Beispiel #1
def wraps(x):
    """Privately computes the number of wraparounds for a set a shares

    To do so, we note that:
        [theta_x] = theta_z + [beta_xr] - [theta_r] - [eta_xr]

    Where [theta_i] is the wraps for a variable i
          [beta_ij] is the differential wraps for variables i and j
          [eta_ij]  is the plaintext wraps for variables i and j

    Note: Since [eta_xr] = 0 with probability 1 - |x| / Q for modulus Q, we
    can make the assumption that [eta_xr] = 0 with high probability.
    provider = crypten.mpc.get_default_provider()
    r, theta_r = provider.wrap_rng(x.size())
    beta_xr = theta_r.clone()
    beta_xr._tensor = count_wraps([x._tensor, r._tensor])

    z = x + r
    theta_z = comm.get().gather(z._tensor, 0)
    theta_x = beta_xr - theta_r

    # TODO: Incorporate eta_xr
    if x.rank == 0:
        theta_z = count_wraps(theta_z)
        theta_x._tensor += theta_z
    return theta_x
Beispiel #2
    def wraps(self, size):
        r = [
            generate_random_ring_element(size, generator=g)
            for g in self.generators
        theta_r = count_wraps(r)

        return theta_r - self._get_additive_PRSS(size, remove_rank=True)
Beispiel #3
    def wrap_rng(size, num_parties):
        """Generate random shared tensor of given size and sharing of its wraps"""
        r = [generate_random_ring_element(size) for _ in range(num_parties)]
        theta_r = count_wraps(r)

        shares = comm.get().scatter(r, src=0)
        r = ArithmeticSharedTensor.from_shares(shares, precision=0)
        theta_r = ArithmeticSharedTensor(theta_r, precision=0, src=0)

        return r, theta_r
Beispiel #4
    def test_wraps(self):
        num_parties = int(self.world_size)

        size = (5, 5)

        # Generate random sharing with internal value get_random_test_tensor()
        zero_shares = generate_random_ring_element((num_parties, *size))
        zero_shares = zero_shares - zero_shares.roll(1, dims=0)
        shares = list(zero_shares.unbind(0))
        shares[0] += get_random_test_tensor(size=size, is_float=False)

        # Note: This test relies on count_wraps function being correct
        reference = count_wraps(shares)

        # Sync shares between parties
        share = comm.get().scatter(shares, 0)

        encrypted_tensor = ArithmeticSharedTensor.from_shares(share)
        encrypted_wraps = encrypted_tensor.wraps()

        test_passed = (encrypted_wraps.reveal() == reference
                       ).sum() == reference.nelement()
        self.assertTrue(test_passed, "%d-party wraps failed" % num_parties)