Beispiel #1
Datei: Projekt: nden/crds
def get_minimum_header(context, dataset, ignore_cache=False):
    """Given a `dataset` and a `context`,  extract relevant header 
    information from the `dataset`.
    dump_mappings(context, ignore_cache=ignore_cache)
    ctx = crds.get_pickled_mapping(context)   # reviewed
    return ctx.get_minimum_header(dataset)
Beispiel #2
def get_update_map(old_pipeline, updated_rmaps):
    """Given the name of a pipeline context, `old_pipeline`, and a list
    of new rmap names, `updated_rmaps`,  return the mapping:

        { imap_name : [ updates_for_that_imap, ... ], ... }

    Updated rmaps can be rmap names or strings of the form:


    e.g.  miri_dflat_n/a
    pctx = crds.get_pickled_mapping(old_pipeline)   # reviewed
    updates = {}
    for update in sorted(updated_rmaps):
        if update.endswith(("_n/a","_N/A")):
            instrument, _filekind, na = update.split("_")
        else:  # should be an rmap name
            instrument, _filekind = utils.get_file_properties(pctx.observatory, update)
        imap_name = pctx.get_imap(instrument).filename
        if imap_name not in updates:
            updates[imap_name] = []
        assert update not in updates[imap_name], "Duplicate update for " + repr(update)
    return updates
Beispiel #3
def get_update_map(old_pipeline, updated_rmaps):
    """Given the name of a pipeline context, `old_pipeline`, and a list
    of new rmap names, `updated_rmaps`,  return the mapping:

        { imap_name : [ updates_for_that_imap, ... ], ... }

    Updated rmaps can be rmap names or strings of the form:


    e.g.  miri_dflat_n/a
    pctx = crds.get_pickled_mapping(old_pipeline)  # reviewed
    updates = {}
    for update in sorted(updated_rmaps):
        if update.endswith(("_n/a", "_N/A")):
            instrument, _filekind, na = update.split("_")
        else:  # should be an rmap name
            instrument, _filekind = utils.get_file_properties(
                pctx.observatory, update)
        imap_name = pctx.get_imap(instrument).filename
        if imap_name not in updates:
            updates[imap_name] = []
        assert update not in updates[
            imap_name], "Duplicate update for " + repr(update)
    return updates
Beispiel #4
def get_affected(old_pmap, new_pmap, *args, **keys):
    """Examine the diffs between `old_pmap` and `new_pmap` and return sorted lists of affected instruments and types.
    Returns { affected_instrument : { affected_type, ... } }
    observatory = keys.pop("observatory", crds.get_pickled_mapping(old_pmap).observatory)  # reviewed
    differ = MappingDifferencer(observatory, old_pmap, new_pmap, *args, **keys)
    return differ.get_affected()
Beispiel #5
def get_affected(old_pmap, new_pmap, *args, **keys):
    """Examine the diffs between `old_pmap` and `new_pmap` and return sorted lists of affected instruments and types.

    Returns { affected_instrument : { affected_type, ... } }
    observatory = keys.pop("observatory", crds.get_pickled_mapping(old_pmap).observatory)  # reviewed
    differ = MappingDifferencer(observatory, old_pmap, new_pmap, *args, **keys)
    return differ.get_affected()
Beispiel #6
Datei: Projekt: nden/crds
 def observatory_from_context(self):
     """Determine the observatory from `pipeline_context`,  based on name if possible."""
     if "jwst" in self.pipeline_context:
         observatory = "jwst"
     elif "hst" in self.pipeline_context:
         observatory = "hst"
         observatory = crds.get_pickled_mapping(self.pipeline_context).observatory  # reviewed
     return observatory
Beispiel #7
def _get_synphot_filename(context, reftype, compname):
    pmap = crds.get_pickled_mapping(context, ignore_checksum=True)
    rmap = pmap.get_imap(utils.SYNPHOT_INSTRUMENT).get_rmap(reftype)

    for key, filename in rmap.selector.todict()["selections"]:
        if key[0].lower() == compname:
            return filename

