Beispiel #1
        class TestSubEntity(crest.Entity):
            state = current = crest.State()
            port_in = crest.Input(res, 111)
            port_in2 = crest.Input(res, 222)

            port_out = crest.Output(res, 11111)
            port_out2 = crest.Output(res, 22222)
Beispiel #2
 class TestEntity(crest.Entity):
     in_port = crest.Input(res, 12)
     in_port2 = crest.Input(res, 33)
     state = current = crest.State()
     other_state = crest.State()
     # the evaluation of the guard of these will be mocked anyway
     transA = crest.Transition(source=state, target=other_state, guard=(lambda self: True))
     transB = crest.Transition(source=state, target=other_state, guard=(lambda self: True))
Beispiel #3
def _pullup(portname, port):
    """Worker for pullup. Pulls up one individual port to a name"""
    if not isinstance(port, (crest.Input, crest.Output)):
        raise ValueError(
            f"Error during pullup. '{portname}' cannot be pulled up because it is not an Input or Output port."

    parent = get_parent(port)
    parents_parent = get_parent(parent)
    if parents_parent is None:
        raise ValueError(
            f"Error during pullup. Port {portname}'s parent entity is not a subentity. Cannot pull up."

    if hasattr(parents_parent, portname):
        raise ValueError(
            f"Error during pullup. There exists already an object called '{portname}'."

    connect_name = portname + "_connect"
    if hasattr(parents_parent, connect_name):
        raise ValueError(
            f"Error during pullup. Cannot create connection influence. Name '{connect_name}' already exists."

    if isinstance(port, crest.Input):
        newport = add(parents_parent, portname,
                      crest.Input(port.resource, port.value))
        add(parents_parent, connect_name,
            crest.Influence(source=newport, target=port))
        newport = add(parents_parent, portname,
                      crest.Output(port.resource, port.value))
        add(parents_parent, connect_name,
            crest.Influence(source=port, target=newport))
Beispiel #4
        class TestEntity(crest.Entity):
            port_in = crest.Input(res, 1234)
            state = current = crest.State()
            sub = SubEntity()
            influence = crest.Influence(source=port_in, target=sub.sub_in)

            def __init__(self):
                api.add(self, "sub", SubEntity())
Beispiel #5
        class TestEntity(crest.Entity):
            port_in = crest.Input(res, 1234)
            port_out = crest.Output(res, 987)
            state = current = crest.State()
            influence = crest.Influence(source=port_in, target=port_out)

            def __init__(self):
                api.add(self, "port_out", crest.Output(res, 5555))
Beispiel #6
        class TestEntity(crest.Entity):
            port_in = crest.Input(res, 1234)

            sub = SubEntity()
            state = current = crest.State()

            update = crest.Update(state=state,
                                  function=(lambda self: 12345))

            def __init__(self):
                api.add(self, "sub", SubEntity())
 class RootType(crest.Entity):
     stateA = current = crest.State()
     stateB = crest.State()
     inport = crest.Input(crest.Resource("watt", crest.REAL), 0)
     local = crest.Local(crest.Resource("watt", crest.REAL), 1234)
     local2 = crest.Local(crest.Resource("watt", crest.REAL), 1234)
     outport = crest.Output(crest.Resource("watt", crest.REAL), 3.14)
     trans = crest.Transition(source=stateA, target=stateB, guard=(lambda self: False))
     inf = crest.Influence(source=inport, target=local, function=(lambda value: value * 2 + 15))
     up = crest.Update(state=stateA, target=outport, function=(lambda self: 1337))
     action = crest.Action(transition=trans, target=local2, function=(lambda self: self.local2 + 1))
Beispiel #8
class GerminationBox(crest.Entity):
    switch = crest.Input(resource=onOff, value="on")
    temperature = crest.Local(resource=celsius, value=22)

    state = current = crest.State()

