Beispiel #1
    def test09_opaque_pointer_passing(self):
        """Test passing around of opaque pointers"""

        import cppyy
        some_concrete_class = cppyy.gbl.some_concrete_class

        o = some_concrete_class()

        # TODO: figure out the PyPy equivalent of CObject (may have to do this
        # through the C-API from C++)

        #cobj = cppyy.as_cobject(o)
        addr = cppyy.addressof(o)

        #assert o == cppyy.bind_object(cobj, some_concrete_class)
        #assert o == cppyy.bind_object(cobj, type(o))
        #assert o == cppyy.bind_object(cobj, o.__class__)
        #assert o == cppyy.bind_object(cobj, "some_concrete_class")
        assert cppyy.addressof(o) == cppyy.addressof(cppyy.bind_object(addr, some_concrete_class))
        assert o == cppyy.bind_object(addr, some_concrete_class)
        assert o == cppyy.bind_object(addr, type(o))
        assert o == cppyy.bind_object(addr, o.__class__)
        assert o == cppyy.bind_object(addr, "some_concrete_class")
        raises(TypeError, cppyy.bind_object, addr, "does_not_exist")
        raises(TypeError, cppyy.bind_object, addr, 1)
Beispiel #2
    def test09_opaque_pointer_passing(self):
        """Test passing around of opaque pointers"""

        import cppyy
        some_concrete_class = cppyy.gbl.some_concrete_class

        o = some_concrete_class()

        # TODO: figure out the PyPy equivalent of CObject (may have to do this
        # through the C-API from C++)

        #cobj = cppyy.as_cobject(o)
        addr = cppyy.addressof(o)

        #assert o == cppyy.bind_object(cobj, some_concrete_class)
        #assert o == cppyy.bind_object(cobj, type(o))
        #assert o == cppyy.bind_object(cobj, o.__class__)
        #assert o == cppyy.bind_object(cobj, "some_concrete_class")
        assert cppyy.addressof(o) == cppyy.addressof(
            cppyy.bind_object(addr, some_concrete_class))
        assert o == cppyy.bind_object(addr, some_concrete_class)
        assert o == cppyy.bind_object(addr, type(o))
        assert o == cppyy.bind_object(addr, o.__class__)
        assert o == cppyy.bind_object(addr, "some_concrete_class")
        raises(TypeError, cppyy.bind_object, addr, "does_not_exist")
        raises(TypeError, cppyy.bind_object, addr, 1)
Beispiel #3
    def test08_void_pointer_passing(self):
        """Test passing of variants of void pointer arguments"""

        import cppyy
        pointer_pass        = cppyy.gbl.pointer_pass
        some_concrete_class = cppyy.gbl.some_concrete_class

        pp = pointer_pass()
        o = some_concrete_class()

        assert cppyy.addressof(o) == pp.gime_address_ptr(o)
        assert cppyy.addressof(o) == pp.gime_address_ptr_ptr(o)
        assert cppyy.addressof(o) == pp.gime_address_ptr_ref(o)

        import array
        addressofo = array.array('l', [cppyy.addressof(o)])
        assert addressofo[0] == pp.gime_address_ptr_ptr(addressofo)

        assert 0 == pp.gime_address_ptr(0)
        raises(TypeError, pp.gime_address_ptr, None)

        ptr = cppyy.bind_object(0, some_concrete_class)
        assert cppyy.addressof(ptr) == 0
        assert cppyy.addressof(ptr) == 0x1234
        assert cppyy.addressof(ptr) == 0x4321

        assert cppyy.addressof(cppyy.nullptr) == 0
        raises(TypeError, cppyy.addressof, None)
        assert cppyy.addressof(0)             == 0
Beispiel #4
    def test08_void_pointer_passing(self):
        """Test passing of variants of void pointer arguments"""

        import cppyy
        pointer_pass = cppyy.gbl.pointer_pass
        some_concrete_class = cppyy.gbl.some_concrete_class

        pp = pointer_pass()
        o = some_concrete_class()

        assert cppyy.addressof(o) == pp.gime_address_ptr(o)
        assert cppyy.addressof(o) == pp.gime_address_ptr_ptr(o)
        assert cppyy.addressof(o) == pp.gime_address_ptr_ref(o)

