('Malformed value_slice: move to next brick')

            log.trace('\nbrick %s:\n\tbrick_slice %s=%s\n\tmin/max=%s\n\tvalue_slice %s=%s', b,
                      utils.slice_shape(brick_slice, bexts), brick_slice, brick_mm,
                      utils.slice_shape(value_slice, v_shp), value_slice)
            v = values[value_slice]

            self._set_values_to_brick(bid, brick_slice, v)
    def __getitem__(self, slice_):
        Called to implement evaluation of self[slice_].

        Not implemented by the abstract class

        @param slice_   A set of valid constraints - int, [int,], (int,), or slice
        @return The value contained by the storage at location slice
        @raise  ValueError when brick contains no values for specified slice
        from coverage_model import bricking_utils, utils

        extents = tuple([s for s in self.total_domain.total_extents if s != 0])
        if extents == ():  # Empty domain(s) - no data, return empty array
            return np.empty(0, dtype=self.dtype)

        # bricks is a list of tuples [(b_ord, b_guid), ...]
        slice_ = utils.fix_slice(deepcopy(slice_), extents)
        log.trace('slice_=%s', slice_)
        bricks = bricking_utils.get_bricks_from_slice(slice_, self.brick_tree, extents)
        log.trace('Found bricks: %s', bricks)

        ret_shp = utils.slice_shape(slice_, extents)
        log.trace('Return array shape: %s', ret_shp)
        ret_arr = np.empty(ret_shp, dtype=self.dtype)

        for b in bricks:
            # b is (brick_ordinal, brick_guid)
            _, bid = b
            # brick_list[brick_guid] contains: [brick_extents, origin, tuple(bD), brick_active_size]
            _, bori, _, bact = self.brick_list[bid]
            bbnds = []
            for i, bnd in enumerate(bori):
                bbnds.append((bori[i], bori[i] + bact[i] - 1))
            bbnds = tuple(bbnds)

            brick_slice, brick_mm = bricking_utils.get_brick_slice_nd(slice_, bbnds)
            log.trace('brick_slice=%s\tbrick_mm=%s', brick_slice, brick_mm)

            if None in brick_slice:
                log.debug('Brick does not contain any of the requested indices: Move to next brick')

            ret_slice = bricking_utils.get_value_slice_nd(slice_, ret_shp, bbnds, brick_slice, brick_mm)

            brick_file_path = '{0}/{1}.hdf5'.format(self.brick_path, bid)
            if not os.path.exists(brick_file_path):
                log.trace('Found virtual brick file: %s', brick_file_path)
                log.trace('Found real brick file: %s', brick_file_path)

                with h5py.File(brick_file_path) as brick_file:
                    ret_vals = brick_file[bid][brick_slice]

                # Check if object type
                if self.dtype == '|O8':
                    if hasattr(ret_vals, '__iter__'):
                        ret_vals = [self._object_unpack_hook(x) for x in ret_vals]
                        ret_vals = self._object_unpack_hook(ret_vals)

                ret_arr[ret_slice] = ret_vals

        # ret_arr = np.atleast_1d(ret_arr.squeeze())
        # ret_arr = np.atleast_1d(ret_arr)
        # # If the array is size 1 AND a slice object was NOT part of the query
        # if ret_arr.size == 1 and not np.atleast_1d([isinstance(s, slice) for s in slice_]).all():
        #     ret_arr = ret_arr[0]

        return ret_arr
class SparseConstantValue(AbstractComplexParameterValue):
    def __init__(self, parameter_type, domain_set, storage=None, **kwargs):

        @param **kwargs Additional keyword arguments are copied and the copy is passed up to AbstractComplexParameterValue; see documentation for that class for details
        kwc = kwargs.copy()
        AbstractComplexParameterValue.__init__(self, parameter_type,
                                               domain_set, storage, **kwc)
        self._storage.expand((1, ), 0, 1)

    def content(self):
        return self._storage[0]

    def expand_content(self, domain, origin, expansion):
        # No op - storage expanded in __setitem__

    def _update_min_max(self, value):
        # TODO: There is a flaw here when OVERWRITING:
        # overwritten values may still appear to be a min/max value as
        # recalculation of the full array does not occur...\
        if np.dtype(self.value_encoding).kind not in [
                'S', 'O'
        ]:  # No min/max for strings or objects
            v = np.atleast_1d(value)
            # All values are fill_values, leave what we have!
            if np.atleast_1d(v == self.fill_value).all():
            # Mask fill_value so it's not included in the calculation
            v = np.atleast_1d(
      , self.fill_value, copy=False))
            # Update min
            self._min = min(
                self._min) if self._min != self.fill_value else v.min()
            # Update max
            self._max = max(
                self._max) if self._min != self.fill_value else v.max()