    return None
Beispiel #8
 def observatory_from_context(self):
     """Determine the observatory from `pipeline_context`,  based on name if possible."""
     import crds
     for observatory in constants.ALL_OBSERVATORIES:
         if observatory in self.pipeline_context:
             return observatory
         observatory = crds.get_pickled_mapping(
             self.pipeline_context).observatory  # reviewed
     return observatory
Beispiel #9
def refpath_to_parkeys(refpath):
    """Given a key for a TpnInfo's list, return the associated required parkeys."""
    from . import locate
    keys = []
    with log.verbose_warning_on_exception("Can't determine parkeys for",
        context = heavy_client.get_context_name("roman")
        p = crds.get_pickled_mapping(context)  # reviewed
        instrument, filekind = locate.get_file_properties(refpath)
        keys = p.get_imap(instrument).get_rmap(filekind).get_required_parkeys()
    return sorted(keys)
Beispiel #10
 def print_new_files(self):
     """Print the references or mappings which are in the second (new) context and not
     the firtst (old) context.
     if not config.is_mapping(self.old_file) or not config.is_mapping(self.new_file):
         log.error("--print-new-files really only works for mapping differences.")
         return -1
     old = crds.get_pickled_mapping(self.old_file)   # reviewed
     new = crds.get_pickled_mapping(self.new_file)   # reviewed
     old_mappings = set(old.mapping_names())
     new_mappings = set(new.mapping_names())
     old_references = set(old.reference_names())
     new_references = set(new.reference_names())
     status = 0
     for name in sorted(new_mappings - old_mappings):
         status = 1
     for name in sorted(new_references - old_references):
         status = 1
     return status
Beispiel #11
 def print_new_files(self):
     """Print the references or mappings which are in the second (new) context and not
     the firtst (old) context.
     if not rmap.is_mapping(self.old_file) or not rmap.is_mapping(self.new_file):
         log.error("--print-new-files really only works for mapping differences.")
         return -1
     old = crds.get_pickled_mapping(self.old_file)   # reviewed
     new = crds.get_pickled_mapping(self.new_file)   # reviewed
     old_mappings = set(old.mapping_names())
     new_mappings = set(new.mapping_names())
     old_references = set(old.reference_names())
     new_references = set(new.reference_names())
     status = 0
     for name in sorted(new_mappings - old_mappings):
         status = 1
     for name in sorted(new_references - old_references):
         status = 1
     return status
Beispiel #12
def tpninfos_key_to_parkeys(tpn):
    """Given a key for a TpnInfo's list, return the associated required parkeys."""
    if "all_" or "_all." in tpn:
        return []
    with log.verbose_warning_on_exception("Can't determine parkeys for", repr(tpn)):
        _mode, context  = heavy_client.get_processing_mode("jwst")
        p = crds.get_pickled_mapping(context)   # reviewed
        instrument, suffix = tpn.split(".")[0].split("_")[:2]
        filekind = p.locate.suffix_to_filekind(instrument, suffix)
        keys = p.get_imap(instrument).get_rmap(filekind).get_required_parkeys()
    return sorted(keys)
Beispiel #13
def tpninfos_key_to_parkeys(tpn):
    """Given a key for a TpnInfo's list, return the associated required parkeys."""
    if "all_" or "_all." in tpn:
        return []
    with log.verbose_warning_on_exception("Can't determine parkeys for",
        _mode, context = heavy_client.get_processing_mode("jwst")
        p = crds.get_pickled_mapping(context)  # reviewed
        instrument, suffix = tpn.split(".")[0].split("_")[:2]
        filekind = p.locate.suffix_to_filekind(instrument, suffix)
        keys = p.get_imap(instrument).get_rmap(filekind).get_required_parkeys()
    return sorted(keys)
Beispiel #14
def get_update_map(old_pipeline, updated_rmaps):
    """Given the name of a pipeline context, `old_pipeline`, and a list
    of new rmap names, `updated_rmaps`,  return the mapping:
        { imap_name : [ updates_for_that_imap, ... ], ... }
    pctx = crds.get_pickled_mapping(old_pipeline)   # reviewed
    updates = {}
    for update in sorted(updated_rmaps):
        instrument, _filekind = utils.get_file_properties(pctx.observatory, update)
        imap_name = pctx.get_imap(instrument).filename
        if imap_name not in updates:
            updates[imap_name] = []
        assert update not in updates[imap_name], "Duplicate update for " + repr(update)
    return updates
Beispiel #15
def refpath_to_parkeys(refpath):
    """Given a key for a TpnInfo's list, return the associated required parkeys."""
    from . import locate
    keys = []
    with log.verbose_warning_on_exception("Can't determine parkeys for", repr(refpath)):
        context  = heavy_client.get_context_name("jwst")
        p = crds.get_pickled_mapping(context)   # reviewed
        instrument, filekind = locate.get_file_properties(refpath)