        import array
        addressofo = array.array('l', [cppyy.addressof(o)])
        assert addressofo[0] == pp.gime_address_ptr_ptr(addressofo)

        assert 0 == pp.gime_address_ptr(0)
        raises(TypeError, pp.gime_address_ptr, None)

        ptr = cppyy.bind_object(0, some_concrete_class)
        assert cppyy.addressof(ptr) == 0
        assert cppyy.addressof(ptr) == 0x1234
        assert cppyy.addressof(ptr) == 0x4321

        assert cppyy.addressof(cppyy.nullptr) == 0
        raises(TypeError, cppyy.addressof, None)
        assert cppyy.addressof(0) == 0
 def address_equality_test(a, b):
     assert cppyy.addressof(a) == cppyy.addressof(b)
     b2 = cppyy.bind_object(a, CppyyTestData)
     b.m_int = 888
     assert b.m_int == 888
     assert b == b2 and b.m_int == b2.m_int
     # TODO: in PyROOT, non-TObjects are not mem-regulated
     #assert b is b2    # memory regulator recycles
     b3 = cppyy.bind_object(cppyy.addressof(a), CppyyTestData)
     assert b3.m_int == 888
     assert b == b3 and b.m_int == b3.m_int
 def address_equality_test(a, b):
     assert cppyy.addressof(a) == cppyy.addressof(b)
     b2 = cppyy.bind_object(a, CppyyTestData)
     b.m_int = 888
     assert b.m_int == 888
     assert b == b2 and b.m_int == b2.m_int
     # TODO: in PyROOT, non-TObjects are not mem-regulated
     #assert b is b2    # memory regulator recycles
     b3 = cppyy.bind_object(cppyy.addressof(a), CppyyTestData)
     assert b3.m_int == 888
     assert b == b3 and b.m_int == b3.m_int
Beispiel #7
    def test08_void_pointer_passing(self):
        """Test passing of variants of void pointer arguments"""

        import cppyy
        pointer_pass        = cppyy.gbl.pointer_pass
        some_concrete_class = cppyy.gbl.some_concrete_class

        pp = pointer_pass()
        o = some_concrete_class()

        assert cppyy.addressof(o) == pp.gime_address_ptr(o)
        assert cppyy.addressof(o) == pp.gime_address_ptr_ptr(o)
        assert cppyy.addressof(o) == pp.gime_address_ptr_ref(o)
 def keep(self, obj):
         objid = (OBJTYPE_CPPYY, cppyy.addressof(obj))
     except TypeError:
         objid = (OBJTYPE_PYTHON, id(obj))
     self._objects.setdefault(objid, [0, obj])[0] += 1
     return obj
Beispiel #9
    def test16_opaque_handle(self):
        """Support use of opaque handles"""

        import cppyy

        assert cppyy.gbl.fragile.OpaqueType
        assert cppyy.gbl.fragile.OpaqueHandle_t

        handle = cppyy.gbl.fragile.OpaqueHandle_t(0x42)
        assert handle
        assert cppyy.addressof(handle) == 0x42

        raises(TypeError, cppyy.gbl.fragile.OpaqueType)
        assert not 'OpaqueType' in cppyy.gbl.fragile.__dict__

        handle = cppyy.gbl.fragile.OpaqueHandle_t()
        assert not handle

        addr = cppyy.gbl.fragile.create_handle(handle)
        assert addr
        assert not not handle

        assert cppyy.gbl.fragile.destroy_handle(handle, addr)

        # now define OpaqueType
            "namespace fragile { class OpaqueType { public: int m_int; }; }")

        # get fresh (should not have been cached while incomplete)
        o = cppyy.gbl.fragile.OpaqueType()
        assert hasattr(o, 'm_int')

        assert 'OpaqueType' in cppyy.gbl.fragile.__dict__
Beispiel #10
    def test05_ptr_ptr_with_array(self):
        """Example of ptr-ptr with array"""

        import cppyy, ctypes

        cppyy.cppdef("""namespace Advert05 {
        struct SomeStruct { int i; };

        void create_them(SomeStruct** them, int* sz) {
            *sz = 4;
            *them = new SomeStruct[*sz];
            for (int i = 0; i < *sz; ++i) (*them)[i].i = i*i;
        } }""")

