Beispiel #1
 def to_affine(self):
     Returns a tuple of Python ints in the format of (x, y) that represents
     the point in the curve.
     affine_x, affine_y = openssl._get_affine_coords_via_EC_POINT(
         self.ec_point, self.curve)
     return (backend._bn_to_int(affine_x), backend._bn_to_int(affine_y))
Beispiel #2
    def from_int(cls, num, curve: ec.EllipticCurve = None):
        Returns a BigNum object from a given integer on a curve.
        curve = curve if curve is not None else default_curve()
            curve_nid = backend._elliptic_curve_to_nid(curve)
        except AttributeError:
            # Presume that the user passed in the curve_nid
            curve_nid = curve

        group = backend._lib.EC_GROUP_new_by_curve_name(curve_nid)
        backend.openssl_assert(group != backend._ffi.NULL)

        order = backend._lib.BN_new()
        backend.openssl_assert(order != backend._ffi.NULL)
        order = backend._ffi.gc(order, backend._lib.BN_clear_free)

        with backend._tmp_bn_ctx() as bn_ctx:
            res = backend._lib.EC_GROUP_get_order(group, order, bn_ctx)
            backend.openssl_assert(res == 1)

        order_int = backend._bn_to_int(order)
        if num <= 0 or num >= order_int:
            # TODO: Handle this better maybe? Ask David.
            raise ValueError("Integer provided is not on the given curve.")

        bignum = backend._int_to_bn(num)
        bignum = backend._ffi.gc(bignum, backend._lib.BN_clear_free)

        return cls(bignum, curve_nid, group, order)
Beispiel #3
    def gen_rand(cls, curve: ec.EllipticCurve = None):
        Returns a BigNum object with a cryptographically secure BigNum based
        on the given curve.
        curve = curve if curve is not None else default_curve()
        curve_nid = backend._elliptic_curve_to_nid(curve)

        group = backend._lib.EC_GROUP_new_by_curve_name(curve_nid)
        backend.openssl_assert(group != backend._ffi.NULL)

        order = backend._lib.BN_new()
        backend.openssl_assert(order != backend._ffi.NULL)
        order = backend._ffi.gc(order, backend._lib.BN_free)

        with backend._tmp_bn_ctx() as bn_ctx:
            res = backend._lib.EC_GROUP_get_order(group, order, bn_ctx)
            backend.openssl_assert(res == 1)

        order_int = backend._bn_to_int(order)

        # Generate random number on curve
        key_size = get_curve_keysize_bytes(curve)
        rand_num = int.from_bytes(os.urandom(key_size), 'big')
        while rand_num >= order_int or rand_num <= 0:
            rand_num = int.from_bytes(os.urandom(key_size), 'big')

        new_rand_bn = backend._int_to_bn(rand_num)
        new_rand_bn = backend._ffi.gc(new_rand_bn, backend._lib.BN_free)

        return cls(new_rand_bn, curve_nid, group, order)
Beispiel #4
    def to_affine(self):
        Returns a tuple of Python ints in the format of (x, y) that represents
        the point in the curve.
        affine_x = backend._lib.BN_new()
        backend.openssl_assert(affine_x != backend._ffi.NULL)
        affine_x = backend._ffi.gc(affine_x, backend._lib.BN_clear_free)

        affine_y = backend._lib.BN_new()
        backend.openssl_assert(affine_y != backend._ffi.NULL)
        affine_y = backend._ffi.gc(affine_y, backend._lib.BN_clear_free)

        with backend._tmp_bn_ctx() as bn_ctx:
            res = backend._lib.EC_POINT_get_affine_coordinates_GFp(
      , self.ec_point, affine_x, affine_y, bn_ctx)
            backend.openssl_assert(res == 1)
        return (backend._bn_to_int(affine_x), backend._bn_to_int(affine_y))
def test_mocked_openssl_curvebn_arithmetic(mock_openssl, random_ec_curvebn1,

    operations_that_construct = (
        random_ec_curvebn1 * random_ec_curvebn2,  # __mul__
        random_ec_curvebn1**random_ec_curvebn2,  # __pow__
        random_ec_curvebn1**int(random_ec_curvebn2),  # __pow__ (as int)
        random_ec_curvebn1 + random_ec_curvebn2,  # __add__
        random_ec_curvebn1 - random_ec_curvebn2,  # __sub__
        -random_ec_curvebn1,  # __neg__
        random_ec_curvebn1 % random_ec_curvebn2,  # __mod__
        random_ec_curvebn1 % int(random_ec_curvebn2),  # __mod__ (as int)
        ~random_ec_curvebn1,  # __invert__
        random_ec_curvebn1 / random_ec_curvebn2  # __truediv__

