def quoted_column_names_writing_template(self, specify_column_names):
        @param specify_column_names if truthy, specify column names in COPY statement
        A parameterized test. Test that COPY can write to a table with quoted
        column names by:

        - creating a table with quoted column names,
        - inserting test data into that table,
        - COPYing that table into a CSV file into the table, explicitly naming columns,
        - writing that test data to a CSV file,
        - asserting that the two CSV files contain the same rows.

        If the specify_column_names parameter is truthy, the COPY statement
        explicitly names the columns.
            CREATE TABLE testquoted (
                "IdNumber" int PRIMARY KEY,
                "select" text

        data = [[1, 'no'], [2, 'Yes'], [3, 'True'], [4, 'false']]
        insert_statement = self.session.prepare(
            """INSERT INTO testquoted ("IdNumber", "select") VALUES (?, ?)""")
        execute_concurrent_with_args(self.session, insert_statement, data)

        self.tempfile = NamedTemporaryFile(delete=False)
        stmt = ("""COPY ks.testquoted ("IdNumber", "select") TO '{name}'"""
                if specify_column_names else
                """COPY ks.testquoted TO '{name}'""").format(

        reference_file = NamedTemporaryFile(delete=False)
        write_rows_to_csv(, data)

    def test_explicit_column_order_writing(self):
        Test that COPY can write to a CSV file when the order of columns is
        explicitly specified by:

        - creating a table,
        - COPYing to a CSV file with columns in a different order than they
        appeared in the CREATE TABLE statement,
        - writing a CSV file with the columns in that order, and
        - asserting that the two CSV files contain the same values.
            CREATE TABLE testorder (
                a int primary key,
                b int,
                c text

        data = [[1, 20, 'ham'], [2, 40, 'eggs'], [3, 60, 'beans'],
                [4, 80, 'toast']]
        insert_statement = self.session.prepare(
            "INSERT INTO testorder (a, b, c) VALUES (?, ?, ?)")
        execute_concurrent_with_args(self.session, insert_statement, data)

        self.tempfile = NamedTemporaryFile(delete=False)

        self.node1.run_cqlsh("COPY ks.testorder (a, c, b) TO '{name}'".format(

        reference_file = NamedTemporaryFile(delete=False)
        with open(, 'wb') as csvfile:
            writer = csv.writer(csvfile)
            for a, b, c in data:
                writer.writerow([a, c, b])

    def quoted_column_names_writing_template(self, specify_column_names):
        @param specify_column_names if truthy, specify column names in COPY statement
        A parameterized test. Test that COPY can write to a table with quoted
        column names by:

        - creating a table with quoted column names,
        - inserting test data into that table,
        - COPYing that table into a CSV file into the table, explicitly naming columns,
        - writing that test data to a CSV file,
        - asserting that the two CSV files contain the same rows.

        If the specify_column_names parameter is truthy, the COPY statement
        explicitly names the columns.
            CREATE TABLE testquoted (
                "IdNumber" int PRIMARY KEY,
                "select" text

        data = [[1, 'no'], [2, 'Yes'],
                [3, 'True'], [4, 'false']]
        insert_statement = self.session.prepare("""INSERT INTO testquoted ("IdNumber", "select") VALUES (?, ?)""")
        execute_concurrent_with_args(self.session, insert_statement, data)

        self.tempfile = NamedTemporaryFile(delete=False)
        stmt = ("""COPY ks.testquoted ("IdNumber", "select") TO '{name}'"""
                if specify_column_names else
                """COPY ks.testquoted TO '{name}'""").format(

        reference_file = NamedTemporaryFile(delete=False)
        write_rows_to_csv(, data)

    def test_explicit_column_order_writing(self):
        Test that COPY can write to a CSV file when the order of columns is
        explicitly specified by:

        - creating a table,
        - COPYing to a CSV file with columns in a different order than they
        appeared in the CREATE TABLE statement,
        - writing a CSV file with the columns in that order, and
        - asserting that the two CSV files contain the same values.
            CREATE TABLE testorder (
                a int primary key,
                b int,
                c text

        data = [[1, 20, 'ham'], [2, 40, 'eggs'],
                [3, 60, 'beans'], [4, 80, 'toast']]
        insert_statement = self.session.prepare("INSERT INTO testorder (a, b, c) VALUES (?, ?, ?)")
        execute_concurrent_with_args(self.session, insert_statement, data)

        self.tempfile = NamedTemporaryFile(delete=False)

            "COPY ks.testorder (a, c, b) TO '{name}'".format(

        reference_file = NamedTemporaryFile(delete=False)
        with open(, 'wb') as csvfile:
            writer = csv.writer(csvfile)
            for a, b, c in data:
                writer.writerow([a, c, b])
