Beispiel #1
    def testGamma(self):
        The posterior of a gaussian scale mixture with gamma prior
        is a Student's t distribution, with parameters alpha and beta.

        Give enough samples, we shoud be able to estimate these parameters
        pdbfile = self.config.getTestFile('ake-xray-ensemble-ca.pdb')
        ensemble = LegacyStructureParser(pdbfile).parse_models()
        X = numpy.array(ensemble[0].get_coordinates(['CA'], True))
        Y = numpy.array(ensemble[13].get_coordinates(['CA'], True))

        mixture = ScaleMixture(scales=X.shape[0],
                               prior=GammaPrior(), d=3)

        from import fit

        R, t = fit(X, Y)
        # gibbs sampling cycle
        for i in range(200):
            # apply rotation
            data = numpy.sum((X -, numpy.transpose(R)) - t) ** 2, axis= -1) ** (1. / 2)
            # sample scales
            # sample rotations
            R, t = probabilistic_fit(X, Y, mixture.scales)

        self.assertEqual(mixture.scales.shape, (211,))
        R_opt = numpy.eye(3)
        t_opt = numpy.zeros((3,))
        for i in range(3):
            self.assertAlmostEqual(t[i], t_opt[i], delta=2.)
            for j in range(3):
                self.assertAlmostEqual(R_opt[i, j], R[i, j], delta=1e-1)
Beispiel #2
def xfit(mobile, target, mobile_state=-1, target_state=-1, load_b=0,
        cycles=10, match='align', guide=1, seed=0, quiet=1,
        bfit=0, distribution='student', _self=cmd):

    Weighted superposition of the model in the first selection on to the model
    in the second selection. The weights are estimated with maximum likelihood.

    The result should be very similar to "theseus".

    Requires CSB,


    mobile = string: atom selection
    target = string: atom selection

    mobile_state = int: object state of mobile selection {default: current}

    target_state = int: object state of target selection {default: current}

    load_b = 0 or 1: save -log(weights) into B-factor column {default: 0}


    intra_xfit, align, super, fit, cealign, theseus
    from numpy import asarray, identity, log, dot, zeros
    from import distance_sq, wfit, fit
    from . import querying

    cycles, quiet = int(cycles), int(quiet)
    mobile_state, target_state = int(mobile_state), int(target_state)
    mobile_obj = querying.get_object_name(mobile, 1)

    if mobile_state < 1: mobile_state = querying.get_object_state(mobile_obj)
    if target_state < 1: target_state = querying.get_selection_state(target)

    if int(guide):
        mobile = '(%s) and guide' % (mobile)
        target = '(%s) and guide' % (target)

    mm = MatchMaker(mobile, target, match)

    Y = asarray(querying.get_coords(, mobile_state))
    X = asarray(querying.get_coords(, target_state))

    if int(seed):
        R, t = identity(3), zeros(3)
        R, t = fit(X, Y)

    if int(bfit):
        # adapted from csb.apps.bfit

        from import distance, probabilistic_fit
        from csb.statistics.scalemixture import ScaleMixture

        mixture = ScaleMixture(scales=X.shape[0],
                prior=_bfit_get_prior(distribution), d=3)

        for _ in range(cycles):
            data = distance(Y, dot(X - t, R))
            R, t = probabilistic_fit(X, Y, mixture.scales)

        scales = mixture.scales

        for _ in range(cycles):
            data = distance_sq(Y, dot(X - t, R))
            scales = 1.0 / data.clip(1e-3)
            R, t = wfit(X, Y, scales)

    m = identity(4)
    m[0:3,0:3] = R
    m[0:3,3] = t
    cmd.transform_object(mobile_obj, list(m.flat))

    if int(load_b):
        b_iter = iter(-log(scales))
        cmd.alter(, 'b = next(b_iter)', space={'b_iter': b_iter, 'next': next})

    if not quiet:
        print(' xfit: %d atoms aligned' % (len(X)))
Beispiel #3
def xfit(mobile, target, mobile_state=-1, target_state=-1, load_b=0,
        cycles=10, match='align', guide=1, seed=0, quiet=1,
        bfit=0, distribution='student', _self=cmd):

    Weighted superposition of the model in the first selection on to the model
    in the second selection. The weights are estimated with maximum likelihood.

    The result should be very similar to "theseus".

    Requires CSB,


    mobile = string: atom selection
    target = string: atom selection

    mobile_state = int: object state of mobile selection {default: current}

    target_state = int: object state of target selection {default: current}

    load_b = 0 or 1: save -log(weights) into B-factor column {default: 0}


    intra_xfit, align, super, fit, cealign, theseus
    from numpy import asarray, identity, log, dot, zeros
    from import distance_sq, wfit, fit
    from . import querying

    cycles, quiet = int(cycles), int(quiet)
    mobile_state, target_state = int(mobile_state), int(target_state)
    mobile_obj = querying.get_object_name(mobile, 1, _self=_self)

    if mobile_state < 1: mobile_state = querying.get_object_state(mobile_obj, _self=_self)
    if target_state < 1: target_state = querying.get_selection_state(target, _self=_self)

    if int(guide):
        mobile = '(%s) and guide' % (mobile)
        target = '(%s) and guide' % (target)

    mm = MatchMaker(mobile, target, match, _self=_self)

    Y = asarray(_self.get_coords(, mobile_state))
    X = asarray(_self.get_coords(, target_state))

    if int(seed):
        R, t = identity(3), zeros(3)
        R, t = fit(X, Y)

    if int(bfit):
        # adapted from csb.apps.bfit

        from import distance, probabilistic_fit
        from csb.statistics.scalemixture import ScaleMixture

        mixture = ScaleMixture(scales=X.shape[0],
                prior=_bfit_get_prior(distribution), d=3)

        for _ in range(cycles):
            data = distance(Y, dot(X - t, R))
            R, t = probabilistic_fit(X, Y, mixture.scales)

        scales = mixture.scales

        for _ in range(cycles):
            data = distance_sq(Y, dot(X - t, R))
            scales = 1.0 / data.clip(1e-3)
            R, t = wfit(X, Y, scales)

    m = identity(4)
    m[0:3,0:3] = R
    m[0:3,3] = t
    _self.transform_object(mobile_obj, list(m.flat))

    if int(load_b):
        b_iter = iter(-log(scales))
        _self.alter(, 'b = next(b_iter)', space={'b_iter': b_iter, 'next': next})

    if not quiet:
        print(' xfit: %d atoms aligned' % (len(X)))