    def __indexify_slice(self, slice_, total_shape):
        ## ONLY WORKS FOR 1D ARRAYS!!!
        fsl = utils.fix_slice(slice_, total_shape)
        ss = utils.slice_shape(slice_, total_shape)
        ret = np.empty(ss, dtype=int)
        rf = ret.flatten()

        ci = 0
        for s, shape in zip(fsl, total_shape):
            if isinstance(s, slice):
                ind = range(*s.indices(shape))
                ll = len(ind)
                rf[ci:ll] = ind
                ci += ll
            elif isinstance(s, (list, tuple)):
                ll = len(s)
                rf[ci:ll] = s
                ci += ll
            elif isinstance(s, int):
                rf[ci] = s
                ci += 1
                raise TypeError(
                    'Unsupported slice method')  # TODO: Better error message

        return rf.reshape(ss)

    def _apply_value(self, stor_sub):
        v_arr = np.empty(0, dtype=self.value_encoding)
        max_i = self.shape[0]
        for s in stor_sub:
            # log.trace('s: %s, max_i: %s', s, max_i)
            st = s.lower_bound or 0
            en = s.upper_bound or max_i
            # log.trace('st: %s, en: %s, offset: %s', st, en, s.offset)

            if st == en == max_i:

            if isinstance(s.value, AbstractParameterValue):
                st += s.offset
                en += s.offset
                e = s.value[st:en]
                sz = en - st
                e = np.empty(sz, dtype=self.value_encoding)

            v_arr = np.append(v_arr, e)

        return v_arr

    def __getitem__(self, slice_):
        slice_ = utils.fix_slice(slice_, self.shape)

        # Nothing asked for!
        if len(slice_) is 0:
            return np.empty(0, dtype=self.value_encoding)

            spans = self._storage[0]
        except ValueError, ve:
            if ve.message != 'No Bricks!':

            return np.empty(0, dtype=self.value_encoding)

        if not hasattr(spans, '__iter__') and spans == self.fill_value:
            ret = np.empty(utils.slice_shape(slice_, self.shape),
            return _cleanse_value(ret, slice_)

        # Build the index array
        ind_arr = self.__indexify_slice(slice_, self.shape)
        # Empty index array!
        if len(ind_arr) == 0:
            return np.empty(0, dtype=self.value_encoding)

        # Get first and last index
        fi, li = ind_arr.min(), ind_arr.max()

        # Find the first storage needed
        strt_i = None
        end_i = None
        enum = enumerate(spans)
        for i, s in enum:
            if fi in s:
                strt_i = i

        if fi == li:
            end_i = strt_i + 1  # If this breaks, it's probably because there's a gap in the spans...
            for i, s in reversed(list(enum)):
                if li in s:
                    end_i = i + 1

        # log.trace('srt: %s, end: %s, fi: %s, li: %s', strt_i, end_i, fi, li)

        stor_sub = spans[strt_i:end_i]
        # Build the array of stored values
        v_arr = self._apply_value(stor_sub)

        if stor_sub[0].lower_bound is None:
            offset = 0
            offset = stor_sub[0].lower_bound
        io = ind_arr - offset

        vals = np.atleast_1d(v_arr[io])
        if hasattr(self.parameter_type.base_type, 'inner_encoding'):
            vals = ArrayValue._apply_inner_encoding(
                vals, self.parameter_type.base_type)

        return _cleanse_value(vals, slice_)
    def put_values_to_bricks(self, slice_, values):
        slice_ = utils.fix_slice(slice_, self.total_domain)
        bricks = bricking_utils.get_bricks_from_slice(
            slice_, self.rtree, self.total_domain
        )  # this is a list of tuples [(b_id, (bounds...),), ...]

