Beispiel #1
    def _set_logdir(self):
        if is None:
        self.logdir = self.basedir /

        config_file = self.logdir / 'config.json'
        if self.config is None:
            if config_file.exists():
                config_dict = load_json(str(config_file))
                self.config = Config(**config_dict)
                if not self.config.is_valid():
                    invalid_attr = self.config.is_valid(True)[1]
                    raise ValueError('Invalid attributes in loaded config: ' +
                                     ', '.join(invalid_attr))
                raise FileNotFoundError("config file doesn't exist: %s" %
            if self.logdir.exists():
                    'output path for model already exists, files may be overwritten: %s'
                    % str(self.logdir.resolve()))
            self.logdir.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
            save_json(vars(self.config), str(config_file))
    def Optimize(self):
        self.Y = [label(y) for y in tqdm(self.Y)]
        self.X = [normalize(x,1,99.8,axis= (0,1)) for x in tqdm(self.X)]
        print('Images to apply prediction on',len(self.X))     
        Yhat_val = [self.Starmodel.predict(x) for x in self.X]
        opt_prob_thresh, opt_measure, opt_nms_thresh = None, -np.inf, None
        for _opt_nms_thresh in self.nms_threshs:
            _opt_prob_thresh, _opt_measure = self.optimize_threshold(self.Y, Yhat_val, model=self.Starmodel, nms_thresh=_opt_nms_thresh)
            if _opt_measure > opt_measure:
                opt_prob_thresh, opt_measure, opt_nms_thresh = _opt_prob_thresh, _opt_measure, _opt_nms_thresh
        opt_threshs = dict(prob=opt_prob_thresh, nms=opt_nms_thresh)

        self.thresholds = opt_threshs
        print("Using optimized values: prob_thresh={prob:g}, nms_thresh={nms:g}.", opt_threshs)
        if self.basedir is not None:
            print("Saving to 'thresholds.json'.")
            save_json(opt_threshs, str(self.basedir +  '/' + 'thresholds.json'))
        return opt_threshs
Beispiel #3
    def optimize_thresholds(self, X_val, Y_val, nms_threshs=[0.3,0.4,0.5], iou_threshs=[0.3,0.5,0.7], predict_kwargs=None, optimize_kwargs=None, save_to_json=True):
        """Optimize two thresholds (probability, NMS overlap) necessary for predicting object instances.

        Note that the default thresholds yield good results in many cases, but optimizing
        the thresholds for a particular dataset can further improve performance.

        The optimized thresholds are automatically used for all further predictions
        and also written to the model directory.

        See ``utils.optimize_threshold`` for details and possible choices for ``optimize_kwargs``.

        X_val : list of ndarray
            (Validation) input images (must be normalized) to use for threshold tuning.
        Y_val : list of ndarray
            (Validation) label images to use for threshold tuning.
        nms_threshs : list of float
            List of overlap thresholds to be considered for NMS.
            For each value in this list, optimization is run to find a corresponding prob_thresh value.
        iou_threshs : list of float
            List of intersection over union (IOU) thresholds for which
            the (average) matching performance is considered to tune the thresholds.
        predict_kwargs: dict
            Keyword arguments for ``predict`` function of this class.
            (If not provided, will guess value for `n_tiles` to prevent out of memory errors.)
        optimize_kwargs: dict
            Keyword arguments for ``utils.optimize_threshold`` function.

        if predict_kwargs is None:
            predict_kwargs = {}
        if optimize_kwargs is None:
            optimize_kwargs = {}

        def _predict_kwargs(x):
            if 'n_tiles' in predict_kwargs:
                return predict_kwargs
                return {**predict_kwargs, 'n_tiles': self._guess_n_tiles(x), 'show_tile_progress': False}

        Yhat_val = [self.predict(x, **_predict_kwargs(x)) for x in X_val]

        opt_prob_thresh, opt_measure, opt_nms_thresh = None, -np.inf, None
        for _opt_nms_thresh in nms_threshs:
            _opt_prob_thresh, _opt_measure = optimize_threshold(Y_val, Yhat_val, model=self, nms_thresh=_opt_nms_thresh, iou_threshs=iou_threshs, **optimize_kwargs)
            if _opt_measure > opt_measure:
                opt_prob_thresh, opt_measure, opt_nms_thresh = _opt_prob_thresh, _opt_measure, _opt_nms_thresh
        opt_threshs = dict(prob=opt_prob_thresh, nms=opt_nms_thresh)

        self.thresholds = opt_threshs
        print(end='', file=sys.stderr, flush=True)
        print("Using optimized values: prob_thresh={prob:g}, nms_thresh={nms:g}.".format(prob=self.thresholds.prob, nms=self.thresholds.nms))
        if save_to_json and self.basedir is not None:
            print("Saving to 'thresholds.json'.")
            save_json(opt_threshs, str(self.logdir / 'thresholds.json'))
        return opt_threshs
Beispiel #4
 def export_to_dir(dirname):
     if len(model.inputs) > 1 or len(model.outputs) > 1:
         warnings.warn('Found multiple input or output layers.')
     builder = tf.saved_model.builder.SavedModelBuilder(dirname)
     # use name 'input'/'output' if there's just a single input/output layer
     inputs  = dict(zip(model.input_names,model.inputs))   if len(model.inputs)  > 1 else dict(input=model.input)
     outputs = dict(zip(model.output_names,model.outputs)) if len(model.outputs) > 1 else dict(output=model.output)
     signature = tf.saved_model.signature_def_utils.predict_signature_def(inputs=inputs, outputs=outputs)
     signature_def_map = { tf.saved_model.signature_constants.DEFAULT_SERVING_SIGNATURE_DEF_KEY: signature }
     if meta is not None and len(meta) > 0:
         save_json(meta, os.path.join(dirname,'meta.json'))
Beispiel #5
 def save(self, path):
     save_json(self._asdict(), path)