    @crest.update(state=state, target=temperature)
    def update_temp(self, dt):
        if self.switch.value == "on":
            # don't exceed 40 (this is the maximum temperature)
            return min(40, self.temperature.value + 0.5 * dt)
            # don't go below 22 (minimum = current room temperature)
            return max(22, self.temperature.value - 0.25 * dt)
Beispiel #9
 def test_assign_int_value_to_int_port(self):
     p = crest.Input(resource=int_res, value=0)
     p.value = 15
 class Test(crest.Entity):
     A = current = crest.State()
     port = crest.Input(crest.Resource("watt", crest.REAL), 3.14)
Beispiel #11
 def __init__(self):
     api.add(self, "port_in", crest.Input(res, 5555))
Beispiel #12
 def test_assign_string_value_to_int_port_should_fail(self):
     p = crest.Input(resource=int_res, value=0)
     with self.assertRaises(AssertionError):
         p.value = "a_string_value"
Beispiel #13
 class SubEntity(crest.Entity):
     state = current = crest.State()
     sub_in = crest.Input(res, 111)
Beispiel #14
        class SubClass(self.testclass):
            port = crest.Input(crest.Resource("dummy", crest.REAL), 12345)

            def __init__(self):
Beispiel #15
 def test_assign_value_to_list_port___string(self):
     p = crest.Input(resource=list_res, value=0)
     p.value = "five"
Beispiel #16
 def test_assign_value_to_list_port___number(self):
     p = crest.Input(resource=list_res, value=0)
     p.value = 1
class TestSubEntity(crest.Entity):
    in1 = crest.Input(resource=testRes, value=3)
    in2 = crest.Input(resource=testRes, value=3)
    out1 = crest.Output(resource=testRes, value=3)
    out2 = crest.Output(resource=testRes, value=3)
Beispiel #18
        class Test(crest.Entity):
            in1 = crest.Input(resource=res, value=0)
            in2 = crest.Input(resource=res, value=0)

            local = crest.Local(resource=res, value=0)
            out = crest.Output(resource=res, value=0)
Beispiel #19
 def test_assign_float_value_to_real_port(self):
     p = crest.Input(resource=real_res, value=0)
     p.value = 3.1415
Beispiel #20
class TestSystem(crest.Entity):
    switch = crest.Input(resource=onOff, value="on")
    timer = crest.Local(resource=res_time, value=0)

    germinationbox_one = GerminationBox()
    germinationbox_two = GerminationBox()

    off = current = crest.State()
    on = crest.State()
    pause = crest.State()
    boxOne = crest.State()
    boxTwo = crest.State()

    # transitions
    @crest.transition(source=[on, boxOne, boxTwo, pause], target=off)
    def on_to_off(self):
        return self.switch.value == "off"

    @crest.transition(source=off, target=on)
    def off_to_on(self):
        return self.switch.value == "on"

    @crest.transition(source=[boxOne, boxTwo, pause], target=on)
    def return_to_on(self):
        return self.timer.value <= 0

    @crest.transition(source=on, target=[boxOne, boxTwo])
    def on_to_box(self):
        return self.timer.value <= 0

    @crest.transition(source=on, target=pause)
    def on_to_pause(self):
        return self.timer.value <= 0

    """ updates """

    @crest.update(state=[on, boxOne, boxTwo, pause], target=timer)
    def reduce_timer(self, dt):
        return max(0, self.timer.value - dt)

    @crest.update(state=boxOne, target=germinationbox_one.switch)
    def turn_on_boxOne(self, dt):
        return "on"

    @crest.update(state=[on, pause, off, boxTwo],
    def turn_off_boxOne(self, dt):
        return "off"

    @crest.update(state=boxTwo, target=germinationbox_two.switch)
    def turn_on_boxTwo(self, dt):
        return "on"

    @crest.update(state=[on, pause, off, boxOne],
    def turn_off_boxTwo(self, dt):
        return "off"

    """ transition actions """

    @crest.action(transition=off_to_on, target=timer)
    def set_timer_zero_when_turn_on(self):
        return 0

    @crest.action(transition=on_to_box, target=timer)
    def set_timer_thirty(self):
        return 30

    @crest.action(transition=on_to_pause, target=timer)
    def set_timer_ten(self):
        return 10
 class Subtype(self.basetype):
     inport = crest.Input(newres, 12)
Beispiel #22
 def test_assign_wrong_value_to_list_port_should_fail(self):
     p = crest.Input(resource=list_res, value=0)
     with self.assertRaises(AssertionError):
         p.value = "abcdefg"
Beispiel #23
 def test_assign_wrong_value_to_list_port_should_fail___number_as_string(
     p = crest.Input(resource=list_res, value=0)
     with self.assertRaises(AssertionError):
         p.value = "2"
 def test_override_entity_port_with_port(self):
     obj = self.instance
     obj.port = crest.Input(crest.Resource("other res", crest.INT), 11)
Beispiel #25
 def test_raise_error_on_None_assignment(self):
     p = crest.Input(resource=int_res, value=0)
     with self.assertRaises(AssertionError):
         p.value = None