class test_load_ply: from import load_ply v, f = load_ply( os.path.join( os.path.split(os.path.abspath(__file__))[0], "data", "Armadillo_ascii_converted_using_meshlab.ply")) npt.assert_equal(f.max(), len(v) - 1) npt.assert_equal(np.setdiff1d(f.ravel(), np.arange(len(v))), np.array([])) v2, f2 = load_ply( os.path.join( os.path.split(os.path.abspath(__file__))[0], "data", "Armadillo.ply")) # big absolute tolerance because meshlab lost many digits when # converting to ascii npt.assert_allclose(v2, v, atol=1e-4) npt.assert_allclose(f2, f)
def __init__(self, ff=None): ''' Constructor ''' if ff is None: ff = open('Armadillo.ply') v, f = load_ply(ff) ma = v.max() mi = v.min() med = (ma + mi) / 2 v -= med v /= (ma - mi) / (2 * 1.7) self.v = v self.f = f self.meshcp = MeshCP(v, f)
def __init__(self,ff = None): ''' Constructor ''' if ff is None: ff = open('Armadillo.ply') v,f = load_ply(ff) ma = v.max() mi = v.min() med = (ma+mi)/2 v -= med v /= (ma-mi)/(2*1.7) self.v = v self.f = f self.meshcp = MeshCP(v,f)
from cp.surfaces import Mesh # Since our mesh is a sphere, we'll take advantage of its # parametric_plot method from cp.surfaces import Sphere from import load_ply from cp.build_matrices import build_interp_matrix, build_diff_matrix # TODO: move coordinate_transform out of cp.surfaces (maybe to # from cp.surfaces.coordinate_transform import cart2sph PLOT = True # Load vertices and faces, and instatiate surface v, f = load_ply('cp/tests/data/sphere_refined.ply') m = Mesh(v, f) p = 3 diff_stencil_arm = 1 dim = 3 index, distance, grid, dx = m.grid(num_blocks_per_dim=41, levels=1, p=p, diff_stencil_arm=diff_stencil_arm) cp, dist, _, _ = m.closest_point(grid, index) # The points in `grid` can be thought to be a subset of a virtual grid # (for instance, the result of meshgrid). `ll` is the lower left # corner of such virtual grid, and `ur` the upper right corner. The
Output ------ cp : array of shape (npoints, 4) Coordinates of the closest points, and squareddistance from its original point. cp[:, 0] is the squared distance (redundant information) cp[:, 1:] are the coordinates of the closest points """ N = len(index_cp) cp = np.empty((N, 4), dtype=np.float64) for i, (index_of_cp, point) in enumerate(izip(index_cp, grid_fine)): face_indices_that_share_that_vertex = vertex2faces[index_of_cp] # Much faster using np.take than fancy indexing possible_faces = np.take(faces, face_indices_that_share_that_vertex, axis=0) # Cythonize this and it gets way faster cp[i] = FindClosestPointToTriSet(point[0], point[1], point[2], possible_faces, vertices) return cp if __name__ == '__main__': v, f = load_ply('cp/tests/data/Armadillo.ply') m = Mesh(v, f) v2, f2 = load_ply('cp/tests/data/eight_refined.ply') m2 = Mesh(v2, f2) index, grid, distance, dx = m2.grid(num_blocks=10, levels=4) cp, dist, _, _ = m2.closest_point(index, grid)
Given by build_vertices2faces vertices, faces : arrays, given by load_ply Output ------ cp : array of shape (npoints, 4) Coordinates of the closest points, and squareddistance from its original point. cp[:, 0] is the squared distance (redundant information) cp[:, 1:] are the coordinates of the closest points """ N = len(index_cp) cp = np.empty((N, 4), dtype=np.float64) for i, (index_of_cp, point) in enumerate(izip(index_cp, grid_fine)): face_indices_that_share_that_vertex = vertex2faces[index_of_cp] # Much faster using np.take than fancy indexing possible_faces = np.take(faces, face_indices_that_share_that_vertex, axis=0) # Cythonize this and it gets way faster cp[i] = FindClosestPointToTriSet(point[0], point[1], point[2], possible_faces, vertices) return cp if __name__ == "__main__": v, f = load_ply("cp/tests/data/Armadillo.ply") m = Mesh(v, f) v2, f2 = load_ply("cp/tests/data/eight_refined.ply") m2 = Mesh(v2, f2) index, grid, distance, dx = m2.grid(num_blocks=10, levels=4) cp, dist, _, _ = m2.closest_point(index, grid)