Beispiel #1
def gen_ring(n, width, SEED=0):

    i = 0

    # uses rejections sampling
    T = numpy.zeros((n, 2))
    while i < n:
        x = numpy.random.uniform(-1, 1)
        y = numpy.random.uniform(-1, 1)
        rad = (x**2 + y**2)**.5
        if 1.0 - w < rad and rad < 1.0:
            T[i, 0] = x
            T[i, 1] = y
            i += 1

    mi_est = mitu.mi(T[:, 0], T[:, 1], base=math.e)

    return T, mi_est
def gen_ring( n, width, SEED=0 ):

	i = 0;

	# uses rejections sampling
	T = numpy.zeros( (n,2) )
	while i < n:
		x = numpy.random.uniform(-1,1)
		y = numpy.random.uniform(-1,1)
		rad = (x**2 + y**2)**.5
		if 1.0-w < rad and rad < 1.0:
			T[i,0] = x
			T[i,1] = y
			i += 1

	mi_est = mitu.mi(T[:,0], T[:,1], base=math.e)

	return T, mi_est
Beispiel #3
def gen_correlated_data(n, rho):
    T = numpy.random.multivariate_normal([0, 0], [[1, rho], [rho, 1]], n)
    true_MI = -.5 * numpy.log(1 - rho * rho)
    external_mi = mitu.mi(T[:, 0], T[:, 1], base=math.e)
    return T, true_MI, external_mi
def gen_correlated_data(n, rho):
    T = numpy.random.multivariate_normal([0, 0], [[1, rho], [rho, 1]], n)
    true_MI = -0.5 * numpy.log(1 - rho * rho)
    external_mi = mitu.mi(T[:, 0], T[:, 1], base=math.e)
    return T, true_MI, external_mi