Beispiel #1
class DMPs(object):
    """Implementation of Dynamic Motor Primitives,
    as described in Dr. Stefan Schaal's (2002) paper."""
    def __init__(self,
        n_dmps int: number of dynamic motor primitives
        n_bfs int: number of basis functions per DMP
        dt float: timestep for simulation
        y0 list: initial state of DMPs
        goal list: goal state of DMPs
        w list: tunable parameters, control amplitude of basis functions
        ay int: gain on attractor term y dynamics
        by int: gain on attractor term y dynamics
        self.decay = decay
        self.n_dmps = n_dmps
        self.n_bfs = n_bfs
        self.dt = dt
        if isinstance(y0, (int, float)):
            y0 = np.ones(self.n_dmps) * y0
        self.y0 = np.array(y0)
        if isinstance(goal, (int, float)):
            goal = np.ones(self.n_dmps) * goal
        self.goal = np.array(goal)
        if w is None:
            # default is f = 0
            w = np.zeros((self.n_dmps, self.n_bfs))
        self.w = w

        self.ay = np.ones(n_dmps) * 25. if ay is None else ay  # Schaal 2012 = self.ay / 4. if by is None else by  # Schaal 2012

        # set up the CS
        self.cs = CanonicalSystem(dt=self.dt, **kwargs)
        self.timesteps = int(self.cs.run_time / self.dt)

        self.h = np.ones(self.n_bfs) * self.n_bfs**1.5 / self.c /
        # set up the DMP system

    def check_offset(self):
        """Check to see if initial position and goal are the same
        if they are, offset slightly so that the forcing term is not 0"""

        for d in range(self.n_dmps):
            if (self.y0[d] == self.goal[d]):
                self.goal[d] += 1e-4

    def gen_centers(self):
        """Set the centre of the Gaussian basis
        functions be spaced evenly throughout run time"""
        '''x_track = self.cs.discrete_rollout()
        t = np.arange(len(x_track))*self.dt
        # choose the points in time we'd like centers to be at
        c_des = np.linspace(0, self.cs.run_time, self.n_bfs)
        self.c = np.zeros(len(c_des))
        for ii, point in enumerate(c_des):
            diff = abs(t - point)
            self.c[ii] = x_track[np.where(diff == min(diff))[0][0]]'''

        # desired activations throughout time
        des_c = np.linspace(0, self.cs.run_time, self.n_bfs)

        self.c = np.ones(len(des_c))
        for n in range(len(des_c)):
            # finding x for desired times t
            self.c[n] = np.exp( * des_c[n])

    def gen_front_term(self, x, dmp_num):
        """Generates the diminishing front term on
        the forcing term.

        x float: the current value of the canonical system
        dmp_num int: the index of the current dmp
        return x * (self.goal[dmp_num] - self.y0[dmp_num])

    def gen_goal(self, y_des):
        """Generate the goal for path imitation.
        For rhythmic DMPs the goal is the average of the
        desired trajectory.

        y_des np.array: the desired trajectory to follow

        return np.copy(y_des[:, -1])

    def gen_psi(self, x):
        """Generates the activity of the basis functions for a given
        canonical system rollout.

        x float, array: the canonical system state or path

        if isinstance(x, np.ndarray):
            x = x[:, None]
        return np.exp(-self.h * (x - self.c)**2)

    def gen_weights(self, f_target):
        """Generate a set of weights over the basis functions such
        that the target forcing term trajectory is matched.

        f_target np.array: the desired forcing term trajectory

        # calculate x and psi
        x_track = self.cs.rollout()
        psi_track = self.gen_psi(x_track)

        # efficiently calculate BF weights using weighted linear regression
        self.w = np.zeros((self.n_dmps, self.n_bfs))
        for d in range(self.n_dmps):
            # spatial scaling term
            k = (self.goal[d] - self.y0[d])
            for b in range(self.n_bfs):
                numer = np.sum(x_track * psi_track[:, b] * f_target[:, d])
                denom = np.sum(x_track**2 * psi_track[:, b])
                self.w[d, b] = numer / (k * denom)
        self.w = np.nan_to_num(self.w)

    def save_weight(self, name):
            os.path.dirname(__file__) + "/PathData/" + name + ".npy", self.w)

    def load_weight(self, name):
        self.w = np.load(
            os.path.dirname(__file__) + "/PathData/" + name + ".npy")

    def imitate_path(self, y_des, plot=False):
        """Takes in a desired trajectory and generates the set of
        system parameters that best realize this path.

        y_des list/array: the desired trajectories of each DMP
                          should be shaped [n_dmps, run_time]

        # set initial state and goal
        if y_des.ndim == 1:
            y_des = y_des.reshape(1, len(y_des))
        self.y0 = y_des[:, 0].copy()
        self.y_des = y_des.copy()
        self.goal = self.gen_goal(y_des)


        # generate function to interpolate the desired trajectory
        import scipy.interpolate
        path = np.zeros((self.n_dmps, self.timesteps))
        x = np.linspace(0, self.cs.run_time, y_des.shape[1])
        for d in range(self.n_dmps):
            path_gen = scipy.interpolate.interp1d(x, y_des[d])
            for t in range(self.timesteps):
                path[d, t] = path_gen(t * self.dt)
        y_des = path

        # calculate velocity of y_des
        dy_des = np.diff(y_des) / self.dt
        # add zero to the beginning of every row
        dy_des = np.hstack((np.zeros((self.n_dmps, 1)), dy_des))

        # calculate acceleration of y_des
        ddy_des = np.diff(dy_des) / self.dt
        # add zero to the beginning of every row
        ddy_des = np.hstack((np.zeros((self.n_dmps, 1)), ddy_des))

        f_target = np.zeros((y_des.shape[1], self.n_dmps))
        # find the force required to move along this trajectory
        for d in range(self.n_dmps):
            f_target[:, d] = (ddy_des[d] - self.ay[d] *
                              ([d] *
                               (self.goal[d] - y_des[d]) - dy_des[d]))

        # efficiently generate weights to realize f_target

        if plot is True:
            # plot the basis function activations
            import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
            psi_track = self.gen_psi(self.cs.rollout())
            plt.title('basis functions')

            # plot the desired forcing function vs approx
            plt.plot(f_target[:, 0])
            plt.plot(np.sum(psi_track * self.w[0], axis=1) * self.dt)
            plt.legend(['f_target', 'w*psi'])
            plt.title('DMP forcing function')

        return y_des

    def dmp_rollout(self, has_eps, tau=1.0, **kwargs):
        """Generate a system trial, no feedback is incorporated."""


        timesteps = self.timesteps

        # set up tracking vectors
        y_track = np.zeros((timesteps, self.n_dmps))
        dy_track = np.zeros((timesteps, self.n_dmps))
        ddy_track = np.zeros((timesteps, self.n_dmps))
        basis_track = np.zeros((timesteps, self.n_dmps, self.n_bfs))
        eps_track = np.zeros((timesteps, self.n_dmps, self.n_bfs))
        f_track = np.zeros((timesteps, self.n_dmps))
        int_track = np.zeros((timesteps, self.n_dmps))

        for t in range(timesteps):
            # run and record timestep
            y_track[t], dy_track[t], ddy_track[t], basis_track[t], eps_track[
                t], f_track[t] = self.step(has_eps, tau=tau, **kwargs)

        for t in range(timesteps - 1):
            int_track[t] = 0.5 * ((y_track[t + 1] - y_track[t]) / self.dt -
                                  f_track[t])**2 * self.dt

        return y_track, dy_track, ddy_track, basis_track, eps_track, int_track

    def reset_state(self):
        """Reset the system state"""
        self.y = self.y0.copy()
        self.dy = np.zeros(self.n_dmps)
        self.ddy = np.zeros(self.n_dmps)
        self.b = np.zeros((self.n_dmps, self.n_bfs))

    def step(self, has_eps, tau=1.0, error=0.0, external_force=None):
        """Run the DMP system for a single timestep.

        tau float: scales the timestep
                   increase tau to make the system execute faster
        error float: optional system feedback

        error_coupling = 1.0 / (1.0 + error)
        # run canonical system
        x = self.cs.step(tau=tau, error_coupling=error_coupling)

        # generate basis function activation
        psi = self.gen_psi(x)

        # add epsilon for weight

        if has_eps:
            self.eps = np.random.randn(self.n_dmps, self.n_bfs) * self.decay
            self.eps = np.zeros([self.n_dmps, self.n_bfs])

        f_o = np.zeros(self.n_dmps)
        for d in range(self.n_dmps):

            # generate the forcing term
            f = (self.gen_front_term(x, d) *
                 (, self.w[d] + self.eps[d])) / np.sum(psi))
            f_o[d] = f