        values = np.asanyarray(values)
        v_shp = values.shape
        log.debug('value_shape: %s', v_shp)
        s_shp = utils.slice_shape(slice_, self.total_domain)
        log.debug('slice_shape: %s', s_shp)
        is_broadcast = False
        if v_shp == ():
            is_broadcast = True
            value_slice = ()
        elif v_shp != s_shp:
            if v_shp == tuple([
                    i for i in s_shp if i != 1
            ]):  # Missing dimensions are singleton, just reshape to fit
                values = values.reshape(s_shp)
                v_shp = values.shape
                raise IndexError(
                    'Shape of \'value\' is not compatible with \'slice_\': slice_ shp == {0}\tvalue shp == {1}'
                    .format(s_shp, v_shp))
            value_slice = None

        log.debug('value_shape: %s', v_shp)

        for b in bricks:
            # b is (brick_id, (brick_bounds per dim...),)
            bid, bbnds = b
            log.debug('Determining slice for brick: %s', b)
            bexts = tuple([x + 1 for x in zip(*bbnds)[1]
                           ])  # Shift from index to size
            log.debug('bid=%s, bbnds=%s, bexts=%s', bid, bbnds, bexts)

            brick_slice, brick_mm = bricking_utils.get_brick_slice_nd(
                slice_, bbnds)

            if None in brick_slice:  # Brick does not contain any of the requested indices
                    'Brick does not contain any of the requested indices: Move to next brick'

                brick_slice = utils.fix_slice(brick_slice, bexts)
            except IndexError:
                log.debug('Malformed brick_slice: move to next brick')

            if not is_broadcast:
                value_slice = bricking_utils.get_value_slice_nd(
                    slice_, v_shp, bbnds, brick_slice, brick_mm)

                    value_slice = utils.fix_slice(value_slice, v_shp)
                except IndexError:
                    log.debug('Malformed value_slice: move to next brick')

                '\nbrick %s:\n\tbrick_slice %s=%s\n\tmin/max=%s\n\tvalue_slice %s=%s',
                b, utils.slice_shape(brick_slice,
                                     bexts), brick_slice, brick_mm,
                utils.slice_shape(value_slice, v_shp), value_slice)
            v = values[value_slice]
            log.debug('\nvalues %s=\n%s', v.shape, v)
            if not self.use_hdf:
                self.bricks[bid][brick_slice] = v
                fi = self.bricks[bid]
                with h5py.File(fi) as f:
                    ds = f.require_dataset(str(bid),
                    ds[brick_slice] = v
            nndim = np.atleast_1d(value).ndim

        if pndim != nndim:
            raise ValueError(
                'The dimensionality of the value is not compatible with the previous value: {0} != {1}'
                .format(pndim, nndim))

        if slice_[0] == self.shape[0] - 1:  # -1 was used for slice
            # Change the value of the last span
            lspn.value = value
            nspn_offset = 0
            if isinstance(slice_[0], Span):
                # TODO: This could be used to alter previous span objects, but for now, just use it to pass the offset
                nspn_offset = slice_[0].offset
            elif utils.slice_shape(slice_,
                                   self.shape) == self.shape:  # Full slice
                nspn_offset = -self.shape[0]

            if not isinstance(value,
                              AbstractParameterValue) and not isinstance(
                                  lspn.value, AbstractParameterValue):
                if np.atleast_1d(
                        np.atleast_1d(value) == np.atleast_1d(
                    # The previous value equals the new value - do not add a new span!

            # The current index becomes the upper_bound of the previous span and the start of the next span
            curr_ind = self.shape[0]

            # Reset the upper_bound of the previous span
Beispiel #20
    def __getitem__(self, slice_):
        Called to implement evaluation of self[slice_].

        Not implemented by the abstract class

        @param slice_   A set of valid constraints - int, [int,], (int,), or slice
        @return The value contained by the storage at location slice
        @raise  ValueError when brick contains no values for specified slice
        from coverage_model import bricking_utils, utils

        extents = tuple([s for s in self.total_domain.total_extents if s != 0])
        if extents == ():  # Empty domain(s) - no data, return empty array
            return np.empty(0, dtype=self.dtype)

