Beispiel #1
def test_gaussian_cdf():
    eps99 = 99.0 * numpy.finfo(float).eps
    # test values for t, param
    t = numpy.array([5.0, 10.0])
    beta = numpy.array([30.0, 20.0])
    alpha = 2.0 / beta
    p = numpy.array([0.1, 0.2])
    param = numpy.vstack((alpha, beta, p))
    # aparam
    aparam = numpy.empty(param.shape, dtype=cppad_py.a_double)
    for i in range(param.shape[0]):
        for j in range(param.shape[1]):
            aparam[i][j] = cppad_py.a_double(param[i][j])
    # f(t) = gaussian_cdf(t, param)
    at = cppad_py.independent(t)
    ay = functions.gaussian_cdf(at, aparam)
    f = cppad_py.d_fun(at, ay)
    # zero order foward mode using same values as during recording
    y = f.forward(0, t)
    # check using curvefit values for same function
    check = curvefit.core.functions.erf(t, param)
    rel_error = y / check - 1.0
    assert all(abs(rel_error) < eps99)
    # compute entire Jacobian of f
    # (could instead calculate a sparse Jacobian here).
    J = f.jacobian(t)
    assert J.shape[0] == t.size
    assert J.shape[1] == t.size
    # check using curvefitl values for derivative function
    check = curvefit.core.functions.derf(t, param)
    for i in range(t.size):
        for i in range(t.size):
            if i == j:
                rel_error = J[i, j] / check[i] - 1.0
                assert abs(rel_error) < eps99
                assert J[i, j] == 0.0
Beispiel #2
def a_double_cond_assign_xam():
    import numpy
    import cppad_py
    # initialize return variable
    ok = True
    # ---------------------------------------------------------------------
    n_ind = 4
    n_dep = 1
    # create ax (value of independent variables does not matter)
    x = numpy.empty(n_ind, dtype=float)
    x[0] = 0.0
    x[1] = 1.0
    x[2] = 2.0
    x[3] = 3.0
    ax = cppad_py.independent(x)
    # arguments to conditional assignment
    left = ax[0]
    right = ax[1]
    if_true = ax[2]
    if_false = ax[3]
    # assignment
    target = cppad_py.a_double()
    target.cond_assign("<", left, right, if_true, if_false)
    # f(x) = taget
    ay = numpy.empty(n_dep, dtype=cppad_py.a_double)
    ay[0] = target
    f = cppad_py.d_fun(ax, ay)
    # assignment with different independent variable values
    x[0] = 9.0  # left
    x[1] = 8.0  # right
    x[2] = 7.0  # if_true
    x[3] = 6.0  # if_false
    p = 0
    y = f.forward(p, x)
    ok = ok and y[0] == 6.0
    return (ok)
Beispiel #3
def a_double_property_xam():
    import numpy
    import cppad_py
    # initialize return variable
    ok = True
    # ---------------------------------------------------------------------
    a3 = cppad_py.a_double(3.0)
    ok = ok and a3 == 3.0
    ok = ok and a3.parameter()
    ok = ok and not a3.variable()
    # near_equal
    r3 = a3.sqrt()
    ok = ok and a3.near_equal(r3 * r3)
    return (ok)
Beispiel #4
def test_expit() :
    eps99  = 99.0 * numpy.finfo(float).eps
    # test values for t, param
    t      = numpy.array( [ 5.0 , 10.0 ] )
    beta   = numpy.array( [ 30.0 , 20.0 ] )
    alpha  = 2.0 / beta
    p      = numpy.array( [ 0.1, 0.2 ] )
    param  = numpy.vstack( (alpha, beta, p) )
    # aparam
    aparam = numpy.empty( param.shape , dtype = cppad_py.a_double )
    for i in range( param.shape[0] ) :
        for j in range( param.shape[1] ) :
            aparam[i][j] = cppad_py.a_double( param[i][j] )
    # -----------------------------------------------------------------------
    # f(t) = expit(t, param)
    at = cppad_py.independent(t)
    ay = a_functions.a_expit(at, aparam)
    f  = cppad_py.d_fun(at, ay)
    # zero order foward mode using same values as during recording
    y  = f.forward(0, t)
    # check using curvefit values for same function
    check     = curvefit.core.functions.expit(t, param)
    rel_error = y / check - 1.0
    assert all( abs( rel_error ) < eps99 )