            # basis term
            self.b[d] = self.gen_front_term(x, d) * psi / np.sum(psi)
            #self.b[d] = psi

            # DMP acceleration
            self.ddy[d] = (self.ay[d] *
                           ([d] *
                            (self.goal[d] - self.y[d]) - self.dy[d] / tau) +
                           f) * tau

            if external_force is not None:
                self.ddy[d] += external_force[d]

            self.dy[d] += self.ddy[d] * tau * self.dt * error_coupling
            self.y[d] += self.dy[d] * self.dt * error_coupling

        return self.y, self.dy, self.ddy, self.b, self.eps, f_o
class DMPs(object):
    """Implementation of Dynamic Motor Primitives,
    as described in Dr. Stefan Schaal's (2002) paper."""
    def __init__(self,
        dmps int: number of dynamic motor primitives
        bfs int: number of basis functions per DMP
        dt float: timestep for simulation
        y0 list: initial state of DMPs
        goal list: goal state of DMPs
        w list: tunable parameters, control amplitude of basis functions
        ay int: gain on attractor term y dynamics
        by int: gain on attractor term y dynamics

        self.dmps = dmps
        self.bfs = bfs
        self.dt = dt
        if isinstance(y0, (int, float)):
            y0 = np.ones(self.dmps) * y0
        self.y0 = y0
        if isinstance(goal, (int, float)):
            goal = np.ones(self.dmps) * goal
        self.goal = goal
        if w is None:
            # default is f = 0
            w = np.zeros((self.dmps, self.bfs))
        self.w = w

        self.ay = np.ones(dmps) * 25. if ay is None else ay  # Schaal 2012 = self.ay / 4. if by is None else by  # Schaal 2012

        # set up the CS
        self.cs = CanonicalSystem(dt=self.dt, **kwargs)
        self.timesteps = int(self.cs.run_time / self.dt)

        # set up the DMP system

    def check_offset(self):
        """Check to see if initial position and goal are the same
        if they are, offset slightly so that the forcing term is not 0"""

        for d in range(self.dmps):
            if (self.y0[d] == self.goal[d]):
                self.goal[d] += 1e-4

    def gen_front_term(self, x, dmp_num):
        raise NotImplementedError()

    def gen_goal(self, y_des):
        raise NotImplementedError()

    def gen_psi(self):
        raise NotImplementedError()

    def gen_weights(self, f_target):
        raise NotImplementedError()

    def imitate_path(self, y_des):
        """Takes in a desired trajectory and generates the set of
        system parameters that best realize this path.

        y_des list/array: the desired trajectories of each DMP
                          should be shaped [dmps, run_time]

        # set initial state and goal
        if y_des.ndim == 1:
            y_des = y_des.reshape(1, len(y_des))
        self.y0 = y_des[:, 0].copy()
        self.y_des = y_des.copy()
        self.goal = self.gen_goal(y_des)


        # generate function to interpolate the desired trajectory
        import scipy.interpolate
        path = np.zeros((self.dmps, self.timesteps))
        x = np.linspace(0, self.cs.run_time, y_des.shape[1])
        for d in range(self.dmps):
            path_gen = scipy.interpolate.interp1d(x, y_des[d])
            for t in range(self.timesteps):
                path[d, t] = path_gen(t * self.dt)
        y_des = path

        # calculate velocity of y_des
        dy_des = np.diff(y_des) / self.dt
        # add zero to the beginning of every row
        dy_des = np.hstack((np.zeros((self.dmps, 1)), dy_des))

        # calculate acceleration of y_des
        ddy_des = np.diff(dy_des) / self.dt
        # add zero to the beginning of every row
        ddy_des = np.hstack((np.zeros((self.dmps, 1)), ddy_des))

        f_target = np.zeros((y_des.shape[1], self.dmps))
        # find the force required to move along this trajectory
        for d in range(self.dmps):
            f_target[:, d] = (ddy_des[d] - self.ay[d] *
                              ([d] *
                               (self.goal[d] - y_des[d]) - dy_des[d]))

        # efficiently generate weights to realize f_target
        '''# plot the basis function activations
        import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

        # plot the desired forcing function vs approx
        plt.plot(np.sum(psi_track * self.w[0], axis=1))
        plt.legend(['f_target', 'w*psi'])

        return y_des

    def rollout(self, timesteps=None, **kwargs):
        """Generate a system trial, no feedback is incorporated."""


        if timesteps is None:
            if 'tau' in kwargs:
                timesteps = int(self.timesteps / kwargs['tau'])
                timesteps = self.timesteps

        # set up tracking vectors
        y_track = np.zeros((timesteps, self.dmps))
        dy_track = np.zeros((timesteps, self.dmps))
        ddy_track = np.zeros((timesteps, self.dmps))

        for t in range(timesteps):

            y, dy, ddy = self.step(**kwargs)

            # record timestep
            y_track[t] = y
            dy_track[t] = dy
            ddy_track[t] = ddy

        return y_track, dy_track, ddy_track

    def reset_state(self):
        """Reset the system state"""
        self.y = self.y0.copy()
        self.dy = np.zeros(self.dmps)
        self.ddy = np.zeros(self.dmps)

    def step(self, tau=1.0, error=0.0, external_force=None):
        """Run the DMP system for a single timestep.

       tau float: scales the timestep
                  increase tau to make the system execute faster
       error float: optional system feedback

        error_coupling = 1.0 / (1.0 + error)
        # run canonical system
        x = self.cs.step(tau=tau, error_coupling=error_coupling)

        # generate basis function activation
        psi = self.gen_psi(x)

        for d in range(self.dmps):

            # generate the forcing term
            f = (self.gen_front_term(x, d) * (, self.w[d])) /

            # DMP acceleration
            self.ddy[d] = (self.ay[d] *
                           ([d] *
                            (self.goal[d] - self.y[d]) - self.dy[d] / tau) +
                           f) * tau
            if external_force is not None:
                self.ddy[d] += external_force[d]
            self.dy[d] += self.ddy[d] * tau * self.dt * error_coupling
            self.y[d] += self.dy[d] * self.dt * error_coupling

        return self.y, self.dy, self.ddy
Beispiel #3
class DMPs(object):
    def __init__(self,

        self.n_dmps = n_dmps
        self.n_bfs = n_bfs
        self.dt = dt
        self.run_time = run_time

        if isinstance(y0, (int, float)):
            y0 = np.ones(self.n_dmps) * y0
        self.y0 = y0

        if isinstance(goal, (int, float)):
            goal = np.ones(self.n_dmps) * goal
        self.goal = goal

        if w is None:
            # default is f = 0 so all the weights are null
            w = np.zeros((self.n_dmps, self.n_bfs))
        self.w = w

        self.ay = np.ones(
            n_dmps) * 25.0 if ay is None else ay  # Schaal 2012 (*25) = self.ay / 4.0 if by is None else by  # Schaal 2012

        # set up the CS
        self.cs = CanonicalSystem(dt=self.dt, run_time=self.run_time, **kwargs)
        self.timesteps = self.cs.timesteps

        # set up the DMP system


        # HERE WE CHOOSE TO ADD **1.5 AT THE CENTERS "self.c"
        self.h = np.ones(
            self.n_bfs) * self.n_bfs**1.5 / self.c**1.8 /


    def gen_centers(self):
        # desired activations throughout time
        des_c = np.linspace(0, self.cs.run_time, self.n_bfs)

        self.c = np.ones(len(des_c))
        for n in range(len(des_c)):
            # finding x for desired times t
            self.c[n] = np.exp( * des_c[n])  #it should be /tau

    def gen_psi(self, x):

        if isinstance(x, np.ndarray):
            x = x[:, None]
        return np.exp(-self.h * (x - self.c)**2)

    def gen_weights(self, f_target):

        # calculate x and psi
        x_track = self.cs.rollout()
        psi_track = self.gen_psi(x_track)

        # efficiently calculate BF weights using weighted linear regression
        self.w = np.zeros((self.n_dmps, self.n_bfs))
        for d in range(self.n_dmps):
            # spatial scaling term
            k = self.goal[d] - self.y0[d]
            for b in range(self.n_bfs):
                numer = np.sum(x_track * psi_track[:, b] * f_target[:, d])
                denom = np.sum(x_track**2 * psi_track[:, b])
                self.w[d, b] = numer / denom
                # if abs(k) > 1e-5: THIS HAS BEEN REMOVED
                self.w[d, b] /= k

        self.w = np.nan_to_num(self.w)

    def imitate_path(self, y_des, plot=False):

        # set initial state and goal
        if y_des.ndim == 1:
            y_des = y_des.reshape(1, len(y_des))  # to be sure it's a row
        self.y0 = y_des[:,
                        0].copy()  # dynamic link between a vector and its copy
        self.y_des = y_des.copy()
        self.goal = np.copy(y_des[:, -1])

        # self.check_offset()

        # generate function to interpolate the desired trajectory
        import scipy.interpolate

        path = np.zeros((self.n_dmps, self.timesteps))
        x = np.linspace(0, self.cs.run_time,
                        y_des.shape[1])  #number of columns of Y
        for d in range(self.n_dmps):
            path_gen = scipy.interpolate.interp1d(
                x, y_des[d])  #path_gen is a function (not an array)
            for t in range(self.timesteps):
                path[d, t] = path_gen(t * self.dt)
        y_des = path  #this changes also the other linked array with function "copy"

        # calculate velocity of y_des with central differences
        dy_des = np.gradient(y_des, axis=1) / self.dt

        # calculate acceleration of y_des with central differences
        ddy_des = np.gradient(dy_des, axis=1) / self.dt

        f_target = np.zeros(
             self.n_dmps))  #row: columns of y_des. col = n_dmps
        # find the force required to move along this trajectory
        for d in range(self.n_dmps):
            f_target[:, d] = ddy_des[d] - self.ay[d] * (
      [d] * (self.goal[d] - y_des[d]) - dy_des[d])