        # bricks is a list of tuples [(b_ord, b_guid), ...]
        slice_ = utils.fix_slice(deepcopy(slice_), extents)
        log.trace('slice_=%s', slice_)
        bricks = bricking_utils.get_bricks_from_slice(slice_, self.brick_tree, extents)
        log.trace('Found bricks: %s', bricks)

        ret_shp = utils.slice_shape(slice_, extents)
        log.trace('Return array shape: %s', ret_shp)
        ret_arr = np.empty(ret_shp, dtype=self.dtype)

        for b in bricks:
            # b is (brick_ordinal, brick_guid)
            _, bid = b
            # brick_list[brick_guid] contains: [brick_extents, origin, tuple(bD), brick_active_size]
            _, bori, _, bact = self.brick_list[bid]
            bbnds = []
            for i, bnd in enumerate(bori):
                bbnds.append((bori[i], bori[i] + bact[i] - 1))
            bbnds = tuple(bbnds)

            brick_slice, brick_mm = bricking_utils.get_brick_slice_nd(slice_, bbnds)
            log.trace('brick_slice=%s\tbrick_mm=%s', brick_slice, brick_mm)

            if None in brick_slice:
                log.debug('Brick does not contain any of the requested indices: Move to next brick')

            ret_slice = bricking_utils.get_value_slice_nd(slice_, ret_shp, bbnds, brick_slice, brick_mm)

            brick_file_path = '{0}/{1}.hdf5'.format(self.brick_path, bid)
            if not os.path.exists(brick_file_path):
                log.trace('Found virtual brick file: %s', brick_file_path)
                log.trace('Found real brick file: %s', brick_file_path)

                with HDFLockingFile(brick_file_path) as brick_file:
                    ret_vals = brick_file[bid][brick_slice]

                # Check if object type
                if self.dtype in ('|O8', '|O4'):
                    if hasattr(ret_vals, '__iter__'):
                        ret_vals = [self._object_unpack_hook(x) for x in ret_vals]
                        ret_vals = self._object_unpack_hook(ret_vals)

                if self.parameter_manager.parameter_name == 'lat':
                    log.trace("values from brick %s %s", str(ret_vals), type(ret_vals))
                ret_arr[ret_slice] = ret_vals

        # ret_arr = np.atleast_1d(ret_arr.squeeze())
        # ret_arr = np.atleast_1d(ret_arr)
        # # If the array is size 1 AND a slice object was NOT part of the query
        # if ret_arr.size == 1 and not np.atleast_1d([isinstance(s, slice) for s in slice_]).all():
        #     ret_arr = ret_arr[0]

        return ret_arr
            nndim = len(value.shape)
            nndim = np.atleast_1d(value).ndim

        if pndim != nndim:
            raise ValueError('The dimensionality of the value is not compatible with the previous value: {0} != {1}'.format(pndim, nndim))

        if slice_[0] == self.shape[0] - 1:  # -1 was used for slice
            # Change the value of the last span
            lspn.value = value
            nspn_offset = 0
            if isinstance(slice_[0], Span):
                # TODO: This could be used to alter previous span objects, but for now, just use it to pass the offset
                nspn_offset = slice_[0].offset
            elif utils.slice_shape(slice_, self.shape) == self.shape:  # Full slice
                nspn_offset = -self.shape[0]

            if not isinstance(value, AbstractParameterValue) and not isinstance(lspn.value, AbstractParameterValue):
                if np.atleast_1d(np.atleast_1d(value) == np.atleast_1d(lspn.value)).all():
                    # The previous value equals the new value - do not add a new span!

            # The current index becomes the upper_bound of the previous span and the start of the next span
            curr_ind = self.shape[0]

            # Reset the upper_bound of the previous span
            spans[-1] = Span(lspn.lower_bound, curr_ind, offset=lspn.offset, value=lspn.value)

            # Create the new span
            nspn = Span(curr_ind, None, nspn_offset, value=value)
Beispiel #22
    def __setitem__(self, slice_, value):
        Called to implement assignment of self[slice_, value].

        Not implemented by the abstract class

        @param slice    A set of valid constraints - int, [int,], (int,), or slice
        @param value    The value to assign to the storage at location slice_
        @raise  ValueError when brick contains no values for specified slice
        if self.mode == 'r':
            raise IOError('PersistenceLayer not open for writing: mode == \'{0}\''.format(self.mode))

        from coverage_model import bricking_utils, utils

        extents = tuple([s for s in self.total_domain.total_extents if s != 0])
        # bricks is a list of tuples [(b_ord, b_guid), ...]
        slice_ = utils.fix_slice(deepcopy(slice_), extents)
        log.trace('slice_=%s', slice_)
        bricks = bricking_utils.get_bricks_from_slice(slice_, self.brick_tree, extents)
        log.trace('Found bricks: %s', bricks)

