Beispiel #1
def test_ccorr():
    from makelcs import tsmaker
    from crosscorr import kernel_corr, kernel_dist, standardize
    t1 = standardize(tsmaker(0.5, 0.1, random.uniform(0, 10)))
    t2 = standardize(tsmaker(0.5, 0.1, random.uniform(0, 10)))
    assert (kernel_corr(t1, t1) == 1)
    assert (kernel_dist(t1, t1) == 0)
def calc_distances(vp_k, timeseries_dict):
    """Calculates kernel distance between vantage point and all loaded light curves"""
    distances = []
    vp = standardize(timeseries_dict[vp_k])
    for k in timeseries_dict:
        if k != vp_k:
            k_dist = kernel_dist(vp, standardize(timeseries_dict[k]))
            distances.append((k_dist, k))
    return distances
Beispiel #3
def plot_two_ts(ts1, ts1_name, ts2, ts2_name, stand=True):
    """Plots two time series with matplotlib"""
    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
    if (stand):
        ts1 = standardize(ts1)
        ts2 = standardize(ts2)
    plt.plot(ts1, label=ts1_name)
    plt.plot(ts2, label=ts2_name)
Beispiel #4
def find_closest_vp(vps_dict, ts):
    Calculates distances from ts to all vantage points.
    Returns tuple with filename of closest vantage point and distance to that vantage point.
    s_ts = standardize(ts)
    vp_distances = sorted([(kernel_dist(s_ts, standardize(vps_dict[vp])), vp)
                           for vp in vps_dict])
    dist_to_vp, vp_fn = vp_distances[0]
    return (vp_fn, dist_to_vp)
Beispiel #5
def search_vpdb(vp_t, ts):
    Searches for most similar light curve based on pre-computed distances in vpdb

        vp_t: tuple containing vantage point filename and distance of time series to vantage point
        ts: time series to search on.
        Tuple: Distance to closest light curve, filename of closest light curve, ats object for closest light curve


    vp_fn, dist_to_vp = vp_t
    db_path = DB_DIR + vp_fn[:-4] + ".dbdb"
    db = connect(DB_DIR + vp_fn[:-4] + ".dbdb")
    s_ts = standardize(ts)

    # Identify light curves in selected vantage db that are up to 2x the distance
    # that the time series is from the vantage point
    lc_candidates = db.chop(2 * dist_to_vp)

    # Vantage point is ts to beat as we search through candidate light curves
    min_dist = dist_to_vp
    closest_ts_fn = vp_fn
    closest_ts = load_ts(vp_fn)

    for d_to_vp, ts_fn in lc_candidates:
        candidate_ts = load_ts(ts_fn)
        dist_to_ts = kernel_dist(standardize(candidate_ts), s_ts)
        if (dist_to_ts < min_dist):
            min_dist = dist_to_ts
            closest_ts_fn = ts_fn
            closest_ts = candidate_ts

    return (min_dist, closest_ts_fn, closest_ts)