        # efficiently generate weights to realize f_target

        if plot is True:
            # plot the basis function activations
            import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

            psi_track = self.gen_psi(self.cs.rollout())
            plt.title("basis functions")

            # plot the desired forcing function vs approx
            for ii in range(self.n_dmps):
                plt.subplot(2, self.n_dmps, self.n_dmps + 1 + ii)
                plt.plot(f_target[:, ii],
                         label="computed f_target of DoF %i" % ii)
            for ii in range(self.n_dmps):
                plt.subplot(2, self.n_dmps, self.n_dmps + 1 + ii)
                print("w shape: ", self.w.shape)
                plt.plot(np.sum(psi_track * self.w[ii], axis=1) * self.dt,
                         label="sum(weight * psi %i)" % ii)
            plt.title("DMP forcing function")

        return y_des

    def rollout(self, timesteps=None, v_vect=None, **kwargs):


        if timesteps is None:
            if "tau" in kwargs:
                timesteps = int(self.timesteps / kwargs["tau"])
                timesteps = self.timesteps

        # set up tracking vectors
        y_track = np.zeros((timesteps, self.n_dmps))
        dy_track = np.zeros((timesteps, self.n_dmps))
        ddy_track = np.zeros((timesteps, self.n_dmps))

        for t in range(timesteps):

            # run and record timestep
            y_track[t], dy_track[t], ddy_track[t] = self.step(**kwargs)

        return y_track, dy_track, ddy_track

    def step(self, tau=1.0, error=0.0, external_force=None):

        error_coupling = 1.0 / (1.0 + error)
        # run canonical system
        x = self.cs.step(tau=tau, error_coupling=error_coupling)

        # generate basis function activation
        psi = self.gen_psi(x)

        for d in range(self.n_dmps):
            # generate the forcing term
            f = x * (self.goal[d] - self.y0[d]) * (
                psi, self.w[d])) / np.sum(psi)

            # DMP acceleration
            self.ddy[d] = (self.ay[d] *
                           ([d] *
                            (self.goal[d] - self.y[d]) - self.dy[d]) + f)
            if external_force is not None:
                self.ddy[d] += external_force[d]

            self.dy[d] += self.ddy[d] * tau * self.dt * error_coupling
            self.y[d] += self.dy[d] * tau * self.dt * error_coupling

        return self.y, self.dy, self.ddy

    def check_offset(self):

        for d in range(self.n_dmps):
            if abs(self.y0[d] - self.goal[d]) < 1e-2:
                self.goal[d] += 1e-2

    def reset_state(self):

        self.y = self.y0.copy(
        )  #this fix the value of y (if y changes, y0 doesn't change)
        self.dy = np.zeros(self.n_dmps)
        self.ddy = np.zeros(self.n_dmps)
Beispiel #4
class DMPs(object):
    def __init__(self,
        :param n_dmps: int, number of dynamic motor primitives
        :param n_bfs: int, number of basis function per DMP
        :param dt: float, timestep of simulation
        :param y0: list, initial state of DMPs
        :param goal: list, goal state of DMPs
        :param w: list, control amplitude of basis functions
        :param ay: int, gain on attractor term y dynamic
        :param by: int, gain on attractor term y dynamic
        :param kwargs: param for dict data
        self.n_dmps = n_dmps
        self.n_bfs = n_bfs
        self.dt = dt

        if isinstance(y0, (int, float)):
            y0 = np.ones(n_dmps) * y0
        self.y0 = y0

        if isinstance(goal, (int, float)):
            goal = np.ones(n_dmps) * goal
        self.goal = goal

        if w is None:
            # default f = 0
            w = np.zeros((n_dmps, n_bfs))
        self.w = w

        self.ay = np.ones(n_dmps) * 25. if ay is None else ay = self.ay / 4. if by is None else by

        # set up the cs
        self.cs = CanonicalSystem(self.dt, **kwargs)
        self.timesteps = int(self.cs.run_time / self.dt)

        # set up the DMP system

    def check_offset(self):
        Check to see if initial position and goal are the same
        if they are, offset slightly so that the forcing term is not 0

        for d in range(self.n_dmps):
            if (self.y0[d] == self.goal[d]):
                self.goal[0] += 1e-4

    def gen_front_term(self, x, dmp_num):
        # Generate locally weight regression param
        # return x * (self.goal[dmp_num] - self.y0[dmp_num])
        raise NotImplementedError()

    def gen_goal(self, y_des):
        # Generate the goal for path imitation
        # y_des: np.array, the desire trajectory to follow

        raise NotImplementedError()
        #return np.copy(y_des[:, -1])

    def gen_psi(self, x):
        # Generate the basis functions for a given canonical system rollout x
        # x: float, array: the canonical system state x or path
        raise NotImplementedError()
        # if isinstance(x, np.ndarray):
        #     x = x[:, None]
        # return np.exp(-self.h * (x - self.c)**2)

    def gen_weights(self, f_target):
        raise NotImplementedError()

    def imitate_path(self, y_des, plot=False):
        Generate weight w
        Takes in a desired trajectory and generate the set of system parameters that best realize this path
        :param y_des: list/array: the desired trajectories of each DMP, shape [n_dmps, run_time]
        :return: y_des

        # set initial state and goal, the desired goal
        if y_des.ndim == 1:
            y_des = y_des.reshape(1, len(y_des))
        self.y0 = y_des[:, 0].copy()
        self.y_des = y_des.copy()
        self.goal = self.gen_goal(y_des)


        # generate function to interpolate the desired trajectory
        import scipy.interpolate
        path = np.zeros((self.n_dmps, self.timesteps))
        x = np.linspace(0, self.cs.run_time, y_des.shape[1])
        for d in range(self.n_dmps):
            path_gen = scipy.interpolate.interp1d(x, y_des[d])
            for t in range(self.timesteps):
                path[d, t] = path_gen(t * self.dt)
        y_des = path

        # calculate the velocity of y_des
        dy_des = np.diff(y_des) / self.dt
        # add zero to the beginning of every row
        dy_des = np.hstack((np.zeros((self.n_dmps, 1)), dy_des))

        # calculate the accelerate of y_des
        ddy_des = np.diff(dy_des) / self.dt
        # add zero to the beginning of every row
        ddy_des = np.hstack((np.zeros((self.n_dmps, 1)), ddy_des))

        # calculate f target function, shape [timesteps, n_dmps]
        f_target = np.zeros((y_des.shape[1], self.n_dmps))
        # find the force required to move along this trajectory
        for d in range(self.n_dmps):
            f_target[:, d] = (ddy_des[d] - self.ay[d] *
                              ([d] *
                               (self.goal[d] - y_des[d]) - dy_des[d]))

        # efficiency generate weight to realized f_target

        # if plot is True:

        return y_des

    def rollout(self, timesteps=None, **kwargs):
        Run step for timesteps to generate a system trial
        :param timesteps:
        :param kwargs:
        :return: y_track, dy_track, ddy_track
        """Generate a system trial, no feedback is incorporated."""


        if timesteps is None:
            if 'tau' in kwargs:
                timesteps = int(self.timesteps / kwargs['tau'])
                timesteps = self.timesteps

        # set up tracking vectors
        y_track = np.zeros((timesteps, self.n_dmps))
        dy_track = np.zeros((timesteps, self.n_dmps))
        ddy_track = np.zeros((timesteps, self.n_dmps))
        psi = np.zeros((timesteps, self.n_bfs))

        for t in range(timesteps):
            # run and record timestep
            y_track[t], dy_track[t], ddy_track[t], psi[t] = self.step(**kwargs)

        return y_track, dy_track, ddy_track, psi

    def reset_state(self):
        """Reset the system state"""
        self.y = self.y0.copy()
        self.dy = np.zeros(self.n_dmps)
        self.ddy = np.zeros(self.n_dmps)

    def step(self, tau=1.0, error=0.0, external_force=None):
        Run the DMP system for a single timestep.
        :param tau: float, scales the timestep, increase tau to make the system execute faster
        :param error: optional system feedback to adjust timestep
        :return: self.y, self.dy, self.ddy

        error_coupling = 1.0 / (1.0 + error)
        # run canonical system
        x = self.cs.step(tau=tau, error_coupling=error_coupling)

        # generate basis function activation
        psi = self.gen_psi(x)
        # print('psi',psi)

        for d in range(self.n_dmps):

            # generate forcing term
            f = (self.gen_front_term(x, d) * (, self.w[d])) /

            # DMP acceleration
            # calculate y'' by f
            self.ddy[d] = (self.ay[d] *
                           ([d] *
                            (self.goal[d] - self.y[d]) - self.dy[d] / tau) +
                           f) * tau

            if external_force is not None:
                self.ddy[d] += external_force[d]

            self.dy[d] += self.ddy[d] * tau * self.dt * error_coupling
            self.y[d] += self.dy[d] * tau * self.dt * error_coupling

        return self.y, self.dy, self.ddy, psi
Beispiel #5
class DMPs(object):
    """Implementation of Dynamic Motor Primitives, 
    as described in Dr. Stefan Schaal's (2002) paper."""