    # -----------------------------------------------------------------------
    # g(t) = ln_gaussian_cdf(t, param)
    at = cppad_py.independent(t)
    ay = a_functions.a_ln_expit(at, aparam)
    g  = cppad_py.d_fun(at, ay)
    # zero order foward mode using same values as during recording
    y  = g.forward(0, t)
    # check using curvefit values for same function
    check     = curvefit.core.functions.ln_expit(t, param)
    rel_error = y / check - 1.0
    assert all( abs( rel_error ) < eps99 )
Beispiel #5
def test_params() :
    # -----------------------------------------------------------------------
    # Test parameters
    num_param    = 3
    num_group    = 2
    # -----------------------------------------------------------------------
    # call effects2params
    num_fe          = num_param
    num_x           = (num_group + 1) * num_fe
    x               = numpy.array( range(num_x), dtype = float ) / num_x
    ax              = a_functions.array2a_double(x)
    group_sizes     = numpy.arange(num_group) * 2 + 1
    num_obs         = sum( group_sizes )
    covs            = list()
    for k in range(num_param) :
        covs.append( numpy.ones( (num_obs, 1), dtype = float ) )
    a_exp           = a_functions.a_exp
    a_link_fun      = [ a_exp, identity_fun, a_exp ]
    a_var_link_fun  = num_param * [ identity_fun ]
    expand          = False
    aparam          = a_effects2params(
        ax, group_sizes, covs, a_link_fun, a_var_link_fun, expand
    # ----------------------------------------------------------------------
    # check result
    eps99  = 99.0  * numpy.finfo(float).eps
    afe    = ax[0 : num_fe]
    are    = ax[num_fe :].reshape( (num_group, num_fe), order='C')
    asum   = afe + are
    avar   = numpy.empty( (num_group, num_fe), dtype=a_double)
    for j in range(num_fe) :
        avar[:,j] = a_var_link_fun[j]( asum[:,j] )
    acheck = numpy.empty( (num_param, num_group), dtype=a_double )
    for k in range(num_param) :
        acheck[k,:] = a_link_fun[k]( avar[:,k] * covs[k][0] )
    rel_error = aparam / acheck - a_double(1.0)
    for k in range(num_param) :
        for i in range(num_group) :
            assert rel_error[k,i].value() < eps99
Beispiel #6
def vector_set_get_xam():
    import numpy
    import cppad_py
    # initialize return variable
    ok = True
    # ---------------------------------------------------------------------
    n = 4
    bv = cppad_py.vec_bool(n)
    iv = cppad_py.vec_int(n)
    dv = numpy.empty(n, dtype=float)
    av = numpy.empty(n, dtype=cppad_py.a_double)
    # setting elements
    for i in range(n):
        bv[i] = i > n / 2
        iv[i] = 2 * i
        dv[i] = 3.0 * i
        av[i] = cppad_py.a_double(4.0 * i)
    for i in range(n):
        be = bv[i]
        ok = ok and be == (i > n / 2)
        ie = iv[i]
        ok = ok and ie == 2 * i
        de = dv[i]
        ok = ok and de == 3.0 * i
        ae = av[i]
        ok = ok and ae == 4.0 * i
    return (ok)
def test_dgaussian_pdf():
    eps99 = 99.0 * numpy.finfo(float).eps
    # test values for t, param
    t = numpy.array([5.0, 10.0])
    beta = numpy.array([30.0, 20.0])
    alpha = 2.0 / beta
    p = numpy.array([0.1, 0.2])
    param = numpy.vstack((alpha, beta, p))
    # aparam
    aparam = numpy.empty(param.shape, dtype=cppad_py.a_double)
    for i in range(param.shape[0]):
        for j in range(param.shape[1]):
            aparam[i][j] = cppad_py.a_double(param[i][j])
    # -----------------------------------------------------------------------
    # f(t) = gaussian_pdf(t, param)
    at = cppad_py.independent(t)
    ay = a_functions.a_gaussian_pdf(at, aparam)
    f = cppad_py.d_fun(at, ay)
    # g(t) = dgaussian_pdf(t, param)
    at = cppad_py.independent(t)
    ay = a_functions.a_dgaussian_pdf(at, aparam)
    g = cppad_py.d_fun(at, ay)
