Beispiel #1
def register_rigid(x, y, w, max_it=150):
    Registers Y to X using the Coherent Point Drift algorithm, in rigid fashion.
    Note: For affine transformation, t = scale*y*r'+1*t'(* is dot). r is orthogonal rotation matrix here.
    x : ndarray
        The static shape that y will be registered to. Expected array shape is [n_points_x, n_dims]
    y : ndarray
        The moving shape. Expected array shape is [n_points_y, n_dims]. Note that n_dims should be equal for x and y,
        but n_points does not need to match.
    w : float
        Weight for the outlier suppression. Value is expected to be in range [0.0, 1.0].
    max_it : int
        Maximum number of iterations. The default value is 150.

    t : ndarray
        The transformed version of y. Output shape is [n_points_y, n_dims].
    # get dataset lengths and dimensions
    [n, d] = x.shape
    [m, d] = y.shape
    # t is the updated moving shape,we initialize it with y first.
    t = y
    # initialize sigma^2
    sigma2 = (m * np.trace(, x)) +
              n * np.trace(, y)) -
              2 *, np.transpose(sum(y)))) / (m * n * d)
    iter = 0
    while (iter < max_it) and (sigma2 > 10.e-8):
        [p1, pt1, px] = cpd_p(x, t, sigma2, w, m, n, d)
        # precompute
        Np = np.sum(pt1)
        mu_x =, pt1) / Np
        mu_y =, p1) / Np
        # solve for Rotation, scaling, translation and sigma^2
        a =,
                   y) - Np * (, np.transpose(mu_y)))
        [u, s, v] = np.linalg.svd(a)
        s = np.diag(s)
        c = np.eye(d)
        c[-1, -1] = np.linalg.det(, v))
        r =,, v))
        scale = np.trace(
            s, c)) / (sum(sum(y * y * np.matlib.repmat(p1, 1, d))) -
                      Np *, mu_y))
        sigma22 = np.abs(
            sum(sum(x * x * np.matlib.repmat(pt1, 1, d))) -
            Np *, mu_x) -
            scale * np.trace(, c))) / (Np * d)
        sigma2 = sigma22[0][0]
        # ts is translation
        ts = mu_x - * r, mu_y)
        t = * y, np.transpose(r)) + np.matlib.repmat(
            np.transpose(ts), m, 1)
        iter = iter + 1
    return t
Beispiel #2
def register_nonrigid(x, y, w, lamb=3.0, beta=2.0, max_it=150):
    Registers Y to X using the Coherent Point Drift algorithm, in non-rigid fashion.
    Note: For affine transformation, t = y+g*wc(* is dot). 
    x : ndarray
        The static shape that Y will be registered to. Expected array shape is [n_points_x, n_dims]
    y : ndarray
        The moving shape. Expected array shape is [n_points_y, n_dims]. Note that n_dims should be equal for X and Y,
        but n_points does not need to match.
    w : float
        Weight for the outlier suppression. Value is expected to be in range [0.0, 1.0].
    lamb : float, optional
        lamb represents the trade-off between the goodness of maximum likelihood fit and regularization.
        Default value is 3.0.
    beta : float, optional
        beta defines the model of the smoothness regularizer(width of smoothing Gaussian filter in
        equation(20) of the paper).Default value is 2.0.
    max_it : int, optional
        Maximum number of iterations. Used to prevent endless looping when the algorithm does not converge.
        Default value is 150.
    tol : float

    t : ndarray
        The transformed version of y. Output shape is [n_points_y, n_dims].
    # Construct G:
    g = y[:, np.newaxis, :] - y
    g = g * g
    g = np.sum(g, 2)
    g = np.exp(-1.0 / (2 * beta * beta) * g)
    [n, d] = x.shape
    [m, d] = y.shape
    t = y
    # initialize sigma^2
    sigma2 = (m * np.trace(, x)) +
              n * np.trace(, y)) -
              2 *, np.transpose(sum(y)))) / (m * n * d)
    iter = 0
    while (iter < max_it) and (sigma2 > 1.0e-5):
        [p1, pt1, px] = cpd_p(x, t, sigma2, w, m, n, d)
        # precompute diag(p)
        dp = scipy.sparse.spdiags(p1.T, 0, m, m)
        # wc is a matrix of coefficients
        wc = * g + lamb * sigma2 * np.eye(m)),
                    (px - dp * y))
        t = y +, wc)
        Np = np.sum(p1)
        sigma2 = np.abs((np.sum(x * x * np.matlib.repmat(pt1, 1, d)) +
                         np.sum(t * t * np.matlib.repmat(p1, 1, d)) -
                         2 * np.trace(, t))) / (Np * d))
        iter = iter + 1
    return t
def register_rigid(x, y, w, max_it=150):
    Registers Y to X using the Coherent Point Drift algorithm, in rigid fashion.
    Note: For affine transformation, t = scale*y*r'+1*t'(* is dot). r is orthogonal rotation matrix here.
    x : ndarray
        The static shape that y will be registered to. Expected array shape is [n_points_x, n_dims]
    y : ndarray
        The moving shape. Expected array shape is [n_points_y, n_dims]. Note that n_dims should be equal for x and y,
        but n_points does not need to match.
    w : float
        Weight for the outlier suppression. Value is expected to be in range [0.0, 1.0].
    max_it : int
        Maximum number of iterations. The default value is 150.