    def __init__(self, dmps, bfs, dt=.01,
                 y0=0, goal=1, w=None, 
                 ay=None, by=None, **kwargs):
        dmps int: number of dynamic motor primitives
        bfs int: number of basis functions per DMP
        dt float: timestep for simulation
        y0 list: initial state of DMPs
        goal list: goal state of DMPs
        w list: tunable parameters, control amplitude of basis functions
        ay int: gain on attractor term y dynamics
        by int: gain on attractor term y dynamics

        self.dmps = dmps 
        self.bfs = bfs 
        self.dt = dt
        if isinstance(y0, (int, float)):
            y0 = np.ones(self.dmps)*y0 
        self.y0 = y0
        if isinstance(goal, (int, float)):
            goal = np.ones(self.dmps)*goal
        self.goal = goal 
        if w is None: 
            # default is f = 0
            w = np.zeros((self.dmps, self.bfs))
        self.w = w

        if ay is None: ay = np.ones(dmps)*25 # Schaal 2012
        self.ay = ay
        if by is None: by = self.ay.copy() / 4 # Schaal 2012 = by

        # set up the CS 
        self.cs = CanonicalSystem(dt=self.dt, **kwargs)
        self.timesteps = int(self.cs.run_time / self.dt)

        # set up the DMP system

    def check_offset(self):
        """Check to see if initial position and goal are the same
        if they are, offset slightly so that the forcing term is not 0"""

        for d in range(self.dmps):
            if (self.y0[d] == self.goal[d]):
                self.goal[d] += 1e-4

    def gen_front_term(self, x, dmp_num): raise NotImplementedError()
    def gen_goal(self, y_des): raise NotImplementedError()

    def gen_psi(self): raise NotImplementedError()

    def gen_weights(self, f_target): raise NotImplementedError()

    def imitate_path(self, y_des):
        """Takes in a desired trajectory and generates the set of 
        system parameters that best realize this path.
        y_des list/array: the desired trajectories of each DMP
                          should be shaped [dmps, run_time]

        # set initial state and goal
        if y_des.ndim == 1: 
            y_des = y_des.reshape(1,len(y_des))
        self.y0 = y_des[:,0].copy()
        self.y_des = y_des.copy()
        self.goal = self.gen_goal(y_des)

        # generate function to interpolate the desired trajectory
        import scipy.interpolate
        path = np.zeros((self.dmps, self.timesteps))
        x = np.linspace(0, self.cs.run_time, y_des.shape[1])
        for d in range(self.dmps):
            path_gen = scipy.interpolate.interp1d(x, y_des[d])
            for t in range(self.timesteps):  
                path[d, t] = path_gen(t * self.dt)
        y_des = path

        # calculate velocity of y_des
        dy_des = np.diff(y_des) / self.dt
        # add zero to the beginning of every row
        dy_des = np.hstack((np.zeros((self.dmps, 1)), dy_des))

        # calculate acceleration of y_des
        ddy_des = np.diff(dy_des) / self.dt
        # add zero to the beginning of every row
        ddy_des = np.hstack((np.zeros((self.dmps, 1)), ddy_des))

        f_target = np.zeros((y_des.shape[1], self.dmps))
        # find the force required to move along this trajectory
        for d in range(self.dmps):
            f_target[:,d] = ddy_des[d] - self.ay[d] * \
                            ([d] * (self.goal[d] - y_des[d]) - \

        # efficiently generate weights to realize f_target

        '''# plot the basis function activations
        import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

        # plot the desired forcing function vs approx
        plt.plot(np.sum(psi_track * self.w[0], axis=1))
        plt.legend(['f_target', 'w*psi'])

        return y_des

    def rollout(self, timesteps=None, **kwargs):
        """Generate a system trial, no feedback is incorporated."""


        if timesteps is None:
            if kwargs.has_key('tau'):
                timesteps = int(self.timesteps / kwargs['tau'])
                timesteps = self.timesteps

        # set up tracking vectors
        y_track = np.zeros((timesteps, self.dmps)) 
        dy_track = np.zeros((timesteps, self.dmps))
        ddy_track = np.zeros((timesteps, self.dmps))
        for t in range(timesteps):
            y, dy, ddy = self.step(**kwargs)

            # record timestep
            y_track[t] = y
            dy_track[t] = dy
            ddy_track[t] = ddy

        return y_track, dy_track, ddy_track

    def reset_state(self):
        """Reset the system state"""
        self.y = self.y0.copy()
        self.dy = np.zeros(self.dmps)   
        self.ddy = np.zeros(self.dmps)  

    def step(self, tau=1.0, state_fb=None):
        """Run the DMP system for a single timestep.

       tau float: scales the timestep
                  increase tau to make the system execute faster
       state_fb np.array: optional system feedback

        # run canonical system
        cs_args = {'tau':tau,
        if state_fb is not None: 
            # take the 2 norm of the overall error
            state_fb = state_fb.reshape(1,self.dmps)
            dist = np.sqrt(np.sum((state_fb - self.y)**2))
            cs_args['error_coupling'] = 1.0 / (1.0 + 10*dist)
        x = self.cs.step(**cs_args)

        # generate basis function activation
        psi = self.gen_psi(x)

        for d in range(self.dmps):

            # generate the forcing term
            f = self.gen_front_term(x, d) * \
                (, self.w[d])) / np.sum(psi)

            # DMP acceleration
            self.ddy[d] = (self.ay[d] * 
                     ([d] * (self.goal[d] - self.y[d]) - \
                     self.dy[d]/tau) + f) * tau**2
            self.dy[d] += self.ddy[d] * self.dt * cs_args['error_coupling']
            self.y[d] += self.dy[d] * self.dt * cs_args['error_coupling']

        return self.y, self.dy, self.ddy
Beispiel #6
class dmp_discrete():
    def __init__(self,
        self.n_dmps = n_dmps  # number of data dimensions, one dmp for one degree
        self.n_bfs = n_bfs  # number of basis functions
        self.dt = dt

        self.y0 = np.zeros(n_dmps)  # for multiple dimensions
        self.goal = np.ones(n_dmps)  # for multiple dimensions

        self.alpha_y = np.ones(n_dmps) * 60.0 if alpha_y is None else alpha_y
        self.beta_y = self.alpha_y / 4.0 if beta_y is None else beta_y
        self.tau = 1.0

        self.w = np.zeros((n_dmps, n_bfs))  # weights for forcing term
        self.psi_centers = np.zeros(
        )  # centers over canonical system for Gaussian basis functions
        self.psi_h = np.zeros(
        )  # variance over canonical system for Gaussian basis functions

        # canonical system
        self.cs = CanonicalSystem(dt=self.dt, **kwargs)
        self.timesteps = round(self.cs.run_time / self.dt)

        # generate centers for Gaussian basis functions

        # self.h = np.ones(self.n_bfs) * self.n_bfs / self.psi_centers # original
        self.h = np.ones(
        ) * self.n_bfs**1.5 / self.psi_centers / self.cs.alpha_x  # chose from trail and error

        # reset state

    # Reset the system state
    def reset_state(self):
        self.y = self.y0.copy()
        self.dy = np.zeros(self.n_dmps)
        self.ddy = np.zeros(self.n_dmps)

    def generate_centers(self):
        t_centers = np.linspace(0, self.cs.run_time,
                                self.n_bfs)  # centers over time

        cs = self.cs
        x_track =  # get all x over run time
        t_track = np.linspace(0, cs.run_time,
                              cs.timesteps)  # get all time ticks over run time

        for n in range(len(t_centers)):
            for i, t in enumerate(t_track):
                if abs(
                        t_centers[n] - t
                ) <= cs.dt:  # find the x center corresponding to the time center
                    self.psi_centers[n] = x_track[i]

        return self.psi_centers

    def generate_psi(self, x):
        if isinstance(x, np.ndarray):
            x = x[:, None]

        self.psi = np.exp(-self.h * (x - self.psi_centers)**2)

        return self.psi

    def generate_weights(self, f_target):
        x_track =
        psi_track = self.generate_psi(x_track)

        for d in range(self.n_dmps):
            # ------------ Original DMP in Schaal 2002
            # delta = self.goal[d] - self.y0[d]

            # ------------ Modified DMP in Schaal 2008
            delta = 1.0

            for b in range(self.n_bfs):
                # as both number and denom has x(g-y_0) term, thus we can simplify the calculation process
                numer = np.sum(x_track * psi_track[:, b] * f_target[:, d])
                denom = np.sum(x_track**2 * psi_track[:, b])
                # numer = np.sum(psi_track[:,b] * f_target[:,d]) # the simpler calculation
                # denom = np.sum(x_track * psi_track[:,b])
                self.w[d, b] = numer / (denom * delta)

        return self.w

    def learning(self, y_demo, plot=False):
        if y_demo.ndim == 1:  # data is with only one dimension
            y_demo = y_demo.reshape(1, len(y_demo))

        self.y0 = y_demo[:, 0].copy()
        self.goal = y_demo[:, -1].copy()
        self.y_demo = y_demo.copy()