    # check a_dgaussian_pdf
    f.forward(0, t)
    g0 = g.forward(0, t)
    dt = a_functions.constant_array((t.size, ), 0.0)
    for i in range(len(t)):
        dt[i] = 1.0
        df = f.forward(1, dt)
        rel_error = g0[i] / df[i] - 1.0
        dt[i] = 0.0
        assert abs(rel_error) < eps99
Beispiel #8
def sparse_jac_xam():
    import numpy
    import cppad_py
    # initialize return variable
    ok = True
    # ---------------------------------------------------------------------
    # number of dependent and independent variables
    n = 3
    # one
    aone = cppad_py.a_double(1.0)
    # create the independent variables ax
    x = numpy.empty(n, dtype=float)
    for i in range(n):
        x[i] = i + 2.0
    ax = cppad_py.independent(x)
    # create dependent variables ay with ay[i] = (j+1) * ax[j]
    # where i = mod(j + 1, n)
    ay = numpy.empty(n, dtype=cppad_py.a_double)
    for j in range(n):
        i = j + 1
        if i >= n:
            i = i - n
        aj = cppad_py.a_double(j)
        ay_i = (aj + aone) * ax[j]
        ay[i] = ay_i
    # define af corresponding to f(x)
    f = cppad_py.d_fun(ax, ay)
    # sparsity pattern for identity matrix
    pat_eye = cppad_py.sparse_rc()
    pat_eye.resize(n, n, n)
    for k in range(n):
        pat_eye.put(k, k, k)
    # sparsity pattern for the Jacobian
    pat_jac = cppad_py.sparse_rc()
    f.for_jac_sparsity(pat_eye, pat_jac)
    # loop over forward and reverse mode
    for mode in range(2):
        # compute all possibly non-zero entries in Jacobian
        subset = cppad_py.sparse_rcv(pat_jac)
        # work space used to save time for multiple calls
        work = cppad_py.sparse_jac_work()
        if mode == 0:
            f.sparse_jac_for(subset, x, pat_jac, work)
        if mode == 1:
            f.sparse_jac_rev(subset, x, pat_jac, work)
        # check result
        ok = ok and n == subset.nnz()
        col_major = subset.col_major()
        row = subset.row()
        col = subset.col()
        val = subset.val()
        for k in range(n):
            ell = col_major[k]
            r = row[ell]
            c = col[ell]
            v = val[ell]
            i = c + 1
            if i >= n:
                i = i - n
            ok = ok and c == k
            ok = ok and r == i
            ok = ok and v == c + 1.0
    return (ok)
Beispiel #9
def sparse_hes_xam():
    import numpy
    import cppad_py
    # initialize return variable
    ok = True
    # ---------------------------------------------------------------------
    # number of dependent and independent variables
    n = 3
    # create the independent variables ax
    x = numpy.empty(n, dtype=float)
    for i in range(n):
        x[i] = i + 2.0
    ax = cppad_py.independent(x)
    # ay[i] = j * ax[j] * ax[i]
    # where i = mod(j + 1, n)
    ay = numpy.empty(n, dtype=cppad_py.a_double)
    for j in range(n):
        i = j + 1
        if i >= n:
            i = i - n
        aj = cppad_py.a_double(j)
        ax_j = ax[j]
        ax_i = ax[i]
        ay[i] = aj * ax_j * ax_i
    # define af corresponding to f(x)
    f = cppad_py.d_fun(ax, ay)
    # Set select_d (domain) to all true,
    # initial select_r (range) to all false
    # initialize r to all zeros
    select_d = numpy.empty(n, dtype=bool)
    select_r = numpy.empty(n, dtype=bool)
    r = numpy.empty(n, dtype=float)
    for i in range(n):
        select_d[i] = True
        select_r[i] = False
        r[i] = 0.0
    # only select component n-1 of the range function
    # f_0 (x) = (n-1) * x_{n-1} * x_0
    select_r[0] = True
    r[0] = 1.0
    # sparisty pattern for Hessian
    pattern = cppad_py.sparse_rc()
    f.for_hes_sparsity(select_d, select_r, pattern)
    # compute all possibly non-zero entries in Hessian
    # (should only compute lower triangle becuase matrix is symmetric)