    t : ndarray
        The transformed version of y. Output shape is [n_points_y, n_dims].
    # get dataset lengths and dimensions
    [n, d] = x.shape
    [m, d] = y.shape
    # t is the updated moving shape,we initialize it with y first.
    t = y
    # initialize sigma^2
    sigma2 = (m*np.trace(, x))+n*np.trace(, y)) -
              2*, np.transpose(sum(y))))/(m*n*d)
    iter = 0
    while (iter < max_it) and (sigma2 > 10.e-8):
        [p1, pt1, px] = cpd_p(x, t, sigma2, w, m, n, d)
        # precompute
        Np = np.sum(pt1)
        mu_x =, pt1)/Np
        mu_y =, p1)/Np
        # solve for Rotation, scaling, translation and sigma^2
        a =, y)-Np*(, np.transpose(mu_y)))
        [u, s, v] = np.linalg.svd(a)
        s = np.diag(s)
        c = np.eye(d)
        c[-1, -1] = np.linalg.det(, v))
        r =,, v))
        scale = np.trace(, c))/(sum(sum(y*y*np.matlib.repmat(p1, 1, d)))-Np *
                              , mu_y))
        sigma22 = np.abs(sum(sum(x*x*np.matlib.repmat(pt1, 1, d)))-Np *
               , mu_x)-scale*np.trace(, c)))/(Np*d)
        sigma2 = sigma22[0][0]
        # ts is translation
        ts =*r, mu_y)
        t =*y, np.transpose(r))+np.matlib.repmat(np.transpose(ts), m, 1)
        iter = iter+1
    return t
def register_nonrigid(x, y, w, lamb=3.0, beta=2.0, max_it=150):
    Registers Y to X using the Coherent Point Drift algorithm, in non-rigid fashion.
    Note: For affine transformation, t = y+g*wc(* is dot). 
    x : ndarray
        The static shape that Y will be registered to. Expected array shape is [n_points_x, n_dims]
    y : ndarray
        The moving shape. Expected array shape is [n_points_y, n_dims]. Note that n_dims should be equal for X and Y,
        but n_points does not need to match.
    w : float
        Weight for the outlier suppression. Value is expected to be in range [0.0, 1.0].
    lamb : float, optional
        lamb represents the trade-off between the goodness of maximum likelihood fit and regularization.
        Default value is 3.0.
    beta : float, optional
        beta defines the model of the smoothness regularizer(width of smoothing Gaussian filter in
        equation(20) of the paper).Default value is 2.0.
    max_it : int, optional
        Maximum number of iterations. Used to prevent endless looping when the algorithm does not converge.
        Default value is 150.
    tol : float

    t : ndarray
        The transformed version of y. Output shape is [n_points_y, n_dims].
    # Construct G:
    g = y[:, np.newaxis, :]-y
    g = g*g
    g = np.sum(g, 2)
    g = np.exp(-1.0/(2*beta*beta)*g)
    [n, d] = x.shape
    [m, d] = y.shape
    t = y
    # initialize sigma^2
    sigma2 = (m*np.trace(, x))+n*np.trace(, y)) -
              2*, np.transpose(sum(y))))/(m*n*d)
    iter = 0
    while (iter < max_it) and (sigma2 > 1.0e-5):
        [p1, pt1, px] = cpd_p(x, t, sigma2, w, m, n, d)
        # precompute diag(p)
        dp = scipy.sparse.spdiags(p1.T, 0, m, m)
        # wc is a matrix of coefficients
        wc =*g+lamb*sigma2*np.eye(m)), (px-dp*y))
        t =, wc)
        Np = np.sum(p1)
        sigma2 = np.abs((np.sum(x*x*np.matlib.repmat(pt1, 1, d))+np.sum(t*t*np.matlib.repmat(p1, 1, d)) -
                         2*np.trace(, t)))/(Np*d))
        iter = iter+1
    return t
Beispiel #5
def register_affine(x, y, w, max_it=150):
    Registers Y to X using the Coherent Point Drift algorithm, in affine fashion.
    Note: For affine transformation, t = y*b'+1*t'(* is dot). b is any random matrix here.
    x : ndarray
        The static shape that y will be registered to. Expected array shape is [n_points_x, n_dims]
    y : ndarray
        The moving shape. Expected array shape is [n_points_y, n_dims]. Note that n_dims should be equal for x and y,
        but n_points does not need to match.
    w : float
        Weight for the outlier suppression. Value is expected to be in range [0.0, 1.0].
    max_it : int
        Maximum number of iterations. The default value is 150.