        # interpolate the demonstrated trajectory to be the same length with timesteps
        x = np.linspace(0, self.cs.run_time, y_demo.shape[1])
        y = np.zeros((self.n_dmps, self.timesteps))
        for d in range(self.n_dmps):
            y_tmp = interp1d(x, y_demo[d])
            for t in range(self.timesteps):
                y[d, t] = y_tmp(t * self.dt)

        # calculate velocity and acceleration of y_demo

        # method 1: using gradient
        dy_demo = np.gradient(y, axis=1) / self.dt
        ddy_demo = np.gradient(dy_demo, axis=1) / self.dt

        # method 2: using diff
        # dy_demo = np.diff(y) / self.dt
        # # let the first gradient same as the second gradient
        # dy_demo = np.hstack((np.zeros((self.n_dmps, 1)), dy_demo)) # Not sure if is it a bug?
        # # dy_demo = np.hstack((dy_demo[:,0].reshape(self.n_dmps, 1), dy_demo))

        # ddy_demo = np.diff(dy_demo) / self.dt
        # # let the first gradient same as the second gradient
        # ddy_demo = np.hstack((np.zeros((self.n_dmps, 1)), ddy_demo))
        # # ddy_demo = np.hstack((ddy_demo[:,0].reshape(self.n_dmps, 1), ddy_demo))

        x_track =
        f_target = np.zeros((y_demo.shape[1], self.n_dmps))
        for d in range(self.n_dmps):
            # ---------- Original DMP in Schaal 2002
            # f_target[:,d] = ddy_demo[d] - self.alpha_y[d]*(self.beta_y[d]*(self.goal[d] - y_demo[d]) - dy_demo[d])

            # ---------- Modified DMP in Schaal 2008, fixed the problem of g-y_0 -> 0
            k = self.alpha_y[d]
            f_target[:, d] = (ddy_demo[d] - self.alpha_y[d] *
                              (self.beta_y[d] *
                               (self.goal[d] - y_demo[d]) - dy_demo[d])
                              ) / k + x_track * (self.goal[d] - self.y0[d])


        if plot is True:
            # plot the basis function activations
            psi_track = self.generate_psi(
            plt.title('basis functions')

            # plot the desired forcing function vs approx
            plt.plot(f_target[:, 0])
            plt.plot(np.sum(psi_track * self.w[0], axis=1) * self.dt)
            plt.legend(['f_target', 'w*psi'])
            plt.title('DMP forcing function')

        # reset state

    def reproduce(self, tau=None, initial=None, goal=None):
        # set temporal scaling
        if tau == None:
            timesteps = self.timesteps
            timesteps = round(self.timesteps / tau)

        # set initial state
        if initial != None:
            self.y0 = initial

        # set goal state
        if goal != None:
            self.goal = goal

        # reset state

        y_reproduce = np.zeros((timesteps, self.n_dmps))
        dy_reproduce = np.zeros((timesteps, self.n_dmps))
        ddy_reproduce = np.zeros((timesteps, self.n_dmps))

        for t in range(timesteps):
            y_reproduce[t], dy_reproduce[t], ddy_reproduce[t] = self.step(

        return y_reproduce, dy_reproduce, ddy_reproduce

    def step(self, tau=None):
        # run canonical system
        if tau == None:
            tau = self.tau
        x = self.cs.step_discrete(tau)

        # generate basis function activation
        psi = self.generate_psi(x)

        for d in range(self.n_dmps):
            # generate forcing term
            # ------------ Original DMP in Schaal 2002
            # f =, self.w[d])*x*(self.goal[d] - self.y0[d]) / np.sum(psi)

            # ---------- Modified DMP in Schaal 2008, fixed the problem of g-y_0 -> 0
            k = self.alpha_y[d]
            f = k * (, self.w[d]) * x /
                     np.sum(psi)) - k * (self.goal[d] - self.y0[d]) * x

            # generate reproduced trajectory
            self.ddy[d] = self.alpha_y[d] * (self.beta_y[d] *
                                             (self.goal[d] - self.y[d]) -
                                             self.dy[d]) + f
            self.dy[d] += tau * self.ddy[d] * self.dt
            self.y[d] += tau * self.dy[d] * self.dt

        return self.y, self.dy, self.ddy
Beispiel #7
class DMPs(object):
        Implementation of Dynamic Motor Primitives, as described in Dr. Stefan Schaal's (2002) paper.
    def __init__(self,
            Default values from Schaal (2012)

                [VAR NAME]    [TYPE]     [DESCRIPTION]
                (1) nDMPs     int      Number of dynamic motor primitives
                (2) nBFs      int      Number of basis functions per DMP
                (3) dt         float    Timestep for simulation
                (4) y0         list     Initial state of DMPs
                (5) goal       list     Goal state of DMPs
                (6) w          list     Tunable parameters, control amplitude of basis functions
                (7) ay         int      Gain on attractor term y dynamics
                (8) by         int      Gain on attractor term y dynamics

        self.nDMPs = nDMPs
        self.nBFs = nBFs
        self.dt = dt
        self.y0 = y0 * np.ones(self.nDMPs) if isinstance(y0,
                                                         (int, float)) else y0
        self.goal = goal * np.ones(self.nDMPs) if isinstance(
            goal, (int, float)) else goal
        self.w = np.zeros((self.nDMPs, self.nBFs)) if w is None else w
        self.ay = np.ones(nDMPs) * 25.0 if ay is None else ay  # Schaal 2012 = self.ay / 4.0 if by is None else by  # Schaal 2012, 0.25 makes it a critically damped system

        # set up the CS
        self.cs = CanonicalSystem(dt=self.dt, **kwargs)
        self.timesteps = int(self.cs.runTime / self.dt)

        # set up the DMP system

    def check_offset(self):
            Check to see if initial position and goal are the same
            if they are, offset slightly so that the forcing term is not 0

        for d in range(self.nDMPs):
            if abs(self.y0[d] - self.goal[d]) < 1e-4:
                self.goal[d] += 1e-4

    def gen_front_term(self, x, dmpNum):
        raise NotImplementedError()

    def gen_goal(self, y_des):
        raise NotImplementedError()

    def gen_psi(self):
        raise NotImplementedError()

    def gen_weights(self, f_target):
        raise NotImplementedError()

    def imitatePath(self, y_des, isPlot=False):
            Takes in a desired trajectory and generates the set of system parameters that best realize this path.

                [VAR NAME]        [TYPE]        [DESCRIPTION]
                (1) y_des      list/array    The desired trajectories of each DMP should be shaped [nDMPs, runTime]

        # set initial state and goal
        if y_des.ndim == 1:
            y_des = y_des.reshape(1, len(y_des))
        self.y0 = y_des[:, 0].copy()
        self.y_des = y_des.copy()
        self.goal = self.gen_goal(y_des)

        # self.check_offset()

        path = np.zeros((self.nDMPs, self.timesteps))
        x = np.linspace(0, self.cs.runTime, y_des.shape[1])

        for d in range(self.nDMPs):
            path_gen = scipy.interpolate.interp1d(x, y_des[d])
            for t in range(self.timesteps):
                path[d, t] = path_gen(t * self.dt)

        y_des = path
        dy_des = np.gradient(
            y_des, axis=1
        ) / self.dt  # Calculate velocity of y_des with central differences
        ddy_des = np.gradient(
            dy_des, axis=1
        ) / self.dt  # Calculate acceleration of y_des with central differences

        f_target = np.zeros((y_des.shape[1], self.nDMPs))

        # find the force required to move along this trajectory
        for d in range(self.nDMPs):
            f_target[:, d] = ddy_des[d] - self.ay[d] * (
      [d] * (self.goal[d] - y_des[d]) - dy_des[d])

        # efficiently generate weights to realize f_target

        if isPlot:
            # plot the basis function activations

            psi_track = self.gen_psi(self.cs.rollout())
            plt.title("Basis Functions")

            # plot the desired forcing function vs approx
            for i in range(self.nDMPs):
                plt.subplot(2, self.nDMPs, self.nDMPs + 1 + i)
                plt.plot(f_target[:, i], "--", label="f_target %i" % i)

            for i in range(self.nDMPs):
                plt.subplot(2, self.nDMPs, self.nDMPs + 1 + i)
                print("w shape: ", self.w.shape)
                plt.plot(np.sum(psi_track * self.w[i], axis=1) * self.dt,
                         label="w*psi %i" % i)
            plt.title("DMP forcing function")

        return y_des

    def rollout(self, timesteps=None, **kwargs):
            Generate a system trial, no feedback is incorporated.


        if timesteps is None:
            timesteps = int(
                self.timesteps /
                kwargs["tau"]) if "tau" in kwargs else self.timesteps

        # set up tracking vectors
        yTrack = np.zeros((timesteps, self.nDMPs))
        dyTrack = np.zeros((timesteps, self.nDMPs))
        ddyTrack = np.zeros((timesteps, self.nDMPs))

        for t in range(timesteps):

            yTrack[t], dyTrack[t], ddyTrack[t] = self.step(
                **kwargs)  # run and record timestep

        return yTrack, dyTrack, ddyTrack

    def reset_state(self):
            Reset the system state
        self.y = self.y0.copy()
        self.dy = np.zeros(self.nDMPs)
        self.ddy = np.zeros(self.nDMPs)

    def step(self, tau=1.0, error=0.0, externalForce=None):
            Run the DMP system for a single timestep.