    subset = cppad_py.sparse_rcv(pattern)
    # work space used to save time for multiple calls
    work = cppad_py.sparse_hes_work()
    f.sparse_hes(subset, x, r, pattern, work)
    # check that result is sparsity pattern for Hessian of f_0 (x)
    ok = ok and subset.nnz() == 2
    row = subset.row()
    col = subset.col()
    val = subset.val()
    for k in range(2):
        i = row[k]
        j = col[k]
        v = val[k]
        if i <= j:
            ok = ok and i == 0
            ok = ok and j == n - 1
        if i >= j:
            ok = ok and i == n - 1
            ok = ok and j == 0
        ok = ok and v == n - 1
    return (ok)
Beispiel #10
def fun_forward_xam() :
	import numpy
	import cppad_py
	# initialize return variable
	ok = True
	# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
	# number of dependent and independent variables
	n_dep = 1
	n_ind = 2
	# create the independent variables ax
	xp = numpy.empty(n_ind, dtype=float)
	for i in range( n_ind  ) :
		xp[i] = i + 1.0
	ax = cppad_py.independent(xp)
	# create dependent varialbes ay with ay0 = ax0 * ax1
	ax0    = ax[0]
	ax1    = ax[1]
	ay    = numpy.empty(n_dep, dtype=cppad_py.a_double)
	ay[0] = ax0 * ax1
	# define af corresponding to f(x) = x0 * x1
	f  = cppad_py.d_fun(ax, ay)
	# define X(t) = (3 + t, 2 + t)
	# it follows that Y(t) = f(X(t)) = (3 + t) * (2 + t)
	# Y(0) = 6 and p ! = 1
	p     = 0
	xp[0] = 3.0
	xp[1] = 2.0
	yp = f.forward(p, xp)
	ok = ok and yp[0] == 6.0
	# first order Taylor coefficients for X(t)
	p     = 1
	xp[0] = 1.0
	xp[1] = 1.0
	# first order Taylor coefficient for Y(t)
	# Y'(0) = 3 + 2 = 5 and p ! = 1
	yp = f.forward(p, xp)
	ok = ok and yp[0] == 5.0
	# second order Taylor coefficients for X(t)
	p     = 2
	xp[0] = 0.0
	xp[1] = 0.0
	# second order Taylor coefficient for Y(t)
	# Y''(0) = 2.0 and p ! = 2
	yp = f.forward(p, xp)
	ok = ok and yp[0] == 1.0
	# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
	af = cppad_py.a_fun(f)
	ok = ok and af.size_order() == 0
	# zero order forward
	p   = 0
	axp = numpy.empty(n_ind, dtype=cppad_py.a_double)
	axp[0] = 3.0
	axp[1] = 2.0
	ayp    = af.forward(p, axp)
	ok     = ok and ayp[0] == cppad_py.a_double(6.0)
	ok     = ok and af.size_order() == 1
	return( ok )
Beispiel #11
def fun_hessian_xam():
    import numpy
    import cppad_py
    # initialize return variable
    ok = True
    # ---------------------------------------------------------------------
    # number of dependent and independent variables
    n_dep = 1
    n_ind = 3
    # create the independent variables ax
    x = numpy.empty(n_ind, dtype=float)
    for i in range(n_ind):
        x[i] = i + 2.0
    ax = cppad_py.independent(x)
    # create dependent variables ay with ay0 = ax_0 * ax_1 * ax_2
    ax_0 = ax[0]
    ax_1 = ax[1]
    ax_2 = ax[2]
    ay = numpy.empty(n_dep, dtype=cppad_py.a_double)
    ay[0] = ax_0 * ax_1 * ax_2
    # define af corresponding to f(x) = x_0 * x_1 * x_2
    f = cppad_py.d_fun(ax, ay)
    # g(x) = w_0 * f_0 (x) = f(x)
    w = numpy.empty(n_dep, dtype=float)
    w[0] = 1.0
    # compute Hessian
    fpp = f.hessian(x, w)
    #          [ 0.0 , x_2 , x_1 ]
    # f''(x) = [ x_2 , 0.0 , x_0 ]
    #          [ x_1 , x_0 , 0.0 ]
    ok = ok and fpp[0, 0] == 0.0
    ok = ok and fpp[0, 1] == x[2]
    ok = ok and fpp[0, 2] == x[1]
    ok = ok and fpp[1, 0] == x[2]
    ok = ok and fpp[1, 1] == 0.0
    ok = ok and fpp[1, 2] == x[0]
    ok = ok and fpp[2, 0] == x[1]
    ok = ok and fpp[2, 1] == x[0]
    ok = ok and fpp[2, 2] == 0.0
    # ---------------------------------------------------------------------
    af = cppad_py.a_fun(f)
    # compute and check Hessian
    aw = numpy.empty(n_dep, dtype=cppad_py.a_double)
    aw[0] = w[0]
    afpp = af.hessian(ax, aw)
    ok = ok and afpp.shape == fpp.shape
    (nr, nc) = fpp.shape
    for i in range(nr):
        for j in range(nc):
