Beispiel #1
 def _evaluate_gate_grr3(self, gate, l1, l2):
     if l1.pp_bit == l2.pp_bit == 0:
         result = label.from_bitstring(crypto_utils.decrypt(l2, crypto_utils.decrypt(l1, bytes(16))))
         print("BOB: The select bits of both labels for this gate are zero. Decrypting 0^N, instead of accessing "
               "the garbled table")
         return result
         return self._evaluate_gate_pp(gate, l1, l2)
Beispiel #2
 def _evaluate_gate_pp(self, gate, l1, l2):
     # as we learned in the section on point-and-permute,
     # we select the (2 * r1 + r2)th entry in the table
     label_index = l1.pp_bit * 2 + l2.pp_bit
     # since there are only three entries, we have to shift the index accordingly
     if config.USE_GRR3:
         label_index = label_index - 1
         "BOB: Using point-and-permute. {}{} corresponds to entry {}; decrypting entry {} with ciphertext {}".format(
             int(l1.pp_bit), int(l2.pp_bit),
             label_index, label_index, gate.table[label_index]))
     return label.from_bitstring(crypto_utils.decrypt(l2, crypto_utils.decrypt(l1, gate.table[label_index])))
Beispiel #3
 def get_text(self, password=None):
     if self.__is_encrypted:
         if password:
             return crypto_utils.decrypt(self.__data, password).decode('utf-8')
             return base64.b64encode(self.__data).decode('utf-8')
         return self.__data.decode('utf-8')
Beispiel #4
 def _evaluate_gate_standard(self, gate, l1, l2):
     out_label = None
     for entry in gate.table:
             candidate = crypto_utils.decrypt(l2, crypto_utils.decrypt(l1, entry))
             # with the AES implementation we are using, it seems that the padding check functions as a way to
             # verify correct decryption, since if a message isn't padded right that probably means we don't have
             # the right keys. But it's still good practice to verify the label is correct anyway.
             if candidate[0:config.CLASSIC_SECURITY_PARAMETER * 8].int == 0:
                 out_label = label.from_bitstring(candidate)
                 raise ValueError()
         except ValueError:
             print("BOB: Failed to decrypt {}! Trying next entry...".format(entry.hex))
     if out_label is None:
             "ERROR: Bob was unable to decrypt all four encrypted entries of gate {}. This should never happen. "
             "Terminating program...".format(
     return out_label
Beispiel #5
    def garble_gate_grr3(self, gate, in1_labels, in2_labels):
        print("ALICE: Garbling gate {} ".format(gate))
        gate.table = []

        # grab the input labels that will be placed first in the table
        in1_zero_pp = in1_labels[0] if in1_labels[
            0].pp_bit == 0 else in1_labels[1]
        in2_zero_pp = in2_labels[0] if in2_labels[
            0].pp_bit == 0 else in2_labels[1]
        print("ALICE: Generating zero label for labels {}, {}".format(
            in1_zero_pp, in2_zero_pp))
        zero_label = label.from_bitstring(
                crypto_utils.decrypt(in1_zero_pp, bitstring.Bits(128))))
        print("ALICE: Found c = {}, where that 0^N encrypted under {}, {} = c".
              format(zero_label, in1_zero_pp, in2_zero_pp))

        # Compute the underlying value of the zero label. Since label objects don't track their underlying semantic
        # value, we have do this in a slightly roundabout wy
        zero_label_value =,

        # manually generate the other output label
        if config.USE_FREE_XOR:
            zero_label_other = label.from_bitstring(zero_label.to_bitstring()
                                                    ^ self.R)
            zero_label_other = label.from_bitstring(

        # fix the other label point&permute bit, which needs to be the opposite of the zero label--whatever its one is
        zero_label_other.pp_bit = not zero_label.pp_bit

        out_labels = [None] * 2

        out_labels[zero_label_value] = zero_label
        out_labels[not zero_label_value] = zero_label_other
        self.wire_labels[gate.out] = out_labels

        # now we proceed in a very similar way to the vanilla garbling
        for selection in [(0, 0), (0, 1), (1, 0),
                          (1, 1)]:  # for each possible input configuration...
            # grab the labels corresponding to that configuration
            l1 = in1_labels[selection[0]]
            l2 = in2_labels[selection[1]]
            # no need to do this for the pair corresponding to the zero ciphertext... this is the point of GRR3
            if l1 != in1_zero_pp or l2 != in2_zero_pp:
                output_bit =[0], selection[1])
                lout = out_labels[output_bit]
                print("    Encrypting label {} with {}, {}, for {} = {} {} {}".
                      format(lout, l1, l2, output_bit, selection[0], gate.op,
                encrypted_label = crypto_utils.encrypt(
                    l1, crypto_utils.encrypt(l2, lout))
                self.encrypted_entries[encrypted_label] = (
                    l1, l2
                )  # cache ciphertext -> keys, to make it easier to p&p
                print("    Encrypted label: " + str(encrypted_label.hex))
        return out_labels
Beispiel #6
 def decrypt(self, password):
     self.__data = crypto_utils.decrypt(self.__data, password)
     self.__is_encrypted = False
Beispiel #7
def simplest_OT(m0, m1, i):
        "OT: Alice, the sender, has messages m0 = {} and m1 = {}. Bob, the receiver wishes to receive message m{}."
        .format(m0, m1, i))
    # the finite group of integers upon which we operate; 65521 is the largest 16 bit prime.
    # We use a group of prime order so that every element is a generator
    G = 65521

    g = random.randint(
        2, G)  # this value is agreed upon by both parties, and shared

    a = random.randint(2, 2**16 - 1)  # Sender (Alice's) secret a
    b = random.randint(2, 2**16 - 1)  # Receiver (Bob's) secret b

    print("OT: Alice generates a = {}, and keeps a secret from Bob".format(a))
    print("OT: Bob generates b = {}, and keeps b secret from Alice".format(b))

    A = (g**a) % G
    print("OT: Alice transfers A = g^a = {} to Bob".format(A))
    B = 0
    if i == 0:
        B = (g**b) % G
            "OT: Since i = 0, Bob calculates B = g^b = {} and transfers it to Alice"
    elif i == 1:
        B = (((g**b) % G) * A) % G
            "OT: Since i = 0, Bob calculates B = Ag^b = {} and transfers it to Alice"
        raise ValueError("The receiver must choose an index from (0, 1)")

    k = (A**b) % G
    print("OT: Bob transfers B to Alice, and computes k = A^b = {}".format(k))

    k0 = (B**a) % G
    k1 = (((B * modinv(A, G) % G))**a) % G
    print("OT: Alice computes k0 = B^a = {}, kl (B/A)^a = {}".format(k0, k1))
    c0 = crypto_utils.encrypt(bitstring.Bits(uint=k0, length=2**16), m0)
    c1 = crypto_utils.encrypt(bitstring.Bits(uint=k1, length=2**16), m1)
        "OT: Alice encrypts m0 with key k0 and transfers to Bob c0 = E(k0, m0) = {}"
        "OT: Alice encrypts m1 with key k1 and transfers to Bob c1 = E(k1, m1) = {}"

    if i == 0:
        decrypted_c0 = label.from_bitstring(
            crypto_utils.decrypt(bitstring.BitArray(uint=k, length=2**16),
        print("OT: Bob successfully decrypts c0 to yield {}".format(
        # assert(decrypted_c0 == m0)
        return decrypted_c0
        decrypted_c1 = label.from_bitstring(
            crypto_utils.decrypt(bitstring.BitArray(uint=k, length=2**16),
        print("OT: Bob successfully decrypts c0 to yield {}".format(
        return decrypted_c1