Beispiel #1
def print_cipher_text_with_colored_n(cipher_texts, possible_xor_bytes, n=1000):
    for cipher_text in cipher_texts:
        guess = bytes_xor(cipher_text, possible_xor_bytes).decode("UTF-8")
        if n < len(guess):
def find_likely_xor_byte_with_score_alphabet(bytes_str: bytes,
                                             percentage: float):
    result = {}
    for byte in [bytes([i]) for i in range(2**8)]:
        decoded_bytes = bytes_xor(bytes_str, cycle(byte))
        if score_string(decoded_bytes) > percentage:
            result[byte] = decoded_bytes
    return result
def main():
    with open(
            os.path.join(os.getcwd(), '..', '..', '..', 'data', 'set1_6_data'),
            'br') as file_handle:
        encrypted_bytes = base64.b64decode(

    key_size, _, _ = estimate_key_size_for_file(encrypted_bytes, 10, 40)
    possible_key = break_key_for_key_length(encrypted_bytes, key_size)
    print(bytes_xor(encrypted_bytes, cycle(possible_key)).decode('utf-8'))
def find_likely_xor_byte_with_alphabet(bytes_str: bytes, percentage: float):
    result = {}
    for byte in [bytes([i]) for i in range(2**8)]:
        decoded_bytes = bytes_xor(bytes_str, cycle(byte))
        score = len([
            decoded_byte for decoded_byte in decoded_bytes
            if bytes([decoded_byte]) in ALPHABET_BYTES
        if score > percentage * len(bytes_str):
            result[byte] = decoded_bytes
    return result
Beispiel #5
def test_set_3_19_20():
    test_set = 'set3_20_data'
    with open(os.path.join(DIR_PATH, '..', 'data', test_set),
              'br') as file_handle:
        data_lines = [
            for data_line in

    cipher_texts = encrypt_with_same_nonce(test_set)
    possible_xor_byte_dicts, possible_xor_bytes = get_initial_likely_bytes(
        cipher_texts, truncated=True)

    for cipher_text, answer in zip(cipher_texts, data_lines):
        assert answer[:len(possible_xor_bytes)] == bytes_xor(
            cipher_text, possible_xor_bytes)
def test_set_1_5():
    my_string = b"Burning 'em, if you ain't quick and nimble\nI go crazy when I hear a cymbal"
    encoded_string = '0b3637272a2b2e63622c2e69692a23693a2a3c6324202d623d63343c2a26226324272765272' \
    assert bytes_xor(my_string, cycle(b'ICE')).hex() == encoded_string
def test_set_1_2():
    str1 = '1c0111001f010100061a024b53535009181c'
    str2 = '686974207468652062756c6c277320657965'
    xor_result = '746865206b696420646f6e277420706c6179'
    assert xor_result == bytes_xor(bytes.fromhex(str1),
from cryptopals_challenge_roald.crypto_lib import bytes_xor

if __name__ == '__main__':
    str1 = '1c0111001f010100061a024b53535009181c'
    str2 = '686974207468652062756c6c277320657965'
    print(bytes_xor(bytes.fromhex(str1), bytes.fromhex(str2)))