            ok = ok and afpp[i, j] == cppad_py.a_double(fpp[i, j])
    return (ok)
def a_st_loss(r, nu):
    return numpy.sum(numpy.log(a_double(1.0) + r * r / nu))
def a_expit(t, param):
    alpha, beta, p = unpack_param(t, param)
    z = alpha * (t - beta)
    return p / (a_double(1.0) + a_exp(-z))
def a_gaussian_cdf(t, param):
    alpha, beta, p = unpack_param(t, param)
    z = alpha * (t - beta)
    return p * (a_double(1.0) + a_erf(z)) / a_double(2.0)
def a_normal_loss(r):
    return a_double(0.5) * numpy.sum(r * r)
Beispiel #16
def fun_reverse_xam() :
	import numpy
	import cppad_py
	# initialize return variable
	ok = True
	# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
	# number of dependent and independent variables
	n_dep = 1
	n_ind = 3
	# create the independent variables ax
	xp = numpy.empty(n_ind, dtype=float)
	for i in range( n_ind  ) :
		xp[i] = i
	ax = cppad_py.independent(xp)
	# create dependent variables ay with ay0 = ax_0 * ax_1 * ax_2
	ax_0  = ax[0]
	ax_1  = ax[1]
	ax_2  = ax[2]
	ay    = numpy.empty(n_dep, dtype=cppad_py.a_double)
	ay[0] = ax_0 * ax_1 * ax_2
	# define af corresponding to f(x) = x_0 * x_1 * x_2
	f  = cppad_py.d_fun(ax, ay)
	# -----------------------------------------------------------------------
	# define          X(t) = (x_0 + t, x_1 + t, x_2 + t)
	# it follows that Y(t) = f(X(t)) = (x_0 + t) * (x_1 + t) * (x_2 + t)
	# and that       Y'(0) = x_1 * x_2 + x_0 * x_2 + x_0 * x_1
	# -----------------------------------------------------------------------
	# zero order forward mode
	p     = 0
	xp[0] = 2.0
	xp[1] = 3.0
	xp[2] = 4.0
	yp = f.forward(p, xp)
	ok = ok and yp[0] == 24.0
	# -----------------------------------------------------------------------
	# first order reverse (derivative of zero order forward)
	# define G( Y ) = y_0 = x_0 * x_1 * x_2
	m         = f.size_range()
	q         = 1
	yq1       = numpy.empty( (m, q), dtype=float)
	yq1[0, 0] = 1.0
	xq1       = f.reverse(q, yq1)
	# partial G w.r.t x_0
	ok = ok and xq1[0,0] == 3.0 * 4.0
	# partial G w.r.t x_1
	ok = ok and xq1[1,0] == 2.0 * 4.0
	# partial G w.r.t x_2
	ok = ok and xq1[2,0] == 2.0 * 3.0
	# -----------------------------------------------------------------------
	# first order forward mode
	p     = 1
	xp[0] = 1.0
	xp[1] = 1.0
	xp[2] = 1.0
	yp    = f.forward(p, xp)
	ok    = ok and yp[0] == 3.0*4.0 + 2.0*4.0 + 2.0*3.0
	# -----------------------------------------------------------------------
	# second order reverse (derivative of first order forward)
	# define G( y_0^0 , y_0^1 ) = y_0^1
	# = x_1^0 * x_2^0  +  x_0^0 * x_2^0  +  x_0^0  *  x_1^0
	q         = 2
	yq2       = numpy.empty( (m, q), dtype=float)
	yq2[0, 0] = 0.0 # partial of G w.r.t y_0^0
	yq2[0, 1] = 1.0 # partial of G w.r.t y_0^1
	xq2       = f.reverse(q, yq2)
	# partial G w.r.t x_0^0
	ok = ok and xq2[0, 0] == 3.0 + 4.0
	# partial G w.r.t x_1^0
	ok = ok and xq2[1, 0] == 2.0 + 4.0
	# partial G w.r.t x_2^0
	ok = ok and xq2[2, 0] == 2.0 + 3.0
	# -----------------------------------------------------------------------
	af = cppad_py.a_fun(f)
	# zero order forward
	axp   = numpy.empty(n_ind, dtype=cppad_py.a_double)
	p     = 0
	axp[0] = 2.0
	axp[1] = 3.0
	axp[2] = 4.0
	ayp = af.forward(p, axp)
	ok = ok and ayp[0] == cppad_py.a_double(24.0)
	# first order reverse
	q          = 1
	ayq1       = numpy.empty( (m, q), dtype=cppad_py.a_double)
	ayq1[0, 0] = 1.0
	axq1       = af.reverse(q, ayq1)
	# partial G w.r.t x_0
	ok = ok and axq1[0,0] == cppad_py.a_double(3.0 * 4.0)
	# partial G w.r.t x_1
	ok = ok and axq1[1,0] == cppad_py.a_double(2.0 * 4.0)
	# partial G w.r.t x_2
	ok = ok and axq1[2,0] == cppad_py.a_double(2.0 * 3.0)
	return( ok )
def a_dgaussian_pdf(t, param):
    alpha, beta, p = unpack_param(t, param)
    z = alpha * (t - beta)
    two = a_double(2.0)
    return -two * z * alpha * a_gaussian_pdf(t, param)