    t : ndarray
        The transformed version of y. Output shape is [n_points_y, n_dims].
    [n, d] = x.shape
    [m, d] = y.shape
    # initialize t using y.
    t = y
    # initialize sigma^2
    sigma2 = (m*np.trace(, x)) + n*np.trace(, y)) -
              2*, np.transpose(sum(y))))/(m*n*d)
    iter = 0
    # the epsilon
    eps = np.spacing(1)

    while (iter < max_it) and (sigma2 > 10.0*eps):
        [p1, pt1, px] = cpd_p(x, t, sigma2, w, m, n, d)
        # precompute
        Np = np.sum(p1)
        mu_x =, pt1)/Np
        mu_y =, p1)/Np
        # solve for parameters
        b1 =, y)-Np*(, np.transpose(mu_y)))
        b2 =*np.matlib.repmat(p1, 1, d)), y)-Np*, np.transpose(mu_y))
        b =, np.linalg.inv(b2))
        # ts is the translation
        ts =, mu_y)
        sigma22 = np.abs(np.sum(np.sum(x*x*np.matlib.repmat(pt1, 1, d)))-Np *
               , mu_x) - np.trace(, np.transpose(b))))/(Np*d)
        # get a float number here
        sigma2 = sigma22[0][0]
        # Update centroids positioins
        t =, np.transpose(b))+np.matlib.repmat(np.transpose(ts), m, 1)
        iter = iter+1
    return t
Beispiel #6
def register_nonrigid(x,
    Registers Y to X using the Coherent Point Drift algorithm, in non-rigid fashion.
    Note: For affine transformation, t = y+g*wc(* is dot).
    x : ndarray
        The static shape that Y will be registered to. Expected array shape is [n_points_x, n_dims]
    y : ndarray
        The moving shape. Expected array shape is [n_points_y, n_dims]. Note that n_dims should be equal for X and Y,
        but n_points does not need to match.
    w : float
        Weight for the outlier suppression. Value is expected to be in range [0.0, 1.0].
    lamb : float, optional
        lamb represents the trade-off between the goodness of maximum likelihood fit and regularization.
        Default value is 3.0.
    beta : float, optional
        beta defines the model of the smoothness regularizer(width of smoothing Gaussian filter in
        equation(20) of the paper).Default value is 2.0.
    max_it : int, optional
        Maximum number of iterations. Used to prevent endless looping when the algorithm does not converge.
        Default value is 150.
    tol : float

    t : ndarray
        The transformed version of y. Output shape is [n_points_y, n_dims].

    import numpy as np
    import numpy.matlib
    import scipy.sparse
    from cpd.cpd_p import cpd_p
    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

    # Construct G:
    g = y[:, np.newaxis, :] - y
    g = g * g
    g = np.sum(g, 2)
    g = np.exp(-1.0 / (2 * beta * beta) * g)
    [n, d] = x.shape
    [m, d] = y.shape
    t = y
    # initialize sigma^2
    sigma2 = (m * np.trace(, x)) +
              n * np.trace(, y)) -
              2 *, np.transpose(sum(y)))) / (m * n * d)
    iter = 0

    while (iter < max_it) and (sigma2 > 1.0e-5):
        if verbose and (iter == 0 or iter == max_it):
            print('error: {}'.format(sigma2)),

        [p1, pt1, px] = cpd_p(x, t, sigma2, w, m, n, d)
        # precompute diag(p)
        dp = scipy.sparse.spdiags(p1.T, 0, m, m)
        # wc is a matrix of coefficients
        wc = * g + lamb * sigma2 * np.eye(m)),
                    (px - dp * y))
        t = y +, wc)
        Np = np.sum(p1)
        sigma2 = np.abs((np.sum(x * x * np.matlib.repmat(pt1, 1, d)) +
                         np.sum(t * t * np.matlib.repmat(p1, 1, d)) -
                         2 * np.trace(, t))) / (Np * d))
        iter += 1
        if verbose and (iter == 0 or iter == max_it):
            print('\tcentroid: x:{0:.3f} y:{1:.3f} z:{2:.3f}'.format(
                np.average(t[:, 0]), np.average(t[:, 1]), np.average(t[:, 2])))

        if display:
            fig = plt.figure(figsize=(14, 14))
            ax = fig.add_subplot(111, projection='3d')
            ax.scatter(x[:, 0], x[:, 1], x[:, 2], color='#2299FF')
            ax.scatter(t[:, 0],
                       t[:, 1],
                       t[:, 2],
            ax.view_init(elev=25, azim=45)
            plt.title('error: {}'.format(sigma2))
            plt.savefig('/projects/memotrack/temp/' + str(iter) + '.png')

    return t