                [VAR NAME]    [TYPE]        [DESCRIPTION]
                tau            float    Scales the timestep increase tau to make the system execute faster
                error          float    Optional system feedback

        errorCoupling = 1.0 / (1.0 + error)
        # run canonical system
        x = self.cs.step(tau=tau, errorCoupling=errorCoupling)

        # generate basis function activation
        psi = self.gen_psi(x)

        for d in range(self.nDMPs):

            # generate the forcing term
            f = self.gen_front_term(x, d) * (,
                                                    self.w[d])) / np.sum(psi)

            # DMP acceleration
            # DMP equation is as following:
            # tau * y'' + ay * y' + ayby * (y-g) = f
            self.ddy[d] = (self.ay[d] *
                           ([d] *
                            (self.goal[d] - self.y[d]) - self.dy[d]) + f)

            if externalForce is not None:
                self.ddy[d] += externalForce[d]

            self.dy[d] += self.ddy[d] * tau * self.dt * errorCoupling
            self.y[d] += self.dy[d] * tau * self.dt * errorCoupling

        return self.y, self.dy, self.ddy
class dmp_rhythmic():
    def __init__(self,
        self.n_dmps = n_dmps  # number of data dimensions, one dmp for one degree
        self.n_bfs = n_bfs  # number of basis functions
        self.dt = dt

        self.goal = np.ones(n_dmps)  # for multiple dimensions

        self.alpha_y = np.ones(n_dmps) * 60.0 if alpha_y is None else alpha_y
        self.beta_y = self.alpha_y / 4.0 if beta_y is None else beta_y
        self.tau = 1.0

        self.w = np.zeros((n_dmps, n_bfs))  # weights for forcing term
        self.psi_centers = np.zeros(
        )  # centers over canonical system for Gaussian basis functions
        self.psi_h = np.zeros(
        )  # variance over canonical system for Gaussian basis functions

        # canonical system
        self.cs = CanonicalSystem(dt=self.dt, type="rhythmic")
        self.timesteps = round(self.cs.run_time / self.dt)

        # generate centers for Gaussian basis functions

        self.h = np.ones(self.n_bfs) * self.n_bfs

        # reset state

    # Reset the system state
    def reset_state(self):
        self.y = np.zeros(self.n_dmps)
        self.dy = np.zeros(self.n_dmps)
        self.ddy = np.zeros(self.n_dmps)

    def generate_centers(self):
        self.psi_centers = np.linspace(0, 2 * np.pi, self.n_bfs)
        return self.psi_centers

    def generate_psi(self, x):
        if isinstance(x, np.ndarray):
            x = x[:, None]
        self.psi = np.exp(self.h * (np.cos(x - self.psi_centers) - 1))

        return self.psi

    def generate_weights(self, f_target):
        x_track =
        psi_track = self.generate_psi(x_track)

        for d in range(self.n_dmps):
            for b in range(self.n_bfs):
                # note that here r is the default value, r == 1
                numer = 1 * np.sum(psi_track[:, b] * f_target[:, d])
                denom = np.sum(psi_track[:, b] + 1e-10)
                self.w[d, b] = numer / denom
        return self.w

    def learning(self, y_demo, plot=False):
        if y_demo.ndim == 1:  # data is with only one dimension
            y_demo = y_demo.reshape(1, len(y_demo))

        # For rhythmic DMPs, the goal is the average of the desired trajectory
        goal = np.zeros(self.n_dmps)
        for n in range(self.n_dmps):
            num_idx = ~np.isnan(
                y_demo[n])  # ignore nan's when calculating goal
            goal[n] = 0.5 * (y_demo[n, num_idx].min() +
                             y_demo[n, num_idx].max())
        self.goal = goal

        # interpolate the demonstrated trajectory to be the same length with timesteps
        x = np.linspace(0, self.cs.run_time, y_demo.shape[1])
        y = np.zeros((self.n_dmps, self.timesteps))
        for d in range(self.n_dmps):
            y_tmp = interp1d(x, y_demo[d])
            for t in range(self.timesteps):
                y[d, t] = y_tmp(t * self.dt)

        # calculate velocity and acceleration of y_demo
        dy_demo = np.gradient(y, axis=1) / self.dt
        ddy_demo = np.gradient(dy_demo, axis=1) / self.dt

        f_target = np.zeros((y_demo.shape[1], self.n_dmps))
        for d in range(self.n_dmps):
            f_target[:, d] = ddy_demo[d] - (
                self.alpha_y[d] * (self.beta_y[d] *
                                   (self.goal[d] - y_demo[d]) - dy_demo[d]))


        if plot is True:
            # plot the basis function activations
            psi_track = self.generate_psi(
            plt.title('basis functions')

            # plot the desired forcing function vs approx
            plt.plot(f_target[:, 0])
            plt.plot(np.sum(psi_track * self.w[0], axis=1) * self.dt)
            plt.legend(['f_target', 'w*psi'])
            plt.title('DMP forcing function')

        # reset state

    def reproduce(self, tau=None, goal=None, r=None):
        # set temporal scaling
        if tau == None:
            timesteps = self.timesteps
            timesteps = round(self.timesteps / tau)

        # set goal state
        if goal != None:
            self.goal = goal

        # set r
        if r == None:
            r = np.ones(self.n_dmps)

        # reset state

        y_reproduce = np.zeros((timesteps, self.n_dmps))
        dy_reproduce = np.zeros((timesteps, self.n_dmps))
        ddy_reproduce = np.zeros((timesteps, self.n_dmps))

        for t in range(timesteps):
            y_reproduce[t], dy_reproduce[t], ddy_reproduce[t] = self.step(
                tau=tau, r=r)

        return y_reproduce, dy_reproduce, ddy_reproduce

    def step(self, tau=None, r=None):
        # run canonical system
        if tau == None:
            tau = self.tau
        x = self.cs.step_rhythmic(tau)

        # generate basis function activation
        psi = self.generate_psi(x)

        for d in range(self.n_dmps):
            # generate forcing term
            f = r[d] *, self.w[d]) / np.sum(psi)

            # generate reproduced trajectory
            self.ddy[d] = self.alpha_y[d] * (self.beta_y[d] *
                                             (self.goal[d] - self.y[d]) -
                                             self.dy[d]) + f
            self.dy[d] += tau * self.ddy[d] * self.dt
            self.y[d] += tau * self.dy[d] * self.dt

        return self.y, self.dy, self.ddy
Beispiel #9
from cs import CanonicalSystem
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

# Discrete
# ---------------------------------------------

cs = CanonicalSystem(dt=.001, pattern='discrete')

# test normal rollout
x_track1 = cs.rollout()


# test error coupling
timesteps = int(1.0 / .001)
x_track2 = np.zeros(timesteps)
err = np.zeros(timesteps)
err[200:400] = 2
err_coup = 1.0 / (1 + err)
for i in range(timesteps):
    x_track2[i] = cs.step(error_coupling=err_coup[i])

# plot results
fig, ax1 = plt.subplots(figsize=(6, 3))
ax1.plot(x_track1, lw=2)
ax1.plot(x_track2, lw=2)
plt.legend(['normal rollout', 'error coupling'])
ax2 = ax1.twinx()
ax2.plot(err, 'r-', lw=2)
class DMPs(object):
    def __init__(self,

        self.n_dmps = n_dmps
        self.n_bfs = n_bfs
        self.dt = dt
        self.run_time = run_time

        if isinstance(y0, (int, float)):
            y0 = np.ones(self.n_dmps) * y0
        self.y0 = y0

        if isinstance(goal, (int, float)):
            goal = np.ones(self.n_dmps) * goal
        self.goal = goal

        if w is None:
            # default is f = 0 so all the weights are null
            w = np.zeros((self.n_dmps, self.n_bfs))
        self.w = w

        self.ay = np.ones(
            n_dmps) * 25.0 if ay is None else ay  # Schaal 2012 (*25) = self.ay / 4.0 if by is None else by  # Schaal 2012

        # set up the CS
        self.cs = CanonicalSystem(dt=self.dt, run_time=self.run_time, **kwargs)
        self.timesteps = self.cs.timesteps

        # set up the DMP system
        )  # this is a different reset with respect to CS (it's defined below)


        # set variance of Gaussian basis functions
        self.h = np.ones(
            self.n_bfs) * self.n_bfs**1.5 / self.c**1.8 /


    def gen_centers(self):

        # desired activations throughout time
        des_c = np.linspace(0, self.cs.run_time, self.n_bfs)

        self.c = np.ones(len(des_c))
        for n in range(len(des_c)):
            # finding x for desired times t
            self.c[n] = np.exp( * des_c[n])  #it should be /tau

    def gen_psi(self, x):

        if isinstance(x, np.ndarray):
            x = x[:, None]
        return np.exp(-self.h * (x - self.c)**2)

    def gen_weights(self, f_target):