        values = np.asanyarray(value)
        v_shp = values.shape
        log.trace('value_shape: %s', v_shp)
        s_shp = utils.slice_shape(slice_, extents)
        log.trace('slice_shape: %s', s_shp)
        is_broadcast = False
        if v_shp == ():
            is_broadcast = True
            value_slice = ()
        elif v_shp != s_shp:
            if v_shp == tuple([i for i in s_shp if i != 1]): # Missing dimensions are singleton, just reshape to fit
                values = values.reshape(s_shp)
                v_shp = values.shape
                raise IndexError(
                    'Shape of \'value\' is not compatible with \'slice_\': slice_ shp == {0}\tvalue shp == {1}'.format(
                        s_shp, v_shp))
            value_slice = None

        log.trace('value_shape: %s', v_shp)

        for b in bricks:
            # b is (brick_ordinal, brick_guid)
            _, bid = b
            # brick_list[brick_guid] contains: [brick_extents, origin, tuple(bD), brick_active_size]
            _, bori, _, bact = self.brick_list[bid]
            bbnds = []
            bexts = []
            for i, bnd in enumerate(bori):
                bbnds.append((bori[i], bori[i] + bact[i] - 1))
                bexts.append(bori[i] + bact[i])
            bbnds = tuple(bbnds)
            bexts = tuple(bexts)
            log.trace('bid=%s, bbnds=%s, bexts=%s', bid, bbnds, bexts)

            log.trace('Determining slice for brick: %s', b)

            brick_slice, brick_mm = bricking_utils.get_brick_slice_nd(slice_, bbnds)
            log.trace('brick_slice=%s\tbrick_mm=%s', brick_slice, brick_mm)

            if None in brick_slice: # Brick does not contain any of the requested indices
                log.debug('Brick does not contain any of the requested indices: Move to next brick')

                brick_slice = utils.fix_slice(brick_slice, bexts)
            except IndexError:
                log.debug('Malformed brick_slice: move to next brick')

            if not is_broadcast:
                value_slice = bricking_utils.get_value_slice_nd(slice_, v_shp, bbnds, brick_slice, brick_mm)

                    value_slice = utils.fix_slice(value_slice, v_shp)
                except IndexError:
                    log.debug('Malformed value_slice: move to next brick')

            log.trace('\nbrick %s:\n\tbrick_slice %s=%s\n\tmin/max=%s\n\tvalue_slice %s=%s', b,
                      utils.slice_shape(brick_slice, bexts), brick_slice, brick_mm,
                      utils.slice_shape(value_slice, v_shp), value_slice)
            v = values[value_slice]

            self._set_values_to_brick(bid, brick_slice, v)
    def put_values_to_bricks(self, slice_, values):
        slice_ = utils.fix_slice(slice_, self.total_domain)
        bricks = bricking_utils.get_bricks_from_slice(slice_, self.rtree,
                                                      self.total_domain) # this is a list of tuples [(b_id, (bounds...),), ...]

        values = np.asanyarray(values)
        v_shp = values.shape
        log.debug('value_shape: %s', v_shp)
        s_shp = utils.slice_shape(slice_, self.total_domain)
        log.debug('slice_shape: %s', s_shp)
        is_broadcast = False
        if v_shp == ():
            is_broadcast = True
            value_slice = ()
        elif v_shp != s_shp:
            if v_shp == tuple([i for i in s_shp if i != 1]): # Missing dimensions are singleton, just reshape to fit
                values = values.reshape(s_shp)
                v_shp = values.shape
                raise IndexError(
                    'Shape of \'value\' is not compatible with \'slice_\': slice_ shp == {0}\tvalue shp == {1}'.format(
                        s_shp, v_shp))
            value_slice = None

        log.debug('value_shape: %s', v_shp)

        for b in bricks:
            # b is (brick_id, (brick_bounds per dim...),)
            bid, bbnds = b
            log.debug('Determining slice for brick: %s', b)
            bexts = tuple([x + 1 for x in zip(*bbnds)[1]]) # Shift from index to size
            log.debug('bid=%s, bbnds=%s, bexts=%s', bid, bbnds, bexts)

            brick_slice, brick_mm = bricking_utils.get_brick_slice_nd(slice_, bbnds)

            if None in brick_slice: # Brick does not contain any of the requested indices
                log.debug('Brick does not contain any of the requested indices: Move to next brick')

                brick_slice = utils.fix_slice(brick_slice, bexts)
            except IndexError:
                log.debug('Malformed brick_slice: move to next brick')