        keys = p.get_imap(instrument).get_rmap(filekind).get_required_parkeys()
        # The below turned out to be bad because CRDS-only values aren't in datamodels
        # so in this case the datamodels schema are too narrow for these and will reject
        # e.g. SYSTEM or it's types.
        #         keys.append("META.INSTRUMENT.NAME")
        #         keys.append("META.REFTYPE")
    return sorted(keys)
Beispiel #16
def refpath_to_parkeys(refpath):
    """Given a key for a TpnInfo's list, return the associated required parkeys."""
    from . import locate
    keys = []
    with log.verbose_warning_on_exception("Can't determine parkeys for", repr(refpath)):
        context  = heavy_client.get_context_name("jwst")
        p = crds.get_pickled_mapping(context)   # reviewed
        instrument, filekind = locate.get_file_properties(refpath)
        keys = p.get_imap(instrument).get_rmap(filekind).get_required_parkeys()
        # The below turned out to be bad because CRDS-only values aren't in datamodels
        # so in this case the datamodels schema are too narrow for these and will reject
        # e.g. SYSTEM or it's types.
        #         keys.append("META.INSTRUMENT.NAME")
        #         keys.append("META.REFTYPE")
    return sorted(keys)
Beispiel #17
 def get_old_bestrefs(self, source):
     """Return the historical best references corresponding to `source`.  Always define old bestrefs
     in terms of filekind/typename rather than in terms of FITS keyword.
     header = add_instrument(self.header(source))
     instrument = utils.header_to_instrument(header)
     pmap = crds.get_pickled_mapping(self.context)
     result = {}
     for filekind in pmap.get_imap(instrument).selections:
         keyword = pmap.locate.filekind_to_keyword(filekind)
         filekind = filekind.upper()
             result[filekind] = header[keyword]
         except KeyError:
             result[filekind] = header.get(filekind, "UNDEFINED")
     return result
Beispiel #18
 def insert_references(self):
     """Insert files specified by --references into the appropriate rmaps identified by --source-context."""
     categorized = self.categorize_files(self.args.references)
     pmap = crds.get_pickled_mapping(self.source_context)  # reviewed
     self.args.rmaps = []
     for (instrument, filekind) in categorized:
         except crexc.CrdsError:
   "Existing rmap for", (instrument, filekind), "not found.  Trying empty spec.")
             spec_file = os.path.join(
                 os.path.dirname(self.obs_pkg.__file__), "specs", instrument + "_" + filekind + ".rmap")
             rmapping = rmap.asmapping(spec_file)
   "Loaded spec file from", repr(spec_file))
     self.rmap_apply(insert_rmap_references, categorized=categorized)
Beispiel #19
 def insert_references(self):
     """Insert files specified by --references into the appropriate rmaps identified by --source-context."""
     categorized = self.categorize_files(self.args.references)
     pmap = crds.get_pickled_mapping(self.source_context)  # reviewed
     self.args.rmaps = []
     for (instrument, filekind) in categorized:
         except crexc.CrdsError:
   "Existing rmap for", (instrument, filekind), "not found.  Trying empty spec.")
             spec_file = os.path.join(
                 os.path.dirname(self.obs_pkg.__file__), "specs", instrument + "_" + filekind + ".rmap")
             rmapping = rmap.asmapping(spec_file)
   "Loaded spec file from", repr(spec_file))
     self.rmap_apply(insert_rmap_references, categorized=categorized)
Beispiel #20
def find_full_match_paths(context, reffile):
    """Return the list of full match paths for `reference` in `context` as a
    list of tuples of tuples.   Each inner tuple is a (var, value) pair.
    Returns [((context_tuples,),(match_tuple,),(useafter_tuple,)), ...]
    >>> pp(find_full_match_paths("hst.pmap", "q9e1206kj_bia.fits"))    
    [((('observatory', 'hst'), ('instrument', 'acs'), ('filekind', 'biasfile')),
      (('DETECTOR', 'HRC'),
       ('CCDAMP', 'A'),
       ('CCDGAIN', '4.0'),
       ('APERTURE', '*'),
       ('NUMCOLS', '1062'),
       ('NUMROWS', '1044'),
       ('LTV1', '19.0'),
       ('LTV2', '20.0'),
       ('XCORNER', 'N/A'),
       ('YCORNER', 'N/A'),
       ('CCDCHIP', 'N/A')),
      (('DATE-OBS', '2006-07-04'), ('TIME-OBS', '11:32:35'))),
     ((('observatory', 'hst'), ('instrument', 'acs'), ('filekind', 'biasfile')),
      (('DETECTOR', 'HRC'),
       ('CCDAMP', 'A'),
       ('CCDGAIN', '4.0'),
       ('APERTURE', '*'),
       ('NUMCOLS', 'N/A'),
       ('NUMROWS', 'N/A'),
       ('LTV1', 'N/A'),
       ('LTV2', 'N/A'),
       ('XCORNER', 'N/A'),
       ('YCORNER', 'N/A'),
       ('CCDCHIP', 'N/A')),
      (('DATE-OBS', '2006-07-04'), ('TIME-OBS', '11:32:35')))]
    ctx = crds.get_pickled_mapping(context, cached=True)  # reviewed
    return ctx.file_matches(reffile)
Beispiel #21
def find_full_match_paths(context, reffile):
    """Return the list of full match paths for `reference` in `context` as a
    list of tuples of tuples.   Each inner tuple is a (var, value) pair.