        from cppyy.gbl.Advert05 import SomeStruct, create_them

        ptr = cppyy.bind_object(cppyy.nullptr, SomeStruct)
        sz = ctypes.c_int(0)
        create_them(ptr, sz)

        arr = cppyy.bind_object(cppyy.addressof(ptr),
                                cppyy.gbl.std.array[SomeStruct, sz.value])
        total = 0
        for s in arr:
            total += s.i
        assert total == 14
Beispiel #11
    def test10_object_identity(self):
        """Test object identity"""

        import cppyy
        some_concrete_class  = cppyy.gbl.some_concrete_class
        some_class_with_data = cppyy.gbl.some_class_with_data

        o = some_concrete_class()
        addr = cppyy.addressof(o)

        o2 = cppyy.bind_object(addr, some_concrete_class)
        assert o is o2

        o3 = cppyy.bind_object(addr, some_class_with_data)
        assert not o is o3

        d1 = some_class_with_data()
        d2 = d1.gime_copy()
        assert not d1 is d2

        dd1a = d1.gime_data()
        dd1b = d1.gime_data()
        assert dd1a is dd1b

        dd2 = d2.gime_data()
        assert not dd1a is dd2
        assert not dd1b is dd2

Beispiel #12
    def test10_object_identity(self):
        """Test object identity"""

        import cppyy
        some_concrete_class = cppyy.gbl.some_concrete_class
        some_class_with_data = cppyy.gbl.some_class_with_data

        o = some_concrete_class()
        addr = cppyy.addressof(o)

        o2 = cppyy.bind_object(addr, some_concrete_class)
        assert o is o2

        o3 = cppyy.bind_object(addr, some_class_with_data)
        assert not o is o3

        d1 = some_class_with_data()
        d2 = d1.gime_copy()
        assert not d1 is d2

        dd1a = d1.gime_data()
        dd1b = d1.gime_data()
        assert dd1a is dd1b

        dd2 = d2.gime_data()
        assert not dd1a is dd2
        assert not dd1b is dd2

Beispiel #13
    def test05_wrong_arg_addressof(self):
        """Test addressof() error reporting"""

        import cppyy

        assert cppyy.gbl.fragile == cppyy.gbl.fragile
        fragile = cppyy.gbl.fragile

        assert fragile.F == fragile.F
        assert fragile.F().check() == ord('F')

        f = fragile.F()
        o = object()

        raises(TypeError, cppyy.addressof, o)
        raises(TypeError, cppyy.addressof, 1)
Beispiel #14
    def test05_wrong_arg_addressof(self):
        """Test addressof() error reporting"""

        import cppyy

        assert cppyy.gbl.fragile == cppyy.gbl.fragile
        fragile = cppyy.gbl.fragile

        assert fragile.F == fragile.F
        assert fragile.F().check() == ord('F')

        f = fragile.F()
        o = object()

        raises(TypeError, cppyy.addressof, o)
        raises(TypeError, cppyy.addressof, 1)
Beispiel #15
def main(args):
    mak, arr = load_argos()

    tree = ET.parse(args.config)
    root = tree.getroot()
    controllers = root.find("controllers")
    if controllers:
        for controller in controllers:
            id = controller.get('id')
            controller.set("library", config.CONTROLLERS[id])
            path = pathlib.Path(controller.get("library"))
            if args.gen and id == "nn_rm_1dot1":
                print("Adding gen file")
                controller.find('params').set('genome_file', args.gen)
            elif args.fsm_config and id == "automode":
                print('Adding fsm config')
                controller.find('params').set('fsm-config', args.fsm_config)

    loops = root.find("loop_functions")
    if loops:
        findloop = pathlib.Path(config.LOOP_PREFIX).glob("**/*.so")
        old_loop_path = pathlib.Path(loops.get("library"))
        looplist = [
            loop for loop in findloop if ==
        if len(looplist) == 0:
            print('Could not find the loopfunc in the prefix')
        looppath = looplist[0]
        if len(looplist) > 1:
            print('multiple possible loopfunc file found: {}'.format(looplist))
        print('Using loopfunc: {}'.format(looppath))
        loops.set('library', str(looppath.absolute()))
        # print(looppath)

    tmpfile = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile()