    with mock_openssl():
        assert random_ec_curvebn1 == random_ec_curvebn1  # __eq__
        for operator_result in operations_that_construct:
            assert operator_result
            assert isinstance(operator_result, CurveBN)

    order = backend._bn_to_int(random_ec_curvebn1.curve.order)
    random_ec_curvebn1 = int(random_ec_curvebn1)
    random_ec_curvebn2 = int(random_ec_curvebn2)

    # For simplicity, we test these two cases separately
    assert (int(operations_that_construct[-2]) *
            random_ec_curvebn1) % order == 1
    assert (int(operations_that_construct[-1]) *
            random_ec_curvebn2) % order == random_ec_curvebn1

    # The remaining cases can be tested in bulk
    expected_results = (
        (random_ec_curvebn1 * random_ec_curvebn2) % order,  # __mul__
        pow(random_ec_curvebn1, random_ec_curvebn2, order),  # __pow__
        pow(random_ec_curvebn1, random_ec_curvebn2, order),  # __pow__ (as int)
        (random_ec_curvebn1 + random_ec_curvebn2) % order,  # __add__
        (random_ec_curvebn1 - random_ec_curvebn2) % order,  # __sub__
        (-random_ec_curvebn1) % order,  # __neg__
        random_ec_curvebn1 % random_ec_curvebn2,  # __mod__
        random_ec_curvebn1 % int(random_ec_curvebn2),  # __mod__ (as int)

    for (result, expected) in zip(operations_that_construct[:-2],
        assert result == expected
Beispiel #6
 def __int__(self) -> int:
     Converts the CurveBN to a Python int.
     return backend._bn_to_int(self.bignum)
Beispiel #7
 def __int__(self):
     Converts the BigNum to a Python int.
     return backend._bn_to_int(self.bignum)
Beispiel #8
from umbral.keys import UmbralPrivateKey, UmbralPublicKey
from umbral.params import UmbralParameters
from umbral.point import Point
from umbral.random_oracles import unsafe_hash_to_point
from umbral.pre import Capsule

# test parameters
max_examples = 1000

# crypto constants
curve = default_curve()
params = UmbralParameters(curve)
bn_size = curve.group_order_size_in_bytes

# generators
bns = integers(min_value=1, max_value=backend._bn_to_int(curve.order)).map(
    lambda x: CurveBN.from_int(x))

points = binary(min_size=1).map(
    lambda x: unsafe_hash_to_point(x, label=b'hypothesis', params=params))

signatures = tuples(integers(min_value=1, max_value=backend._bn_to_int(curve.order)),
                 integers(min_value=1, max_value=backend._bn_to_int(curve.order))).map(
                    lambda tup: tup[0].to_bytes(bn_size, 'big') + tup[1].to_bytes(bn_size, 'big'))

# # utility
def assert_kfrag_eq(k0, k1):
    assert(all([                  ==
               , k0.bn_key              == k1.bn_key
               , k0.point_precursor     == k1.point_precursor
               , k0.point_commitment    == k1.point_commitment
from umbral.keys import UmbralPrivateKey, UmbralPublicKey
from umbral.params import UmbralParameters
from umbral.point import Point
from umbral.random_oracles import unsafe_hash_to_point
from umbral.pre import Capsule

# test parameters
max_examples = 1000

# crypto constants
curve = default_curve()
params = UmbralParameters(curve)
bn_size = curve.group_order_size_in_bytes

# generators
bns = integers(min_value=1, max_value=backend._bn_to_int(
    curve.order)).map(lambda x: CurveBN.from_int(x))

points = binary(min_size=1).map(
    lambda x: unsafe_hash_to_point(x, label=b'hypothesis', params=params))

signatures = tuples(
    integers(min_value=1, max_value=backend._bn_to_int(curve.order)),
             max_value=backend._bn_to_int(curve.order))).map(lambda tup: tup[
                 0].to_bytes(bn_size, 'big') + tup[1].to_bytes(bn_size, 'big'))

# # utility
def assert_kfrag_eq(k0, k1):
    assert (all([ ==, k0.bn_key == k1.bn_key,
Beispiel #10
def bn_to_int(bn) -> int:
    return backend._bn_to_int(bn)