    Returns [((context_tuples,),(match_tuple,),(useafter_tuple,)), ...]

    >>> pp(find_full_match_paths("hst.pmap", "q9e1206kj_bia.fits"))
    [((('observatory', 'hst'), ('instrument', 'acs'), ('filekind', 'biasfile')),
      (('DETECTOR', 'HRC'),
       ('CCDAMP', 'A'),
       ('CCDGAIN', '4.0'),
       ('APERTURE', '*'),
       ('NUMCOLS', '1062'),
       ('NUMROWS', '1044'),
       ('LTV1', '19.0'),
       ('LTV2', '20.0'),
       ('XCORNER', 'N/A'),
       ('YCORNER', 'N/A'),
       ('CCDCHIP', 'N/A')),
      (('DATE-OBS', '2006-07-04'), ('TIME-OBS', '11:32:35'))),
     ((('observatory', 'hst'), ('instrument', 'acs'), ('filekind', 'biasfile')),
      (('DETECTOR', 'HRC'),
       ('CCDAMP', 'A'),
       ('CCDGAIN', '4.0'),
       ('APERTURE', '*'),
       ('NUMCOLS', 'N/A'),
       ('NUMROWS', 'N/A'),
       ('LTV1', 'N/A'),
       ('LTV2', 'N/A'),
       ('XCORNER', 'N/A'),
       ('YCORNER', 'N/A'),
       ('CCDCHIP', 'N/A')),
      (('DATE-OBS', '2006-07-04'), ('TIME-OBS', '11:32:35')))]
    ctx = crds.get_pickled_mapping(context, cached=True)  # reviewed
    return ctx.file_matches(reffile)