    # print(type(mak), type(args.gen))
    cSpace = mak.GetSpace()

    loopfunc = mak.GetLoopFunctions()
    from cppyy.gbl import CoreLoopFunctions

    loopfunc = bind_object(addressof(loopfunc), CoreLoopFunctions)
    score = loopfunc.GetObjectiveFunction()

Beispiel #16
    def test09_opaque_pointer_assing(self):
        """Test passing around of opaque pointers"""

        import cppyy
        some_concrete_class = cppyy.gbl.some_concrete_class

        o = some_concrete_class()

        #cobj = cppyy.as_cobject(o)
        addr = cppyy.addressof(o)

        #assert o == cppyy.bind_object(cobj, some_concrete_class)
        #assert o == cppyy.bind_object(cobj, type(o))
        #assert o == cppyy.bind_object(cobj, o.__class__)
        #assert o == cppyy.bind_object(cobj, "some_concrete_class")
        assert cppyy.addressof(o) == cppyy.addressof(cppyy.bind_object(addr, some_concrete_class))
        assert o == cppyy.bind_object(addr, some_concrete_class)
        assert o == cppyy.bind_object(addr, type(o))
        assert o == cppyy.bind_object(addr, o.__class__)
Beispiel #17
    def test12_actual_type(self):
        """Test that a pointer to base return does an auto-downcast"""

        import cppyy
        base_class = cppyy.gbl.base_class
        base_class.clone.__creates__ = True
        derived_class = cppyy.gbl.derived_class
        derived_class.clone.__creates__ = True

        b = base_class()
        d = derived_class()

        assert b == b.cycle(b)
        assert id(b) == id(b.cycle(b))
        assert b == d.cycle(b)
        assert id(b) == id(d.cycle(b))
        assert d == b.cycle(d)
        assert id(d) == id(b.cycle(d))
        assert d == d.cycle(d)
        assert id(d) == id(d.cycle(d))

        assert isinstance(b.cycle(b), base_class)
        assert isinstance(d.cycle(b), base_class)
        assert isinstance(b.cycle(d), derived_class)
        assert isinstance(d.cycle(d), derived_class)

        assert isinstance(b.clone(), base_class)  # TODO: clone() leaks
        assert isinstance(d.clone(), derived_class)  # TODO: clone() leaks

        # special case when round-tripping through a void* ptr
        voidp = b.mask(d)
        assert not isinstance(voidp, base_class)
        assert not isinstance(voidp, derived_class)

        d1 = cppyy.bind_object(voidp, base_class, cast=True)
        assert isinstance(d1, derived_class)
        assert d1 is d

        b1 = cppyy.bind_object(voidp, base_class)
        assert isinstance(b1, base_class)
        assert cppyy.addressof(b1) == cppyy.addressof(d)
        assert not (b1 is d)
Beispiel #18
    def test05_wrong_arg_addressof(self):
        """Test addressof() error reporting"""

        import cppyy

        assert cppyy.gbl.fragile == cppyy.gbl.fragile
        fragile = cppyy.gbl.fragile

        assert fragile.F == fragile.F
        assert fragile.F().check() == ord('F')

        f = fragile.F()
        o = object()

        raises(TypeError, cppyy.addressof, o)
        raises(TypeError, cppyy.addressof, 1)

        # regression (m_int is 0 by default, but its address is not)
        assert cppyy.addressof(f, 'm_int')
Beispiel #19
    def test05_wrong_arg_addressof(self):
        """Test addressof() error reporting"""

        import cppyy

        assert cppyy.gbl.fragile == cppyy.gbl.fragile
        fragile = cppyy.gbl.fragile

        assert fragile.F == fragile.F
        assert fragile.F().check() == ord('F')

        f = fragile.F()
        o = object()

        raises(TypeError, cppyy.addressof, o)
        raises(TypeError, cppyy.addressof, 1)