        # calculate x and psi
        x_track = self.cs.rollout()
        psi_track = self.gen_psi(x_track)

        # efficiently calculate BF weights using weighted linear regression
        self.w = np.zeros((self.n_dmps, self.n_bfs))
        for d in range(self.n_dmps):
            # spatial scaling term
            k = self.goal[d] - self.y0[d]
            for b in range(self.n_bfs):
                numer = np.sum(x_track * psi_track[:, b] * f_target[:, d])
                denom = np.sum(x_track**2 * psi_track[:, b])
                self.w[d, b] = numer / denom
                # if abs(k) > 1e-5: THIS HAS BEEN REMOVED
                self.w[d, b] /= k

        self.w = np.nan_to_num(self.w)

    def imitate_path(self, y_des, plot=False):

        # set initial state and goal
        if y_des.ndim == 1:
            y_des = y_des.reshape(1, len(y_des))  # to be sure it's a row
        self.y0 = y_des[:,
                        0].copy()  # dynamic link between a vector and its copy
        self.y_des = y_des.copy()
        self.goal = np.copy(y_des[:, -1])

        # self.check_offset()

        # generate function to interpolate the desired trajectory
        import scipy.interpolate

        path = np.zeros((self.n_dmps, self.timesteps))
        x = np.linspace(0, self.cs.run_time,
                        y_des.shape[1])  #number of columns of Y
        for d in range(self.n_dmps):
            path_gen = scipy.interpolate.interp1d(
                x, y_des[d])  #path_gen is a function (not an array)
            for t in range(self.timesteps):
                path[d, t] = path_gen(t * self.dt)
        y_des = path  #this changes also the other linked array with function "copy"

        # calculate velocity of y_des with central differences
        dy_des = np.gradient(y_des, axis=1) / self.dt

        # calculate acceleration of y_des with central differences
        ddy_des = np.gradient(dy_des, axis=1) / self.dt

        f_target = np.zeros(
             self.n_dmps))  #row: columns of y_des. col = n_dmps
        # find the force required to move along this trajectory
        for d in range(self.n_dmps):
            f_target[:, d] = ddy_des[d] - self.ay[d] * (
      [d] * (self.goal[d] - y_des[d]) - dy_des[d])

        # efficiently generate weights to realize f_target

        if plot is True:
            # plot the basis function activations
            import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

            psi_track = self.gen_psi(self.cs.rollout())
            plt.title("basis functions")

            # plot the desired forcing function vs approx
            for ii in range(self.n_dmps):
                plt.subplot(2, self.n_dmps, self.n_dmps + 1 + ii)
                plt.plot(f_target[:, ii],
                         label="computed f_target of DoF %i" % ii)
            for ii in range(self.n_dmps):
                plt.subplot(2, self.n_dmps, self.n_dmps + 1 + ii)
                print("w shape: ", self.w.shape)
                plt.plot(np.sum(psi_track * self.w[ii], axis=1) * self.dt,
                         label="sum(weight * psi %i)" % ii)
            plt.title("DMP forcing function")

        return y_des

    def step(self, ya, error=0.0, tau=1.0): = 5.0
        kp = 35.0  # 35.0
        kv = 8.0  # 10.0
        kc = 0.5  # #(original value:10000)
        tau = 1.0

        tau_adapt = tau * (1 + (kc * error**2))

        # run canonical system

        # generate basis function activation
        psi = self.gen_psi(self.cs.x)

        for d in range(self.n_dmps):

            self.dya[d] = (ya[d] - self.ya_old[d]) / self.dt
            self.ya_old[d] = ya[d]

            # Feed Forward Control on ACTUAL ROBOT MOVEMENT
            self.ddyr[d] = kp * (self.yc[d] - ya[d]) + kv * (
                self.dyc[d] - self.dya[d]) + self.ddyc[d]

            # generate the forcing term
            f = self.cs.x * (self.goal[d] - self.y0[d]) * (
                psi, self.w[d])) / np.sum(psi)
            #f = np.nan_to_num(f)

            # z coupling
  [d] = 1 / tau_adapt * (
                self.ay[d] * ([d] *
                              (self.goal[d] - self.yc[d]) - self.z[d]) + f)

            self.z[d] +=[d] * self.dt

            self.dyc[d] = self.z[
                d]  #/ tau_adapt # BISOGNA CAPIRE SE GIUSTO O NO

            self.ddyc[d] = ([d] * tau_adapt -
                            tau * self.z[d] * 2 * kc * error *
                            ( *
                             (ya[d] - self.yc[d] - error))) / tau_adapt**2

            self.yc[d] += self.dyc[d] * self.dt

        _ = self.cs.step(tau=tau_adapt)

        return self.yc, self.dyc, self.ddyc, self.ddyr, tau_adapt

    def check_offset(self):

        for d in range(self.n_dmps):
            if abs(self.y0[d] - self.goal[d]) < 1e-2:
                self.goal[d] += 1e-2

    def reset_state(self):

        self.ya_old = self.y0.copy()
        self.dya = np.zeros(self.n_dmps)

        self.ddyr = np.zeros(self.n_dmps)

        self.yc = self.y0.copy(
        )  #this fix the value of y (if y changes, y0 doesn't change)
        self.dyc = np.zeros(self.n_dmps)
        self.ddyc = np.zeros(self.n_dmps)

        self.cs.reset_state() = np.zeros(self.n_dmps)
        self.z = np.zeros(self.n_dmps)
Beispiel #11
class DMPs_discrete(object):

    def __init__(self, dims, bfs, ts=None, dt=.01,
                 y0=0, goal=1, w=None, 
                 ay=None, by=None, **kwargs):
        dims int: number of dynamic motor primitives
        bfs int: number of basis functions per DMP
        dt float: timestep for simulation
        y0 list: initial state of DMPs
        goal list: goal state of DMPs
        w list: tunable parameters, control amplitude of basis functions
        ay int: gain on attractor term y dynamics
        by int: gain on attractor term y dynamics
        self.dmps = dims 
        self.bfs = bfs 
        self.dt = dt

        # set up the Transformation System
        if ts is None:
            ts =  TdwFormulation()
        self.ts = ts

        # start and goal 
        if isinstance(y0, (int, float)):
            y0 = np.ones(self.dmps)*y0 
        self.y0 = y0
        if isinstance(goal, (int, float)):
            goal = np.ones(self.dmps)*goal
        self.goal = goal 
        if w is None: 
            # default is f = 0
            w = np.zeros((self.dmps, self.bfs))
        self.w = w
        self.f_desired = np.array([])       
        self.f_predicted = np.array([])       
        self.f = np.zeros(self.dmps)         
        # set up the CS 
        self.cs = CanonicalSystem(pattern='discrete', dt=self.dt, **kwargs)
        self.time_steps = int(self.cs.run_time / self.dt)

        # set up the DMP system
    def prep_centers_and_variances(self):
        Set the centre of the Gaussian basis functions be spaced evenly 
        throughout run time.

        # desired spacings along x
        # need to be spaced evenly between 1 and exp(-ax)
        # lowest number should be only as far as x gets 
        first = np.exp( * self.cs.run_time) 
        last = 1.05 - first
        des_c = np.linspace(first, last, self.bfs) 

        self.c = np.ones(len(des_c)) 
        for n in range(len(des_c)): 
            self.c[n] = -np.log(des_c[n])

        # set variance of Gaussian basis functions
        # trial and error to find this spacing
        self.h = np.ones(self.bfs) * self.bfs**1.5 / self.c
    def check_offset(self):
        Check to see if initial position and goal are the same
        if they are, offset slightly so that the forcing term is not 0.

        for idx in range(self.dmps):
            if (self.y0[idx] == self.goal[idx]):
                self.goal[idx] += 1e-4

    def set_goal(self, y_des): 
        Generate the goal for path imitation. For rhythmic DMPs the goal is the 
        average of the desired trajectory.
        y_des np.array: the desired trajectory to follow

        return y_des[:,-1].copy()

    def gen_psi(self, x):
        Generates the activity of the basis functions for a given state of the 
        canonical system.
        x float: the current state of the canonical system

        if isinstance(x, np.ndarray):
            x = x[:,None]
        return np.exp(-self.h * (x - self.c)**2)        

    def gen_forcing_term(self, x, dmp_num, scale=False):
        """Calculates the complete forcing term .

        x float: the current value of the canonical system (s)
        dmp_num int: the index of the current dmp
        scaled bool: apply scalation (g-y0) to the forcing term (T/F)
        psi = self.gen_psi(x)
        f = x * ((, self.w[dmp_num])) / np.sum(psi))
        if scale:
            f = f * (self.goal[dmp_num] - self.y0[dmp_num])
        return f
    def find_force_function(self, dmp_num, y, dy, ddy, s):
        d = dmp_num
        f_target = self.ts.fs(y[d], dy[d], ddy[d], self.y0[d], self.goal[d], 1.0, s)
        return f_target     

    def calculate_acceleration(self, dmp_num, tau, f, s):
        d = dmp_num
        ddy = self.ts.acceleration(self.y[d], self.dy[d], self.y0[d], self.goal[d], tau, f, s)
        return ddy
    def compute_weights(self, f_target):
        Generate a set of weights over the basis functions such that the target forcing 
        term trajectory is matched.
        f_target np.array: the desired forcing term 
        # calculate x/s and psi(s)
        x_track = self.cs.rollout()
        psi_track = self.gen_psi(x_track)