            if not is_broadcast:
                value_slice = bricking_utils.get_value_slice_nd(slice_, v_shp, bbnds, brick_slice, brick_mm)

                    value_slice = utils.fix_slice(value_slice, v_shp)
                except IndexError:
                    log.debug('Malformed value_slice: move to next brick')

            log.debug('\nbrick %s:\n\tbrick_slice %s=%s\n\tmin/max=%s\n\tvalue_slice %s=%s', b,
                      utils.slice_shape(brick_slice, bexts), brick_slice, brick_mm,
                      utils.slice_shape(value_slice, v_shp), value_slice)
            v = values[value_slice]
            log.debug('\nvalues %s=\n%s', v.shape, v)
            if not self.use_hdf:
                self.bricks[bid][brick_slice] = v
                fi = self.bricks[bid]
                with HDFLockingFile(fi, 'a') as f:
                    ds = f.require_dataset(str(bid), shape=self.brick_sizes, dtype=self.dtype, chunks=None,
                    ds[brick_slice] = v
Beispiel #24
    def __setitem__(self, slice_, value):
        Called to implement assignment of self[slice_, value].

        Not implemented by the abstract class

        @param slice    A set of valid constraints - int, [int,], (int,), or slice
        @param value    The value to assign to the storage at location slice_
        @raise  ValueError when brick contains no values for specified slice
        if self.mode == 'r':
            raise IOError('PersistenceLayer not open for writing: mode == \'{0}\''.format(self.mode))

        from coverage_model import bricking_utils, utils

        extents = tuple([s for s in self.total_domain.total_extents if s != 0])
        # bricks is a list of tuples [(b_ord, b_guid), ...]
        slice_ = utils.fix_slice(deepcopy(slice_), extents)
        log.trace('slice_=%s', slice_)
        bricks = bricking_utils.get_bricks_from_slice(slice_, self.brick_tree, extents)
        log.trace('Found bricks: %s', bricks)

        values = np.asanyarray(value)
        v_shp = values.shape
        log.trace('value_shape: %s', v_shp)
        s_shp = utils.slice_shape(slice_, extents)
        log.trace('slice_shape: %s', s_shp)
        is_broadcast = False
        if v_shp == ():
            is_broadcast = True
            value_slice = ()
        elif v_shp != s_shp:
            if v_shp == tuple([i for i in s_shp if i != 1]): # Missing dimensions are singleton, just reshape to fit
                values = values.reshape(s_shp)
                v_shp = values.shape
                raise IndexError(
                    'Shape of \'value\' is not compatible with \'slice_\': slice_ shp == {0}\tvalue shp == {1}'.format(
                        s_shp, v_shp))
            value_slice = None

        log.trace('value_shape: %s', v_shp)

        for b in bricks:
            # b is (brick_ordinal, brick_guid)
            _, bid = b
            # brick_list[brick_guid] contains: [brick_extents, origin, tuple(bD), brick_active_size]
            _, bori, _, bact = self.brick_list[bid]
            bbnds = []
            bexts = []
            for i, bnd in enumerate(bori):
                bbnds.append((bori[i], bori[i] + bact[i] - 1))
                bexts.append(bori[i] + bact[i])
            bbnds = tuple(bbnds)
            bexts = tuple(bexts)
            log.trace('bid=%s, bbnds=%s, bexts=%s', bid, bbnds, bexts)

            log.trace('Determining slice for brick: %s', b)

            brick_slice, brick_mm = bricking_utils.get_brick_slice_nd(slice_, bbnds)
            log.trace('brick_slice=%s\tbrick_mm=%s', brick_slice, brick_mm)

            if None in brick_slice: # Brick does not contain any of the requested indices
                log.debug('Brick does not contain any of the requested indices: Move to next brick')

                brick_slice = utils.fix_slice(brick_slice, bexts)
            except IndexError:
                log.debug('Malformed brick_slice: move to next brick')

            if not is_broadcast:
                value_slice = bricking_utils.get_value_slice_nd(slice_, v_shp, bbnds, brick_slice, brick_mm)

                    value_slice = utils.fix_slice(value_slice, v_shp)
                except IndexError:
                    log.debug('Malformed value_slice: move to next brick')

            log.trace('\nbrick %s:\n\tbrick_slice %s=%s\n\tmin/max=%s\n\tvalue_slice %s=%s', b,
                      utils.slice_shape(brick_slice, bexts), brick_slice, brick_mm,
                      utils.slice_shape(value_slice, v_shp), value_slice)
            v = values[value_slice]