        # regression (m_int is 0 by default, but its address is not)
        assert cppyy.addressof(f, 'm_int')
Beispiel #20
    def test_casting(self):
        import cppyy
        from cppyy.gbl import Abstract, Concrete

        c = Concrete()
        assert 'Abstract' in Concrete.show_autocast.__doc__
        d = c.show_autocast()
        assert type(d) == cppyy.gbl.Concrete

        from cppyy import addressof, bind_object
        e = bind_object(addressof(d), Abstract)
        assert type(e) == cppyy.gbl.Abstract
Beispiel #21
    def test05_wrong_arg_addressof(self):
        """Test addressof() error reporting"""

        import cppyy

        assert cppyy.gbl.fragile == cppyy.gbl.fragile
        fragile = cppyy.gbl.fragile

        assert fragile.F == fragile.F
        assert fragile.F().check() == ord('F')

        f = fragile.F()
        o = object()

        raises(TypeError, cppyy.addressof, o)
        raises(TypeError, cppyy.addressof, 1)
        # 0, None, and nullptr allowed
        assert cppyy.addressof(0) == 0
        assert cppyy.addressof(None) == 0
        assert cppyy.addressof(cppyy.gbl.nullptr) == 0
Beispiel #22
    def test_casting(self):
        import cppyy
        from cppyy.gbl import Abstract, Concrete

        c = Concrete()
        assert 'Abstract' in Concrete.show_autocast.__doc__
        d = c.show_autocast()
        assert type(d) == cppyy.gbl.Concrete

        from cppyy import addressof, bind_object
        e = bind_object(addressof(d), Abstract)
        assert type(e) == cppyy.gbl.Abstract
Beispiel #23
    def test05_wrong_arg_addressof(self):
        """Test addressof() error reporting"""

        import cppyy

        assert cppyy.gbl.fragile == cppyy.gbl.fragile
        fragile = cppyy.gbl.fragile

        assert fragile.F == fragile.F
        assert fragile.F().check() == ord('F')

        f = fragile.F()
        o = object()

        raises(TypeError, cppyy.addressof, o)
        raises(TypeError, cppyy.addressof, 1)
        # 0, None, and nullptr allowed
        assert cppyy.addressof(0)                 == 0
        assert cppyy.addressof(None)              == 0
        assert cppyy.addressof(cppyy.gbl.nullptr) == 0
 def release(self, obj):
         objid = (OBJTYPE_CPPYY, cppyy.addressof(obj))
     except TypeError:
         objid = (OBJTYPE_PYTHON, id(obj))
     self._objects.setdefault(objid, [0, obj])[0] += 1
     info = self._objects[objid]
     info[0] -= 1
     if info[0] <= 0:
         del self._objects[objid]
         return True
     return False
Beispiel #25
    def test12_actual_type(self):
        """Test that a pointer to base return does an auto-downcast"""

        import cppyy
        base_class = cppyy.gbl.base_class
        derived_class = cppyy.gbl.derived_class

        b = base_class()
        d = derived_class()

        assert b == b.cycle(b)
        assert id(b) == id(b.cycle(b))
        assert b == d.cycle(b)
        assert id(b) == id(d.cycle(b))
        assert d == b.cycle(d)
        assert id(d) == id(b.cycle(d))
        assert d == d.cycle(d)
        assert id(d) == id(d.cycle(d))

        assert isinstance(b.cycle(b), base_class)
        assert isinstance(d.cycle(b), base_class)
        assert isinstance(b.cycle(d), derived_class)
        assert isinstance(d.cycle(d), derived_class)

        assert isinstance(b.clone(), base_class)      # TODO: clone() leaks
        assert isinstance(d.clone(), derived_class)   # TODO: clone() leaks

        # special case when round-tripping through a void* ptr
        voidp = b.mask(d)
        assert not isinstance(voidp, base_class)
        assert not isinstance(voidp, derived_class)

        d1 = cppyy.bind_object(voidp, base_class, cast=True)
        assert isinstance(d1, derived_class)
        assert d1 is d

        b1 = cppyy.bind_object(voidp, base_class)
        assert isinstance(b1, base_class)
        assert cppyy.addressof(b1) == cppyy.addressof(d)
        assert not (b1 is d)
Beispiel #26
    def test08_opaque_pointer_passing(self):
        """Test passing around of opaque pointers"""

        import cppyy

        # TODO: figure out CObject (see also

        s = cppyy.gbl.TString("Hello World!")
        #cobj = cppyy.as_cobject(s)
        addr = cppyy.addressof(s)