        # efficiently calculate weights for BFs using weighted linear regression
        self.w = np.zeros((self.dmps, self.bfs))
        for d in range(self.dmps):
            for b in range(self.bfs):
                numer = np.sum(x_track    * psi_track[:,b] * f_target[:,d])
                denom = np.sum(x_track**2 * psi_track[:,b])
                self.w[d,b] = numer / denom
        return (x_track, psi_track)

    def reset_state(self):
        Reset the system state
        self.y = self.y0.copy()
        self.dy = np.zeros(self.dmps)   
        self.ddy = np.zeros(self.dmps)  

    def step(self, tau=1.0, state_fb=None, external_force=None):
        Run the DMP system for a single timestep.
        tau float: scales the timestep
                   increase tau to make the system execute faster
        state_fb np.array: optional system feedback

        # run canonical system
        cs_args = {'tau': tau, 'error_coupling': 1.0}
        if state_fb is not None: 
            # take the 2 norm of the overall error
            state_fb = state_fb.reshape(1,self.dmps)
            dist = np.sqrt(np.sum((state_fb - self.y)**2))
            cs_args['error_coupling'] = 1.0 / (1.0 + 10*dist)
        x = self.cs.step(**cs_args)

        for idx in range(self.dmps):

            # Calcualte acceleration based on f(s)
            self.f[idx] = self.gen_forcing_term(x, idx)            
            self.ddy[idx] = self.calculate_acceleration(idx, tau, self.f[idx], x)
            # Correct acceleration
            if external_force is not None:
                self.ddy[idx] += external_force[idx]
            self.dy[idx] += self.ddy[idx] * tau * self.dt * cs_args['error_coupling']
            self.y[idx] += self.dy[idx] * self.dt * cs_args['error_coupling']

        return self.y, self.dy, self.ddy
    def learn(self, y_des):
        Takes in a desired trajectory and generates the set of system parameters 
        that best realize this path.
        y_des list/array: the desired trajectories of each DMP
                          should be shaped [dmps, run_time]

        # set initial state and goal
        # ---

        if y_des.ndim == 1: 
            y_des = y_des.reshape(1,len(y_des))
        self.y0 = y_des[:,0].copy()
        self.y_des = y_des.copy()
        self.goal = self.set_goal(y_des)

        # generate function to interpolate the desired trajectory
        # ---

        import scipy.interpolate
        path = np.zeros((self.dmps, self.time_steps))
        x = np.linspace(0, self.cs.run_time, y_des.shape[1])
        for idx in range(self.dmps):
            path_gen = scipy.interpolate.interp1d(x, y_des[idx])
            for t in range(self.time_steps):  
                path[idx, t] = path_gen(t * self.dt)
        y_des = path

        # Calculate velocity and acceleration profiles
        # ---
        # calculate velocity of y_des
        dy_des = np.diff(y_des) / self.dt
        # add zero to the beginning of every row
        dy_des = np.hstack((np.zeros((self.dmps, 1)), dy_des))

        # calculate acceleration of y_des
        ddy_des = np.diff(dy_des) / self.dt
        # add zero to the beginning of every row
        ddy_des = np.hstack((np.zeros((self.dmps, 1)), ddy_des))
        # Compute F and weights
        # ---

        # run canonical system
        x = self.cs.rollout()
        # find the force required to move along this trajectory
        f_desired = np.zeros((y_des.shape[1], self.dmps))
        for idx in range(self.dmps):
            f_desired[:,idx] = self.find_force_function(idx, y_des, dy_des, ddy_des, x)
        # efficiently generate weights to realize f_target
        self.x_track, self.psi_track = self.compute_weights(f_desired)
        self.f_desired = f_desired
        return y_des, dy_des, ddy_des

    def plan(self, time_steps=None, **kwargs):
        Generate a system trial, no feedback is incorporated.


        if time_steps is None:
            if kwargs.has_key('tau'):
                time_steps = int(self.time_steps / kwargs['tau'])
                time_steps = self.time_steps

        # set up tracking vectors
        y_track = np.zeros((time_steps, self.dmps)) 
        dy_track = np.zeros((time_steps, self.dmps))
        ddy_track = np.zeros((time_steps, self.dmps))
        f_predicted = np.zeros((time_steps, self.dmps)) 
        for t in range(time_steps):
            y, dy, ddy = self.step(**kwargs)
            f_predicted[t] = self.f
            # record timestep
            y_track[t] = y
            dy_track[t] = dy
            ddy_track[t] = ddy

        self.f_predicted = f_predicted    
        return y_track, dy_track, ddy_track
Beispiel #12
class DMPs(object):
    """Implementation of Dynamic Motor Primitives, 
    as described in Dr. Stefan Schaal's (2002) paper."""
    def __init__(self,
        dmps int: number of dynamic motor primitives
        bfs int: number of basis functions per DMP
        dt float: timestep for simulation
        y0 list: initial state of DMPs
        goal list: goal state of DMPs
        w list: tunable parameters, control amplitude of basis functions
        ay int: gain on attractor term y dynamics
        by int: gain on attractor term y dynamics

        self.dmps = dmps
        self.bfs = bfs
        self.dt = dt
        if isinstance(y0, (int, float)):
            y0 = np.ones(self.dmps) * y0
        self.y0 = y0
        if isinstance(goal, (int, float)):
            goal = np.ones(self.dmps) * goal
        self.goal = goal
        if w is None:
            # default is f = 0
            w = np.zeros((self.dmps, self.bfs))
        self.w = w

        if ay is None: ay = np.ones(dmps) * 25.  # Schaal 2012
        self.ay = ay
        if by is None: by = self.ay.copy() / 4.  # Schaal 2012 = by

        # set up the CS
        self.cs = CanonicalSystem(dt=self.dt, **kwargs)
        self.timesteps = int(self.cs.run_time / self.dt)

        # set up the DMP system

    def check_offset(self):
        """Check to see if initial position and goal are the same
        if they are, offset slightly so that the forcing term is not 0"""

        for d in range(self.dmps):
            if (self.y0[d] == self.goal[d]):
                self.goal[d] += 1e-4

    def gen_front_term(self, x, dmp_num):
        raise NotImplementedError()

    def gen_goal(self, y_des):
        raise NotImplementedError()

    def gen_psi(self):
        raise NotImplementedError()

    def gen_weights(self, f_target):
        raise NotImplementedError()

    def imitate_path(self, y_des):
        """Takes in a desired trajectory and generates the set of 
        system parameters that best realize this path.
        y_des list/array: the desired trajectories of each DMP
                          should be shaped [dmps, run_time]

        # set initial state and goal
        if y_des.ndim == 1:
            y_des = y_des.reshape(1, len(y_des))
        self.y0 = y_des[:, 0].copy()
        self.y_des = y_des.copy()
        self.goal = self.gen_goal(y_des)


        # calculate velocity of y_des
        dy_des = np.diff(y_des) / self.dt
        # add zero to the beginning of every row
        dy_des = np.hstack((np.zeros((self.dmps, 1)), dy_des))

        # calculate acceleration of y_des
        ddy_des = np.diff(dy_des) / self.dt
        # add zero to the beginning of every row
        ddy_des = np.hstack((np.zeros((self.dmps, 1)), ddy_des))

        f_target = np.zeros((y_des.shape[1], self.dmps))
        # find the force required to move along this trajectory
        for d in range(self.dmps):
            f_target[:,d] = ddy_des[d] - self.ay[d] * \
                            ([d] * (self.goal[d] - y_des[d]) - \

        # efficiently generate weights to realize f_target

        return y_des

    def rollout(self, timesteps=None, **kwargs):
        """Generate a system trial, no feedback is incorporated."""


        timesteps = self.timesteps

        # set up tracking vectors
        y_track = np.zeros((timesteps, self.dmps))
        #dy_track = np.zeros((timesteps, self.dmps))
        #ddy_track = np.zeros((timesteps, self.dmps))

        if self.psi_track is None:
            self.psi_track = self.gen_psi(self.cs.x_track)

        for t in range(timesteps):

            y = self.step(x=self.cs.x_track[t],

            # record timestep
            y_track[t] = y
            #dy_track[t] = dy
            #ddy_track[t] = ddy

        return y_track  #, dy_track, ddy_track

    def reset_state(self):
        """Reset the system state"""
        self.y = self.y0.copy()
        self.dy = np.zeros(self.dmps)
        self.ddy = np.zeros(self.dmps)

    def step(self, tau=1.0, state_fb=None, x=None, psi=None):
        """Run the DMP system for a single timestep.

       tau float: scales the timestep
                  increase tau to make the system execute faster
       state_fb np.array: optional system feedback

        # run canonical system
        #cs_args = {'tau':tau,
        #           'error_coupling':1.0}
        #x = self.cs.step(**cs_args)
        #x = x or self.cs.step(**cs_args)

        # generate basis function activation
        #psi = np.exp(-self.h * (x - self.c)**2)
        xpsi_sum = x / np.sum(psi)
        dt2 = self.dt * self.dt

        for d in range(self.dmps):

            # generate the forcing term
            f = xpsi_sum * (, self.w[d]))

            # DMP acceleration
            self.ddy[d] = (self.ay[d] *
                           ([d] *
                            (self.goal[d] - self.y[d]) - self.dy[d]) + f)
            #self.dy[d] += self.ddy[d] * self.dt
            self.y[d] += self.ddy[d] * dt2

        return self.y