            self._set_values_to_brick(bid, brick_slice, v)

            import datetime
            if self.parameter_manager.parameter_name in self.master_manager.param_groups and v.dtype.type is not np.string_:
                valid_types = [np.bool_, np.int_, np.intc, np.intp, np.int8, np.int16, np.int32, np.int64, np.uint8,
                               np.uint16, np.uint32, np.uint64, np.float_, np.float16, np.float32, np.float64,
                               np.complex_, np.complex64, np.complex128]
                invalid_fill_values = [None, np.NaN, self.fill_value]
                    min_val = None
                    max_val = None
                    # First try to do it fast
                        if issubclass(v.dtype.type, numbers.Number) or v.dtype.type in valid_types:
                            tried_it = True
                            min_val = v.min()
                            max_val = v.max()
                        min_val = None
                        max_val = None
                    # if fast didn't return valid values, do it slow, but right
                    if min_val in invalid_fill_values or max_val in invalid_fill_values:
                        ts =
                        mx = [x for x in v if x not in invalid_fill_values and (type(x) in valid_types or issubclass(type(x), numbers.Number))]
                        if len(mx) > 0:
                            min_val = min(mx)
                            max_val = max(mx)
                        time_loss = - ts
                        log.debug("Repaired numpy statistics inconsistency for parameter/type %s/%s.  Time loss of %s seconds ", self.parameter_manager.parameter_name, str(v.dtype.type), str(time_loss))
                    if min_val is not None and max_val is not None:
                        log.trace("%s min/max %s/%s type %s", self.parameter_manager.parameter_name, min_val, max_val, type(min_val))
                        self.master_manager.track_data_written_to_brick(bid, brick_slice, self.parameter_manager.parameter_name, min_val, max_val)
                except Exception as e:
                    log.warn("Could not store Span extents for %s.  Unexpected error %s",
                                str( (bid, brick_slice, self.parameter_manager.parameter_name)), e.message )
    def _coverage_to_granule(cls,
        slice_ = slice(None)  # Defaults to all values

        # Validations
        if start_time is not None:
            validate_is_instance(start_time, Number,
                                 'start_time must be a number for striding.')
        if end_time is not None:
            validate_is_instance(end_time, Number,
                                 'end_time must be a number for striding.')
        if stride_time is not None:
            validate_is_instance(stride_time, Number,
                                 'stride_time must be a number for striding.')

        if tdoa is not None and isinstance(tdoa, slice):
            slice_ = tdoa

        elif stride_time is not None and not fuzzy_stride:  # SLOW
            ugly_range = np.arange(start_time, end_time, stride_time)
            idx_values = [cls.get_time_idx(coverage, i) for i in ugly_range]
            idx_values = list(
            )  # Removing duplicates - also mixes the order of the list!!!
            slice_ = [idx_values]

        elif not (start_time is None and end_time is None):
            if start_time is not None:
                start_time = cls.get_time_idx(coverage, start_time)
            if end_time is not None:
                end_time = cls.get_time_idx(coverage, end_time)

            slice_ = slice(start_time, end_time, stride_time)
  'Slice: %s', slice_)

        if stream_def_id:
            rdt = RecordDictionaryTool(stream_definition_id=stream_def_id)
            rdt = RecordDictionaryTool(
        if parameters is not None:
            # TODO: Improve efficiency here
            fields = list(set(parameters).intersection(rdt.fields))
            fields = rdt.fields

        for field in fields:
  'Slice is %s', slice_)
            n = coverage.get_parameter_values(field, tdoa=slice_)
            if n is None:
                rdt[field] = [n]
            elif isinstance(n, np.ndarray):
                if coverage.get_data_extents(
                        field)[0] < coverage.num_timesteps:
                        "Misformed coverage detected, padding with fill_value")
                    arr_len = utils.slice_shape(slice_,
                                                (coverage.num_timesteps, ))[0]
                    fill_arr = np.empty(arr_len - n.shape[0], dtype=n.dtype)
                    n = np.append(n, fill_arr)
                elif coverage.get_data_extents(
                        field)[0] > coverage.num_timesteps:
                    raise CorruptionError(
                        'The coverage is corrupted:\n\tfield: %s\n\textents: %s\n\ttimesteps: %s'
                        % (field, coverage.get_data_extents(field),
                rdt[field] = n
                rdt[field] = [n]
        return rdt