        #assert s == cppyy.bind_object(cobj, s.__class__)
        #assert s == cppyy.bind_object(cobj, "TString")
        assert s == cppyy.bind_object(addr, s.__class__)
        assert s == cppyy.bind_object(addr, "TString")
Beispiel #27
    def test08_opaque_pointer_passing(self):
        """Test passing around of opaque pointers"""

        import cppyy

        # TODO: figure out CObject (see also

        s = cppyy.gbl.TString("Hello World!")
        #cobj = cppyy.as_cobject(s)
        addr = cppyy.addressof(s)

        #assert s == cppyy.bind_object(cobj, s.__class__)
        #assert s == cppyy.bind_object(cobj, "TString")
        assert s == cppyy.bind_object(addr, s.__class__)
        assert s == cppyy.bind_object(addr, "TString")
Beispiel #28
    def test10_object_identity(self):
        """Test object identity"""

        import cppyy
        some_concrete_class = cppyy.gbl.some_concrete_class
        some_class_with_data = cppyy.gbl.some_class_with_data

        o = some_concrete_class()
        addr = cppyy.addressof(o)

        o2 = cppyy.bind_object(addr, some_concrete_class)
        assert o is o2

        o3 = cppyy.bind_object(addr, some_class_with_data)
        assert not o is o3

        d1 = some_class_with_data()
        d2 = d1.gime_copy()
        assert not d1 is d2

        dd1a = d1.gime_data()
        dd1b = d1.gime_data()
        assert dd1a is dd1b

        dd2 = d2.gime_data()
        assert not dd1a is dd2
        assert not dd1b is dd2


        RTS = cppyy.gbl.refers_to_self

        r1 = RTS()
        r2 = RTS()
        r1.m_other = r2

        r3 = r1.m_other
        r4 = r1.m_other
        assert r3 is r4

        assert r3 == r2
        assert r3 is r2

        r3.extra = 42
        assert r2.extra == 42
        assert r4.extra == 42
Beispiel #29
    def test10_object_identity(self):
        """Test object identity"""

        import cppyy
        some_concrete_class  = cppyy.gbl.some_concrete_class
        some_class_with_data = cppyy.gbl.some_class_with_data

        o = some_concrete_class()
        addr = cppyy.addressof(o)

        o2 = cppyy.bind_object(addr, some_concrete_class)
        assert o is o2

        o3 = cppyy.bind_object(addr, some_class_with_data)
        assert not o is o3

        d1 = some_class_with_data()
        d2 = d1.gime_copy()
        assert not d1 is d2

        dd1a = d1.gime_data()
        dd1b = d1.gime_data()
        assert dd1a is dd1b

        dd2 = d2.gime_data()
        assert not dd1a is dd2
        assert not dd1b is dd2


        RTS = cppyy.gbl.refers_to_self

        r1 = RTS()
        r2 = RTS()
        r1.m_other = r2

        r3 = r1.m_other
        r4 = r1.m_other
        assert r3 is r4

        assert r3 == r2
        assert r3 is r2

        r3.extra = 42
        assert r2.extra == 42
        assert r4.extra == 42
 def __repr__(self):
     return "<{} object at 0x{:x}>".format(self.__class__.__name__, cppyy.addressof(self))
Beispiel #31
 def address_equality_test(a, b):
     assert cppyy.addressof(a) == cppyy.addressof(b)
     b2 = cppyy.bind_object(a, CppyyTestData)
     assert b is b2    # memory regulator recycles
     b3 = cppyy.bind_object(cppyy.addressof(a), CppyyTestData)
     assert b is b3    # likewise
def setUserPointer(self, obj):
    global userpointers
    userpointers[cppyy.addressof(self)] = obj
def getUserPointer(self):
    global userpointers
    return userpointers.get(cppyy.addressof(self))
Beispiel #34
 def address_equality_test(a, b):
     assert cppyy.addressof(a) == cppyy.addressof(b)
     b2 = cppyy.bind_object(a, cppyy_test_data)
     assert b is b2  # memory regulator recycles
     b3 = cppyy.bind_object(cppyy.addressof(a), cppyy_test_data)
     assert b is b3  # likewise
Beispiel #35
 def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
     result = func(*args, **kwargs)
     if cppyy.addressof(result) == 0:
         return None
     return result