Beispiel #1
def sum_ec_points(p1, p2, curve):
    # None acts like a neutral element
    if p1 is None:
        return p2

    if p2 is None:
        return p1

    A, B, p = curve
    x1, y1 = p1
    x2, y2 = p2

    if x1 == x2 and y1 == (p - y2):
        # neutral element
        return None

    elif p1 == p2:
        l = ((3 * bin_pow(x1, 2, p) + A) * reverse(2 * y1, p)) % p
        x3 = (bin_pow(l, 2, p) - 2 * x1) % p
        y3 = (l * (x1 - x3) - y1) % p

        l = ((y2 - y1) * reverse(x2 - x1, p)) % p
        x3 = (bin_pow(l, 2, p) - x1 - x2) % p
        y3 = (l * (x1 - x3) - y1) % p

    return (x3, y3)
Beispiel #2
def factorize_n(pub_k, priv_k):
    n, d = priv_k
    _, e = pub_k

    tmp = e * d - 1
    s = 0
    t = None
    while True:
        if tmp % 2 == 0:
            tmp = tmp // 2
            s += 1
            t = tmp

    a = random(2, n)

    if gcd(a, n) > 1:
        return a

    v = bin_pow(a, t, n)
    if v == 1:
        return None

    while v % n != 1:
        v0 = v % n
        v = bin_pow(v, 2, n)

    if v0 % n == -1:
        return None
        return gcd(v0 + 1, n)
Beispiel #3
def encrypt(pub_key, M):
    p, g, y = pub_key
    z = random(1, p - 1)
    c1 = bin_pow(g, z, p)

    c2 = M * bin_pow(y, z, p)

    C = [c1, c2]
    return C
Beispiel #4
def sqrt(a, p):
    if p % 4 != 3:
        raise Exception("p must be a valid prime that equals 3 (mod 4)")

    b = bin_pow(a, ((p + 1) // 4), p)

    return p - b
Beispiel #5
def decrypt(priv_key, C):
    x, p = priv_key
    c1, c2 = C
    c1_rev = reverse(c1, p)
    c1_rev_x = bin_pow(c1_rev, x, p)

    return c2 * c1_rev_x % p
Beispiel #6
def generate_keys():
    p = None
    q = None
    g = None

    while True:
        num = randkbits(1024)
        if is_prime(num) and is_prime(2 * num + 1):
            q = num
            p = 2 * num + 1

            print(q, p)

            while True:
                g = random(1, p - 1)
                x = bin_pow(g, q, p)
                if x != 1:
                    y = bin_pow(g, x, p)
                    return {"public": (p, g, y), "private": (x, p)}
Beispiel #7
def is_prime(x):
    if x == 1:
        return False

    if x == 2 or x == 3:
        return True

    for _ in range(0, 32):
        # The a values 1 and n-1 are not used as the equality holds for
        # all n and all odd n respectively, hence testing them
        # adds no value.
        if x > 4:
            a = random(2, x - 2)
            a = random(2, x)
        if bin_pow(a, x - 1, x) != 1:
            return False

    return True
Beispiel #8
def legendre(a, p):
    symbol = bin_pow(a, ((p - 1) // 2), p)
    return symbol if symbol == 1 or symbol == 0 else -1
Beispiel #9
def ec_delta(A, B, p):
    return (4 * bin_pow(A, 3, p) + 27 * bin_pow(B, 2, p)) % p
Beispiel #10
def decrypt(priv_k, C):
    n, d = priv_k

    return bin_pow(C, d, n)
Beispiel #11
def encrypt(pub_k, M):
    n, e = pub_k
    if 0 > M or M > n:
        raise Exception("Invalid message. Message must be 0 <= M < n")

    return bin_pow(M, e, n)